HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-06-26, Page 31"JIE WIN TIMES, JUNE '!'6, 1696.
vesting a large. art! of it into sul- WOIVIEN AND OARDsVI SING.
photo of lime or common land pias-
W�e 'ib�Iuss , Died loth klaroh, 1803.
IN =stonx,M, Warm Notes, el tin„ r
•• NE AND OTilFai
of It crop of one t s you must make I ARMFUL INFLUENCES DISCUSSED,
If you want to make anythi:lg out ter. TUI
u r • *
Sweet flowers in early' spring unfold
Their tender petals to the light;
,1 biting cold mad f rusty night
Nips the fdir bloom—its tale is told.
Scarce had cut little bud begun
'1'o open gout ly than the cold
Aud t:hiliy haurl +,f lltiiith laid hold
Upon tiny drew licit front the sun.
The hand of deaths ..-It only seethed
too; --''.'was the Heavenly Gardener's
Transplanted to the better land,
For so the Gardner best it deemed.
Too flail is plant to live below,
'Mid tete cold, frettziog winds of earth;
The Gardner gave hint brit,;hter birth,
Where irentle zephyrs softly blow.
Now free from pain, which long he born
With patient, uncomplaining will,
We Peal his little presence still;
The ehil(i has but goue on before!
Now with his Jesus, whom he loved
The best, he dwells in aweetost rest;
And from the tender Shepherd's breast
The lamb shall never be removed.
Now he has joined the angel choir,
And with his little tuneful vulva
Shall help to swell the joyful noise,
Where semis of praisoshall never tire.
Methinks I hear his little lay
Oft, while on earth, he used to any:
"Off happy day! oh happy day!
When Jesus washed WY sin away!"
* * II
the soil extremely fine and rich, and . While the•,,improvect--.lareetlS af".
keep it absolutely tree of weeds'�"'-
. stool: are Within the reach of the ; In the June Ladies' Home Journal grow the large, handsome i masses, lacoonti ;af their low puees, Edward W.I3ok entel'seditorial pro -
sorts, and you are likely to have a pure bt•ed:511(. should be proctu•ed test ag'aitrst peogressive eled-parties
pro -
paying. ; cru.• to grade up •thesers.i. of. the. Hulce, as they are at, present conducted,
Ecom rt well bei» the high. ' 1 an. advantage that:it.. ante. Progressive cold-playing
and it i> really, ',Lek ecmtencls [)as passed ft
est comfort and well being et your is note unprofitable toraise scltibs of ' , p
beingsY Upon their pb3b1 al Well an kind, 'Po feed theta is to: thaw' primary nlis.Jl(,)1—a pleasant form of
bctfng (lepcuds the amount once aw •our main. idiveraian--a}zd taken a> place its a
quality of the work they can do. S 1, * * • • sne;ai function, creatine:; rivalries in
Let them be conscientiously groomed Cattle may, be kept on just enough] the ilitigllilleence Pr the
Let4 them have water often, even if 1'i' b t J t �' •Roel in the valltri of the prizes
\Ott mast haul,
If we f u tnp'tvu nut 1^tlee some stool, and against cold -playing Ln the day
it to fields With you. to sustain life. but there can )e ne; hostesses. In fact,
expectation of profit. 'I'lle valuable stowed by the hostesses.
se •ts that the progres•
•ci ns e e sive card -playing of to ay is no 1-
inn nnrn•e or less than a ss s
• 1 the can; but it is better to buy
the writer asserts 1f i meets off` food go to repair waist' d tl
a farmer roust often buy where and
tyro l
a, small'rieh farm than a large poor
one. It requires a better termer to
to bring up the, large tract to a prop-
er state of cultivation than. it does to
-lake the small fart- pal'. .
k a s.
The business of farmino• can never' quan]GitV Of neutron COnsurneCl will not With reference to the impropriety
as there is room at the top, and it is
the sheets I Bok asserts efts b la
!toward the top that everyone should stable basis, and wool will be looked more serious than a }waste of time
airs by giving his best attention,
ulion'as a byproduct, instead of the "It has a bad moral influence; .it
r, 1 ppy y h s industry and intelligence to what' main dependence for profit. People engenders a spirit that is. fatal to
ever branch of the business that. ileo eating more mutton every year, woman's happiest way of living. X
Parents, bo comforted! some day scorns best fitted to his special cit and }will increase the quantity as' the. "• make no distfnetior here," be says,.
Xuu'11 tweet your durling face to face, ctlrlistances. quality improves. ' • between women who have home
And clasp him in a fond embrace, sl ties and women who,have not: 'the
Nor ever part again for aye. The lati.t food derived from the One might be a great sucuess as wrong of the thing is simply iL goes
Carluke, Scotland. E• P• L, i p ft raingrower, and make a failure
air is constantly replaced by-naturalg tion of degree. The one has no
— " ses so that this source of equally as great with small fruits„ :right to play cards during the day-
startill wjth model ate Int , amnia1 Lissues and thele is none lett
teal of
to make gain; but the more an t,itimLling. It may be .t proper and
animal c. 't be made to take beyond
eminently respectable form of gawb
this assiiA ate, the C\cessgoes ling but the element of chargee has
liest flesh, wool, milk, etc , wherein conte into the game, • nd that most
lies the ptot!t. distinctly. It is simply a question
of how respectable gambling can be
In the not distant (stare the made. That is all.
be truly said to be overdone as long fall emcee below that of beef. Then of card-playine• in the daytime Mr.
tl h business will be on a more 1 , • tl t it is worse and
„... .� 1)rcees . ,
supply need not concern us, as his
always adequate. In the soli, how but not because of lack of eon
the other woman cannot
over, the restoring o plant industry nor because he
n talent pleasure,
de affordso. it is not m
f food is a the requisite pain -staking but my -misfortune, to know .some
such wore, domanfls. Ening'
women whiff, rue addicted to this
WithHDr, t Hand, Cure for the very slow process, and , is b y ne been used, to largo acres, he card habit, and the study of them is
Heart at" Hand, Death from means et ual to the removal b the
Heart Disease is Impossible ordinary crops= would find it bard to restrict himself both interesting and pitiable. Evi-
* r to desirable limits in the newer occu- dourly their thoughts . rarely rise
'i'1 d ' f'or doing as one's father Patton. above the card -table. Talk to them
Catarrhal Powder. olid before him is past. Thefarmer
enders of
the World -Famed Phy- , re ay ° * n * about books, art, music, the theatre,
of each succeeding generation has The farmer who has hauled his I the topics of the day—anything, I
Success has followed all of Dr. manure at odd times to his pastures' care not what, and their answers,
need to bo a better farmer than wort; .
Agnew's specifics. With all the those who preceded him. We must and spread them evenly over the .are as monosyllablie as tTleir
emphasis possible, this is the ease be guided by business principles, ground can now go out and witness I interest is languid.. But mention
with his Cure for the Heart. Its and not by custom. One should and
effectiveness is marvellous. The • have no hide -bound principles in
'very paroxysms of death may seem either business or politics..
to have seized the patient, and yet,
relief ib secured with the taking of
a single dose, and Inc continuation the potato scab—either new soil or
the good effect of bis work. He will
not lona be in suspense hereafter' as
to how, to manage his manure heap.
To, le> .this product lie around the
yard until half its fertilizing qualities
have leaked away is o: s's
'cards,' in a moment a sparkle
of interest comes to their eyes, and
they are ready for business! What
subject, after all, to arouse interest'
thinks of1
ambition, what a distinction, to be
for 9nfants arfa Ch idiren.
THI'RTY re,ors' 07•• ••r•vaai'on of �'n..+,,.•dn. N•ttlx the lna•(tConage of
million! of_rersons, :tomtit us +0 apon2 of it with0Qst guessing.
It is nnc�,nestionab1y the Bost remedy for 'Infanta anti Children
the world has ever known. ift in-lrarmless. Children like it, It
gives: them health. at will nave their litres. In it Mothers have
something which is absoluto17 ortf" and praotiaally perfeot as a
child's medicine. `•
Castoria destroys Worms.
Castoria -Mays Paverislinsse.
Castorin -••r. events vomitileg Sour Carta.
Castoria (tures'Diarrhont and'6t7inti Collo.
Castoria relieves Toothing Troubles.
Castoria cures Constipation and' 'Flatulency.
Castoria neutralizes the effects of carbonic said gas or poisonous air.
Castoria does not contain morpitino, opium, or other narootio property.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowelst
• giving healthy and natural sleep.
Castoria is put up in ono -size bottles only. It is not sold in bulk.
Don't allow any one to sell you anything else on the plea or prostpi.e
- ' at it is "just as good" and "will answer every purpose."
SOO that you get Q-A. S. T'O-B-I-A.
The Sae -simile
signature of
is Olt eves
' Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
vtli! &en;
Lra�, w
sI+1t q
h,-5 M 1 S
;F ;t• �r• t Y t • as
One luatst have clean soil to avoid when one 't t What an
1 E' ri :,dud d a' rood card player ! Do Vt' c do neat work Job Printing business and at
of the use of the remedy soon cures soil perfectly free from infection I g' r v'
the worst ease of heart disease. Then soak the seed -tubers for orl- ]u this country we have many not adju go me severe or unchatit- pr'i'ces as low as the lowest. If you are in need of any-
*' i eustoni oilicer, Corn- hours in a Solation of corrosive 1 1'aoney plants }which are ignored, cx able until your nest appearance at a 0 thing such
yV til; Ont., says t was troubled Snblilllate; one port U the thousand. eept few moments and calmly ff afar off and fly to them for take a fe y LFTER HEADS,
• • •over six months, The enormous increase In 1
being unable to attend to my bus= number of field mice in certain parts t the' from that standpoint. I old reliable + g n
ness. No relief came to me, and it of Europe has been owing to the bl I 11 Stop and
• > t t them !ow wild undisturbed. thin{. a 1>ttle of P o'er
was only after I had scarcely dared shootintr of their natural enemies, the ole g
in the
George Crete., , three
I bl d t tl d by the bees who detect their 'progressive card party, and then
with severe heart complaint of . NOTE HEADS,.. BILI, HEADS,
It will be about right if a quartet o presence a•
several years, The slightest excite- a pound is put in a barrel of water, their treasures; Beekeepers have around you. Study the women whol
ENVELOPS, POS1'lii , DOr)Grt.S, BL'SI:�1s55 CA1,.D',
merit, fatigued hie. I was under the °� x * not vet demonstrated by actual ex- are there. They may be Your
doctor's cal( for tl ,' Zhu enolw the periment whether it .would pay to friends But look at them away Q; anything in the line of Printing, call or write to the
cultivate these wildplants- or ron � . Judge them 1 m ns r i ' S Office Wingham.
bees, or whether it is more profitable impartially andquietly.
what theyrepresent.
—Rural Canadian. And then, if you have eyes and
to hope for cure that I used Dr. owls and thehokws, by gamekeepers.
, Agnew's Cure for the Heart, and in,The farmers of the great Western
a comparatively short time it re - States have male havoe among the
moved the disease altogether." crows, only to see the eut•W01111 mul-
With careful, innate conversation tii,ly by legions,
yet recognizing; its benefits, the Rev. * * * .
John Scott, D. D., Presbyterian If your surroundings are not all
Minister of Hamilton, is only one of they should be upon the farm, do
the many leading . clergymen in t•c,ur best to improve them. if you
Canada who, having used Dr. are not quite as forehanded as you
Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, ha, would like to be, try to make your
freely testified over his own signe- neig r hors think so by keeping every
• ture as to its unquestioned benefits, thing trim and shipshape. This
It may only be a cold in the .head, ef[ort, i1 rightly directed, will do
or the case may be a more aggravi;t- much to Make you so. •
ed phase of catarrh, that has baffled * '_
'other remedies, hut this simple andBirds either pray upon animals,
pleasant remedy will give relief in ' consume the seeds of noxious weeds
10 minutes, and entirely remove the or devour pestiferous insects. Any'
difficulty. Sample bottle and Blower great reduction in the number of
sentby S. G. Detehon, 14 Church st., these useful creatures is sure to pro -
Toronto, on receipt of lOc, in silver duce injury to farming interests.
or .tamps. Soid at Cbisho1ni's Drug The farmer should at least study the
Store; Winghane the habits of birds, that he may
day last -the • ,ir;t of Mrs. know which of them to protect.
On S «
Smut 1
Weir relict of the late David Weir,' Even at the present low prices of
passed peacefully away
'rem earth of
f wool, considering the amount
to join ler lata partner •in that capial invested sheep may be made
,brighter and better world. 111r. and to pay fully as good a per cent. of
MI s. Weir 't<t'1e atm ng the earlier
profit as oily other stock; but good
settlers of tl.c township of I.iowiek' sheep must be kept, and in a good
Ard dmirg 11(ir len„ residence by thrifty Money oney'is well in-
' the i1.1 grits, In d ai)191ian Wor•lh
vested when placed in a good grade
the y a c n 11 0 1 t 1} e t t 01 811' T1 c of sheep, although the cost is a little
fm (101 NI Melt 1't is grace (ti :Monday more.
aftwat n was: !11(1 (ltd 1.v� a. yet.), * * *
Toting Turkeys.
• While there are advantages in
having early hatched fowls, there is
usually not much gained by having
young turkeys before the summer
has made a fairly good start. Newly
hatched turkeys are so very delicate
that the least adversity at the begin-
ning of their career is certain to
bring about serious loss. Even in
the most favorable weather the less
they are handled or fussed with.
during the first 24. hours of their
existence outside the shell the better
fir there. It is altogether wise to
allow nature to,take its course when
the mother turkey: will in all pro-
baba•lity remain, on the nest for &sent -
24 hem's, at the end of which time
she should be cooped in a large,
clean swop, with a board floor cover-
ed with sand. If the young„ )oults.
aro hat fled in the morning itwill be.
wise, b .wever, to place ,thein in
i •g
, v o
1 .9
evening f piing th., c e r a
custody ,t g , >, .
may havetratnbled to the' -fields by
the next morning. Wet- is parties-
early fatal to young turkeys.
As ,young• turkeys- make such:
rapid gr owth of feattlers when ,young
they regal=e c ustant care and liberal
`feeding to er,a le _them to withstand
the great demand, upon their syteln:
Boiled egg, chopped finely, ans'wer's
well along with other food, such as
x d white
stale bread crumbs mL
small amount' of new milk. Onion
tops or letttibe chopped up'tlnely and
their food occasionally
leis system in fine grow
on. Sweet milk should be
given then occasionally, and fresh
water sh old always be before them.
As sok as the brood has all
feathered out they are very hardy
and can usually take care of them-
selves if allowed to run in the fields.
It is well, however, to have thorn
housed at nights to prevent their
destruction by skunks, foxes, and
other fowl destroyers,
181>" ccnx(.1" "' ' f 11e < pie fecal aril '.While it is largely the custon ,o
pails t f the it %' t b,p •n It ninny follow clover with corn, it is an
: i
,. �,,,, s.almost
.v< .11
t n for
' r r
td oln • • tration
from tLe . 1 t7 p equally good prep[
-7------:-.''`!..":--"‘-----"'"-----1-1 any other crop we may wish to plant.
Flue tin
wil ssee, I think you will agree with
me in the kindly -intentioned state -
that the best type of our 5. O R R
American woman is not to be found
at the card -table during daylight
Chase's h. & L. Pills Cure Dyspepsia.
For the last eight years I have .been a
sufferer from constipation and dyspepsia.
—I tried dozens of different `medicines,
but nothing gave me relief until I used
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills which
cured me.
Woodville, Ont.
Li".a Its inechanie'al effect is of hardly of
t{'� less value than its direct fertilizing
virtue. It loosens the soil by pent: -
especially ever
true of hood's rills, for no meal- trattin it,and when decayed leaves
erne ever ecntahted so gest curative power in g
so s:n:tlt space. They are it whole medicine the earth in a fine mechanical con-
* a *
Ground bone contains, in a slowly
��,:•..;.. available, form, the mineral element
which is scarcest in the soil, but to
Chest, airways ready, at. �
grays efficient. always u� sat -
ft emit
make this phosphate more available• it
lataetcry; prevent w is COlnlnonfy treated with sulphuric
or fever, care tall' liver ills, acid. This reduces it to a finer pow-
lickenlly y elle, jauntifec, canitipatlon, etc. %las tier, though at the Sante time eon -
t., umonkilts to tape with Bed's Sarsaparilla.
mixed tvitll
will Keep
ing condi
Don't Drift into the Critical
"Do not drift into the .critical
habit," writes I%tith Ashmore fn dis-
discussing "The Critical Girl," in
Jane Ladle's Home Journal. "Ilave
an opinion, and a sensible one, about
everything, when yeti, come to judge
leremember that a
li;;ile-:pf what they really are, unless
you winter and summer with them.
Find the kindly, loveable nature of
little 1
a man who knows l 1
Look for the beautiful selffsacrifiee. who
womagi w l
made daily by some
knows nothing about pictures, and
teach yourself day in and clay out to
1 will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring me
a Watchor Clock I cannot repair and make to run as well as,
or better than ever.
look for the best + rel everything. It
is the every day, joys and sorrows,
my dear 'girl, that go to make up
lite. It is not the one great sorrow,
Or the one intense -joy, it is the ac-
cumulation of the little ones that eon-
stitutd living, so do not be critical of
the little faults, and do be quick to
find the little virtues and to praise
then=. So much that is good in
people dies for }t ant of encorrage,
Mont. As I said before, have an other,pbntesveare
Ansel ing at
re reduced
opinion, and a well thought-out out;; ,And our brfok and trio airs as good.
about everything that comes into as aby oracle in the provinoe. Vtre
your life, but do not have too many`
opinions about people. Their hearts
are not open books, and as you must
be judged yourself some day, give
Opposite Macdonald Block.;
Caveats:tnd Trade -Mark's obtained, and all patent
business conducted
kik; rF N
office is in theimmediate
vicinity of the Patent Office,
and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpasse.
Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, with
description and statement as to advantages cla,med.
,tr r2i:o chamois dnrzrl'e for an opinion as io
patmdability, and my fee for prosecuting the
application teal Kot bo called for tantit the
patent is aliotV d. "I:(V!`'ross Gunner con-
taining`fult information sent free. All Comma &
cationsConsideredas Strictly Confldontlal.
1=Zt,l�l la's
023 JP Streets 17F:fyILEIN #TOlet.51. c
Josephine St., Wingham '
To sell Canadian and U. S. grown
trees, berry plants, roses, shrubs,
hedges, ornamental trees and seed uotatoes, f,r
the only nursery having testing orcinrrds ru Cn n•
ado. Wo give you tho benefit of our experience,
so your FAMOUS is guaranteoe. it you are not
earning 950 per month and expenses. write us at
once for particulars. Liberal commissions paid
ors` sons
should look into '
it mon
part, , • kilt * on the farm,
this. It pays better than , or ti
and offers.a chance for promotion. Apply noW
and get choice of territory.
Toronto, Canada.
Ta'nr1 Look at This.
ELLIOTT 13ROS., of the Wingham
Brickyard, have lots of BRICK and
DRAIN TILE on hand. It is said that
them the kindest judgment now.
oan sell by the car load or 10,000 or
n ur-
12,000 tile .felly as can p
ohased anywhere. We hove also a great
quantity of all kinds of 'limbos for
Wingham, May 1;.1898.
1 Por Suits that suit,
give nomfor>, to the
wearer and satisfy
your friends,you had
better try us. Our
garment makers
know how to do their
work ; don't think
are any
and yet we charge no more than others
do for inferior . fall and Winter }orksamples to d hoose f om,
at prices about half what you have to
pay for old goods. Work done for parties
furnishling their own cloth.
If you think that a Tweed Suit cannot
be properly made for Si Spot Cash, call
and see our work: Our terms are crush.
Opposite the 141acdoutitd I31r,ck,
Wit:^ttatn, Out.