HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-06-26, Page 1INGHAM Fri VIES. VOL. XXV.---NO. 1274. 0.1....maramemoma, WINGHANI, ONTARIO. FRIDAY, JUNE 26,1.896. $1 A YEAR IN ADITANCE WE SELL CHEAP. Homuth 410 Bowies ',Tune month, as you know, is or ought to be the cleaning up time of stocks and we are determined that our stock must be as clean as quick rices can make it. We will carry nothing over. Our DRESS GOODS Stock is the Best in town and we can suit the most fastidious tastes. The prices right in line, away down. From,20c. up'. .M1 Wool.' We would especially;$11 attention to the Black Goods in this debartnaent. MILLINERY FOR EVERYBODY Trimmed Hats from 40c. up Shapes from 15c. up Sun Shades and Sailors from 15c. up Flaavers frdat,, • 100. up St0Qk Must positively be ,cleaned .out regardless of our loss. .SHIRT WAISTS AND BLOUSES. .At cot. List Goods. Good quality zandlperfecO*tting. 4 _ Goods that you are needing all the time: Flannelettes,widest width .7ac worth 10c, F aanelettes, 27 and 28 in. ig1it and dark ,,,,, . ...6a " 8 Gey Cotton Jigh taInd dark 5 " '7 Toweli,oga ee, 5 I 7 Gingham 8 Ginghams , er, s 10 _Prints ... ..... 8 " 10 jaunty washable tenms suit from G. H. Irvin at the right price. Marriage Licenses Issued by FRANK PATERsoN, No 23, Vic- toria street, Winghana, Ont. No witnesses required. HOT WEATHER dori't count when you can get cool- ing drinks, ice cream and fresh fruit at z -X__ 0 I -11V We have Pine Apples and Straw- berries coming in, in abundance. Try our Cream Soda of any flavor. W. A. JOHNS, City Restaurant, Macdonald, Block, - Wingham. ••••=••••• New Ads. John Kerr -Coal Oil. LOCAL WS. Big snaps at Griff s, Cups and Saucers 75 cents per dozen. -Ale. Grierson as a pear tree having both pears and b ssoms on . the same branohes. C. E. Williams sells pure drugs. Satisfaction guaranteed. A large number of citizens went over to Brussels Wednesd a afternoon to attend a demonstration in 1 nbr of Dr. Macdon- ald, 1 The new hook an ladder accoutrements for the firemen isav arrived and will be quite an acquisition to our already efficient brigade./ Prof. Gray's Herbal Bitters at Williams' Drug Store, g -Mr. C. Gilleepi is buy buying and shipping butter. ,L st week he shipped two care to Montrea and this week he shipped another. --eRegular meeting of Court Maitland. No, 25, C. 0. F. will held this (Friday) evening. .A. large att dance is requested tee there will be elect n of oflicere and other important busi ess. - For first-class altering and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, one door south of R. A. Graham's grocery store. Havieland, the pulpit in the C Sunday next, the P absent in Stratford back again to re July 5th. se -Jas. McGuire,. laic( up for some de Why do you not have a nobby bicycling The Dr,..says it is suit, when G. H. Irvin makes them so. cheap. i tenuNrness which M tile, ailing member i -We want to hers from our local cor- that way. Sios'j y now, the elections respondents regular being over. -Messrs. Button ting an addition furniture wareroom '"4011ive, the you _hos. Moore, is s nd Fessant are put - their already large , • est daughter of air. musly ill with an attack of inflamation. • I Turnip Seed. All varieties. True seed, at Williams Drug Store. -The law mus observed by the bete Not a man was see intoxicated. -A special progra by the Methodist S quarterly review, wh on Sunday afternoo have been closely men on election day. in town who was stria is being provided de,y. School for the cli will be conducted e in A young man fo lisle to play tennis in " 12a ordinary clothes, when he Can get a BOOTS AND SHOES. Lines in this stock are all full and we will sell Childs', Misses and. Youths' at prices that are bound to please yoti and make you buy. TAILORING. We are doing leading Tailor- ing Trade in toNlin, and Nye can suit unci fit you i,n any Style of garment and at any price Tweed Suits from so; Fine Black Worsted Suits, 514 to 516; White Laundried Shirts, all sizes, 75c. were and are worth 51; Ties, four in hand and knots from 5o. up; Linen Collars, all sizes, 15c.; Fedora and Stiff Hats, latest istyles, 75c. to 51.50; Wo have 75 Stiff Hat, a little, just a little off style for 125c. eaeh, they were $1.75 52.00 and 02.25.. We want to get rid Of them. GROCERIES At the Grocery Counter you can get : 20 lbs.Rodpath's Standard Granu- 51 00 lated Sugar for -25 lbs. Yellow Sugar .6 lbs. Tapioca ,6 lbs. Sago lbs. Rice 5 lbs. Currants.................. 5 dozen Clothes Pins 'Toilet Soap, big bar • • t 1 1 00 25 25 25 25 .5 -The junior her intend to go to L Day for the purpose first prize in their r 5 ---Grasehoppers great damage to th the high lands. T turnips, mangolds d late sown grain. Prof. Gray's Herbal Bitters cures headaches, 25e. a package. se and foot ball clubs know on Dominion of bringing home the, spective classes. e said to be doing crops, especiallly on y are attacking the TES - Best value in Teas to be got in Wingham. Wo are prepared to buy any quantity of good Cherries. Store closes at 7 o'clock except Saturday night. GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. WE WI', CHEAP. -Who says that th ruin under Grit Gov already looking up an bell bas treated his b of paint. hopping around on -Veal cutlets, mutton chop end prime stake at reasonable prices. Boy call for ing your remarks h liEli raz, country is going to nment? Times are Mr. Davie Camp- ggage cart to a coat ke,V.-e-Owing to a bre the streets went un .rinkled or a part of Wednesday and the itizens on Josephine street had em,oppor unity of experiencing in a small way, wha it would be without the watering cart.ae Heathfleld's Healing Balsam is a Sure eure for the worst cold. At Williams' Drug Store. -It should not forgotten that the Methodist Church nd Sunday School aro going to have a goo time at their picnic on Tamlyn's prairi , on Wednesday, July lst. A. good progr mme of amusements will be provided. - Mr. Thos. Irwi showed us some fine specimen of how grown strawberries. Mr. Irwin has not very large patch but evidently he believ s in doing well what ever lie undertake and consequently he keeps his garden in rime conditio Lose Between Wingham an a parcel containing Dress TerainrlsnI.).nf GHorodsoen '851111 the parcel to D. M. Gor favor will be conferred o - The members of Loyal True Blues, service in the I3a morning next, 28th when Rev. Jas. Han annual sermon. A extended to all to a - "To remove th pain of a burn," se, at once in cold wat soda has been di understand, then, f Listowel, will occupy gregational church on stor, Mr. Matson being Mr. Mason will be umo work on Sunday, press agent has been s with a game foot. ot gout, though the . McGuire bestows on .ight seem to point age in the force pump, WEreinxientgers: s, ts. Wrapper By returning o 's store, a great the customer. • ern Lodge, No. 19, will attend Divine tist church Sunday inst., at 11 o'clock, Iton will preach the ordial invitation is end. fire and relieve the s an exchange, "soak r in which plenty of solved." Are we to sat the old plan oof ne foot and emphasiz- e ceased to be effica- orders if required. The best only, is kept cisms? at Geo. Shaw's Meat Market. -Parties who require printing of any -Five Wingham pe le went to Owen kind, should not'forget that the Ttstns Sound on Wednesday ot carsion. No doubt a would hey° attended ha close after election day. the Masonic Ex - good many more it not been so Paris Green absolutely pure at Williams Drug Store. V: -.-The old house whi h stood on the lot behind the weigh seal , and owned by the corporation has been Id to Mayor Mc- Kenzie and moved to is lot for a stable. The corporation lot 11 be made into a stock pen for the con enience ofithose using the scales.eves" Say-Jitenny MIteivis eeps n great stock of fruits of alt kidkitldV from peanuts op to water melons. L e arriving every day, fresh as when pidied, and his ice cream and summer drinks aro always right. Try there. The 5oh Tiro Legislature gr for the year 1896 ha attendance of 181 Notice to that effect Seoretary-Treisurer in East Heron, of Puns'. nt to Public Schools appotticned on the apd is now payable. ts been sent to the f every Pa li 3 SC11001 1st July All that is now smile and goed wi weather (laid a good at Lucknow on July all events -baseball lacrosse, football au( are now assured and thing promises fever days sport. The trai held one hour and th will be held One hour attend the concert. Wyatt Trendell, th clarionettist; T. H. M ite comedian, and otb for "Ye Olde Folkes' tide. Lucknow. equirecl is the bee len of the clerk of the ys sport is assured st. Cood contests in senior and junior band tournament - yids a fine day every- bly for a first class going south will be 10.30 train north allow passengers to di talent as as J. world renewned •ks, Canada's favor - have been secured ncert in the Even. -An important feat of the returns for E employment of the bi the news to the central was projected by Mr. dent of the Wingham made the necessary nrr out the riding. Bicy shades of politics, ente of the matter with re in the collection t Huron was the yole in conveying office. The idea Iorton, the presi- ioycle Club, who ngements through - e riders of both •ed into the spirit reat enthusiadm ; Brussels riders collectin , Grey and part of Morris, Wroxeter cyclis divisions in the neigl place, while our own clu polling places near here. and W. A. Johns went division of Howick, score the Belmore office, 4 mil learn the time, butdw root° say what was streaks in which tbe well the Club, black, red and minent and we hear of a ages to a cow. S. E. news from lrwin's divisi wanosh, 8 miles, and he the road; a rider was to him, but at the last mom no doubt afraid of the pa him and we think he was Wallace brought the new Schoolhouse in Morris; Currie's ; Mort. Morton neck speed from Gilmour s schoolhouse in McKibben shook vn behind him. 1f past nine and ns colid be col- ; this year full nto at 7.15 p. g down of the detailed to No. orting the dims - have been in by ys deserve great attending to the borhood of that attended to the R. It. McLeod o the Belmore ng from that to We did not tiers along the isible were two known colors of bine were pro - °loam for dans- tent carried the n in East Wa- ost no time on ave accompanied nt he backed out o Sex would set rudent. W. H. from the Stone Venstone from came at break- office is the place 0 have it done right and at prices consistent with good work and fair profits. -The .Ttme numb r of Farming to hand contains a large am unt of valueble infor- mation on all subje Is relating to a'gricul- ture. We do not s how any farmer can get along without i Not only is the read- ing matter good but learly every dopartmen is well illustrate . Published by the Bryant Press, T 'onto. Price 51 per annum. Prominent Lawyer says: "1 have eight children, every one in good health, not one of whom but has taken Scott's Ernelsion, in which vot ;;eife has boundless ecialidericea --It should be born in mind that the great excursion of tl e season will bo on Saturday next to Sa nia and Detroit,under the auspices of thoft. 0. F. Treats leaves Wines= station 41 7 o'clock, the faro being 51.35, and Arei 1 arrive in Sarnia at 12.30. The boat 14 Detroit leaves Sarnia itt 3 o'clock, faro cents. ror ft:Aber partialities see tilt, 'Seaters. e -Mr. and Mrs. pleasantly surprised by the young ladies day School lass. painstaking teacher, School for many ye appreciation, she w evening with n nieel engrafted address an a beautiful music st set, the gift of the Turnberry while Walton the dust of Lower t Heretofore it has been h later before the full retu looted from East Huro returns were sent to Tor and but for the break' wheel of the one who w 10, Grey, and his not re ter, full returns would 6,20. The bicycle b credit for their work. Dr. Towler wore last Friday evening Mts. Towler's Sun- rs. Tender has been a in the Sabbath School is and as a mark of presented 011 this worded and neatly made the recipient of nd and a lemonade sing ladies. G. Ireland, micte eta A. W. Webaaea,ea merchants IR" ka' Gracey, undertakes „Wlia!bieffi'dika,sar4On manufeettireinde.: ',Sfitsessyeaeleaelteueitha J, Mcalauchlhea .0 taemakeee elaaliaargai ehoennekt'ai Wallace, jeweler W. Dore, carries; • m ufactu rev; T. J. Elliott, cooper; 0.0 Ichilsteriatteufaatatrer; Lemmix, gentle en; A. Nwtoo, hornets sualterj T, ...1,toas, agent; Chas. Gillespie, egg mer lent; W,10. Bs -oaken. shire, photographer GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. tit o ree.G..ea Mataat>rer tees :ales ' in! -;W,', A.,eintrunings; agent Per •nals. . Wilson was m JonclOn. C. Sperling is i Toronto.':.' Isa Mr. C. A. Campbe went. tbaWhitby 'on Tuesday. es- • Pearle wn vtst pg„.heeaoretin DOM. this week. Mr. R. Swan, of:'01 eeeia "4 on Tuesday. • Mr. Mark Aikepw o town,this weeks • s Cliff. Boatel viits'!'i riitibitydine. for a, couple of days. Mrs, Broadfoot, of., ,enforthe friends in town. a- , • :a • '• Miss Ida Baird it friandald, Belgreve this week':: • : Miss Sophie Roileru isevieiting, ariends, in Harriston for a few veelese . astirs. R. Hills, of lkertons has been visiting in town durin Mrs. F. H. Kerney r I o has been visiting her parents at St. Mar s has returned. • eaMessrs. Win Lloy ,• Perry and Fred Bradwin visited friend in Blyth on Sun- : d • „••• '• • ; • Was•;in. day. vs. Messrs. Swan, Bre of Chesley, helped to majority on Tuesday. Wm. 'IVIeTaay, car Francisco, Cal., is atMes't andy Kelly's. asaWe are pleased to s week the one time fa Robt. Elliott, of Inge Messrs. John Neela don, who were attend the C. 0. F. at Mont on Monday last. Miss Carrie Mncd daughter of Dr. Ma East Huron, spent S at the residence of mont Times. . , s,n andeFerguson, swell the Wingham accountant, San ending a few days e amongst iliar face soli. seea ds and D. M. Gor- ng the High Court of eal, returned home us this of Mr. iseld, of Wingham, &meld, M. P. for turday and Sunday r. Meldrum. -Bel - 'CAI est Huro Returns. Following are the la est returns for West Huron: Municipality -Ashfield 1 3 4 5 Colborne - 7 8 0 10 Clinton - 11 • 12 13 14 Goderich Tp. - 15 16 • 17 18 10 Gcderich- 20 '21 22 23 24 25 26 W. Wawanosh- 27 ...... • 28 20 30 ...... E. Wawanosh- 31 31 33 84 Nomination rapers. • Below we give the is mes of these who signed the nominati n papers of the respective candidates, i r. Dickinson's bore 37 names, Dr. Minden d's 36: E. L. DIC/C NSON'K. Thos. Green, farmer A. E. Smith, bank- er: T. Bell, manufactu er; M. EaalcIndoo, merchant; S. J. Smit , mercltnt; Eobt. Drea,ver; blacksmith; E. Swart% hotel keeper; John Dinsley, otel keeper; Robt. Mclndoo, broker; J. I . Dulmage, hotel keeper; F. Korman, ho el keeper; .T. 13u11 - curd, ex•chief; A.. Re • hotel keeper; L. Hanson, hotel clerk; J. ., Tamlyn, physi- cian; W. J. Fluety, pr nter; 8. Tennant, gentleman; C. N Grifi u, merchant; J. B. Ferguson, town clerk; I . Porter, termer; T. Netterfield, mason; A.,. Nieholls, baker; Fleuty, printer; D. lush, merchant; J. II. Stephenson, bla smith; A. Knox-, gentleman; R. C. Spa ting, egg dealer; J. Davidson, teamster; H. Manuel, mech. anic; 11. G. Leo, 1 era; G. B. Green, merchant; S. Youhill, Real Estate agent; J. II. Hiscock, merch nt; W. W. Gley, laborer; A. Sebastian, barber; R. Beettio, liveryman; T. L. Jobb, carriage beilder. en. MCl/ ALL'S. , J. 3, Hoinutli, morel Int; 'T. A. Mills, merchant; W. B. T wlet, physician; Sutherland, merchant; 1. W. Inglis, agent' 0. E. King, merchant; 1. Van eke e, harris- ter; J. S. Jerome, deuti t; C. E. Williams, druggist; N. A. Farqu %arson, merahant A. ROSS, merchant; Leslie., merchant; 7 3 12 a 2 5 6 7 5 0 37 34 32 31 44 49 44 4(1 41 56 22 40 53 (14 73 (17 71 63 52 Majority kr Cameron over McLean... oyer Kitty Municipality. Cameros Ashfield 430 Colborne .. 197 Clinton. . 240 Goderich Tp134 Goderich.. 302 W. Wawanosh 230 t. Weevanosh. 253 Totals.... 1795 atl 47 57 42 10 12 9 44 1 73 10 12 7 19 8 19 16 0 )71 .Qs5 27 47 40 22 18 23 56 28 28 .51 58 61 58 78 00 92 74 33 7 61 2 49 7 50 4 29 2 39 5 57 9 25 54 43 15 19 38 1(1 8 28 58 57 10 23 65 36 33 DEPART VOR, ARRIVE VROU Xprento and East G:01 A.M. 1:18 p.m,- ' !4/4iereton Mixed ea4a111.(ead Saattli Waalleazime asS a • • .0 • , es -a, 11;a0 " 10:07 it ;3;15 P. la.-. Vift, Clinton " 10:10 ean (1:30 a.m. 11:10 8:15 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 11:20 n.rn. 6;04 Dein. 1:18 pni. 11;20 " 10:07 " 0:55 p.m, 'DR. ILEA E4S;T IilaiON STILL RD 0EPRESENTA1 -'11"ELL VOUGIIT PALLS BEM BANNXII ' Although thing whatethb first rest po11.is4 divisione Liberals never lost Dr..alacdonald's e denied but that t 'saes not what generally conceded med up the resu would have a maj exceeded expectati result -was received from the Liberal r M afew well-cho friends for the way him and supported once more at the h Dr. 'was carried ou carriage and drawn the town followed admirers; cheerin and the greatest and when the com their rooms and r brought down giv feeling 'reached o'clock the crowd s disperse, in their an results. The follow the different divisio ONALD. MS TO sonsRESPECT. E-TIIE CLOSX 01 FICIIT^WINGIL0)1 0-01041', TUE ONICIPALITY. looked rather Mee is came in from the f Wingham yet the aith in the surety of tion. It cannot be result in Wingham H expected. It was y all whn had stun- s that Mr. Dickinson 'Ay, but the majority ns. When the final mighty cheer went up oms. Dr. Macdonald. n words thanked his they had worked for im, thus placing him ad of the polls. The of the hall placed in a y his admirers through a great company of his was at a premium enthusiasm prevailed, any bad returned to ort after report were ng Liberal gains, the ver beat and at 12 med stil unwilling to .. . .. ....... 322 1094 TION. Kitty. 177 128 16 115 30 131 (18 701 McLean 218 135 228 263 310 1(12 157 1-175 BLYTIT- No. 1 No. 2... No mejority. Bur:sexes- No. 3 No. 4 iety to know further ng are the results in s of East Huron : DONALD DICEINSOX 58 59 44 43 102 102 77 54 75 53 152 Majority for Macdonald..45. GREY - No. 5 No. 0 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9.... ..... 1 Majority for Macc Howlett. - No. 11.. No. 12.. .... No. 13.. .... No. 14.. No. 15.. .... No. 16.. .... Majority for Dick IVIOfints - No. 17.. .... Nos 18.. .... No. 19.. .... No. 20.. .... No. 21.. , , 72 113 91 03 86 95 107 38 64 . 31 25 71 47 520 276 onald..244. Majarity for Macd TUANBERRV- No. 22.. . 23.. .... No. '24.. .... , 64 100 68 02 59 110 64 106 104 79 52 406 572 nson-166. 79 M:or.it2y6.17 Macd wwinen- oe 25.. - . Selo, 27.. No. 28.. . • Maio. rity for Dickin )%110Nol:ITER-- N. 29,“44 ke - 66 01 81 50. 52 70 •. 80 84 • 77 74 35(1 339 ald .17. Majority for Mande RECAPITI7 Blyth 13reissels ..... Hoesick.... Merris.. 17 Turnberry.. 61 Wingham Wroxeter.... - 27 307 287 Majority for Macdon Id 160 63 125 95283 61 74 84 219 48 64 33 41 43 64 68 94 192 203 on..71. . 68 ald..27. menet') ntextesela 0 0 45 244 41 166 71 237 5