HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-09-01, Page 3941 - • `' THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 1, 1977--11B �, . ... Sedorth Junior Fair Prize. List (cid.) w,• ".` ,• ,�} � S, (�i i� rte) SEAFORTH 4•H CAjF CLUB s � - HURON COUNTY 4•H 10 IRY CHAM,PIONSHIP,SIiOW IriTER• r tl Uoder•the supervision of the Ontario Ministry o Agriculture and • y: CLUB - to i*'�'; l tz �, r Food, spotisoced locally by the McKillop Federation of Agricultpre. CLUB LEADERS: Gordan Papp le, N5, Seaforth; Tom Melady, 1t2: ,.._. Rules-Regulations ; ;l: :"' - Dublin. Brian Oldfield. 04, Seaforth. 1.'The Huron Count,v..4-H Club Leaders' Association are strongly417 reeummenfling that all 4-H Calves take a Brucellosis, test within MO days of the opening date of the Fair. except: y 1 = CLUB EXF:CUTiVf: President, Russell Eedy; Vice -President. Les F:drmier; 5ccretarv, Ted Van D}k Ne+%S Reporter. Dianne - a) 4fffeial. Brueellosis vaccinates under Ito months Of age.' -- a Oldfield. • M b) Calves 'node, b rdontlia Of age. µ CLUB °MI"MBERS: Leroy Dekens. Fergus . Qevereaux. Joe 0 Steers. - d) Animals originating from Brucellosis Frac Listed•Herds, ;' i " r .. Devereaux. Russell Eedy. Les Fiilconer. Glen Haney, John Klaver, Peter Klaver. Henry Hendricks, Brian.McGavin, Dianne Oldfield, 2. No entry fee will bei charged. q k- t Adrian Rehiirst. James 5aldivar. Vanda Storey, Andrew Van Dorp, 3, All entries ri+ust be made to Scafqrth Jut>iur Fair Sei•retar%. Len ,- y� ;.. Mar) Ann Van Dorp. Ted Van Deka. Ed. Van Dyke, Ed. Van MacGregor. Box 159,'Clinton by the Club [.ender not later'i n in bt iii b>' r'` , Milteubut;ip Tony Vtta Milienhurg, Friday, September 9th, 1977. All entries this ciassmust t __1J.-•on Fair Day, Seprember Ieth.Onh binsandgirls 4vhu 's BASIS OF AWARDS com. are memberof a 4•H Calf' Club in 19,77 are clig compete etc cold `-- ---- - - •�-.`- ' m4st ow the calf entered in the r dub',projectJudging ++ill sh commence ,at or-1tcr L23() lr.Sf akt the-Ditc�tnrti dcn�mt5: - -- _ - The, awards wViij be made on the follwip basis: , g 200• far'•#+v#rd-on-roti' at-the Nit. •• 4. Prize money it•tin Uy members n1`' CAI(` Clubs will be paid to Club Leaders, who w•ill'be•respons le, for distribution of same. +�' �., points• 100 points for Judging. Competition. Each competitor will be judge atieast four „ S. All entireS in this section' n ill be stabled 4+gether at the FaiP tit } -� ; i. ::,„ required to one class composed of cattle and give masons for his - space allocated by the Fair Board and,or Junior Fair Directors. 6, nines will be judged on a Itis. group j; j g •, ,nd. and "ird prize }, • ( y (vl f 11 ., 1 1 1 L1( � i,•�� , ,Pacing. 200 dints-foranswcrs•to uestions based on club work and feedin P 9 � g � system. 'Transportation � �� � and management,of dairy cattle. • - 100 for in 11. 7, Assistance: Each group 411` three cahes is points showmanship manner which the club,methber eligible for this assistance. There is assis(anec Of 20c per mile one •.•...sbows `ti his entry in the ring (70 points); condition of the animal (20 appearance of the exhibitor (10 way from the central location of the cluln to Seaforth. maximum subsidy of $12.00 (club within •10 miles txceptc,;). Club Leaders points); general points). too poirus„for carr and feeding methods noted at time of periodic ` - - must apply, for this, assistance $. At hast three clubs must be represented in cacti fi{ta -C'luh B.This show is res(ricted to all 4•H members who are 12 years of age v''I s mad during the season t. t, i 200 peintgd for regulicity and accuracy in forwarding` mbnthly �, q class in ord for the Fair-to ualifv for a Federal Grant. „~ 1977 And yho hayc not reached their 2'tst birthdayby as�fJanuary 1, "ar.attc'ndancr 9. This show is restricted to all 4•H •membc s w 1141 cUe 1.2 N-cars of December 31st.• IA7,7 )O+ndnts and interest shown at the .m t )• r . interest ___ ' age as of :January 1st, 1977 aiid who havq�pot rechcd their 21st - 9. Each club may enter any number of.aiahnals in each birthday by December 31st, 1977. -- "` 10, Attyanc.,xvho Wunder 1'S�ear Orag`c ntac not shq s stud, 1 t-00 A.M. -Arrive on grounds. _ _ .10."-Each{tub-mo"i!tei^mv'-nrflTWI;o i�; V1` s to cath ciuss. 11. Anyone not having full control of their. animal may be g 1 .' 1:00 _ ,fudging of calves and.sliow•manship. � - 44A DAIRY CALVES - eliminated from any of the classes. 12. The Scaforth Agricultural Sociemand the Junior Fair will not be .. ^, - I, CU TUCKERSM TH 4•H FIELD CROPS L B Under the supetrvision of the Ontario�Ministry of Agriculture & responsible for horses, riders, and_cquiement _ - 13, �Exhihitors wtill be Kivcn numhc�ed hatbands which must be ,• Food, , sponsored locally, bv, the Tuckersmith Federation of . CLASS 1': Junior Heifer Class (born betweeh January 1st and June worn in all the classes, Agriculiure.- 30th, 19711. (i) Holstein; (it) Guernsey: (iii) Jcirlsey: (iv,.) Other CLASS" '1:, Junior Showmanship Class • ,Open to All, °-H Club CLUB LF;ADERS: Kai} Gemmctl� N2. Kippcn; Jim Papplr. +Y4. ` Prize Money: Each entry in.Group i receives $5.00;.Group 2, s4.00;. • of bavb members 12 years of age .as of January 1st, 1477 andmust Scafu th. - .. Group 3, $3.Q0. reached1their 15th birthday by January, 1'st, 1977, $5.00; Group 2. $4.00; CLUB EXFCU'�'1V•E; President. David Stc"{�'� arie'; Vice-Presidept, `News r Prize Money.,- Each entry in Group .l receives Ed. Van Miltenhurt;: Secretary, Peter K4'uver: Reporter, CLASS 2: Intormedidtg Heifer Class (July Is(, tA7(xni September and -Group 3: $3.00. • t + Sandy Broadfa+t. u 3014. f976). '• : t CLASS2: Senior Showmanship Class =. bpcn to all 4•H Club CLUB MEMBERS: John Coleman. Willy de Jong. Brian Falconer, 1.(i) Holstein, (ii) Guernsey (iii) Jersey 60 Other•Prize Moocy: 'Each in Gnwp 1 $5.00; Group 2. $4.00; Group 3, $3.00. megibcr (S vicars of age asuf January f st. 1977 and must not have January.- 1st, 1977. ��' Les; Falconer, Bili Gibson. Bruce ' Godkin, Ron Gddkin, Peter Klaver, Les La+ex¢ n. Terry Smith, David Ste Maria Ron Taylor.. Ed '• entry r;ciroives re..chdds'their 21st'-bfHhday as of 14.00 Van' Miltenburg; Tully Van CLAS 3, Sonjor Heifer Class (October 1st to Dccembe'r. 3.1 sr. 1976) °Prize Money: Each entry in Group I receives $5.60: Group 2. 3, $3.00 Van Dykb. Ted., Van Dyke. Ed Miltcubury;. (i) Holstein iii) Guernsey (iii) Jersey (iv) Other . and Group Junior Champion CLASS 3: Champion 4-H Horse'5howman • The Prikc Money: Each entry in Group i receives $.5:00; Group 2, 540k o and Reserve Showman and the Senior Champion and Rgscrvr BASIS OF�JYAIIDS - Group,.3, S3.t)n.. „ . CLASS 4: Dairy Cutf' le to coo eie:fttor this title: Showinan.are eligible made m the "followm ibasis: The winners and reserve winner of Classes 1. 2 ajtd 3 aro eligible. od res r %yi CLASS 4: Trail Class - Maximum of S obstacles Exhibitors in this OOa iOmts{for; ` . 209, points for fidid Notes and financial _ Prize Money: 1st $15A0;'2nd. $10 00, 3rd. $5:00." ciass must have a. saddle .on their anima{ as well as a slicker 2 ,.points for exhibits at club fair, at Achievement Day, BA'CO MINERAL -COMPANY will make an award of a hag of - (raincoat or jacket) and a rope attached to the saddiih,. 166,points of Judging'Competition: _ mineral to the best Dairy Calf in the Championship 4•H Dairy Show." . • CLASS Sr-Group-of three 4-H Dair"y„CaSies: the club may enter three Prize Money: 1st. $5.00-.2 nd. $4.00;.,3cd, $3.000 4th, $2.00; 5th $1.00,, 200 polnts for questions based on club work. cultural practic@s, etc. 100 for attendance at 'meetings.: dairy ca ofeach breed of each age gTuup.'They will be judged of . and each additional placing, M points • ,, All exhibits must be in place in the Fair Bujfdittg.yby l2 o'clock"noon r the'group Aystern. Prize monev:' s.t,,.S12.00: 2nd. $1`0.SY. 3rd. -' CLASS 5: Junior Equitation'- Open to all A-H ctub.,,,ingmbers 12 on the first day of the'Fair. S9,00; 4th, $7.50; 5th; P $6.00: 7th • 10th, Sh.00., yearseir Y $ January and must e*h0e0d their i t CLASS' 6: Showmanshi birthday by January 1st. 1977 no'yhav st 2nd.' NORTH HURON 4•HSWINE CLUB' $4.00•: 3rd, $3.00: 4th, $2.00. 5th and additional. placing,. 51,0D. Individual' work outs may be •rc uired. Y r t he supervision of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & t a. JUNIOR 4-H CHAMPION„DAIRY SHOWMAN �a) .of CLASS6• '; Senior Equitation - O en to all *-Haub meinb6§ S" ears 1§ y Producers. "'C UdB Vit+^ x Y g • t Dodds, HI, S aforOt: hiarvey •. DFtR5. Dt + c The 4-H members must be 15 years of,ge a Januarythe. isf'an d • : must not have reached their 1 th birthday by ' `" ary- i st, of age as of January'Ist, 1977 and must not have reached thele 21st' birthday by J'anttayy 1st, 1977, Individual' work outs may be required.' n Clinton -Clinton• Grucmc Craig, yl, Walton, „ ,1977• It) Only three members per dub are eligible. Prize Money: 1st. $5.Q0; 2nd, $4.00: 3rd, $3.00; 4th.. $2.00: Sth and President. CLUB EXECUTIVE: President, Bob Menheere: Vice-President, Secretarv. Bob Wilton; News Reporter; John Van ifhe'chosen memb, rs are the top Junior Showman' of last. year's each additional placing- $1.00, Jihn`Blanebard; ly p Achievement Day. (ii) .or the" top Junior Showman of this year's"Achievement'.Day CLASS 7: Halter Class - WjIk & Trot •. animals must be stpown on CLUB MEMBERS: John Blanchard. Joe Dorssers, 'Lee Dorssers, Ea'rj.FIV ,nn. Godkin, (Ronald Godkin: Gordon Love, „John (iii) chosen by; the 4-H Leaders .halter. This class. isfor2' yeat• olds-mid-under wiho cannot show in the Perfo"mane C rt •d)He should show his 14774-H Dairy. Calf, . • , mance lasses9 5ra d bray-the=same token one show'in`g Class -,'Bruce McA(Iist r Biian McGavin, Bob4Mcnhecre, David Menheere, Stephen �McnheFrc. Tom` Metth c. Scott Robinson, Terry Smith, B. SENIOR 4-H CHAMPION. DAIR.Y...SHOWMAN in either or both Cja,sses 4, 5 and 6 then not show in 7. Prizeyr y 1st$5.0 2nd; S4.Q0; 3rd, $3 00 4th„ $2.00; 5th and each John Va Vfict Bob Wflsnn.e ree 4-H members per dub are e{{Bible}; -- addit(onar pTacmg1.00. _ {, (?RE.4•N MEMBER=„SASiS be 15' ears of a as of Janus 1st.'andMoeyi a) the 4 members must y a$ January OF AWARDS ( must 414tH as of January 1st, 1977. have reached their 21st birthdayChampion � b) the Champ members are the 1977 Cha and Reserve of their, HURON COUNTY 4Jli GRAIN AND GRAIN CORN The awards will be made on the following basis: ., � , „" , Achievement "1)a _this year; Y` Y or'the Champion aggd Reserve of their Achievement'Day last year. CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW ' - 200 points for award on gift which will be judged; at the Fair on t e basis.,of bacon type, development Uniformity and breedtn� or chosen by their'"`*-, vbeadcrt. CLASS 1: Champion Grain Exhibit standard. c) He should show his 1917 &H.Dairy 'Calf. ! '100 a) All 4-H club members in Huron County are, eligible, points for,. Competition of fudging of swine. 200 points for examination to consist of questions based on club Prize. Money: I str $10; 2nd."'JB 00 3rd. $6 00: 4th, $d.00; 5th b) this class is restricted to 4=H members wlio•are 12 years of age as work,. feeding: management and marketing' of swine. ' $2,00, p, .. of January, 1st nnd' who have not reached their i(st birthday by 100 poigts for showmanship-imanner in which the club members • The unto, Cham tom. and Reserve ' A. Y. -MeLEAN`"I#61PHY J P December 31st, 1977 + c Y Exhibit must consist Of five lbs, of grain in a plashriiag which is J' show their entry in fh"ing (70 points):.condition of the animal (20- , rets); general a{ pearance A1` 'exhibitor (10 points).-.. i __ Showman and the Senior Champion and Reservc_Sttowman are, "' icadahle at the Ontario, Ministry of xtgrfctrlTttrc &`Fo5t1, Clinton. "the ' 100 points for care andt,(ee,djng methods noted at time of periodic • eligible to coi'ipeCe for this trophy.' !f shat( be,Reogtpeted for dairy d) 4-H sighs will be available ,to, you at Show. g Y All members from each club are eligible (o compete, visits made during the 'season.,, . , i. 1.,.1.1_1... immediately following the Senior Champion' Showman - Competition. c) be nlade in by. noon. Thgrsiday, 16th, 200 points for' re ularit and_acctl$ac in forwardin g y Y g . monthly 4-H CALF (MUS EkHIBIT COMPETITION' 977 tries must place _September r t rc ports. I 100 points1or attendance, and interest shown A the meetings and - ' y ill be' judged a group. Each,club £sett club a sign of CLASS 2 - Champion ClotOQ judgieAsrrive on aiinesand 4 . signs th shq}dd hay.aa si n to si nif the name of the club "rhe of the clubs wdl be at 1:to P,M, bersEn iiuron. CtYunty are eligible. a)' All 4-H• club mem g 10 30nA.Mass -'Judging of showmanship. `COUNTY,'PORK +w:. 1 a) )udgmg i b) Where must be three clubs competiting to signify a Gompctiiion. b) this class is restricted to 4-P member's who are 12 years of age as HURON PRODUCERS.AWARD - The Huron of Janugrylst, and who have not reached their '21st birthday by County Pork-Pfodu¢ers wilt donate q clock (approximately valued at e) A cult) „exhibit must have at least -three aiilves.' d) The ceFiixbbii display is to be done by the club members,y7NLY+ 66gember -31st;' 1976. Sl 5.000o the Champion 4+H .Swine Showman at Seaforth Junior l e) Each calf must have a 4-H 'exhibit sign. PR1ZEMONEY: tst•Prize, Club exhibit ..... . .:..... $25.00 ub eu ibibit.. c) Exhibit must cdnsist of eight ( )ears of corn from your-4•H-plat.'• d). 4•H e4h�ibit "signs will be avAilable to you at the Show. • Fair: * r- BANK OF COMMERCE AWART}r.SEAFORTH BRANCH, • The. •, Prize, 10.00 0.00 c) All- m4mbers from each club are eligiblc io compete, - Bank Of Commerce will present a gold watch to the member . r �. , .:. , .. , ::.Zhu. , .a .... , .. ..... . . . .....3rd Prize, Club exhibit....', ... , .... fi entries must be In place by noon, Thursday, September 15th, ti�9,7s7. showing the ,Champion 4•H Gilt.. .. BANK OF MONT91�ALvCLINT N BRANCH • The Bank of Montreal . will present a silver tray, suitably'engraved. The Bank prize will be . . HURON COUNTY H HORSE &PONY CHAMPIONSHIP CLA}5�V 3: Champtotr;4-N White, Bean Exhibit '' awarded to the top first year member in Che Huron Eounty Pork OW INTER-CLUB "" a) All club members in Huron ,r:oiiillp are eligible: Producers 4•H Swine Club project, . b) this class is restnete to 4•H mein ars who are 12 years of age as ....,. -. h I d b w ...-� gulnt{ons Rules &,Regulations _ of January tst.an¢ who have not reached their -21st birthday by CENTRALHURON4- ABBIT-CLUff I. No entry fee will be charged. 'n December '31st. 1976,. , *r t ") Under the su isio a Ontario Ministry of Agriculture & ,scally-by-tJte-}?urines-J)caler. MJ)tory-Dietz 2., All entries must' be made to Seafortht,Junior'Fair Secretary, MacGregor, Clinton, by the Club Leader,_totlater.••than--Frtdla - -- "' ____ __Septetnbor-ACh -19T7 0-nly boys and.girfs who are members of a 4=H c),Exbibit.mustwnsi4. of4Ibs: of-white-bcansirraplastt+ 68g�tblc is available at the Ontario Ministry of, Aggicultyte-&-Food 2linton. Faotl � +sore. - CLUB LEADERS: Tom Jorg nsen, H4, Sea fort George Townsend, #3, Seaforth. ••• ": " _ . ...__ Horse Ctub,in d) All members from each_&b-arc-chgi6le to compete. _ „ _ CLUB Ek CUTl`V : President, Bill Gibson;•Vice-Pres(dent, Brian I &Pony 1977 are eligible to compete and must show the. " 'horse. pony or colt entered in their club project. Judging will e) 4-H exhibitsigns- i f-6c available for you at the Show, -B Falconer; Secretary, Susan Pullman; News Reporter,. Terry Smith: commence at 9:doa,m. or at the Dir+ rice decision. ExllibitorswiRttfe--'17 Ediries must be in place,by noon. Thursday,'SeptembeY 15th. CLUB MEMBERS: Roy BfJWn. Russell Eedy, Brian Falconer. Bill notified well in advance of show time" " Gibson, Glen Haney. Jim Hdfines, John Klaver, Les Lawson, Jeff - ,- 3, Prize mo iey �n.by members of Horse & Poti� ytlifiiDS'4�ill be W, G, THOM.FSON & SONS LIMiTE� of Hensall will award a Leeming. liriati Moo'rci'Susan Pullman [iAltid Townsend: Ted Van tr 4-.H MEMBERS: Mary 6ibsotr: Danny Holmes, BArty paid to �lub Leaders, who. will be responsible fctr distribution of same. 4. All entries in this section will be stabled toga her at the irec�or5.t tropb.' to the 4-H member with the top exhibit in the Championship Gtalit Show.' Dyke.PRE Mpore.,. Brenda Pullman, Julie Townsend, marry Turner+' • l.. Fair in space allocated by the Fair Board at)di Fair R055 BOLTbN. 0.1111•, Sdafortl(.will award a trophy to, the 4•H '"'BASIS .. + S. Entries ,will be judgcd'on•a 1st, 2ndi and 3rd prize group system; me ber:u tl0 the top exhibit, in the Chafnplouship Corh Show: in Hensall will ,~ OF AWARDS 100 Dmfs for care nd feeding methods noted at time of periodic p a g a 6. Transportation Assistance: Each group of-,three animals Is There is assistance 20c Cfi K'S . iVlS10N OF GERBO CORPOAAT10N. award a tiaphy to the 4•H member with the top exhibit in visits m de during the season... 200'p rots for answers to questions based. on chlb work and eligible. of per mile one way'from the central' location of the club to 5eafordi, maximum subsidy of $12,00 (club. Championship White Bean show. feeding management of rabbits. : within l0 miles e.zceptPd). Club• Leaders must apply for this *SPECIAL (MITE* - 4.ff club members in the "Tuckersmith 4•H too points for attendance and interest shown at rneelings and ` assistance. . Corn Club who wish to enter in the 4-H Groin & Grain-Cornindging. cfA'ssrs, .7.'At feast tluec Clubs must be represented in .each Inter•Club champfanship Show must have another entry other than their entry 200 p6f6t4 for monthly management and ft:eding.eep,orts., -„_ class in order for the fair to qualify for il Federal Grant. in their regular-4-H Achievement Day. 300-pointsVfOr awards of rabbit attthe fair,, • ... _. a..v.�u_i