HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-09-01, Page 384 108--�THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 1, 1977 Seaf orth Junior Fair Prize List (c.td.) Y-1 Sect.iorf, I EDUCATIO NA NX tENERAL RULES REGULATIONS 1. No entry fee will be charged. 2. All entries must be made to I.fi Seaforth Junior Fair Secretary: Len MacGregor, Clinton. by the Club Leqder, not later thaii Friday September 9,th, 1976. 3. All money will bd$paid to Club Leaders in the case of 4 ...... . I I I I 1 . . . . . . -H Clubs . . . . . . . . . . (both Homemaking and- Agricultural) who will be r I esponsible for listribution of some. Junior Farmevand Junior Institu(e inoney will N i h . paid to the Club Secretary, 4 Dispjays must be, in-pidee by .6.00 p,,m., Thursday, Septe ! Moer 15th,, fQi lmraedist4 I r WedpQsday, September 14th at 8:Ob p.m. and at day Thu sdiy, # Septimber 154h, 1977 to 6:00. p.rri�. S. Cost of material should dot exceed SiO.00 in value� Hydro will be available if ie4uired. 6. Di�plays are to be designed and erected by club members'. Club Leaders and others may be' tfsYed to assist in the planning. 7. Club , participatin - g will receive Transportation. As ' sistance Joe per I from the central location f the Club. e one wa 6 d r�y 0 maxmu su s y 0 S. 00. (C)ubs within 10 "AWS excepted): This am.ou I will bc'paid tolthic' 'Club Leaders who make entry for the Club. Se'dion 3.r LIVESTOCK 441 BEFF-CHA41ONSillpi SHOW Raid Silo I_ Tfie. H-mun-Co.4ut A--RiUab Ltm der -,i' 4h.%ucia i rmoninicilding that :111.4-H cithes take it Hrucellosi% tes i i0hin o0 daIS 01 till' 01)Q1111.9 datt- tIf-the L`aie. except 'A, 011lctA Brock-lioNIN %avvlrwtc� onder .11� 111(illihs �11 age, 6116CI 0 1110litill, 01 4. Aiiinials' origina.inig front Bruccllwk Frev Ustvd livr(K. 'rARMFR CLU Nil cot I -I fee will lie cliargud, CLASS I'. JUNIOR 8 EkHIBIiS All entircs inwo lit- made to Scalortil.hin iorl Fakt Set retarN, LC I I I �'Jutiior Farmer ciub members may ctImlicle at tinN one Cl ass __._MavGrc-gLIW, Clqht01l,;--!T,tr-:thc Oub_lvtrtrir­ii�i� IiAcr than Fkjik'�.­­ 9" Fair in the %ame eta." in any one year: Siq)tQtn.bcr 9th% 147". All cniric,. inim be fatuthc,groun& . e than I I i�iT`FlfirTY;i�. Septe-nihWi0th.-Only bm's and -girls IaSS i FFa-ir fo-quilify ttir a Federal grant'.- who are nieniber% (If the �.H to "tit' Club ill 107' urc' tIlgi6 3, Open to Junior Fhrrner Clubs in Huron and adjoining 'countic. t conipetc-and must shim the calf entered in (heir club pr6jeet organized in' 1917 *SUB CLASS A: The Cereal S111611 Judgid'i, will c ommence at or after 12:30 P.M. atatfiv 'Directors 4., Table space'of six feet will be available for each exhibit. 1, Featuriiig Whe;11, (or oat-.. corn.. etc.) devision. 5% Prizes- 'bit -420.00, 0 Exhibit 2. 4. Prize moncy won b �mcmbcrsqE�Call`Club�, will he pj4A_MC1uh_,_ Championship Ribboni' A Exhi. y 15.00; C Exhibit $10.00. 3, Three Ways Willi Ri ;ible for distribut'i0'W"., �FF t !_�- �­— . . ho wilt be reSpow p16. u mes., sN A S. ggested The -4� (�1-re-O'De-sserts 5; 'Entries in this ion shall.be Stabled together at the Fair in Junior Farmer Motto - S. Cercills Arotfnd the World Scif Help. and.Ci)mmunity p cc allocakco.. by the Fair B6ard and/or Junior Fair Director,... 6;­-Makc' it with Pa%ta- I �E ' `11si. 2nd.* aild 3rd prize group 6, Entries will be judged on a 7. Exhibits' will. be judgpd by Score card on the follo%�ink basis: sYslem. ATTRACTS ATTENTION (stopping power). � . � ............. 20 -SUB CLASS B.: Clathes 7. Clubs which bring three or �iore calves and which show 6 group ---RFfECTIVE TITLE (�hort. personal.'catthy. appropir , late) ....... to- 1. Variety (if Leistilrewcar -Club of three calve"%" in the Inter Competition ivill receive, SUITABLE SUBJECT (subject related to the 4-H program)... loo_". 2,, F1thric% and- Finishes- for LeNurewear agint4tion transportation assistance of �Oc per mile one way froom'central -HOLDS INTEd-EST (encourages Study,' is .1. in), lo6ilioii,of tLe�dub7to-Seart)rtb..Max[niCtqi subsidy $12.00, Clubs* per§onal ...................... ........... : ...... -to within"lo miles excepie'd'. This amount will be paid to the Club' CONVEYS,MESSAGE (accomplishes purpose, promotes actiiin). J0 Lcadcr� who makes entry for the Clu-b- GENERAL APPEARANCE (simple, balanced,. attractive) ........ 10 8,At least thT&C clubs must be represented In !!ach Inter -Club Class WORKMANSHIP (-neat. well constructedA Well spaced, wording 41 ord6 for titc..Fair to quality for a. FlZOerpl Grant, easily lead). ........ 10 4 H BEEF CALVES TOTAL -100"i CLASS I - Baby Beef Steers: Steem borri between July 1 1976 and CLASS 2 ­4-HAGRICULTVIIIALCLUB EXIWBITS -: .... . .. I .... December 31 � 1976 (those not, nominated for Queens Guineas Class) . I . -, " t, ... . . . . to beijudgdd, on qualit and finish; V.- -4-H Club memberi may com eiw',at onty,one C-6-'13'" Fair inI the same class m any one year; CLASS'2 - Queens Ottineas Nominaked'Steers: Stee;� birt?V n qua i�Y`Md., resented in, each Inter -Club 2. At least three clubs must be rep July 1, 197.6 and December 31,'11;�6 to be judged on lit an Class in order for the Fair to qualify -for a -federal Grant. , - t L ..., ­.:- . I finish. 3. Eacfi 4-H Club organized during 19,77, in 111urQn,and adjoinink counties may enter one display. - GRAND CHAMPION STEER: Ribbon ald prize to th e value of Displays will besix feet long, 36 inches high, 3 inchi6s ducrp. $25,00.�donated by TOPNOTCHYEEDS LIMITED. SeAforth. Tables'wifl'be available to,sotdisplays on. S.. Exhibits Shali be judged by score ewd as -Class 1. RESERVE CHAMPION STE�R:Aibbon. 6. Championship Ribbon -.A Exhibit $20.00; B 'Exhibit $15.00, C Exhibit* $10.00; all oth6L r exhibits $10.00 each. -2 CLASS 3: Junior. Heifer Calves_ any beqf breed., born between Section -FIELD CROP Janu�Jy 1. 1977l and April 36, 1971 to b6 �jiidged on quality 'as breeding. stock. Rules Regulatibitis CLASS 4: Senior Helfer Calves. any beef breed born betwiceit July 1,- 1976 and Deeernber 31, 1976. to be judged on quality as breedin 1. Open to all 1977 menfl�6rs of orgimized 4-H and Junior Farmer .9 Clubs in 1­16on and adjoining counties stock. 2. Entries mustJbc in pipce, in the* Fair ifore 13WIdling 12. 6'clock. SEA'pf-IfTH'I.G4A. Qffcrs a SS.00 prize foe best steer nomin.at,ed".for noon on Thuisd4y, Sept&nber 15th.. 1.977. Judging will. take plice Queens Guincai. Thur�sday afternoon. -EWA 'PROCTER AWARbS - In memory of Stc%%,Iirt Proct'r," S1 RT eit 3. lEntrics must be grliwn on.exhillitor's form in 1977 lit.R.O.'Brussels, the Tamil), will make �n awitill of a suitable book 4: All'Ithids of 4-41 Club!; (Beef, Grain, c(c.) and Junior Parmopi in the Huron C6unty member exhibiting-, a Clubs are-encour Acd'lel.poirticip�Rerin their respective sections. 1.,.Champio�;4-1­1 Shorth6fil Steer M t S. Atity entry jr�.Class tA and B. 2A andA 3A and'13'. 4A and B will 2. e6ampioni 4�H Shorthorn Heifer' eonsist of three 'members'. cxhibits.(ic.'2A..- J mc�ibers each . to G . RAND CHAMPION HEIFER AND RESERVE -'Rib-' exhibit 114 bale of rkrst-cut,hay) from a club. In 4-H ciltries fhcClub Ilon.. -'s. ritime will appear on the ciltry'lag, Leadel NOTE: Calves in Classes I ' 2. 3 and 4 will be judged on Ilic groul Id. 6. Entries -A-ill be judged on a group basis. Edtr'if� conqidered of I basii. Entgics considered of top ranking qual& .(t:�eciAp 1) Wil)l top ranking quality (Group 1) will receive an award'.4f $9.00; second reccivc an award 'A -niy rd of $5.00; second ranking group animM"A a -alking-greup entries. an a;vard of$6.00: oil other creditable. (if 54:00; till other ci�4 lep9trics %AII receive $3.00. entries. will receive $3.00 in Classe%,I. 2,.3 and 4, SPECIALSt Thc-Huran County 4-H Club Leaders' AsSAiciation ikill INTER.CLIUB COMPETITION donate, a 20 -lb, turkeyAo the 4- R Leader whdsc three club members' CLASS 5 Group of three 13) 4-H Beef Calves from any one Club entries �ank,first in Sectioll IA, (heifer or %tecrs). to be judged oti qualif� and uniforilhit�'."#W Club - )tit , iior Farm . ers Association . Will. donatt I ? I may enter more than,onc.. group if it so desires, Prize money: Ist kAl. The Hut Count� U 1) _L Sq.00; 4th'Group - Group - $12.00; 2nd.'Groupi'119.50; 3rd Gro 10-6. turkey to the OrIcsWrit of the jqp �'pipr Former Club, who,� ; 51b Gr6 , �p -and eacl� ? ti�ditional group - $6.00, `Sectioii 1 $7.50 three members' entric% rank'first in . .... . CLASS 0; SHOWMANSHIP Thv,,Hue5),n,Couniy Stijl & Crop lniprovetnci t A' 4'' 111 'it Ist'- Slo. -,J (h La ssoclE 01INVI _". _W.�. _4th__-. *lura , Alf AA% -am ­11-tivih-c-First 1) ace It ' 2A 1 --- 10 .- ii 7 wimicr%. These sliccials will oniv be available where thereq are three t `�LAS$ 7: SWEEOSTAKES SHOWMANSHIP COMPEtITION. Rules and Regulations; or.mpre entri.0% per class. 1. This class, will be opiti to the'follolving: CL I _ - Champ CLASS 3.4-HOOMEMAKING' CLUB EXHIBM (Nbn liodipctitive), 4SS I A - 12. cars of corn '4-H liln,-4-H Dairy Championship Show, Scaforth Champion., 4-H Beef- Championship - Show-, S006fth�" CWS IB 12 cars of dorn Junjor Famers* -CharnPion, 4 - -4, Swine Club Show . Seafbrth I.. OpentOI97o.77 4:-Ht,4omcm . aking 11211413nn Huron who have set 6p 14' -tc b" Ha Coraktition, 1/4, bale of1vest cut exhibits-af -a 1977 Ach 6cm6t,fhy-, CLASS 7A - In r- ub y I Champi6n,.4.1­1 Sheep Club Show, Ctintein" hay*. Champift-, 4,H 'Hoise'Club Show, kaforth 2. Clubs should,nqt t up an c�hibil from a demonstrationor -skit, 2. Each contestant kvi*-b�* required to silow an individual of,pach se Exhibits other than those of topics t stated her iviif� not he CLASS 211.. Junior Phrmer Inter-Club-Hav Competition. 1, 4 of these five classes of livestock (daify, 4w, sheep, switic a nd r ooniYed as creditable. . - .1 . I - first ;cut ha�* horse). Members to provide -owli *ai4rtlals! Mllc� ewill be paid -here dpillie'able. Winne? will lie declated,oh the mqi, -ound least three clubs rlust be represenied,.In each Inter-Cillb %% , of Olin class in -order for the Fair to quarify for a Fideril Grobt. CLASS 3A- 5 -lbs. of.,;White j)oa,ns - 4-14� %hownianship With each ilf th6, abov6t�_sscs of stock 4. Table space of 4-5 feet will be available f�r cadh exhibit.. Bl: sure Ao-sti�c the -exact Spa 313-- lbs. of white beans Jurtin'r Farmers* PRIZES: TOR6NTO.DOMINION BANK (Seafortli Branch) award to rc�cflred when making entry. be,presen 46f S8.00 kvill bo�given; to, all crieditalile CLIA" 4A 11�_. Of '4 .5. Uniform reccigniti:. grain ba�ley -fl* ted to. thb Grand Cb;mpion Showman. and tit exhibits, Winnem 1976. Oavc Mcwhinricy:' 1975, John , , 1974, va�l Vildr 6,_PITIM,will be restricted to one entry in ti,Cio" "A", 11 one CLASS 4h 5 jbi. of grain birlev Juhior Farmers! Birry Miller: 1973.. Ken Mewhinnev; 1972, Grant Vioccnt�. 19`71, c In as5l"B" -or-one entry in a Class "C'* lydhlr: Gitnit McNeil: 1970. David"Mai all: 4,969. Gerald Tol% riscl 1948-- "l, ,bC,',, finity be fp aced.Qn the fbilowing, - �eio Role S. "Rot, 7. It. 44 Y ­A�