HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-09-01, Page 35THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER' 1',, 191'7, X78
Seaorth F PIair Prize L'is#. (Ctd.) "13, Article using barn boards, not over.
2 feet.
2nd. $2.00 gift voucher; 3rd.'$1.00 14. %ity article u;in leather. el:eans Sp ria$3.00y merchandise voucher to ,
Ma c { me winner
donated by commute of Sceefort 0. g placing 2ud.
D. Heron Ex not listed above. 15.:\n+ other craft _
SENIOR CITIZENS' WORK: No entry fee, 1st 2nd 3rd MauLR@ns Special $2.110 merehanidse voucher'l �klnner t
' 7 " Expositor Special Photographic Contest placing .3rd to
52. Quilt blocks, different, names t ,
- attached. mounted..... .... 1.50 1.25 1.00 For best black ,and. whitep horographs suitable for Simpson SEars $10.00 merchandise voycher to winner. of
53' 1-article of knitting.T.....:.. 1.5Q'si.25 I.00 publication with credit on.the editorial page of.the Huron most , points • from section 35 to 47.-
54, 1 article ofcrocheting..:.., .. 1:50 1.25 1.00 Expositor. Picture subjects should ` include an area scene. 55. 1 article orembroidery.. , , .. 1.50 1.25 1.00 children, animals, buildings, flowers and other subjects of
56. 1 apron, any style............ '1;50 1.25 LW ge, feral inters[. taken within 20.miles of 5eaforth. Each
$7. Mat of any design ....... , ... 3.00 2.00 1.00 enirn, consists i,f nue photograph and is to indicate where
"$ 58, Jr, Work - no entry fee w picture was taken add,idcntify.,subject matter. Negatives 'ELEMENTARY SCHC?C L ;
Article in sewing for "Leisure" must accoinpany entry. ,,.
wear;......,'.............. 2.OD 1.50
�.Op ,Childrens cotyles arc, welcome.. Entries will he oil
display in 'the Roundhouse. NO ENTRY FEE... Section' S.
Prizes: I.st $5.00; 3 prlres of $3.00, 10. prizes of SLOO
mit Convener. P Car
Committee Co Doer: • roU
__.�0 o h Exhlb).or with the highest number of RULES
points In Section R, • SedQrth Imports", 26 Main Street
i -$a, Seaforth.'511fers a 510.00 credit voucher. I_ All pups "s work'm6st be placed' udner proper signs
Committee; .Mrs, John Bach, Mrs. Gcor a Hays, Mrs. 1 Vegetables,Fluwers Cooking, Hobbies, Crafts, Etc,
Win.. Hodgert.,Mrs. Marlen Vincent.'Mr . Wm. Strong, t
2. Special tugs are Available from the secretary. Ruth
j Mrs. Paul Carroll. • Beane. Bruceficld for each entry.
FLORAL EXHIBt? - Section S All entries to be j g must hme, an entry tag.
i' No competitor will be permitted to make more" than one t 3. e e ttgt) ed,
entry in ari one class.
4. Ti, uulify, entry t s MUST be •pruperiv"'filed in, •
I "�
Committee,: Mrs. Hrm. J. Thompson, Mos, Sohn" S, No prizct. paid for articles not�jgn'list
PAINTING: • Pictures musts be framed and ready to hang Hillebrecht, Mrs. Arnold Jamieson, Mrs. Keith Snell. 6. All entries MUST besot puce in th4 round house before'
` A. ORIGINALS -- OIiS!,ement considered in all cut dowers, noaq, first.mrst• da+•. of thc•fair.
` Qualii) and arran :Fggs nst be placed for judging by' 14:00 a.m.' on,the -
I., Seaforth Agricultural Society first duv of the Fair.
Round-house ... :•.:........... 5:00 1.00
i + QtssTs ,t5 to 47 :'suittibilitc of cutltaincr considered'. 8: Rules and reg.ulat)ous endorsed by fair MUST tie adhered-
,, 2. Landscape•... , , ...:.......... 5.00 3'.00 .._ .,..,._s
3. Still Life.... r...:.. , .........5.00 101) !
4. Murine, .........: , ...... , .. 5.0.0-' 3.00 In Gladioli Class: Stents must not incaeure more thatt 20 4. -children exhibit in grades. as of ,lune 1977 or higher
Study of Originals --ails. Please accompany inches to bottom Moret. _ )tntde.
picture with orioriginal.,,
_ �• 11 Folrics not it) be removed from Round House.. until 4:30
.. -- � , .
°' In Ba,.kct An-an genwm: Baskct muse have haiVilc. a'
S: f;and3capc, 2:Smile rl+dius of Safaotdl 5:00" 3.00 h ' "
''-- No Mudeoh+cill be permitted in make more than one cniry
. b, Landscape, :. , .... . , .... 5.00. J.00 '" 11. p ,
7. Still Life of Flowers. 5.00 ,100 CLASS - Pring Simi) ;-.T$ . •5o. in illy ync class-Al eat•h'scetton,'
Originals'- Water colours, Ipastel, ' / HOW TU PREPARE VEGETABLES FQR••r(HIBITION "+ „
charcoal, pencil, ink. crayons, etc. 1. Atitcr, Powder Puff • 1 plant.
'- ) 2.. Aster: K cedle or Cactus Type • 3 blooms irC'hinnc medium shed carrots, pill loses, beets.
8. Landscape or macule. • ..... , 5.00 1,0( 2. Choose regular shaped. s ecinlens.
a � Aster, Arranged C'ullc,c•tiuu 5 hluonls ' g P P
"., 9:a Flowers or Still Life.. , ..... , . r 5.00 3.00 3. 016osc specimens the sante sirs and shape if-possible.
., � 4, Bachelors Buttons ICuruih,+Y;cr) p
lb. Abstract -dr other( Non objective) :5.00 3,0(1 5. Begonia, Tuberous • 3 blooms kith leaves in low 4 Cut off. lops. leaving only I inch;a .'
B Tdbe''Painting IFormedv b. Celosia. Clicks Conill . 1 'Comb. Chon. PolKlscAurge onions. -DO NOT PEEL.
Liquid mbroidery) ° . 7. Cclosia. Pampas Pit nnc I plumy' � r� ? .Yutuaicti muni. not he washed.. � f
1st.' 62nd. 3rda 8: Cosmos, Best.Coliection - 7 sienls'
8. f umpkin% and squash must have stems' on:, 1
(, Cushion... ,,. :.
*3.00. 2<00 1'.00 9., Chr�santhcnuuns (Garden Mums: - 3. bloonis 2 or ESa j E
2.. 1 Luncheon Cloth 45Y 1a,n -3 0D-' .2 OA FOO •- leery GTION Al '
- -'-1rt Cfiarge Nlrs. 3. McCowati, Mrs.. A.Deveieaux, Mrs
"- 3 1 Luncheon cloth 4S shaded... 3.00, 2.00 1.00 10. DaMo--5- blooms LL - r
_.: Noll. .
• : 4.�rablecloth over5"�.... _......, ; 3,00-: �dQ `I'O(Y" `; , . 11. D•aldrer Ball •Honeycomb = 3 biuumn•
s :u, colour ---- -
5. 2 Placemats.............. . .. 3.00 2.00 1.00 12. Dahlia. Cactus I bliwni'any colour
-- -- _.'
N'icp tatcrr3aittbesu is )
. --. Prizes: I%i. $1,50; 2n . SI.2.5; 3rd. $1.00; 4th. 75a:5th.50c+
6, 1 Dresser Scarf..:.. , ..... .:. 3.00 2..B9_-1-90 - 13r"Dahl -. e4nFJacfii -�-b ism, icily colour _ d
• - 2.Doi' ........:.......... 3.00 2.00 ;1A0 15. Gladioli 2 spike CLASS
8, I pair pillow cases,;,.... -3.00 2.00 ,1.00 16. Gladioli • 3 spikes different �. Four ga;,len carrots (short)
9, Painted Quilt ............ . ... .3.00 2.00 .1.00 17. Marigold. African - 3 blooms Three sli ting cuctlmbcrs 7" gong ar'over
6Marigold.. � Four pickling beets
- 10. PaintadCribQuih.....'...... 3.00 2.00. 1,00 18. French 5 bhxinis . „
4,..1�our Spanish onions (with skins-on) ,
I1. Painted Quilt -top not quilted. , .. x.00 2.00 I.QO 19, Pansy Arrangement ,with tilliugc = 9 blooms ca ` ^�
1.2. l article of wearing apparel.... 3:00• 2.00 1.00 20, Votunia: Large Ruffled r 5 bloisu)s mor gard t nibs (long)
Five pickling •ucu tbcn under 3" .. „
5, F
13. t fancy apron...:.'::...:... •3.00 2.00' 1,00 2f. Pettylia. Double 5 blooms.
h. F g
Fopr table beets
•• •14, Velvet picture. (tamed ready to h'ang'3.00 2.00 1.00 22. Sweet Pcu • Uispluy T
15, Article using Paint Puffer.:: 3,00 1.00 1.00 23. Snapd'rapli., Butterfly'•' 3'spike7 any i6olour `'fi Four clipking onions (skins on) „
16: Artide'ted,wood plaque, :....= 3.00 2.00 1.00, 24. Snapdragon, 5 cpikrm�any colour 9. -Five red ripe toimo ocs with stem on. "s
10. Tw'clvc potatoes, Ony• variety . in suitable box, girl
17r Artie'le of painted china....: 3,00.x.00 1,00 25. Zinnia. pompot, ' - 7 hlitoms' exhibitor.
18. Any article of Shrink Magic 3.00 2.00 '1;00 26. 'Linni ,Dahlia• Type - 3 blooms different
." 11. Two grecs cabbagc4.
27, Zinnia. Cactub - 3 blooms different 12. Twa`pcpper squish
u 211. Roses", Florcbunda • I spray
13.` Twe)vc, potatoes, anv variel'y' in suitable box, my
29. Rosas 3 blooms,.:3 atakwrs naner attached i
SPECIALS: Mrs. Phyllis Mitchell exhibitor, j
;10. RaYycs, Peaco Rase -. 1 bloom 4
offers"a 52.50 voucher fox tube„ 14. 'rwo pie pumpkins
31, African Violet, Single - I crown.
painting I. I Best pabfted Quilt 32. African, Violet, Double - i cto*6 , Largest pumpkin
- (BinBest in
article & (Cl special 33. Begonia, PenduLa t plant 16. Lia cst squash
prize f9r 015 using Paint Puffer. 1. -Three cars .066 it le' corn . t'
34. Geranium hlonms';trranged,in kitchen utensil all 1
around view. 18. Two Sunflo+vcr fieatis _
19; l
hrq,, specimens of (gourds, placed in box e,
t h 3 u x • ARRANGEMENTS Prizcs' $1;50- 1.25 - 1.00 20• A vegetabWvchicle NAMED j..,
• � '- Scaforth Fariri�rs Co•bperativc offers a cash prize of $5 00
t 35.-Ctrii hof S aucei ,Arpingement far the pupil witli Nighgst ndmber. of points in Elementary
u 36. Hospital Arrangement for trily in disposable container School •Section^ Vegolafbtles • Section A.
37. Baby Floral Novelly Arrangement „•,•, Top-Notch Feeds.Ltd offers a cash prize of $1.00 for the
i9; Dili
rid ArranK i ttJll �n rot finori�sitnae -ol big
a., he pupil mrd highest ntNmbe o pots in
Arranpcnlclit over pupil with sec
r' CRAFTS: Prtues ist 52.00; 2nd.,S1.50, 3rd $1,00 of 52 Ob.tor t th ill
- tl +aem, Ele utary School Section • Vegetables • Section A: 1c
t Tole P-a' ting (Refer to`pbC 50' o ' C
4i),. A Buffet Floral ArraOgcmcnt"in tones of one me FLOWERS- ISECTION Bl
Y976.77.•Lewiscraft catalogue colour.
2, Any article recycled Ili -charge-* Mrs: Peter Dunlop, Mrs. Bruce McLean.
i 41. Any two ('2) Colour Arrangement.
3. Paper collage Water .will be provided. Containers not taken into
` 4. Any article of Ceramics ET AR consideration when judging except in Classes 19•'aild 25.,
S. I ,pair 6f .pillow cases with 'knitted BASK RANGEMENF•= Prizes $2;00 - i 50 • 1.00
lace not over 3 inches.assn I - .18-and 2 25: 4
Prizes.'Classes Z
^^ 424 Basket iif,Chrv.santhenttims_ Ist31.50; 2nd'S1.25: Jrd $1.00; 4tb 75c,; 5th 50c.
w 6,,Mini(ure flower arrangentem,~"not,1 ! ,
over 3'" each way: 'real flowers - Basket of Cos; los classes 00 - 21, -
(ftesiv, r dried ) IT 4 Basket of Assorted Dahlia 2nd $t:75; 2rd. $1.50:-4 th $1.25; 5th-
4.' � tat..
Bask trraAssorted
M ae d+Am'uui uiproximatoly 7" $L00_. a
7. Macrame, any ariicic: ' 46. Basket a ), of'(iiutlitslt"3n'cl .�lf;')1, CLASS' � � •.
$tying art picture l , , 47,Hanging . g n I 1. Pansies f9 stems)
9. Corn husk doll. (eg. Macrame),
2. Sacci Pcas (9 sprays) _
ac ac) 4, '
10. Dried apple dull, 3. Gladioli (6-8 spikes)
11. 3.,irticles for bazaar. costing not more SPEOALS q,-Xsters - Mixed colours.(8.10 stems) - t
than $3,00 S. Asters - P&v&r'Puff (8, .10 stems) '• ,
12. Tea Cosy any style, anW material' McConnell'sSpeclai4i.00ittterchandise voucher io winenr. 6. Asters • NLedle Asters (8 10 stems)
of most points from section 1 `fo 34.
with teapot displayed. P 7. Mar+golds - A irican f3 stems only)'
r + WOM
1Jlllll,SERVE�.' ndw.i -µ
.Coffees r ,. $a
o --
N -T- I
.... V, CE
A _
i o'clock
' the -booth n the Arena from 1,1 lack a•m.