HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-09-01, Page 34Seaforth Fall Fair Prize List (ctd.)
DI siont of S-eqr.-
Homemaking Section
Women's Division Officers for 1977
President • Mrs. Ken Campbell; Vice President •Mrs.
W.J.11rompson; Sec.•Trcaa. • Mrs. Wm. H odgert;- ,
Committee Conveners: Home Ecopomlcs - Mrs. George
•` r i c u
Iture' Society,
y »,.... Wheatley; Canned Fruit $ Vegetables ,Mrs. George
Wheatley, Home Depi., - Mrs. J. M. Soon; ARts & Crafts
Mrs. Joh Bach; Floral Exhibits • Mrs. W.J.Thom son,
- P
Will be serving '
c Elementary School -Paul Carroll.
Rules and R•egulanons
All rules and regulations of Seaforth Agricultural Society apply to
,! w
gWomen's Division, Also the'6116wing:
departments to be in showroom
1. 1. -Articles for competition in indoor day
iR before'12•o'clock noon, on the first day of the exhibition, and 'properlyr
w F U
located in their own departments.
i* 2. Payment of $2.00• will constitute a .yearly membershjp.,and w' _...
_ _, -- -- - - i - From H-crYi:"ti5-2 Ft.fTl,
entitle the -member -so-paying-to-mMpetein-any or all of the regular
p iy permits ONE free ass Thursda or
'departments. p yFriday,Ref
but only once:
a 1 ^
I 3, Entry Fee: 15% deducted from :winnfngs over $5.01.
_ _ •
t . '
4. All parties having paid their subscriptions and only such will
entitled to compete.
' "'
BOOh,i iocatea on 1nfield
i S. Prize winners to the amount of $5.00 or over are required to
• membership, fee for 1978.
I. 6, All, articles exhibited must be the work of the exhibitor.
1 Professional exhibitors are barred.
l "k 7. All fruit, flowers and vegetables exhibited must have ..been
produced on farm or in garden of the. exhibitoi.
15 Maple Cream, approximately '/r ib, ...... , L50 1:00 .75 .50
, 7: Mat, made from "Fun fur", • .. 3.00 2.00
1.00 d
8, No competitor will be.entitled to m6re than one prize in any one 46 Chocolate Fudge, approximately yr Ib. t.$a.-1..00- 1Sx ---,50---
8,•Ma( lirret400ked=on turke. onvast X1.00 3,00
2.00 `. •
class of a section in h door department ____._-
i>? Mat. miide out of used matc0al 4.00 3:00
,. 9-Compe t ort to make entries with the secretary fol' the indoor 17,Seven chocolate brownies, iced...... , ... 1.25 I,00 ..7,5 ,5l? "
Nc�+' and up-to-date work. oni.y. accepted. .
.'departments not later than 11:30 a. m; on the first day of the. exhibition.
18 Seven Baked Peanut Butter cookies...... 1.25- 1.00 :7.5 .SU
� d
:- Judging of all classes in indoor departments to commence at h00
p.m, 19 Seven baked oata cal eo9kies-rolled -1 •25-• i 09--- 5-- r50.
10: Judec ,will be particularly -requested to have re ar o merit
it a I even oatmeal date squares .,........ 1.25 1.110-: .75 ,50.
10. Cush um �roo{ or wool blend.
articles exhibited for competition, and, to withhold any prizes, if
they SPECIAL: Seafonh-Creameryv td, offers 5lbs.-Mayfair-Sandwicl Spread
Mwileted.......'..:.. :... "1,25 I;00
consider the. article. undeservin .'
for the best Oatmeal Date °S uares.
11, Cushion', fancy..... ....,, 1,25 1,00
11. Point System - in indoor exhibits; 1st 5. points: .2nd. 3 po,intS,; 3rd 1 Special: Ana Flour M01s donates a 24 Ib,..,bag of pastry
12• Cushiein, practical....'......... 1,25 1, 00.
point, 4th !/z point.
flour to winner of most, points in .classes 17 to 20,
13,' Neediepoin't. k'orwall h anging 2.00 1.50
.75 .'
~ c �/"�1
PIES:2I: Pumpkin Pic. , .. ' .......: ....: A.50b 1,25 1'.00 .75
14• I Pillow casc.,caloured hand'
22. Cherry Pie, lattice top... .. • . 1,50 1,25 1..00 • 7S
23, Lemon Pic, not prepared filling . ,- . ; 1.50 1.25 1.00 75 - ,
embroidery. • ... • ....... 1.2,5 1.00
-• 15. • 1 Pillow ease, crocheted'edging 1.25 1.00
Ili. 1 Pillow case, suitable foe
:.75,. ,
24. Raisin Pie' :.:.... . ....... • ...:. , ... i.50 1:00 75 i:...
` cheild's mom not "Cat transfer"
Sect I o n L
25. Apple Pic, no ice..: 1.50 1,25 1:00 75
Pp P ..
donates Ib. bag
,... ccjj sign... ..... .. . • .. h.25 '.00,
7 S
�pectal: Arva Flour Mills a 24 oi-'pastry.
17. Presser scarf, judged for hand
Committee- Mrs,Geo. Wheatley, Mrs. Ray McGon(gle,
Four to winner gfmask points in classes 21 to 25•
tmbmideu' bound edging..... 1.2S 100
Mrs. Robt. Gemmell, Mrs. "Keith ;Sharpe, Mrs. Ken
18. Afghan xrllehcted ;wool ar tenni
Campbell, Mrs. Alex Bo es, Mrs. Jas.Devereaux, Mrs.
26, Seven butter tarts... ..... .. _, 1,50... 1.25 1.00`" ' .75
blend- . ......... ....... ....:. 4:00 3.00
2:00: "
Earl Dinsmore.
27 -=seven -baked Jarot teYis^ .: • .. 1.50 1.25 1.00 _ _' 75 -----
- 19. Afghon, knuted s,oal fwEio{ blend -4-003:00
2:00- "
Alf7am s, Jehles and Marmalades to be labelled
28,-Seven-lemorrtarts ; .":-230 1.25 1..00 75
20• Afghan, any other kind ..... , . 4.00 3,00
_ --=-Prizes t tis 25;-Ist--5'( 25 2nd 51.;• 3rd. - "75c 4tft`.SOc
SPECIAL' Seaforth Creamery Ltd. offers 5lbs. mayfair Sandwich Spread
l'tiiifec o0 for most paints in classes �. .
7-20, 1st prize $4:00;` 2tid. $3'.00:
1. .. t
2. Peaches
• 29. -Seven T5a Biscuits...' ................ 1.50 1.0 0 .75
Special: Seaforth Creamery Ltd. offers 5 lbs. Mayfair Sandwich Spread for
_ 3._Psars
first prize.
Woof or wool blend may, be used.
4. Plums •
30., Seven Bran Muffins. ..:.......... .... 1.50 1,00
4: Baby Sct yellow' or white, bonnet
5, Red Raspberries:,,
6. Fruit Cocktail
Spocial:.Seaforth Creamery Ltd.. offers S lbs. Mayfair Sandwich Spread for
and sweater crocheted, ... • .:. 1.25 1.00
22, Childs tam or toque. knified in
_ _ .
first prize. (;"',
31. Add your imagination to a cake mix, not decorated, flavor counts,
two colours :. :0� 75'
23.' Child"s mittcnc. to match above
;. .
" 7, Whole Tomatoes
recipe'attached..•........................ 2.00 1.50 1;00 75
Special: Seaforth Jewellers donates a $5.00 merchandise ,certificate to
tam orbyuc •.00 . ,75
8. Tomato Juice
winner, of most points. classes I to 31, redeem b.Child's
P y Nov.t`{ov. 15177. '
vest or shrink. crpcheted'..
i ••••••"
9. Chili Sauce f
- 10. Bread & Butter Pickles
SPECIALS: 32. Three ways of serving
hamburger. , ..... , ....:............. 4.00 3.00 2.00. , 1.00
' 6• IO years .:... . � • • • �, • � • • •{ 1.25 1.00
25) Child's poncho or cape. crocheted
b- tO- Ars1.25 I.00
33. Six ways of serving tomatoes... - . o . - . , . 4,00 3:00 - 2.00 L00
11. Icicle Pickles
26. Child's, hooded jacket, knitted',
12.Pjckled Beans'
exhibitors scoring the most points to Section N. Home Economics,
tges•1 • 3X Year's • , .. ..... 1.25 L;00The
13. Hot Dog Relish
will receive merchandise, vouchers to the value of: most poins $10.00, - •.'"""'Z7`tGO
yorbov'spullover, knitted I;SO 1.25•-'1.00-
14. Pickled Corn Cobs
runner=up 55.00 courtesy George A. Sills &.Sons Hardware,
28.' Girl's or bov's'cardigan or jacket.
15. Dill Pickles, sweet
Chocolate Cake Speclal5 i`adbury Schwepps Powell Ltd. Fry's
long Slcevcs, lilain•or patterned. "
balky knit (Label
' Special: Club House Foods Ltd. donates a prize to the _
makers of
varn nd sample
exhibitor scoring the most points in classes 9
Cocoa offer the followib razes for the best iced or frosted e ht or nine
g p g
attached) .. . : . .............. t r75 1..25 ..1.00
to 15. .. ..• .
inch... chocolate Myer cake baked; with Fry's Cocoa. Frosting may ,tie
' 29. Ladieson
p cho or cape. crocheted 1.75 1.25
chocolate, or other flavour. Entries must be exhibited with'a Fry's.Cocoa
30. Ladies' modern cardigan or.jacket,
16. 'Pear Marmalade.
Label.•One Prize to any one contestant. Ist. Prize, $5.00; 2nd. $3.00: 3rd:
crocheted, ( Label and sample
17. Black Currant•J-city
attached).... , .'..... 3:00 2.00
18. S�rawberrv' Jani, Cooked
3t: Ladihs' nrodenr cards an.or jacket
g j
19.. Raspberry Jam. cooked
William Neilson Ltd. makers' dreiiocolate and cocoa, offer two pounds of
knitted. (Label and sample i
20. Apple Jelly,chocolates
for.the best chocolate•cake made. Wth Neilson's Jersey Cocoa,
alt li teed).' . ,3:00 2.00
100 `. T
21 '•Red Currant'Jelly
;jroviding that the empty c
coa tin. with label attached, is displayed with _Mail's
sox, fine knit,..- , I:OU 75
22, Any other variety of^'Jam or Jelly: muss be labeled.
,33. other knitted article, not listed
_ __ r
23. Collecnati of canned fruit (pints), 6 varieties:
1,2. 00
Prizes. 1st. - $1.00: 2nd. -S2.00; 3rd, $1.00; 4th •.75c
Crispyflake Speciate
nndatip to date %ork,•only,
24. Three jars of jam decorated fora
t M.Schneider td., of Kitchener., offers five one -pound cartons of
, ' �» p
accte ted 3. • '
p (: 3 do 34)..
00; 4th .751
' $1.00: 4th - .75c
; 2ndy
Prizes: Ist. 52.00; 2nd.51.50;, 3rd. -
Crispyflake to eacti,of the first prize winnersi' in classes }'6 25 anti`, 26 �' '
i providing nn 'empty• carton of Crispy,.flake ishortening is djsplayed with
34. Am^ otller ct•ocheted article not
listed. any media .......... ;, 1.25 1.00
t: Classes Lto.8 to be exhiWed,.in sealed pints,• .
each entry. pp
Classes 9 to 22 to be exhibited in; small jars. '
Best dish of Bake d Beans Special:
ea P
havc.sam is attached) 14 2nd
SPECIAL- Dong Gail Schroeder- (Winthrop Store'{
The Ontario.Bean Producers Marketing Board offers special peizes for the
g p
35. Cobbler apron. . .. . . : ........ T.'OO
'• donatt:$10.00toa NEW exhibitor scoring the r
"Best Dish of Baked BcansYflst'prize $5.00; 2ttd: $3.00; 3rd. $2.00. A
36. Halfapron. rron, modern design.... I;00 .75
37, Girl's i - 1,00
most.points in classes l to 24. In case of tie,
condition of the priz@ awardedby the Ontaribl3ean'Producers Marketing
%inter nightgown. .... .75
money" iv81 lie divided. -
•,ard is that the recipe used must accompapy the entry.
38. Girl's or'misscs skirt, wool blend 1,25 1:00
$. Girl'4juniper.l0_yearsand undcr 1.25 1,00
4- Girl's or boy's article of clothing'
made from denim... • .. , ..... • 1.25 1.00
5 ' _
• ,
- --:
h Section Nr '
Sect i o n . d
41. I k
41.Child's slat s, any fabric..... , 1.25 1.00
42. Child's jump suit, any fabric.. , , 1.25 1.00
' .75
• "'"
43. Boy's'sport shirt, ages•6. 12,years 1.50 1.25
`Committee -Mrs. Geo. Wheatley, pVtte. Ken Campbitll, Mrs.
Roy (,ommittee: Mrs. J.M.Scotl, `17rs. Robi.. McMillan,44,_•Ledies',or
ntisses Lingerie. 1 aifielr' 1:25 1.00
-.75 ,
"MeGonlgle, Mrs. Robt. Gemmell, Mrs. Keith Sharpe, Mrs. Alex Boyes• Mrs. John Bell, Mrs. Wilmer _
Ml's: James Devereaux, Mrs. Earl Dinsmore.
Broadfool. MW.' Gordon Rimmer, Mrs,
Special: "Stewart Bros " of Seaforth; for most
Francis Coleman, Mrs: Walter 'McClure,
+ Mrs. Nick Whyte, Jr.
paints to claasses' 21 44, 1st $3.00, 2nd. $2:00.
45. Ladies' or girl's 2;piecc
„ , 1. [,oaf white bread, entire•ori: st; y¢ast.. .1.50 ' 1.25 .1.00
outfit. casual...... i, 2.50 2.00
I.50 •
2. 1�oaf bro'rvn bread, entire crust, y ast..:.: ', 1.50 1.25 100 ..75
3. dl o'af fruit bread, entire crust, yeast......: '1.50 1.25 1 OQ
75 N.B. No person shall be allowed to, make nwi•e than one
, ..
; a ies or g r unlined jacket
46 Ladies' i s u'
or azer...
blazer.. 2�Q0 I
1,0 0
A. Six Clover Leaf bops, plain. yeast........ 1;50 1..25 ' 1.00
.75 entry in am 1sersion.�
Ai) exhibit< in competition must. be ticii and mast be
47. Ladies' 'twin set made from tfylon
-" the :cork (if the exhibitor, Special consideration given to
Speclali Seaforth Women's institute offers S$.00 for most points iiiyeast P g
jersey fabric • .... • .. ; . 3.00 2.00
48. Ladies' long dress,.,.�tiy suitable
Section N, classes I to 4 inclusive.
new work. Judges are requested to disqualify all soiled,
Speclali Arva Flour Mills offers one 24 Ib. bag of pastry
"defaced; i�' old work. If in anv class, the entries do not
merit a.pri,e. no prize will be given. In case of a tie, prize .
fabric • ....•.............. • .. 2.50 2.00
49. Ladies' long skirt, any suitable fabric2.00• 1.50
1.2.5 r
" flour to winner of most points in yeast section
IN) fosses 4.
nttnrcy will he evenly divided.
50. Lades blouse. any fabric,
c 1 to
suit bfetowearwrthskirt:.... • 1,50 1.2'5
- Si Angei Cake, unr• ed..° . . ............... .,
2.00 1150,;'1.00
. tsuitable
6. Chocolate"layer�ake, filling "2.00
75 j 1st:, , 2nd. 3rd. +
51, Misses or Ladies' Housecoat, any
fabric ..........: .. 1,50 1.25
with and iced. 4-50 x,;1.00
%'B>ina'na layer cake, with filling, iced.. , • , 2.00 •1.50 I,00
.75 1. Quilt, cotton, anappliqued •
.75 "Leaf" pattern ........ .:....... 3.00 2.08
ah "Ste Bros." '
Specl ° wart Br- , of Seaforth, for
B. Chiffon Cake, any flavor ..: . .......... 2:00 ' 1.50 1,00
:75 2. Quilt, praeticaln using odds -
Most paints in classes 45-51. Is( $3.00, 2nd.S2.00 '
9. Dark fruit cake, entire crust, . , . , . ...... 4.00 3.00 2.00 ,
L00 ends. an% design, ....... ,' 4,66 100 2,00-
-•Spec Laro St rocs G -
. Jfl. i igtlt Ec�lt oak .sRotitp cXpst. .� . 4,OQ 3,110 -2.00 1 0Q _ 3 �Qui(L �runrL stltctied..appliqut _io be
Slott", 5eaf6rthto the exhibitor
'11. Date and nut loaf ..... . ..... ... . ... 2.00 1.50 1.00
12Carrot arrot Loaf ......... ... : , 1...
:.. 00 150 100
,75 judged for quality of work and most 00 00 3
75 idi200
.attractive esgn..:•....... , .. `•^'^'4.. '
scoring ttiost points in. Seetlon.0, .
Home i!`ep+krt. cmer-w_
51. e
it cvalue"'
13. Pumpkin•.Loaf, Plain 2.D0 1.50 1,00
75 4. Quilt. machine stitched appiigye, ,
chaniltse voueher�to- •
14. Applesauce Cake, plaits.. , . , .. „, ,t.. 1,00 L50 1,110
.75 to tic ,"ud cd•-foryuxlity-of work
of 510,00,'2nd. 00 mprcliandlse' ,
f '$1 00
and most attractive design! , ... 4.00 3,00 2,00
;. Westar Bakerieu Specials Weston Bakeries Limited donates S. Quilt, judged for best design. and
s Grocery Voucher to the exhibitor with the
.indst points Irk elasai 5 to 14 yahred at 57.00.
q,p0 3.00 2.00'
quiltingilu , , , .Control,
Quilt. suttdbte for a boy's loon:. , . 4:00 3.00 . 2.0A
Sewing Clinton,•,
Speelali Arva'Flsur Mills donatesa 24, ib. bog of pastry
Specials Seato t I Wse$
dress :Misses t�153 6D aft vouthe
' flour tow her of most points in classes 5 to 14._
most .points In a 6 d .
S ;