HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-09-01, Page 34Seaforth Fall Fair Prize List (ctd.) WOMEN'S DIVISION Ladles DI siont of S-eqr.- Homemaking Section .f Women's Division Officers for 1977 / President • Mrs. Ken Campbell; Vice President •Mrs. W.J.11rompson; Sec.•Trcaa. • Mrs. Wm. H odgert;- , Committee Conveners: Home Ecopomlcs - Mrs. George •` r i c u A Iture' Society, y »,.... Wheatley; Canned Fruit $ Vegetables ,Mrs. George Wheatley, Home Depi., - Mrs. J. M. Soon; ARts & Crafts Mrs. Joh Bach; Floral Exhibits • Mrs. W.J.Thom son, - P 1. Will be serving ' c Elementary School -Paul Carroll. 2 9 Rules and R•egulanons kC All rules and regulations of Seaforth Agricultural Society apply to ,! w gWomen's Division, Also the'6116wing: departments to be in showroom 1. 1. -Articles for competition in indoor day iR before'12•o'clock noon, on the first day of the exhibition, and 'properlyr w F U L' L COURSE -HOT MEA ` ' located in their own departments. i* 2. Payment of $2.00• will constitute a .yearly membershjp.,and w' _... _ _ _, -- -- - - i - From H-crYi:"ti5-2 Ft.fTl, entitle the -member -so-paying-to-mMpetein-any or all of the regular f `- p iy permits ONE free ass Thursda or 'departments. p yFriday,Ref reshfnentslyvailable'from.,2p:m,on but only once: a 1 ^ I 3, Entry Fee: 15% deducted from :winnfngs over $5.01. _ _ • t . ' 4. All parties having paid their subscriptions and only such will entitled to compete. be ' "' BOOh,i iocatea on 1nfield f.r Track 4f i S. Prize winners to the amount of $5.00 or over are required to leave • membership, fee for 1978. I. 6, All, articles exhibited must be the work of the exhibitor. ° 1 Professional exhibitors are barred. r l "k 7. All fruit, flowers and vegetables exhibited must have ..been CANDY: " MATS produced on farm or in garden of the. exhibitoi. 15 Maple Cream, approximately '/r ib, ...... , L50 1:00 .75 .50 , 7: Mat, made from "Fun fur", • .. 3.00 2.00 1.00 d 8, No competitor will be.entitled to m6re than one prize in any one 46 Chocolate Fudge, approximately yr Ib. t.$a.-1..00- 1Sx ---,50--- 8,•Ma( lirret400ked=on turke. onvast X1.00 3,00 2.00 `. • class of a section in h door department ____._- COOWIES-=" SQDARES: - _ i>? Mat. miide out of used matc0al 4.00 3:00 - 2.00'• ,. 9-Compe t ort to make entries with the secretary fol' the indoor 17,Seven chocolate brownies, iced...... , ... 1.25 I,00 ..7,5 ,5l? " Nc�+' and up-to-date work. oni.y. accepted. . .'departments not later than 11:30 a. m; on the first day of the. exhibition. 18 Seven Baked Peanut Butter cookies...... 1.25- 1.00 :7.5 .SU � d :- Judging of all classes in indoor departments to commence at h00 r ING-ROOM-hND--BEDROOM'-FttltNiSHIN'GS p.m, 19 Seven baked oata cal eo9kies-rolled -1 •25-• i 09--- 5-- r50. 10: Judec ,will be particularly -requested to have re ar o merit it a I even oatmeal date squares .,........ 1.25 1.110-: .75 ,50. 10. Cush um �roo{ or wool blend. articles exhibited for competition, and, to withhold any prizes, if they SPECIAL: Seafonh-Creameryv td, offers 5lbs.-Mayfair-Sandwicl Spread Mwileted.......'..:.. :... "1,25 I;00 .75 consider the. article. undeservin .' for the best Oatmeal Date °S uares. 11, Cushion', fancy..... ....,, 1,25 1,00 75 11. Point System - in indoor exhibits; 1st 5. points: .2nd. 3 po,intS,; 3rd 1 Special: Ana Flour M01s donates a 24 Ib,..,bag of pastry 12• Cushiein, practical....'......... 1,25 1, 00. ,75 point, 4th !/z point. flour to winner of most, points in .classes 17 to 20, 13,' Neediepoin't. k'orwall h anging 2.00 1.50 .75 .' A' ~ c �/"�1 CAED PIES:2I: Pumpkin Pic. , .. ' .......: ....: A.50b 1,25 1'.00 .75 14• I Pillow casc.,caloured hand' „ V'N FRUITS &--VEGETABLES 22. Cherry Pie, lattice top... .. • . 1,50 1,25 1..00 • 7S 23, Lemon Pic, not prepared filling . ,- . ; 1.50 1.25 1.00 75 - , I. embroidery. • ... • ....... 1.2,5 1.00 -• 15. • 1 Pillow ease, crocheted'edging 1.25 1.00 Ili. 1 Pillow case, suitable foe :.75,. , .75 24. Raisin Pie' :.:.... . ....... • ...:. , ... i.50 1:00 75 i:... - ` cheild's mom not "Cat transfer" t Sect I o n L 25. Apple Pic, no ice..: 1.50 1,25 1:00 75 Pp P .. donates Ib. bag ,... ccjj sign... ..... .. . • .. h.25 '.00, 1 7 S �pectal: Arva Flour Mills a 24 oi-'pastry. 17. Presser scarf, judged for hand Committee- Mrs,Geo. Wheatley, Mrs. Ray McGon(gle, Four to winner gfmask points in classes 21 to 25• tmbmideu' bound edging..... 1.2S 100 75 Mrs. Robt. Gemmell, Mrs. "Keith ;Sharpe, Mrs. Ken TARTS: 18. Afghan xrllehcted ;wool ar tenni Campbell, Mrs. Alex Bo es, Mrs. Jas.Devereaux, Mrs. 26, Seven butter tarts... ..... .. _, 1,50... 1.25 1.00`" ' .75 blend- . ......... ....... ....:. 4:00 3.00 2:00: " Earl Dinsmore. 27 -=seven -baked Jarot teYis^ .: • .. 1.50 1.25 1.00 _ _' 75 ----- - 19. Afghon, knuted s,oal fwEio{ blend -4-003:00 2:00- " Alf7am s, Jehles and Marmalades to be labelled 28,-Seven-lemorrtarts ; .":-230 1.25 1..00 75 20• Afghan, any other kind ..... , . 4.00 3,00 2.00 _ --=-Prizes t tis 25;-Ist--5'( 25 2nd 51.;• 3rd. - "75c 4tft`.SOc SPECIAL' Seaforth Creamery Ltd. offers 5lbs. mayfair Sandwich Spread l'tiiifec o0 for most paints in classes �. . Class,CAKNED FRUIT 'Sfrawbcrries. MISCELLANEOUS: 7-20, 1st prize $4:00;` 2tid. $3'.00: 1. .. t 2. Peaches • 29. -Seven T5a Biscuits...' ................ 1.50 1.0 0 .75 Special: Seaforth Creamery Ltd. offers 5 lbs. Mayfair Sandwich Spread for KNITTED AND CROCHETED ARTICLES, _ 3._Psars first prize. Woof or wool blend may, be used. 4. Plums • 30., Seven Bran Muffins. ..:.......... .... 1.50 1,00 `or 4: Baby Sct yellow' or white, bonnet 5, Red Raspberries:,, 6. Fruit Cocktail Spocial:.Seaforth Creamery Ltd.. offers S lbs. Mayfair Sandwich Spread for ' and sweater crocheted, ... • .:. 1.25 1.00 22, Childs tam or toque. knified in .75, CANN>D VEGETABLES " _ _ . first prize. (;"', 31. Add your imagination to a cake mix, not decorated, flavor counts, t two colours :. :0� 75' 23.' Child"s mittcnc. to match above .50 ;. . " 7, Whole Tomatoes recipe'attached..•........................ 2.00 1.50 1;00 75 Special: Seaforth Jewellers donates a $5.00 merchandise ,certificate to tam orbyuc •.00 . ,75 50 8. Tomato Juice winner, of most points. classes I to 31, redeem b.Child's P y Nov.t`{ov. 15177. ' vest or shrink. crpcheted'.. PICKLES i ••••••" 9. Chili Sauce f - 10. Bread & Butter Pickles SPECIALS: 32. Three ways of serving hamburger. , ..... , ....:............. 4.00 3.00 2.00. , 1.00 ' ' 6• IO years .:... . � • • • �, • � • • •{ 1.25 1.00 25) Child's poncho or cape. crocheted b- tO- Ars1.25 I.00 .?5 33. Six ways of serving tomatoes... - . o . - . , . 4,00 3:00 - 2.00 L00 .....:...........i. .75 11. Icicle Pickles ? 26. Child's, hooded jacket, knitted', 12.Pjckled Beans' '. exhibitors scoring the most points to Section N. Home Economics, tges•1 • 3X Year's • , .. ..... 1.25 L;00The 1 13. Hot Dog Relish will receive merchandise, vouchers to the value of: most poins $10.00, - •.'"""'Z7`tGO yorbov'spullover, knitted I;SO 1.25•-'1.00- 14. Pickled Corn Cobs runner=up 55.00 courtesy George A. Sills &.Sons Hardware, 28.' Girl's or bov's'cardigan or jacket. 15. Dill Pickles, sweet Chocolate Cake Speclal5 i`adbury Schwepps Powell Ltd. Fry's long Slcevcs, lilain•or patterned. " balky knit (Label ' Special: Club House Foods Ltd. donates a prize to the _ makers of • varn nd sample exhibitor scoring the most points in classes 9 Cocoa offer the followib razes for the best iced or frosted e ht or nine g p g attached) .. . : . .............. t r75 1..25 ..1.00 " to 15. .. ..• . inch... chocolate Myer cake baked; with Fry's Cocoa. Frosting may ,tie ' 29. Ladieson p cho or cape. crocheted 1.75 1.25 1:00 JAMES-)ELLIES chocolate, or other flavour. Entries must be exhibited with'a Fry's.Cocoa 30. Ladies' modern cardigan or.jacket, 16. 'Pear Marmalade. Label.•One Prize to any one contestant. Ist. Prize, $5.00; 2nd. $3.00: 3rd: crocheted, ( Label and sample 17. Black Currant•J-city $2.00. t attached).... , .'..... 3:00 2.00 1.00. 18. S�rawberrv' Jani, Cooked 3t: Ladihs' nrodenr cards an.or jacket g j 19.. Raspberry Jam. cooked William Neilson Ltd. makers' dreiiocolate and cocoa, offer two pounds of knitted. (Label and sample i L 20. Apple Jelly,chocolates for.the best chocolate•cake made. Wth Neilson's Jersey Cocoa, alt li teed).' . ,3:00 2.00 100 `. T 21 '•Red Currant'Jelly ;jroviding that the empty c coa tin. with label attached, is displayed with _Mail's sox, fine knit,..- , I:OU 75 Any .50-- 22, Any other variety of^'Jam or Jelly: muss be labeled. 22, fl t_e�cakc. ,33. other knitted article, not listed _ __ r 23. Collecnati of canned fruit (pints), 6 varieties: 1,2. 00 NL'vv 75 .. Prizes. 1st. - $1.00: 2nd. -S2.00; 3rd, $1.00; 4th •.75c Crispyflake Speciate - nndatip to date %ork,•only, . 24. Three jars of jam decorated fora t M.Schneider td., of Kitchener., offers five one -pound cartons of , ' �» p accte ted 3. • ' p (: 3 do 34).. 00; 4th .751 ' $1.00: 4th - .75c ; 2ndy Prizes: Ist. 52.00; 2nd.51.50;, 3rd. - „ Crispyflake to eacti,of the first prize winnersi' in classes }'6 25 anti`, 26 �' ' i i providing nn 'empty• carton of Crispy,.flake ishortening is djsplayed with 34. Am^ otller ct•ocheted article not ,. listed. any media .......... ;, 1.25 1.00 „ •..75 t: Classes Lto.8 to be exhiWed,.in sealed pints,• . each entry. pp )• SEWING Classes 9 to 22 to be exhibited in; small jars. ' • Best dish of Bake d Beans Special: ea P havc.sam is attached) 14 2nd 3rd + SPECIAL- Dong Gail Schroeder- (Winthrop Store'{ The Ontario.Bean Producers Marketing Board offers special peizes for the g p 35. Cobbler apron. . .. . . : ........ T.'OO .50 '• donatt:$10.00toa NEW exhibitor scoring the r $1 }t "Best Dish of Baked BcansYflst'prize $5.00; 2ttd: $3.00; 3rd. $2.00. A 36. Halfapron. rron, modern design.... I;00 .75 1 37, Girl's i - 1,00 50 " most.points in classes l to 24. In case of tie, condition of the priz@ awardedby the Ontaribl3ean'Producers Marketing %inter nightgown. .... .75 .50 money" iv81 lie divided. - •,ard is that the recipe used must accompapy the entry. 38. Girl's or'misscs skirt, wool blend 1,25 1:00 $. Girl'4juniper.l0_yearsand undcr 1.25 1,00 75 .75 - HQME ECONOMlCS - • HOME DEPARTMENT.- 4- Girl's or boy's article of clothing' made from denim... • .. , ..... • 1.25 1.00 .75-- 5 ' _ • , - --: -:- h Section Nr ' Sect i o n . d "' 41. I k 41.Child's slat s, any fabric..... , 1.25 1.00 42. Child's jump suit, any fabric.. , , 1.25 1.00 .75 ' .75 • "'" 43. Boy's'sport shirt, ages•6. 12,years 1.50 1.25 1.00'"" `Committee -Mrs. Geo. Wheatley, pVtte. Ken Campbitll, Mrs. Roy (,ommittee: Mrs. J.M.Scotl, `17rs. Robi.. McMillan,44,_•Ledies',or ntisses Lingerie. 1 aifielr' 1:25 1.00 -.75 , "MeGonlgle, Mrs. Robt. Gemmell, Mrs. Keith Sharpe, Mrs. Alex Boyes• Mrs. John Bell, Mrs. Wilmer _ Ml's: James Devereaux, Mrs. Earl Dinsmore. Broadfool. MW.' Gordon Rimmer, Mrs, Special: "Stewart Bros " of Seaforth; for most • BRE -AD AND ROLLS: Francis Coleman, Mrs: Walter 'McClure, + Mrs. Nick Whyte, Jr. paints to claasses' 21 44, 1st $3.00, 2nd. $2:00. 45. Ladies' or girl's 2;piecc „ , 1. [,oaf white bread, entire•ori: st; y¢ast.. .1.50 ' 1.25 .1.00 .75 parr outfit. casual...... i, 2.50 2.00 I.50 • 2. 1�oaf bro'rvn bread, entire crust, y ast..:.: ', 1.50 1.25 100 ..75 3. dl o'af fruit bread, entire crust, yeast......: '1.50 1.25 1 OQ 75 N.B. No person shall be allowed to, make nwi•e than one , .. ; a ies or g r unlined jacket 46 Ladies' i s u' or azer... blazer.. 2�Q0 I 1,0 0 A. Six Clover Leaf bops, plain. yeast........ 1;50 1..25 ' 1.00 " .75 entry in am 1sersion.� Ai) exhibit< in competition must. be ticii and mast be ...,...•...... 47. Ladies' 'twin set made from tfylon -" the :cork (if the exhibitor, Special consideration given to Speclali Seaforth Women's institute offers S$.00 for most points iiiyeast P g SP jersey fabric • .... • .. ; . 3.00 2.00 48. Ladies' long dress,.,.�tiy suitable 1.00 Section N, classes I to 4 inclusive. new work. Judges are requested to disqualify all soiled, Speclali Arva Flour Mills offers one 24 Ib. bag of pastry "defaced; i�' old work. If in anv class, the entries do not merit a.pri,e. no prize will be given. In case of a tie, prize . fabric • ....•.............. • .. 2.50 2.00 49. Ladies' long skirt, any suitable fabric2.00• 1.50 1.2.5 r 1.00 " flour to winner of most points in yeast section IN) fosses 4. nttnrcy will he evenly divided. 50. Lades blouse. any fabric, c 1 to CAKES: QUILTS suit bfetowearwrthskirt:.... • 1,50 1.2'5 tA0 - Si Angei Cake, unr• ed..° . . ............... ., 2.00 1150,;'1.00 . tsuitable 6. Chocolate"layer�ake, filling "2.00 75 j 1st:, , 2nd. 3rd. + / 51, Misses or Ladies' Housecoat, any fabric ..........: .. 1,50 1.25 1.00 with and iced. 4-50 x,;1.00 %'B>ina'na layer cake, with filling, iced.. , • , 2.00 •1.50 I,00 .75 1. Quilt, cotton, anappliqued • .75 "Leaf" pattern ........ .:....... 3.00 2.08 ah "Ste Bros." ' Specl ° wart Br- , of Seaforth, for B. Chiffon Cake, any flavor ..: . .......... 2:00 ' 1.50 1,00 .4.00 :75 2. Quilt, praeticaln using odds - Most paints in classes 45-51. Is( $3.00, 2nd.S2.00 ' 9. Dark fruit cake, entire crust, . , . , . ...... 4.00 3.00 2.00 , L00 ends. an% design, ....... ,' 4,66 100 2,00- -•Spec Laro St rocs G - . Jfl. i igtlt Ec�lt oak .sRotitp cXpst. .� . 4,OQ 3,110 -2.00 1 0Q _ 3 �Qui(L �runrL stltctied..appliqut _io be or Slott", 5eaf6rthto the exhibitor '11. Date and nut loaf ..... . ..... ... . ... 2.00 1.50 1.00 12Carrot arrot Loaf ......... ... : , 1... :.. 00 150 100 ' ,75 judged for quality of work and most 00 00 3 75 idi200 .attractive esgn..:•....... , .. `•^'^'4.. ' scoring ttiost points in. Seetlon.0, . Home i!`ep+krt. cmer-w_ 51. e it cvalue"' 13. Pumpkin•.Loaf, Plain 2.D0 1.50 1,00 75 4. Quilt. machine stitched appiigye, , chaniltse voueher�to- • 14. Applesauce Cake, plaits.. , . , .. „, ,t.. 1,00 L50 1,110 .75 to tic ,"ud cd•-foryuxlity-of work of 510,00,'2nd. 00 mprcliandlse' , f '$1 00 , and most attractive design! , ... 4.00 3,00 2,00 g ;. Westar Bakerieu Specials Weston Bakeries Limited donates S. Quilt, judged for best design. and s Grocery Voucher to the exhibitor with the .indst points Irk elasai 5 to 14 yahred at 57.00. q,p0 3.00 2.00' quiltingilu , , , .Control, Quilt. suttdbte for a boy's loon:. , . 4:00 3.00 . 2.0A Sewing Clinton,•, ... Speelali Arva'Flsur Mills donatesa 24, ib. bog of pastry u. Institute,$Sa00. Specials Seato t I Wse$ stre dress :Misses t�153 6D aft vouthe ' flour tow her of most points in classes 5 to 14._ " en;s most .points In a 6 d . S ; °