HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-09-01, Page 33'TH E HURON EXPOSITOR,' SEPTEMBER 1, 1877 '-513'
s Seaforth Fall Fi6ir'Prize List (ctd.) Ptizemoney paid in each. of the Sections will be: $45; $35• $25;$20o _
t MS: $13: $10; $8: $6. WHITE BEANS
In order for our Society to be eligible for the 50% Federal prize'money Final score bused i00% on field score.
s, ti j grant, there MUST be three'exhibitors in each breed or grotips of,breeds. Must exhibit I Ot• of white bdans at, fair to be eligible for prize. .
If there are not three ,Pkhibitors the Society, will pay 50% of the'prize Additional entries until Aug. 15/77,
money offered: - Contact l.ewIsCoyne
Canad(an Idtperial Bank of Commerce; Seaforth• offers a silver tray to
any one,' breeder with most points in .any one breed. Lewis P. Coyne Russet Bolton
Robert Fotheringham Art' Bolton
Donald- Moylan Ken. Carnochan
1 Gerry O'Reilly '�!� Robert Dalton t Jim Henderson „
Tom Melody
J S �1ar Stc%%'art .': r.., ClIA" s Downey ., .
Elsa• Wheatley
ti A, = W.G.Thumpson, Hensall, donated $50.00 iowards,pdze
money In white bean class.
j'rt money in Field Crop q lst$19 2nd $18; 3rd $17;.4tq�S1(t; Sth $15; - •-
r .' . 6th $14; 7th $t3'>th 12; tfi $71; /0th 3t0; all other:ex�iibiting $6.00
_ • ._.. each :
.. w
EGGS-.! Section G Seaforth Farmers Co -Operative donated $SO towards'
these prizes.
Committee,- Claxg Reith, Stuart Wilson, Thomas Young Top Noich Feeds, Seaforth' doomed $50: Towards these
Judged Thurs. prizes.
SeafpHh News Printing Office offers ss'latlonery valued at
ADULT SECTION, G - 3 � $10 to the winner of most- points in, this section.
Prizes: Ist, $4.0012nd.•$3.60; 3rd, $2.00; 4th; 5(:00
1 1, 2 1A dozen Brown Eggs. 2. 2'h Dozen White Eggs. 3. Special s3 06 for
best trava ult Section) donated by United Dairy -and Poultry
Co -On ativ
Cr calor-tfi-BraiiCh
GRAIN - Section, J, - rx
4 -mmillee-I Lcwis-Gov "-.b'A-F then e s
.� Go 1►►gtium,, en mm II, '` � ► _..
Gordon Pryc •l
(Entries in this class must be in by 11 o'clock) :
1. Alfalfa Seed, !h bnslicl ........ . .. . ." , ... 5 4 3 2
1 2. Timothy, '/r bushcl .'. , . . , . , ..... , 5 4 3 2 +
vz 3, RedClover• 16 bushcl ... . .. . . . ... . 5 • 4 3 2
4. Fall Wheat. 1/i bushel . ...... . . . .. . .... . .. 5,-.-4 3 2
k . a -75, Barley, 1/1 bushel, 2 -row ....... 1. . 1. . 54 3 2
r(•` SaBarlev,!/2 bushel - 6 -row. . , . , 5 4 3 2 yt¢,
SbBarlcy, 'h bushcl, open to exhibitbrs who have
riot prpOously won a prize at Scaforth•Fair
in Grain Section. . ..... . .... ........ 5 4 3 2, z r .
Malting Barley. 1/2 bushel ............... 5 4 3 2
. 7. Oats,'/2 bushel..'..,..,.:........ .... .5 ;_4 '3',. 2_
8, Oats, '12 bushel;'open to exhibitors who have
tit not previously -won a prize at Seaforth
9, Mixed Oats and Barley, 'h Bushel.. , .•.... .5 4 3 ""2 C• '
10. White Bean§ Y2 bushel...... , . ' . , ... . 7,' S, 44 _•3 „
+ •' H'
Champion '!z bushel class I 10 Ribbon
4 ` 12. in
Corn on Cob. $cars . .... . ... . . .. 4 3 2 2
13, Ensilage Corn, 1•sheafof eight stalks....... 4 3 2 2.
PIGS Section F ' Each additional. entry Classes
1-10, 12 and 13: $1.00 if so merited : €
2� R• E. McMillan donates $S' to above prize's
Cgmmitlea - Donald Dodds, Robert McMillan, Fmncis•Huro, 14. Bale of first Cut hav ...:..... , ........... 4 . 3 2 2
eo. Townsend.
Ci W, 15, :Bale of second -cut or third -cut hay.,....... 4„ 3 2 2 s
16.,,Fieldchoppedhay.first'cut,Vroushel,-..:t • 4., 3 2' '2. "
: Stiction F. I Yorkshire Section F -2'-..j andrace and Lacombe 17. Field chopped hay•sec6ndcut.'/2 yushel.. , 4 3 2 2>F
Section F-3 - Anther Breeds
...."' Seaforth Jewellers offers a $5•merchandise voucher
-• -' 1976 SWINE CLASSIFICATIONS to winner of most points in Section J.'
1: Number of Classifications for .Swine '
The classifications may be offered -to itidividu Breeds which have
" registered in a Canadian herdbook4,t,least a min�mum of 1000 head in
the Plus las es year.
p g Y , R'40TS-.-&--�EGETA�LES
2. Six Classes for Breeding Animals ,. - i� ,. ,,.,� t
t ",interbreed" Single Barrow Class (Optional). All breeding
clas"entriitor. Aes to be com u d from the date of birth'to th a first daes must be owned, by, and.registered in the name of, the �` mw r
g p t& Y `' sA "S
of tlic'month in which the fair opens and no animal to become ineligible
"t9. -show; during the duration ,of the show.
t' A. BoarsII
(1) 8 months and under 10 months of age a �t Comih)tiee: Mrs. Ron Drlscoll,'Mrs.,&WFotfierin ham
(2) 6 months and under 8 'months of age. " '` d $ r
-. w- iy' Mrs
r 4 rFt r ia,9'i g -
.. i - WBfred lira er -
B. Gilts' Prizes for all classes except 40 to he $1.50; $1.06; .75e
(1)10 months and under 12 months of age (evidence of being in pig) Class
(2)- 8 months•„und under 10 months of age, 1. Five tomatocs.1red'.
°(31 6 -months and under-9monthsof age r Fivc tomatoes.' yellow,
` - C. Breeders Herd :
J. Five Spanish onions
i A group of 4 animals. Both sexes to bgjg.prfsented. Each anima) 4: Five yellow onions from .dutch sets'.
in the group must have.been exhibited in one of the above classes. FIELD CROP COMPETITIONS 5.' Five Red Onions.
Entries must meet with the requirements set out in General Rules f (b), „ 6. 3 cucumbers,. slicing,'rnot over 12
Group Classes. Final Score based on 75% Field score, 25% exhibit at Fair 7• Five cucumbers, pickling, not over 6". "
8. Gherkins, quart box.
��• �-, BARLEY- 9. W.hitc,bearis, shelled, quart box,
10. Butter beans, shelled, quart box.' i
i- - - -- Arthur B 1►ori adds garden variety .,
Robt.l Fotherin h, I Ll :ve' i`Ekliii "H¢et S.
Russell. Stilton g aiti p $'
Mae Stewart 12' Five'. table .beets.
r �,>< '• .'' 2r• Ken Campbell '
Donald Mo lan 13• Fi3e'ta le carrots, short,
Ken Ca Wheatley
, erso •' . , Five table carrots, lon
• .,,... _ ._.,L_ �--�- - � .».,, .1 WhcaHey ..dhn Hend" 1 g.
15. Five'table parsnips.
n' '
ii bushel of barley; must be exhibited at Fair peppers,
-` _Z , ib. Five 'red
• ` - 17., Five peppers. greens•,,,..
M!XEDGRAfi�t^ 1' 8:"T%16'sunflower beads _
o'caul)Flower heads.. i' • , 19. Ttv
20. Two' fall cabbages,.
Gerry O'Reilly e ' 21. Two winter cabbages. :.
Stanley HRlen Francis Hicknell - 22: Two red cabbages.
Jose, Pother ngl Tori Malady 23. Two' Savo cabbages.
o Robl: Fothcringham Gordan Pa le Y $
(toss Gordon PP 24. Two pepper squash. .
Charles Downey`
Henderson : 25. Two m uskmelops. '
•a, tlh ,<„ m rson ,
Ji ,
• ' 26, Two r
--:'/2•liushel'utgrainmustbe,exhiblEedattheFair, -" 27. Two pie pumpkins, 7" diameter maximum'.
3. R.O.P. Requirements for.Entries in Classes for Breeding Animals. 1, 28. Tic6 hpbbard'squash,
- All breeding class entries must be enrolled in or have completed a R.O.P. CORN 29. One yellow field pumpkin.
l _ _.test. 1.1 1 30. Two swede turgtps: feed.
Ken Campbell Stanley Hfilen 31. Three table turn: s: Connell's phFpIo top. `
Entries 220 days of a$e or younger at the time of judging which have not Lewls Coyne Tom Malady '32.. Six quart basket. Irish cobbler potatoes,; un6ashgd.
completed.a R.Oi P. test must Dhow on the record of the sire. Ken. CArff Fan lyotr M tan 33. Six quart basket Sebago potatoes,, --
Jos. Deve aux .. �^ Mac Siaw rt X. aix.-quart-baske't`Ted"-p6taides,..unwashp ed
Entries which.have completed test or are oldei'than 220 days of age at the ds FYands Hick���ne 1 - -gaart basket any other kind, correctly named.
g p. ddrds... -__
_N- _-_ Y B Donald b eringho l 'Wheatley ` 46. 'Collection- of squash. 5 varieties, nathed.
-t _Robt«.fo' 37, Lar est cabbage.t
Ross Go onx -'"-�Huold Price B,...,„
time of ludgin ,must show on their own're
Boar Petfortilani a Test or Homa Test 1Plpgratii "• �.rg pryer, Gairry l)'Renly 38 Largegt potato.
Adjusted Age to 200 lbs. live weight - 175 .da s Jhn Heridetagn 39: Largest pumpkin or squash.
Adjusted-Raokfat tp 200 lbs:. live. weight' he as 40. Collection o gard4n produce, three of each, numbers
Sire Progency Tpst3 ' f tight ttatks and ei hhe cobs ofcortt must be exhibited of types and ,quality to be considered. Y
A sheaf u
Average Daily Galn an Teat ! 891bs/day or higher' ; at the Pair. Y
Totatfat 3.8 ins. of (owes 9 w k,. 1 lrisaNt' i albl >Cf.00j ;:d0; g!.(Id:
It is m"41%loty that' todai tion lei ults be liaEk¢ on the entry ft)rm , 5111 t2At S Ts rritp soft q, jiatidts it1 Slect3iwlit K, a �
" ww'liittl:a lir'th`i1 fait'
. tlttliltlitle; it ole' ia''publhlltedi :. ., � ythir+a stlbsrrfjtlwt 1'i 7r'1ii NttM 8itltmwr '
_^, ,. x....� ,,;,... ,,., r. .___•c,, ,_� ,_,- .;_•__ t ,.: , - _. ,.,,,r „ , ,., r , . , ,. ,1`^i ,. , , ,,,., t „„.,r. fi. • • ,,.. ,,., u.0