HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-09-01, Page 32RON--E-X-P'OSLTOR-,---SE-RYEMBEA. �'--�1�.. THE f'FULt. f RECORDS MUST BE AVAILABLE AT#INGSIDE The registration certificate for each respective animal must show the a br and fo th Fall Fair Prize IFtS# (ctd.) DEFl irION OF AN ENTRY in partnership.. art 'sdt the e exhibitor as ".breeder" s "owner" - in both cases either as" an •. , $eQ �' • „ � individual of an animal a r t e�hjoi t�lu(geder.eofiantanimall be n ividua r owner" t n o , y.__ _ ����,► Breeding elassesc _ _3he anunafs-must be: _• Far tht purpose . aS _the 1974' Classifications an entry shall• be I •,_Owned and bred by the exhibitor, or interLtreted as follows: 2. Jointly owned and bred by, the exhibitor, or '- i5 ) 3. Owned and jointly«bred by the exhibitor, or All registered cattle, whether owned by one-person or by more than one 4• Jointly owned and jointly bred by the exhibitor. person (individually or jointly) which are maintained on one farm or s " % breeding unit, are considered to be the production of one farm or breeding All entries must be owned by and registered in the -name of the exhibitor. i t:« C unit. Production Record (B.C.A.) +.' .. , n -Where"in or common interests are involved in more than one dairy breeding operation such operations are considered as One Breeding In those classes where a certain minimum B.C.A. for milk is a requisite , Unit. �. for entry, either R.O.P. records or'records 'issued under D.H.1.A. (Standard Plan) in British 'Columbia Saskatchewan Manitoba and (b) Group Classes. Ontario,' are acceptable. t F ' 4W �. -. ill F�ki r ., G• , .., % � r y Vk}ri i t t , r ANNUAL SEAFORTH ' AIR t FALL F r 3 , DANCE - Kr �e3t ri v t DAIRY CATTLE- Section CStan `na e Committee - Gordan-Papple; eunvener - - i— Sec. C-3-Holsten Sec.C-►Guernseys - Sec. C-2•'Ayrshires ,. (Polka King) Brucellosis con exhibited, at the Fair wit require a negative test -for E&celloCEPT being. within 60 days of the opening day, of the, FAiR. SEAFORTH AREA ' 1) Bulls under, 8 months,..of age . _..._ «. 2) Steers It is the responsibility of the+ exhibitors to contact the Health of'Animals to b Branch office serving their area, at least 3 weeks prior to' the- " •• •- "" ' Scat u Mrd a_ Sc m commencement of the fair., The tests will be conducted by an officer of the Y Branch, free of charge. - --- , NO. CATTLE WiLL BE ALLOWED ENTRY TO THE FAIR WHICH DO H, " NOT MEET THE HEALTH REQUIREMENTS ABOVE. _. OPTION (l "'Plus the Interbreed Bes ''Udder Class ANIMALS .: } Dancing 4'-1 .uple 7.Q0 per co FV' All entries must a owned by and registered in the name of the exhibitor. f �..'..,.ki w....r 1. BAP _............. ,' Date of Birth d From dam with at least one July 1, 1976 June completed record with a •30, 1977 iSentor minimum B.C.A. of.120 for milk. and Junior Calf) 2 Bull Jul I, 1975 "June 30, From dam with at least one y . PERTH-HURON JERSEY BREEDERS PARISH SHOW completed record with 'mini- 1976 (Senior and Junior, • mum B C A.of 120 for milk. yearling) - S OFFICERS Section ENTRIES t male Jul "I, 1975-June30, PaulRobirwson 1976_ 3• Female dam with'at least one Resident l.Bull . Born July 1, June 30; 1977 Fram`a dam with at least one From 1976 Seniar'and'Junior -Fred Armstrong completed record with a mini ( lst, Vice.President g completed record with a minimum B.C.A.. 115% for milk Ycarlin) . Richard A la mum B.C.A. of 115 formilk gr2nd. Vice President_ . g '• + Sccrctarv.Treasurcr Mrs. Richard Agla '2, Female. Born January' 1, 1976 June 30,•J976- Junior.Y darling, from r 4. Female. Judge John White.. St. Thoni5s. dam with atleast one completed record with a nitnimum B.C.A. I IS% In milk or dry. if dr must July 1, 1974 • Junc:30, „ y y 1975 (2 car old)• REGULATIONS. or milk. be within approximately B y 1. Com etition open to_ Perth and Huron Counties• f Weeks of calving. - � 3. Female, Born July 1.,,1975,- December 30. 1975. Senior Yeariing,'in Must be either from a dam with at least one completed record with d' 2: Exhibitors must become members of the Scaforth` Agricultural milk, and/or in calf, From darn with at least one record with a Minimum B.C.A, of 115 for milk, or. the "entry' must have attained a' and also the Perth-Horan Jersey Club'. minimum B C;A. IIS% for milk;.• production -record equivalent, to s minimum B.C.A. of 115for milk.'•3. Qcncral rules of the Scaforth Agricultural Socicty'shall govern except y' here specie! rules'of this show- apply.' .."4. Female, Born July 1,, 1974 - June 30,197S. In milk or dry. If dr must S. Female' Jul 1, 1973 •June 30, 4. Entry fee is 15% of the prize moneywon. y how _.rbc within.8 weeks of calving. B.C.A. i!5% or from dam with B.C.A. In milk or dry. If dry', must be u S g g P y IIS% for milk. 5. All cattlemust be on the rounds b 11, a.m: the da of the s ' 'within approximately 8 weeks T974(3yearold) J d m will commence at t2:30, m: No animals will be allowed to . of calving• ' leave the grounds before 5:00 p.m. . _ 5 Female Born July 1 1973 June 30, 1974 in milk or dry. If dry "'At-least one record with a minimum, B.C.A. of 115 for milk, 6. All exhibitors must gat a Herd Wealth -Certificate from: must be within 8 weeks of calving. 'B.C.A, 115% or from daq# with Hcitlth of Animals Branch Health of Adimals-Branch • Canada Dept. of Agriculture Canada Dept. of A ciculture(, 4 O.Female p l In milk or dry. If dry' , must be within July t, 1972' c 30..._•_._, 307 Federal Building P.O"Box 730, Federal Building 6. Female, Born July I,,1972 • June 30, 1,973 In milk or, dry. If dr must }• approximately 8 wdek,'s'ofcalving. 1973 (4 ycalioid). STRATFORD;Omario: SEAFORTH, Ontario be within 8 weeks of Calvin At least ongcomplefed record with a At least one record with .a'minimum B.C.A., of 115 for milk. 7• Pedigrees and R.O.P. records must be produced when animals enter '& 'minimum B.C.A. l 15'%,'milk, the ring and must be.registcred in the name of the exhibitor at the time, t 7 'Femal4" 8. of the show. • Female, Born -prior to July f''1912 . In'milk, At least one record with a" Prior to July 1972.,,. 7 "fiti''iililfC or dry.-If dry must be within of entries will be limited to qt+e per class, with the exception minimum B.C.A. I 15%a milk. approximately, 8 weeks of calving: : (5 years old and up) that every exhibitor may show, two animals,in two classes of his own At least one record with timinimum B.CA. of 115 for milk. choice 8. FemaiC-. DRY Mu'st'bt: within 8 weeks' of calving. At least one record 9. All cattle hetrig exhibited•at the show wi4 require' a negative test for.. with a minimum I#.C.A. 125% for milk. An animal shown in this class 8 DAt least one record with a..min'rucellosis conducted withfn'60 days of'the date of the e show except: cannot bb'shown in any other class for single animals. But may be minimum- S.C.A.B.C.A• of 125 for milk. a.-Official Brucellosis vaccinates under 24 mo: � f age shown in the "Group 'Class". Must have completed her last lactation ` An animal shown in this class•cannot be shown in any other classes for b. , Bulls under 8 mo. ,of age { • within 120 days of the date of the show. single animals, including the best udder 'class; but may be shown in c. Animals oriintin g S g frrucellosi free herd. the'^-Breeders Herd.". t �': 9 Junior Champion Female -• Ribbon , om a Brucellosis f -= 9-,:Breedcrs-Herd (bred and owned by exhibitor) yY Reserve' Junior Champion Female - Ribbon Group'of 4• animals, but-not more than been bull. Ribbon � f0: Senior Champion Female -- Ribbon Each animal in the-:group. must .have been exfi-ibited in nne of the classes for single animals or, in the Inter breed• best Udder Class. The e Reserve; Senior;Ghetnpion Female -- R'b registration certifid%6 "for' each. respective animal `must show thi e e G n m b 11. Grand Champion Ferttale'-- Ribbon' Reserve rand Champion FE ale -- ib on � exhibif5l"as "breeder" and as '"owner"' -r= in'lroifi cases.► a "S': ori .- 12. Groupof four animals, •bred and owned by eithibitor . individual or in partnership• In other words, the exhibitor may be a own m one e not more than one bull and each animal must have been shown of the above ;'joint owner'.'-of an animal and/or the "joint breeder" of an animal. classes or in the Interbreed Udder Class.. J'I All the-animals must be Froin one farm or breeding unit.l PRIZES . ....#.� The, prize list is. made .n of funs to the extent of Sl•000, under s� . Special p Q Note Inter breed Udder Competition. Dairy Cattle 1 59aforth . Agricultural Society authorizes two 'entries per class m-a•,eategary No. 6 of the Federal Prize List. contributed by the Perth-Huron , minimum of two classes in Section Cl, C2 & C3. Interbreed Udder Class Jersey Club. Ontario Livestock Branch„ Scaforth , Agricultural Society, M excepted: Federal Department of Agriculture and the Councils of Perth and, HtironJunior Special for 4-H age or y ou ger, Junior Calf •January [, 1977 to ?une30,1977.5enidrCalf J lyl, 1976toDecember30 1976 Counties. „ Prize money paid in each'of the Sections will b c: $45; $35; $23; $20; SIS: 1, Prizes •- Ribbons and ,Merchandise s S13: $10: S8; $6. Cash prides will be paid,as foltb%vs; ;1 st',830; 2nd. $25-,3rd S20: ath 518; " Sth $t5; 6th S12; 7th $10; 8th S 8; 9th $I; 10th$5, rhe GeorgeBagg-MembriatTrophy -to Grand•Champion.Calf.Junior and In order for our Stibiety to be eligible for the 500/6 Pedhral prize money Senior combined. ' grant., there MUST be three exhibitors in ea -h breed or groups of breeds. cash prize Ells been •donated by Tom Rathwell for the sum-ol SIP'.) p lF there are'hot three exhibitors the Society will pay 50°!0 of the prize to t r best female, bred and 'owned by the exhibitor;.-eligiblo lir. thci OPEN SHOW F09RIBBONS ONLY- t 4 exh jtRf,Pnee in three' years. ' money -offered, , _-_ _ animals � ,r Open to which not qualify, for the regular show': f SPECIAL i year subsSription"to The.Hu�on Expositor for winner of most Exhibitor?: lie sure and sent tattoo and' registration numbers with yogr Section ' «: points ih' Section 61; C- 2, C 3. ' +:, I'. « .. F� - : 1 ' ' entries as this is a' big help, when checking cattle at the show. 1, iearliii SOrti July f, 197$ to July lb 1976. SPECIAL interbc sed Udder Class a£ l®astYhrec completed. recgrds'vi th •2. Two and three yeht: tilds •, bo`rn. July ft-197r3^to•'July 1 1975, . ti v.:,,y,. «;. ^.xaYv 'y 1., .: PL ASE,$EI D) NtRI S T MRS: ,RI r U AC,LA, Fordwrch, NO ;.Y.•, '. r r : ,,t t :.r* ` «+ rs an average B,G A bf >}2S(tftftilkl o- .. 12 9 t� " R i VYe will a preciates yPur,,..co opelation; Ftp, k?+p8tb8',otkttl Cattle; of one en#r ^lSe•'r.,e5thiifi#owl" 117BE, ,9771 ORIJ c O GET A CATAI.00iIE tf Prtzes� 3451535; 23; S20 51$51'3, $10; 58, 5b,' 1 LATiN IFS OINTE15 Parish Show at.seaforth. . ' l .. � ,w. r � y ' Ol GNTI#IES t R NT , «