HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-09-01, Page 317
-THE HURON EXP06110R1, SEPTEMBER: 1. 1977 _-�313
Seafor-th. Fall Fair Prize, List (ctd.)
HEAVY. HORSES - Section A.,
Judging 12 o'clock Noon
Committee - Oliver Pryci
Section A-2 Clydesdale
Seetion A-3 Percheron
Section A-4 Belgian I
Class I
1. Opod mare with foal by side ........... '4 3 2
2. FoaJot1973 ......... : .............. 1. 6 S 4
3 2
3. Filly or gelding, 3 years old..
6 5 4 3 2
4. Filly or gelding, 2 years old. . 6 -5 4 3 2
S., Filly or gelding, I year old. . . . . . . 6 5 4 3 2
6i 6Ift0Q--S0eciaI;- $S.'00-. e try fee-, one entry from eac* It exhi itor
S 15; S 13; � 12; S 11; $ 101. sq: $8; $8; $7; $7.
7 Township Special: For best, 3 horses from any in !"r
unic4ility,... 'P. _;gg
ot necessarily owned,by one exhibitor -'$12; 3R; $6; $3,
8. Besthandled colt. led by bny or*pirl 17 years and under i $3: $2..�- A . ....... .
9. Best heavy horse, on grounds - Badge:
.10. Light daught team in harness ........... 35 30 * 125. 20
11. Percheron team in harness .............. 35 30 25 20
t2. Belgian Tb am in Harness ........... 35 30' 25 20
13. Cykde te�m in harness .................... 35 30 25 20
14. "Commercial learn in'harnes's ............... �35 30 25 10
15. tingle commercial ho 8 .5
orso inharriess , ....... 15, 10
.10. Four-liprse4.,andem hit.0 ....... .......... $10.00 per entry
_17, -.Unicorn Hitch.., ........ $ 1 5.00 per entry
ln�liisscs 11, 12. 13.14 if theWare more than 5 entries in a class"the
class may be split to light and heavy at the discretion of the-committ
with full, prize money 'pid,
Judging.12 o'clock Noon
Comitillice - Bob-BilmilfootJoe GI son, Nor= Kiley, Har% ey Hogg
'F [rVF(FM'1',Q10 fr6m A
'01 all winnin,gs from $5.00ul�. --,it,
1, Carriage tearn in IL rndTs. ... 20, '12., .10 8
2. Road team in h�riic-
s. n . ... .. ! .......... 20 12 10 8
1, Single Carriage horse ................... .. 10 6 5
4. Single -roadster,. ......... 10 6 5
S. Gentlemen's Road race. must race horse
shown in class 4 .......... 15 12 10 8
6 � Children's Bridal Couple. Und�'r' Vears
driving harness pony in btfggy... 10, 8 6 .4 "n gvqW.
7. Registered Hackney ponpon
8. Single Harness po .2
10 8. 6 4
!1y... I I hands & under.
9. Siiigk I�arness Oonj' -I I bands - over.... 10 9 6 -4
-W.. Singli-Hackney
�-,U hands & over.... .10 8 6 4
11. Team of harndR� ponle's,� t I hands under 2Q_ 11 10 5
h.'Tea.m of`-HaO�oyponies; 171-han#.�.over.,,'. 20 12 10 5
VE'LTY RACE antpuniced thc, day of the fair. 7 ilic registration certificati-efor each respective animal must show the
xhibitor as, "litgeder" 4and as "owner" - in. -both cases either as
-15. OPEN P�TU[,AACE - Single entry pijze money. Not nemssary fot individualorin partnerstd�- I.. -th.er'words. the exhibitortriay be it -joint
a bey - iii'l-.04rinership. a 'and/or .1 the, "joint- breeder" of an animal.
-ownLr �df an anikinn' 1
6:30p.m.IFAday,$ Therefore the animals must be:
ePtemb . or 16, 1977 GENERAL RIJ-LES_-Th�,�.Zlcty rese'rves the righi to cancel 1 or combine 1. Own�d.and.�red 6y the:eiiiiiiii0r, or
Asges'at th6ir dik&etion. -91 -60 27.�Jdi� by th'
Judge: Mr. Ron Swartz, Ceintralia cl Aily qliss having less fbah entirieF M, nll� oivn'cd ind. br,.eO e eiihibritor, or
cancPUcd-��.iAtr�.feLls,.refxtndcd the day,of the show. .3, Owned and jointly bred by, the exhibitor, or
-RingStevarts, HffwtFy-1foggarl*&-No1rma Rile
4,- Jointly owned and -i�ititly bred by the - exhibiton
All breeding class entHesAgcluding the female -with- calf a0oot class
must have ' been. perf6rmance t�st�d under,an officially recognized Beef
Cattle4-esting Program. Animals n6t old enough to have completed,test
7. BEEF CATTLE Secfib� B I -
will bc,cligi�le for showing'provided that evidence is available,to show
Entry Fee'- Jr. Cl�sses(16& under4sol'Jap. l,/77)$I.00 perclass tlibt thpy have been enrolled in an officially recognized "Bdef Cattle'
Prize Money S 7.DO. $5.00, $3.00. $24"1.00 Testing -Program."
Committee: Francis Hicknell, Jos. Divere� ux, Jim Rose,
Opetr-dasses a
$3:00'per class
Prize - Moricy $15-00, $10�00. $7 NUMBER OF EN
-Q0. $5.0o, S3.0cr All cattle being exhibited at the. Fair will requir6 a'nejativ6 test for TRIES PERCLASS
Note: For (he purposes of the Reef -Ca ttle Classifications'one entry
Biucellosis condu6ted within..60. days of the opening day of -the FAIR..
$2.0(YMenibershiptoS6ai��hA'irt�6liu' h5ll-bd ifiterrpre led as follows:
_.rhl Society (each rider) EXCEPT
1. 1 Allregisie" �,cef cattle of one breed. - whtither own'ed'.,by one per n
I� Bulls 'u"dbr 8 months of age re� 0
1, OPEN SHOWMANSHIP AT HALTER - Judged onhandler's 'ability' '2) Steeirs or more than one person (individually or jointly). which are maintainedson
to show. a horse or . pony. one farn:l-or breediht unit are considered to be the produclion of one. farm
0 or bredd unit.
It is the.respons f thc-ahibitmg to ctilitact the �calth,of Aiilma.ls mg
2. OPEN TRAIL CLASS -:A.Q.H.A. 'rules. you may change hands to Bra this' area, at least 3 'weeks prior Ao the Scaforth Agricultural Society authorizes two entries per class iri a
work an obstacl e. -Slicker and rope -required. offleei.
. P d by an officer of the
commenceme t of the Faii. The test will be.cond,6cte maxir
Branch, free of charge; ection B.
3. JR. PONY SA:DDLE IqLASS - WESTERN TACK - ponies to walk
ptim of,two classes in S
lope. both ways of ring and back.up: le and' we�tern dress reqtitred. NO'CATTLt W''ILL Bt-ALLOWU, ENTRY To THE FAIR WHIC . H DO
'OPEN FiAG RACE - timed
Disqualification missin barrel or flak. Set. B -I -S
9 horthord
breaking timer Soc. B-2 -Mcifeford Toronto Dominion Bank'. Sbiifoek
offers a silver tray to.an
knocking.over barrel one breeder'
..S -Charolais with the most p9ints in any one, siction.
%._ _g_cLA.3
See., BA A'4jA%;--
5 OPEN. PICK-�Up RACE; helmet li�r,,jumpcf. No horsc,t9.-gu-r%,icc.. -Prize money Palamar Farm donates a silver trophy to the exhibitor with the 'most
paid. in each ofthe Sections %Wl.be;
be fullyastrioc horse before finisfi line.�-Singlv entry and prize $45; $35; $25; $23; $20; $454 �$13; $10;
n paints in the Ang6s class...
order for our'Society to be eligible for the 50%.Fe&ral prixg
=yrfan there, MUST be three exhihitors in each breed or groups of
6, JR, ]EQUITATION-:Eli'glish Or Western To& Horses,,oX here are not three exhibitors the Society will pay 50% of tho
walk. jog(trot).. lope Icanter) both -ways of ring'. Back -9p. readily, Riders prize money offcl�ed.
may be asked to'wor'k iit�ividually and dismount.. * - I
7. JR-.- M.15ICAL BA13S - No cutting in;i6 m'iarkers or'doubling bi ck. SEVEN CLASSIFICATION� FOR BREEDING ANIMALS F0,11-kfir' Dates
Last two riders will have a run-off. Saddles requ'ired, Hopes hiust lop6
rRVC& mpetition) Sept. 2 & 3
between, 6.1gs.."
8; OPEN ENGLISHPLEASUR9, HUNT SEAT. balt 6 f B irt h Exeter Sept. 23 & 24
Riders suii.�blcv attired, Class
Horses jud ed op.walk, trot, canier. hand gallbo, both ways'of ring. 1. Bull .......................... May 1. 016 - Dec. 3 1. 1970 0 Sept. '9 & 10
Baek-up r alily. -Additional performance may be'rdquired . li�v judge. 2. Bull ......................... J it n. 1, 1976 - April 30-1976 Kirki n . Sept. 2 - 5
Looking f6r go�d training. obtdicrl�e,' calr4ness. sopridneks'- 3. Billi 1975 Mitchell,
comfortable waY of going. Tuin to. the, centre for a.reverse.. .4. Female ..... : . .................................... 1976 Stratford Sept. 21-25
- 1?- ..................................
5. Female (with calf ot�'showing evidence of -being in cal.f)----t f 1975
9. JR. POTATOE.RACE Jime event. Ea 'potato must 'be put in (calf Oct. 8
not to be eonsidered4in, the placing of the class)
INDIVIDUALLY on each trip down.'Potatcoes May be dropped tn.
'her 1977calfatfoot - Calfborn on or after Jan. 1.
6. rcmajc�ivllfi- -1977-a.
10. dPEN PO LE,89NDING - Timbd event, Five *second penalt y each -for.'., The calf maybe oftililft.,
knocking over poles, sg&fte cow Ad her. 61f are to be judged
as a "umVt in this critip or if shown in the ':'grbup*' th�y' 'CA'' t be'
tinier T. h Ni"ght'', Se'pt,] 5
;s own.,tn ivi
Disqualification 'Off course d' 'duskily,
Uching..pole W�ith hwds.. The placing of the cow and calf units is left. to the discretion 6f. the
Judgbs,. but as a guideline lioints
sh6uld be allodate'd to each COME AND SEE INDOOR EXHIBITS Ik ROIJND
vent. Fivb second penalty fbi each I
1.1, 'OPEN BARREL RACE - timed e' apitbal bn A 50 �O basis. if thd calf ls.nearmg1:'.*eaning tkge� HOUSE AND COMMUNITY CdNTRE
4 bArrellhooed over,
Disqualification -'touching. barrel. 4vithbitnil BREEDER& HERD .(Brcd and Owned �by exhibitor) 0*4-_�PENro. PUBLIC tHURSDAY EVENINd
off ci�ursc
breaking tinier
,4 grolip of 4 aninitils'. Both 'sexes to be representad. PRESENTATION OF "QUEEN" 1PONfESTANTS
Each a"hiihril in the group must have been ft . hibitbd in.,me ofthe
12, JRi 0AIII&I, CRAWL �41116UGH Milst fake tons throu . gh �boveclasseg,
n rchant
�,�-bar -mi. Timed tive t. Prbviding.hotse doesti*t bed#k timer, horse may See Me
pe c;iugfit and finikh 01.1.17se., Entries must mc6t %yith. dib- requi in
RUkVS -I�ctll`O
OF %V99TUN fLEA$URE,--- no tic',downs, marlingateshr
G6od P gr M...,
��l ical 06'eci6jn4ias;:kldqr and horse in *western dresg and fuck. All enirics must be owned by" atidltrcgistercd.�in thi-timd"%f the
6g. -Ripe on mA�onably Inoq exhr
�t show at Walk.1
d sbg to be! e tein. hot bitor.
It 11 it
toquired to back.