HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-09-01, Page 302B—��HE HORON' -EXPOSITOR,, SEPTEMBER 1�, 1977 On behalf of the Women's Division of the Scaforth �;I"4 The Seaforth Agricultural Society, takes this opportunity to extend to you an invitation to attend, A"gricultural Society. it is a pleasure to exten.0 11 welzome Iwour many exhibitors;ind spectators ?�ho yvill. exhibit a�d.partidipate in o.ur.-Fall Fair 1977, - .4 attend our 1977 VFall Fair. Wehave made-�omeAjrovcnients to the grounds A s . peclul weGme id dur-n6v members and trust and changes "Wour priz6list again this year and I trust they will enjoy their as,ociation with the Society.- Z that they will meet with yoar:apprcival. , - s - i fo our exhibitors. both old arid new' we extend a To all who have most generously,supporv�d us with sincere welcome, Your participation represents many merchandise and financial. donations and giiriii*. as houys of work. Which we recogniz' and appreculte, well as those who have dotiiied their time, we express T6 directors of the ladies division present this 1977 our sincere gppAclation. ze list, which has been 4ssgnibl&d through the effort pri Rpqh..year,,we look. for -new ;iuggestions' And and enthusiasm of all committees. constfuctive criticism*. We need new members and A special "Thank You" to all donors wh1h have, extend a w6lcome to anyone wishing to attend our don�lcd, prize m6ney add %peuial a%% ards in ou� Laefics regular meetings at arty tiftie. Di 4 Ivistoll. We hope your d at our Fair will, Ay ts� a most enjoyable My sinvere ihanks to our Secretary. Mrs. Lois one Hodgerf and to all members of the Ladies DivIsiont for their co6peration and suppbrt. Joan Carn pbel.1,Preiident Ken R. C. 00 on President La�lcs Divisi' FORMS Vritly the secretary.- Mrs. Ruth Beane R.R.#Ii Ontario orpick up at Mrs. Lois Hodgert: i32,Main Street N..' ScafbKi�, Onlarict. 'PROGRAM.. FALL ng Off icla".., pepi By Jdck Riddell Thursday' Sep'.fehnber 15 .0t9 de of Para TAIROU EENCANDJDATES.''' WINNERS OF FIRST JUNIOR TALENT SHOW WI,LL PERFORM SponsoredbytheSe'�o'iorth'A'griculfum,I So 1, C 6,ty -fridb Se te -6 Y. p, m be.r 1 a7 rri Ing 12:00 J&dbingo'ftive'stoi6� 10:30 P ado q, Y Bes, n6n-scho.,61flooi-Prizo.ssls,sl�,$,I'O 86 -�Chuck Wagon Race and t7 to all other entries 2:3.10. HorneS5; Racing 2'Matinees .11:30 Se'lectiori of Queen of th6 F6 ir %i4ho W'"'l-I'l �ec'ro'wned'by* i.-.Bea.trice-,Thomps-on-,the,1-9-76-Oueen., 00, Livestock.-Parado— -A '6:30 Wgsteirn Hoese ShbW- t 12.,00 Judging.of Light Horses Btil� Kell -Maste'r of!Ceremon�es Rvless.-Regu tons. ALL 'be allowed priv lege of striking�out entirei 17.', No member, being an exhibitdr in any class.shall act as judge EXHIBITORS PLEASE READ CAREFULLY 7.'No exhibitor will . ... , i 4nade and placing -o h , ptaccAnd no competitor will or be pre'sent or accompany the.judge while ihat particular class. is ciety reserves right ar me to aw a 'mo, - s noftak6n up 'tit one gher-articl6siril eir be entitled to more than one prize in any -one section bf A class in being judged. section to other classes, providing entries merit prizes. indoor departmetit. or more than 2 p�rlzg�s in any sec�ion of a c1liss irr. 18. 'No articles to 6e removed4rom showroom before S p.m. on Articles for competi 1- ludingtggg livestock. . I I d - 63h in indoor departments, inc ..Seco .4y�o( fair. Exhibition hall 9hall) be cleared of persons at 5 -day 8. Prize Winners to the amount of $5.00 or, over are required -to' p.tn. that day, and 'none will again,, be. admitted except those to be in showroorN before 12 o'clock noon on the first exhibition., Sept ', 15 and properly located in their own departments. lt�ave,tnembership fee for 1978. �holdtlg'pa;�es'and entitled 6 remove goods on exhibition, t and all stock to be on 'the grounds by 11:30 o'clock a.m. of the -9, Payment will be made by* cheque before December 1, 19. While officers and directors of this Society will use.A�Ikry second -day.. September') 6, eicept,6ntriiis in' Class Ywhich must. be -March I following or revert to Spciety.' a�aiigble, means to prevent accidelits in and, about the grounds, it in by ,I I O'clock. Sept. IS.- Clheques piust be cashed by be..Iborip -fide Oroporty of­-Wium Fe's;trieitly unrlei�sfood that All-persofis g9pig into . or .. upon . the 10. All stock must and vegetables grounds must personally,assitme all risks of-aiicident 6r injury.from the exhibitor and all 'grains, seeds, fruits, flowers 3. Payments of $2.00 will constitute a yearly membership and. exhibited must have been produced on farm or garden of exhibitor; accidents from any cause whatsciev6r.--- 'any . peisort-infringing on these rules shall foffAt pidi"d money. .20.'W lic'Nirectors will take every possible precaution under th6 the member so paying to compete'in any, -of all of the- hi will entitle reguldr departments, A,membership permits iind fr4efpass t6the I I. Ju haved regard to merit circumstances to Pgqs will be particularly requested to secure. safety for exhibitors, the owners grounds, and can -be used either Thursday evening or Friday but Mold' themselves must take the risk of exhibiting, and shoula any article in.all sljock'and articles ekhibited -for compdtition and to wi only once. any premiums if they consider thestock or attlele undeserving, and be accidentally injured, lost or stolen.: the Director� will gi�e'all. Additional passes will be - aflowed as fblloy�s (not more'than that a firsror second prizelbe not given to a third class animal, or in assistance in their power,towards'recovery� but will not ffiakd any three passes-pqr paid up member): sweepstakes if thc� consider the compel I Ilion not s�ufflqlent; payment for the value thereof. or unfavo4ble wcailldt or other reasons.).qausing Horses (uot.race), each 2'animals over 2 - I pass . 12. Any exhibitor or attendant -vLho-,Is 'guilty of 'creating 21,4n chse of 0iid Cattle, each,4 #ninials over 4 -pass disliffbance, whether, by openly, criticizing the judge or using the receipts to fall short offiayingthe expenses and all prizes*in full, Swine, eich,&.,anitnals�over.8 - I pass obscene language to any judge or officer, shall forfeit, the rlght"& a proportionate amount. exclusive of mernbers6ip, will be deducted 4. Entries to Bre -i—njuie' hands of the se-cretary not later lban' any.premium grid may be sus'ple;ded by Society from eibibitirl .4rom such prikes-to enable the directors10 balance the accounts Altional fee of Vghlcles� 'parked !it no par�ltrg area shall be towed away at We F.4q rse is, the Septentliek. 13. Nit 50c will betharged fotlate withbutlosstaithe Society, Th6 Directors feet- thatthis.4qurse-is,-the- and fair that can be adoptedland any deductionwjll $1.00 will be charged for lAte entries on Frlday.,-` ow . exo mostequitabrfe entries on Thursday, ner's dhse� "ing In the amounts 1:00 o'clock 13, No two persons will be.allowed to sh?w on one ticket. f4JL proportionately -on All those participit Late entires,for indoor exhibits will be those after 1- 0,, A.m. on ScptomV0-t5r-- 14, Any members showink -cattle shall -giv9-m's""'or her ahi'mal a collected and not leavothe whole suin to be a debt to beaf heavily on Address all oiltries to Mrs. Ruth lj�,anc, R.R,# 1. Bru�efield. Ont. name, and any member exhibiting'an animal in, more',classeg rihin' the Society and thus impair its usefulness, Aidgigtof all �Iasges both indoors and outdoors will commence one (except for special or group prixIS) shAll forffit all irizes 22. 'Decision of the judges VJ final.. i sharp at 12 -o'clock noon, 4warded shouid any bert _both days. Classesof livestock- will be ges.or medais allowed on 23, Directors Are not responsible for articles, Wt in the Ronlyd Ant Salted a4 they appear in the book and inimats tnust be In. the ring. mats ili ring indito prize s. or medals alloWtd on pens until House after,.6 p,ni- Sepe 16. case of error or e Lis+Je five mmuw aftei their class Is-.ealled. 'After such. anitnals afeifudged: In .6misgion in the P riz Directors will S. ENTRY, FEE: IS* from 'bit winnings from $S.06 up.. Breed 15. Livestoc� pteade at 4 li,m� Each exhibitor's herd must, be. have the power to, correct the sarne. utrlo tepreieffMd-'6r prize money may be Withheld. S5.00.'15% dedu�fed,ovcr SS.00 excdpt Western Morse Show. 16.' No person allowed in ring except judgck oi manageri, Ad no POINT SYSTEM -In all classes except Ladies: ies ha , ving paid their subs�rf;�itnls. and only stA will persbn allowed io speak to the judges while- on duty except I st. 10; 2nd. 9,-' 3rd 8; 4ill 7; �lh 6; 6tb S; Ith 4 "t 3; All part' be crithled tbl ep'nipefe. Appointed officer-,. 9th 2 and 16th