HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-09-01, Page 23"- ,. ....:::.r .. r:..;, ,:,..,.I , ,-.-n.... 1-.;^ ,'.1T .:1-__::,^L"-•- �'^-_!�T'. T'{ .. .. ,.. ,F. r v n .4..., .... ..., .. ... ,� ,: :: .T: ',•^;I"!!�'-T. _1.11-1;11 ,'�F,^ r a""nT""1.11 "„'1T 1^.. r, T ..: .h ,Y r . . o _ �... +' 1 "+11"?, 7 �� �^ ` . _ .THE HURON �XP4 SITAW� 'TEM. Ep i �97`i � , ' 1 , .. � ,* . n .: Y I. A' • • 'u �, I , • !' i ip r ., , , I ... ..: . Odds n ", ends : ��"''- I.. . I �;�­L,. 1. � I . a ��1. ­­� .1 It .... by Elaine Townshend - _ ._4:"I .1 en S, k .�� I . . ; r ... .M n y"'" � the tracks .to the station, wharf tau ht for ears and became confidence in my navigator who Britannia, where recentl '4, °' ' (By Mabey Turnbull) $ Y y . ' - As promised in 'one of my where the '`Algondukn" was absorbed in the town sports and, I was usuakky a native and knew the convention has. been held,, Bird' -R ' recent Notes," 1 will take my waiting to_ carry them ' to the /believe, had a 'band there too; " route well $lack Fllee 1 rI + i ,..:, South Riper, Powassan, . . •r� F, readers down"Memory Lane" summer place of their choice, Back tour tfoat trip. We are • In commenting the _liter • a . ` an4 tell them of the scezitc trip At that time, Bigwin Inn L. of Callendar, the home of. ' the now •.:-,. a machin the Forester" which I still r Y: . ' '"' Dianne Quints, and on to North ,. Y pp g Y ' , from Y Huntsville to Bigwin Inn Bays'was on everyone's tongue as Mountain where, if we look they woRldn 't condone or fie lEtq c I have often watched a bird, in flight and .M:. _.. Lake of Bays. Ill talk about, it as it being the last word for such a Bay and into the far north, hI 'li to"our right, we will see a blot they knew, the off rs envied. its gracefuilness and ffeedom. I was when I arrived irr Huntsville, holiday. The Algonquin was a Timmins and-^ Kirkland- Lake, 1 stn it'!Look-out'-' -yvhere- one can be happy as alfthe 914- k tl " ,., have seen it perch on the edge of .a bird _ in 19.19, a. mere fleilgiing so I large lake boat, not as large as the have never'been--tat far north, • rest, after the steep climb: This is ' mosquitoes would be bath, di its body dee into the water and " `" " t` " p q ` P -_ _ Y p . thought, to go so fax.ft ho. me to one to Manitoulin Island, but ver -- -- - - - - . - - Y Congestion part of the Memorial Pa k which Britannia. Quite true! omta..upshaking the spray from its soft, `fhe keehess of thea yes gives them seek'a teaching career. enjoyable to (ravel on. It would t To ,relieve congestion of traffic was conceived,-while..I:.W as there, Tally Ho, erlecltst, clean feathers. •"'-••' ••- • . • . vision to spot the tiniest �it of food....and In Ae�iiand soon leave the wharf and follow y g I have ." vyifh`alacrit and recision of motion the on Huntsville's' Main' Street, thq with kitchen facilities b, etc. for Grandview, Hidden Volley, -.d In the .earl summer marnin s, Y p Y Teachers were in demand then the Muskoka River which extends town fathers realized the campers. I believe it was almost rraodern winter resort, a hmvett,ar - listened to the distinctive cry of a robin and pick it up . •. Theirs .!s a world of instant _ :and there were many places .at _&the "foot" of-the:town- and-- -- . marvelled at tts contentment. In the early_ _ decisions and 4uicK action ....They know advert?si5 for tem at that time. throu h the swing r' necessity` of -a `second _bridge the first park of its kind . in skiers. _ _.. _.___. g g g b bridge .at the ' '-_ aututhn eventugs, Lhave heard -hundreds. ,-• each wind... the sound of rain .... �. As a result I serif out miany ,,foot of Main Street. '.......across the river. It has been quite Q I heli" e.now a had vision. But we are on our Quay`' ao' I believe "now a car can, drive to Inn, that million dollar , : , , of,twittering birds gathering to a grove of -, applications, Bridge Swinge.. is i _ in a debated: issue a's':,ttie cost gw tiees and wondered at their' `o ousness. In the beaut of their own soft feathers... estimated to be a million dollars, the top of mountain, and drive hotel, the dream of one man,,C,0 - ' J y Y .Hunts_ville-_wum my thirteenth- - The' -bridge swings-opemto--let so they hesitate - - - - around the rear of the mountain:' Shaw of .Huntsville. After. Fairy 1 ," the.long winter days, l,have noticed the They know the svn:..the starry nights..: and my only acceptance. I have high boats go throjugh when it As we continue our boat trip,, The view from the "Lookout" is Lake, we enter the Cana"l into. quiet,. the absence df the birds. and clouds" ever come and gd ... thought 13 was my lucky number whistles. before ,we" pass through the 'spectacular'out over Fairy Lake. Peninsula Lake to a short portage . , I have seen a small bird battling against They sing songs.without'words ... knowing ever since. It wasn't long- until i In those days an old man, Jim bridge opening, -if we look hi h on Our big beat is now. near the a raging wind, its wings beating hard and that somewhere there is a mate that ' gg g where_ the passengers leave the g g g g felt quite of home and was soon " Lewis, using a metal crank would . the right, we will see a high, dark mouth of the ?river and .we see ' "boat' and take the small train, fast just to keep it aloft. It h ung in mid-air understands . •. absorbed in the town activities. I' turn it by 'hand which would red building which was built by 'there a landmark, a wooded germed the smallest in the world, h g wait? for a. lull in the, wind; then it crept a low clear call in the night ng P g was never Lonesome and have divide the brid a in the middle, p a Portage, to L. of'Bays forward'an inch or two; then it braced itself -- a .joyful melody at dawn often' thought since that a busy each part swinging to the side. 1 doctors who died shortly after first called ` "Scotch Bonnet." a cotta YY Where a lake'boat the "Iro pis" against the next angry blow. I wondered ---or, a vesper lyric at sundown .-,.,.M,r life is the perfect panacea for,,- believe - this Is opened by arrival. He built it fora hospital q W y but it was never used as such. Sparkling Wates. awaits tem and carries (Inti why the bird kept hying. Why didn't it love songs•thrown to the sky ...carried by boredom. electricity now, nearest shelter and wait until the winds.'.. And so the mate•.. and build We now find ourselves in the across L. of Bays to Bigwin Inn. p Young Every afternoon, the boat train Traffic is held up on Main St. Mrs. Hart anIdasdaughter, sparkling waters of Fairy Lake. Not Too Darty. . ' Y 'Boat Train Held U the storm had assed. their homes and while the oun ones P g . .In her book Those Who See", Gwen chirp...they feed them,well and show each would arrive around 3 m. with until the safety gates are opened With the sun shining on it, the I hope Memory Lane has not,' Frostic .ascribes birds this way: one the vondrtws. wa of birds ...for soon -I. P' Y g P - Marjory, converted it into- a tiny ripples sparkle, like gotten too dusty. In this case I "Intensely „ Y young g the busy city t g relaxation From and traffic starts to move again. rooming house and, had several diamonds. For the;real symphony may €orget. Even now in some Y Y . tourists se. - Intensel the live the oun will leave' the nest to sin their t_.e playground of Most traffic turns north at the vests there includin Olive ' each hour of the day own songs ... find their own food....and Ontario which.;'l I have always east end of the bfidge to towns g g one should' visit this s 'o t in places, things seem to et a little " In purposeful vatting know the freedom .of independence.. referred to as, God's County, north, e. Burk's Falls where m Freeman, later Mrs. John autumn when nature 'makes it a __ fuzzy: However I. -seem get be able - and-- ur oseful,fli ht .... . The' rine ass from time .... and - - ' ' -- Y _ g'• -Y _ Diefenbakei; when she taug)it- n_ -paradise with 'its: bright colours to pick up --the -threads clearly -- purposeful, g Y, Y P Hall urto�tt. __ - __ _,__ _.-sister,. Ella. taught--for-one- -" .year �Huntsvihe High School. She was and reflections in the water, again. .. : They burst "into wng-. .- ._ _-____-__travel-togethe-r across the miles .:.:each ti5'• -s= "That's Muskoka" -or its first while 1 remained in Huntsville for r a beautiful blond: I. remember her I will finish this subject at some ar soar, with the winds , . himself :..y8t ...hound by common ways cousin Haliburton;_ which._.. -ten ears.,HoweverI'wouldoften , During , y well. future time. For those who have A deep sense of urgency ••• resembles Muskoka very 'much visit her. had man dr>ves across this snow On the left ,of the boat was Art Y ` never been to Bi win prevails through their lives .... When the south_yvnd begins to blow.,, but is not quite so developed for 1!iorther'itTowns Blackburn's boat livery. At that t frozen lake. If we vote Inn I will covered • h g 1 1. They ,have their limitations • .. as all . • and the earth turns green with life ... tourists.. Other towns-- north were - - -- he shor f -i -see severs scribe some -of -the enchanting --i- __. - e _nerve_ -w 11 1=de y._.-----------�-- -- ` : lime of few cars, the youth of -the ' summer resorts for, guests with features of it and 'some personal thins do.. Love s yin s'a w ... - -From the traino they'ust cross Sundrid e, where Gordon Rennie et the live, so full within their and the ancien( g town topk ta''the water and. a_' ••, familiar naives such a. Fairyport, acted with, g P g . y y y songs are heard incident f favourite way of entertaining the _ •- .•• . s here that bird shall again _.,._..___ _ _,,. .-_ •..•_._ - ----- - g p ____ �_�__ _ ___.___.._.__.,, ..__. , __. _:_ �_..-fiver seem fo 'be ::_.._,_-� - ._,_.. Songs of - the • .' g _ _ �. tri friend was to hire a canoe in � ____�..e ____�_ .� `� {�evenin and addle. -along the - • wild ;.. wild... g Py,,, . . beautiful... the beautiful " - i . river toward the setting sun.Ql�AP�ET INSULATION'SERVICE . . and free .... and free...: Ukelele--- .. - , ISQFQAIiA RIi1D URE__ NAME . - I enjoyed -many of . these r . • - I evenings so much, and to et sed ROCK WOOL INSULATION _ . 1."with it'', I bought a ukelele, ' (prayed in place Insulation for all t es of le arned to chord and would sin ar"m building's, newandolder homes, warehouses, t �� M / i i j ' g cotta es,_ retail stores, etc. •. > Kilbarch"'an re, *dents have visitors � i// amig, songs as we drifted g• •.1. i s f x �, _E• j� � � '. % myn anoe�engine os, as rarely did • FREE ESTIMATES *.CA' US TODAY �. er join in. It was •ALL WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED } ; (By Mabe! Turnbull) Harburn and Sherry. Harburn, the summer months with Harold . an. enjoyable evening with never a_ 9 i // ��� i Mr. and [VI'rs. Les Scott, Walton, r'eat randchildren of Barr.. ''Shadeview L.. Huron j N. j j' j" j % thought of how dangerous a canoe i -.- -- g g % N VAN INOQRSEL IMSliLA- Chicago during the •past week Mrs. .. Margaret Pethick, have' returned to La Habra, j j / j could be, to one who couldn .t , have been. in Seafort_ visiting -':Winthrop. California. 11 � !, W !• = swim a'stroke." RR 5 Mitchell Phone 348 -'is . relatives and former friends. Mr. and Mrs. Geo..Regier; Mr. and Mrs.Don Hills -and .' . • , , ' .. ... - I had no fear and had every- .. ' They called at Killiarchan and Zurich; visited his brother .)ohti Jennifer have returned to 7 , .. ..6 9 9 . 9'..... . .... • • • ... o .... • • ....... • •'........ e...........�......... r ........•. '..... • • • • • • • . • . • • .00 . . visited--M.T-mmbulf during their Re ter With. ,them In ersoll-,-from their tri to the ...; ., • - • o • • g g P •..• annual visit. , .. were daughters -Sister Mary, St. WestCoast. They were, thrilled .. - W 0 _ ...: They, -tell me' th r 50th MMarys and -Sister Catherine., : with the beautiful scenery of B C: **: • . ••.•••.•••• 6666... •.• anniversary is comm soon: 1t B.C. B.o1h daughters are and Alta. Jennifer will aftend • + • • . - ... • . • • •.:•y.R sl.ess irec►r' 6666 _- .: mu great talking of old times and teachers.. Guelph University this fall where , - •• ..:...... was ,�, tual friends, I was able to A special thanks to Mrs. Edgar she will study Home Economics. 0 • • • - . • - . ' " "' •' 9, \. ' - .... •.... ....1 update them on -many of them. , Allen, Seaforth who..brought a On.their way west they called on • ••.•'•'•••••-J•'•''•"••••••••••'••••••••••• •••••.•• ••••'••••'•'.•..." o. "" ""•-'""-"--"''" ' Ar. and Mrs. G. R. Myles and - -generous bo"uquet of roses to the Mrs. A W -:Mooney, Massey,. • ' ~•~1. ` • - - : e They' g.. w , Regina„ Sask. ,: CAR; CARE- OPTOMETRIST r Tricia,•Ottawa, with M. Turnbull,.. Home. .The were distributed and 17ou' sfe , rt '" T Y g,. g g y .. DECORATING` BILI S PIUmbIn , �... .- :-- JOHNE�* ' • Al 1 -They-.are holida in at a, cotta a amon the residents where all The turned south 'from Manitoba - ' r g >.: ---' - _ o ' I V P:hpr ISI •at -Bruce Beach, Lake Huron. , could enjoy them.• to Viroqua; Wise. and called on _• . - p `� and a Juvenile . visitors include: Mrs. E., . G: Clegg , nee,. Liz. • Mr. and Mrs. Garnet' Wanless • Graves Ot Heafi I n.g L O N G S TA F F - o . 1 • DATSU . Rand '-"'Free__ Huron P.rk; Chris Barr and famil . who have s ent • formerl of V1.arna. and Seaforth, y R _ _ . ;Y , Y Y y P Y' • Wallpaper _' - - _ _ CampleteSevverhHook tl - - - . Sea forth Office ' ''�}Q rS Service ..-. - tr _ _ __-- _ _ SALES & SERVICE 2 - - i - • & P a in t_ . Backhoe & Trucking 5 1240 - _ _ y - e to All Makes es .. Bruce u —— , Ben{omni "•^_ ...:,"n _ __ _- FOR FREE Texaco Products ct -E es.,7hurs. F f� Fe Datsun u -9a0 9.00 ri Gera s Da TI . or after six pitoee " • Canadian & Im'ported Wed., S t., .: 12:00` *" ESTIMAi'ES� . Se�forth , .: 527 1010 _ . • . - • Wall Coverings. C . . ALL 527-0203 4$2-9618 # . . '' . • ° , - • - ? 5 30 • . -.527-0550Seaforth -�' 1. Clinton 482- • Monday 9.00 . 0 FLORIST BYAPPOINTMENT INDUSTRIAL 1.Y - I. Deserve. DECORATING_. . . RESIDENTIAL ,' ,,. I . ­ .,� 11 • APPLIANCES c & till,,.OWER 0 .' Inter.? r - • , Eaderior,.:., M a C Expert and 1 - - Deco ators '. ' of . ; . pliance„^& _ M WIRING K>. E Wallco g E « PHOTOGRAPHY AR ^ i os vprin s' _..._ 1. . % „ atlo o p Armstrong,Carpets . • e Service •, • itFlowers bq uvire n -- • �•,/ , , .: ,� :<� • ;. ; .� }' ;., :•..<.� Service' o•... _ .. _ -._ _ % S' ; ^� ; ; Re n un b ' } �. Window Shades � ` 'a}.,.} ,`. glee Pr "' � � � '�'` �. Autorized facto_war-r-anty - ° �� � � 2 " �' - ' s r :. - • I o ,' Seafort E �' . .. t. " a ;., to • . Service and repa'rs t h �IZAND /� _ _ lCDE _ 1. ��lT A Pnho le 527--1880 P . -. GE RI n, E} 0. F afDAIR ' ,�?•;; ;;` ''. P15 Main St.; Seafort_ • 0 r , .� {•. 'Gory Dili. • r:.:. • g, {NGLIS c: r ci. •1. - -sx«ti •' • > si ; t APPLIANCES �aa�-zeas - P :., Service and repairs tri all d <3:�,t;:.<�s` : ;. '' � � � : �.. f '.,:�;,•,' =:k. ;iii .� • v '., .�. r :f, : <s<:` s CAR CARE ., ';48-9147 <: :r r: • make ? .. a.r. .,• .;` r... :: }, a::}> . :4 Co late Una r:..,::.<...:;;{.: ::Y.. nip C�AV'E" ROBB r� .,r,:. Ae r { ,�.-,< Mitchell y ;tib . {}6666 r . �f. 1 ,: ,. .. c r,wn .r.. :•}:. ;:'.. .atyn.: .:. ,:.•G';a. :i:y:J.+ t.n}::}i �?i'}t • , I in D ��Ho rn e .�.� '<'.<` ,:;.?' Malntenan"Ce < __ T.V. &STEREO. n, wr ;:.:. .k _ :.SILH _ .: ,..,un R:,,n• , ... _6666. ;:s z .: • y..,.; n:Y , :<:;;.<A `CWP t graphy ::.:n :;<M 527- 36 n.;A �.:a, •: v. r ..:. •r % ,./,.fin .. rr,v . : ,}:. r .. .., n:. ... . „W �;::',ti: n. :}jv:.T r M'?. O110. ;f ..n..r,n, 6666 r •::: :} r I pp��y r}>: .. ...:;..Sn.. }. n. }. ;?:. .. .:a:,:, .:. '"F',^"r_'7r. "' .fi... ;.. .. :<.X•a}:'i}. .. •.y .�,.•.«-";;{•` 8're:>S,Fr _ • { . f.. %:.:.:..::, w, n:,.sPi ).,,,,,r, :6666 to .:,.? s.: :}.rt.r ,:�a h. O>< r ... ... ..: ;:..:. ..w..,d .:. ,666:,6. .n•, .t, nn.:6666 . n. :. ... :f,. 66,•'+66 ,:$`v.:. (� /7 0 CAR CARE PROD S 0 �,N��� . €.'�{,1.,'..,.n.,t.,,,�.�.X.f .'b:{+: o.{.Pt:,v Y'a fsf!,b;1of,'..p9?°,r.. ;Y'.),,:. •.. ns.�} W�M�V / I t r ,:....u,0. : ... n.} :{ax0 ; . ,::b^`:, ;'#!'O'.. ruk f:^^:fit<i/... t...' :, . - 1. `•,, :.. :. :..:{:;.:,.�{...� ^: :: .P%, A�rChle S 5u110 .O Chalk St, Seafort_ '' {iii k °w, � , v <s< <> ;:f <>:.: .. I - _ . .. :"'-.'':* . W J n•. -` -. e :.r :: ))` .. ,< ,,, . ,, s:, an" ;: : •a: t 527 0064 <<•},. .. .�:i;•: .,. a.;. ..y.:: ;.,' . ._. Tri Seafort_ ,...:: .. , :: v: �s.:.: na::::{) :.;;>:.,:: ,,.:„ Com/Mete Line ...r G'.{y:K ., :n. :. ...v:,''.' �....,.::: .a .:a .{.p,.l .s ,.. t ..w f:v' SLy1,}: .R:.:,. . .. , Y } EI ec t :{- {.:: :.. .::. :{i{`::,`::..n:.. h: =)....,<{, • UES . :6;:6:66;{: �' " ' ANTI . , otor f�:: it : <> :... ...?;. ;f: , :, � M .,. �;�� $'.1:1.66 ,.,?.'• ..: }} 5.. ..:$': ;:•: ' J. Z ya•apv:::i:v{, <:i ,. },::::}r;•C:•:: ? :)}� . '66'66 :: .l:}t,Y { r./•.:. ,1`•Y.fa :'� M'-%JB.:^\,�i;f::.f%�::;{<a • .�, ,; ,Tn 61.1..6 ...p. .fA'i .,Y„ A:: v... :,{,, , x{..: ?,..i: a x?.f.. {: ?` '.'_ ::{<< "IAS: ' ,s,��>.s:.� ZENITH e... ,£4. ,a':C:;}„{.rs' :.) ;`nn. 3 .i:_.:. .f. x:a:r,•;,:•,�„„{.,%I''•' I..�{. {:. }: f: �:t> . 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F... .Y y: ;�.n {..f).: :.,rr T y.�.,v r1. -0Y ^: 45+.rr•. �.; n,rGt isi;Y;:}::\,{..r..iy/){:nl.}!y',•i,; .1 G v. _: f•i' C : tV• •tu:<`:f,)};:i;,.,;,t};:, C>,}:�:, :t .`••.+%: ;. <+i:f4: .{} fyrT�. ):v. ,:t<./ C� 0.?. -11 f..:i%:.'23`�'{•{.: ._.-.. _. � an• r.nr,,;arie •:a, t {,>.}.{�. vy}�:c{3,> ,';., S,{ ,..{a ?;.:?,:=,;i} .,{ ✓ v,.tAk .. 1- p 2 BEARSS :.� o ✓ } r f)<t, n SINS .•f>° e•F.1. s ,< LOT 13 C t 1. M,?E^ +' Fl. y�hr. {i,,T'p`;F:$'::a• 5 {Wa t <L%. �ASi':�9�l iW. :f {::,•,;Y - �. I'll. � I . .,fy';.Sk. }%`:'`f `4v t,'.lN��:':' :4.:+9i,; r"•''6:;�y�n+'{i;>:j:d. ,, ,. Fart 661.6 ..�. Feed d $e6d's P liieerru OR 52 95 �4 � I .J I 'ALUMINUM o g A t�V ee ., 6666, �,%RI�SI1.t Suppll etrbl m p CALL E F TH 7-12 EIi01%1(i f F5upplies H \ " ' ., ,�i , 1'. 'I'. I "Viclit . ,. �- : eating Oils, 1 For a coni lets Ilne of - ` ,'4 S@oorth CO�p g ffit an ' + '....V' 345- 1' 7 `pit . _ _ ,rf scla, eayistroU ho oor� 15 `'N ....__ y ' I h ", � �., ,I windows, railings, awnings and t ORNR 17 5parlin St. 1 • r ..•::.,... ... Z custom e: �U8tbri1 St4�l lri & ReYnishltn . -• Come In &'see .. ," ` j s2i-0770 shutters. Spec Ing m . k \ jail + __ .._ encasements. ,. yr p_.....,_... . " I reS .-' 6666. Our Treasu . '' � �» our beauti beautiful old trea$ures and col# .stables 'to us._._.` , _': ;' WE BUY &'SELL . " `.. Bt�l►r P p AN'b e + FURNITURE PIi�NERAL h10ME _ . - a r tat C 'i . ell am er them un�t�l'th� 're .bretter than- new. INSI�RAN.�E~ " FU RNl 1. _ .:, ANrlwuEs 1Nhltne IZibe \ TRAVEL • a Tell carefully remove the old�Pnlish and reenish the :. M y . Y �$ YO!.IJR s' �, r • aln St., Seafort_ . t� �"ir, ':. ., - Complete - VWr_y • -----� 627'133$ .111: k �, .. „ piece to b>ritig out the green of the .old wo�id..If you _irk . a g. 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