HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-09-01, Page 20„.''.'9•'l71 .. ,. .. 7`[1F F1111F '7'
STT., •:}•i`.�iE715.. ,ssS •S .3 R..
O EPSiT+OR,tR .: T
20 ,--THS MUS �l ..t
dr With youth
(By David M.cl.ean)travelling on Y
the gravel road because the
A b d f
Remember now. summer' never seeme to four}d ht$hway 8 far too usy an _unsa-,e.. '
e d. It was just Qtie lots hot da after another. -.
n g , y Trkffic 'was certainly not a problem on the
Qpe day you might 'gQ fishing the next Winthrop sideroad but they predicted gravel.
swimming but qne thing remained the Same. would •cause several flats before they reched
Unless you happened to live in some big city. Tobermory.
-or you had a chauffeur, your bicycle was The pair began their trip Monday morning
always your ticket to see the world., and hoped -to reach Tgbermory by Thursday.
Thins haven't changed all that much. Like Fxcept for being held' up in Stratford Monday
'A many other young people around the night.>y, a rainstorm, they have kept on
province,.Mike Sheehy and Beet Dorpmans of schedule.
Dundas are seeing a goo5 part of Ontario on Mike_ says this area is great for -'.cycling
their bikes this summer. beFaase •'its "bice and flat". Bert,who spent
The two boys cycled through Winthrop' most of the summer in Holland likes this part
Tuesday afternoon, their sleek tell speeds of Ontario also and compared'it to Holland. He
a: heavily burdened with several packs. It's not has .had plenty of preparation -for this
�, •' _ u ..:^,:' ` . , , . A • � � ,,�h � ..�::, ' : ' ,
every day that Winthra _- has rYclers Pass riding a bike m Ho ana most every day."""'
through The boys explained that they were
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Cyciists.• ins -Winthrop
on.'their way
to Tobermory
ER 9 hoses down fhe'rernain's-of a shed which was
being torn off t e bar, of 13 IIVIdeket StIteet owned by Chris Knetsch: A spark from
aC.up fireig.nited the old lumber and roofing of the shed. (.Expositor Photo)
Tryyege:table cop.,_ ,
li eas should be to nod occasionally.,•
sizzling on ie' arbecue Other vegetables like p. , 'r ,
Meats g er k _ g be left Cooking filmes will -vary with the
is a familiar 'summer sight, but mushrooms and beans can specific ve etable and the heat:of
remember that of er foods can be . whole: To prepare, add butter, sP g .
� -vegetables will-•' -
salt pepper and maybe a sprinkle the coals. Most vegetab
cooked along with the meat Food PPP Y
tiles take at least 20'miniite's, with the
specialists at. the 'Ontario Food of lemon juice -to the vegeta bles.like carrots
Council, Ministry of Agriculture before closing the package. A more solid vegeta
-and-Food,' say that 'fresh Ontario favorite --herb -or. spice may be and'Unioris taking up; to o'ne h , -
vegetables to ste great 'when added at this time, if desired. Cooking fresh Ontario
eooked'on the barbecue., Make sure packages are tightly vegetables'on the baraiet. is
An easy way to, cook vegetables : y and
sealed and place on grill 3 to 4. sgoume for s our text barb convenient.
is simply, tq wrap individual inrhes .from the coals Packages " Y •-
servings in heavy aluminum foil
or a double thickness. of foil.
Don't crowd'them too -much in the. JUBILEE
foil. Vegetables that, take a
longer period' of time to cook,
such as arrots'and o4ion5, can beSO FT BAL L "
cut in small 'pieces. or thin slices. ,
t '.
'To Md t t o- um . y _
ave o
Say tomato and most of us-
are" favorites served Potato Salad -Stuffed Tomatoes' 'Spread sections slightly and til
Y ,; -' •' • •• p I ppe'r' in fat- until onion. is -..Mitchell ••-L'eg I,Q h • ' � . ' ""r
hot or cold; as 2 -cups mashed otatoes each tomato with 1//3 cu potato . transparent-. Add • beef' and Prt rhe "� r •-
think' immediately of." deep, 'plain or fancy, p p , P' P, _ "
-delicious red. Happily for thrifty entrees or as a main. course.. And 2 tablespoons 'finely chopped ,palad. 6'ser'vings• brown-,., Grain off excess fat. Add
shoppers, Canadian -grown field although most people consider 8r i_ *Prescriptions tilled _ _ — - -• - - -
--green -onions - _. .-.._ _ -__.'. pul .frclIn LomatoP_ e. i chili__ .Cataract prescrl tions illled
_ � sal ' 1' p
tomatoes are now in season;., tomatoes' a "salad ,"y6getable" V, cup chopped celery Stuffed Tomatoes powder and cayenne. Simtper, 'Reparls on premises _
lower in price and at their peak of . their use in salads doesn't need to "7 tablespoons finely chopped ;•12 medium tomatoes (about .3 uncovered. 30 minutes. Add rice 'Sungy' len • _ Optimist Ball Park •
- ll. S con about''/3 cu 'Saasses a sus
Chose to be,-hu'm! The large meaty /z t as oon salt r 1
cup chos) ed onion Fan ng into' p p ' 'Glasses adjusted and cleaned
alit '.
tomatoes thaf are tomatoes. are ideal for stuffing p p pp each 'tomato: Place in FREE L w a
mature but still feel firm and' with a poultry, treat, egg, cheese • 1/8 -teaspoon pepper �' '/2 cup chopped green pepper greased baking' dish. Bake 20' •Comp{etc Optical Service' �` S@iQf�rtil
smooth. If you buy more tomatoes ,.,or potato, salad. Hot stuffed • 1/8 teaspoon dill seed. 2 tablespoons ;fat minutes ...at 350 , F. Top each . DROP OUT AND SEE OUR.LATEST IN Sa f Ili rd a. Se t e tY1 k?
Y P quickly, q y p y mustard 1 pound ground , beef tomato with '1 ' tablespoon OPTICAL FASH;oNt y., p •••- r
that you -can use 'u , utckl ,'sort tomatoes are „e uall , delicious �/: teas oon; dr
them and refrigerate the ripe ,and can become a main course. 3' tAblespoons''.tnayonn-aise or' 2 cups pulp from tomatoeg • cheese'and'continue baking until No appointmentnee�ed� •
ones..Ripen live' others • at .room Simply. and attractively, you can --salad dressing 1'/2 teaspoons salt metted'(about 5•,mixiutes more): 6-R,R•1,Llstowei' nmm,.toTht � ; pm '
temperature out of. direct 'prepare' tomatoes for salads 6 medium tomatoes (about;'1'/2 1 teaspoon chili 'powder servings. �' 6 est Frlday938 '
- sunlight.. - several 'ways. Begin by washing pounds) 1/8 teaspoon cayenne Phone Proceeds to Old T•%me Mockey f
tomatoes. t cup cooked rice, - --
'potatoes.-...... s - onion e-
ok ClaSsifi4•d Ads pay dividends urday,8-1
•, Cut�can�-from blr}sssonr end a cup grate mozzare a . or.
Sat 2
r a(id scoop out half of the centre , Y T and g en peer: cheddar cheese
cc��ler�� re pe
_ u e e � Chop 'pulp' and add to salad
Carnbine salt, pepper, -dill seed, v
mixture.' Invert and' 8faiiE v mustard and mayonnaise or but a sIice:,.off the end ofeach,.,.,
,., (Continued from Page 13) salad dressing. Add td potato tomato. Hollow out centers and.
r tomatoes well before filling with a' ; ' ; r•. ;a'
Y Y salad mixture. mixture and mix well. C,ut' each turn„ upside down to drain:
the coasted to an Cas 1;1 1 win 007
t tomato • in' 6 sections about Reserve 2 cups pulp from �� .1.
m -over the-Tewher-s. _ .._ OR _ ,
Early .,inning jitters proved ..'Cutin 2 or 3 thick slices and place nd green f«�
two-thirds of the way tli'rouah. ''.tomato'es, Saute' -onion •a � wn
costly, •to- -the - Teachers -' as-- the
chilled sai"ad mixtu�`e lietweeniiie�' ,. ,
� mss
' Village sawNA
Woods , 'Kevin slices S@:Q'�F'Orth Optimist •Hall
Broome and '°Dan..Malloney each
hit home runs as they lead .4 Make 5- or 6 cuts from the top
down to the stem. end. Fill with•a'. 110W QVQI'�Db�E -
sixteen hit attack. , . •'' �•e
—_. - ,I
several �eyfieldtngplays Rept :chilled salad mixture and tomato - FOR FAL QdiOK�,�G•S, •
reads out like a fara. �s��• TO)+
the Teacht rs'-from scoff Ing as the
spreads „
Village played a heads.up game. Food consultants, ' Agriculture persons..
• ity
" Canada have developed tveo jutey -A-cc.Qmmoddtes Groups up t0- 0 •� r �•�
stuffed tomato sa'1 s•'Potatq _ .' �• ' - ®�Firemen 14 Travellers 7 •- � all S' n c e rThe late game' saw the Salad Stuffed Tomatoes." and' Ph � ne • 527' 1, 89 8 w
travellers start strongthen falter . "St'uffed,.Tomatoes". Try 'the ••••'-
reci es.and enjoy the abundance "
• 7 495 - ::.•.• .
as, the Firemen came up'' in the P J Y ;
- of luscious' tomatoes available — --
_, , — 2
late'inni�to post a 14; 7 wm. �` OAUL
' • The
Travellers scored flue runs in .
"tile flt>;Y half inning and. lookedTTI,!N-G, ••����r•''
strong but they • allowed, the:
Firemen 4 runs in their 'ha'lf of the
i ,
inning to narrow the gap to J run.
The Firemen moved.in, front
wt 2 runs in the, second inning.
Then .after a scoreless, third the
*Ebi i n es s
Travellers regained th.e lead with.
twig runsin the fourth to take a 7-6 _ • : `
E ".T� .";' .,r'"'• a, ,...... n^'�— .. -
The fifth inniti ' how.ever'sam,
the _Travellers comntitt several i i= i` • �_ % ••- •'•""�
' • . errors and. they allowed 'the, _: .�.....-. °
Firemen seven big runs on `only.,• •�
four hits.'Tpe game was never in° ~ '"•,S'• ,�,, •;`� •• 1 -
Aixlo �'/r d'oitbt froiti this point' on as the ia '� �' `�*�-� - C�.•"■ ■ D � n e.v '
-.... .. 1
Travellers cou't get their bats }
• ,r e
working again. 1
/ L
Paul' Rau lead',,the_Firemen;s
eleven hit- attack -with three
y y, a.!
doubles while Gary Black .and
" Juh Glew also added doubles.
The-. Travellers were limited tof I:,ii.
five hits with fbur-of those in the
first inning,
•, . ' Glen,,•.I+lieholson had a double • .,..2,: ���' `' T •
for their `only extra base bit. 'Jim" d �rrA ,""''�•F. ,' `
Ir 1 ........_
Cle'frcas the winning pitcher � lila; )r
. • ,„, •. r
ixhtle IIj11,;,:Weber suffered the A"� •
wy •� ��
i loss. Al
Standings of each series
t -
G mos ill's week will see'5eries
a - 1
'D open Sunday's action, atid. j86t� I :o
' Series C play the late game.,
IViainstreet will.su' ty umpires
_ --:-fo�"_thase-gainer--- __ _ ._ ._.,_..�. _:Sia.ole_Is�igi.tuclinal'I.y rn�tl'R'ted-•.-:-,- taciels���pac+ties' � , . , , . *''- '.° ' y :.
Mobolh s Lames will set.
•Y Pz rctorinp.lhceofconventional.:cylinder - 1440... 145 bu,4ank Capacity..! ' f^ -' •- _ -- _ t _
series Irplay the earl game and v
�` and'strawwalkers 13 hp -engine
�. Series A will round out the'
' 100...180.bu. tank capacity.
weekend. The villaige will be
Unique design resul.C§ Irl i7iaxi:rrlum 170 hp engine'
i' utitpiring Monday's games. savi'ngs'oi gr i jt 1'
a n grid rhryrtirttuit 14x'30,,,208 bu, tank capacity,,.. ,f c
T S>Iattding of each series ' :grain da'mage.. ' • 1901E en ine '` •� ,
W • L Pttx•
µi' li drosta is all -speed drive r f'roVen 860,series corn heads 4, t�a''>�"
Series, A' Y x
• Queens j 0, 2rdw6...610 series g'r'hiri headers
MainStreet ,0 i 0 r, 'gxtr -roomy C,6htrol'Cento 13 to 2d (t•
y Series 17
... i. ..- .'. ..'. ..:: ,• ti. � ire tri-' 4,.°^.
`l' iiad .. •.. 1 0 k
RY ,
O'N„ C3>Illl'�IS"TAY�'IN'HI' ;BANS '
.Ito., 1. -. , f 4
Turf Club. .h ' , t)
�%� � j�� �j'"'i icy �y b 2 �! � � x ,,' � ;� 1Y •
Series. 1 � Io'1a1; �' Wf 1, idGS w ..',Sep111 r
Village .
11 dam, b.4,l�drnsl. 04�
-((!!,,,,,.,,,,,..�•gyp 1y
traY'eli'ers _ ' , . , 0 '. ,I 0'
,.: ...., ...,:.... ,,. ... ..,,,1 .. ,. .,_.. .. ,,;,,,,,;,, ,, ,,,�.. ..: , ,.,.t ,i. ., ... ... _, .• ... .;....... .. ,, ... .,_._-. a...._,...._.1.'....r...�.....r,.�...v..r.r..P.r..,..,.....:J.Lr._,aYY..Jl.J4:nWt.,L,Ya.wIR_.i...,W,d..i..•=, — _ � .:/fill'.