HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-09-01, Page 167r7 qr, 16 -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEPTEMBER 1, 1977 Arit awav vour umbte"11a 4? -0 0 0 0 ms J Coming Events I Coming Events I Coming Events 6 Teachers wanted T -F -arm Stock For Sale 11 Artjc6s Vor'Sale I Y Arilele s Foi Sale 11 Articles For Sale -ANNUAL Fall. Fair,Dance with CLINTON Legion Bingo every Huron Coiunf_­ PUREBRED . Hampshire.. boars, F 0' R SALE' Walter Ostanek, Seaforth Arena Thursday, 8:00 P.M. 1st regular y Hamp, X Dftroc boars, York x Saturday , Sept. 17. For tickets card •$1.00., Restricted to 16 years Landrace boars, R.O.P. tested' DURST MACHINE -SHOP call 527-0508. aipes of Fc: R1 Plonni h 9 or over. 15 regular g Ages to low of 138 days. BF to low Co6kstov e, s $15.0d.; $5 least, on split. Many of .37. Normal inventory oi 2-5-30 1-977 BRODHAGEN Chamber of other spgcials. Jackpot $200,00- Pro i.e. C. _t � - • boars. Bob1obinson, R.R.#4, Buy direct from Manufacturer By ENTERPRISE Commerce will hold'"a turkey must go each. week., 1-12-tf' 2 Row, 4 Row, 6 Row &-W and bingo Wednesday, Invlt&yZu to attend a Walton, 345-231'7. a November 16. 1-124f Q Ate '010'"J'O". wounley 8-10-4. FAUST BROS.- FAMILY PLANNING CLINIC BEAN PULLERS SEAFORTH Lions Car Club No. 7 _*1ES every Thursday -from 6:30' - 9 40a0d 0/ (r7dUf!a-&0n 3.Year*old Appaloosa mare, 15.1 HOME HDWE'-' Cabaret - Dance, Seaforth CY P.M.:at Huron County Health hands can be registiared, nicely.- Our cross bars are, of solid steel construction, Which is MITCHEL Community Centre, Unit'Shipley Street', Clinton. For • marked., expellent tempgrament, 2S% stronger than,prolinary cold rolled steel bars. 11 L, ONTARIO Saturday, SEAFORTH ONTARIO 519 527-0050 tion.PHONE NO. 348-8703, Sept.' 10,, 1977. Music by, information. . Requires PattiNittegge, 527-0362. 8-12-1 Our puller utilizes a system which each knife Southern Comfort. Dra%king' for CALL 4.82-3416 independent of each other, thereby reducing the chance .11-12-6 1978 Ford compact, 2 door LL COLOUR 142-1 • "In faced bull calves, Ted of bent and broken parts. i2 Wanted To Buy Van Dyk, 527-1435. 8-12xl Years of reliabilit�.has proven our puller to be one ng of automatic_ transmission. Occasional % Admission $4.00 per coupl6, SPECIALS 77 Bingo 9 Poultr ' For 8ale the best WANTED to buy Hay. Apply in includes ' buffet lunch.' and LAKE PLACID, N.Y. y For the •price of $1700.00 you can have one of ours, writing to P.O.Box 774,..Seaforth,- members of car club free. 1-11-3 AND ADIRONDACKS Every Tuesday Night complete with gagp wheels, windrower P.T.O. stating price, quantity and.ty.pe., 3 Days- at the Teachers ABOUT 40Q r 11/2 year old hens, extension and trailer hitch, mounted on any tractor. will sell alivc, or oven ready, Half 12-12-1 Featuring Whiteface To do s0pply work in the s and other are New BEECHWOOD POTTERY'S VANASTR­A-ek-NTkE­-----__ - are Leahorn .----S- Mountain, Saranac and 13 Wanted -- -regular show and gale elementary and secondary' 11!ampshires� Phone 527-0457. especial buildings ru• pper Lakes, etc.- schools during 1977-78. 9-110 BEAN KNIVES Ad76J�i Sunday afternoon -WANTED ngs for R.R.5, Clinton Written _"__:apph"tions,.__ Set. -of. 4-7 $�5 .00 5UAMPER14 - rposes. 0-6 28, 30 and Oct .4 A­rs or Si -19411.4 p,m_ including qualifications, _�rff. UsedCars----F-* 610 demolition & salvage pu 2 mi. north of St. Columban Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 345-21 . 84 social., insurance number,' Cull 527-1080' MurphyRoad, Sarnia. 0.12-tf, 1:12-12 'CATSKILL MOUNTAIN First regular card $ 1. 00. and telephone number ONE 1972 Ford 3M tob camper REGION COLOUR TOUR IS Regular games of $15.00 must be mailed before special, automatic 8 ply 750-16 14 Pro city For Sale _4DAYS- 3 Share the Wealth September 9 to tires, power brakes, 55.4.61 miles'. Visit us at our loc'of ion Depart October 3 and- Jackpot $200.00must'go Price $1,575.00., 1973 Mercury 107 MA19STREET SOUTH - COUNTRY HOME 8 room house ate .p-Doncing- October 11 1 R. B. ALLAN Marquis 2 door ' hardtop,, power and garage on a large lot in Admission restricted to 16 years brakes and steering 52,600 -miles' SEAFORTH Brodhagenjn.,good repair. apply Superintendent of Cor�petitilon MUSKOKA LAKE & _or over. Education $1,700.-00. Both vehicles one rOU 42 Huron Couik ion owner �62-64�A.­ 1042 2 Box 3286 The Hueon Exposit.or, MANI'i _�-j[N ISLAND -tf, ty:Board of. REPOSSESSED Kayak .above TWO mobile homes for sale, 12 x Seaforth. 1440-5 Mitchell sponsored 'the - 3 DAYS c! Education ground swimming pool with walk, 46 and 11 x 6S. Reasonably -aturiWg Glevela-rid-Ho '111k unty, Health Unit --power --Agricultural-Sbeiet-y- on. - - use- -11W�Qll CO _I(R-Allbee Street 1974 Chev. Biscayne -sund6ck and clample-te-fittrat ions prjced_�_� -will del _527 '_ New invites you to -attend the -ape- Resort and the Ne CLINTON' steering andlorakes, idod sh 11-12r2 system. Must sell for bank. No 0629. GEORGE R . SEPTEMBER 3 M.S,Chi-Cheemaun $4,,1S0 -.Q0; '69 Chev, sedin, Ontario, cylinder automatic good shape reasonable loffer refused. -Call AT cost 61 less 6" work shoes, at 7:OOP.M. at Mitchell Arena. Depart SEPTEMBER 26, 28 and 30 and Chfld .�275.00; 1080, Massey Ferguson credit manager collect 1-519- sizes 7, 71/2, 12, •arch supports, JOHNSTON classes la--- Applicants should' indicate 433-2611 days or . evenings. laces, metatarsal pads. At 8A Old Time 9 & und'eri­ OCTOBER 2and4 tractor. with roll bar cab, good REAL ESTATE LIMITED 14 && Under the grades and/or subjects shape, $6,300-00 for quick sale; 2 11-12-tf Main Street, Thompson Apt. #4. -ealth they �re prep a red 'to"t each BROKER open AUTUMN IN H and the schools in which and. 4 row John Deere bean 11-12x5,. BOX 249 ALEXANDRIA BAY pullers; '72 Massey Ferguson self ONE person's junk is another`ls Down East -10 & under From this propelled Combine, 262-6408. gold mine, Turn your unwanted UNION GAS clothe's dryer -in good •L��EST LqRNE-0,NT.( _3DAYS- -,0- clini,C. they would serve. 768 IZQ1 Open -fu-fiTij�Thd'Ed&Wood information lists' of 1042-2 les into cash, wiih aii shape $70. Welby Stone, R.R.4, 'A -known poplar • . and Step -dancing g- --Fea articles •Group -­Riesort HEALTH UNIT OFFICE available' teachers will. be EXPO91TOR classified. 527-0240. Seaforth, 527-1346. or contact by well 3 or more - -open prepared for 'each-, school. 1971, Maverick good running-" 11 - I 2,xtf C.B.Handle �­Sfpny' Lonesome talented photographer told - us Trophies aqd'prizei, Mail.. entrids-_ Depart SEPTEMBER 23 SEAFORTH 'COMMUNITY 43asa. 11-1 1 24., that,mr, are getting Principals then contact _ �,10_ tting. _sdWle in mind Onditim 345--175-7.' 12xl to Mrs. Jean •� Reaney, R, #3,. HO.SPITAL wording our ad for this,paper, We SEPT19MBER 27 applicants when � their -TROPICAL FISH Mitchell. (Entries close on services are' re4u.ired.' '(k Ford 1/2 ton truck, 6.. -cylinder BUDGIES CANARIES 1-4 row Speedy bean puller and I will be frank in saying that We September 2) 1- 10'3 1 2-tf THURSDAY, S . EPTEMBER 8 Hqpry windrower with conveyor., appreciated his comment.. It .. ........ . from . 9:30.- 11:30 a I . m. for: Persons presently recently painted, .34'.' topper, serving - Telephone 345-2346. 11-12xl showed'that. he is interested in . ........ ing as * Oc6iional sAfety.ghecked. 527-0370., I0,J24­_ Acornplete line of pet supplies _Teachersour Ifare, our...eAJoyment' of schools e P.- Healt-h-Survelliance--in r I I .our we need not re -apply. Names '72 Toyota Corolla, good shape, PUPS to 'give 'away',., -345-2756. health and the common blessings PAT'S PET SHOP 11 -42 -1 --of life-MaybAL, another person ill- ter- -six--olcloek-S-2-7-05-1-6. a a a To -u r 3. Immunization now.read h. t 47r -W a y sln - 8 � - .. - - included for the 'coming 10-12xI .350 Main Street our ads. 4. Hearing Screening year unless notification to PRUNE PLOMS' pears,. bedri�',­ . I �***** S. Flia6ride brushing of FIFTH wheel trailer, tandem "r c,6� 'own;'' I ' available ble We ha�c a� 100 acres of land ' " I ' received i- d Erx�t�r Phone2-3514,451 pick y so, availa the contrary is , receive children's teeth to prevent from either the teachqr or "oldals, 20 ft box and hoist, steel apples -potatoes, vegetables, without buildings. It is a mile and cavities. forages 3 'to.5 years racks and tarp plus 1976 Dodge Shady alre Fruit Farm, Ar koa, a quarter from the St. Cd1urfiban', Kin gston Thelsilands principal. 'L 6 Vision testing.. one ton pick up duals, 440 engine, USED'oil furance and oil tank, 16 Casey l3ongers, 828-3305, 11-12-2 .corrier_'If we -don't make a quick D. J. COCHRANE 1-12-1 salewewill tell you all about it% automatic sell together or x 7 Director foot Stanley, double gaiage• 7 'Irf&[G�e8­b09t 'cruise, around the Islands,' 4- Help Wanted -" TURKHEilq separately� -iCippon. 262�5619'','­'do­ f2 6S'tnob`i e ome -pho TWO self propelled D�io'n forage; -next, -week. -Keep - your fingers or, x one overnight stop at Mo Chairman 10-09-4 527-0203. 11-12-tf wagons on - dependable six crossed in the meantime. tel: (2 to a room); also a" I PERSON with car to drive. me off - s-. 7 7 New 641-2 cylinder Chev cliassi visit to Rockwood Lions. Safari. rural mail - route for winter. '72 Ford GLEANER C2' combine, Holland forage harvester 2 heads This-,J.,&.the Labour Day weekend. .1 . _. . I ton triick, stock rack . bean - - months. Phone 527,1682. 414*2' and loading shoot, safety ',.special with -corn and grain beads. and. a Dion forage blower. Call Throughout the world there will LEAVES BRUCEFIELD­8 A.M.MONDAY, .7 •Si-tua0qns' Wanted checked 482-9260., 1.0-12-tf Fully equipped and 'recon- 527-0047 or 527- be bombings, uprisings, SOMEONE to construct., ditioned. Phone 482-9266. 11 -.12 -tf 1278. 11-12-2 earthquakes, hurricanes, - floods SEPTEMBER 12 approximately 200 feet' of chain WILL take in boarders. Apply to -ale Box 3288 The Huron Expositor, 11 Articles For• S and upheavels of governments. In link,fence'. High quality. B BABY BUGGY that converts to PICK your own' cucumbers, Si!afdrth four characters will push ARRIVES BACK- TUESDAY 7 P:M., "wot'lorna . nship required. 527-1370. Seaf, orth. 7-11x2 EMERGENCY .SALE: Late. bed, , and stroller, baby's -9156. 11-12�2 a -bed-patient down the Main 'summer overloads our car Henry Kalver, 482• 4-12xI s' a SEPTEMBER 13 WILL •take boarders Ph 0.9 table, - excellent in one changk.. 7 Street. You can see that this i PLUMS Bartlett pears,, nice place to buy a'. 527-1920 7-124 Warehouse. Twenty,4hree. 1977 cbriditi.on. Phone hie 527-028 1., house.'. A middleaged.. woman to live in all aluminum 16 x 24 swimming 11,11-2 eating and cookiiig apples', . h h M g F G, TR IWX�789 E"AFORT FALL 75 ON IM 0� LIMITED JR 7 8_1 0. Fare $45.00 each to -be, companion for an 'older pools, must be sold immediately. potatoes and honey at Art Bell's Let us talk about your needs, your woman in'a country home 'neat Want -ed,-, includes sun deiblo, fencing, fifter' FALSE teeth, long u,nderwear9 h 524-8037. Fruit Farm. P one requiremt!nts or your wants. Seaforth. A working woman and safety stairs. Sale ,price Expbsitot" claSSifiedS r have. sold For details'phone BCIC-Vho:e. work11-124 Perhaps Nve can, coWe up with an 4-82-3 232. would be i&Il and could be $1,250.00. 'installation and terms. pl 'e--ybur­�d almost everything. ac answer. com.pa evenings. Apply 4 Dublin arranged.Call Terry collect days -GAS space h6ater. and baby an in the even 34S-29.6 I , I i today by calling 52�,�0240.' 56 y 1-12-4 Box 3289., The Huron Expositor.' .224-6768 Ftillarton or evenings. 1-519-433-1083, cents off when you pay cash. buggy. Both nearly new, Whatever else happens .....tie ve . ... ................ - �l 142-t 'Seaforth, Ontario.' 4- f 2-1 7-12-tf 11-12xtf 527-1921. a relaxed Labour Day Holiday cla"S'sified Rates CLERK to work part time in a variety store. apply to P.O.B6x 4-124 WILL do baby sitting in my home in Seaforth. Call 527-0266. 7-11x2 SWIMMING POOLS. 1977 849- Seaforth... IJ WANTED BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 500 per'. Days Evenings WO RD COUNT. Experienced 527-0870 5i65.2855 poured CONCRETE WORK BIRTHS 0 words, $2.00, 7c per Word thereafter. Charges are based on the, number ber of words. S'e ts of Welders MARRIAGES, Engagement's, , Death , Notices, MALONEY BROS Suggested retail price $2295., Now 'for serial 'nuMbert. street n numerals -as, umbers, Ageis-2, -&years-; - Hot ' lunch,, trained staff, available at $1288. No paym'ents 345-2964.Du.bil n 'al Phone numbers or prices q pprit as one word per set. wild, i . Addtio n 7A 2-tf additional word 7c. Three insertions tor.the price 'Words joiWd by hyphens'Count as separate wordsMetol 1416-663-9508. '11- 1 2-tf 'of d GESTETNER INK AVAIIABLE. CARD OF. THANKS" - 30 Words '$2.00, each FIRST I NSERTIOt 20 Words $2.00, 7c per -word - Fd bricators Carpentry hereaf t6r. SUBSEGIUENT INSERTIONS- No ..cppy changes, Apply in person to 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH,,OAYMENT -5G-per-word- j=m- fnlm�-j m -$-l-. 00. -ROBE-R-T.-BgL-L-INDU-S-T-RIFi-S - All stages of house construction, -6 ' ­ i jeln-e&-, - re'novatin"g, --masonr.)� SEMI -DISPLAY LIMITED doors arid windows, siding, ­etc. FIRST INSEATION per column inch. seaforth, Ontario FIREEESTSIMATES ..$1'.96 SbBgEOUEN'T INSETIONS -$1,68,per COJUMr n inch. 4-12-1 12-11 call 1-1167. 1 . 1-12xl• Letter size, 25c each. •' - 'THE HURON, EXPOSITOR REG BAI?LEY. 3454564 _7424 Need someone to ltdre fo - r Yo'ur Child T 11f6rernith (Minienum size in this category 11/2 inched. WILLIAM M. HART SWIMMING POOLS. 1977 Accepted lh multiples of half inch.), IJ -models sli htl' scriatched in 9 y BOX NUMBERS TO THIS OFFICE - 500 per'. Days Evenings transport. Ftilly . warranted, insertion. 527-0870 5i65.2855 complete with Pu,mp,_.. niotqr, BIRTHS 0 words, $2.00, 7c per Word thereafter. 14 12-1 filter, fencing, walkway and deck. MARRIAGES, Engagement's, , Death , Notices, 527-04SS Suggested retail price $2295., Now 20 words $2. b0i, each add i14onai 1 word 76. Ageis-2, -&years-; - Hot ' lunch,, trained staff, available at $1288. No paym'ents IN MEm6RIAMS -$2.00 plui,10c per line of v 'al tifi,1978. Immediate delivery and COMING EVENTS -__ 20, words $2.00 each i . Addtio n in§tallation. Call collect anytime additional word 7c. Three insertions tor.the price 1416-663-9508. '11- 1 2-tf 'of d GESTETNER INK AVAIIABLE. CARD OF. THANKS" - 30 Words '$2.00, each Cl,as.s if i e HONEY for sale, 2 &A.lb. pails. additl6nal word 3c. . Wilmer Apply Kel ly, 101 James St., Seafo rth, 527-1023'. 1-1-080 50c DISCOUNT FOR CASH,,OAYMENT EIGHT round Star pig feeders, 0 eWApers Association we now offer" an ON OR OEPdAE, .P�atioi. Choice of sty les meetingr COPIES Copies FRIDAY NOON IN W`88K.,0F..INSERTION, n-ext, -of -your-important-papers= Mere 4 furrow, 16 " bottom' plow, service. or documents while you wart. No -cancellation of multiple insertion 1-1167. 1 . 1-12xl• Letter size, 25c each. •' - 'THE HURON, EXPOSITOR advertid6rrierits after Noon' Tuesday ploge 3454564 _7424 Need someone to ltdre fo - r Yo'ur Child T 11f6rernith ... ..,.,,,Seed Whe.a t WILLIAM M. HART SWIMMING POOLS. 1977 DARK. blue plums, Phone IJ -models sli htl' scriatched in 9 y 52,7-0101. 11-12-2 Days Evenings transport. Ftilly . warranted, 527-0870 5i65.2855 complete with Pu,mp,_.. niotqr, PULSIVER MUSIC, Seaforth, iG.T. 14 12-1 filter, fencing, walkway and deck. having its first truck load sale of 527-04SS Suggested retail price $2295., Now Organs and Pianos.' September. Ageis-2, -&years-; - Hot ' lunch,, trained staff, available at $1288. No paym'ents 16 & 17th .' A -choice of over 30 'al tifi,1978. Immediate delivery and 7keyboards at fantastic savings. i . Addtio n in§tallation. Call collect anytime 11-17-2 1416-663-9508. '11- 1 2-tf ,or full day program. 482-7634 d GESTETNER INK AVAIIABLE. FOUR kittens to give ,%,Way, Cl,as.s if i e HONEY for sale, 2 &A.lb. pails. S27-0817 or 5270993. 11 12-1 . Wilmer Apply Kel ly, 101 James St., Seafo rth, 527-1023'. 1-1-080 BUFFET and studio co*h for EIGHT round Star pig feeders, 0 eWApers Association we now offer" an quick sale, excellent, condition, .P�atioi. Choice of sty les meetingr COPIES Copies IV7 n-ext, -of -your-important-papers= Mere 4 furrow, 16 " bottom' plow, service. or documents while you wart. CAULIFLOWER Cabbage, 1-1167. 1 . 1-12xl• Letter size, 25c each. •' - 'THE HURON, EXPOSITOR apple's and potatoes. Bring your Appl-9 150 ploge 11 -12 -if ' own containers.' Market Street. 11-12xI GOT something to sell? 9000 people read the EXPOSITOR classified ads every week. Place each 'ach 0 •your low -priced Expositor all- classified at 527-0240. • 11-12xtf, ... ..,.,,,Seed Whe.a t EATING and cooking apples. 19 ' . ...... ... TAR• IJ Da yNursery different varieties, pears ars and [VANASTRA1 for Registefed Frederick Seed. ARTBOLTON . OLjQN plums in season. Maple syrup. McClymont I Orchards, mile willdoityou OPEN - 6:30 A.M. to 5-30 P34. 527-04SS south of Varna,:482-3214,. 11.12.tf with your speci-al Ageis-2, -&years-; - Hot ' lunch,, trained staff, -RUSSELILBOLTON 527-1428 428 QUANTITY ..of'_'ifi6ed grain tefry-O'R�illy,�345.2685. I 2-11 x2' C I as's i fi e d- ad. educational toy's, nursery school 11-11 3 ,or full day program. 482-7634 SWIMMING POLLS to Rent- - GESTETNER INK AVAIIABLE. Throudh a special arrangerngnt between 7.12.2 Will leAse and install for I hotneowner, fafflily' ' §i2e at '.The Huron Expositor, 527=0240, Seafprth.,'__ 11-12xtf NseWsper and The OntarioWeekly :� -Stb�kiF 8 F ilifffi �tll Sale aluminum s�vjmming pb9I 'With EIGHT round Star pig feeders, 0 eWApers Association we now offer" an .P�atioi. Choice of sty les meetingr one Beatty -feed- cart, one John Onthir%-WIde diassif led advertising HAMPSHIR E and Duroc boar all.fencingoregulaltions on a one, Mere 4 furrow, 16 " bottom' plow, service. and gifts: Reg. R.O.P. tested; low back fat. Paul McNally . 357-3724 8.09.4 two, of thrde year'fental basis, with option to own, No payments I - till 1978, 'Ivry b0f6re you boyl.Call 1-1167. 1 . 1-12xl• -Call _R 17 0" A' A CLAY -leg elevator, 40 with a collect'any titn6 1-416-663.9SO8. 'APPALOOSA mare 6 years old, rated capacity of.'L0,00- bu. per 006dIlhib fo( 6166611f led ads, Is 12 Noon Ttiiqsd�jg' PP61'.,tuftity thie dispo§ition. Very sensibro, hour. One e'Pord 5' rotary mower , I for detafls' �MfIS.. 8,12.2 aria a 61 blade for a category one Pit N�41 ISE, bread'route 'Wifb 1011 or three oj�j hitch." Best offer' JNG7107ws t e 1976 3/4 tQfi chiIiv van, 527.065S, duplicate, -Philio-ne-.6'17,�i024 0' yo '16 I ' tit 1111.4,, '$eafoeth, 521-0358., blook *lilte, faced calves abbut 206lbs. hit 345.2337. 5.12 ScdorLh. 11527�It16 -12x1