HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-09-01, Page 13v '
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Y g P g .i
' The Queens acme through With then hold the Mainstreeters to a with several miscues they
the only, big upset of 'the first single run: counted'tsvo rctns to regain .the .
baseball playoff, games. Playing Upset Wit , lead,
the opening game Sunday the Neither team ,could moti t aft 4 - l lead
Queens came up wiM thWlg`bats---atfensive--in•-"the- finaL_innog--Ik -final inning saw..the Turf
as they downed, the ` kague • ' erviog the Queens the upset win. again get three, singles but they
champs by a'13 - 9' score:'---'='-'The--@ueett's-snuffed=�u #II es n Q y managed one run to take a 4 -
- Le d • by Ross Gavier's 'triple the second 'and.. seventh innings 1 lead,,Texaco came to life in the
and two doubles t ie Queens with double plays as they take a 1 final half inning and two singles
pounded out ' 10 >bits while -the -0 series lead.: and three walks . f', allowed by a
Mainstreeters managed on 8 Ig, -d .. Texaco 5 Turf Club 4 single. by Moe' Huard provided
by Ken Roth'g triple and double The late contest Sunday started the Duffers with four runs and the
While Gary Bettles added a, triple out ata real pitchei;'s duel as,; Ron, victory.
in a losing cause. Beuermati and Paul McKellar • Both teams played :extremely
Both teams:. --made . countless dominated play.The Turf Club well as- Paul McKellar struck out 9
errors as they both appeared edgy took ►t 1 - 0 first inning lead on a batters and allowed just six' hits
and nervous, during the game. double by, Ferg. McKellar and but suffered the 'loss. Ron
Both teams scored in bu nches as held the lead for 4 innirigs. Paul Beuerman in posting, ,the win
they each' counted 3 runs in the McKellar silenced the big;Tex'aco_ struck out 10 batters but scattered -
first inning:. - bats,' retiring 'the first ,. twelve eleven hits: -
Then the Queens scored 5 big batters. VWage 11 Teacher 1
runs in the fourth to go up 8 - 3 The, fifth inning saw three Monday's ' action` saw the
only to see Mainstreet count 4 singles score a single run • as games a little more `lopsided as
runs in the fifth to again even the Texacq,tie-d the game at 1 all. The • the Village used the long ball
score at .8 all. The sixth saw the . Turf came right back in the •sixth'. early building a 'big lead. Then
Queens again explode for S runs and with four singles. coupled (Continued on Page 20)
-1n soccer• .ploy
..St.. Calu
•r 4 i
Brenda Finlayson A
.4th-:. i n Do6minio'n-..
.ow inn-,
Brenda •Finlayson came 4th in and 11r. P. Brady 2nd. ZW plus 'doubles, Art and Mary lInlaysQn�
Ladies singles in the Dot;clinion ZS, were in the prizes a Skra;1'ocl gn
finals at Edmonton last we last weeks winners at jitney Sunda ,
Btertdawas tied for third place were, ,Katie ,Phillips 4 plus _19 and Mgnd4y., its Qqi an}qual• Wa'c�,- h
but ,lean Black of Saskr_ tchevyan - __ l�I YYaldeu 1 plus24 -dor the n[en� 'dornatrleni acid by t.. a e tttes
_ _bad -floss shots against her:. TAis it' -W0 W. •..Cuthill and Edgar we shouid have, the greens filled.
was quite an experience for Allen.; ,both with 2 plus '24. Seaforth Legion and the 'Nigh.
Brenda but the weatherman was 1n duty o$wool-both have 'reuested-time-� -
- most unfov Otable, . Jack and'Donna Patterson placed at.the greens so good bowling to
'Congratulations" to Mel fourth. at Wingham mixed all.
Brady of Seaforth who won the, ,
Gold Medal in Men's singles at
the Ontario. Summer -Games at
Kitchener this past :weekend. Mel
won all,•three games to win this
honour. '
Tuesda3t, evening thirty-two I t -o#
6embers sat down to a most ° A
-delicious • pot luck supper.
Afterwards seven greens were in r•,.,„...,
play bowling,^also two tables of
bridge and one of _euchre. High j
Score for bridge. was Esther Brady�j ”
while for euchre it was. Grace C i .,_ �/
Broadfoot. _ j j ',_ F % ...,�
In bowling it was Verda Sinclair, %i- j j j % j %/
1st with 2W 'plus 30 O/p 5 with
Katie Phillips -2nd., 2W plus' 24. .
For the men it was 'Jack - ,
--Ratter'son 1st. 2W- -plus.-20- o'/p 4
• 3Store1 Saves
.. _�T$ rt t. .a Y •i Yo • as ..
O Olu
St..:,Columban played a strop 'itnmediatel ressed to the attack ' " ' -. • #
' - P Y „g Y P Goderich' an Saturday $nd were
game of soccer for 'the full 90 to try and get the go-ahead goal• defeated by a -i Yscore. St..
v minutes on Sunday and came The London teams were confined,
Columbary opened the scoring as
' away with a 2,-1 victory over the : to'theix own half of. -,the field for " ' - �t . ^•
London Lions: + Rick 'Ryan scored on a beautiful
most. of .the second half.
' •individual effori: Gac%rich took ><�f
Brad Finlayson got St.r -
' iitkL22minutes ren►airing�ehargosoop afer, however, v
r 'and"
Columban off to a fast start as he the game, Gord Dick scored on a. controlled most ofthe play for the
' scored within the first 10 in . centeringass, from Case Van'6f
P Y duration the game. - Frank it '
-of the game. Brad fired a perfect Bakel. However, the referee Verberne had little or no chance
shot'just inside the Left goalpost 'disallowed the goal, claiming that to"stop any -of 'the'three goals that
from eighteen yards out. The , it was offside. Ten minutes later, "lv� "
got, by him. �a k, '' "" Tour il0adqutll tilts
Lions tied the, game � feiO minute Van Bakel dot the winning goal as " , A
later when St. Columi�an g for.
'j.• his . shot went. into the bottom St. Columban "B" . 2; ,� ,
goaltender Frank -., V:erberne right hand corner. London Ya olslays -2 "" f, BACK'TO' L � �
;� 5 , t5 A a fE^E , 0100 __.L --t_ ., • �9..�._�. -„_ „-.
misjudged a slow,r<,11er and let it The Lions tried to•, get the The ''St, Columban "B" team ' " r, >' '' SUPPLIEMWIF S,
slip into'the net. He made up for , equalizer, but the St. Columban rhosted London Yu oslays ori - r �'�� � l �� � •
his error thou as he was ore of its g ''�
I. gh defence, playing Sunday,, with, the., ...final result,! TM° tri;, :�- * R�flll fiaapor. A
unbeatable for, -the rest of the strongest 'games ; this year, t u * buo+Tan Covers
being a 2-2 tie. This game proved'
f _ � a _ R�t�ase Not�r our
gee . withstood the. ch llenge. • the old saying that `.',the, game is
a n _
• -'' .Wind advan e. « ,; ,. g Vii. •
Goderlch A,- 31, -
St. Columban . took the wind i cc ;, "••'n 'er;won ental the final whistle i sl " 1 " o`iut Pons._. EW STORE
r �, _„ *Sind' � ....NEW O.URS .
' o St. Columban A -1 ' is .blown.„ . ,. - . ,. `� �� �,u. a ' a�, � �, � ,� , �;' i ¢ * Ilallp ropy'
' and
.. ,, _..
� •* Not*
advantage m the second half St: Columban A .vlaved in , -^ "' .
' Pads 1 .m. m.
St 'Columban controlled most' aye Ate' �.P� •
'Bund ��
fo On
urban c �, ' •
o ( •� Food Dept. , 'IY
NOTICE scoring opportd pities and
. . 1�1
have'won t
on the .�
ame b
r .g Yat
1 2 goals
-Vii:-_-„....: �..._,..__.,_:...�... - ��,.
ft- Danny Muir y' put St.”,
h. r��� b'er' . s.
r Columban into the lead with 'a
• shot into the top left coiner from
rn ONTARIO S 6'' ST '- Seaforth resident Mel Brad ►r GIRLS" LADI
Insurance O#five; BtVs els _ __20 -.yards out. London tied the y ES
scwre.late in'the first half. In the
shows the bowling form' top hoto) that'won him the
second ..half, St'. Columban': had gold Med. he 'wears in .the 'lower photo at the
'• - .• .numerous- -scoring "'-opportunities --.Ontario,.summer, .games..._in.'_Kitchener' over the. BOYS•_..-MEN.,S____�..__
but .,were unable'to• put the ball' *eekend, ME Brady' Or-OU§h't home'• the• men's• may.
5 An n u a I ly - or. ally ', .Paul VVINDB
,. ...91'%
-� o• - - � th n91e -' ng• •Brady_ R .
into the. net., .Fin
8 „ „ McClure broke through "e lebys'
si s title in lawnbowli Mr B,ra of James
Street,,' is president of the. $eaforth Lawn Bowling
Yugoslav'defehce-and fired a low g =^ •
monthly; quarterly en er.
shot past iIi 'r goalt d (Exposi'tor Photo) T-�H
O - - - St,Columban were in. Cour `lete ��1-— 91
2 . o or s-e:ml=onnualfy
. control..of the game n ow and, �-TOPS • ,._.• : � •
Brus$e.is �fficei0 en 2
victory' seemed imminent. -NOW w: / UP
(� However, with only 2 -minutes to
' ' •T U @ S Caye.
&•Frrdays• Phone 887-6663 Play; London" scQred4 on a
easy shot whicfi ^2' St:
' Monkton Office. 'Open •Monday Y Y
Columban defenders had a
_ ,...,. • • thSaturday Phone 347-224L. _
chance .to stop-
.. :',,
• �; THEANNU.AL`,,.-,..M.0N ICIPAL .rSummer,:,.-,,�y, s'FABRIC
N rc and 'seENT
�10NE .NU �E . A- T'- FACTORY ENDS .
To0f p££. CORDUROY „
Thei m u i munichpa. enumeration will begin on .Tuesday,'S'eptember6,•1.977'. - ` $1 0-38.
: , /� 7'fig, P��Y���
59 ¢'Du ing this mont , an enumerator, carrying• a ptoper identification card,,wfilcall at: your„„,Irealdence for,fl few minutes to.check basic information required in,'kj��X
p9- L S
theallocatio'n_bf education property, taxes.•between°,the public and separatd9 7.
school systems; ; , ,` 2 sheets .4
/ W���"'
00 9
' w the distribution' of provincial •
p g"rarl'#it -to local governments to ,help reduce ,; -. • • dor O�r
lapel' tox bills; - • _ ..
.,the preparation of jurors' lists and "- "- -' -' "- - - - -- - -A-
populAtionetl Shop►
, ,
. information needed for other municipal programs.KSEXER'C15E. BOOS _ 1►o'r�eNowCa�rying
' _.
�. . •' p .p. y
The enumerator must record such information as the name` age, roe'rt ., ¢ .
4toa pac
'Status [e.g. oiknpr or'tenantj, school support and residency,41' al1i i ambers of 9 8 „ Induditt gredd it�il�'pl'OdYCt:, _
the h606
_ _ _,.,_. _ _ "" _- _ _ "", _ _ — _ Packaged Flees Canned 6oWa" etc..
L ' W'Iietl •th enumerator V11 Its, please cheek that .the •information on the �� NOW iMllt: l be pd".id ps deoatld til lt'r itsF
,. Enumdrallon Notice Is correct. It it is not; revise it and verify tee, changes
RI G 1NL��E 2 98
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fir. . •' .1 y - ,. i � '; ..,a y r . _ s.
....�. .' .. , ,.,..y,-
r ,
If ou�re r�rt bbmiei�-ar-Notice-will be__tef foro . If c an es- ate necessary.
pfease.maka, them and mail. the frnunteratorl :Notice, all soon 'its possible, Iin C. .. w,
#hl3 self IdreSSed 'postal a prepaid envelope occpmpapyfng the Notice For 'I , i-
s.. S1�EVIYALK-SPE-C S _ ;
any additional Irtforrhati'ob, please" Contac# the Local asseosrndnt 'office.
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