HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1977-09-01, Page 6.. .. .., .,, rte. ... .. ........ ,.. :.. .. :. . ... .. .... .. .. ......._ ., :.'•� .:.T 'T T. r .�t i -,__Z,,77%
11' .. .. .,-'-_'�_^.1'___.•r' m!,7.-""r-T''t'_T,,,,.•3 .. u.., . ., ,. �',' -C7" .. - ,7 �'�"�'.�i'^^�...,'.'-'1 ,��117 't... r. „'T i•- i{" :T,"
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KAf flus tim.eof r ho da s and p ob 1 wili be igu h'r ,^ure ely.oUtt
1w`rd*%kuqwa amw
•, W , U V x yea , w. ea0 y r ab Y g, equi
c s ,
. ., resist stopping at the roadside, �+c.00>s corn;'hush olid sii . dsx Wy 3 , mature ears 5,
ma u inures
markets for co nary fresh flntarfo before~ dropping tha eats Info to t74 m minute, Remove
"Know your I w" is a monthly absence is ex lainetl by illness,- v_a - degendin on 'your son's
corn. Corn lovers itnaw that cRrn rapidly boiling watet' to which a immediately from the. water ;to
y a y _.. _ - P __- _ �. - - . , , _ : picked and -eaten the same d'ay 1S o su °ar as'been added. avoid toughening,I and' loss. ;bf
feature provided to the Huron the situation has gone unnoticed prior -record. Two possibilities are ;'; ! the sweetest and;, most tender. cutch ..,f h
e Freventlye Law school. l onl want tohelp - a fine and/or a probation order. ' Leave ' iincove;red and time _ 00or, then slather with -butter',
-F'ttQx lzxill< __. �_� __._.- .. ;byShe_ __ ____ ___.._.:_._ _ _-'--- - - _ .._.... _-- ___ .-- -- _._:_ _„ s *,, But just purchase,, enough for ane _
Program of the University' of what can I do?
°• x
a�. _TlleAlon �r .,yalt store o4Fn
Ottawa. The program aims to r
- _._
a # the more sugar in tTi e' kefine s
make Ie ai information available A: The principal at ,the school Q: My son has,been tbreate.ned ! •
g p p converts 'to staid/
to non -lawyers. should be informed. The with suspension. When can such f When that.
n Y'ou, re IhAted to the
-The sub'ect .areas covered= -in daughter - is entitled to an . an`action be taken .,. can I dtl 1"� { , 4_ hapAens, you lose the melt -in-
°- your Y sweetness
f s kM �' so ch.arac-
d S
-the column are designed to . education. Attendance„ is anything?c' v 7 1.
a uh
„' r �� teristic of Ontarip corn; .-
appeal to the general public. They compulsory for all' children aged
g six to sixteen. A parent. or A: • A principal may suspend, a ' .; <u r «*4 R , '� , Co,
are not intended to. ivi,4 readers When .selecting' corn with the t e `r ” ' "'4
for an of the fo l w g • k, t : , , `, rr<,, husk on look •for, bright, ,fresh -
guardian -
:answgrs to specific problems but who fails to ensure that
pupil y .4t y € #:;;
rather to foster an awareness of their child attends school may reasons: (1) persistent truancy,•° `#{
looking husks with dark shiny silk
s r f ,
the le al rocess in general. _ have to pay a $100 maximum rine _(2i persistent . oppgsit'iori;, to r s rir ; f r 1` strands, -The husks, when gently a
process '
,� WE
!1/ IGH T�L SS
These questions and answers,
or put ug a 520.0 bond which rvi11 au ori y,--u—se-of piaFan �„ u (�t �' squeezed; should feel moist and-
based on Ontario law, 'are be forfeited if the parent improper language, (4) wilful �,Yy}�, far � ; +� ,, s ', the silk strands dry but:not dead.'
continues to ne lect his destruction of school property, (5)
published to inform and not to g a°`'i ❑
condpct in urious to physical or In the super narket you'll often 0 n Ho use
advJ1 . No one should fry to apply responsibility. J. is=� , „
or inter ret the law without the mental -well-being of others in the . �r ° x# find corn dehusked in'
p school. The arent. or guardian. 5t; x�,# > € � overwrapped trays. This type of
aid and advice of a. trained expert 2• p g �s`4�:i i w �+ , FREE ADMISSION
facts hecasue the Q: It upset tis to learn that our son may appeal the suspension within a ' <' �"a` wrap helps to con'serve moisture
who knows the freshness, as long asthesotn _--
the'factsof each c .e may change and his girlfriend: have been seven days to the school board, if+�� „r. g
the •application f the law. skipping school regularly. How the appeal is successful, the - i ept co d.T
sk 1
LET'. HEAR YOUR BIDS — Rob Tetu exhorted the Beware of' dimples in corn
Editor: serious is this? r•: suspension will be••dropped. p
• �' audience to bid for -.a chance to own these window .kernels. They're -a sign that the,
A: A child who refuses to attend' 4. .curtains, and. dozens of other, ,items -at the Van corn has been around for a few
Q:The young girl, n.ext door is 'school or is habitually, absent is Q:.l strongly support ,governnrient' Egmond. Plea Market, Sunday. Money from the
frequently kept home from school guilty of an offence and subject to financial assistance for students to take care of our er children in t auction of the donated goods, which ranged from An Expositor Classified will
y g the penalties under the Juvenile in- need but resent abuse o -the' ,
the family' Since .the girl's Delinquents Act. The penalty will programine. Is there no remedy? . • bathroom, sink to'a colour .television, went to -the Van pay youdividcnds. Have you tried,
Egmond Foundation, r (Expositor Photo) one? Dial 527-0240.
A: It is an offence under the
Canada Student Loans Act to give SO-Ids'"""teO�p a Londesbo
false n misleading information. i �i �>
0",h u n 'a r's
_ The'penalty is a $100Qfne and allay
Y g n
_ oirtstar �'ding loans. become Greeters on Sunday morning Johnston an Saturday 'by her speaker at Hope, Chapel memorial
payable immediatel were Mr.. John Riley and Nelson parents• Mr. and 'Miss. Glen : day 'service Sunda p.m. His
• Q: Could J you lea McClure, ushers were Diana Carter. mesa e was text Job. 14:14 .'If,a
at H u ro-� V �.e y please explain Shobbrook, Cheryl Lyon, Shelley Rev: ,McDonald was guest man die shall he live again''.
expuision? Does that mean a'child Westerhout and Darlene
is out of. sehool ,for good? Hunkinn
Rev. Homer" Weathekbee assisted the Chaplain 'Rev, Choir mu`s`ic, was solos "Don't
McWhirmie with the Sunday morning chapel service. Nelson A: On the report of ttie principal forget to pray" and ••"A wonderful- "
Lear and Cecil Skinner sang a duet accompanied by Mrs.Elsie p° p p time no there" by Ken
Henderson: f` the school board holds a hearing Scott accompanying himselt .on .
and may e, xpel 'a student' -whose ,
' Mrs. Jennie McGratton-was honoured by. her family ata � conduct is judged hard to control guitar.', f , accompanying
cI)onald's '.
Birthday Party' in the auditorium on Sundy afferngon. children s story was If you dont _
and injurious tb other students.
Mrs. Lyle Storey; of Seaforth; arranged and introduced .the at first succeed try, try; try
program for' `Family Night". The feature of the program was The parent is notified in writing of again Junior teachers wen;, "
y q g the hearing and' is expected to Florence% j'
the JuniorCrossuoeseCouno snare s randin min awe om the nd-.'Even-attend-board-decides ollard and Barabarahl&nox.The
to expel the student it ma alloy „ Sally ill
/ /
y g y /son -,Ho e g -and Harol Black p g ' p y message was "`Sub sit ��
to eight. Marie Flynn, Ne yv a d „ ...n g Substitutes". j -A .. j
him/her to return later. ' / / �
'accompanied the dancers and singers.. There .were vocal flowers on -mem stands j j
numbers by Marie,Flynn, Donna McIlwain, Debbie. and Dawn 6. were in. memory of,, -'Russell j % j
Flynn. Mrs. Leybo ' urne thanked the'entertainers on behalf of Q: Is corporal punishment Dourgherty . and Mrs. Milton / , W %
a residents.
` allowed in oiir schools - and if so Bruce . In front of church were in
t 'Twenty -residents attended the matinee "See How They are there any -limitations?. honour of the marriage.. in the
" H 41— Pl h t Gr d B d h 'cFi of Jo Anne Snell and Bill
Learn how you can eat the foods you -love -
such as spaghetti, , roast, hamburgers,
desserts - and still lose weight. -
.You'll rnei;faur lectu'-rers who really care -
because they are weitght losers themselves.'
Be sure -to come. You heave nothing to lose but
some weight. „
Current members -of other weight control
.groups may, transfer'.with no registration fee.
North Main Street
Thursday,,7:30p.m. _
For class locations and information
People Who Care
Run at the uron' untir May ouse a an en on
Wednesday. " °
The residents enjoyed music in three different areas
A: A teaclier has to take the same'-
care of a that a careful
Cantelon on Friday by her parents
Mr. and Mrs. 'Doug Snell and
µ .-
' onThursday`afternoon played by Ed. Stiles, Jake Roorda and
parent would: Corporal
Cathy Carter • and Tom
Ethel Hill.
punishment is not prohibited
Ontario but the Criminal Code of
Canada requires that the punish-
ment be for •the 6 ose I of
p rp
- Cemetery /I/lonuments
''1 , �.
_ _ _ _. _ ._ .,
I ��
correction only and that the force
Butcher Your BEEF or, PORK at _.&BUILDING CENTRE
� � ,used ' should ..not. exceed' what. is ---=--•
necessary under the circum-
- - stances_ ,. INSCRIPTIONS
_... 1�V E A L50
. -- _ DISPLAY
-kill f , t __ �.w ACC-E—N T ...f o -r— 1N,G HAM--M-EM OR FAQ _
Sale starts Thursday, September 1,
Check our handbill for many money -saving
Home Improvement Ideas..
All d ouse made t of a um num,_a light strong_ _
P E en reenh s are out Iii
P , „ `- ` - --'-'- -- materialsdt-doesn't�Warp, rof' rust, or quire main-. ,
CLEARANCE SA t - - _ �-
tenance All Eden greenhouses are built on a modular principle,
h _ multiples df 1:22 m
= C U A LITY TRAM P Q' L�NES S �X n when
equir l
(4')co orei asand owhen required led r,
� •me r "
• - •� sliding, draught -proof doors that
,: r m
.:.. , ., es v
w4 / - get in and out offhe,greenhouses.
1 All, Eden gree
r make it easier to
Edetigre8nhou4es'have tension sealedglazing frorn top to
om,, to capture every last rav, of sunshine.
i /� AI
• bolt
.^` sophisticated ventilation system, consisting of opening lites
d g
%� x '13' MODEL 10"1 /2' Scfi`1% ' MC?QEL , '; r.� '
and louvres, is available for all Edeh greenhouses.
_ r
Ed greenhouses have.full length aluminium guttering.
> ;
Eden gre h
•r ,1�r8�'sTi't�`a •. 10�4c�"3'l�0 •: SPORT',.
r � , ... ... b
- n greenhouses 'have of -door latch
, mechanism.
00_ .M a _
. All -Ede mech ism
_.$315 e� $225ea b-
Eden greenhouses havebracesfor 6drs, sides anal-gndsf
° " 9 Different Il MGM TO Choose • Fronn
with y
OUR 2,0%,
o u{csr Price
FIRST .0 iJ M E : F iJOGGERS tore' wi th 1Vi are
N:I�Rs -
.. ... SPORT
IiASC1AL SPORTS I3pG5 ,;, I `�•
�.00' k for.,the SCentre
0'""' Y'
We.[ 't �'
. e''e S' to, �� . Y f. i
+ ,- r . •� ,. P� �� IFR�b J' `I`�i1Dl� Liivll"�IEd ';
,„. - D., ILII�MTOle�- -34
. liSAfIY�IB�.D tE
MCIYr +Y wt.J.. i. ..YJ�Jiw _y L.
W ean�1
r -
a i +
N1din-�5fl`��# �i0�l�Clk`tli. 114
Pon MODE �i�f�OH MA7i3ON L�I�Hc�N�,
''1 , �.
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