HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-06-05, Page 8-4ifg.000 raE WIN GUAM TIMES JUNE 5, I896. i Mts. V. B. V. iliiikm, whe ltas been Nisit- Tito latest phase of the Wells The send -annual meeting of the j HEIFER ESTRAY. riou ftietal.. itt Tomtit() for some time, has bleyele rtthe' conies out in the O. W, Royal Tempters of Temperance, for' t t110 FARM TO RENT. TO YOUR AINAkl-i"C4 k ...1 4,.. ir.prttrawl. i ,511... nini mrs. Thos. 1.)enns hue gone to Racing Board bulletin for this week, the county of Huron, will be held at! •Strayed late premises of the wherein it is reeorded that : "U. S. Soden, neer Exeter, on Wednesday, ' undersigned on May 2,2tid, a heifer, 2 or A. 200 acre farm to rent, well watered Porim pa you, were ttniOng the erttwil 1. ! h. i d.tik, .,„likre they wm avoid, a „vaek Baldwin, of Seatentli, is suspended Julie 17, commencing at 10 a. ni. , s'3,) years old, The owner may have same and iirst•olass boildings, Apply to box who . bought from us ou Saterday :1 411"Ig fl I'll" pending investigratfon as to a viola. The Councils are requested to send: - - Y Paying an expenses,m. oAssuros, 125, Wingham, Out. anci.lf tet, you, learned how we ate ' Mr. F. Johnston, who has been employed tion of clause 0 of the definition. as large a number of delegates AS i -cutting down prices this month. Could you do better? Did 1m garviston for som t ' time past, has re. Robot/ Wells, Stratfot'd, under possible. Busses will he at the yen. ever t turndeto clause B, John E. Harding, jr„ Exeter railway station Starling to ineet the see suet) dualities selling at such low j Reeve rling an 1 Deputy -Reeve Stratford, ttnd Alex. Serimgeour, morning trains and convey dele- L'il- st Pries? Not in one department menet t Holmes are in •Goderich, attending the Stratford, under clause 0, are trans- gates to the place of meeting, but alt ever the house. Our sn 'June session of the Cour.ty Council. ferred as professional bicycle rid- 11 round values are worth taking an ! Messrs. J. A. Morton, U. Robertson andi ses i' si interest in at any time, This Month ' T. J. E'liott attended the district meeting, 4.4.0...• gi they are pardeularly interesting in :I. °- O. I's at Brussa' " ThursdaY• Isom 11 0 LSI" E 1 N DA 1 RY! / Mr. C M. Newaus, rondo, f.:trmerly A ',16/Fla.T.AAS.-In Turnbuiy, May 2Ist, the Dress Goods, W. rabrics is IMERE TO TAY. •Eiri / !morel:am in We town, lini Lem here dat. wife of IVIr. James Pall is:; twin (laugh- 1 IP . We understand int lested parties are spreading lir! eves, Hosiery, Parasols, !lug ti;e week renewing old acquaintances- ter. Wo t Tort that we ttre not likely to bo lenr in tho 1 IA 1 . 13.301i. -In Winehant on May 30th, the Ail:I:ass. we beg to assure the people of %1ingham rj Boots and Shoes, Carpets i Ambure Farrow, Oustoms Officer in Ef.er - . r - Me.et 's service at God rig , wife of Mr. Arthur Cook ; a daughterX . Tat ,tv,eoarivaevroccirnetliincvoignrtti,retsinjealifilvesestm, 1 ,,1.1 ,,IG-trantarrit-In IAN oghatn on June . and toe Curtains , town on Wednesday attending the funeral let.the _wife of Mr. john Galbraith ; a iltdis is elean and pure. Our customers are our bet : A At. M. EE, meixDoo's. i a" father, recommendation.irp IDr. LI nont, of Ripley, was LI tows 6/71.1:2 sxartztrisn. . last week t:siting friends. The Dr. left (T1c--Ite Saturday Bargain list: on :,10 m 9timy for Toronto, and frothere he PA. rsox-LAwustrcro -1B Morris on June3r by the Rev, Ur'. Shaw of Bel - French All 'Wool Delaine worth wilt go to Peterborough where he will grave, mr. /min pattisortoot winasasut 40e. for 22c,; .Black Then De Soie practise. Dress Silk worth $1.25 fer French Dress Pattern worth 31 for 75e.; Colored Lustreworth 75e. for 50c.; Fancy All Wool Silk Mixture • worth 75c. for 00e.; Fancy All Wool and Plain Serge 50e. for 85e. The above. Dress Goods and Silks are very special. PARASOLS, natural . wood band- ' les, Gloria Silk covers regular $1.25 for 95e. tet Miss Bertha b. Lawrence of Morris. tfWrr..xxxSON-Lwrixain.-In Belarave on May 21st, at tho residence of bricie's parents, by the Rev, E. A. Shaw, Mr. 0. AN APPALLING DISASTRI-i, Wilkinson oi Morris, to Miss Annie, daughter of,,Mr. Emerson Littlefeir, of slew:Trust CA 11 fetus RO tTG a A 4elgrave. naro.32, NE 'at VICTORIA., 13. (.1. VA?„-TOnna.N-Kssnzny.-In Belgrave, I at the retne':'nee of the bride's parents, ot, may tka,320,1-1 by the Rev. E. A. Shaw, Victoria, B. 0., A[ay 28. -The le& rrarik v3ra1orinan, to Miss El= most terrible accident that ever cc- scenes*, boss At Belgrave.s,' SUITS- Men:s ' Canadian Tweed about two o'clock this afternoon eurred in this vicinity' took place . ' ' NIA= -In Nforr: ... when an electric ear fell through the the infant lino May the 28th Suits worth 84,100, for '499. Large Point Ellice bridge into an arin ; was on the programme to -day as a of sklATutow_thinildBalutel.lit,Isiana Prazer.tsc ..ns - assortment ,of .flits at specitil James Bay. • 31st Martin Farrow aged - on Sunday May 01 years. ss,' Table Litsen.ivorth, 50e. for 85e, Fancy Shaker Flannel, re alar 19e. EXECUTORiri NOIOE' f7o5re.Sete.orRe4n4enta.rttof TWgeeds worth. - Birthday, and nearly the whole Pursuant to the 'Revised Stang of 0 fo,. 18,!, — part of the celebrati on of the Queen's 1 , Chapter lie, Section at, the :raeditorlintf .1•• -Tr; Remnantof DresJ population of the city had gone out t'eniejsontyli1107,tuter0011, 1=1 Tort of IThighttgin •;.— goodskworth-.:40c. for 25cs; FancY i to witness it. The clear'. ears run- cao,rponter, who died on or atioPavittg llth°2;',44 Etz arld_er.e*fs,' 5e- SatarclaY 2 tor ' nuig out to the scene of battle had IfioA„, (3Polsclogentreviirat;tialtlf:ads c`) dits'. As!' day 2Hoster, fast- black, 15e. Satur- ; been Over _or .,_ for _2ao,; Geuts' Shaker Shirts -Every car was full not only inside, ' • stmlooloteettitsoet; or the unders;tred '.E:12tallOrr Or i orcnoon, . i A. P., 1811)6, thetrl niattIlh'aftTretstAt dtletY. 4j. Ire' fISO.; 9 dozen of G en ts' Colored but as many as could d clinging tleettruall:outIr.ittnlirti.risclotttlitair chinos, ni ntnigtt:tanol Shirts 'Worth $1 for 50c.; Shirtlon the outside. ° so prices. - ) • A shani battle at Macaulay -Point as well. The car to (if anyj held by net: loe_millaititelZoofic til=yeugviVes Waists, special at 75c.; Special Executor will immediately 'after itici'rl Price 1 Willett the ' itecid,ent happened con- ' tnix,:r the" Inants of Carpets ; 0 htenttlined day proceed to distribute the nesets FiliieY ' tallied about SO persons. Even the t Pr t., al 4.! c, • thereto, having regard only to the claims of which 1 f he snot deoentteci antong the parties conned MO f MS occupied. Iii crossing the he shall thnn have hud notlee. v 0 Come early on Saturday morning. 1 v ores Ettmentor. Better choice in the morning. lt you I ,, • . . I Point Ellice bridge it left the track, ' .J. A. ISLOBTON, Solioitoji(!foIrNENe.eutor. ' • • have not got ticket tor cabinets, ask for i crashed through the railings and fell : Wingham, 27th May, ism one and get your. photos taken at oor !into the water 75 feet below, The ! expense. Store will'olose ovary night at I fall was so sudden aed unexpected ' D 7 o'clock sharp, except. Saturday. . I that all the passengers were carried ii Yours truly, 1 l it, the car floated for a moment M. H. McINDOO ' Is 'offering the niost complete and and then was carried down by the stylish stoek a , _ weight of the metal work attached ; ADDITIONA.L LOCALS. ' ° it. . • ruse inside were unable to ,' HATS, SHIRTS, _______ ieseape, ems were drownded like rats t . -The. following paragraph which we !in a trap. Seale of those outside 1 clip from "The Port Worth, Texas Sunday I escaped by switnming- but many j Gazette" of the 17th ult., refering to Mr. Stunned by the fall or unable to Walter 13. Scott, who is a native of this , swim, were 1 • • drowned. It is In-! To be had in town or city. town and a son of C. Tait Scott, Esq., a ' lievecl that fifty of sixty persons former resident of Wingham, will le lead 'were drovviied, but les as yet S'PRAIIT HATS FROM 5e. UP. iim-1 WL CORD and TIES with interest by many of our readeis Ana possible to ascertain the exact neighboring friends: Yesterday afternoon BOOTS AND SHOES :number. It will probably be Mr. Walter B. Scott was examined for 1 several days before the real extent j Our large trade in Boots and Shoes license to .practice law. The examining of the disaster can be learned. t proves clearly that our styles and committee Ives composed of Judge A. X. I ..._______ prices are correct, Booty, John W. Wray, W. L. Husbands, I BELMORE. '"ZsO. Randolph and C. R. Bowlin. These 1 All the crops present a lively ap-1 GROC—ERIES. cli slistinguiehed members of the Pott Worth pearance around here j ust now.] ' ig bar pat Mr.Scott through a severe exam- Fruit'' EYE SIGHT. TESTED FREE ... promises to be an abundant . As usual our stock is fresb. and LI OF CHARGE. tinatio0,16ii,g four hours, and it is mid crop this year. i pure and are sold at very close ity, That the aspirant answered all questions I ' The "sports" from this locality prices. Bargains this week, viz.: 111 satisfaetority but two. At its Conclusion scattered themselves around pretty j 50e. TEA. for 40e. the 'cornmittee expressed their approval of well on We 24th, as some went to ! 1 • 40e. " " 35 • _IF the results and d ' is eual1B-1Harriston, some to Wingharn, and 30e. " " 26e. fu . .cations were sufficient for the practice of ''S'orrte to Mildmay and others to !These Teas at regular prices are the ' rj-I al 'law and admission ta the bar as an attor- tt Ambleside, while a few remained at ' best value in the market. Large 11 "(key. Indeed, some very complimentary i home., e remarks were made on tile manner in ki Mr. John Fortune and family 'which he had gone through the ordeal. I removed to Maskoka, where he will Mr. Scott is well known among a wide !reside in the future and will go into circle of friends and acquaintances as a i the saw -milling business. ,.,. , ) . hard student and his success at this time Belmore has had its share of stump i zattybe taken as an indication of his I speeches in the present campaign; t future if he pursues his course with the !But a large number of the electors same diligence and determination he has !from here are not satisfied. with what shown so far. The congratulations of his I they heard from the "stumpers" here friends are now in order t +,............-••••• I and are following them up, to Wrox. Personals. I eter. Gorrie, Lakelet, Glenannan etc. ' Mrs. horsey is visiting in Goderich. I We are of the opinion that if the Mr. Jas. Saint, of Chicago, is visiting i„ / excitement continues to increase as town. I it has done lately, the 23rd. will be a Dr. Teele,, of 33Tuevale, was in town on 1 lively day. At present in this part Thursday, lit is not evident which candidate is . Miss Wilson, of London, is visiting in i the more popular. Lower W11104171. i Miss Addie Barton who has been Mre. J. 13, Ferguson is spending a few 1111 1 Toronto for the past few weeks days in .Attw000d. !returned home on Tuesday last. Ain. 0,m,, B. King is spending a few I Rev, Mr. Mason preached a fare - in Ihmssels, i well sermon at Salem Congregational Mr. Ifehues, the horse buyer of London, i church four miles south of here, on Ang., b in town. . .8unday evening last and drew a Mr. mid Mrs. Patterson are visiting:large number from then parts to hear lerin, and Listowel. i him. We Ilii6s Mary Wells, of Rochester, is visit- i vv e regret to say that Miss Maggie kg under the parented roof. I Fleming is seriously ill, but at pres- Mrs. I°. U. Kerney and child are visiting ; ent she is slightly improving. At her parLuts in Nt. Marys. Mr. Jas. Weir delivered a fine Mrs. Cargill and family will remove to !yoke of steers to Mr. Hamilton, of Duluth ht the comae of a fAw weeks. I Wroxeter, on Monday last, They Ilarry bay is jtk Alontreal at present 1 tipped the beam in the neighborhood glqing horses fofthe English market. !of 3800 pounds Just arrived a new stock of STEARN'S FINE PERFUMES All the latest odors. Try CAMPBELL'S HEADACHE WAFERS 25c. per box or 2 wafers for 5c. A CURE GUARANTEgp. COLIN A. CAMPBELL, LEPHONE DRUG STORE, 2 Doors South of Post Office, WING1. - ONT, ...........- sssot„,„ estesswessesesesseseassesn: WE STIL:. LEAH IN WATC 17\'' r(J, cLocitis, 111 JEWELERY 3 SILVER ARE, ),1 1.! 81 CALL AND GvaT OUR PRIOL'S''i. ILL 11 THE F WE "Stslit/tItetittleveliteilletrittels THE BOSS TAILOR. Ktietetsse,WISAS11/4•2. 1. Though the holiday season is passed for the rt present, we are still doing business- on the °WA plan of GIVING SATISFACTION IN ra ALL WORK, ri Azobeloveovvviveottv* t_114 PA' 21 LiT GUARANTEE- ood B7 -ST --AND THE - OF WORKMANSHIP In all lines of goods turned out. Ait,Ze3Alirlil44,110/C 411 15 r „ 115 ti [14, ft2 BEFORE ORDE ING. THEY ARE RIGHT VERY Tau. rfl GEO. H. IRVIN THE" r_ :j Opposite Bank of Hamilton. TAILOR, ONT. a?' 15T-.151 giO.AZAfittplrilz-LriFaF1.-SM-affaMic-0.4.10--5K-FlAztPAA ' . ' t stoco. of NM" CANNED CONN, which uji will be sold at 5 cans for 25e. SameJrJ reduction in every- department. One price only and that the lowest. D. H. GORDON, I tril OL ..1.... • trif WE LEAD" OTHERS rr FOLLOW, MUNSHAW 3 r THE orrrorloc.. Wingham. Good garden tools are a great help, but w. here shall we them? Not to At. 0.Qeeit3r; not to A. ..bakery, eer tat ulyr try a harthl are stOre- P3ut wh, ( iNs • vorsewor.ttelnyeam. •-• warsmentstaactiryez WE HAVE, hardware store? Ab, there you have it! Why SUTHERLAND'S is the store for garden tools as well as hardware of most every kind. LE MIXED and DRY PAINTS Wtvo/isomb,/~1w4tvgaw of every 0 Dior. Oils, the best in the market. elm from oill Si SS PENCE WI 'RE 9 -- LAWN MOWERS, 111 '1 144 as. Aor:" ST After a period extendin 6o years of business;iffe If your potatoes are only peeping through the ground I have decided to retire and an4 sell off at cost, there a bug on every lel if, but our r, C A S 1-1 0 INT"a y* BU LDING HARDWARE. All my excellent stock of Goods, consisting of TWEEDS WORSTEDS 9 will knock them out the first round. Try it, SES, OVERCOATINGS & PURE PA RIS GREEN Either by the Web or in Suits. Of These Goons are of excellent quality and of latest style, the ---.- EXTRA FINE Pit OF SHEARS out, we are offering SOME SHOR.T LENGTH:4orris on your fingers. And you will sa.vc raising You cannot sell your woo. before it is aken off. Buy one stock having been put in this Spring. As the entire stock must be elea,red -.A..T1 TAM S S 11,1174„^ COST.. As we arc now carrying 11 ;hell Ilardwam along with THIS IS ICE. OALL ON US. our old lines in Stoves and'Inware, • *re. c. isw;rifrin het on Wednesday for , Whooping cough is very prevalent No PA store rcom, we can afford to sell at rf. )ck bottom prices, without additional cost for rkayin, it.trern she will remain tM around Imre both among the young Pri1E-14C:01.0 r SCIT.,01C: tv.E 61102. land old: 0 VS_ CALL* WINGI-IAM, ONT. striq