HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-06-05, Page 6THE WINGII M TIMES, JUNE 5, 1896. NTI-1, t.ot be known till the new Adminis• t MAKING PARADISE IN ANTI- lug 1. % t : DUD tration, Wm to be established, goes G S TI, into power. . miles)—Promised Cost, $136,000; ex-- A Parisian to Stools it with Game. 'ItITJAY JUNE 5, 1800. St, Charles Braneh Railway (14 Petaled upon it, $1,740,000; outstand- ing chums, $20,719; cost of road o it - 1 self, $822,000; cost of Iand damages, o� salFail;� rOE HOUSES AND aool.s LA1. it,IER SAYS NO. i ALREADY ir0IBwA1tDFD AND `.CRI:. i over $900,000, WORK or S TLEUENT BE. At a political meeting in Beller 'Pay Canal (six miles)—Estimated otne. se, on Friday=, Senator Landry $47 i,$1on it, ?8 ; revenue forexnds 89 � $126 ; Quebec, May 16, 189G. --A British Rained that Zion. lir, ringers, a cost of maintenance 1894, $?,458' island in American welters, under the amber of the Tupper eabinet, and Little Rapits Loelt,--Contract esti- rule of a French governor, der th - at he (Landry) had been officially elate of cost, $86,680; ,paid to con- sibte only to a ''nmol? master for his official acts, is the rather anomalous position now occupied by the Isle of Anticosti, in the Gulf of St Lawrence The new governor, who has already si;Qa,ted to represent him and to tractor, 260,000; contrnetors's ply to %£rr. Laurier, He was claims unpaid, $6,100; no traffic and • i no receipts from the work, eard patiently until touehing on l Gtilops Rapids Channel (Cornwall the Manitoba school question, he Genal)—Contract price, $3O6,G00, left Quebec to plant the flag of his barged lir, Laurier with being a : paid to contractors, $446,500; con- Parisian master upon the island, traitor to his race and ereed, when ; tractor's claim edit unpaid,$130,000. which is naw a kingdom all of his the Liberal leader's friends resented 1 The Minister• of Canals declared in own. is M. Louis Commettant, of the false charged. and hailed the ! in Parliament after the work wit Montivilliers, near Havre, France. speaker with cries of Beaanp•H't „taken over that no one would useHis master is M. Henri denier, the asylum, job, and Quebec harbor;.ri Sheik's 'stand Dam (Cornwall multi millionaire chocolate manufae- worksrobberies; and be demands that Canal) --The original contract was toter, who, it will be remembered, should explain robberies; For teatime abandoned upon which $15,500 of purchased the entire island last year matters looked ugly, and tit;i•e was , money was absolutely thrown away. from ttie English syndicate that con - every prospect of a rove but the The new work was given to a favor- trolled it for the sum of 800,000 Liberal leader begged his friends to ed firm of contractors without ten- francs—less than a third of a franc listen to Mr. Landry peacefully and del's, who have been allowed $•'2t- per acre, for Anticosti is more than wait for Mr. G' ignette s reply. 'Phis .310 miles in. length by 35 wide at !! p y' . i i 500. Langevin Block—Estimate of cost, its greatest width, and contains some OH to restored ole that and 111r, Landry wvy as I.e. I less than t" 500,000; already paid, twand a half millions of acres of preen at veaof Iltir SA.ngersltarid the i 5781,000; outstanding claims, $250- land and water. government, he was authorized to 000• Contractor (;harlebois had this While almost void of population, state that Sir Charles Tapper was `clause pat into the contract-, which Anticosti is upward of one fourth other contractors on the br:ilding had larger, than Prince Edward's Island. or undertaking ready to sign a formal, pledginghhimselftotv with the Government: "The con- �' which is a Province of itself, with its tractors will agree to bind there- Lieutenant-Goveznor, its Legislature nettle the Manitoba school question l selves to buy the right of way frome in a way desired by the bishops. ' and a population of eighty thousand I the contractor. Mr. Charlebois. Needless to say that this announce- i • ment caused a sensation, especially 1 Connolly -McGreevy Won ks-Cost r when Mr. Landry followed it up by 1 to contractors of work, $2,184,259; Cost to country, t(,ra ratiz`s, M95:3 a`n',3,188, 84; contrac- a, demand to Mr. Lauber to say ' 075• loss to cvuntr whether he was prepared to do the ' p ' y same thing. Mr. Laurier said that ' after deducting a fair profit of 3700 - he could not think it possible that : 00Printine Bureau Sca.Iidlll—Sene- Mr. Landry was authorized to make such a statement. For his part be cat's c4ncrinisslone on purchases of could say—No ! as he was opposed supplies and m4chinery, '50,000. to do,any such thing as Mr. Lendr y 1 Curran Bridge—Estimated Lost, c bad said Sir Charles Tupper was $1; 3,000; Government commission- er's estimate of reasonable cost, $160- 000; ost,;;160- 000; actual cost $430,000: stolen from the country, $270,000. Campaign contributions paid by Senator Ross to Sir Adolphe Caron, recouped by subsidy to the Lake St. Zion. Alexander Mackenzie, when John Railway, 323,000. Premier of Canada, wrote that one l rt:riel`ict011 and St. Mary's Bridge Paill•up capital of company, $20, - Beaver and other fur -bearing animals will also be introduced, and, if possible, the more valuable species of the North Arnericau fox. The browa bear is already a resident of Anticosti, and will be encouraged to increase and multiply for the sake of his pelt and of the chase.whieh he affords. Otters are plentiful, and will be protected, and the common red fox may be placed in the same category. Mr. Merrier bas excellent fisheries ready to his hand, The whole island is splendidly watered, the rivers be- ing necessarily small. They swarth with beautiful brook trout, while their lower stretches are known for the abundance of salmon and sea trout by which they are frequented. The Jupiter is the largest river, and anglers from Quebec, who have visit- ed it, report its salmon to run from ten to fifteen pounds in weight. There are abundance of ducks ane geese about the coast, and the sports- man need never be at a loss for some kind of game. Seals may often be shot, lobsters are large and numer- ous around the coast, and the waters that wash the shores of the island teem with such fish as halibut and cod, wbilo whales not unfrequntly clthse shoals of capelin quite close in to the land. Agriculture and the raising and fattening of prime cattle are another of Mr. Menier's pet projects; and lie is reported to have already selected a little advance colony of stilled French farmers, who will shortly be sent across the Atlantic. The most luxuriant grass for grazing purposes pledged to. WHERE THE MONEY HAS GONE. of the hardest tasks was to prevent 000:; Government loan at 4 per ceq the public treasury front being ex. ,300 000• GovernMent bonus, $80, - soars. grows wild upon the island and Itis not so much the natural dis- le soil of theinterior is a island, advantage of the island that have „elm prevented its development; the chili- Upon her present trip the Fox catty in the way of its settlement BB near the "north east corner of having been mainly its inaccessibility Anticosti, where the chief harbor of and the mismanagement in the the colony is to be created, the Savoy hands of the various speculators who has taken iron rails for a narrow 1 have controlled its destinies for soy - gauge railway, boats of various sizes eral decades. for fishing etc,guns for Mr. Mettler has commenced aper- "' hunting anions by sending out a steamer to purposes, ploughs and other agrieul- connect the island, by regular trips, (tura? trellisimplmeats, palisades hi iron with the mainland. This vessel, the and;work to finish of the resi- Savoy, arrived here on Saturday last ; cten owner of the governor and of the from Havre, after a rapid and very 1 of the island, casks of import- from trip across the Atlantic. r cd provisions and etc. She has tow - Freighted with a remarkably miscei ed down with her two large schooners laueous cargo, the Savoy left on : loaded with frame buildings to be Wednesday on its pioneer voyage to :erected on the island, and five or six other crafts havere sailed down with Anticosti. Governor Corn ntettant, , i , on a specially chartered vessel, ac- smilar cargoes. !'hese buildings, more than thirty imall, some of thele GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. DEPART Pon aunts minx 0:23 a.m. 3:37 p.ni 11:20 10;07 " 3:25 p. m. --via Clinton 7:20 " 10:40 a.w 0:36 a.m. 11:10 " - AT TRI, 3:26 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 1120 a.m. 0:213 a.ni. TuNiES orFIGE, JOSEPHINL STREET 3:3711 tn, 11:20 " 10:07 " 0:50 p.m. 7.'oronto. and East Palmerston Mixed London and South Kincardine t 0.1tig tent' -.IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING Wanted—An Id who can think eaof some simple thing to patent? Protect your ideas: they may bring you wealth.. Write JOHN WED»I BURN & CO. Patent Atter. neve Washington, D. C.. for their $3,500 prise offer and list or two hundred inventions wanted. • WANTED A MAN To soil Canadian and a1. S. grown iY trees, berry planta, rosos, shrubs, hedges, ornamental trues and aoe.i potatoes, for the only nursery having testing °rehrrds in Can• Ada. We give you the benefit of our experience so your eureoae Is guaranteed. If you are not earning 350 per month and expenses, write us at Once time men. farmer' Bans al should sions look iaid nt OAS 1 It pays better than working on the faint, and oScre a chance for promotion. Apply now and gut choice of territory. STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Canada. G-0 TO-,.. FRANK SCELI'SJ wPHLRL+ rOn GET 12 BRAVES AND „.1. HAIR s'oit $1. Opposite Norman's Hotel, WINGHAIII, - - ONTARIO. Agency as Parisian Steam Laundry. ploited for private purposes. dont. eontpanred bE' his l• ow wire and of cite lar a dimensions, have been 000; total . cost of bridge, $-118,000; tour little daughters, preceded the q late re If+ester, cif the Tappet' Govern- fion.ting .debt of bridge. -:19,000; Savoy a few days tO his future home prepared in Quebec by Albert ]?lent, is going up and duwn the interest due the Government on loan Peters. Mr. Mehl of a agent, and There country quoting the deceased 1 rent -taking also with him his second in to serve avar•iet purposes. since 1888 $GR 000; total amount of d tiI L1nd' until lately y 0T ier's letter as an indication of the public money t stink in the private the kind of men who supported the speculation, $'96,000. Mackenzie Ail ministration. It is Caraquet Railway—$224,000 of difficult to see where the application }>ubiic money has been put into this comes in, except it be to emphasize sulk -hole. The road is not paying the ?'act that the Liberal party put running expenses, and the public ex - leaders in power who regarded it as penditare w}rich was incurred for their first duty to prevent any hood-etiuii purposes, is a total Ioss. ling or malappropriation of the Manyle have been specular unman , 1 . . i , • is a large house for the governor and a trader of Havre, w'ho is to assist smaller ones for the settlers, grist and the .governor in the interior oi•ga.niz- ation of this newest new b'ra.nc•e in i lesss, bw arins,andter and cheese factor - stables, sheep pig and America. poultry houses and store houses for The settlers will all be Old World merchandise. Frenchmen, and none will be permit- ted to land for the purpose of taking up residence on the island esteept by • usti. Realism—Airs. Wins- iAn Otis AND * trn.v Year,. people's taxes, whereas Mr. I�"aster' . people the permission of the new proprietor, g on whytimes have been so hard i 1'1 t ' r 1 • and his assciates have permitted many millions of dollars of public money to be boodied by subordinates. The contrast is so marked that it seems foolhardy for an> iiember of the present Administration, by quot- ing Mr. Mackenzie's manly declar- ation, to force it to be made. We have for yeat•s had a Government which does not govern—an aggre- gation that has spent its ti❑1e, not in looking after the intet•t•st of their de- partments, and running th fm on a business basis, but in intriguing t., get ahead of their fellow politicians and to retain office at all hazards. Then when it f•1 fi,und that the pub - Inn ` and then subject alike .e t0 IIS rule tor' S,.othfn Syrup has been used for over fifty pub - WINOIiAhi, ONTARIO. haleecriptionpx4.oe,$1per ycar,3' advuTaoC ADVERTISING RATES: Space.._! Iyr. ! 0mo. 1 8ur•, 1 Imo One Column Ode 00 340 00 1 320 00 8 00 Halt " 40 00 20 00 12 00 6 00 4tuarter " 20 00 12 00 7 00 8 00 One (orb 1 r, 00 8 00 2 00 ..1 00 Legal anti other Mlle advertisements, se, per line for first insertion, and 20. per line forerun) ouhsequent insertion. Measured by nonpareil '.cola. Loog1 notions 100. per Ilan for Brat Weedier', and 30. per line for iamb snbaerluent ivaortirr. Advertisements of Lost, bound, Strayed, Situations. and 13usines � (Mauves %Vented, net exceeding 13 linea nonpareil, 61 1 ,r first month, and 60e. for oaoh a tbsequcnt month, Houses and 1•',"'nu for Salo, not exceeding 8 ?fact el for fist month, 50o, per subsequent month. Larger advertisements In proportion. These kilns will he strictly adhered to Special rates for larger advertisements, or to longer periods. Advertisements and local notices without specific direotlons, will b0 inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Trai•situr;y advertisements must be paid in advanu•. Changes for contract advortlsementr must be in the office b) Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week S. G: RRowN, ..... PaorkorrOn AND PUALIenRrr DR �R MACOuNAt.D, �J CENTRE sTREET, A. E. SMITH, Successor to HALSTED & SCOTT, Josephine Street • - Wingham, Ont. and mony scarce. How can the and to the peculiar conditions that years by millions of mothers for their children while ordinary Citizen have many to spend i O'etbttrt, wish portectsuconvs, I1 soothes the obflu, are placed on the new colony. All sotfens the grans, allays all lain, i'uruq wind r•ollo. freely when so much is taken from and fs the best ronnedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to settlers in Anticosti will have to re- the taste. Sold by nrugrlats in every part oC the hien: 1, to spend on that whichprotft- eounce the use and importation of woriu. Twenty -fire 0,11.10 a booth•. Its vnluo is eth him not, but is used to debaut'b 'incalculahlo. Be sure gnu ask for Mrs. Winslow'. alcoholic beverages. Chocolate does Soothing 83 rue, and take no other kind. the electorate, and to sustain scound- not appear to be forbidden. Ilunt- rels who will never earn an honest , ing upon the island is strictly pro- , living so long as there is a contract hibited. It is in feet the intention a to boodle in exchange for political of. Mr. Meniertto reserve the whole ; rr service. i interior of the island,'i xccpt as it' 2. To sustain a few favorite mil -;gradually becomes Settled, for his 1 lionaires in their combine privil- l own hunting, and for the increase of eges. I game and far -bearing animals. l 3. To pay for the interest on' the rphose now upon the island will be enormous pubiie debt which has been carefully preserved, and such other . piled on the people in recant years. , forms as are deemed advisable will lie has been defrauded, tires ensue , i be imported and proteetc d. It is , Money has been stolen, a deputy is 3 understood to beelr. ;healer's intcur- lamed, a bluff is made at punishing ; OMR AQDlti'E J"C 1 tion to make tine island the greatest �£AR EDITOR: --Please inform your, private 3;11100 ,)reserve in the work. p � � 91 �1t3f i" "? ..a - T2'1111.. • 4 ALA —ANID— ALL SHADES. liittt, he is dismissed for a time, and taken hack to keep ]lie mouth shut, for he knows too much -to make it safe to permanently east flint out, scapegoat though he has been made. lllr. telbson, M. 1'. for Lincoln, put the ease effectively when, discussing the Soulangea Canal seandel, he seidr "But in the Department of Public Works and int, the Depart - meet of 1tailways and Canals there is no p1btie work completed within the last tett or tweiwe years that has not Cost frau) 50 to 100 per cent More than it ought to {Cave cost, and every one of thein has been attend- ed with disgrace, fraud and scan1 readers, that if written to confidentially ; i-1 wilt visit his domain every sum- ` ' will mail in a sealed letter, particulaire mer and spend throe months of of a genuine, honest home pure. by,p tvhieh I was permanently restored to every year in hunting- upon its wile? GARDENTOOLS ) health and manly vigor, after years of territory. ?lis transatlantic trips PUMPS, suffering from nervous debility, seltuail , , ,..r; P RAY fire to he mind( in one of the elegant weakness, night losses arid weak shrunk- ` en parts. I was robbed and swindled by 1 81101313 yachts beloOging to 11t:r broth - the quacks until 1 nearly loot • faith in er and ttiniself-. the Velleda and the: mankind, but tbant; heaven, I om now' Mei•ncsis. i well, vigorous and strong, and wish to �• • make this Certain means of cure known,' ,11'..Mrettier s agents Iarenegotating to all sufferers. I halve nothing' to EAe11, I with lfuntr rs in Canada for the pur- abd want no money, brit beim.; a firm Ghtr�e of a large rtiiinber of wild , believer in the universal brotherhood of ,,nitultis for stocking the island. ntan,.I are dOSirous of lt)e:ping the ora f happitlea,s, r pr3mb-e Tial perfect :•e.:- • thirty heal/' a. red deer, which are fortunate to regain their helnitt) midi't'liey have already Imt•chasedile:rrly c� �r �a /� �j recy two as I ft() not wine) to ex;)i)"._r 0n' -i now safely statlleflatCapeSt. Ia,near. CLEVELAND, CTE' A.t.'(i.ED, PARIS GREEN, BUILDERS' HARDWARE. nT dal, cell ?.laic+r, plrr.shO lLials r.:, r, '43.npi) :.N. '0.1 K;eve!'a3 !Niles below (31.11;b r' whence 1 i. t n JuJ4 :3.13, ii,,anfra T, Oa, PERI •!r And ret the Minister says: 'I did 1 they will shortly be sliippt;(l on board 1 � ti�i know" bout it I wee 1 - sire i.rf y air the home of fl.,. it future' BANK of HAMILTON .�"O WIN GH AM. Capital, $1,250,000. Rest, 3650,000 Proeldent--JOHN sTVART. Vice-President—A. 4J. RAMSAr. DI7S.1 CTOktS Joint PROCTOR, ORO. Roam, wM Giese; M P. A. T. Noon, A. B. Ls' (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Savings 10ank—Houre,10to S• Saturdays, 10 1. Deposits or 31 and upwards received and interest Aaowed. Speoiat Deposits oleo received et current rates of Is, oast. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and roll B. WILLSON, AGENT E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. dDe PRINTING, INCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Heads, Circulars, &e., &o,, executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address S. G. BROWN, Tlstss Office, Wingham, � f not a ; flvt there• I heft it to lily deputy.'' 'l roar bravely l; ll.l:,wn l;v l,er.1exile. They are all. healthy looking; GA °t DJii1T CITY) rirl•i, evidence is to be found in the furrniu;ti' without witness whit vele • specimens of this hardy deer, and records of the house, anti it May be might be capable (+f• doing before an will doubtless stalld their iihort sett • po`aible to Stinllnari/e settle vif the the world. • V3)•\r'ge well. Caribou end moose ttteain:; whereby millions of dollar:; of •t 1 i t T IS "UM um -a 1 (10 (4I Mat public (honey have been discover.. have IS used nays t T. Fred. DOMINION.' J.CLOG :GG., BOOKBINDING. We aro pleased to announce that any Rooke or Magazines left with us for Binding, will have our prompt attention. Piles for Binding in any style will be given on application to the TOMBS Office.. are also laclni, sought, and w tateyer' 1 (er 1'T' Hardware Merchants, 1.ndersnn, '' fil)CCtAit(`n3 ot these can be obtained Et+3 have beenboomed. J3:ow of T.14 Simms & Co., in speaking of Nor- wilt also be tran5poltecl to Mr. Men ach additional has been stolen may way Pine Syrup. ier',a island. Successors to J. A. Cline & Co. Money to Loan on Notes Notes Discounted AT RE, E!<.SONAI3LE RATEs Money sdvaueed on Mortgages et 642 pet cent with privilege of paying at the cud of any goat. Not s and accounts colfeuted. 1tOn:T. 5101211300. Beaver Block Winuhan,, un,t. JOHN FELTN Manufacturer of nil kinds of WOODEN PUMPS, which can he suppliers on short, notice, NINOnAM, - OI1TAA(o. 13 e•ANST0NE, BARRISTF.IB, SOLICITOR, Etc.. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest roto intermit. No commission charged. Mortgages, thole and .'arm property bought and sold OPTION—Beaver Block WisonAM IRON' AND FORCE PUMPS supplied to order. REPAIRING promptly attonaed to. Pitt:ea reasonable. Agent for the Brantford All Steel Pumping Mill. If you require anything in the above lines, give Mr. Pelton,a call. SHOP—Diagonal street, nearly opposite Beattie's Livery, \Vingharll. JOHN ?ELTO ". ror rPw''nt -Si Z 1Lars l; E O 3 ° S BEST FRIEND LAnoc ai• :slht.L .IN CANADA. J. A, MORTON, BARRISTER, dm, WIngham, Ont. E. L. mean SON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO ;OANX 031' HAMILTON. MONEY TO LOAN. - OIece•-Moyer Block. Winghem. il>r 0• CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &c„ Dlllce--Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets, opposite Colborne Hotel. Go»ieiuON, • ONTARIO. DENTISTltl.—J. f J Ei4OIdE, L. D. S., Wureaes,. Ia manufacturing 6rat•class sets Or ••Fel r r` e. n thtetheaConiin ion as ttTeeth extraotn be teed absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed per,e,tly sate. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. B., L. D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pannsylvsai Dental College. OFFIOE•-•MA000NALO BLOOK. }101R-43111viaitBlyth every Wednesday. JOHN RITCHIE,!/ GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT W moa tH, mum P DEANS, JR.. Ly1NUIIA3t, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY • OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Chargee Moderate. OHN CUR1tIE, WINOnAX, Oar., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a specialty. All oilers hdtat the TIME! office prouptly attend. ed to. Tonna roasn iable, SOCIETY MEIrTINGS. C,,it3� `_ _Court llaltland, No, 25, Candle*6? 6l Ww urt1 r Purester+,,eets the second. and hist briday evening of every month, iu Ore. gory'e Is.nek Visiting brethren weleein e. T. J.. Heiken, C. 33. 11. lr. L' 3rtott, It. 8. L(t� . Winglu,,n L. 0. 1,., No. 704, meets. O, first t'ridty lti uvely month in, the t)ratieeflail; visitorsWakenao. 3, (7011y, RT..3 .; n . J. Mr.•w;, ttee.•soc, YOU= •O PE3PLE'S IO . 5i. P. 8.0 E.—Meeting in basement of I'1?eehy'trriatr dined' Ir every Friday evening. iltitiect for ,loan: fiat : 'I by grace .,f Minn- Utak ntnl-Iwitok II; :13.37; John 13: 1.17. Aline Rube: tea,n. EPWORT21 LEAGIT 4 ---Meeting every Tburr:dny '*'.-nin,; it; the Aletirodintchurch. l crbi«.et far : pnr.13th : Dinh 0 of Church lM'en)h,.rsLi;). `')s'11 C;mu:9(' tf Pledge. Acts ii, 42 ; Mal. iii. 1C. ,3. W. Ilogarth. 13. Y. 1'. IT -- ..`.leeting every 'ruesdav evenilydf ;n clic 'Baptist church. Subjectfor ,hole lith : The Waste of Intemperance. 1)an, 1: S.