HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-06-05, Page 3r' TI tEiVING11.,\M TIMES, JUNE 5. 1896, GODBRICH. was made by Mr. 'Vincent ou Satur- three straight heats ; •best 'time *Woman's Ilajils In Love, VQ, fishing is still below day, the enn6ignee being 'Air' 2'39•1'• Felton, son cif George t'ulton, Eq., Sumlay mornim.r, as Clevele VIE FIRST TIMM fillE EXPECTS IS TO expeett.tions. UI lthite.i milk This pioneer sale itlonem ith other 110V WAS ? Ti'i norTiut trilAx ANY- . Two large butlers are being -fixed will Kohn bly lead w a large Mani- , awaiting. for the coming..14 the ) . .. The eow„ Wen, trade being developed. The I special train, the former aft. elitnb- ancl the engine soon put into position at the Harbor SAW mill. week. ,. exrect is to he treated 1 eseential te sitipment is theau be etruek his thigh ou'a, rail. on the sight we. Last week Miss 11leGuire, a Coder- so eompaetly arrant:ed. that consul- railway and te.iott tnne was uncon- bate:. man :my 1.,,,dy eise_hettes . Ich patient of the House of Refuge than men treat each other as a body i crable ciitti be packed together in a seious, 1-s5teltas suffered. no bad fell down the basement steps and in. i ,s, and lietter by the individual mon spaee of ,ess than a foot square. effect te peril his turn ble, jure d herself somewhatseverely, and 1 —.—....s. than he treats all other women. I i as might be expected is now on the • pany expects to be mining in a mattress pessesses one great feature I hie' down ft inn frea en a fell and I ay menus rights! Why the first SEA FOIZT a. ABOUT THE LIVER. sick ltd. 1 Mrs. John Henderson, of John took front the county jail, Reeves illness uf her son, Mr. J. B. Hender- gor :Ma . LCuliilLeZ cfillt1U4ct‘; billd once and cold, prund isolation with and Martin who were recently San- I son. .dittOrfi regulates tile liver, purities the lIty culancipaied Sii ter- weman, who j seeretions and OUres 1111 tortes of liver struggles into their own coats un-! We understand that the three I very suddenly on Tuesday, May 19, s e say so and here is OW assisted, .and get red in the face i tensed to terms in the Central. 1 Mrs, D. S. Campbell passed away trrootiolgee, vir samples of lake water sent to Tor- ' at the residence of her siter, MN. on her own skates, and hang i 9 I hereby wish to thank you for the Plitthig great benefit derived by me tam your oto the strap in ale Street ear in 1 onto for analysis, have been report- Donald MeGregor, in this town. For three years the proud conscience that they are ed. as pure, and that the sample taken Mr. George Murray had the mis- tIllivIrttdsOtOrkoultlitool Bluets. from near the beach was the equal 1 fort0e to have a eouple of the fin- tried eve,r:, t ling to nu pur.pose. 1 with liver uomplainat andl independent and the equal of men. 1 if not the superior to those taken :gers on his left hand badly jammed a a niut.gteu up hope uutil one ditylaI is on his knees in front of me putt- er worry myself when a won' further out. Ione day last week. detertuined to try Burdook Blood Bitters I nev News from Toronto is to the effect I Mr, Fred, Bethune, son of Dr. I WM bey now that, marked improvement on my over shoes, as to whether I)( that J. R. Miller, our one time towns- I Bethu.ne, of this town; WAS successful raetstuttleteeduttp07 tVliee su.sxethoEbothtteiolord,liestainnid. considers, me his equal politically man, who has been sesiously ill for in!passing his second year examine- Moiled its use, being completely eured. Or nut, it is sufficient satisfaetion some time past, is beyond hope of , tion in Trinity medical college, Gao. nein:AA, Seafortis, Ont. ' for me to see him there. If he had recovery.. To his many friends in Toronto. He also passed his primary I MI certify to the above in every not wanted to save me the trouble I this section the inteligenee will be exioninii Lion before the medical ‘Y. G. MoLEN.NAN, Seaforth, Oct. suppose he would not have offered. , He rimy even think ti am no strong ' purtioulni•. , Mr- Sloan, wife of * II.. Wm. I --;— enontsh for sueli an arduous duty. received with real sorrow. I council. abominate the idea of (quality and to be mentally slapped un the shout - A lazy, slow or torpid liver influences der and told I am "a good fellow." 1 On Tuesday of last week, Bailiff street, WAR called to Detroit on Mon - English; of tile Central prison staff', day cif tills week, on account of the attiteekwhildeasl.osteatii)11( ea using ibiliiTlastrals, I shrink from the idea of Met end 1 ., arrived 1 • -DIM, STOWE AT EIGH P ' 1-7IVE That would'nt hurt my feelinos CLINTON. Sloan; of Va.neouver, 13. C 1 here last week and will spend the either. I have an idea that he likes 01, Dr. Shaw has purchased the Dr. summer with Mr. Sloan's mother and THE HOME AND DAILY LIFE OF FA MOUS AUTHORESS. THE it better to think that I cannot do Appleton property on Ontario street sisters in town. Mr. Sloan cantinas anything troublesome for myself 1 and will locate there in the near !a large dry goods business in Van. . . „ • — than to believe that I could get along future. • 1 couver bat left there a couple . of Writing of Harriett Beecher perfeetly without him. In fact— future. J. E. Blackall, V. S., has been ! months ago for • Alaska with a party Stowe ajtancies 1- sht Five," Richard Bur - here's heresy for you, oh, ye eman- appointed Dominion Live Stook .' of gold miners, and will probably be . Ladies" Home Journal, cipated—I do not in the least mind! Inspector for the County of Huron. !absent some length ot time. This gives a deliobtlul picture of the of being dependent on men —provided The two-and.a-half-year-old child is Mrs. Sloan's first visit to Ontario glitlutho,s. of "Uncle. TOill'd Cabin," the men are nice enough. Let them 1 of. Mr. Adam Foster had a narrow land her husband's many friends in her nome in . Hartford, and of her „ give us all the so-called rights they 1 e.scape from drowning on Tuesday. ' Seaforth are pleased to meet her. daily life. "For some years now, want to. I shall never get over While playing around a neighbor's 1 — society Mrs. Stowe is much afoot in lie says, "entirely .withdrawn from wanting to get behind some man if yard, it is supposed to have pulled i 1 see a cow. Let them give me a the lid off the (Astern, and the licl A. valuable horse belonging. to the open iter strength, for one of her years, being remarkable. Itt the time the slight, bent figure, vote if they Will. I shall want at least three men to go with me to the EXETER. evidently pulled the child into the I summer polls—one to hold my purse one to kaown. as it was not missed for some to a severe dose of blood 1) ; With its white hair crowning the hold my gloves and the third to water. How long it was in is not Messrs H. Bishop & Son sueumbed infnutes, but Mrs. Granger, suspect- on Tuesda v. 6s(nhng dark, wrinkled free, is a familiar show me how to cast my vote.— in g something wrong, looked in and While I*. John Cudmore was en- sight to the neighbors, as she y.van- Lilian Bell in June Ladies Home: aa,w the child at the bottom of the gaged in shoeing,. a horse on Satur- ders under the boughs. gathering llama from sun and shade and Journal. cls, Does Year Suspend or Son Drink. cense t . wind, or strays down the steep bank Snrcely were the remains of one its tortuous length behind the Cle- I If your Husband or Son is addicted to i worked with the child until it showed I of our oldest pioneers deposited in mens and. Warner grounds. On such ,walks a trusty attendant is -H. . the use of purchase of your druggist a bottle of i Liquor, MorPhins or Tobacco,' artell'gstiCarhalorti4ed toor Gold Tablets. They always by her side. 'It is likely thatraevoir3etnoinvez wills.bte- Mrs. Stowe's fondness for exercise rerneded.13 T.abletsenu) ly in tea or coffee and the gfree u:e".eof and outdoor life has done much to stimulants allowed until voluntarily • sustain her bodily vigor at her , given un. Pride $1.00 per package. if ;; your druggist does not keep them. send present age. But she comes of a sturdy stock. Mrs. Stowe's work- "'direct to The Ohio Ohetttical Worko. Ohio. Book of particulars and. Ing days have been long over. None 'Lima, testimonials free. of her conspicuous literary produc.i i cistern in four feet of water, ap. 1 day last, he accidently let the knife 1 parently dead. She managed to get slip it out, and was fortunately familiar knee."(1 eat a severe gash in his to where a little silvery stteam w n with the means of resuscitation, and .1•101e:3N1.4":"MKSi7t1,1!i'.-Ntit10).;',V.P1'.^4.1,:-.r;•-.; + tummt..•1111 `sas signs of life; a doctor having been called, also worked with it a couple of hours before it was out of danger. Mrs. Granger is entitled to muck credit for her presence of mind. HARRISTON. • Mrs, Bruce received a telegram • from St. Catharines that her father was seriously She left on Wed- nesday. Master Herbert, son of Council- lor John L. Body, while wrestling on the lawn with another lad on Saturday fell and broke the small bone of his leg above the ankle. Cut worms are destroving early oats in some sections and grasshop-. pers in myriads are making their appearance. Mr. NV. Ilinde will make another large shipment of hogs on 'Tuesday. 114 sionment to the old country shortly John Honey will ship another eon - 1.1"e has now about half the cargo bought and is ready to buy any good horses offered for sale. Theresa Neighbor, a profligate creature, WWI on Thursday lost committed by Justices of the Pence Wait and. Brisbin to three menthe in Guelph gaol as a vagrant, The woman and some of her asiOciateS bad been holding drunken orgies in the woods west of the G. T. R. Mr. George Walkey, who has been a resident of Harriston for nearl,y score of years, having sold his MBA- clenao to Mr. Henry Hetherington is about to reinave with his family to Fordwieh, where he is going into the cabinet making business. Mr. Walkey Is a skilled mechanic, as is also his stm, and should do well in the Howlett village to the indastries of which his enterprise will be a great atcession. The dest shipment of Diamond Spring Wire Niataresses to Nlanitoba Row!. pste.5..riernarint.v.rm TrwitTirOrwIrvIt116!... "..14,raonisal the silent tomb till another is snatch- ed from our ' midst by that grim monster—cleath. We refer to the demise of W. Horn, who died on Thursday last at the age of 77 years 10 months and 14 days. • , While driving along Main St. in Exeter North, the other evening a horse driven by Messrs Harvey of Osborne, took fright at several small boys who were playing on the road, anti jumped clear Ni3rOSS a, 1 intrusion of strangs,ers. Yet as she . in each of the months: deep diteh. No dantage.was done. W. Howey stopped a runaway in walks the streets, always followed by 1 January—She will be a prudent running at a rapid gait, several a fat little pug, who is an autocrat , housewife, given to melancholy, but, a novel manner. The animal was 1 persons failed. to stop it; but Mr. in the house (it may be remarked I good-tempered and fond of fine Howey by throwing a. handful of' dogs), that the Stowe family is devoted to clothes. duSt into the air stopped the horse one often sees lion -hunting 1 February—An affectionate wife and tender mother, and given to instantly. visitors eager to catch a glimpse of i I 'Will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring me i the land. Requests at the door for 1 March—A frivolous chatterbox, a Watch or Clock I cannot repair and make to run as well ase, Messrs Broderick, Richard Gidley the most noted literary woman of dress. for Infants and Children. OrHERS, Do You Know 7 that Paregoric, Bateman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many Go -called i3oothing Syrups, and most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine? Do Yea Know that opium and morphine are stupefying, narcotic pets= ? :00 You Snow that in most countries druggists aro not permitted to sell narcotics without labeling them poisons Do Ton Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your child Unless you or your physician know of wbot it is composed ? Du Ton linatr that Castoria Is a purely vegetable preparation, Iola that Ust of its ingredients is published with every bottle Do Ton Enn-r• that Castor's is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel rasher. That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castor's is now sold than of other remedies for chill= combined ? Do Yon Snow that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr, Pitcher and his assigns to use the word " Castoria" and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense ? Do Ton Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection was because Castoria had been proven to bo absolutely harmless? Do Yon Know that 35 Gyorage doses of Castoria are furni for 25 cants, or one cont a dose ? Do Yon !Know that when possessed. of this perfect preparation, yonr erudren may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest those thing are worth knowing. They are facts. The fac•-similo ve4 Children Cry for Pitchor's CasZerna. 7•47„.71,,slisamezisarsavr-ir .m•Mri• omM...01•0•m....*•••••x•ow,,emma••••••••••••..a. A Put up Job Here is an old astrological predie- titasitsisegeWIA,04//WssassassiawarvaltAlsteWvareetvaaltsWte tions is associated With her present residence, and her condition requires I Never Fails. that she be carefully guarded in • , way by her family from the tion of the character of a girl born But it is done so quickly, and at the same time so neatly, that all are pleased with it. Bring along your Job Work to the TIMES Office and see them do it. Prices right. es." A 1 D. 1 quent, while letters petitioning for ; or better than ever. die Exeter Croqiiet Olu b, in response somewhat given to quarreling and a .T. P. Ross and Geo.. Anderson, ()1. a sight of the mistress are not infra. to a challenge from the Clinton club, connoisseur in gowns and fine bon - to are, of course, legion. nets. visited that town on Monday and Occasionally still the later favor is April—Inconsistent, not very in - played against Messrs Armstrong, I Manning, Dr. Bryce and Israel .„anted or the authoress pens a bit ; telligent, but likely to be good-look- 1:ng and studious oft e fashion Taylor. Eight games were played, ocoliairitleostyecknowledgment of some .in aHer modest way of living i iplates. 1 - time Tile visitors report whole- Opposite Macdonald Block. m Exeter teawinning every . l' tl fact that the rewards of . imp les se May—Handsome, amiable and HALSEY PARK, Josephine St., Wingham ;given to stile in dress. distinguished success in literature Soule( hospitality at the hands of a,re other than rebnetary. Suca the Olintottians. success is not to bxs measured by asy to Take asy to perste ,Are features peculiar to Ifeecrs rills. Small in tasteless, efgelont, thorough. ./Ls one man by tangible things. The aims and BRUSSELS. 1 ambitione of those who seek with a sulky temper and penchant do work with the pen worthy to lto ive, are for gay attire. 'Dining the rain storm on Monday and helpful to their fellowmen, evening, Afay 25th, lightning follow- not those of mere practical pursuits. Augost—Amia,ble and practical, i etl the telegraph 'wires into T. How can be estimated in dollars the likely to marry rich and dress sulk- , — 11.1 glow of satisfaction ex- ingl y. i September—Discreet, affable,muek' liked and a fashionable dresser. October—Pretty and coquettish I and devoted . to attractive garni- ture. i November—Liberal, kind, of 111 „ mild disposition and an admirer ot i 02S P fltroetr. WASERINGTON, stilish dress. i December --Well proportion, fond 1 .---- ---- ----- of novelty, extravagant, and a stud- ent of dressy effects.. Tont look 11, Talz, 1 June--Impetaous: will marryearly be frivolous and like very dressy ' clothes. July—Possibly handsome, but Fleteher's and set fire to the bo to which they are attached in the telegraph office. The insulating was also burned off the *es. Mr. Fletcher was fortunatelYr in at the time and with the aid of a mat beat out the tire before notch headway The Weather for Co, was gained. The lightning was nrs is the time ben colds aro in the was very close. fashion—everybody who is anybody has G. Perrie and W. F. Scott were . (t'anne;ilytt, noitp,oihitoself there's one in the no,. complaint under the among' the prize 'winners at the sun are there tun rentetlel s ttironnsfaotirdas. ueep winced by Mrs. Stowe on the day when the Emaneipation Proclama- tion was given to the world?" athletic sports in Parkhill on Mon- day May 25th, The Fife and Drum Band. were treated to another garden party at S. Caldbick's, Morris, on Wednesday evening. ' john Arnent, R. G. Wilson and D. A. Lowry were in Milverton on Monday figuring on the contract for the new school house. Mr. Powell is the, architect. At the 'Mitchell races on Monday, "Miss Debtarob," owned by Gus. GI )bel, Mitchell, and Paddy, owned by J. Roach, Seaforth. took first and 90001.1(1 places respectively in said: " You never knolv yen have taken a pill till it is till a la gi over." Co., - IIIS trrolnietOrs, Lowell, Mass. The only 11013 to take with Hood's Sexsanar1110, tilid ir:. tile he , en, 0 e twelve hours I was curer. in the heed hy Chase's Onre," writes Miss Dwyer, Alliston, Ont. 25e. of all Oompltteli knocked Out. druggists, with blower free. "I was so much run down I had ---... • titive up work, and I felt as ir life was tie lase ts C,ttrtrrhCure is the best. "In b cl cold Caveats and Trade.MarkS obtained and all patent business conducted for MODEM ATr. FEES. My office is in the imrnedi 'to vicinity of the Patent Office, and my facilities for seeming patents are unsurpassed Send model. sketch or p lotograph of Invention, with descrintion :mast:amen, as to advantages claimed. Ata -IVO rhargod4 :ureic for ars opinion as to patentability, and ry fee for prosecuting the application toil/ rtog be called for until *50 patent is a/leveed. "Itiva,voves' Gum', eon - mining full information sent free. All Commit& estiens Considered as StrictlY conasenttat. 14KIL IN HOUGH SALESMEN W A.NTE Pashtnx, trnstworthy ;nen to represent es In the sale of .iur Choice Nursery Sto.A. Speot lties con- trolled by us. Li ichest Salary nr raid weekly. 8teady emplav meat the year round. one. t free • exclusive territory I experience not brcos- ry ; bit; pm itisured workers • special inducement bet:1.111cm Write at twee for particulars to ALLEN NURSERY CO., ROCHESTER N. Y. For Suits that, suit, SUITS give comforl, Ix the wearer and patisfy rh ,vourfriends,you had OVERCOA 0, better try us. Our garment m ak ors TROUSERS. know how to do their work ; don't think there are any better and yet we charge no more than others do for inferior work. Hundreds of new Call and winter samples to choose from, at prices about half what you have to pay fit old goods. Work done for parties furnishing their own cloth. People get wisdom by experience. zephyr, 0„1,, ,.1 tZ:'1.,1VeIt.18,1°"s11=1..' . I now asaints as 1 dia 'ear- Brieltyard. have lots of BRICK and DRAIN TILlil on hand. It 111 said that EttifOTT SIMS., of the winahma t . .1 . d prities, bet we CO nnot be Undersold. end our briolr and tile are as good as any made •in the province. we can sell bv the car load or 10.1100 or 1,..0i. ) i . • • 1.0v vai ran be pot, chased any W here. We itsve also a nreat quantity or 011 Ite,ds of hi ming. for toile, worth living," writes SLC011 pari BO 101, t A man never wakes up ns out; sv stem, the blood, 1.11,1 CIV OtAtihms are like nails; 1 poisons. Ask1. for seott's and gat it. It is no partiertlar credit to Adam that ho never dewed tobaeco. baby to see it laugh. sewn. ;Aaron tones up 100 Oiler tleS 100 Never discuss; you will convince . oradicatTeit oil tti ie SCrOf MOM ate harder you hit them the deeper they go. Norway Pine l'.3yrup cures coughs. Norway rine Syrup cures bronchitis. Norway Pine Syrup heals the lungs. "chaw" of. was no man for 111111 to beg a If you think that a Tweed Suit mina be properly made for Si Spot Cash, call and see our work. Our terms are east!. WEBSTER & CO1.1. Opposite the7,,lact1t•nalt.1 'Mond, 4'. Ss r.r..a.;to:sr, ht•tlyt.,•, Ont Win,tliant, :day 10. 1S05. •.