HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-06-05, Page 1LNG VOL. XXV.---NO, 127 I .. WING HAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, a 896. liVIE SELL CHEAP. Homuth T ovules THE BIG STORE. Down goes the prices, com- mencing Saturday, May i 6th. , Everybody conte if you want bargains. Bring along your trade and if you have not got that let us have your cash. You will get more for a dollar here than you ever did before. Look at the following prices, which will; speak for them- selves : Wide Shaker Flannel, 7ie. regular 10o. T' actory Cotton 5 "7 'Toweling .... ... 5 Shirting.... 6 " . 8 Apron Gingham .,...,10 • " 121 Apron Ginghum 8 ;• " 10 Shirti ug 0 " 121 Special Prices in Lace Curtains, ,Carpi 1s, Hosiery and Gloves. IVI1L,LiNERY :Never was cheaper. Business (never better in this depart- ment and the ladies are always suited, which accounts for 'the Big Millinery Trade, we are doing. Marriago Lteenees I —Regular meeting the Sc of Board Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No 23, Vic- will be held on Tuesd y eve ' rg next. toria street,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. Two servant girls wan d. Apply at the Dinsley Houso. —The workmen ha o begun the work of bricking the front f Air. Thos. Bell's wareroom. see,;." Mr. W. Carbould w 11 take Mr. Wilson's position here as Man ger of the Bank of Hamilton. Paris Green absolutely pure at Williams Drug Store. BOOTS AND, SHOES HOT WEATH ER don't count whe i yo can get cool- ing drinks, ice ,`,+,(. e and fresh fruit For one month we will sell Children's Youth's and Misses ABoots and Shoes at a very .slight advance above cost. Vat W. J 01-1 .'`r' S We have Pine Apples and Straw- berries coming in, in abundance. Try. our Cream Soda of any flavor. W. A. JOHNS, City Restaurant, Macdonald Block, - - Wingham. `Special Prices in Gents' Fur- nishings : New Ads. Kerr's—Tory and Grit. • Good's—June Bargains. Ruettel sa Sons—Clothing. Good's—Butter and Eggs. W. A. John's—Hot Weather., Thos. Lesslie—Clearing Sale. Mclndoo's—To your Advantage. Chisholm's—The Test Explained. LOCAL NEWS. —Farmers report t more rain. The hay again this year. C. E. Williams sells jure drugs. Satisfaction guaranteed. The Union Furni4ure Co. have jus received another larg Bros. of Winnipeg. —Beattie Bros. ha from the street and their livery barn. —The Trains 3 months for 20 cents, Sub- scribe at once and get the political news. crops in need of rop will be light order from Leslie e removed their sign• aced it on the top of --A. meeting of R Liberals will be held Monday evening Jun la—We regret to lea son, of W bitech urch to sprain his ankle o formers and Young Macdonald's Block 8th, that H. D. Hender- had the misfortune Tuesday. el Mr. Janes MoKelvie ha rad his res- taurant parlor all fitte up with new tables, chairs, de., a large rnirrow which adorns the room, Jimmy is bound to lead. Give hien a call. amass—Miss McKenzie, 1 but who has return health, addressed the ,11. S. in the Presbyt day afternoon. Mi while here, with Intyre. iwr` —A meeting of Turnberry Agricult held at Swarts' Hot urday, June 13th. ant business to be br ing it is desirable tha full attendance. Dor to of Honan, China, 1 on account of ill local uuicn of W. P. rian church on Tues- 11IcKenzie stayed r niece, Mrs. G. Mo - the Directors of the ral Society will be at 2 o'clock on Sat- nce there is import- ught before the meet. there should be a t forget. —Tbe Provincial makink has issued taining soma usefu art. Anyonewishin him on any matter subject, will addres E., Provincial Instr Parliament Buildin -The Canadian Trunk Railways h been asked by some co-operate in a schen uniform height in irei is to make all car nstructor in road - is first bulletin, con - information in than to communicate with connected with this' A. W. Campbell, C:. ctor in Road -making, Toronto. Pacific and Grande ve, it is understood,. merioan railroads to e looking towards a ht cars. The object in the future equal. many accidents to ving in life. ongregational min- is charge of the 011) will soon be leaving Sora new field:Vale a id his estimable lady' and friendship of all pleasure of their ac. they will bo much Gerrie Vidette. Don't forget that Wm. Armour pays This would prevent highest cash prices for butter and eggs. brakemen'�and great —Nothing like co petition, the Wing- v,G��-x,,ev. Mr. Mason White Shirts for 75c.; 25c. and 3oc. Ties for zoc. Cut prices in Fedora and Stiff Hats. GROCERIES Never were as cheap here as they are now. Look at the following prices : 22 1 5 20 Wrrighiern, from the p is indeed a credit to t a long hat of success Wingharn can boast. on has appointed the parish of Luck - Rev. Mr. Duthie enoe for a year. siakefield and little I; to farewell -The es will be held on lea S. A. Barraeks. reing words. the business meta of left en Wednesday •,-1 of "Rambler." town to have seeeh she sPena the sun ul birsiness men ae Mr. Kitson will mob fall and if the country, remain. theee. laave won the respect who have had the Turnip Seed. All varieties. True qpaintance, so that seed, at Williams Drug Store. missed in our vilstge. —Mr. John Fyfe, o has been laid up with infleanation, is around Turnberry, who No removal for th - severe attack of body of any person s gain. V/ undertaker, clergy .holder or other perso burial of the dead been, previously obtai burial of the dead bod ace is nightlast weekend f summer suceeekied in getting he found the lost pro caravan. We underst hail team near Bru through Wingharn on had been Stolen. Or —The crop bulleti has: this to say of the faller/heat; In H iron, Grey and part townewhile stop - of Sinecoe the general repeet is "thin and Kinceedine train atchy." The mos inexorable reports as in th,e interests poem° !from a range of ownships beginning —Veal cutlets, mutton chop and prime stake at reasonable prices. Boy coal for orders if required. The beet only, is kept at Geo. Shaw's Meat Market. It is reported that ou lower this year than th to bearefore at this tim clearing out hor entire sto millinery at cost for the ne met with a painful ac ident on,e day last stroll bone an the bac trout streams are were ever kno of the year. —II. West, Orga,ni called on hie,,friends pingover to catch th where he will begin w of the oraer. biaxial of the dead all take place and no ane. sexton. house- .eleall engage in the ody of any person of registration has ed. asd shown to the or engaging in the re was entered one s- beggy stolen. He lelne and following ray. svttached to their nal that these people sele and bad passed tile might the buggy - —The —The iiremen were day morning to p been started in t1 public sohool. The siderable headway b given,. so that by the turned on the buildi ed. Cruse of fire is —On Monday eve of the members of Canadian. Order o were upwaeds of 10 which refreeliment short time spent in brethren report DR and speak well of t ceived from their Bel -.►..>r...... $1. A YEAR IN ADVANCE t tent a fire that had' Chas. Barber tea re had gained con. ing, e7,28; John boys closet at the IVarsitorrn in, eider 'ore the Alarm wits 112. and 'Moore, ime tbe water watt said lirsebber Co., 1 was about destroy- It 1111S recoils ng last alacont twenty urt MnitlIand No, 25, resters of town, paid present at the meet. were initiated. after were served and a peech making. The leg had a good time, e treatment they re - rave brethren:, Arne June is likely to ha adyantage of the m others will follow ere moon is over. Mr. the lucky man this was one of of Morrie' ladies, Miss Bertha ceremony was perk> • presence of a, trestle) Shaw officiating. Th by Miss Pattison wit Nary Pattison as- rre the groom was fait Mr. Wm. Lawrence,. The young couple. many beautiful sou ditey. The Tures. ja friends in wishing life can produce. The 3. As far as we ha only place in this to be going at it heozted manner. cular we learn the Eiteeball for a pin crorse match for match for a prize mateh for a prize be a Band Tourn $7als. a50 and $25 sh together some of t section. Alrently on. isetween the coin best baseball, lacros and some of them h theix intention of c also be one or two g gether the program anal anyone with a nature will be safe the headquarters for e h• er usual quote of some have tnken th of roses while he waning of the • Pattison was ek, and the bride ost popular young . Lawrence. The ed at her home, day evening in the. bride was attended Miss Emma and ids of honor, while ully supported by other of the bridg! rt to McGregor's flre iug on streets 641; Vara ,533; Brown, print - ended ant 1'. Dean'e miteg's acme it be t cifeered to the Cot -well end the the '1‘ Electrie Light Company's eccunt be p•eicl less; 130 ▪ Moved any Han 011, seconded hy Golley that Peter Dean be paid 50 cente.--Cer- ried. Moved by D tity-Beeve, seconded by Reading that the report as now read be report recommen ing that the account of Dr. Kennedyta f r medical attendance to Streeter be not entertained. Matt the watch clock, hes on triabe returned:, Moved by Read ng, seconded by Rislain- rn• ittee as read be dopted. Moved by Han , seconded by Galley, in amendment, tb Dr. Kennedy be paid one half of his a unt for attendance on Streeter.—Amend ent lost. Moved by Han on, seconded by Golley, that J. B. Cumm: g's account for rent re Streeter be not en ertained.—Carried. • , The Public Wor Committee reported .that they had xamined the petition re *ain in the nor b end of the town, and Ithat they had fou .smfacient number enire of the happyr e with their manysy I Moved 'bar Rob ern every haPPlnentleat the report be The Public Wor- lauce with the re d that there were not. Ere of names on the pods g. ear snaly. laneenglat in an inven Lucknow is the !belonging to the to Cwas mentioned the of, Jualy and they n aps ear !John Hanna who in their usual whole1 Moral the advance cir-13,ta town proper e ot a,450, Senior De- prives of $60, Football f ' 25,,. Junior Lacrosse f al151. There will also elle and tbe prizes' of ultabe ample to bring le• best bands in this oereepondence is going riatee and some of the and football teams ()hued by money eaty of the town. The report of the . Moved by the R •son, that $350 be pla Board.—Carr Moved by Golley, it!sat the cow by-law gave 25 cents pe son, seconded by Dore • Committee in accord - nest of the Council, ory of all the property. n. Among. other items as present, sees heaud. As it bad been.pur- aised .by private sub - ore was not the prop- • ing. their attendance, iend horses to, pots me already intimated ;mead for ariviag Blase ommittee was adopt- ve, seconded by Plan- ed to the credit of the ed. seconded by Hangout, e amended so as.toe ad for driving cows d and 10 cents per, , pigs and geese and arged to the owners. uWeting* Theme 'that this amount be c e is an excellent one • ; Mr. Chapman was ark. Ed sport in their• 1 purchasing the • waking Lusk"sw !town. Ho offered saly 1st, 1800; in Lanebton and ru nieg east through Town latethe Oxford, Wel- , The regular Coune ilanS held on Monday netruction upon the cen.clition at present ' .1 Members presse ,Depay-Reeve, Can poor condition with ,Leson, Dore, Kling, —For firer -class tailoring and cheap parts of Middlesex, gents' furnishings, try Webster as Co. lington, Dufferin and Remember the place, one dooe south of la. A. Graham's grocery store.. Mrs, R. littson, Lower Wingho.m, Prof. Gray's Herbal Bitters at Williams' Drug Store,. 250. ow that was ad - was found in a der a wood pile at having fallent " Corn Starch 5 Currants Oatmeal and Castile Soap, a bar.. Best value in TEAS in town. vvioxivintonv CONE. vertised some weeks a the salt block, the vso —Parties who require. printing of easy kind, sbOuld not forget that the Taxes office is the place o have it done right and at prices consistent with good work and fair profits. —Seven of the cielist • one day this week. T1 aged about 12 miles others started but dro had gone far. --$5.00 reward will be given to any per- son returning a ad of single harness, rub- ber trimmed rug and whip taken from the stable of ;John Neolands on Monday night. "h b dale was an open one and all the heeled toGoderioh e time made stver• per hour. Several ed. out before they California, where ting the very best c reportsa the general can boesnmmed up as redueed acreage. er among friends. the Council uits labia he will y go. ever in the night considerable di into ae to the hive° rung: a stove pipe A young man is fool sh to phay tennis in ordinary clothes, when he can get a sunamer kitchen in p jaunty washable tennis suit from G. H. I erly. built chimney.. Irvin at the right price. , undar-writers have n sure cure for the worst cold. At Vtkilliaine Drug Store. —A. few changes in tl act touching the registration of birth , marriages, ana deaths is of importance Dy the new act lather, mother, or in c inability of both person standing in the the oe.oupier of the ho shall witlain thirty day birth to the registrar o Every qualified m attending at the birth give notice forthwith t trar of the division. authorized by law to c articles were ae good. as new. I I shall report every mar •—The Sacrament of he Lord's Supper 1 to the regiatrar, within will be dispeneed in the Presbyterian 1 date of marriug,e. Store ClOseS at 7 o'clock except chnrch next Sunday at the morning ser- ! The occepier of th • Saturday night. vice. The peeparator 8ervice will be con- 1 person living in the hou antorll toiciaz" (mow at 2 o'clook Oh alto se of the death or rents, then any lies the advieibality o lace of the parents, 11"86 key Pin'eci sloor so thet the first no 11=0, or the nurse 1 open the door. Again give notice of such the division. 1 the necessity of doing t i must not think we ar ical practitioner any child shall' them if they do not get ing around there end meeting on Monday, niety of persons run, rough the roof of at ce of having a prose - oil have therefore -ins It will be well thelefor cerseed to hael in, their i ley, Hanson and SI) Minutes of lasts re ing were read next a Stewart ana D. M Council to protekle 1 Beane, 550 down and Shad received the deed, 'removed all the e,raye meeting for June - 1 Moved by Robinson evening. that the proposaion Mayor, •Reevee Blom Beading, Rola- accepted.—Carried. IcLean, Forbes, Gob- Moved. by the De,. Ay -Reeve, seconded. by Beetling, that Mrs. Montgomery receive Liar and special meet- a1 per week am fr proved. further instructions b ere received from.D. Moved by meld requesting,the that Mr. Marshal at the weigh scalee 1 af persons having hose chased items the Coun We learn that tbe and sheep weiglsed.-- Referred to Property et we, 1 ulnae, (loci tilled the Council , ease and. the Come Communication w rece,,ived from, he heard in the matter ravel pit from the pay 6100 for:the e balance when he after the town. had seconded by Galley, of Mr. Chapman be ructed the Chid to, Secretary of tae Scho I Board recommend. the use of ste've-pipes iting this practice.ete6g the appobetment f J. A. Morton as i in the queetion of .' Comsat adjourned. for all parties.zon- -.After the lase fire called attoction having the. hose - r a glass neat the n present, could call attention to s. The firemen complaining of to the hose -house sed to be stand - hey are alwaye on duty as quickly as could be expeeted, but we co plain of the mietaken itlea that the se house would left as we have inst. They are not supp oreof to the regia - rnoon. . has not taken place witl 1 any person present at ta A Prominent Lawyer says: 1 any knowledge of the "I have eight children, every one in good ( tending the same shall Alwav; ',.. ..;heapest. health, not one of whom but has taken : ment of the body euppl s Scottas Emulsion, in which Ply wife has ' the division all the pari . The Only 1., _...z Importers. boundless confidence.' he registered. later other person ebrate marriages, age he celebrates 0 days from the not be safe if the key wet broken open and the hose house, or any n a hoese, then People who , death or having Dr. Gifford to Stratfor before the inter. "Morrow, Geo. Shaw and the registrar of to Toronto ; J, R. Munsl niers required to Mrs. Dales to Ingers Verity, Cohourg. arbitrator fee Wingh forming a 'Union motion the, appointm The Treasurer's re lowing receipts for th Lowe, cemetery lot, a do 50; Jelin Ansley, d T. B. McAndrews, Honghton, hall rent, tax, 60; dog tax, al0 mice on hand $580. was received. The following Et and considered. P. fat% weigh scales, 8' hose to McGregor's. ort showed the fol. hall rent, a2; Miss we nights, $10; Poll —Total ala8. Bai- n motion the revolt Deans, auctioneer's I'. Deans, drawieg tile doer w„ planting shade trees in cemetery al0; But - Examinations The following are n in Bast kturon on Clinton 103, Eleafort Brussels 22—a total leered to pay the exp the Coune:q until given. ended by INL:Lean, )tifie4 to pay the re horsepower pur- est that threChiel be by-law prohibiting running the roofs of tile. place of prop - East learon. mbers. of candidates Iigh School work ; 110, ' Winglitun 23, ears. The fees col- tes of these exerni- $88—o. total of 61, 07. The Edocetion. Department receives for reading papers, &a • from Clinton .3s2, from Seitiortit a40, a total of 5172. 'the Scheel Boards oft -mere, paper ink, entelidatee writhe! NI at the inimber et 1.0.1 eandalatee for ell 0.1)111'4)1k siela,o1 vill also unite in East led Scheel lioutte is,. espised. I receive *for month° tacs, as follows; Cl ton ta Peasant, ehari y order, Aire. Ilar• 6230. Winaletin cart oat before a I risen, 61.2aa Button t Pessent extension of lot $an5. 01 the 21): - pipe from water tanl , 550.00; Jolin llogers1 were prepared in tli 'relining in hall, aele . 11. Cummines Tent 230 in the two Celle y, May, $s.34: Thee : at a given centre voi are john alleui7h, I not prepar,a at tha • for battery, 63.a0; tranee to High a'el. mry Walton, svork ' Huron The Little aiut, teaming strrete, therefore, not to 'be account against tette Irwin, salary Ma.1,, charity order, Mts. „ Hiscocks, glass c?. ; A. Ambrose to Brantford ; Ab. 1. E. McKeneie 1 Miss Lizzie i for may, .01,64;