HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-05-29, Page 84Tiii MAY ,e He Mai1000" \Ve are all on the alert and full of enthusiasm over last week's, cedes We know that the reductions made a e genuine. We know that the speeltti prices min snot se. We e:c- peet to see the store crowded ecleh day. We intend to do <a double amount of trade. We know that we intend atad make prices to double the.tra de. if You Want to Save Money If You Want to Rey Seasonable Gooch of Reliable Qualities At Realm Prices This Week This weekis the time to buy your Dress Gods, Silks, Wash Dress Goods, liuslins, Parasols, Shoes and Slippers. Carpets and Laee Curtains, Ordered and Ready Made Clothing, Straw and Felt Bats, Gloves and Hosiery at ;1 f. IL McIndoa's. SATURDAY -BARGAIN UAP. Ta hie Linen, halt' blenuhed,regular 50e, fee 35e4 Dress Goods, plain and fancy, regular 50e. for 35e.; Dress Goods, all wool Berges, 25e. for 18e.; Ladies' Cashmere Rose, regular 50e. for 350.; Ladies' Fast Black Bose, regular 15c. for 10o.; Fancy Shaker Manuel, regular 12dre. for 8c.; Fancy Handkerchiefs with Valencienous Laee, 12,:c. for 5e.; Special in Jet Trimming in sets at half price, for Saturday only; Special in Parasols, regular .$1.25 for 95c.; Lace Ctu•ta;ns, regular $1.75 for $1.25 ;• Lace Cur- tains in cream for 25c. per pair; •Fancy and Plain Prints for 4 L•c.; Silk Gloves, plain and fancy, ereatn and colors,. regular 40c. for 25e.; Large lot of remnants of Tweeds, Lace, Ribbons, Dress Goods at about half price; 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar for $1; 26 lbsstl.CoffeekS/ulgarfor $1. M. H. McItD 00. GOBBLE. Most of our village people spent the 26th in Harristoc. The base -ball ruatdb was all one- sided. Williams is ,ruck out about 20 men on the 25th, One of •ottr ,noted bogs, Arthur 3rawfor'd,'h&s bee. a situation in a drug store in Toronto. Mr. Robt. Meanghlin, of Gorrie, has secured a good job as foreman on Wm. Strong's farm. The annual picnic of No. 10 and 7, schools took place in lairs. Me- Guire's bush last Saturday. Mr. Henry 13irkins is attending the Grand Orange Lodge this week. Dr. J. A. Tuck N spending a few days in Toronto this week. ST. HELENS. The annual meeting of this dis- trict was held in St. "Telesis on the 20th inst. Twelve Lodges wers re- presented by about 100 delegates. The Uoveilinia", of 'Jessie lteith'a Ireouuznent. Listowel,'fe:S• 24th.•---L.mg before the appointed tkrte for the unveiling hf the innnllment tweeted to the lnelhloey of ,Les ie Keith, folly 4000 people Assembled in Fairview Ceme- tery arixidusly awaiting to witness the ceremony performed. .At 2.30 the unveiling. displayed to the eyes of the speetntors a monument unex- celled in this, part of the province. The base is of Ohio free stone and the die pf Seote.h Granite, on the to of which was a statute of Italian marble, the workmanship of which exhibited beauty, tut and skill, On two sides of the monument was the Keith coat of arms, consisting of a scroll, not unlike the 1:'r•e, on the top of which is a deer's head having beneath the words "Veritas Vincit" The inscription was es follows: JESSIE. BORN Deo. 20, 1880. DAUGHTER of WILLIAM AND, JANE KEITH, EL'M t. WFIII,E DEFENDING H ER HONOR SHE LOST HER LIFE, OCT.. 19, 1894. WE MISS TIER. AT HOME. ERECTEDBY HER. PARENTS AND SYMPATHIZING FRIENDS. 'JJE WIMS LAM TIMES, MAY 29, 1896. In taking down tdebris of Moore and Wathaeo's f�tory, Ches- ley, which was wteet;e by the ex- plosion last winter, alarge stick of timber struck a part of the new wall in euuitr e of erection, casing consid- erable damage, and on Sunday the high wind bleat down another por- tion. Man wants but little here below, but he ia't willing to pay cash for it. A camel can work eight days with• out drinking, and a man can drink eight days without working. • The man who stifles his liberality chokes his religion. When the wicked hocd, office the devil rules the town. An oath on the lip is the devil's doorstep. The devil likes to see people play at religion. The spider probably thinks that the bee is a fool. The mission of trouble is to show us that we need God. The man who walks witli God must do it with clean feet. The devil soon runs froth the man he cannot discourage. Christ is still reaching out a help- ing hand to those whoare down. WEv. HAWr-In Lower Wingham, 'on Fri- day May 22, the wife of Tbos. Hart? aged 47 years..,.„..ri The ceremony was opened by reading a, poem, written for the occasion by \Valter A. Ratcliffe, as follows : Jessie. as tender flower that from each To wind nnttind, We shield with watchful care In blooms, sweet garland, love so gently • twine, She daily grew more fair. But as untimely frost in balmy spring Upon the flower came Chili Death by Jessie stayed bis sound- lesswing And bore ber from that home. She prized, On joys in griefs, tempes• tuonst }ler honor more than life Viewed undismayed ber all too early tomb And fell in that red (strife. This put eloss stone, tho passing stran- ge's tear, October's sighing breath, Henbeforth shall teach our hesrt.., to daily fear Dishonor more than death. The poem was affectingly read by Wm. Algie, of Alton, after which be delivered an eloquent address, touch- ing as slightly as possibly upon the details of one of Canada's most cruel murders. He concluded by express- ing on behalf of Mr: and Mrs. Keith, thanks to those present for the sympathy they had extended. News Notes. The trustees of 'Millers' school house, about 2 miles north of Pais- ley, are calling Lor tenders for a new school house. It is badly need- ed. The old one has to be propped The meeting was opened by the to keep it from toppling over. Grand Chief Templar, W. F. l3roek- There 'are a out 100 persons en- ensbire Esp., of Wingham. The re- gaged. in theishing industry at ports from the different delegates Southampton and over 50,000 lbs. of were mostly encouraging. A dis- fish have already been shipped this cession took place upon the advis- season from the great fishing port on ability of holding two meetings each Iake Huron, Fishermen anticipate year instead of three as at present. a very successful season this year. :It was decided to leave the matter over till the next meeting in order to get the feeling of the subordinate lodges, " The following officers were Mr. .Adam • Thompson, of Luck - now, lost, on Monday a good driving mare, from the effect of an ,overdose `eteetett for the current year :-D. C. of oats. The animal got loose in the T., Earnest L. Farnham, Constance ; stable and going to the oat bin D. Ge., J. D. Murdoch, Lueknow ; D. gorged herself to such an extent as V. T., Laura Errat, Auburn ; D. S. to cause her death. and T., Adelaide Crisp, Londesboro ; A little daughter of Mrs. Me - D. See-Treas., B. Lauh ason, Londes- Gregor's, of Blyth, was hit in. the boro ; D. P. C. T., II 13. Chant, head with a baseball while playing Clinton ; These from the district. at the Public school on Tuesday and The officers appointed by the C. T. knocked senseless. She was taken elect are: -D, Chap., James Young to the residence of Mr, John Moffat Lon.desboro ; M. J. G. Murdoch, and medical assistance sent for. She Iittekeety ; D. M. Sister Rutherford, .1a now at her mothers' home but Lucknow ; (., Sister Eainton, Blyth ; very sick. 3., Bro. Baer, Auburn; A. S., Sister i McDonald, Lucknow : The officers ' Lyall the one year old daughter were installed by the G. C. T. Bro. of Dr. Doug -las, of Atwood, "net with Brockenshi.re. A hearty vote or a painful accident on Friday after - thanks was passed to the St. Helene noon. The cellar trap door fell for the splendid way in whieh they ; upon her right hand injuring it bad- entci't:tintel the delegates. Next ly, and nearly severing one of her Meeting' wilt be in 13ly th in October.. fingers from her hand. 'rhe lhand u-----•---. e was quickly dressed, and she is do- Mesere. Watson & Emigh shipped ing cicely. It is fortunate she did a ear load c f hogs on Monday, from not fall into the cellar or sustain Blyth, and among thein was a Sep. titer() serious injury. To know tetny,l,l;r Nig, bought from Mr, John something about, the terrible mishaps Rill, of "Mallett, which tipped the causal.°by trap doors one has just to scales at 4.00 Lbs. read the newspapers. he Several Owners of the • eal ropertles on the West . de of ,sephine Street, betty en Vie - to ; a and John Street. Take n Lice that the Corporatto: of the To intends to u .,rtalre t a granolitbic :'(Iowa side of Josenhin toria and John et axed to assess th : ' n the real proper es fr thereon, acc ding to ss a majority l properties, rep Taff in value thereo coil against the same wt fter the last ublicati ouuwl of the n of Wing[uun e construction of along the west reet, between 'Vic- ets in the said town, costs tbereof,upon, ting or abutting the frontages f the owners senting at petition in one this thereof, unl of such r least on the Co moot a p on noti. • which shall be' made on the day f May, instant. J. B. FERGUSON, Cler Ingham, May 140, 1890. 9th D. M. GORDON Is offering the most complete and stylish stock of HATS , 1 $ GO TO HOLSTEIN DAIRY cAmplEtt'S tn i we understand lnterestwd paptl nr spr a n 1 Just arrived a new stock of STEARN'S EINE PERM All the latest odors, Try CAMPIiELL's the report that we are not likely t0 be lore in the business. We beg to were the people of WI'gh ae that we pato embarked in the tniik bnattiCS t'i sta.V, that we are increasing our bnsiness daily, that our milk 18 010311 and pare. Our customers are our best recouunendatlon, • 1►QIi;ETING UT' ac't 1Y1 COUNCIL. The Couneil of the • • rporation of the "loo C7ualm,. in nty of H ron l meet in the Court =. own of Goderiob, on 'rueedny, t e 2o tatty of June neat, at 3 o'clock p, in, ' W. DAM Clerk. Dated May 39th, i896: \yyvv �JFill I To ,c,A0 0 I HEADACHE WAFERS 25c, per box or 2 wafers for 5c, A CURE GUARANTEED, �11 �13LIN A. CAMPBELL TELEPHONE DRUG STORE, 2 Doors South of Post Office; WINGHAM, - ONT. WE STILL LEAD IN ATCHES, MAKS, ELEtYn JJE t r, SLUR s, .4%r, ,�,�J1 [u THE PB 0 KT '' ,, �r) �1 ITavINFil 9� T THE BOSS TAILOR. eiketeatieesetasteeasaelleileateits Though the holid present, we are still plan 'of IVI ALL WO i5 r season is passed for the t7' doing business on the old G SATISFACTION IN ift) WE GUARANTEE k .:a cod .,., lectin g OOTHS ., rj ARE. BEST EYE SIGHT TESTED FREE 11 OF CHARGE. 1-1 WE LEAD OTHERS. FOLLOW. 4 M U NSHAW, fie; iTHE OPTICIAN. IL Ireteeteitewsastassesaleateeetwessee 0 GEO. CARR ''i and TIES To be had in town or city. STRAW HATS FROM 5c. UP. BOOTS AND SHOES Our large trade in Boots and Shoes proves clearly that our styles and prices are eerrect. GROCERIES. As usual our stock is fresh and pure and are sold at very close prices. Bargains this week, viz.: 30e. TEA for 40e. 40e. o. , "35e. 30e. .. " 20e. These Teas at regular prices are the best value in the market. Large stock of NEW CANNED CORN, which will be sold at 5 cans for 25e. Same reduction in every department. Cine price only and that the Lowest. tie lYlf. GORDON., Wingbam. Know What You Chep k P,.125 Is free tho injurious colorings The tutors you weer it the better ou like it. .Flet o's o. t. trecitt-rt a sole co., ems. HAMILTON ONT. from FOR YOUR Summer Suit and get suited in FIT and PRICE, also for the newest in GENTS' FURNISHINGS at lowest prices. Geo. Carr's Opposite Chisholm's Drug Store, .Wingham. stasiesabeteeseeeisseeeleebeeetialtaisefeei Clo IV X 4C To t Several Owners of th Pi .optics on the last Jos c <hine Streets, bet toz'ia ' nd Diagonal St Take notic Corporation o intends to uncial a granolithio side,. of Josephine et and Diagot5al a and to assess tho real pr thereon, thereof, of the repre tber sem pH m that the the T aka e vets, ,e final porttes front ccordint;• to nless the majorit wnera of such real nting et least ono half f, petition the Council ag within one month after t tuition of this notice, which a 0 on the 29th day of May, inata J, 13. FERGUSON, 01 Wingham, May 14th,180 , -AND.- THE -- OF WORKMANSHIP' r In ail lines of goods turned out: C1i CALL AND GET OUR 'PRICES BE ORE ORDERING. Lint THEY ARE a RIGIIT EVERY TIME. GEO. H. IRVIN, " THE " TAILOR, Opposite Bank of Hamilton. git WINGIIAII, ONT. Good garden tools are a great help, but where shall we go to get them? Not to a grocery, not to a bakery, certainly. Might try a hardware store, 13ut what WE 1-IAVE ....,mo,.ff,.,..�„ hardware store ? Ali, there you have it! *Why SUTHERLAND'S is the store for garden tools as well as hardware of most every kind. MIXED and :DRY' PAINTS "y�'��"o'yfg�every '�ccolor. Oils, the best in the market. FENCE CE 'Rt'i(I, ti9 LAWN MOWERS, BUILDING HARDWARE. If your potatoes are only peeping through the ground, eai there is a bug on every leaf, but our et i vie-, P ,y PARS GREEN ouncil of the will knock them out the first round. '.I'ry it. n of Wingham lemberftesmtvilier,r a� e construction of talong thoeast si"de You cannot sell your wool before it is taken off. Buy one between Victoria .of c}Ur, ., . in the said town, thtraf n or; T RA ANE PAIR OFSHEARS to frontages if • number And you will save raising corns 011 your fingers. 'on t lue As•we are now carrying all Shelf Hardware along with e Inst out old Imes in Stoves and Tinware, without additional cost for II be :,tore rcom, we can afford to sell at rock bottom prices. 0,05710 la's A. CALL.