HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-05-29, Page 6THE WING HAM r1'IMES, MAY 29, t896. t KINCARDINE. b'.ttID,A.Y MAX 30, 1,890. Horse Notes. Mr. W. B, Anderson, of Willink, Buffalo, N. Y„ owns and works a #span of mares aged :34 and 36 years. They were both bred by their pt ea- fdtlrC owner, who has always taken good care of them, and who thinks they are good for several years yet. It is alleged by some of the horse- men in New York that a number of horses have died during the past year from eating golden rod. One 3, writer says: "I ata fully convinced 14 that this disease is due either to some poisonous principle in the plant' or to some parasitic fungus upt,n the The Enterprise Salt Works ship- surface of the same." ped 8 car of their prime table and • * - dairy salt this week. It goes chiefly It is a common saying, says a writ- to Kingston and Montreal. r er in the London Live Stock Journal, Several Odd Fellows went to " that a good horse is never a bad gingham to represent Western Star lodge color. Whether this be true or not,at the funeral of P. Biller of it is certain that the biggest and that t heaviest dray horses in LondonnThe bankrupt stock of P. C. Mad - streets are mostly all grays or chest- dock, Acton, valued at $2,389.92, touts. Yet neither of these colors is, has been sold by auction by .1. 'W. in a stud sense fashionable. Jones, at 68 cents on the dollar. H. `i' *• *: * Dolle, of St. Catharines, was the pur-1 Professor Wallace, of Edinburgh chaser. University, says: "A horse doing Last week James Maxwell, Eliza- ' very hard work and receiving a full beth street, had a cow die, and un - Mr. W. J. Boyd, of Detroit, forril- erly of Kincardine, purposes return- ing to North Carolina, where he has found the climate so beniticial, llir Hobert L. Collins has passed his first year's examinations in medicine at the Toronto university standing up near the front in the list. (lobe is an industrious, clever student. On April 27th while driving logs on the Thessalon river, AlexanderMcClure, son of Mr Ewen McClure, formerly of Huron township, was knocked off a fog and drowned be- fore help ec,uld reach him. Mr, Jessie Smith, father-in-law of Mr. G. W. Davidson, Victoria street, is at present in the Rainy River district prospecting. BRUSSELS. daily allowance of oats is lunch bet- der such peculiar circumstances that i ter for about two ounces or. oil added to his food. Ti just about a wineglass' animals get extremely relish their food and thrl hence. a« Ir. Mortimer Leve , Indiana, secreta' Shetland Club, s: s: "The Shet- is the only reed considered and fit to tru in the hands of children. 1'hey never bite, or run y, and are never t, er ek from careless feed - wig; they stay hitched ed wherever you put them. are the longest lived of the e family. Some are known to sixty or eighty years. * * * Racing men in the United Sfntes advocating the shortening of the ing races. The present rule of best three in five heats is very on the faster horses. It has suggested that it would he a change to have races decided ur or five heats, and divide the y at the end of these heats rding to the position of the horses linseed a post mortem was decided upon. An ! makes examination of the internal machin -. 1. The ery revealed the fact that a long Ind of it, darning needle had penetrated her in cense- heart, nearly the whole of .the needle being out of sight. The needle is supposed to have been swallowed ng, of, Lafay- and to have worked through the of the Amen - stomach to the vital organ. CLINTON. Fred. Lavan, an employe of The News -Record, met with a mishap while running off a five thousand impression job Monday morning. By some means the three first fingers of his right hand received a good portion of the ilnpression instead of the paper and the result is that he is taking a rest. Mr. A. W. Hartt, the papular teller in the Maisons bank here. has decided to accept.a responsible posi- tion in a St. Louis railway head office and will shortly remove there. His place here will be filled by Mr. Karn, of Woodstock, who. is now here. Messrs. H. H. Ross and D. Mc- Callum, at the University of Toron- to, have passed their final examin- ary. Others are in favor of anon in medicine, clinical medicine rg the best two in three the la rses. Of these, 4,382 went! ow, 1,800 to London„and 591 e, will largely stop the laying,surgery, clinical surgery, surgical for the future. The change anatomy, obstetrics, gynaecology, McLeod aRother inmate, ran away patholog}, therapeutics, hygiene, )eats and some other. ' abuses medical jurisprudence, and medical i -re creeping into modern rae- psychology. Christina McMartin a second time * * * ]eft the (louse of Refuge without Allan Line carried across the leave. after searching for some il4 in 1805 the large number of;time she was located near Bruce field and brought back. George McLeod erpool, The loss in transit L.Saturday Evening, and has not been ed to 122 head. 4,712 went `-located yet. lontreal, and of these there l On Wednesday evening last Mr st only 3J, This route is I F. W. Watts received a telegrrtxi fer than that from either ! annonneing the death of his father ' New York. F'ronl Boston Mr. Win. R. Watts, which occurrtd was only 3J per cent., while at the residence of his daughter Mrs ntreal the loss was only i ()orphans at St. Louis, Missouri ieht•tcnths Of one per cent.1 who brought his remains here fol e tirrn carried 52,743 cattle interment beside Mrs. Watts, sts,who 41 sheep daring the season died in 18711 and is buried in Clintol 95. i cemetery. The funeral took plaice i G ODERICH. The pickerel season opened on Saturday, but so far we have not heard of any being taken, J. M. Roberts returned on Friday front a meeting of electric railway projectors at Toronto. If we are properly informed, a board of direc- tors to accept proposals for construc- tion, was formed. A number of citizens were engaged several days this week planting shade trees on McDonald's beach. A fence was erected to keep members of the Bovine Association out. The foundation for the machinery at the Harbor Mill is ready for the boiler, which will soon be in position. The perch were not so plentiful the past week, consequently there were but few anglers perched on the piers. The great difference in the height of water between this year and last can be seen at Capt. Baxter's boat- house. Last season the water was on a level with the platform and until this week the water was a good foot lower. Some person stole a skiff belonging to Tom Kneoshaw from the river. Some lumber and ironwork was also taken from several of the boathouses. Nothing has been heard of the boat. The boat was about 13 feet long, painted red, flatbottom, with a square stern. On Sunday afternoon between two and three thousand people assembled around the basement of the new St. Peter's church to witness the cere- mony of placing the corner stone in position. The majority of those pres- ent were, as might be expected, resi- dents, though well-known people from Clinton, Seaforth, Ashfield, the Wa- wanoshes, Colborne and Goderich township were among the large con- gregation. • HARRISTON. Mr. Barnes, organizer of the Cana- dian Order of Chosen Friends, was in town on Friday. A telegram was received by Mr Donald Campbell. on Tuesday, in forming hint of the death of his brother Malcolm, which took place a the Incurable Hospital, Toronto, on that day, The funeral took place at Harriston at 3 o'clock on Thursday week. Mr. William Jordan has been laid up with a sore hand, caused by blood poisoning. The wound is supposed to have originated with a sliver in the flesh and little was thought of it until the hand ane` forearm became badly swelled and very painful, when a doctor was consulted, and under treatment the sufferer will soon be on duty again. The masons will complete the stonework of the I. 0. 0. F., ,Meikle- , john and Bradley blocks, and the bricklayers will be in full swing by; the last of this week or early next. Work will also be commenced upon the Beck block, the excavating of the cellar being now completed and the material upon the ground. 1 About a weer: ago a small boil made its appearance upon the cheek of Air. W. McL. Doig, principal of Iiarriston public school. It was' somewhat painful, bat otherwise of •t SEAFORTH, Mr. George Murray has been doing good work on several of the streots of Seaforth with his new grader, and particularly on North Main street, where ho has rounded off the road in good shape. A very quiet wedding took place on Tuesday morning last at St, James' church, in this town, when Mr. Michael Hurley, of Seaforth, and Miss Margaret Barry, of Hibbert, were made one. The interesting ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Ken- nedy, and was witnessed only by a few invited guests. Many expressions of regret were to be heard on the streets on Wednesday of last week, when it was whispered about that Mrs. T. T. Coleman, for so many years identified with this place, bad passed to the great beyond, her soul taking its flight about 12 o'clock the same day. Since the death of her husband, the late Dr. Coleman, in August, 1894, Mrs. Cole- man's health had been steadily on the decline, and during the past week it was apparent to those around her that her life was slowly nearing its close. Few residents of the county were better known than Mrs. Cole- man, and none was more highly esteemed and respected. THE JUNE NUMBER OF THE DELINEATOR, WHICH IS CALLED THE SUMMER NUMBER, contains a choice represer.tation of the reigning modes of materials, and in addition a special article on Wedding Attire and customs. Mrs. Witherspoon's Tea -Table Chat is this month especially interesting. Carolyn Halsted's entertaining description of the Society of Colonial Dames is accompanied by portraits of some of the officers of that order. The fourth paper is by Mary Cad - t warder Jones, and is fully as inter- esting as its predecessors. Mrs. Charles Sprague Smith tells about Illustrating- as a Profession for Women and "Prances Leeds" con- tinues her exposition or household decoration by describing the doing over of a commonplace parlor into a blue and ivory boudoir. Especially attractive to women is the first of a series of Talks on Beauty by Dr. F. 1J. Leviseur, who treats of the care land treatment of the skin. Of light practicalrutility is the third and last paper on the Care of Teeth, by a well.known New York Dentist, and Mrs, Buchanan's contribution on Improved Methods of Household Sanitation. Emma Haywood's ill- ustration and description of Eccles- iastical Embroidery and Fancy Stitches, a Chapter on Seasonable Cookery, notices of New Books, and the latest ideas in Knitting, Lace Making and Crocheting are among the other features of this number of The Delineator. Address all communications to The Delineator Publishing Co., of Toronto, Ltd., 33 Richmond St., West, Toronto, Ont., or the local agent for the i3utterick patterns. Subseriptain price for the Deline- ator, 010:) per year, or 15e per sing- le Copy. . • no account, and little was thought of i it at first, but in the last few clays the face and neck began to swell and a ease of blood poisoning developed, ' probably cawed by Mr. Doig scratch- ' ing the boil with his Linger nail.. By the doctor's advice, the sufferer closed his department on Monday and went to his home at Kippen. i Forbes Davidson an old lI trri t boy, son of Mr, Davidson, at one time a merchant here, received severe injury and had a narrow escape with his life in a bicycle accident in Toronto on Saturday week. Forbes i and another cyclist collided and be `. was thrown before a trolley car which fortunately was stopped before going over Davidson, but his leg was frac- tured at the ankle, He is nephew of Mr. J.13. Bingham, of the Royal, and his old acquaintances here will regret to hear of his mishap. * '«! on f'• "ridgy last beim. the 62nd haa been said that a good horse !anniversary of their lvedding day ei' a bad color, but certainly a ; 151h May. *oloi' detracts from th4 value of ,Tlite darker colors have the Are You ono neo at present, especially for Uf thnso t11h:tppy people who ars suffer - d for.pleasure in the cities ! 11"" wits, iveak nerves, starting at every shunt sound, unable tr endure tiny un- ,miirkings are rather fashion - n8051 rlisr,urbnnce, finding it impossible hi h•eteppet•s, and black , to sleep ? Avoid opiate and nerve corn - preferred for heavier : Pounds. Feed the nerves upon blood pee. The .l:gilte,t' COlul`S' ,etde pure and nourishing by the great blood purifier and true nerve tonic, whites, are not desirable, Hood's Sarsaparilla. aiiedding the coat, the light -_ Nery much on ordinary: FToon'sPmts are the beat after-dinnor of Y1'orses of these calors 1).ilis, naPist digestion, prevent eonstipa- trouble to groom and tion. 2Gc. The colors stand in1 A lie knows that it must either about asfollows: 13row11,' hide or die when truth gets on its chestnut, roan, gray, track. ver rirty veers Ie ,,-Tntrn I:e•tri,y..-Mrq. Wirt'• rup has been used for utrr :,fty of mothers for their Olin, ,tw1u'.• eettmeecoa. It soothes the chile., aliksallIYalrt, cures u1ntl en'i., lefty for Dioreltoe:s Is pleasant to Drn;ryists hi ea cry part of tine 0 cents a bottle'. Tt, vast :s re and ask for Alt,. Wlrrloo'E take no other kind. There passed away at Delhi, last week, Mr. R. W. House, merchant tailor. Deceased carried on business in Mitchell up to April, 1891, and was a highly respected citizen. His litany friends will regret to hear of his death. He was 36 years of age. A devoted wife and two daughters of tender years mourn his demise. 3Fit EEC ).. ,1I —AND— A LABAST1N E 1 i ALL SHADES. ,LAWS MOWERS, GARDEN TOOLS, SPRAY PUMPS, PARS GREEN, BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Neustadt, of Preston, was on his way to Galt with a load of logs on Wednesday, and when near Checkley's 13ank, a street car carne along. .,(''Caring that his horses would become frightened, he got out to hold then' by the head, while his son held the reins sitting on the seat. The horses, however, were too strong for the old gentleman, and knocked hila down, the heavy wagon went over hini, the wheels irissing over both of his legs, bruiaing them badly. CLEVELAND, PERFECT, GARDEN CITY, DOMINION. 1 J. CLEGG & CO., Hardware Merchants Successors to J. A. Cline & Co. If the present rate keeps up, all fr {. A etti (Y l n vrt the men will he lawyers and all the Vsli ,t women stenographers. Love is blind but it can hear a dollar jingle. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castor's. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave thein Castor's. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. DEPART FOU A1SAINS DRUM Toronto and East 6:23 a,m. 3:37 p.m 11:20 " 10;07 " 3:25 p. m. --via Clinton Palmerston Mixed 7:20 " 10:40 e.m London and Smith 6:35 a.m. 11:10 " 3:25 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Kincardine 11;20 a.m. 0:23 a.m. 3:37 p m, 11:20 " 10:07 " 6:60 p.m. GO TOS FRANK SCELI'S, W1130111 TOU ONT 12 I:MATHS AND 1 HAIN 013T role .$1. Opposito Norman's Hotel, WINGHAM, - - ONTARIO. Agency tor Parisian Steam Laundry. A. E. SMITH, TC)x I _ Successor to HALSTED St SCOTT, Josephine Street • - Whew, Ont, BANK of HAMILTON WINGHAM. Capital, $1,250,000. Rest, 5650,000 Prsident—Jo,tx 2TVAsr. Vice.Cre,id.nt—A. G. RAMSAY. DIREv'TOI1tS Joss Psooron, Oso. Boon, Wg Gussets, M 1', A. T. Woo», A. B. Lis (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Savings 3140.0k—.Hours, l0 to 3; Saturdays, 10 1. Deposita of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed. Special treat. Deposita also received at current rat Drafts o,, Treat Britain and the United State bought and sold B. WILLSON, AOBNS E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. JOB PRINTING, JNCLUDING Rooks, Pamphlets, fosters, 111111 Meade, Circuiars, etc., kc., executed in the best style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or add rasa S. G. BROWN, TomsTms Office, Wingham. BOOKBINDING. I +' iJ --I3 PUISLISII'EA EVERY FRIDAY MORNING —AT THE— TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM, ONTARIO. .ate Subscription prieo, $1 per year, in advauoo ADVERTISING RATES: Space i 1 yr. 1 01,0. 1 8ito. 1 Imo; Ono Column $110 00 $40 00 l $20 00 8 00 Half " 40 00 20 00I 12 00 0 00 quarter" '20 00 12 00 7 00 3 00 ()tie fuel,_6 00 100 2 001 00 Legal and other casual advertisements, Rc. per line for drat insertion, and Be.per line fore,wh hub squeak Insertion. Measured by nonpareil reale. Local notices 100. per line for first insertion, mar 5e, per line for each subsequent hlaertict. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations. and Business Chanties Wanted, not exceeding $ Ili** nonpareil, $t for first month, and 50c. for meek attbsequant ntfrnth, houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 hues 21 for Met month, 50e. per subsequent month. Larger advertisements in proportion. These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for larger advertisement,, or to longer periods. AdvertIsetnents and local notices without ap.otfie direction,, will be Inserted till forbid and charged accordu. ingly. Tr.eftors advertisements must be paid in advance Changes for contract adverttaent.nts must be in the office by Wednesday noon, In order to appear that week S. G. It1tOWN, Paor'sslrto11 AND POIMIONA>t. .-- DR MACDONALD, CENTRE STREET, osmAslo R VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLiCITOII, Etc., Private and Company funds to loan st lowest rite. interest. No counmlasion charged. Mortgages, tri* and farm propertl bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Meek WINOI!AM J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, dee., WIngham,, Ont. E. L. D OEC580N, BARIRISTER, ETC. 00LICITOR TO RANK OF HAMILTON. MONEY TO LOAN. Office—Meyer Block. Wingham. MG. CAMERON, • RARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, ho, Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets' opposite Colborne Hotel. Penniman., ONTARIO. DENTISTRY.—J.JEI3ODSE, L. D. S.,tYsmenAat. `.1'`,7; ..; Is manufacturing first•elas, sets of teeth in the Dominion they can extraot absolutely without pain, by his new process, guaranteed Aerie, tly safe. OFFICE: Irl the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick House. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. 0., L. D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsytvani Dental College. OFFICE---MACDONALD BLOCK. Nor—)4111 visit Blyth every Wednesday. We are pleased to announce that any Books or J 011avT RITCHIE, Magazines left with 119 for Binding, will have our prompt attention. Pri.ee for Dimling in any style will be given on application to the Tistss Office. Money to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced on Dfortgagce at 61 pet centw:th privilege of paying at the end of any year. Not. e and aceegnts collected. ItODT. MoINDOO. Beaver !lock win¢harn, Ont. • WOODEN PUMPS, which otu he supplied on short notice, JOHN PE LTON,_ Dlaonfactnrer of all kinds of IRON AND FORCE PUMPS supplied to order. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WI1GOAM, VDEANS, Ji ., 11 . ONTARIO LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY CF I►URON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. 1 hargeia Moderate. JOHN CURRIE, \VINGIIAa1, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Form Stock and Farm Iambs. seats a specialty. All orders left at the Tines office prompt! • attend. ed to. Terms reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. 1 e C O Court Meitinnd, No. 25, W■ 6r■ , F„ f)rdcl' FOI'CHttlfy,,,00 0 E REPAIRING promptly attended to. and last Friday etroni,, of every month Plines reasonable. gory', Block Visiting brethren woloo AleLeun, C. 11. U. li. Elliott, It 8. Agent for the Brantford All Stool Pumping Mill. If you require anything in the above lines, give Mr. Dolton a call. S110P-- Diagonal street, nearly opposite teattio's Livery, \'Vingham. JOHN PELTUN. For Twenty -Six Years L O L.— lvinith,n, L. 0. 1,..firer.'No. ■ O. ■ fir.Friday in every A° Orange. I1.1l ; visitors welcome. J. W. 81.; W. J. Fleury, aee.•Sec. Ceiiadian. ,e.'secondt in Gre- w. T. J.. 7114, meets. month in. 1. Stewart,, YOUNG PEOPLE'S U ION. Y. P. S. C. E.—Meeting in ba : -anent of Presbyterian c•hurnh every Erida, evening. Subject for May 22nd : *Ready or death. D l\J'S Mµtt. 24 : 3(i 51. Dl's. Perris. UN EP WORTI3 LEAGUE -Mee ing every Thuy uir1 1l•hst lhurell, K Subjrsdaect for Juneveuio g 4th :the The yetnnnot)' Chcristian in CGmpany. .tiara iv. `3'3; 1'ro1 i.'].0; iv. DER TM:GOOK'SBEST FRIEND Latium' SALE IN CANADA. 14 Annie Park. it 13. Y. 1'. r. -.Meeting ever Pvoning in the Baptist ehCreh, Juno 2nd: Conquest meeting. ' Inoven)aa1t. (Rom. 12: 11. itLL - .✓ uesdav )Jed for Judson.