The Wingham Times, 1896-05-29, Page 5.flLE V1''1NGUAM E MAY 9, WA, SMALL , 'ROFITS . . QUICK RETURNS Is an old motto but a good one and one which a Drug Store is not usually given credit for believing in. Times Are chanting. SO Heliotrope Soap for 5c. instead of 10c. Our margin of prolit on it at that price is small, very small, but we can sell 5 dozen at that price quicker than 5 cakes at 100. We don't lose anything, you gain. This is our idea. Mutual p,ofit, Pe.baps you would like a butter soap. We can give it to you. Your choice of several of the best kinds up to 40c. a cake. Oatmeal 5o.; Glycerine 5e.: Baby's Own.10o. Impure soap are had, bad for the complexion and bad for busi- ness. Again we say, see our Heliotrope Soap for 50. and try our mutual profit plan at CHISHOLM'S DRUG STORE • WINCH A M, ON T. Campaign Notes. Mr. Win. Little was nominated by the Liberals of East Bruce.a Mr. Alex. ' Rogers, Liberal, will oppose Dr. Welden in Albert. Cotton lords -have amassed millions ..at the expense of Canadians. Mr, Robt. McLean, exporter of Goderich, is the Conservative nomi- nel for West Huron. J. C%. Rykert, the celebrated, will Mr. Dickenson says that the School Question was thrust into Dominion politics for the purpose of assisting the Reformers. A greater than he, Sir Donald Smith, stated that he did not believe Mr. Leafier wanted to make capital out of tho Manitoba School Question. The assertion made by Mr. Whit- ney, that the object of the Ontario Government in abolishing the bonus- ing system was to stab the manufac- tures, will cause one to accept, with a great measure of caution all his other assertions. it known by everyone that the system of bon- using industries was being most notoriously abused. Manufacturing firms were sapping the lifeblood out of towns and villages and when they had drained one place and batt retrained the stipulated, period, they. would pack up and go to another town in order to get another banns, and thus leave on the hands of the -first place, property that was useless to them. It was to cheek this evil that the law was changed. Manufacturers are not all National Policy men. Indeed very many of theta are not. Down in Brantfo.d last week, at liberal meeting held to support Manufacturer Paterson, the following well-known manufacturers were on the platform ; ran in 'the Conservative interest Chas. W. Waterous president of in Lincoln and Niagara. the Waterous Engine Works Co. E. L. Goold, of the ' Goold Bicycle Hon. G. W. Ross addresses the 00. electors Of North • Grey at Owen J, E. Watorous of the Waterous Sound, on Friday evening, 29th Nail Co, inst. R.II I�'ulerion of the 5tiowdrift I Moved by Mr. Diment seconded by i Mr. Oruieksltank that the clerk 'be I instructed to notify George Pocock to remove fence on concession line at or near B. Line bridge -Carried, Alovecl by Mr. Mosgrove seconded by Air. Cruickshank that Mr. Diment be appointed to get railing at B. Line bridge repaired and gutters cut at each side Of roadway on hill west of bridge also to take 1•i feet off top of hill and repair road at bridge ---Carried. The court of Revision was. opened at 1 o'clock p. m. Moved by Air, Gemmill seconded by Mr. Diment alinostim erre tible,healtlz that Air, McPherson be Chairman- p P Carried, can't be built up in a clay. Each .member of the court took For this Scott's Emulsion and subscribed the oath of office, must be taken as nourish - When the court was opened for Ment, food rather than business and the following changes. wore made in the roil; , medicine, food prepared for Wm. Cornyn, assessment reduced tired and weak digestions. $200; James McBr ien, assessment Seam de (towns, Chemists, - 50c. and S1,00 to stand; Robt. Campbell, assessment red need $50 ; Robt. Anderson, assess-' ment for lot 10, concession 6, struck-. Cylone in Essex Co. off ; Wingllam Athletic Co., assess- ment reduced $500: Thomas Hart, i Tecumseh, Ont., Alo-ty' 26. --.Tile assessment for lot 1, Fisher's survey, ; most appalling cyclone ever expert - W. T. P., at $250 .and Seagrams eneed in this vicinity passed three assessment for part of -lot 1, F.. S., miles west of this (.lace about 9 struek off; Robt. Iiasttugs, assessed o'clock last night, wrecking over 60 .for N ?;'lot 12 concession 9, at $900; houses and barns, ]tilling many and D. B. Hastings, assessment of cattle and horses and destroying N t lot '12, concession 9, struck off; farm machinery, fences and trees. Joitn E. Gemmill, assessment tenant Wonderful to relate nobody was lei 9, concessiop 5, :it $2000 and killed or seriouslj= injured. Four TAT of John Mosgrove's assessment unoccupied houses used as summer struck off; Isaac Young, assessment resorts vanished, not a piece of them t int S 115, concession 7, at $1000; as large as a man's hand is to be heirs of Mrs. Johnson, assess- found. A cow' was lifted. by the M. nd and carried nearly a Harter Co, eat, strut(:_ off; .Win. Wright,�Viihtq John A. Scltuitz of the .Schultz " sslnent reduced $100. Moved of mile and dropped wait, ti broken Manufacturing Co. •fItte. Cruickshank, seconded by .back. Whole orchards were rooted Henry Yei h, of the Geoid Sha 1'A Gemmill that.the Court of Re- .up and not a tree left standing. ' Mr. g ' p vision be now closed and the roll as Alex. Langlois mourns the loss of his ley and Muir Co. M. Schuler of the Brantford Stone- now revised and corrected be the Jesuit pear orchard, which was over •i 1 Total loss is estiniat- On every platform we hear the old chestnut that the grits have no i policy -and then an hour or more is spent in criticizing their policy. St. John, N. Be had 3,362 less in - conditions the I to some cont i n- a rain from the use of Scott's 1 Emulsion of cool -1i ver -oil is rapid. For this reason we put up a 5oc. size, which is enough for an ordinary cough or cold or useful as a trial for babies and children. In other conditions gain must be slow, sometimes habitants in 1891 than in 1881, and ware Co. • assessment roll for. the year • 1896- -OU . eat s o c , about 3,000 since the later date.. Is 1V. E. Wisner end Franklin E. Carried, • ed at between $65,000 and $100,000. this prosperity clown by the sea ? Grobb, of the APassey-Harris Co. Abolish superannuation : nearly D'. B. Wood, of Wood' Bros., White - $300,000.00 a' year is paid to' men Flour Mills C9. . who got big wages and were retired • Frank Cockshutt, President of the in the prime of life to make room for Brantford board of Trade. political heelers.. sIf manufacturers can stand a love- er tariff, surely the people'can. Mr. Dickenson has good grounds y1r. Dickenson , reads copiously for a suit against the Advance for from the Canadian Journal of Com - garbling his Belmore speech as•. meree. Among other absurd things, they did. lhtr. Dickenson certainly detserves better treatment at their hands. . On what gt'ounds can it be .ex- plained why the government send help to the Candidate for . East Huron, while' they are • doing all they can to oppose McNeil, Wallace and Sproule? The Hon. Sir Charles Tupper in his speech at Montreal use the per- sonal pronoun I, 117 times. He is evidently one 'of those who don't hide their light under a bushel but sets it upon a hill. The Council resumed regular bust= After spendtn its fury the storm passed •over the Detroit river into fess. the State of Michigan. .Moved by Mr. • Diluent, seconded Windsor, Ont. May 26. -The by Mr. Mosgrove that we gravel 30 eylone that passed over Michigan rods'on 8th concession line in Win. last evening also struck this (Essex) (laugh's road division- Carried. ' ` pounty. It struck two miles east of. Moved by Mr. Diment, seconded Walkerville at 9 ('eleek last night, by Mr. Mosgrove, that the Deputy and left ruin in its lath for a mile Reeve be appointed to expend- $40 and a half arcund. As far as can in gravelling on west gravel road- be learned no lives have been lost, • WILL OFFE1i----- GREAT BARGAINS I1 ' EVERY DEPARTMENT OF HIS LARGE AN A - AN L) WELL AS sOR'i .its O STOCK MUlIN G TILT TM NUMMI- G DAYS OF alit'ONTa, In spite of hard tinL:s,busineis 111,5 ben incr.:aNiii with us, and we are bound to make it still better. We have the goods you want at prices that cannot Ile beaten. We have secured a number of lint, below manufacturer's prices. "these for you are money makers, conic early ar,d have your choice. We are determined to turn over our stock, if low prices will do it, space will not permit us to quote price::. Co.l,c and :;ec for yourself. Is a very busy night, We would therefore ask t•ur many customers, if pos- sible to come earlier and do your shopping, in that way we will be better able to.attend you. We will iliere:we• our staif kr Saturday night and would ask our customers to bear with us, if 11e are not able to give )'Ott the attention we would like. 21TII MAY -Leave your wraps in our store, -we, will take care of them for you. DRESSMAKING, .NG, AS "�iTSUUAL. MACDONALD i3LOCK. • C NTYRE WING I-IAAL 1_a --- I:' l ..ecio 1 Merit will always win success and; Bicycle is selling more readily than anq' We.court the closest scrutiny 'and'l:,\ are some of the merits of our high, gra collapses. It' has the narrow- bottomed ra tubing. It is the strongest tubing made. Call and get our prices. , We also are headquarters for Pianos, Organs, Machines, washers, Ringers, &c. .�. B. CITIIIMINibi WIingha ECID (t4«,ri . t is why the Hyslop. they, . lest criticism. Here wheel It never t. It has the "D" that Journal cave- in effect that Carried. but trees, outh,.uses, barns and 'resi- where it is believed that the duty Moved by Mr. Gemmill, seconded dentes were wrecked or badly dam - an any article is too high the gov- by Mr. Diment, that the. Assessor be aged. The residence ' of James eminent should . be, petitioned • to paid $2 for postage and stationery , Jenesse, a two-story" brick, had the have it removed. Does Mr. Dicker- -and $2 for equalizing School See- roof blown off into the i Iver, and the son not remember a few years ago tions -1 and.1G-Carried. verandah al,ct Week part of the when Mt. Foster, yielding to the de- 1•Ph t her demands of the -people, 'slopped off A was laid before • the some of the mouldering branches" and as he drew his pen through each article of duty* he was cheered to We gladly Accept 11i:r. Dickinson's statement that he will oppose any government that will try to impose separate schools on Manitoba, but, would remind him that he keeps bad company in the person of Mr. Whit- ney. I'tr, John R. Barber, paper maker, 'Georgetown, Ont., a former Censer - waive, is now in tho Liberal ranks, and th such a 'waive bimsel Govern regim ence." The House have b ment t many f • lar»3 C hal 11,33 SW' of J 11n wove, 'Whitney sition in Crother present l Toronto Star says: "When nan comes out of the Conser- camp and openly declares in favor of cleaning up the vent and establishing a new he should have great lnflu- petitionhouse c rose in. ()sant p council duly signed asking that a A1fllald's house wifel ed in a like Union Section be formed out of manner, every windoa in the house parts of townships of Turnberry and, being smashed. The roofs were • in ter'n1s •of the Public blown off the homes, a:so, of Messrs. `ant Alorrls the echo of the Conservatives.. In- I Schools Act 1806. Moved by Mr. Vanzandt, t Parent and ;St. Louis, side of three weeks the pressure I Diment seconded by Mr. Mosgrove while the top of the La Neuf wine of certain' manufacturers • was that we appoint John Menzie, Esq.,' hoose was hurled into the river. The brought to bear so strongly two barns and the rye shed on the open flim that the daties had to be I ber ryrsltor for the townshipof Turn , Jenesse farm were demolished, while I berry re New Union School Section all re -imposed, and in the house as provided the town of JVinghant and the home of a farmer near by, he announced his intention of re -fin - township of Morris has appointed whose name could not be learned, posing these duties he WAS- again arbitratct•s in this matter -Carried. docs completely demolished. Che cheered to the echo by a subservi- Mo' ed by Mr. Cruickshank sec- docks along the river and lake were ent following -the very identical oucled by Mr. Mosgrove that the touted from the piles, and the last men who had cheered three week Reeve be appointed to 01) to the seen of them they were sailing down before when the duties were taken Cled1: and T'reasurer's offices and towards Lake Erie. The roads off. destroy all useless papers. -Carried.. were almost impassable, as the The following accounts were pass- knees had been blown down and ed and cheques issued: Robt, Hogg, trees pulled up by the routs. by the $1.50 for removing flood wood from force of the wind. H. Line bridge; John Gemmill, $1 -•-------- Sewing ass meeting in the Opera 1 Tuesday evening must u si, source of disappoint - Mr. Dickenson and his ads. The crowd was not At tile of the Mc ing resoli ollslp : M Brantford Maus, Pa remedial q u(stictti citizens o Brantford Methodist record its Stt1V Gose trety attem Separate B. of ;danttobi TL ENBE111.2ir . minutes of Council meeting held in McDonald's hall, liluevale, on Monday May 25th, 1806. Members for removing flood wood from Tucker,Gem- Be as two dollar Deliriniun Bank council all present. The Reeve mill's bridge ; Hugh $1.50, g' in the chair. The minutes of, last for removing flood wood'from Baffle's; bills are in circulation. ,'1 They are meeting were read, approved. and Peter Hastings, $1 for removing dated July 11387, and tare slumbered signed. flood wood from Jobb's bridge ; 13 IOJ1. Communications were read from, \Vm. Eagleson, 51 for removing! «�..s R. Vanstont; re registration appeal from i books al i- flood wood from Linton's bridge ; - _ - - - - _ -- - pal World re registration books also liobt. Stapleton, $3-I drain oil Cul -•i from George Bryce re drain all ross boundary ; Elliott Bros., $10 communications -Filed. tile and hauling D. Lewis, $6.80 The Deputy Reeve reported that work on drain; John S. McTavish,' he had inspected Govt. drain let to $55, Assessor's salary, t'$'.'...50 postage and stationery, $2.50 equalizing S. Sections 1 and 16,yttJas Deyell, $1 charity. Moved by ;iir, Mosgrove, seconded; by `11r. Gemill, that this meeting do now adjourn to meet in McDonald's ' Flltll, I3luevale, on Wednesday June 21th at 10 o'r'.lock a. in. • Joita• IBURGIN% Clerk. isiclering the fact that. it • R. Stapleton in Culross and I3oun- lunettt1' e.l thtt the Mni- dary and found drain completed iiia would b3 preterit. Ile according to profile. Moved by AIr., Medi t) appear. ,1. P. Gemini( 1, seconded by Air Diment; Q. C., leader of the oppo- ho Legislature,. and Mr.' of St. Thomas, were 1 delivered addresses. rantford District meeting I lodist church the follow- in was carried unst••,,tlitn- ed by Rev. Dr. Ross, econded( by Mr. Louie , whereas the subject of islation has become a vital itltereit t+) the ty whole llotninion, this )i,ltrict meeting- of the arch hereby places rot 1» ltera.hle, apposition .. to ment whatever which to force a system Of s upon the Province that R. Stapleton be paid in full kr drain *,21 --Carried, Moved by Mr. Gemmill, seconded by Mr, iltosgrove; that the Deputy Reeve be appointed to examine over- flow of water from Wheelan's dram to part of lot 28, concession 8, own- ed by Ihibt. Stapleton with power to take any action required-Car- i•iecl. The tonna let a job of enlarging drain and 'tanildirtg culvert on Cul- ross Boundary to Robt, Stapleton at t13,7f1, job to ve 'con•tpletoi Jane '.1st. Moved by Mr. (Mosgrove seconded by Mr. Diment, that we grant 300 tiles, size 8 inches, for ditch on side - road between lots 30 and 31, conces- etett 1 -Carried. • ‘IWfjl' L'FlS fH± Y.u�✓ �+'?",+%.J°. • Prove the merit of }food's S.n•sspartila--posl- • ties; ).'rkct, pertanucnt Cores. Curco of scrnfubv in sev('rest forms, like. go?tre, saa-'ilei mirk. reining sores, hip drseast', sores 111 the eyes. CUreS of Salt Ilh •nm, With its intense Wilting • 1100 burning, scald tread, tetter, etc. Cures of Boils, Pimples. and all other erep. Mons duo to impure blood. Cures of Dyspeps'a att.l,oth.'r troubles where a good stomach tone was netted. CuYOS able to works of walk for weewere of kytln Curtis of Catarrh by h ch cause hitt susexpeltain the impurities the disease. Cures of Nervousness by properly toning and feeding the nerves upon mare blood. Cures of 'That na • strength. Send fore book ofng ncures y resbying The Mitchell Bros. roller mills, in Luelcnow, after one of the most sncce•s:,fnl season's work, running almost continuously night and day since the early part of the winter, close$ down for the season on Thnre day, 'i'his mill is one of the best manufacturing; industries ill tho village and annually pays out from seventy-five to c.ue hundred thols- and dollars for maple loge and the labor connected with running the mill. r�M1t11R un,;tereru�tir,,,„+,n,nrr,,m;uuXimxmurtnuenrua! r a;3. -„��� -� u,un!murunxmt•iuurunm � 1:A., ,U/lrrlUlNlst,liplli rat "='/ male ' f Mil i ;t ”' I 1�l rrtIT MD gp, The Leading Merchant of Wingham is now prepared to before the people of this community, all the latest nevelt' Spring and Summer. It will be greatly to your advanta you would call and inspect the large and well assorted sto have just completed. I have received a large shipment of New Dress Goods, New Trimmings, New Pri Gray and Bleached Cottons, Flanneletts, Tweeds, Cottonades, Shirtings, Straw and Felt Hats, Gents' Neckwear • And a full line of Summer Hosiery. It would benfit the peop,le of ottr and surrounding country to call and get prices quoted before pule elsewhere Ladies drop in and secure one of those lovely Print Wrappers a ranging from $1,25 to $2. - As house cleaning is now the order attic day, all parties recital thing in New Carpets (50' patterns to select from). Art Muslins an Curtains should not fail to see our stock. Our Grocery Department is always freshened by the arrival goods. Just received, several cases of Boots. Shoes and Rubbers. Pi should see our extra $1 line. Ladies Fine Oxfords at OUc., and lines at prices to atilt pnrehnser. Last. but tint least. 'Phe eldest established and most reli House in Winglaxm. Choice I3+ ire brown Clover and Thnothy. �. all kinds of Fancy GI essrs kept in tock and at prices which w `pettters to beat. A call solicited, «,. �/..C.1 r ' - ' .4,241,.r4. . Sarsaparilla 1 To 0. L hood Sr Co., proprietors, Lowell, Mass. i M the best utter -dinner Hood's Pills plus, ald digestion. 25e. 777 Y, r T.,'9y, ..�. ''!t w r c T GX /! y, $ .L S. ' �•... i .i,..... ... ,., .. ... .. . a.