The Wingham Times, 1896-05-29, Page 3•
trh, v, . :`' '+arty wain. The junk, 'which
was re wenther•ly batt :and might
!rave begun life a» ;a private pirate in
Annum thirty years atgo, followed ander
easy sail; and the fern• -looter would run
no risks. She WAS in old Mei':wen's hands
and she waddled about like a broody ben
giving each shoal wide allowances. All
this happened near the outer Floating
Light some hundred and twenty Utiles
from Calcutta and apparently iu the open
seri. Jim knew old McEwen's appetite
and !tact often heard Min pride himself on
getting bis ship to the pilot brig between
metal hours, so he argued that if the pilot
brig was get -able (and Jim himself had
not the ghost of a notion where: site would
be) MeEwen would find her before one
o'clock. It was a blazing hot day and
11icI+aven fidgeted the four -master down to
Pilot's Ridge with what little wind re-
mained, and sure enough there lay the
pilot brig and Jitn felt cold up his black,
as Erb-Tze paid hint his hundred and
twenty rupees and he went overside in the
junk's crazy dinghce. MeEwen was leav-
ing the four•ntuster In a long slashing
whale boat that looked very spruce and
pretty and Jim could can that there was a
THE WINU1IA.M MAY 29, i896,
MONSTERS IN BAT TLE. Literary Notes.
_--- Ex -President Ilarriston's articles
A Terrible Struggle Betwoon have proved such an exoriuous sue -
Whales toad a 13ea Surpunt, crass with The Ladies' Home Journal,
adding over 100,000 to the circul-
A TRAGEDY OP 'rile l)EF.1' IN 11-IiIOfl ;,!tion of the magazine, that the series
'IIIE 1l II' 1.ES 1t•E[U CONQUERED will he extended beyond the original
ax Thula Mr:l'rriiious limit, The ex -President lois now
I:1\t•.J►l•, reached the treatment of "The Preel-
Official Family" in his series,
According to gaud authority, a describing the relation which each
Inost thrilling and awful battle be- cabinet member bolds to the Presi-
twcen a monster sea -serpent and a dent. Then he will show, "How
Con -
whale ,was witnessed by the officersthe Senate Works" and "How Con-
aud everts of the ship Pauline, of gi'ess Legislates," --emelt in a separ-
ata article.
London, Capt. Dreyer, when on a! . -----
voyage to Zanzibar, says the San ,i .111.1E ti ' ANTS* OTtiitERS TO
Francisco Exatniner.
IIt appearsthat when the Pauline
the at t an Au
Viequatoriallily Seminal Weattaens, Lacu of Energy
eneountcred a heavy gale, and, be. ""d Ambition, Lust Nlnnhuotl, Night
Lasses, esu., will write me in confidence,
ing driven float tier course. evetlt I will inform h stn by sealed tottor,,'tree of
wally found herself off Cape St. Roque charge, how tob obtain a perfect cure. I
One day a schaul of immense spertu
know how to sympathize �• sutrerers and ata only, too glad to be able
around the vessel. All hands vete to assist Lhetn, I promise every one
watching the leviathans of the deep, ' absolute secrecy and as I do not, of
when an occurrent • tool: place that course, wish to expose myself either, I
flushed the eheek0k all Uehotdet•s rio not give my name. If you desire to
got well. send stamp and add re;u.eimply;
and filled every ' heart with terror P. O. Box 338, LONDOrr, Oz•r'
and dread.
Suddenly, there appeared straight Ranches In Argentina.
Dear ]acuter :
)'lease state iu your valued journal,
approached the zone of l trade th ,4 y ffarer from Nervous Debi•
aur tike • +
tisk for no money.)
oney. ':awing nothing mitre.
whales were discovered sporting I 1; athize with these
from the depths of the ocean a gigan-, ,
tic snake or seerpent, of terrible pro he estancias or ranches in the
portions. I' day was clear zlno Argentine Republic are of two kinds
the ion canny monster was in plain outside, and inside. The inside are
fenced, and contain from about
view. In a twinkling the uerpant 3 ;OU to 80,000 acres. The outside
threw a portiun of his body in two ones are farther back in the country
mighty coils around the largest ;and where land is cheap, and are
whale. Then ensued a Beene which
seldom f'cneecl in. Some of these are
Carl hardly he described in words. 1 owned by Uig British companies, and
Now Electric Railway.
A etnerION OP TILE 110 1 IS '1'u l3r4
A meeting of the provisional direc
'tors (4' the Huron anti Ontario Electric
Railway Company w'it, held at the
%testa U''usC on 11 cdnesday of !net
week. M r. 1l(NaMare, ¶V:ttkerton,
WAS elveted president : Dr, Rolston,
Shelburne, viee•prebident; Mr. :a.
111;1?;. Cameron, tIeaford, secretary,
and 11r. J, M. Uuberts, of Dungaun' n,
The route of the road was adopted
and by-laws for its government paw-
ed by the board.
11r, Pew subm►ittea proposals from
a New York firm for the building of
the road, and a committee. was rp-
pointed to deal with these, with in-
structions at a subsequent meeting of
the hoard. The prospects of tlw
undertaking were considered encour-
aging and the directors expressed
themselves as confident that a con-
siderable portion of it will be built
during the present season.
The first section to be constructed
runs from Walkerton to Kincardine
and Ge erich, and from Flesherton
to dleafurd.
The members of the company pres-
ent were : A, McKinnon Cameron,
Mcafurd; Josiah W. Curtis, Port
Perry; Albert E. Scanlon, Brantford;
Henry J. Rolston, Shelburne; Wnt.
Laidlaw, Durham! ; Henry Horton
Miller, Hanover; M. McNamara,
Walkerton; John Green Murdoch,
Lucknow; W. R. Thompson, Tees -
water ; Norman McInnis, Tiverton ;
Andrew Malcolm, Kincardine; John
certain amount of excitement among the bpelibtund the Bien gez1'a and M Roberts and J. Reginald Shannon
pilots on the brig. There was his father , are very extensive. One in the Rio ,
too. '.Cite ragged Chinese gave way in a noticed that at the first appearance NC ro district covers a thousand were represented by Mr. E. Campion,
ragged fashion and Jim felt very lip, of the serpent the whales manifested quare InilLs. Goderieh; Thurp.11'tigllt,I+'lesberton;
washes and disreputable when he heard every sign of blind terror. All but , John Huniberstone,•R:ipley,
the click of 11cEtt•en's oars alongside, andI rhe best ranches are in the pl•O-
McEta•en slaying; "James Trtevor, 1'11 the victim in the rclentless,c s rushoto i wince of Buenos Ayres, and.. their
trouble•ou to come along with me." through the water in a mad to stock carrvingcapacity is (rood. The
ntre Rios ranches will carry about Old ages brings many aehea and pains
which must be looked after it health is
to be maintained. This depends more 1
than anything else on the kidneys "1
am 85 years eld, writes A. Dufiio, r
neer, Aulteville, Ont., "and have had I
kidney trouble five years. My son ad-
vised Chase's Kidney Pills, and I obtain-
ed immediate relief. I shall use them
to my life's end." You will find Chase's
Pills equally etrective for that lame
Jim obeyed, and from the cor."er of one escape. The captured whale lashed 1J '" is
eye Iv:itched McEtwen'e tutgry whiskers the water into a seething maelstorm E 500 sheep and 1 00 cattle to every
stand iiv ell ::: 1 hi.; face like the frilled and the rosin covered whales rolled ' ,'-)
:, ,.• the scene Of
6,600 acres. In the provinces of
from t e
'on 1
:11 directions •e turn-
in t
a vagal T.rngal tiger, while .tat
" To My Life's Ead."
ed I)i
the terrible combat. It was hardly
Cordo -
Fe,and �
Buenos Ayres, Santa
purple and his voice va alfalfa or lucerne plantations are
+'An' is this bow you break the regatta- tt Combat, as the whale had no chance
tions o' the port o' Calcutta? Are ye ,. becoming general, thus not only in -
aware o' the penalt'es ye've laid yourself 1 wail its destroyer. Tighter and I creasing the stock•bearing capabili
open to?" tighter grew tlic relentless coils, hoc- ties of the land, but enabling the
Jifn said nothing. '!'here wits hot very table bellowings were emitted by the
much to say,
and McEwen roared aloud: ar
1 I but its efiuft.. were Of nu avail'
owners to fatten their,anitnals very
"Man, ye've personated a itu li pilot, stn'
1v le
that's as much to say ye've personated agttiilat the supernatural strength of cheaply,
The live stock. are at present
reel What did yon yellow heathen give its te.rible fax;. The officers state i rather rou"h, but the more advanced
You for an honor:ilium?" positively that the ribs of the strug- t'
"II'mitred and twenty," said Jim. stuckowners are rapidly changing
"Au' by what manner o' means dill ye glint; cetacean were distinctly hetud all this by importing high-priced
alt through the James an' 3fttty?" to crack one after another, the noise stock from Great Britain, so that we
" t • . " was the answer, "Re went reaeult,liu(r the dischar(re of a can -
I steered The h1 finally da
Fathc r, r sa e
down the same tide --and —was s eerec g- can look for much keener competi-
�� non. ►c w ll c was Ina y t' n tion in the near future in, the British
b31vI Lis eu whistled and choked; perhaps ged beneath. the waves, and otlly markets from South American cattle
it was with anger. "3taae a stalkin' horse - the blood stained waters remained than is the case at present.
o' your father. Jing, boy, he'll make ani to tell cf the most fearful ocean
example o' you." trao'erl, ,
andA old sea captain is the authority,
The boat hooked the brig's Chains " •
Sad Drowning Accident.
On Saturday last three young boys
eft Lions Head about 1 o'clock, to go
to the small lake at Barrow Bay, to
enjoy some fishing. On arriving
there they found an old boat on the
shore, and the three whose names
were Findlay McPherson, son of Cap-
tain McPherson, of the Tourists hotel,
uMcEwen said, as he rolled on deck: j n -e' ( Fred Bruin and David Elliott, got
is an enterprising cub o' yours, ' fora statement regarding a sea•ser-f into it and pushed it off from the
' rheumatism and the about
lar business or one u' these flue clays he'll p dlsea 'went feet the boat bean to till
be germ, ns pilot before lie's qualified and
Pacific Ocean. On an occasion its use of Burdock Blood Bitters, the Y
sinlan' 'junks in the Fairway, if ye've 1863 he visited an island and noticed conqueror ot thousands of the severest with water, and Fred Bruin jumped
t trees oases• into the water and swam to the shore.
Yo i The pains of
Trevor. Ye'd better palladia to the regn- i ent that made its home in the South •shore. When they hadgone
sedriven from the system by the n
no other designs I'd take i1111) as my cut,, that the tops of some eoeana Mis, J. M. Monkman, of Arkwright, Fiudla * McPherson also jumped in,
for there's no deny iu' he's a resonrerfnl growing neat• the sea were broken• Ont.,says: —I took inflamatory rheum b
lad for all that ire's an uuticked r ybut although fond of the water, he
p „ rile natives stated that an immense atism in February 3894, and doctored b
staid Trevor,reaching for Jim's i k' f t rify'in as ect pati ap- for it several ,weeks, but found I was could not swim and began to sink. 1 will give } }
' h All joints were swc
left ear, "is something we can roma y, l trees.. len \ ery much andwas tillable e to leave
• • they kept , m • t set rest. Hearing from a neighbor that she
tti !: le the, greater portion of the .e►
r!a:. • 'v.r
for infants and Children.
THIRTY S�ar.g' ate. rvatlort of f'-t•:a^*-+•� 'u f+h the r,atxrr'atatye 0,
millirem% of Iornonn, ;+n+•rnft ne to apen'ic of ft without guessing.
It is uugnestiona:tly tite boat remedy for infanta and Children
'the a world has ever known. It is harmless. Children like it. It
Oyes theta health. It will save their lives. In it Mothers have
something which is a.'?nolrte'y sato and practically perfect as a
child's medicine.
Castoria destrn r,s Worms.
Castoria ;allays Fovn: =alines.
Castnrin-,revents vnmlting Sour Curd.
Castorla onrett Diarrhma and Wind Coale.
Castoria relieves Teething Troubles.
Castoria cures Constipation and Flatulency.
Castoria neutralises the Ofects of carbonic acid gas or poisonous air.
Castoria does not contain:nor-)kine, opium. nr other narcotic property.
Castorla assimilates the food,. xognlatos Oho stomach and !towels,
giving stealthy and natural aleapp.
Castoria L put up in nno-sino bottles only. It is net sold ill balk.
Desai allow any one to sell yon aaeytt ,in¢ else on the plea er promiaa
Oust it is "just as good" and "will answer oveta'y purpose."
Soo that you got C -A -S -T -O R-I•.A.
The ligeesimile
sij aatnre of
Children Cry for Pitcher, Castorla.
A Put up Job`•
But it is done so quickly, and at the sam
time so neatly, that all are pleased with it. t'
Bring along your Job Work to the TIMES
Office and see them do it. Prices right
•epi +el.V O� ��
1 n-
iliM "
$5o R
e Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring rtr:
Watch or Clock I cannot repair and make to run as ell t
r better than ever. (,
l i Jl ' snake o terrifying p• t 1
1t" i peared from the sea and had eaten stetting worse. I my I t 1 1
Elliott shouted to Bruin, who bravely
started back to save his young coil- a
rade. He reached him, but McPher-
son grabbed him so closely that both 0
sank. They came up to the top again
but McPherson sank at once, never
to conte up again. • Bruin swam to
the shore and reached it, completely
exhausted. The shouts of the boys
were heard by Mr. Shibley, the miller
there, who took iu the situation at a
glance, and rushing down dived after
his will tion o the serPent. McPherson who had sunk in about
i "lA p it calci! reached the
cured. �, • -_.. twelve feet of water. Mr. Shibley
tures and treatises upon and concerning tree tops. From the (uol:utct �. •••� Zt requires the effort Ot Vt)tlf llle dived down six times but it was all
those mechanical lawsi which govern g f1 to forgive the persons �'btl have
ctherhal mediums" might appear at first tries ft um the sea and the hei(rbt ot'•in vain, he could not find the poor
1oy.n v lir, couldter a not find
n who Came
blush to be the testamentary whim of a the cocoanut LI ees, the captain Was t wrougcd alone', took a pole and fastening e
1 1 personage. The value y pr of enabled d to make t Calculation as to of i 1
thissCient ac legacy, however . !the appl'UXlltla'e ells' 1`� � ., .�
1) W r s Ping 1 finding the
and lac led him down below• all the cocoanuts on severs my bed, and could Stet neither sleep nor
The little !:trotted colt thatforh
general purposes on toe pilot brig stattlr•
like hornets, but when it was all over .F tit pent was in the water the animal got your Burdock Blood Bitters fot her
Was an unlicked cub no longer. ]Ie was raised its heart t0 a level with the daughter, who had the same disease and
l Ic]awen's property, and a week later when it mired her, I purchased a bottle and
I r' tree toga :lnd fiercely devoured is after tnkiug aboral half of it 1 found my -
ableEIlora 0:'100 wen's he bundled over the lltllnl'•el' of green nets. 'Phe. trees self recovering, and after continuing 1t
aide tri::h 1112 rill of enameled leather time I
handbag and :t roll of charts and a little were forty or fifty feet lti:;'h, and, for
ol(� weather set in this winterK•I foundt
bar; o: his otru, necordiagto a calculation made by • it returning again. So 1 commenced to
Data nm).1 the captain,
the seruer►t was over take the B. B. B. again, when 1 found
200 feet lona. The natives Were too
Probing alae :Mystery of Ether.
atter taking it about a waek, that all
The bequest of $115,000 which the late
much terrified to give any descrip-' pain and swelling of the joints had dm -
Robert I ant Its body was in appeared. and I consider that I am en-
P.obert• Stanton. Avery has left inp1 l t! y
to the Smithsonian Institution for "leo- the sea, andy
very ct terns pees age.
If 1 I r may prove t length of the neon 'TilE PRINCE Cr.PECTORAL n arde0 rake to the endt, succeed-
ed from the standpoint of .Ani- 'REMEDIES. r. oo aed in about two hours in
erica's position its the world of science. 1 Stet'. Syrup cures Dr. W a 'a Norway, Asthma,
The mystery of enter—that unknown, i Tho dtLtivert of the Sea serpent I;onrsettess and Bronchitis without fail. body. After• the two had left the
heats light,
nuedlum for ;Al the waves of 1 ,(•plug to belong to the Not'seanlen. Price 2iic., all druggists, boat it did tt paddling tat
h t, 1' 1 t sound,magnetism and else= 1` i 1 graphic Elliott succeeded p The
Josephine St., Win r't'.aa*41
Opposite Mac,lonald Block.
ie -i l ,, b Theil' literature abounds 1 ' • '
nature, lies at the Averyee of the set Of t t f 111 ll tern of the sleep A j Even if you cannot give fourth
nature, and the euduWttlent may
yet be the incentive to original tt� resenrc .a�eerecnt, warm destroy 1n o. ships and for us to go out of the way to east
the st shall too mankind iurl tt ate nearer force
I b" 1
I world hl l f r b 1' tl OSC
arta r ul ,s u u rays sunshine, it is not necessary
i it t 1 h f'1� t diversion of the Norsemen's
the 4nlu•tea of R'Or 1 orgy and
a) C 1• oil' the Brew- wind in 1
t 5)15' -ition 'hilaclt4l'Itia accord.
h 1 . o, .
ancient days the Norse sailors were HOARSENESS, COUGHS, ILDS, CFlAS'e et
mobil- :n,:;; ht the ('uuatDS'. instructed ,1 , t0 tire best methods of yield at once to Dr. Wood's Norway
t t he g e JQraeiOUs tl►onstetS• Syrup, the successful Throat and
Bev. lh•, l.e:alt� of liost,nn, says .h,t't r.11'atru)'iu,y, Lh final ..' [
!tad pt 9twc(listl;tirl cluing honsCavoi•l;,i@1 his ..., Lttn1, �,p,.c,tht,.
latus!!`, !sari! Al+ announced out d<4r9� ago novaCE Greeley lived too soon;
that s':`i Wi,i ed to return on to visit to her
naatl`i+' T1t!11,.
"ATM 1 k;• it you work for me 'when you
entwr'tliifl�k?'' lie asked.
'1`�lt'b' ''irl did not went to understand, and
a'ri'd:''`.,\re you dissatisfied wfitlt me?"
`'' 14•'lay, ran," replied the clergyman. "l.
tet' 'thottghttha.tyottattight, not want to
iL,ahte hack,:a:"1 that 1tni;�iatltaavetoengage
tiD 10 one else."
"`I lassie always baenn `taught," was the
!reply, "that When 42 girl goes �o woi•k iu to I
family She is to remain there until she is
"Such a unitaree,:sa :h an original ('1251•,
neer," say:;1`t•. axis, in tuning -the story, 1
is beyond ))1W (,r,)ttlrehension." Naw X"ttrk }
nowt! -days when a man can't write
11ls name legibly he buys a, rubbetr
T.ilta billot�aness, dyspepsia, headache, const!
, You Don't RAMO to Swear Oft
1 sten-lath, indigestion are promptly
says taw St Louis Rennet Of Agrleulturo kn 1. 0
pat van, sour t h
cured t y hood's Piils. They do their wort:
w`a:lily and thoroughly.
l;cot after (!inner pills.
'ea vents. .ill druggists.
1'rep,trt'd by C. T. Bead & C'n, 7.oavell,Di:ass.
The only nu to take with xiaoal's Sarsatparillla.
atltoi'inl a1,Atat N0•TMtlae. the 1amn111 to ,8C8 a,
acre. "ave know 01 many eases cnrcd by No Te -
Bac. 090, a prominent St. Louis architect, sn,nlr,al
nod ...hewed tar twenty years; two tames cured him
8,, that (•ven the smell ot tobacco malas hits sielf "
No•TO-lino sold ami guaranteed no eine 710 pa
hook free. Sterling Remedy lia.,si 4 t.1tnnil 5t.,
Montreal. Sold by O. 11,
It makes a difference not only
whose ox is gored. but whose ox. does
the goring. -
'ot till any more, and
, • in ac ing wi
his hands to reach the shore.
body was taken to Lions Bead, where
only a few short hours before the
young boy and hi 1�C��utupanions had
left full of life andw•iappiness. The
*oung hoy was only fourteen years
of a;;ewhen he was so suddenly called
away. The fun�ra.l took place tan'
Monday afternoon, and was largely
attended by mini sorrowing triontl,l.
The, family have the sympathy of thee
Whole colllllltlnity ill the Very i tt-1
bcrcavel.nent,_'VViartoll Echo.
Caveats and T*adc-Marki obtained, and all patent
business conducted for MODER•2TN, PEEN. My
office is in the immcdi • tc vicinity of the Patent Office
and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed
Send model, sketch or photograph of invention with
description and statemto, as to advantages claimed.
,�'No 'harge iv tru;do for ata opinion as to
paterttahiltrt/ and r:v [ec for prosecuting the
appiicaaio'n , -U'i hoc be carica'. for �ttrtil the
tattling tfull information Sent free. All romnllanl•
cantina Considered as strictly Gonldeatia►.
A little boy, on returning from
Sunday School, said to hi.; motive.:
"This eatec-hi-tn i'; tun htu'd;'t
there ally kittychisra for lithe
'there a11'(' soill(1 girls "sweet
enough to eat," avoid' thou (1)ru. ti•
arty, three or four tittles a day.
Pushing, trustworthy men to represent utligCtS
sale of our Choice Nursery Stock. 0pootAl 1
trolled by us. Highest Salary or cenpittisni
weekly. Steady ompint stent the year rotmdc
fit free • exclusive territory ; oxperieneu het 4, F�
rt • big pal assured workers • speutal Leave) j
0 beginners. write at once for particulaktt CQ•�
Icor Snits,
give comfo'
wearer anti
n p ��++ year fries
OVERCOATS, better try
I RU�1�7E1>1rJ. know how t
work; dun,
Ithere area 31p and yet we charge no more�������s°Thk,
do for inferior wont. 13ttnci�
' fall and winter tramples to 4 �
at prices about half whet ytE1110t
ELLIOTT I3EOS.. of the Winghtua
Brickyard, have lots of l3Rlt'1i mid
1)11,AIN TILE on hand. It la said than
other parties are selling at reduced
110)00ta, but we wtnuot be U:tderbultl,
WW1 our 1priok and tile are as good
1,( ani 11A& 111 the pruvinee. '!Tee
van sell by the ear load or 111.0(31 or
1.2,011; titre rutty tai' low as cart be pur-
0, We',1 ant'0.1,0r,• WN 1'11 wP 411Cn,1 Ur((t't i
11116"tr t or :.I' 1(,..0 • 01 hituhe+• 1%1r wae. Ulptnt.•.ttI4 t110 N1n,:,1, 1:41,,1 out
:ty lbs. 1yll:' Win•1'tt .r1 t lute♦1 itlt:; l
pay for .old goods, Work donatally,
fern g their own cloth. anti,
It you think that a Twoerl Seer"
be properly made for 81. Spot ili1C
and rtes our work. nor farmsxl
wI(.1' XE