HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-05-22, Page 8i.`UE \V IN RAM TIMES, MAY .22, 1SU$ MAY DA e all on the alert and full of n over last week's sales. azisuw that the reductions made mine. We know that the prices ARE :APO- AL. We ex - see the store crowded each We intend to do a double nt of trade. We know that e intent, and make prices to double ke trade. You Want to Save Money You Want to Buy Seasonable Gorda of Reliable Qualities t Reduced Prices This Week This week is the time to buy your Dress Goods, Silks, Wash Dress 1 M 1' Parasols, Shoes and News Notes, Chief Justice Meredith it is noiitrertl, will be knighted on, Queen's, Birthday. The Sarnia, Observer sa�s� that Rev. J. C. Madill, of the Congregat gatioual (March, of that town, has ra�igned, He has received a call. from IXope Street Congregational church, Toronto, and it is with t, tln- the t' t accepting the call that Mr. trt�r ItIO>s» tav,i -4xl:t tlz:ayc>: At the- Maass, Wingtr(ral. on \lily 20th, by the lRt'v. D. P,jrrre, r. John Ons to Miss J nnie Stephenson, both of TurnherrY• DIEU WALTERS --In Lower Win'ghitm. lift piny .16t , Rtuhard Walters, i ged 85 years. JoIiNSTO1i -In Kira 1 Ise. on Stay 18th. Adam Johnston, aged 31 years and 2 months. Madill resigns his present charge.. A'er riblc accident occurred on ' M °1 Tuesday in Messrs W. Tobey and 4 fs offering the Cu's tannery Collingwood, by which stylish stock of an employee named John McKinley HATS wa; instantly killed. No one saw • the aeeident,bat it is supposed he was oiling the shaft mill when his clothes caught, and he was whirled to death. The Canadian Government is ntoeking the Canadian side of Lake St. Clair with fish spawn. On Monday the tug Arthur Jones took Goods »as ins araSo S, toes t 90 Car1S Of white fish and pickerel, Sri ytics, Carpets and Lace Curtains, t rdered and Ready Made Clothing, spawn, hatched in the Canadian fish :Straw and Felt Ilats, Gloves and Hosiery at M. II. 11Ielndou's, ;SATURDAY-SARCAIN DAY, E Table Linen, half bleaehed,regular 50c, for 35e.; Dress Goods, plain and fancy, regular 5Qe. for 35e.; Dress Goods, all wool serges, 25c. for 18c.; .Ladies' Cashmere Hose, regular 50c, for 35c.; Ladies' Fast Mack. Hose, regular 15c. for 10e.; Faney Shaker Flannel, regular 12zc. for 8e.; Fancy Handkerchiefs with Valencienous Lace, 12?;e. for 5c.; Special in Jet Trimming in sets at half price for 1Saturdrly- only ; Special in Parasols, regular $1.25 for 95c.; Lace Curtains,' ' regular $1.75 for $1.25 ; Lace Cur- tains in cream for 25c. per pair ; Fancy and Plain Prints for Silk Grieves, plain and fancy, •cream ,nd colors, regular 40e. for 25c.; Large lot of remnants of Tweeds, ;Ace. Ribbons Dress Goods at about hatcheries in Montreal, along the Canadian Shore of the Lake and delivered them into the water at various intervals. The Palmerston Mechanics In - stitute has a membership of over 100. The officers elected the other day were: -President, Wm. Jamieson; vice-president, Rev. T. A. Moore ; secretary, J. Schaefer ; treasurer Sam. Fleuty ; Directors. Sam. Fleuty 'D. Forsyth, John Oliver, John Mc- George, Ed. • Woolbridge, J. G. Combs, A. Ross, H. F. Foote and Dr. W. T. Wood ; librarian Miss Mc- Comb. A startling coincidence occurred in the village of Shakespeare on Friday when the death of two of the best known residents of the section died within the space of half an hour . Deceaseds were John Clancy and his wife Cathariue Clancy., The wife died first, and iinmediatelc- half price ; 20 lbs. Granulated Sugar upon hearing of her death the .hus- for ,L; 25 lbs. Coffee Sugar for :µ1s band expired of heart failure. Mr. Clancy was aged GO and his wife 65. Mrs. Sarah Havalard, a life convict of the State Prison at Jackson, Mich., arrived at Tecumseh, Ont., Monday, having been pardoned after'serving 30 years. Her crime was the Murder of her three infant children. Her husband being dead, another nu n offered marriage, but objected' to' the children, and she took this desperate means to free herself, She will spend the remainder of her days with her daughter here. She is old and feeble. The Travelling Dairy exhibited Messrs Macdonnell and Scott, M. H. McIN000. WROXETER. See 'he prHtty gide. Mn,.day night,, May 2:th at lvinghnui. J. Barnard is agent for the 'Times, and is authorized to receive subscriptions, or any orders for work required. Mr. John Hayden, representing Sloan & Crowther, of Toronto, was in :town on Tuesday. and CORDON most eornplete and SHIRTS, TIES To be had hi town or city. . UP. STRAW HATS FROM r BOOTS AND Our large trod- in proves clearly t prices are cor•rec utensits and made butter here this week, and was fairly well attended. The junior base ball team from Brussels played the juniors of this place on Friday. Score, 15 to 11, in favor of Brussels. The Harriston High School foot ball team played here on Thursday last against our boys, and scored a goal each. R. Black was in Harriston this week on business. The Rev. Coburn, `of Toronto, preached in the Methodist church here last Sabbath. Miss M. Beaton, of Allandale, who 'Stas been the guest of M. Mosgrove, of Turnberry, returned home on Tuesday. Miss E. Hastings, of Turnberry, is HOES oats and Shoes a our styles and GROCERIES. /1 E1 TINO OF HURON UNIT W I COUNCIL.. The Council of the =rporation of the County of Ilurot wil meet in the Court Ro,nn, in the �'0 1 ot Godorioh, on 'l'ue,day,the 2 :ay of June next, at 3 o'clock p, ua. W, LANE, Clerk. Dated May 10th, 1590. ..A. T_� CANTBDLL'S aoro As usual our stock is fresh and pure and are sold at very close prices. Bargains this week, viz.: 50c. 'DEA for 40c. 40c. '• " 35e. 30c. " " 26c. These Teas at regular prices are the best value in the market. Large stock of NEW CANNED CORN, which will be sold at 5 cans for 25e. Same reduction in every department. One price only and that the lowest. D. AI= GORDON, Wingham. nders for Addition. to House of Refuge. Seale tenders will be race' uodersig d (merited tend of Refuge) p to the 21:D 1890, for bu Rouse of Refu Plans and spe the office ot Wor. the office of the Bride, London. The lowest sarily acne ding an e at C1' 'fins solicitors, Toronto, were ordered yesterday to pay the costs incurred in an action brought by Mrs Minnie McMillan, of Clinton, against Rev. W. F. Wilson, T. S. Moodie, and John Skirning, as executors of the late Jane Hannah, to recover a leg- acy. The action was dismissed for want of prosecution. The firm of solicitors were under the impression that they had been instructed by Mrs. McMillan to bring the action but the Master decided that Mrs. McMillan bad given no instructions, and ordered the solicitors to pay the costs. Another old pioneer of Bruce coun- ty passed away Tuesday morning in the person of John Corbett, who was born in Sutherlandshire, Scotland, the guest of her sister, Mrs. R. J. about 72 years ago, and came to this Rann. country when a young man, living MeKelvie & Forsyth, our woolen in Cape Breton and Oxford county for a time before finally settling down in Kincardine in the early fifties. He was a member of the Presbyterian church and a staunch Reformer, a decade ago representing very ill. Kincardine township at the county Dr. Macdonald, of Wingham, ad- council as reeve for a period of eleven dressed a meeting of the electors in years, Mr. Corbett's death was due the town hall here on Tuesday even- to paralysis of the brain. Ile leaves ing. Mr. A. Munro occupied the a wife and nine children, all grown mill men, are receiving a large quan- tity of new wool, which is unusual at this early season. Mrs. D. Fisher left for Toronto on Monday, to see her father, who is Date chair.u p Mr. Dickinson will address the people on Friday evening, when Dr. A reporter for the Guelph Mercury Macdonald is expected to be present. is going around in company with an angry scowl and and a soiled suit of clothes. HIe Was in a grocery store While the severe electrie storm examining some maple syrup. It VAS passing on Thursday evening was a genuine local article., the pro- Adrian Moore, of Corinth, was struck duct of Canadian industry, and it -w-ith lightning, rendering hien un- resented the patronizing manner in Conscious. He and his father were which the Grit reporter was hand - shelling corn and owing to the heat ling it. Just as the newspaper man the doors were left open. Dr. Shaw had his eye down to the stopper to WWI immediately summoned and see how it worked, the stopper flew worked all night trying to bring up at him and the syrup followed bac copse ousness, but was tin- stat. The reporter got some of the successful. Mr. (leo. Jackson's eontetita in the neck ; also on his barna were striae zv g g in two different places. One of the and vest. Though the syrup was bolts entered the pig pen, killing one exceedingly sweet, it is said the of the pigs, but fortunately it did scribe feels decidedly sour ever since Prot set fire to the building. the accident happened. n ed by the tor Hoene AY or JUNE, clition to the top. ons can he seen at ata, Chncon, or at ehiteut, H. C. Me - just arrived a new stock of STEARN'S EINE PERFUMES - SILVERWARE. All the latest odors. 11 fix grograutmattarioum WE STILL LEAD IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELERY, any to d. HENRY EIL er not maces - Try CAMPBELL'S rediton. HEADACHE WAFERS 25c. per box or 2 wafers for 5c. A CURE GUARANTEED. NT CO ICI I To the Several Owners of the Real Properties on the East Side of Josephine Streets, between Vic- toria and Diagonal Streets. COLIN A. CAMPBELL, TELEPHONE DRUG STORE, 2 Doors South of Post Office, WINGHAM, , ONT. FARM TO REI` .t4 200 pore farm to rent, r and tirst•elass buildings. It 125, \Vingham, Ont. rl 9 'r 1 Irddd is EYE SIGHT TESTED FREE OF CHARGE. tn ivtcred 7 to box WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW. fad MUNSHAW, THE OPTICIAN. Fit GC TO GEO. OARR FOR YOUR Summer Suit and get suited in FIT and PRICE, also for the newest in CENTS' FURNISHINGS at lowest prices. Geo. Carr's Opposite Chisholm's Drug Store, Wingham. TEMAgigffl E y� ar4S'r IGHT IIT THE S Take notice that the Council of the 4 Corporation of the Town of Winghain intends to undertake the construction of l a granolithic sidewalk along the east aids of Josephine street, between Victoria and Diagonal streets, in the said roWn, 1 and to assess the final costs therof upon i iA the real properties fronting or abutting i thereon, according to the frontages v thereof, unless the runjority in number of the owners of such real properties, representing et least one half iu value thereof, petition the Council against the same within one month after the last publication of this notice, which shall be,' made on the 29tb day of May, instant. J B FERGUSON Clerk Wingham, May 14th, 1896. l�< k ith li ht nin face and shirt front and new coat • To the Several Owners of the Real Properties on the West Side of Josephine Street, between Vic- toria and John Streets. Take notice that the Council of. the Corporation of the Town of Wingham intends to undertake the ronetruction of a uranolithio sidewalk along tho west side of Josephine street, between Vic- toria and John streets in the said town, and to assess the final costs thereof,upon the real properties fronting or abutting thereon, according to the frontages thereof, unless a majority of the owners of such real properties, representing at least one half in value thereof, petition the Connell against the same within one month after the last publication ot this notice. which shall be made on the 29th day of May, instant. J. B. FERGUSON, Clerk. Wingham, May 14th, 1899. Know What You Chew 18 free front the injurious coloring. 'fhe tiiiore you use of it the better you like tt. tux ozo. t:'.'rucltL'r'Ii I SON ca., k?p. HAMILTON, OttT. Fid .i? tl 0 a�' 1 THE BOSS TAILOR. • S131-trksTG-- STITT'S Are all the rush and we are right in it. We have worked up an enormous busi- ness on merit, and we are still,ready to give our whole attention to this.one depart- ment and thus GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. \l La .a The world is run by specialties in the present age and the than who does not ..have some specialty and devote his entire energies in that line is behind 'the age, slid n -lay fittingly be called a "back number," Our speciality is TAI LORIN And we cannot be under bid. Look at this list : PANTING -S $2.25 UP. TWEED SUITS $6 UP. SERGE SUITS $10 UP. BLACK WORSTED SUITS $ 12.50 TO $35. -j OPPOSITE BANK OF HAMILTON. GEO.. H. IRVIN, " THE" TAILOR, WINGHAIVM, ONT. 5"trs, ,,Viay.„ tsss2 n,s1s,sssT hs1,33R 0 KS a- t