HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-05-22, Page 7THE WING HAM TIMES, MAY 22,
Plows e in your valued jaurnal,
that it a y Pu fetor iron! Norvoue Debi-
lity, Seminnl Wi. nknehs, Lack of Energy
and Ambition, Lost Dlnnhcod, Night
Losses, etc., will write me in coalldonce,
I will int'orru him by waled letter, free of
charge, how to ahtain a perfect cure. I
ask for no looney, having nothing to sell.
T know how to sympathize with these
sufferers and am only too glad to be able
to assist them, T promise every one
absolute secrecy and as I do not, of
course, wish to expose myself slither, I
do not give my name. If you desire to
.get well, send stamp and address simply:
F. O. Box `3'88, LONDON, ONT.
St. Marys Council has offered a
reward of $1,000 for the conviction
of the parties who may have :et fire
to National H otel there.
Meld at once to Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup, the successful Throat and
Lung Specific.
TIjere are people who cannot dis-
tinguish between the notoriety itch
and a real desire to reform some-
He will take no Risks.
*hrewdness of a wellknown City
In winter when Canadians spend a
iilfge portion of their time indoors wild
cannot have the same variety of fresh
food as in summer and fall, indigestion
40 dyspepsia afflict a majority. "If
anybody will tell me that dyspepsia in its
advanced stages is perfectly curable,"
said a Toronto merchant, " I will take
his word. Personally I run no risks. As
soon as I feel a sense of weight in the
Itomach, after a meal, I know that my
blood is sluggish in circulation. In my
business I cannot take much exercise,
Sad I fight the first sign of stomach
troubles with Scott's Sarsaparilla. It has
=lever failed me, and has saved me many
b doctor's bill."
Scott's Sarsaparilla possesses medicinal
properties superior to all other so-called
,oirsaparillas made. As a remedy for in-
digestion; rheumatism, pimples, scrofula
a d all blood diseases, physicians state
4at its equal was never known. Sold at
Si per bottle, of all dealers.
Is always worth conidering.
We are not afraid of any ex-
pert judgment upon our
W V/ & LL
H. Bishop has placed a granolithic
sidewalk leading from his residence
on Andrew street.
Constable Westcott on Monday
arrested a tramp in a box car on the
south bound train, He was stealing
a ride,
Rev. D. A, Moir, 13, D., of George-
town, formerly of Woodham, has re-
ceived an una,nimcu, invitation to the
pastorate of Trinity Methodist church,
Berlin, for the ensuing conference
Mr. John Mitchell has moved into
the residence recently vacated by
Mr. Samuel Baskerville on Station
street. Mr, Baskerville has moved
'into the premises vacated by Mr.
Jas. Carroll.
A petition has been circulated and
signed by a large number of rate-
payers asking that the the council
prohibit cows from running .at large
during the night. The matter will
receive the council's consideration
Friday evening.
Rev. Mr. Stringfellow, at one time
of Kirkton, who has charge of one
of the Indian missions. at Hagersville,
met with an accident a short time
ago which may result fatally. While
driving home the axile of the buggy
broke, which caused the horse to
kick violently. It broke the old
man's leg in two places below the
knee, and from the effect of the acci-
dent the rev. gentleman has • been
seriously ill, although the, broken leg
is almost healed.
The better the judge the
higher the appreciation of its
merits. For quality and new-
ness we cannot be beaten.
We are bound to please in every
particular of our business and es-
pecially in the matter of high quality
of Window Shades. We sell the
best. Don't buy cheap truck. A
Good Roller and Spring is the cheap-
est in the end.
Easily Cared.
Drunkenness, Morphine and Tobacco
habit are easily cured by the use of
Hill's Chloride of Gold Tablets. No ef-
fort required of the patient, who is al-
lowed the use of stimulants until he vol-
untarily quits their use. May be given
secretly in tea or coffee and a cure guar-
anteed in every case. For sale by all
first-class druggists at $1.00 per package.
For full particulars and book of testi-
mouials address The Ohio Chemical
Works. Lima, Ohio.
We have a large stock of Hammocks
which are selling fast. Try one
before they are all gone,
The,Cantata of Ruth was repeat-
ed in Cardno's hall on Thursday
evening, last week, when a large
and appreciative audience listened
to the rendition of this, beautiful pro-
The Council met on Monday even-
ing last. A by-law for street water-
ing was passed, The street commit-
tee was apportioned. $2,000 for street
purposes, A grant of $100 was
given the band and $80 to purchase
instruments was left over for future
Mrs, Earle, of Fall River, Kansas,
sister of Mrs, Josiah Myreman, who
has been spending the past month
with friends hire. left for her south-
ern home on Monday.
.An accident occurred to Mrs. (Dr.)
Bethune on the morning of Saturday
last which for a time caused her
friends much anxiety. Mrs. Bethune
bad gone to the cistern, which is an
open one, to procure water when the
barking of a number of dogs close
by attracted her attention and for-
getting for the moment the close
proximity to the cistern, she stepped
into it. In her endeavor to save
herself from going down she sustain-
ed injuries to her back and knee
from the effects of which she may be
laid up for some time.
An exciting runaway took place
on Main street Saturday last at noon
hour. Mr. James Taylor's (Tucker -
smith) team was standing in front of
Mr. Casey's grocery, •when a dog
fight took place under the waggon,
frightening the team, starting at a
break neck pace on .their own ac-
count. Mr. Taylor was endeavoring
to get out of the wagon at • the back
when the jolt caused by going over
the crossing at Richardson & Mc-
Innis' threw the old gentleman
violently to the ground. He sustain
ed a bad cut over the eye which re-
quired several stitches; besides num-
erous bruises and a general shaking
up. The old gentleman's wounds
were attended to by- Drs. Burrows
and McGinnis, and is now recover-
ing nicely having been able to come
to town on Wednesday.'
A load of salt was distributed along
the sides of Main street in the busi-
ness portion of Brussels, on `Wednes-
day, to kill weeds 'and grass growing
along the sidewalks.
Constable Wright has been in-
structed to put to end the noisy and
rough carrying • on of numerous
youngsters at and around the band
stand during the concerts on Friday
The plank walks on • John street,
North of Church street, which have
about served their day, will be lifted
and a fine gravel walk substituted.
Similar work will be done on section
of Market and Elizabeth streets.
Wednesday of this week Post-
master Far) ow ticketed Frank Mc-
Cracken and his sons, William and
James, and Wm. Kearney, of Morris,
to Mattawa, from which point they
strike north on a prospecting tour,
on the look out for farm land.
Last Saturday the frame building
between the Leckie and Blashill
brick blocks, belonging to the Rod-
dick estate, was sold to B. Gerry at
the nominal bid of $100. The pur-
chaser proposes making some im-
provements, so as to put it in shape
for renting.
Saturday evening as Mr. Dunn
and wife were driving into Brussels
in a road cart, their horse was start-
led by a bicyclist passing at a lively
rete. In the attempt to run away
the shafts of the cart were broken
and Mr. and Mrs. Dunn reached
terra firma with considerable emph-
asis, receiving quite a shaking up.
Monday morning when F. S. Scott
went to his stable he was greatly
surprised to find his driving mare
missing. A short time sufficed to
reveal the fact that in walking
around the stable she had trodden
on the cellar trap door, which gave
way and landed her on the cellar
floor. Dan MeNaughton's services
were secured and with the aid of
block and tackle the mare was safe-
ly hoisted out of her basement
quarters none the worse of her esca-
We sell more Croquet Sets than
other firms and consequently we can
afford to run them off at smaller
advance on cost.
Call and see e'"" -tach.
"��........, OSS.
For Over Fifty Year
Iowa Scothine Syrup has boon used for over fifty
years by millions of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfectsucoess. It soothes the child,
sotfens the ,nuts, allays all pain, euros wind collo,
and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea Is pleasant to
the taste. Sold by Druggists In ovary part of the
world, Tw nty.ave cents a bottle. Its value is
incalculable, Bo sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup, and talco no other kind.
The pains of rheumatism and the
disease driven from the system by the
use of . I3urdoek Blood Bitters, the
conqueror of thousands of the severest
Mrs, J. M. Monkman, of Arkwright,
Ont., says:—I took iutlamatory rheum-
atism in February 3894, . and doctored
for it several weeks, but found I was
setting worse. All my joints were swol
len eery much and I was unable to leave
my bed, and could get neither sleep nor
rest. Hearing from a neighbor that she
got your Burdock Blood Bitters for her
daughter. who had the sauce disease and
it cured ger, I purchased a bottle and
after taking about half of it 1 found my,
self recovering. and after continuing it
for some time I recovered. and when the
cold weather set in this winter I found
it returning again. So I commenced to
take the B. B. B. again, when 1 found
after taking it about a week, that all
pain and swelling of the joints had dis-
appeared. and I consider that I am en-
tirely cured.
Ben. Franklin has been appointed
governor of Arizona. We always
have felt confident that sooner or
later that man Franklin would be
heard from, notwithstanding his.
penchant for flying kites after the
paper went to press.
WO' ere'vr,WIPRIVr
Best for
Wash Day
For quick and easy work
j?or cleanest, sweetest
and whitest clothes
Surprise is best
Best fol"
EVery 1)ay
For every use about the
house Surprise works
best and cheapest.
Soo for yourself.
Clinton the other day to have the
skin stuffed. It is about 17 inches
long and has a long, pointed bill with
very sharp teeth, and it is the only
fish of the kind that has known to be
caught in this part of tee world.
Mr. Pollick is quite a fancier el
such things and he has a fine colleee
The horse attached to the street
wa'e"ing cart gained partial liberty
last Friday about noon and clashed
along Albert street: north. William
Miller was on the cart. For a time
the situation looked serious for the I
young man, >.0 he made a clean
13LUEVAL t`,
(Intended for last issue.)
On Monday of last week, Mr. D.
Pocock, of' Turnberry, was drawing
furniture to the station for Mrs. Geo,
Pocock, and leaving his team untied, euro or money feuded. Hook tree, M. 4torlat
they became homesick and ran away, 7le•nrdr ( n:111:
„ d7 Sr Papl St., rlionhenl Sold
Mr. W. D. Elliott pursued them on'a
C. i,. tvnliame;i Wln,ham.
bicycle, but the horses had too much
of a start and ho did not catch up to
them until they were at their own
gate. The wagon was knocked
apart, but very little damage. was have angels to do with it?
Mr. R. N. Duff went to Galt on
business last Friday.
Moat Tobacco spit or Smoke Your I,t
the trnthfnl s`'trtltne title of hook aeset Ila.'
Ilse, the harmless. e,ar.tnteod °bacon habit t'
that braces up ni'otiniied no res, slim nates t
l irotlne poison, intkes weak moo e'aiu strong
vizor and ntanhnn 1. You tun no phy+eat orfle
tial risk, so NoTn But Is sold nnrlrr guarantee
The Minneapolis Journal sensorl
that "a woman suing for damag
and holdin; a wet of lova letters is
terror to men and angels." 'l
jump when he decided that the rig I Mr. Wm. Messer went to London
would likely collide with a telegraph on Saturday.
pole near the water supply station I Messrs Edwin Bailey, Louis B. But Ono 'tiro rome.ly-ChM 'n It for 2
and thus escaped injury, The cart
contained considerable water and
was too heavy to allow the animal to
run far and was headed off near Mr.
McCool's residence by the driver.
The cart was slightly damaged.
c B'
Doti' Alex. Messer and Mackenzie eats. .otter z d,s n til and tt 3 cutewr
The elderly and infirm inmates of
the House of Refuge are dropping of
quite rapidly. The seventh death
at the House occurred on Sunday, in
the person of Jonathan Hewitt, of
Grey, aged 53 years.
On Sunday last Mrs. Robt. Trouse
died at the residence of her husband
Delaware township. Deceased was
formerly Miss Pamelia Howe, sister
of Mr. James Howe, and was at one
time a resident of Clinton.
Wednesday evening Mr. F. W.
Watts received rt telegram announc-
ing the death of his father, which
occurred at the residence of his
daughter, on 13th inst., at St. Louis,
For some time Mr. Emerson bas
been much annoyed by tacks being
dropped in front of his Bicycle Em-
porium, and lately broken glass has
been added to the annoyance, the
evident intention being to puncture
bicycle tires. Ile has discovered the
authorof his annoyance, and intent?s
to punish the pairey if it is repeat-
On 'Wednesday Mr. David Cantel -
on, second son of Dir. Wm. David
Cantelon, who has been so seriously
ill at Mount Forest, was brought
home on a stretcher, in charge of
Dr. Gunn, who had gone up to look
atter him. His source of trouble is
largely confined to one foot, part of
which it is feared, will have to be
amputated. Itis mother who has
been with him for some titne, return-
ed with him.
Mr. James Pollick, of Bayfield,
sent a very strange sort of fish to
British valor is the theme of many a
thrilling story and stirring song. ,Mr.
Geo. Kingston, of ]36 John street north,
is one of Hamilton's best known veteran.n
A man of material bearing, ragnilieeut
physique and genial personality, he is a
splendid representative of the best class
of British soldier. To our reporter Sir.
Kingston readily gave an interview.
With all the pride of a citizeu of that
empire on which the sun never sets, 11r.
Kingston said: "I stn re Devonshire man
born near the banks of Tien. I enteredthe British army at 19, and served four-
teen years in India: Was through the
Abyssinian campaign, and ?'ought at
the storminand capture of Milgdala,
KinkTheodore's stronghold. Here the
king and many of his army fell. Napier
the 'Hero of Magdala,' was created Lord
Napier of Magdala for his splendid ser-
vices. After this I returned to Old
England, remaining about five years,
when I was agein sent to the sunny
south until' my 21 years' service was
nearly up. This is the place to get kid-
ney and liver troubles, and I was no ex-
ception. I was seat ae tut invalid to the
Netley Hospital for invalid soldiers, and
for months tuns a suffering inmate,
finally being discharged as a hopeless
incurable invalid. • Two years afterward
I sailed fur Canada, and have suffered
more or less ever since from the con-
stant misery which kidney trouble en-
tails. Piercing pains in the back, head-
aches and urinary difficulties were sel-
dom absent, so that when I noticed
Doan's Kidney Pill advarticement I got
a box from Zimmerman's drug More.
Relief came from the tirst few doses, and
before I had taken two boxes, the pains
had left my back and I felt like a new
man. - I consider Doan's Kidney Pills a
wonderful medicine, the more so. because
my complaint wowld not yield to the
skill of the best physicians in one of the
greatest hospitals in Queen Victoria's
Continuing, Mr. Kingston said: "Ican
recommend them as a quick euro for
kidney troubles without hesitation.
How could I do otherwise when they
have given me back the health and
vigor of long ago?"
' Catarrh is a dist'grccnble and of -
Messer are among the recent pur- fensive disease, it asunllti• results from
Chasers of bicycles.
a cold and often ends in consnmptioty
Misses Mellwain and Netterfield of and death. The one effective remedy'
so far discovered for it is Dr. Chase's+
Lower Wingham, spent Sunday a.tl
Catarrh Cure.
Mr. Andrew Holmes'
Physicians failed to cure Goo. P,elfrev,'
Mr. Will. McCullough, of Kilburn, 1 toll -gate keeper, Holland Landing road,
Chase's Catarrh Cure dal it.
One box cured William Kne'eshaw and
two boxes James T. Stoddard, both of
West Gwillimbnry. •
Division Court Clerk Joel Itogers, Rob-,
ert J. Hoover and Geo. Taylor, all of;
Beetoti, voluntarily certify to the effl-'l
eacy of Chase's Catarrh Cure.
J. W. Jeuuiwon, of Gilford, spent nearly
$300 on doctors, but fonud no'tertnaneut:
relief until he tried a 25 -cent box oft
lifiss Dwyer, of Alliston, got ride of a.'.
cold in the head in 12 hours.
Aenry R. Nicholls, 170 Rectory street,,
London, tried a box with excellent of-:
D. Chase's Catarrh Cure Es for sale by:
any rlenler, or by Edinanaon, Bates 8c
Co., 'Toronto. Price 2:; cents including
is assisting Mr. Geo. Macdonald in
the cheese factory.
The milk drawers have commenc-
their season's work.
Mr. Geo. Acheson is - on Mr. Hun-
ter's route on the second line of
Mrs. Geo. Pocock and children
started for Manitoba last week to
join Mr. Pocock who has been there
for a couple of months.
Rev. Mr. Coburn, of Toronto,
preached in the Methodist church
last Sabbath evening.
Mrs. Thos. Farrow, of Brussels,
was visiting at Mr. John Farrow's
on Monday..
Mrs. Cornell, se., of the Blueva le
died on Tuesday morning.
had been 111 fin' a long time, gb
Mrs. Win. Gray and little daugh-
ter have arrived safely in Manitoba.
Mr. Martin Farrow, sr., is improv-
ing after his recent illness.
Miss McKee and Mr. Menzies, of
Molesworth, were visiting Mr. and
Mrs, Geo. Macdonald this week.
Dr. Toole is building a new house
and expects to have it finished by
the 2 1th of May: The house is itw
neat frame one with small windows
in the roof. It is in the lot next to
Wansman's blacksmith shop. The
doctor himself is the architect an
Mr. Geo. Henry the builder. h.
Mr. W. A. Elliott, of Wawan sh
had a couple of Itis Lingers badly ut
o:i the rip saw in Duff & Stew$ is
mill laAst Saturday morning. l-
thoug h very painful they are do ng
as well as could be expected.
A serious shooting affray occurred
at Sitncoeabout 11 o'clock, May 12t1t.
A young man named Ernest Gibbons,
who recently returned from the peni-
tentiary, where he served a sentence
of three years, was employed at the
Melbourne Hotel,which has just been
opened by L. Brady, and it is said
that yesterday he forged Brady's
name to a cheque for $10 and had it
cashed for $8. Brady heard of the
matter, and at once issued a warrant
for Gibson's arrest. Constable J. M.
Tisdale and Coats went to Gibbons'
house, and Tisdale rapped at the
front door, while Coats went to the
back door. When the door opened
Gibbons fired two shots at Tisdale,
one of which struck him in the neck,
and the other grazed the lower part
of his body, but neither luckily made
a serious wound. Coats, on hearing
the shots, ran round to the front,
where Tisdale had fallen, and just
missed being struck by the third
shot, Atter firing, Gibbons ran in
C putting
middle of the street, and pu g
Ithe revolver 1) his own head, blew
his brains out.
Money No Object.
The amount of money sufferers from
catarrh will spend in attempting to
cure that foul and disagreeable disease
is almost increditable. J. W. Jennings
of Gilford, Ont., says: "I spent between
$200 and 5300 consulting doctors; I tried
all the treatments without benefit. One
box of Chase's Cetai•rah Cure did me
more good than all the remedies. A 25c.
box cured me. Don't waste money.
Chase's Cure with improved blower, 25e.
It cures.
Paderewski says that "America is
rotten at the core." We feel that
this eminent Polish piano lam rder isI
entitled to thanks for exempting the
core frotn his sweeping denunciation ,1
ceiesss, eoids IIad bronchial troubles
r'rtd:tlw- cured by the latest discos'ery,.
Chase's Linseed and Turpentine. Pleas-
ant and easy to take. 25 cents.
The modern stand-
ard Family Medi-
cine : Cures the
common every -day
ills of humanity.
Wanted—An idea 'Ir can thplte
of some simple
tiring to patent?
Protect your ideas: they may 1.ring you wealth.
Write JOINT WaDDRitntTRN ez CO., Patent Attor.
'Aye, Washington, D. C., for their CAM prize offerand list off two hundred inventions wanted.
�g )q gy To sell Oanadinn and U. S. grown
4 l5l W ii trees, berry yields, roles, shrubs,
h.:dees• ornamental tre.,e nod seed votatoes, for
the may nuroe.ry having cording. orebrnis in Gin•
we lire .you tie henont of our experience,
so your nu.•rueu in ^tier*°tee . It you ars not
oarni It 110 per month and expenses, write tis nt
dune for p,rticulars Liberal cnmmili.ions paid
nxrr ttt,, r -n. I arhtvr,' son. should look into
this! it Int,r+ homer than working on the farm.,
and eters a cit ince for promotion. Apply now
and ;;ct rhoiee of tar story.
Toronto, Canada.
Letters Come.
Letters come day
by day telling us
that this person has
been cured of dys-
pepsia, that person
of Bad Blood, and
another of Head-
ache, still another
of Biliousness, and yet others of
various complaints of the Sbmach,
Liver, Bowels or Blood, all through
the intelligent use of Burdock Blood
It is the voice of the people recog-
nizing the fact that Burdock Blood
Bitters cures all diseases of the
Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood.
Mr. T. G. Ludlow, 334 Colborne Street,.
Brantford, Ont., says : During seven
years prior to 1886, my wife was sick all
the time with violent headaches. Her
head was so hot that it felt like burning
up. She was weak, run down, and so
feeble that she could hardly do anything,
and so nervous that the least noise startled
her. Night or day she could not rest and
life was a misery to her. I tried all kinds
of medicines and treatment for her but
I she steadily grew worse until I bought
six bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters from
' C. Stork S Son, of Brampton, Ont., for
which I paid $5.00, and it was the best
investment I ever made in my life.. Mrs, "
Ludlow took four out of the sirs bottles• -y
there was no need of the other two, fol'
those four bottles made her a strong,
healthy woman, and removed every ail-
ment froth%' Which she had suffered,. and
she enjoyed the most vigorous health,
That five dollars saved me lots of looney
int medicine and attendance thereafter, ,.
and better than that it made home a
I comfort to me.