HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-05-22, Page 5SMAL ► ' °FITS M .
is an old motto but a good ouo and one
which a Drug Store is not usually
given credit for believing iu, Times
are changing
Heliotrope Soap for 5e. instead of 10c.
Our margin of profit on it at that price
is small, very email, but we can sell 5
dozen at that price quicker than fi cakes
at 10o. We don't lose anything, 7Q5
gain, This is our idea. Mutual profit.
Perhaps you would like a better soap.
We can give it to you. Your choice of
several of the best kinds up to 40o, a
cake. O tingai 5c,; Glycerine 5o,:
Baby's Own ]Oe, Impure soap are bad,
bad for the complexion and bad for bus-
nees. Again we say, see our Heliotrope
Soap for 5c. and try our mutual profit
plan at
Campaign Notes.
Orangemen cannot swallow the
Quebec Mandement.
The.Bishops of Quebec are elec-
tioneering for Tupper.
Archbishop Langevin and it
Charles Tupper --a good team.
Wm..Lount, Q. 0.. was chosen by
the Liberals of Centre Toronto.
The deform committee, of Morris,
will meet at the stone school, Tuesday
night, i\'ray 2Gth.
John Ross Robertson is the stand-
ard bearer of the anti-romedialist
Conservatives of East Toronto, and
will oppose Coatsworth.
Hudson Bay railway, Lethbridge
and Crow Nest Spur line, and the St.
Andrews rapids are the bribes offered
by Sir Charles Tupper's Winnipeg
Hugh John Macdonald, in a speech
in Winnipeg, said that if Sir Charles
Tupper did not carry out the pro-
mises he made in the west, he would
resign his seat if elected.
The hierarchy's mandemeztt is se
thoroughly Tupperite that it might
have been drawn by. the Government
itself. The voice is that of the church;
the thoughts are the thoughts of the
party bosses,—Star. '
Sir Charles Tupper enjoys the dis-
tinction ot being the only physician
Ca niidai Who' ever made : nziiliens
from the practice of his profession.
And there are many physicians abler
in their profession than the Baronet.
Major MoGillivray's eleventh -hour
conversion gives rise to the suspicion
that even Major Sam Hughes will
yield_ to the exigencies of the occasion
and recant, But these campaign
conversions are always doubtful,—
Rev. Isle. Bovine, Conservative
nominee for Hamilton; will support
the Government on all questions with
the exception of the Remedial Bill,
and has pronounced himself as de-
cidedly opposed to it, and will vote
against an•aGoverninent which would
introduce a Remedial Bill for the
coercion of Manitoba.
• No _;utter how we put it,. the
matien'lent just issued is tbe payment
of '.upper for his support of remedial
legislation; Whether or not it will
destroy Mr. Laurier's , chances in
Quebec it is hard to say, for it is
quite possible that tbe people of that
province are more French than they
are Catholic, and if so, Mr. Laurier
will be more than• ever a national
hero, --Star.
{ The Globe—Has the National Poll-
ey made you rich ? Sir °bevies Tap-
Rev, John nogg, formerly of Tor-
onto, now of Winnipeg, said : "Could
anything give clearer evidence of the
moral paralysis that has crept upon
Canadian people than to see politi-
cians --demagogues every one of them
—going through the land, debaneh-
ing electors by promise of enormous
expenditure of the people's money
here,. there and everywhere, aa votes
may bo wanted."
"They fought to the death against
separate schools for themselves and
then tried to fasten them upon Mani-
toba," That was the true and manly
statement made by the Moderator of
the General Assembly the other day
in the Synod at Collingwood about
the course pursued by some of the
Maritime Province members in re-
gard to the Remedial Bill,—Presby-
Mr. J. IP. Whitla, a prominent
Winnipeg merehant,'was in Toronto
recently, In the course of an inter-
view he repeated the views credited
to hien in the Globe's dispatch a few
days ago regarding the reception of
Sir Charles Tupper at Winnipeg.
At the bye•e]ection Mr. Whitla nomi-
nated the Conservative candidate
who ran against Mr. Martin. He is
now one of the strongest supporters
of Mr. Martin.
A reporter for the Montreal Wit-
ness asked Sir Charles Tupper: "May
I ask ,you specifically, Sir Charles,
whether it is your intention, if you
be returned, to power, to reintroduce
and carry through the remedial bill?"
The Premier replied:, "There is not
a shadow of doubt about it. I said
so in zny election manifesto. I asked
the support of the country upon this
policy. We have not changed our
policy in any respect. The bill will
be reintroduced and. pressed to a
conclusion,"—Who \ is the better
authority, Mr'. Dickinson or Sir
Don, in Saturday Night; says :—
, "We are doing nothing but talking
race and religion. Let us settle it by
1 giving French Canada the Petiaier-
ship and retaining melt ' religious
Fliberty as we have left. If there is
to be a compromise, why"nert•Ot •this I
basis? Laurier dare not tie itis i#idul-'
lgetit to his race and creed.as Rowell 1
`a.nd Tupper have been, anil'at would
doubtless be better for ntSd•Oatholics
I to have a patriotic Frenchnitin and
a Catholic than a recreant Orange -
Mian or a .millionaire braggart svho
made his fortune while his country
`grew poor."
But while I freely now acknowledge.
fthat I am. proud of My origin and
love the church in which I was born,
l I have determined that neither rare
'nor creed will over influence we but
i that the only thing that wily ever
influence me would be the good of
i Canada : When Sir Charles Tupper
dares to say that I should not be and working in the refineries. , to Paris, as the ctestinatian of the
entrusted with power because I ani runaway couple, Airs. Derusha left
French and Catholic,1 hurl back the . • -_.-_ her four children Airs.behind, the yotmf-
words in his • thee, as Ills greatest . two stogie ivdariaets. test about three years old. Derusha
conclenination. It is not to nrj►couir- past Buffalo May the 18.—Cattle states that this is the second taste bis
try men of French origin that Iappeal, closed bull and
�►a ea': ; one lot of wife h:ts gone off with another Man
but it Is to you, my fellow-eountry- extra picked steers brought $4.40. ' —the first time he forgave her and
men of British origin, because you West
hogs closed steady; all sold. Sheep took her back , now he will have
belong to the race that has always and lambs closed fairly active with nothing to do with her. Mrs. 1)e-
becn the champion of liberty: (Ap- the bulk all sold ; most sales good realm was "made an heiress" by some
)1ause;)---Mr. Laurier, West Mount, export ewes and anthers, mixed' swindling lost heir firm on the other
Quebec.—Brussels Herald might roto $3.(',5 @ $3.ia I a few of the sales of ' side of the line and since then her
this. export lambs at $1.85. I husband states she has been troubled
' �May loea1 Conservatives. into further wore about 6.500 heard of butchers' I
THE WINURAM '. 'UMES1 MA Y ' � lt�R)ti,
on the boundary of the riding, The
audience as a whole, gave excellent
attention to all the speakers. Mr.
Dickinson certainly proved himself
most generous to his opponent in
allowing Mr. Kerr an boar in whieh
to state his position. We hope our
Coneer•vative friends will continue'ta
show the same gracious spirit through-
out the campaign, and not only that,
but that they will accept the invita-
tion gi von by Dr. Macdonald to attend when, the lining of the throat
his meetings, where a like favor and and lungs is bruised, made
a like hearing will be accorded them. raw, or injured by colds and
.,.,. ,e*,..,, .,�...ww,...�.. ,».,
Ifyou wantt :
apples, don't cause a break
in the skin, The germs of
decay thrive rapidly there.
So the germs of consul -rap -
tion find good soil for work
The first' gun in the East Huron coughs. cott's Emulsion,
campaign was fired at Bluevale, Mon-
day night in the interests of Dr, Mac•
donald, the Liberal nominee, There
was a good turn out of farriers,
anxious to hear the questions of the
day discussed, Although the Con-
servative candidate had been espe-
sially invited to attend the meeting,
where a good hearing would have
been given hire, neither he nor- any
of his colleagues appeared. Mr.
Thos, Gibson, M. P, P., was present,
and spoke of the scandals that had the exception hogs, were, ne bet:er,
Receipts included 115 sheep and
lambs, 25 cows and 73 calves and
1,800 hogs. Export cattle were
thoroughly, and dealt with the Hud- slow, Thtrro was an demand fi ern
son Bay railway, the Pacific steam were and Mantrenl buyers
ship lines, the fast steam ship lines were doing nothing. , Few export
and other absorbing topics. Rousing cattle sold at 3� c L 4eper lb,
cheers for t>re Queen, Laurier and Cables were dull and stated the
Macdonald brought a successful '
market in. England was depressed
eeting to a close,l and filled up with American cattle
which sold at 97 a at 10e per lb,
Dr. Chisltolrn' must have rather although some preference was still
lost his bearings in his Belmore shown for Canadian cattle.
speech. He told us that under Mae- Butchers' cattle were qniet at, 3c
kenzie the duty on raw sugar was. for the best, and some poor stocks
2 • cents per pound or about 50% and sold at 2 -lac per 1b. Stockers and
on reaned sugar it was 2 cencs,per feeders Were in demand. Good
pound or 40%. One would think if half -fat feeders sold at Be « 3 c per
this were a fact, that it was sufficient ib, and light stockers were not
protection to suit the most cnthusias- wanted, and the was nominal, at 2;•e
tie protectionist, but it did • not suit @ c per ]b. Sheep and lambs
the doctor, for he condemns the were quiet; some yearlings without
government foe iulposing such a wool, were on the market, and sold
duty and says that the 'Conservative at 3'e per 'lb. Grain -fed yearlings,
Government took of ''this enormous with wo0on, sold at 4?e @ 5c per lb
duty, reduced the AO of sugar and Spring lambs were steady, at $3
thus saved the fanners thousands of at $4 each. , Calves were in better
dollars. Is the doctor -'a protection. demand and firmer at $3 at $5 each,
ist or not? But to make himself . Milch cows and springers sold at $20
supremely rigiculous, he then appeals @ $35 each, Hogs were in good
to the farmers not to support the demand,and pr(sspeets are for high -
Reformers for if •theysavere ,toget er price 1 uw
e week: Selected, hogs
into power they would sweep at%vay sold ate";< hick fat at 3e per Ire,
every vistage of protections -and ..and stores were ; c higher., at ate
thus our sugar industry, would be 4e per Ib.
ruined and "tuousands" of incn i
thrown - out of work. Now there
most be a key loose in that reasoning j The trial of Uri Lapointe, for the
somewhere. Condemn the Grits. for The
of Peter Moore on the streets
having a -high, protection and con- of Btoei vile last March con-
demn there in the next breath for meneed this.moruing•before Judge
wanting to sweep away protection.. 31'ere:iith. '1'Ire plea insanity was
The doctor's sugar argument has to' entered by the defence.
be` -taken with, a grain of salt, he!
must have been carried away by Ed. Derusha, of Mai khain, on re-
bs own enthusiasm. IIe knows, if turning from his work to dinner on
he knows anything at all, that his Friday Was surpli•ed. to fi..d no
statement, as to the duty was not dinner and no wife. A few ingluiries
correct. He knows too, that • rhe made, left little doubt but thtit his
Grits never advocated free sugar, wife bacl eloped IAith Geo. Scully, a
and he' must know that there • 'are beardless youth of 1J or 20, and Sub -
not "thousands" of men :nor a thous-;sequent information pointed strongly
with hypophospxites, will
heal i:nflatned mucus mem-
branes. The time to take
it is before serious damage
has been done. A 5o -cent
bottle is enough for an or-
dinary cold,
50 cents and $i.00
Score & Bowss, Chemists, Belleville, Ont.
been unearthed at Ottawa. Dr. Mac-
donald spoke for two hours to a most
attentive audience. He went into
the Manitoba school question most
Sir Charles Tupper has got
liontreal, Q. 'lit the 18.—There with a big head.
POLITICAL trouble in Ottawa; He telegraphed cattle, 000 ealves, 150 sheep and 100
on Monday to C, Magee that be was lambs offered for sale at the east and
SIMV. •.. -,.Y nnrilPK ;
pleased with the nomination' of Bob- abbatoir market to day. The but-
inson and Champagne and asked all ekers were present in 1ar;;e numbers
Conservatives to vote for them. Mon- but trade in cattle was slow, and
• day night there was a Meeting of the
Frenal. Conservatives, opposed to
Champagne, and a resolution was
passed against . his candidature. It
was decided to appeal to Tupper to
Meetings will be held at the get him out of the field, and place
following places, viz.:
WALTON, Ttiold,a':.y, May 28th.
JAMESTOWN, Wednesday, Nay 2 'th
etc -Mayor Durocher in his stead. As
Champagne is in the Civil Serviceeit
was thought that this could eaeilt be
ET1iNL,'Thursday, etay 28th. done, Buts in the meantime, Tupper
Town Halls Mortis, Friday, May 29ih
DR,, MACD011iktiD
.'1.nt1 Oilers will deliver addresses. .
A tat opportunity will be given to the
Otansetvatrve Claa,itdate sr Any ot hit
tereatid to u.Lli'ees tfia ttteotifasreend the:
ere ordiall: iesftttt t.0 :Men 1,
endorses Champagne, and the I,)uroati-
er menwill not support hia eairdi-
M. bicki isOn rdisZ1 Conservative
teekliinee for this ktding, opener bit
impaign at Mhere on Tuesday
night. A steadier of his frietrdsdoeve
over to hear tetee first gun 'fired.. Mr.
Kerr, of the 3russels Post,.w a preo-
rt, utias are ratpt,c atly inritwd Wise lir•t;t�t+,tt,
lit . ont in thehoerests of Dr. Macdonald.
There wells 'not a large a ttrendanee;
Ileetinge to commence atrarp at 8 p. m. the hall Flag otily about two-thirds
Gess .'4hasaa m sauss his•, ; filled, "Phis may have 4001 011 fid•
there was a considerable reduction People often wonder why their nerves art
in prices. A few choice beeves wereao weak; why they act tired se easily;
sold at about 34e per lb ; pretty why easy start at every slight but
goal stock sold at frons 3o at 31ciha
•c turatiyenso; und; whywhy they do not sleep
they have frequent
per iii; common pry cows and rough headaches, indigestion and nervous
steers brought from 21e to nearly 3e �,
per Ib., and some of the leaner beasts �yspe .ia
and hard -locking bulls AMA Per . The explanation is simple. It Is fluid in
]t), Mlikrnen's strippers were very that impure blood which is,- eontin4
plentiful aid slow of stile, at froth natty feeding the nerves r pon retuee
6 e al c per lh, Calves sold at instead et the elements ofetrengtisend
from $t @ V ett+dti and two sup vigor. In Much coni tion opia'te,and
Oka' otter Stihl. tit $9 each. Sheep dtliint stn Haad'd SRi spda hert ht leaond
e)i1 al from : A «i .. pa ib. 2 laml tits itori�si purea rich, nett biv id; giwed
sold at front $2.75 6 4 I tach. ! naturttiSleep, perfect digest .''n, is the
lea hop 'wore plentiful and sale; teiiettetedy for all n+ervbtt a roubles.
were vt at t t today at trout $3.90 • el
$4.10 peep ewt, A. fernier bought .
two sesta with 13 young pigs ' about
three Weeks old, paying $25 for the
'i ionto, Ont,, MAY 19.• -.-•Receipts
TWO RB IVI.a •IN :NG DAY' OF T 1S M !'N" 1 1
In spite of hard tiro s, b'usin:ss has be?n incrc:.r.zing
us, and we are bound to make it still better. We have tk
goods you want at prices that cannot be beaten. W -e haw,„; eearc•cl a number of lines below manufacturer's prices. '1 hr
for you are money makers, come early and have your. choi
We e are determined to turn over our stock, if low prices will d
it, space will not permit us to quote prices. Come and see f4
NI �•yHT.
Is h. very busy night, we would therefore ask our many customers, if po,q
sihlc to nonearlier and do. Your shopping, in that way we will be bette
able to attend you. 11 o will increase our stuff for Saturday night a1 L
would ask our customers to betty with us, if we are not able to give you th
attention we would Iike,
24T11 MAY—Lrave your wraps in our store, we will take care 'i
them for you.
rana tfA ?i.I:ri r AS USUAL -
1E-1' r-'
411 C2to 31P
— I
-® ....
Merit will always; win success an that is why the•Hyslop
Bicycle is selling more; readily 'than any other.
We court the closest 'scrutiny and honest criticism, Here
are some of the merits of our high. grade wheel : It neves
collapses. It has the narrow bottomed racket. It has the "D''
tubing, It is the strongest tubing made.
Call and get our prices.
We also are headquarters for Pianos, Organs, Sewing
Machines, washers, Ringers, &c.
J. B. Wingilitalmt,
at Termite cattle market here not td tee one Tree Blesses -seiner. el per Bettie,
lretge to-dfly and About rill idea Fr'lateaontrhrctiefeodm"+ i,oivvstt tsfass,
) It . Ri
3„ttlaa4�04ek 3,f)P . i ie 1t assn ttr,rttJ33, dde4/041.:$10e0e lacing et
1 tC rings were seta, but prices with 1 •
s Paae..w c, easy tooparatk, Oct
a� e
F., . tom,
/41lU'll : 7
V5,- wfl44lle NlulB;:'wmilifrilaillalptlffUly,1f voOss'f
"r„ 1U17�Ha5!%!J.l5f$fl lypp,wi
44"A e ulli;
lra se's es„�,ll�j•
The Leading Merchant of Winghan# is now prepared to plac
before the people of this community, all the latest novelties fo
Spring and Summer, It will be greatly to your advantage
you would call and inspect the large and well assorted stock
have just completed, I have received a large shipment of
New Dress Goods, New Trimmings, New Prints
Gray and Bleached Cottons, Flanneletts,
Tweeds, Cottonades, Shirtings, Straw
and Felt .Hats, 'Gents' Neckwear
And a full line of Summer Hosiery. It would benfit the people of our tore
and surrounding eountry to calf and get prices quoted before purchasin
r aieti drop in and secure one of those lovely Print Wrappers at pile+
ranging from $1.25 to $2.
As house cleaning is now the order of the day, all parties.requiring
thing in New Ceepets (50 patterns to 6cleet from), Art 111uslins and La
Curtains should not fail to see our stock.
Our Grocery Department is always freshened by the arrival of n
Jttrt received, several cases of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. ?loughm
sbouid see oar extra $i line. Ladies Fine Oxfords *t 90e... and all of
liner' at Delete to suit purchaser.
Lett, but not least. The oldest established and most reliable Se
House in Wingham. Choice .home Grown Clover arced Timothy Seed,
all kinds of Taney Grasses kept In :;tock and at pieta which we defy co
petitori to beet. A Gall solicited.
T1 er ills• e14Y 1te
its M Piro*
�� W . `GHAM TIMES,"