The Wingham Times, 1896-05-22, Page 4TUE WI i U .TAYI TIMES, MAY 2 ), 1896 C. T OF REVISION. E. WILMS tel , * * I believepropo- you t In1Fs the Temple of Fame, 1 Y } f The CouI • for the 1;' h for t AND - DRUG instruetion under the priest or minis. F O1iDI ICII. this pro o• fcnda nM't 3 I sition is fair, honorable and obtain - 1 The brickwork of Donaghy's new I able,and would effectively move, iv i e bloek is nearly completed.• I all rievance; from the minority, 1 I first sittings i g I. I'hair, who spent the winter at ; vale, on !If this is Mr. Dickinson's opinion why Rondeau, has returned and taken up' 1 o'ula does be not openly condemn Sir his abode in town,• will Charles Tupper for a The south side of Wyness' oc Assessment 11 utnberry for th 1 Ch 1 fo not accepting this r ' bl k ST proposition o Why does he not con-1Well was damaged by lire last win-' deme his obstinacy in keeping par- IT ic1 a, f ' )lament in session, day after day, of 'ter has been repaired and plastered. the purpose of passim a bill that Several car loads of live stock have would for ever prevent Manitoba •t' in a man- ' been shipped from here during the 1 ar 0 ay, May p, m. All per ease take notice tied go es accordingiy. OE1N BURGESS, Clerk. eeviei, . of the h' ownship of 1396,wil1 hold its aid's Hall, Blue- th, 1896, at in tereated them - from settling the question past two weeks by the local buyers. Is ACT. C. H. W TELEGRAPH co j The Epworth League will hold an ner which Mr. Dickinson has declared "ice cream social and entertainment fair, honorable, obtainable and eff ppp. Brunswoek House. Wingham, - - - sig ; in the basement of the Methodist r OTICE TO CREDITO MATTEr, or Tug Gar, ING COMPANY. LIMITED, STOOK WI\DI\a OP 183. •!Yen that Ontari d by Notice is here))tine? Why does he not condemn church, on the evening of May 25th. spattingCmni:any Charles Tupper for going up and . Rev. T. W. Cosens preached mann Ont I down the country during this cam• versary sermons in ITarriston on I peign declaring his determination to ' pass the Remedial Bill at any cost? ;Sunday last. Rev. Mr. Jackson, of iffialting.12am thus FktIDAiY MAY 22nd, 1890. AN UNFAIR ARGUMENT. To say that because the Canadian market for farm produce on a t?rtt in day is higher than the American market for the same time is an argument in favi r cf protection is misleading and absurd. We cannot jadge of a mar- ket by a day or a month, but we must take the average for a longer space of time. Fluctuations in mar- ket prices is largely due to local causes. The rapid rise in the price of wheat last year was not due to Why does he not condemn Sir Charles ( llarriston, had charge of the services In the Methodist church here, morn - for linking himself arm in arm with ; ins and evening. the bishops of Quebec? Why does he i The death of Herbert Braden on not condemn him for excluding from Saturday evening has removed one his newly -formed Cabinet every man!!loved by all. He basuMr from our Inidst who was dearly be - who would allow Manitoba to settle:about five ;months, and God in his ! - -- - the question as was proposed? If Mr. Dickinson wishes to retain the respect which he has commanded in the past, i mercy and goodness released him if he would retain the reputation be from pain. All that medical skill has enjoyed in the past, as a straight , f'nad orion in HIii hn s coulainsd doer ase done rrred forward and consistent gentleman, a 1 in Fordw ich cemetery Tuesday man who stands by his convictions, afternoon. The bereaved family have he must tomo out flat footed and the heartfelt sympathy of the whole denounce the thing he knows to be! community. wrong ; by doing so he would gain the good will and esteem of the en- I tire constituency, and that's all he , can hope to gain by this campaign. I 3LU K1 T P.EPoltTs. WING HAIL Hingham, May 2L, 1890. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. EDITORIAL NOTES. Flour per 100 lbs 2 00 to 2 10 Fall wheat THE Brussels Herald of last week spring Wheat accusal the TIMES of talking "guff • Barizy and nonsense" in asserting that the Peas special resolution pa Company, resolve to said. Company amongst ,and N, G. Sperling, the Compaoy,iu the prop • tions resolution. said sha holders Mg the liabilities the said Co. also set out in the said Company ,;y will act upon the st day of July next. itors of the Company are he 070 to 072 070 to 072 020 to 020 030 to0.35 0 45 to 0 45 protection, but because we had es- 0 11 to 0 11 Manitoba School Question was one i Butter,...... ported from Ontario until there, was of prime importance. Isere is what ;good pert old ... ... o 2s too 0 50 not sufficient left to supply* the de Sir Charles Tupper said of the gees- I Hay per ton .......... .... 8 00 tole, 00 1 Its. Our market I Potatoes, per bushel WilltheHeraldhave, Tallow, per onto eti D Or TILE T, R. S, O. e Gray, lora, & Limited, has by a is shareholders of the oto nil the assets of the M. Gray, N.11. Young the shareholders of the •et out in detail in said ',sinning and satisfy. }any hi the manner said resolution, cordingly. tits resolution by required forthwith, and proportion and to wind The Com upon the All cr to file weir claims against the Compa whet er or not such claims are now due. 1) ted this Oth day of April, A. A., IAA. F. 0. SPAItLING, Secretary, Wingham manors of the mi u 15 to 0 20 tion. H td the 1 1 lb 0 5 to 0 prices in Ontario for cereals is usually d d ndence to Dried J Apples, per lb 0 4 r to 0 05 back -bone an In ep higher during the spring months Chickens 0 20 to 0 23 f assert next week that Sir Charles !Ducks than the American, but in the Tupper, Bart., talked "ga[i and i Geese urkey spring when the markets are high, the farmers have no grain to sell. Nine out of every ten of the producer; are forced to sell their grain in the fall, when our markets are- no higher than the American; and so the higher prices in Ontario to -day benefits only a small proportion of the people. True, the price of baled straw and 11ay was higher in Ontario this year than in the United States, bat was this a. benefit to us? Not at ail, hu' the reverse, fur where one man had hay or straw to sell, others had ta, mortgage their farms or their stool: in order to purchase sufficient fodder to keep their stock alive. On account of last year's shortage in hay and straw, and the mortgages that result- ed, many farmers are in a position to -day to appreciate this point. If left alone, market prices will regalete themselves to be of greatest benefi- to the greatest number, according o• the law of supply and demand. STILL A PERTINENT QUESTION Notwithstanding the lac t tha t Mr. Dickinson has made his campaign debut. the old query as to his posi- tion on the school difficulty is still pertinent because lir. Dickinson, for some reason, does not conte out boldly and say emphatically what he will do; in fact his position as enunciated in his Bellmore speech is unique in being both contrail°ctory and vague. We make this state- ment advisedly believing that we can prove it out of Mr. Dickinson's own mouth. He. said : "If Mr. Laurier had acted. sincerely and honestly and had given his assistance to the government, the question would have been settled long ago." Mr. Dickinson further condemned those who had obstructed the passing of remedial legislation. From this we think that he is a supporter of Sir Charles Tupper and in favor of the Remedial Bill. Here is what be says again however: "Can justice1 be done to the minority of Manitota Without re-establishing a system tf separate schools and impairing tie public schools. I think it can !" f I do not believe in a systefln of separate schools, I am in favor of national schools. * * * I um in favor of the second prnposi. tion made by the representatives of the Manitoba Government, to the Cotinalssionera sent from Ottawa, by which they offer to allow a half hour 1 etch day to be devoted to religious nonsense." Mr. Speaker in times past I have had cession to propose to this house the consideration of measures of very great imp trance but I must confess that I have never risen to propose the seeond reading of a bill under, the :ante sense of responsibility that • I.feel upon the present occasion. The question that is now submitted f r tl.e-consideration of this House is ony which- in Ivy judgment tran- 0eonds,;anv measure that has ever keen submitted to this house during its existence"—Hansard page 2802 Tuesday Mar. 3rd 1806. 'araia is to have a city electric r tilway. Workmen commenced laying rails on Thursday. The railway will run from Sarnia to Point Edward, and thence to Wis- heaeh a summer resort on the shores of Lake. Huron. 4E=moi 1.7ra,..6 "%si TEA. 0 40 to 0 00 0. 5 to 0 5 0 7to0 8 Dressed Hogs 4 75 to 4 80 N F W STOCK - BOOTS 8 SHOES For Spring GEORGE GOOD Invites inspection of the nicest stock of Shoes ever opened out in Wingham. 2 Doors North of Post Oflice, Wingham. HOLSTEIN DAIRY ES J1IEBE TO ST:t'Sif. We understand interested parties are sprcadirg the report that we are not likely to he long in the business. We beg to assure the people of Wingham that we have embarked in the IMP. business to stay, thatwe are increasing our business daily, that our milk is clean and pure. Our customers are our best recommendation. FURNITURE. Do you need anything in the Furniture line this spring? Bed Room Suites, Parlor Suites, Chairs, Sideboards, Lounges, Spring Beds or Matresses If so don't buy until you see what you can do at S. GR,tCEY'S. CARPETSs Everybody wants Carpets (more or less). Call and see what S. GnACEY can furnish Carpets in AU Wools, extra tine and latest designs. (36 inches wide) and if necessary woven specially to fit your rooms, sewed and already to lay down. Foldeel Paper for Carpet lining and Stair Pads is the best thing out for putting under Carpets. Will last for years. For sale at S. GaAcsr's. BABY CARRIACES. A. nice line of these most useful articles at S. GnAcsz's. Call and see them. — -- Furniture, when bought in quan- tities, delivered free 10 miles from Wingham. i ©11!:,W101.rpq' 1b11he Good garden tools are a great help, but where shall we go to get them ? Not to a grocery, not to a bakery, Or certainly. Might lr If you are looking for Bar- gains in Tea try our GUNPOWDER JAPAN At 20c. a lb. It's great Ivalue. JNO. KERR, I Wingham, - Ont. 11 try a hardware store: tBut what WE HAVE. New Spring Goods hardware store ? Ah, there you have it! W y SUTHERLAND'S is the store for garden tools as well AT BIG X622" JOHN RUETTEL & SONS, MACDONALD BLOCK, WINGIIAM. The Greatest Clothing and. Gents' Furnishing Establishment West of Toronto. Our new Spring Goods are arriving daily. All the latest novel- ties of the season can be found in our stock. In Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, French and English Worsteds and Spring' Over - coatings. We make it our business to dress gentlemen in the latest styles. Keep nothing but the best goods, and all our Clothing is warranted to flt or no sale. Our Suits, made to order always give an artistic ap- pearance to the wearer. Give us your order for your Spring Suit and we are bound to please you. We are the cheapest Clothing House in the Dominion. Cash is our Motto. You can save from 10 to 15 per cent. by dealing with John Ruettel & Sons, the Cash Clothing House. GENTS' FU NI HINC S. . Our Gents' Furnishings must be seen and examined to be ap- preciated. Our new Hats and Caps are the latest. We have a large stock to choose from, to suit all customers. Our Shirts are made to our own order. They are warranted to fit and are made of the best material. In Neck wear we pride ourselves in having the finest and best selected stock to be found anywhere. All new goods. READY - MADE CLOTHING. Our Ready -Made Clothing Department receives our best attention, with the view to give our customers the best of value. We study our customers interests in all our dealings with them, believing this the only way to succeed in working up a permanent business. Gentlemen's Suits at all prices. Boys' Suits at all prices. In Bicycle Suits we have a fine selection. Will be, glad. to see one and all. No trouble to show goods. JOHN RUETTEL & SONS, •. Macdonald Block. WINGHA.M. AGood• • Time (omin • • And very near at hand we hope. We are going to help it get here by giving you everything in the way of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, FANCY CHINA AND GROCERIES) —A1T THE--- LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES —CONSISTENT WITII-- gUr C30 la c (4'.3C) ashardwareof most This is every kind. The Best. • N. A. FARQUHARSON MIXED and DRY PAINTS CHINA1101SE. w1NGRAltl'. A GRAND CARRIAGE of every color. Oils, the best in the market. FENCE WIRE, LAWN MOWERS, - BUILDING HARDWARE. ---DRAWN BY— Is no more ridiculous as an outfit than a fine suit of clothes and a seedy or doubtful looking pair of Shoes. If your potatoes are only peeping through the ground, ` ... FOOT EA • there is a bug on every leaf, but our '< P R.. PARIS R E Is a truer gunge of thfe character than any other article of dress. Nott' we have the finest stock of Slloes outside the will knock them out the first round. Try it. cities. You cannot sell your wool before it is taken off. Buy one :BccntI5 of our; EXTRA FINE. PAIR OF SHEARS And you will save raising corns on your fingers. As we are now carrying all Shelf Hardware along with our old line; its Stoves and Tinware, without additional cot for store rcont, we can afford to sell at rock bottom prices, `GIVE VS A CALL. and SHOES Is our business ; we buy the best ; we buy at greatest advant- age, because we buy in largest lots ; we sell on close profits we can therefore give ,our customers 3.1`s.R0— .i "s .. GEO. GOOD, The Shim Stores iVltiiri h>wnptw 53 RIUMOSSANA3116451D.. S-13111.1-1 ' ',T..),. .ND_ G. Y itintr'a old stwsd.