HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-05-22, Page 3r•: W. C. T. COLUMN. • (rm\ituCTl;ll 111" Ttttl arse}11.tJt J'', r G.11 and 11 ,Nr and .'; afire l.rxtltl. " e call Its+ etPeetiun, of the mothers and sisters to the tam., Ihat tin woman's Christian Temper" inner [Inion insets Pio third 31einh) dery "smith at three o'rint•k •h.trp, for one hour, at Mrs Helm's resldouee, Petrick ntrort. All ladies aro made wee. *ouIu. F:t'11 E 1.4/1)1 T4\1ILS, 1LA Y :4 , IU3t,lt. l ODEILICII. Mr. S. Grigg, of London, h ?linger- Judge Masson will reside in thel taken the management tlrl.*+°CC)'llu itau- villll neer the light house so. bang' 4111" fur the eoiniug4er on. Air. Grigg occupied by the late Mr. Shaw, 1 has had an experieireentdover thirty The main building of the Iensiug l years in condtting hotel's, ,anti in toCg's t'tlrniturc; fluttery is nearly • that vespec .ho undertakes his elm eoul)leted, the "titles and ends being Oharge 011Y equipped. He e jo s finished and the rout' iu a forward, also another distinetion, wideli still as the 1sdltrr has kindly given ns part of his state. ; further recommends elide to the post. spuee, tar uur work, we ask ""lentis of the cause to LIISI wveelc a. fltillel'lllan. named! POI' , number of j•eitr$ lie has 1)et:il onit items of Interest nm all moral quuntlonn of the ,, 'sled' Of !)( llrost 10 Izlal' and effecter dal to any et our meniber�„ 11lcle0tl, fl'OM Ripley, employed oil '� l p r ="''"""'"" `" "`"'=—""�"=--�~- the fishing tug Sea Gull, of this port' of rho ltt�, readers and evangelists•in Anotl.er Legal Victory for Sir had the misfortune to have one of his the Engl'ii chutuh, Ilia inti .t ]lce will therefoVe for good. Tho Ilyams �i:wins, whoAcre ac- quitted of the eh rge of/murdering town lead died in Brandon, and that Willie Tells and wlioe juiuped, their the body • would be trough" to bail rather than stall their trial for Goderieh for interment in the family fraud and forget*, havo located. at plot in old Maitland.. Buenos Ayres, i1 " the At•gontine Re - The sawmill has a red iron roof public. A lett f • dated at that place Olzvor, legs broken. Sir Olivet* Mowat on SaturdayNews was received on Tuesday morning received a cable message that Harry Bell, a long resident of ' from his agent in London, England, stating that the Privy Council had I"' given judgment in the ease in which the Provincial Legislature's right to prohibit the importation, manufac- ture and sale of intoxicating liquors was called in question. The case came before the Privy Council as au appeal from the finding of the Sup- reme Court of Canada, the Attorney - General for Ontario being the appel- lant, and the .Attorney -General for the Dominion of Canada, and the Distillers and Brewers' Association of Ontario, the respondents. The deeieion of the Supreme Court is now reversed, and the contention of the appellant sustained. This means, as y nearly as it can .be made -out from the brief summary of the decision received by cable, that the power to prohibit the sale and importation, rests exclusively with the Dominion. T.he local option clauses of the license act stand good where they do not (amic" with Dominion Legis- lation. The provinces have the power to prohibit the manufacture, that is in localities where it might be a nuisance. The decision once snore proves the superior legal skill and constitutional knowledge of Ontario's Premier. It will be re - that gives one the idea that it was put up for business and to last. A number of the saw logs have been rolled into „he harbor and has been reg .ived by one of` the counsel enlAged in their defence. They first tent to Spain and remain- ed three,aaweeks before deciding to go talon up to the corner nearest to the to the,,,sbuthern• republic. They have sawmills opened a real estate and brokerage Mayor Shjtnnon being unable to business, go to Toronto on Wednesday last, to attend the meeting of the provisional directors of the proposed Huron and Ontario Electric IIy., a special meet- ing .ii' telt, Council was held an `t.'ues- clay evening at which Councillor Campion was appointed to go. Capt. Babb lute been, getting his bathing house Tato excellent shape and is udding dresses and other necessaries so as..to be prepared for a good season's. hluiness. The life ropes and float are,in their places:. Harbor master Mariton was on Saturday taking soundings from the beach of the bathing house westward so as to have a cella ble data for sink- ing the waterworks erib. about 200 feet from the end of the old north pier a depth of 16 feet was found but 80 feet vias not found until nearly half a mile out, membered that while the Provincial T ' 1 nes^ditV ltfterpi,on Mrs. Peter Legislature bus the power to gine Wvlka (lied •5uddeuly at her residence 'died, and, therefore, was not t luember in good .standing, as re- quired by the by-laws. The judge however, finds that the wide ar is entitled to, judgment and directs'a reference as to the amount. "needs 1 Witt, Tail Yeet Led)" The Fredericton bridge job Wrestle a goon illtisti'rttion of the e;tlenlatirig generosity with which the publ1e funde are serttteret.l elan. amuse the favorites of the Government, Some eastern stepl:Idl ts, a monis• whom were lir, 'rumple, menthol' for York N. 11., foleseein;, as they th:ni;;ht, that the Ca Milan Piieitie 1lailwiiy would .have to teems the St. Jon itt Fredericton, decided that the building of a bridge there would be a .promising speculation There: was, of esuree, est ele that of ti9'C ill it, bat the pri"lnoters thought that this element -might be largely mine inlized by g:ashe the money Level the Government. In pursuenec of this plan a loan of )„300,0')) was secured out of the public chest at a low rate of interest, 16 is alleged that the l„ •ujeetor's seb- scribod some $2 ),OJT), altbuugb therm appears to he something. veva about even this amount of risk. The caleulatione. that were indulged in wet'e not realized. The Canadian While returning to his boarding I Pacific did not cross the St. John et n that )int. Bat one toad uses the holism nn the evening of April 38, bride), and :ti it is a ; )tat road the Mr. Percy P. Davis, of Chicago, son tread is 11 r;. h; t'✓y, elite revenues of the pioplietor of the Mitchell Ad- vocate, was held up by three high- wayruen and slugged. The first blow only partially stunned hits, but the second left 1, ,y1 unconscious He are to cull=;t'quence not more than sufficient to flaiutain the bridge. The Government has not received a cent of interest, and the $300,00'd was badly cut on tele head and below may be cosidered as a bad debt. the right eye, and bad one of his If the Governtnent is going into teeth broken. He will be laid up for the. Inoney•lending buisuess It can some time. The young man Is a city find any number of people who can traveller for a leading wholesale house, and was supposed to have carried considerable money. Justice Meredith has handed out judgment in the • action brought by Mrs. Dale, of Weston, against the member of Parliament who never Weston Lodge, L 0. 0. E., upon a fails to vote right and who may be policy of life insurance. The society depended upon even in such a tight defended on the .groupd that Dale! pineh es the division on the remedial had been bellincl .in his cines when, he bring to its attention enterprises with as much promise of profit in them as the Fredericton bridge. It 1nay be however that it is a con- dition of such transactions that one of the projectors at least must be a local municipalities the right to say wlictlhee or not the sale shall be stop- ped in their respective municipalities and so long as the Dominion does not legislate to the contrary, it has net the right•t0 Wholly pr911tPit tel tbs caAe4 ling heart disease. sale or tiilJi,rtathU'1•). This, as Deceased's end was probably beet - 'Understand it, is just what the Privy ened by the detlth of her five, Council has decided. It will now mohths•old baba', the interment be for those who desire total prole. having oecurred oily the day be- bition to move on the Dominion. ler. I fore. Groat Sympathy is felt for the Mowat's contention that the Province deceased's relatives, particularly her has a right to keep a license fee from I husband Who oh reaching the. dock the brewers and distillers has Also Ion iris return to port first heard the been sustained.—Expositor., sad intelligence. Sirs. Wylie leaves three small children to mourn her - KINCARDINE. loss, The church of the Messiah has de= - cided by r.. vote of 35 to 17 to return `lrhe Railroad xidlisy.' Lighthouse-st. In the morning the deceased lady :vas apparently in fair health when her husband left to go out on the lake but about two o'clock she passed suddenly away, to the free pew system. 1 It.hilroad erplo) yes, bicyelifth, team - Mr. John Gentles shipped a fele eters and (Aber wen subject to much blooded stallion, Highland Gear e'! jolting, are often troubled with pains g r at:rnss the small of the back. This intli- to John llePliiil, Bruce illines yes- oaten the "Elailroad Kidney," an insid- terda3', per S.S. Cambria. sous precursor of serious illness. On The juvenile lnerosse 01,a' organ- 1 the slightest symptoms of. backaulle 'zed last week with P I take one Chases Kidney -]'river Pill— / one is a close—and thus obtain instant captain. They will e ems stltcks with relief. For ale kidney troubles they Luel:noiv on May ?,;,arAll in Ripley.— have no equal. 2.5c. per box. The water cor.fh1ssio111CTs are ask- i —•- . ing• for tende' ;f tor. unloading acoal , Vows Notes. vessel and r'esivering '"lie coal at the 1 atcrwor'�d coal .ins. 'Phe vessel I Two slick fakers bled Mildmay will :t.1 ,> ve here lit about a fortnight citizens recently. ands rw'i11 contain about 500 ton& A number of the farmers in Kin- `teardine towattbip are hawing the misfortune of losing a neanber of COWS. C+t''k). lfi'oe lost two, J. Mex - ander two, II, Hildrid oats, and Abe mowers at present. Mclatensan had one killed by lightning Judge Klein will hold no more on 1'1t<'day week.. courts in Southampton until the town. +iaepacations are bring made this hall is placed in better repair. At 'i1VAle on the rug, Seaman, of Wiarton, the last sitting there he caught .a very tee the putting ick of a new boiler bad cold. 'which Hunter tiros. have constructed, The bicycle craze has stench Blyth The schooner, Cornet, ran in here past 9t,Duringthe acct;: In carne. Saturday with a cargo of slabs. + t Mr. A, Hate'hisony of riaug'een, HAS I Messrs. Denstedt Bros, and , G. Moser have sold 14, the latter selling lthe land in taken u)3:.Oac t(+� o f 1 . : Miles from Rainy Elver district, two l the O. P. I. track, near Barclay. The land 4t pod, wateled by a nue Strathroy voted by 501 to 0 to give a $10,000 bonus to a furniture factory: The Maxwell firm, St. Mary's, is runnings day and night on lawn Mr. Justice Street gave judgment at °Spec1@ hall hest week in the it iS Merely necessary to ask what ;special CAPS to deteeiniiie wliecltet' tllu chance woulda member of the sisters or the creditors of the late Opposition have had of getting such W.m, Roddick, of Brussels, should get a loan put arnang the appropriation -3 the benefit of a policy he held in the to conclude that political • services Knights of the liIaeoabees. The had a great deal to do with the creditors claimed that, as the original Government,s generosity. If the What is . r. y y . Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Arillions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and alllayS feverishness. Castoria ;prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and 'Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Casa toria is the Children's Panacea --the Mother's Friend. rias to:t'i a.. "Castnrla is an excellent medic]:"•) for ail. dren. Mothers have repeatedly told No of its gopd effect upon their children." Di:. G. 0. 03000E, Lowell, Mass. Castoria. "Castorta Is so well adapted to children this" I recommend it as superior to arty proscription known to mc." 11. A. Atrcroste, 7t. D.,. SII So. Oxford St., Brooklye, N. T. "Castoria is the best remedy for children of "Our physicians in tho children's depart - which 1 am acquainted. I hope the clay is not stent have spoken highly of their expert - far distant when mothers wiilcan'ittlerthoroal ones in their outside practice withCastoria, Interest of their children, and use C.tstarta in- and although wo only have among our stead of the vaHousquacknostrutns ahich aro medical supplies what is }mown as regular destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, products, yet we are free to confess that the morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful merits of easterly, has won us to look with agents down their throats, thereby sending -favor upon It." ;hem to premature graves." UNITED HOSPITAL AND D1sPENSARY, 1)a..1. P. 12xcssLon, . Boston, Mass, Conway, Ark. ,ALLEN C. Smuts, Pres., The O¢ataur Company, Murray street, Ne'✓ X OilirN bill. In the debate on the matter — Mr. Foster gave a very fine enitat- ®©'®'t''We " l ion of indignation because it was hinted that there was some connect- ion beflveen this hand?On10 but ill- Put ��� unswerving devotion to the gentle- men in control of the treasury ; but • beneficiary, Rodclick's mother, had pre -deceased him, they were by the. statutes entitled to rank on the policy. His Lordship held however, that, as Vie policy had printed, on it words conveying its benefits to the sisters, in case the mother.died, and as Rod- dick was solvent When he took it out, the statute does not affect' the case, and the sisters get the money. Last week Mr. Charles'Shaw, aged (15, at one time a large property - holder, and a well-known -citizen of fiveon Tuesday alone. Y Some unknown friend has present- ed to Mr. A. S. Dickson, of Blvth, river, and •llitr. Hutchison expects to a picture of the Garden ssf Eden. It t saythat tel 1 s of necessary a n �"et1.1. have (� 'acres cleared this ,, Y e es Robert iiriatchison left the other day ``Judge" highly appreciates the glt't. for t9ae new location, and Mr. Miss Beanie Sloss, Ida tghter of the Util c hason will return home about late Rev John Ross of 13rucefield Alay '?.i bei, bridge had been a success Mr. • Temple and his associates would have found themselves in control of I a good thing; a•i it has 'failed the Government loses $300,000. That i is on the "heads I win, tails you lose" principle. Make it a point to ase that your blood is purified, enriched and vitalized at this season with Hood's Sarsaparilla. No woman is so pretty that she doesn't like to be told of it occasion- Ridretown, attempted to suicide .by' ally. taking laudavunl. He went to London I Often it takes more identification Thursday, saving he world not be to cash a cheque than it does to get home that night, and his wife went l lynched. to stay at a neighbors. Ile returned on the late train, and when his wife entered the house at 10:30 Friday morning she round him in bed, but she was unable to awaken him. Drs. Lake and Young were sent for, and i succeeded after two hours in restoring hien to consciousness. The direct i cause of the rash act is supposed to be losses of property, which has preyed upon his mind. He is a follower of Ingersoll, and has lately been reading his works on suicide. About four years ago a great friend of his and a co -religionist took his life with strychnine, and he always said he would like to go the same way. He has lately lost a great deal of that it is dumped into the bay to money in a law suit, and it is sup• keep the prices up. That's wicked. td he to secure PERSISTEN I posed event to London THA�`C H.4i�ti[NG, , looney to carryon his case to a higher DIS1'ttESSINIx UOUOEI can be Hueck • court, and falling in this cattle home ly cured by using Dr. 19ou,l's Norway cation nCinformation nform io ss Strictly �onddanmunL' and acted as above. His recovery is Pin" SYrlI1. 1t cures all `throat and FRANKLIN H HOUGH Character is something that stays when everything else is gone. THE PRINCE OF P1BCPOIIAL REIIEDIES. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup c ures Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hoarseness and Bronchitis without fail. Price 25e., all druggists. Some people might as well be crazy; they have no sense. No woman is as pretty as she looks The peddler is known by his fruits. Few things are more ludicrous than the bogus dignity. Fruit is so plenty in California But it is done so quickly, and at the same. time so neatly, that all are pleased with it. Bring along your Job Work to the TIMES Office arid see them do it. Prices right �'Oar"'�`�Wb'SE'�V®h'lr'tA'�1,����b•�L''�••�'�"'"a>•'t�'�,.r�I,tii�R'G'� $-50 ARD. d I will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring me a Watch or Clock I cannot repair and make to run as well as, or better than ever. QALY PARK Josephine St., Wingham. Opposite Mac]onald Block. Caveats and Trade•Mark's obtained, and all patent business conducted far MODERaTl'. DEM. My office is in the immedi'+te vicinity of the Patent Office and my facilities for:seru.ing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch et p.totograph of inve,tioa, with description and statement as to advantages claimed. All -No rbn rue ix tirade for an opi,2►fon as rto and rt fee far prosecutingthe ?:ntc►ttnbiiihy, V application will not be edited for until the *minnetisellowed. "INVa,TORe Gutter,"con. Lung Trouble:,. doubtful • 1 1 A Cleveland scientist has succeed- s2''F steno% 13v11.sIIIINGlTox.D. al. Do Not llThis. • ed in photographing an editor's ribs. I , your friends you had Do not be induced to buy any othar 1f It has been l o who is attending' A'leGill University" h d d t take I t l d th editor's stomach h TROUSERS knowhowttrduthpk Montreal has assed with first-class I but, of course, thereb 9 . 1 work ; don't think p Hood's Sarsaparilla cures when all others a r there are an better honors in philosophy, also first-elass fail. Do not give up in dlspan. because : that, i i. Wu�It s1 took at This y SALESMEN W ANTED Pushiuq,trustworthy men to represent us in the sale of our Choice Nursery -Stock. Spent hies con- trolled by us. Hilliest Salary. or Comultssion paid weekly. Steady emplot inert the year round. Out- fit free • exclusive territory.; experience not fleeces • ary ; big pal assured workers • special indite entont ' o beginners. Wilke at ogee for partieul:urs to ALLEN NURSERY CO., SUITS, ROCHESTER N. V. For Suits that suit, give cornfori, to the wearer find eatisfy 0 9. - OVERCOATS better try us. Our reported that he had ' garment makers you have made Up your min o a )J ]o Ogl'ttp 10 U > Mood's Sarsaparilla. Remember that i3 s stomach; m h; •a No 4 e :h - f9 when you take Hood b �it1s. The blg, old a Boned, sugar-coated p111t,'•W11Ieh tear you all to tp1ei:es, oro not in it With 1food'9. Easy to take and easy to operate. Is true of flood's Pills, wr•ltielt ate tttpto date in e%oi'y aspect. bare, certain anal sure. All •itrttggisrs.:ils. 111. I. Iltled.ts Co., Lowell, Mass. 'The only Pals *take with hood's :sarsaparilla. The ranks of trampdom are I t Ido for inferior work, hundreds of new relates ly and you may reasonably .�. 1 fall'allhd winter eamples to choose front, peened lately, I oared, i E1V'GIbTT 73ROS of the Wlnrihal>A pay for old goods Workdonefor parties i all other medicines hove failed to help illi l t Take Hood's Sarsaparilla honors i11 neral stat general t as 1 st we charge no more than othere standing. Welke; yet,. s 1 u t expect to be • filled by people fluid all vi e; an incident Which ha A clerget ia'n of Listowel as an illustl•atiuu of the linguistic of life. Ort Saturday a trash) 11 t I )h and cal' Brickyard, have lots of BRICK i1ntd furnishing their own cloth. difficult tied not of irreverence. Moons PreLS aro purely VSROtriblts, 1ed in ort tele ken„ ht3 of the 011kIN t7LE on hand. It is said t Y fens— prepared from the best fnllred• , lielieV>i,11'„ it to bo his dirty to look lo"n"e tttot'.at' at1:1 pe -:tee. Elite plea 1)0111;; <Other puttee are selling at reduced 1 If you think that a Tweed Suitorintrot after the heathen itt home as well as; , that he had owned a drug store in prices, but we cannot be undersold, be properly nnade for $4 Spot "'stab, call and our brick and tale are as goo tt1)1 f) Q 1, elle rape(. at the Chinese',It is charged that a Louisville plan Cul)aiti g and in 133ti was on the tie any madtt in the rrovinrt+. We and see our work. Our terms are cash. lifurei v' there and asked Chong 1 ee sat up with a siek friend all night in betted of I'.aatnniet s for the School 01 can sell by d 1U xx1 i, . 'l 11 1 as van be Ittr• t ��+ �,�� (;tied. Alter consulting hes books, was tree )ester e C Stn Ca.nte, "onever lluarnli'ty of all ktnrts 1rT IumhAr ft>r rte+tt, i ()1rwayittt 1t+n �wot,irlr..r•,iti muck, Chong innocently repli:od 4.Nrot know courtesy for you, few robbers nova has been oft the hog train 1 ,I ,� I;, i.L rso i •1' Ise sto, et no rvashee bore." days arc dl tv gist stt uc . lie 1 l at ghees about half what you have to tha ear luA or t or ,, . S ��� ,iy� If lac: knew trnythin,g of the Ct•istttin 1 order to rob blue after he inset dead. • Pharmacy, but tit an Weil hour a filar 1 ,u'Ju tile fully tis ow t: 1 , , R & CO. I ThereCI R 111 hisstore was burned and 11(' ohastd an!'wh,'ra. Wta • hnw.w alrto a tlraut . , n , MI considerate, since." Winghtittt, v1hy 1FP.1895. t°!';^ •►..yen, but.