The Wingham Times, 1896-05-15, Page 61 '11 11, \V1NG•RAM *mu; 1MJ S,, MAY 15, ism the institution was bad. It was a GODERICII. 1 HA1(1ISTON, _ p • , sehool of immorality. That was its • untended for last fes �, III County attorney Ira T:ewis was ; In a few riay 1 the c�leetion cam• d )l natural auGearnc, as death WAS the seriously ill thepast week, but ont g +�?l, �� paign in West Wellington will be in — _ natural outcome of war, and drunk- • Monday showed signs of of improve- full swing, An organization meeting '-"" witless of the saloon. Pollock says in his "Course of Time": meat, and Is now entirely* out of on behalf of the Liberals was held on .sAIDA1r; MAX15th, 1806.t "The Theatre was from the very first danger. 1Taesday night, when the greatest Of ‘r,•••••.-0.-......,,,---,,,,,,,,,,—.--,-,-, The favorite haunt of sin: the honest Coancillor Thompson, Town Clerk • harrmony prevailed and as the mil - teen, »oUETEUL. AMUSEMENT. Some vary honest. wise, and worthy men, were in Clinton on Tuesday, wit-' graced the meeting, ono and all felt _ Maintained it tutght be turned to goo(, Messing the working of a road that on the night of the '_',3rd of Juno account, I $d, McMullen would again returned mrd 3'laYlui; Tlanci=1� Theatre d k •t . 1 t but • ncaer teas• nlftelline, ' Am gas made . has eut a straight line in front of the! A great gathering of Liberals will The devils blush; and from the neigh ; school property, and cleared away I be held about the first of June at borhaud: ; the sod that was on the sidewalk, ; which some of the foremost statesmen Angels and holy men tremblingly re. tired: , i making, one of the neatest fronts ill ; in the Dominion will take part. Ile believed he could enjoy a goad town- The ho j 1+'roll, first to last we may expect a The Rt. Rev. D. O'Connor, B1s p bitter political warfare. of London, assisted by several clergy- i lien are busy at work digging out men, will lay the corner stone of the !the cellars of the buildings to be new St. Peter's church in Goderich i erected by Messrs. Beck, Bradley, at -1 p. in. Sunday, May 17. The !and the Oddfellows. These buildings Y Mitchell and Street Inspector Reid t ing countenance of Mr. McMullen Gomes etc,#n a v sutih thkpgfagwore acted there, The caretaker of the central school • at the stead of the poll. DO NOT sTANDD TIM TEST. The announcement that Rev. S. e11ery, pastor of Dublin Street Methodist Church, Guelph, would, Shakes cation play ahs well as any. Speak Sunday evening an "�> few p gtlidi principles in the matter of body, but he believed it bis duty not t , playing, theatre going and to Support such an unworthy institu- +dancing" drew an unusuaily large l tion that was the enemy of God's crowd, anxious to hear what the rev. kmedom Josephus spoke of the gentleman had to say, •on this some- what engrossing subject, For fun 1 v fifty Ininutes he held the nandivillell attention of his congregation, and at least convinced people of his standing on this question. He reed a number tendency. Where morale were at of texts from which he might speal'.,1 the lowest ebb there the theatre as follow: Philippians, iv. 8 + would thrive. g Touchinon athletics, he had Y'I+'inall brethren, whatsoever things I r' are true * * * honest j* *nothing but good to say of them, just * * * pure * '� '" lovely l providing they were kept in their * * * ofood report, if there be P1:ice, but when turned into a busi- g �' he any virtue and any praise,. think ness denounced them as an un - think an n these things." Colossians iii. 17 : I mitigated curse. God never intend- "And whatsoever things ye do in ed man to make his living kicking a football or playing baseball. In conclusion, he said when young people calve to Christ they would have no taste for these things, and would have little difficulty in decid- ing the question for themselves, Mich - introduction of the theatre in Jere_ Rev. Father 11c13rady, of St. rilicli- will be a credit to the town when m as a national calamity. Lead eel's College, Toronto, will preach, finished. All these buildings with sale the sermon. in actors condemned it themselves. a number et fine private residences The average show bill would convince ' will be pushed along at once to coni - most people of the theatre's natural SE<iF'ORTII, pietion. . I One of our merchants is leaving The first of the series of games of town for Dewart, at town in the county the W. F. B. Association was played: of Kent. in Berlin on Saturday last between I Our criekoters,basoball and lacrosse the Seaforth Hurons and Berlin,teams are hard at practice no doubt, Mechanics. Notwithstanding the lack all determined that honors shall be of practice the Hurons secured the won before the season closes. only goal scored, The sports committee have offered The, young lacrosse players of Sea- ,a purse of one hundred dollars for forth held a meeting on Tuesday 1 baseball to be played on the 25tH of evening and organized a- team called May. Purse to be divided into three the "Scots of Seaforth." I prizes. No doubt some great ball Wednesday, Gabriel Reeves, of will be played as some good clubs Seaforth, charged with shooting with t have signified their intention of being intent to wound or do previous bodily ! present. harm, was tried by Judge 'Masson, ! Seeding is nearly through in this at Goderich, and after a trial for section and all agree that a finer nearly four hours was found guilty !seeding time has never been seen, and sentenced to one year in Central growth is something marvellous. Prison. , Cattle are out on pasture and those The crass lists of McGill University I who were holding hay for $20 a ton are out, and show that Miss Harriet 1 will gladly take $12 new. Much Brooks, of Seaforth Collegiate Insti- I wants more and losses. tote, has again came out at the head 1 Our street watering cart made its of her year, as she did twice before. • first appearance for this season en Monday. The windmill erected last year for the purpose of supplying water is giving the best of satisfac- tion. Some of our cattle feeders are sel- ling their cattle, the prices obtained are very low compared with other after a long illness, of the wife of years, the general price is from 31• Rev, W. J. Clarke, pastor of the first to 31 cents per pound. Presbyterian church, London, and Messrs. Rumford and McJennett first assistant to Rev. Dr. McDonald, have bought out the stove and tin- ware business of J. C. Brown. These Igen are well .known and will receive a large share of the trade in this section. A bicycle club has been formed in town with a most efficient staff of officers. The first weekly run was held on Monday night of this week. A great number of our young men and women take part in this most healthful exercise as well as some of the older ones. No doubt the older ones are medi- tating on the grand time they will have in the coming election cam- paign. We think from the large number of hogs shipped from this section it may well merit the Porkoplis of Canada. Do you want to buy any, pototoes ? Is the cry we hear almost every hour in the day, price what ever we can get. What a glorious thing for the poor, plenty of pork and potatoes. word Q•r deed, do all in the name of the 'Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Him." 1st Thessalonians v. 21: "Prove all things ; hold fast that which is good." From these texts he proposed taking a few guiding principles to test a few of the more popular hunusetnents of A New Oanactian History. the day, especially the ones announc- ed,. The Bible, he said, was not :t book of rules : it was a book of prin• ciples. There was no (Erect refer - et ce to these amusements in the Bible, yet there was safficient there to guide all then to know auhe- ther correspondence had been passed Tbis time she wins first-class honors ,they were right or not, proper or between the various Governments and prize in mathematics; prize in improper, safe or dangerous. Pam- interested in the matter, a representa- German; and first-class general stand- ing. Many in Seaforth will regret to learn of the death at St. Joseph's hospital, London, on Thursday last, About six years ago the idea was broached of having written a history of Canada which would treat the subject Dominion from a standpoint and used as a text book over the entire country. After a good deal of Mon Baby wee etch, we gave her Castoria. When oho was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miry, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she savethom Castoria, As a result of an investigation into the cause of the collision whiefl occurred at Breslau a few weeks ago and resulting in a loss of $100,000, Conductor John Bowers and brake- man John Battersby of Stratford have ciples, he contended, were mach better than rules because they were applicable to everything. He never preached a sermon on dancing, eard playing or theatre going in his life, but he had scores !of times referred to then so that any person (night know his standing on those amuse- ments. Many of these questionable amusements were becoming increas- ingly popular and among many Methodist families he believed It was not a question of whether that man was going to hell or not because tive committee was formed, Han. Geo. W. Ross, being chairman, and in September, 1893, advertisements appeared inviting competition for a history which was to be suitable for advanced classes in Public Schools and high Sehools, and which was to be of no greater length than 400 pages of 400 words each. The manuscripts were all in by July lst last year, and after nine months ,of deliberation it has been announced that the prize was won by W. H. P. °lenient, B. A., L. L. B., the well --Is rumasillcg 111YERY IBIDAY 111 1lNING --41: Tlnt— TiMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET W IN 0 HAM, ONTARIO. Subscription prleo, 1poryen r,InnOvaa<tcet ADVERTISING RATES: Spay is 1 1 }'t 1 0 ane, 1 8 mo, 1 i mot ono Ooluntn 100 00 $40 00 1 $au 00 s 00+ Halt it) 00 20 00 s 00 00 Moa 12 00 0 00 quarter 20 00 12 00 7 00 ') 00 on a 2 " been dismissed from the G, '1', h. vet. 1,,, h service. of this town. Mrs.. Clarke was never in robust health, but many months since an ailment developed, which after a long season of suffering, car- ried her off. Another of our most worthy eiti- s he indulged in these amusement*. known Toronto Barrister, who wrote zens has been removed by death. The question was what amusements under the nom de plume of St. Lux. Mr. John McLean, of the Mill road, could they indulge in without inter- The manuscripts submitted were ( Tuckersmith, passed away on Sun- fering with the development of the exceedingly good, and the competition day morning last. Mr. McLean has highest type of Christian character, keen and close. been in poor health for nearly two or without injuring their influence as ,11r. Clement was born May 13th, years and although until very recent - earnest, aggressive Christian work- 1858, in Vienna Ont His father ly, he was able to get about and ers. -. In the first place no amuse- was ev. Edwin Clement, a Metho- attend to business, it was evident to went could be proper or legitimate re• dist cleylnatl and on his mother's those intimate with hilly that he was that had a tendency to physical in- side he was connected with the late ' loan failing"He was a youngjust li jury. They could not prohibit all , on. J. C. Pope and Hou. W. TI. in the prime of life, being 44 years 1 amusements that were subject to Pope, ups. of age. He was married to a daugh- ter of Mr. E. Forsythe, of Tucker - smith, and he leaves a widow and a natural outcome. The act of dancing family of two boys and a girl, the I to be out about midsummer. It will eldest of whom is probably about 18 1 was quite innocent in itself. It had then be authorized as a text book. years of age. i no moral character any more than abuse or they would strike thein all 1 out. Bat in some the abuse was in- cidental, while in others evil was the The new text book will probably be placed in the hands of the pub- lishers at once and may be expected walking or running. But they did not dance in the abstract and they should treat this subjeet as it exist- ---- -- ed.If men and women danced in Cycling Proverbs. different rooms and all went home at Politeness is like a pneumatic tire f:o'clock it would be alright. The there isn't Much in it, but eases many dance was condinened by all the- a jolt in the journey of life. principles he had mentioned. t Itnwas A pleasant disposition, like oil in a a physical, moral and spa 1 u l d 3 bicycle bearing, reduces friction and sipation, and had sent many young prevents a world of wear and tear. Ambition is like a bicycle saddle ; thongh much sat upon, it generally manages to be on top. The world, like a bicycle, would soon come to a stop if it were not for the cranks. Like links in a bicycle chain, we may not amount to inuch individual- ly, but collectively we make . the wheels go round. Like balls in ail bearing, tlielives of many of us must be one continued grind that others may enjoy. them- selves. Grit Makes a man, but mars a bearing. Neither men nor bicycles steer with light heads. Like a friend in need, the handle humanity. bar is only appreciated when the T10, theatre had a dark and road is high. ' Anneal history. It was very ancient, Life is like a bicycle rtln ; some being present at the birth and death worry, fret, and scorch along, and -of nations. He admitted old, soon reach the end, while le others take e moral, upright 1eoIlc attended' the It earl and enjoy themselves as they thettrc, bat the rtatnral tendency of go. The author's prize consists in <t 10 per cent. royalty on the books sold. people to premature ,graves. As to the questionable liberties taken and unhealthy fascination it caused he bad not the time to speak, but he believed one of the strongest f'bjee-- tions lay there. It kept people from Christ. Dr. Hugh Johnston had said if ; all dancers, theatre goers, and card players in Toronto were dulnp- fdrl into the l3ay , it would not affect the church work in the slightest, as they were not the people who did the work. . Ile asked for the natneof one conseerated good Christian soul-win- ner,Viols a habitual ,dancer. Card playing he denounced ..as a game of chance and thus giving a wrong idea of life. It led to gambl- ing.,. Cards were the instruments of gatnblers. It had the appearance of evil, had ruined souls and cursed • Perfect Wiedam Would give us perfect health. Because mei and women are not perfectly wise, they must take medicines to keep them- selves 1.erfeetiy healthy. Pure, ri.h blood is the basis. of good health. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the One 'Prue Blood Purifier. It gives good health because it builds upon the true foundation—pure blond. Moon's PILLS are purely vegetable, perf',1tly harmless, always reliable and beneficial. Notes for Beekeepers. Thick, well refined honey will not granulate so rapidly as that which ]S thin. Bees are profitable because •they gather up and store away that which, would otherwise be lost. Bees serve as active agents in the fertilization of plants and are not destructive in the smallest deg' ee. No rash of any kind should be left on the bottom board:;, as this will furnish a good nest for the moth inlller. Ilive;< may be placed anywhere, high or low, wherever it is most con- venient to the beekeeper, as it makes GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. DEPART FOR ARRIVE' FROM Toronto and East 6:23 a.m. 3:37 p.m, 11.20 " 10:17 " Palmerston Mixed London and South Kinoar(line i,egal ,end of ter Mason advertisements, so, per line for drat insurti ,n, Hud Sc. pet Hite ferenoh uubeoquent: Insertion. Measured by nonpareil roulo. i.ocvl notices 10c. poi, line for first insertion, and 5e. per lino for ouch subseyuont Monate r. A.Itertisentelts of Dost, Found, Strayed, Situations* Iand ltltsinoss Clu , 1,s 11 'anted, not exceeding 8 Mace f 1r month, 8L tlest onth, and 601. tor eaols subeevplunt month. ,tensa, turd Dorms for dale, not exceeding 8 Nude 81 for list month, tee, per subsequent month. 3:25 p. m,• -via Clinton Larger ad%eiMailmen as in p,upm•tion, 10:40 am•t These is ruts will be strictly adhered to 7:20 " • ., hpecial rates for larger advertisements, or fo 11:10 " In11C r ,wnicd.. 8:00 p,m. dirueti�imsn H 111 l+e Ingeinents ested 1111 local tforbidices vtandittah yrsifedi 8:23 a.tn. aceordiugiy. Transitory advertisen,ens. meet be. 11:20 " paid In advance 0:30 p.m, Civa,gus for contract advertieente,tr mutt he to, (ha otlico by wedurodoy noon, 10 order to appwr that week 0:35 a.m. 3:25 p.m. 11:20 a.m. 5:37pm. •10:07 " 0-0 FRANK SCELI'S, SCELI'S, w,IEEE You -GET 12 SHAVES AND 1 HAIR CII: ren 'y1. Opposite Kormatn's ,Metol, WINGHAM, — — ONTARIO. Agency for Parisian Steam Laundry. A. E. SMITH, Successor to HALSTED es SCOTT, Josephine Street • - Y1f!igliam, Oni. ILE WANTS OTHERS TO :KNOW. Editor : Please state in your valued journal, that it any sufferer from Nervous Debi. lity, Seminal Weakness, Lack of Energy told Ambition, Lost Manhood, Night Losses. etc., will write me in confidence, I will inform him by sealed letter, free of charge how to obtain a perfect cure. I ask for no stoney, having nothing to sell. I know how to sympathize with these sufferers and am only too glad to be able to assist theta, I promise every one absolute secrecy and as I do not, of course, wish to expose myself either, I do not give my name. If you desire to get well, sand stamp and address simply: P. O. Box 388. LONDON, ONT. • A Surpri;edGuardsman. A French paper tells the story of a lady who entered one of the cars of a train, holding in her arms a dog. This was against the rules. Dogs niulxt be paid for if the travel on trains in France. The trainman announced: Dogs must be paid for. Not mine, said the lady. No exception can be made, Mad- am. I always carry it in England. no dlffer'enee to the bees. . • Y'ou cannot in France. You must give up the dog or pay. NORWAY PIN'S SYRUP is it nom I will not pay. Can I leave the i throat 11(1 lung 0 of })dal)) ! b' n t t n a 1 !t dog. g Hoarsen which and Cre Throat, Colds, n The guard held out his hand and Iloarseness,Croupond S3ore'1'hruat, even in the most obstinate cases. took the dog; it was stuffed, BANK of HAMILTON WINGHAM. Capital, Q1,250,000, Rest, 6050,000 President—JouN STUART. Vice-Presgdeut—A. G. KANSAS. DIREC•roRS Joss PRooroa, Ono, Roam, Wm Gummi, DI P, A. T. Noon, A. B. LRE (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. • Savings Bank—}tours, 10 to S; Saturdays, 10 1. Deposits of 81 and upwards reoeired and interest allowed. Special Deposits also received' at current rates of Ln - treat. Drafts oh Great Britain And the United States bought and gold B. WILLSON, AGENT E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. JOB PRINTING, INCLUDING Rooks, Pamphlets, Posters, 13111 Heads, Circulars, ice., Iso., executed in the beat style of the art, at moderato prices, and on short notice. Apply or address S. G. iUIOWN, Toms Office, wingham. BOOKBINDING. We are pleased to announce that any Rooke or Magazines left with us for funding, will have our prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any style will be given on application to the Toots Office. Money to Loan on Notes Notes Discounted AT 'REASONABLE • RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at Gtr pet centwith privilege of paying at the end of any year, Not, s, and accounts collected. %LOST. MOINDOO. Beaver Beek Wtnlnhant, Ont. • JOHN PELTON, i Manufacturer of all kinds of WOODEN PUMPS, which eon be supplied on short Notice, IRON AND F OBOB PUMPS supplied to orttllr. REPAIRING promptly attended to. Prince reasonable. Agent for the Brantford All Steel Pumping Mill. If• you require anything in the above lines, give Mr. Pelton a call. Suer—Diagonal street, nearly opposite Beattie's Livery, Wingh ant. JOHN 1'ELTON. For Twenty -Six Years DUN N'S BAKING POWDER T IE COOK'S BEST FRIEND Lanese:re SALE IR CANADA. 3. 0. f'KOrei mot AND P11ereSr1Ea IDR ....LA), CENTRE STREET. wtsanen_�__— .-- • ONTARIO.. VANSTO" 1:, IIARRIST1Slt, y0i.1CITOn, 7ste., Private •.Ltd Company Lunde to lion at lowest rete httertat, NOconlutiasioinehargut. Mortgagee, tdtitc and farm property bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Biecir v: iNau.t), J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, Am., ,rIngham, nut. E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICIT'OR TO HANK OF HAMILTON. MONET TO LOAN. Office—Moyer Block. ,1'htgham. Y • G. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, kc. Orrice—Corner Ilantlitou and St. Andrew streets„ opposite Colborne hotel. assume, - , ONTARIO. ENTISTItY.—.1. r1 JEI{IME, L. D. S.,Wutaas*. 1l Is manutecrurmg first-class seta of teeth as chrap as they min be made � A13 In the Dominion. Teeth extracted gbsolutel) without pails, by his new process, guaranteed parte. tly safe. (t}'FICE: iu the Beaver Block, opposite tint Brunswick riaase. ARTHUR J. IIIWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvant. Dental College. OFFICE..-MAODONALD BLOCK. NoTe-11.Ilf visit Blyth every Wednesday. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WINI,IAX, ONTAta°. ij DEANS, Ju., tVINOIIAli, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY' OF HURON. Sales attsnded in any part of the Co. Chargeit•.• Moderate. JOHN CURIRIE, WINOHAE, UNT.y� L1(488ED AUCTIONEER. f Sale. of Ferm\Stud,: and Fenn ImIsle1nrnts A - e teclalty, AU Orders left at the Turns office promptly at$end..- ed to. Terms reasonable. SOCIETYt MEETINGS, C„ c Court Maittond; No, 2 r, Canadian a Or yOrdur 1•uresterl,weets rho second and last friday evening 6,1 every month, in Gre- gory's Block Visiting brethren welcome. T. J. McLean, C. R. 11. B. Elle t, 10. S. L. O wingham ; L. 0. L., No. 704, meas..' e a— first Arl"fay in every month ,in the Orange Hall; visitor,li wek•one. J. O. Stewart., - W, 8(4 W. J. Plenty, It c.•See, YOUNG PEOPLE'S 'UNION. Y. 1'. S. C. E.4-kf1eeting: in basernent of ' Presbyterian unmrch u•y JI uday evening. Subject for U4 lout •, ,low God rewards thos.l who d., uta wilt. --Matt. 25 : 31.46. 11'W011r l LEAGIT14.—:fleeting every • Thursday eve tint; t., .n,. 1Jtthudittehtlrah. Subje:t for lay 21st : Jntiuence of little things.-W1,u a xti. ltl; John vl. 12;.Ias. 6.-- A 1v,1111. D. Y. 1). U.- Meeting every Tuesday evening in the Baptist ohureh. Subject for ;41 ay 10th The law of spirituel progress. . ---2,t'eter 3:1u.