The Wingham Times, 1896-05-15, Page 5THE OPPORTUNITY . ,
For saving your fruit will soon be gone.
The time . . he first spray is NOW
before the but = ilen. The proper Bonn.
tion is 31bs. o ulphate of Copper to 5
gallons of water..
The SECOND spray should be used
just before the blossome open. The
solution for this spray is.6 Ibs, Snlpbate
at Copper and 0 lbs, Unslaoked Lime to
50 gallons of water.
The'MIRO spray to be used after
the blossoms have fallen. G lbs, Sulphate
is Green (thekindw s sell)e dt owl 0
gallons of writer,
Pure Sulphate of Copper at reasonable
rates at
Dr. Hess' "practical points" to far-
mers, horsemen, dairymen, and poultry-
men is yours for the asking.
Wi i am's Big Day, May 25th.
Mr. J. O'Loughlin, who spent the
'winter in Detroit has returned home.
.Mr. G. Johnson has leased Mr.
Campbell's house and moved into
the village. -
111:r. J. I. McDonald has given up
hotel keeping and his brother Neil
has taken the house.
Dr. McLennan very successfully
removed a tumor from Mr. A. Bel -
anger's face last week,
Some of our citizens who were in-
terested, attended the Liberal Con-
▪ vention at Dungannon last week.
Messrs. J: Whitty, J. Courtney
and M. Austin have Ieft for Denver,
Col. and Mr: G. Austin, jr., for
Loranies, Ohio.
The manufacture of cheese in the
Kintail factory, will begin next
Monday, and the prospects are for a
much larger season's output than
Mr. L. Fay who was struek by a
well bucket some tithe ago, is around
again as good as new, He says the
next time Matt. takes a well digging
outfit for a pile driver, he will try to
have business elsewhere.
Meetings will be eld at the
following places, v z.:
BLUEVALE, Mo , ay, May l5th.
WROXETER, T :s• ay, May 19th.
GLENANNAN, ` : a nesday, May 20th.
BELMORE, Thursday, May 21st.
See the Lacrosse Match in %%Ingham on May2ttri•
Mrs. M. Walker is visiting friends
in Toronto,
Mr, and Mrs. McKenzie, of Ash-
field, were the guests of J. Patter-
Brick Church Sunday School was
reorganized last Sunday morning by
the Pastor, Rev. Mr. Shaw.
We are glad to learn that Mr. J,
T, Currie is able to be around again
after nursing a cut foot for some
Mr, H. McKay is on his old rout
gathering the cream for the season
his old friends are pleased to see his
smiling ace once more.
Seo the pretty girls, Monday night, May 25th at
Mr. John Gillespie has his hogs at
the creamery now,
Mr. Jno. Campbell drove to !Gin.,
sardine on Saturday.
Mr. 14. Philips visited friends in
Goderich last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stalker. visited
friends in Blyth on Saturday,
Mr, Geo. Found exchanged horses
with Mr. John Swarts Wing•aam.
The creamery started operations
for the season on Thursday, 7th inst.
Mr, M. G. Oliver onr genial butter
maker is quite at home at theeream-
Some of the young inen so far for-
got their manliness as to pour coal.
oil into Mr. Il, D. Henderson's well
on' Saturday evening. If the guilty
parties are found and they certainly
wil be, an example will be made of
THE WINGITAAli T ,NEES, MA. Y 151 1X391,%.
sanAddleCrisp; V, `I '.r Sirs A.ggb ; Ser>- self=help �. W.'
son; Chap, Jas. Cattell bt Sec.,
Lavinia Brigham; Ass, Sec., Ti],
Riley ; F. See., Arthur Woodman;
Treas., Addie Crisp ; Mar„ Robert
Scott; D, 14i,, Aggie Riddell; Sen,'
Geo. Caldwell; Guard, Mary Scott;
Organist, A. Crisp. AIr, A. Wood- ;
roan, Jas. Young, T. Coale, 13, Law-
erson, A Crisp and John Sholbrook
were elected as delegates to the dis-
tiict meeting of the I. 0, 0, T. at
St. Helens on the 20th
Y011 are weak, "run-CIOWn," L �j �' y
health is frail,strength gone. J �a,.d ,[
Doctor's calx your case an- Are now on the home stretch of the. second year, with a goo
s rnia-there is a fat -fain. Ieacl, and
ine in your blood. Scott's
Emulsion of cod -live
tivl1 liypophosphites, is the
best food -means of getting
e BLYTII, Your strength back ---your
• Quarterly meeting in the Methodist doctor will tell you that.
church on Sunday,
R. Howard, sen., is attending God-
erich as a juryman this week.
Regular meeting of the C. 0. F.
was held in Watson's hall on Tuesday
Quite a number drove through this
berg on their way to the circular
town on Monday.
Mr. Goodland, of Palmerston, is at
present visiting his sons, the Good -
land Bros., butchers.
W. Clegg, Esq., of Wingham, re-
turning officer for East Huron, was
in town last week onlotfieial business.
Thursday being Ascension day,
divine service will he held in Trinity
-church in the evening at 8 o'clock.
Quite a number of our citizens are
talking of taking in the sports in
Wingham on the Queen's Birthday.
On Friday evening the young
1 people of St. Andrews' Presbyterian
1 church held an At Home in the 'base-
Mr. W. Begley, shoemaker, has
been confined to the house for the
past few days, but is so far recovered
as to be out again.
The public schools were closed for
a couple of days last week owing to
the teachers' convention being in
session at Seaforth.
The members of the I. 0. P. have
received an invitation to be present
with their brethren in Belgravc on
the evening of June 1st.
A gang of men from Grey township
have been busy the past week moving
the Morris agricultural building from
the old grounds to the new.
Atheletio Sports, May 250 at n•inarham.
Wrn. Stinson Co. shipped -182
pigs hist Monday to Toronto.
The regular meeting of the Metho-
dist Epworth League was held last
Tuesday, a large attendance.
We are giad to hear that Mrs.
Massey, who has been very ill for the
past few weeks, is on the mend.
1'.lr. Win. Mckenzie has bought a
wheel, he is the only man in Howiek
that has legs long enough to ride it.
We are sorry to hear that Mr.
Wm. Clegg and family are leaving
us next Wednesday, for Sault St.
Some of our most interested base-
ball men were down to Wroxeter
last night and had a very- good
practice. The Unions of Gorrie and
Wroxeterintendputting on a stronger
team than ever this season.
Harris' School House,Friday, May 22 r
And others will deliver addresses.
A fair opportunity will be given to th:i
Conservative Candidate or any of hos
friends to addr.,s the meetings and they
are cordially invited to attend.
Ladies are respectfully invited to be
Meetings to commence sharp at 8 p. m,
Un r the auspices o
Farmers' I stitute of E • Huron.
The Ontario A rj tural College
Will Exhibit 1;)
Butter, Teat Milk
on the Management
the - Feeding of Co
log and .Packing
following places:
Utensils, '.slake
Deliver Leot izes
f Milk and Cream,
Churning, Work -
utter, etc., at the
'WItOXETER, Tow • mall, •+ :today, May 19th
II UEVALE, Hal Wedne day, May 20th
11ELORAVE. Ha , Thursd• , May 21st
Bach Meeting viii coanuen ut 130 p. at.
These moo age nttb freto all who
may corse, a d yoax nod yo r family are
cordially in i.,cd to attend The ladies
especially ire urged to be present at
these mee nge,
Come and see the alma
ester in O}Teratio
Make 1+paa+ial ell'atrt to nom kl. . WI nay
get 1 luta 00 Butter Malting t, at gill
w,rth 111110.11 !n you,
AT.t. Alt a'o1GnTAr.t,Y r14vri'ao.
THOS. STI &0HA:r, .t to% HYSLOP,
t'raldcet, rtrn•++rlr meet, tory, W',tlton,
ve its s. rking explain.
+to) (1u,
Fast Speeding! at Wingliapa on May 25th.
M. E. Armstrong, of Listowel, was
n town last Friday.
Messrs. Robert and Thos. P. Miller
eft for Niagara on Monday to attend
a meeting of the Royal Arcanum.
Miss M. Deachman spent Sabbath
at Orangehill, at her father's.
Our public school teachers were at
Seaforth last week attending the
convention there.
Miss Laura Beawn has returned
Thome from Exeter, where she has
been visiting for some time.
Mrs. Hodgson, of Wingham, is
visiting at her father's, M. Lawrie's.
Mr. Jaynes Ireland was here last
Friday on his way to Blyth.
The official car of the C. P. R.
passed through here on Friday, the
General Superintendent made thor-
ough inspection of the station and
premises and found all to satisfaction.
Mrs. Arlen is building a new house
on the site of the old one, which has
lately been torn down. ' •
Messrs. IIilborn and McTavish are
putting a large awning in front of
their store.
Mr. John Gibson has moved into
the house lately occupied by J. W.
Band Tournament on May 25th, at winghae,.
Rev. W. E. P. Millson is in London
this week.
Mr. John Neelands, of Wingham,
was renewing old acquaintances here
on Peiday last.
On the 24thinst. Rev. Mr. Fergu-
son will preach a sermon to the Sons
of England at 10'a. m.
Miss May Biggard and Susie Craw-
ford, of Clinton, were the guests of
Miss Mabel Fair over Sunday.
. The Rev, Mr. \eweornb, of Clinton,
preaehcd in the Methodist Outsell
last Sunday morning, and the Rev,
Mr. liuggins, of Blyth, in the evening.
The Rev. lir. ?4illsnn will preach a
termp eraace sermon next Sunday
,The offleera for this (ptlarter in the
O. 0. '1`. lodge arc' : P. 0., T. A.
41c.;rt,.:(3t.; C.T.,Jas. Voting; L. D.,
Tupper has made a big bid for
Manitoba. In his Winnipeg speech
he promises to pars ue the Hudson
Bay Railroad policy of his predeces-
sors. Tupper has propounded some
marvellous wild cat schemes in his
time, but his determination to buy
Manitoba, with the people's money,
sho ws that age has not rendered hire
less reckless and extravagant. He
hail also promised Winnipeg that the
Red River should be opened up by
the building of a canal at St.
Andrews Rapids and by other im-
provements. Now whatever are the
merits of this scheme, no Man in his
senses who has given the question
any unbiased thought, will say for a
I moment that the Hudson Bay passage
to England . is feasible. The whole
thing is a huge farce. Expert navi-
gators, sent out by the government
themselves, reported unfavorable to
the scheme. They. said that the
Hudson Bay and Straits were only
open from .three to three and a hall
Months in the year and on account
of the fields of ice which a vessel
must necessarily encounter it is only
possible to make at best :wo trips in
a season, thus it will be seen that
the, grain grown in Manitoba one
year would have to lie over in ele-
vators until the next .July and it
would not reach the English market
until the end of July or middle of
August. Then again no company is
going to expend millions of dollars
that would be necessary to build a
fleet sufficiently large to carry out
this grain, making only two trips in
the season.
The largest and most enthusiastic
Liberal convention ever held inWest
IIuron was held at Dungannon, May
80. Every ►nunieipality `vas hilly
represented, and President McGilli-
cuddy oceup]ed the chair. Mr. M.
C, Cameron, the old member was
nominated by J. T. Garrow, 11I.L. A.
seconded by ex -Warden Garven.
11 r. Cameron acceded to the will of'
the convention, and his statement
that, he would once more be the can•
didate was received with enthusiasm
and addresses were made by Messrs.
l't'd ley, McKenzie, Garrow, Gaunt,
0riftin, Parrett, Stewart, Harry
14torrfs an' Thomas Sloan, after
which the erecting adjourned with
cheer' for Cameron, T.auriei', Mowat
and the Queen.
He knows also that when
the digestion is weak it is
better to break up cod-liver
oil out of the body than to
burden your tired digestion
.with it, Scott's Emulsion
does that.
Scott & Howse, Belleville, Qat, 5a, and $1.00
Live Stook Markets.
Montreal, Que., May 11. --There
were about 600 head of butchers'
cattle, 500 calves, 60 sheep and 150
lambs offered for sale at the eastern
abbatoir to -dad'. The butchers were
ant in fnll force, and trade was fair-
ly active, hut tin prices of cattle,
mole especially the common kinds
were considerably lower than they
were last week. A few large steers
were bought for shipment to Great
Britain at from 32e IL 4c per ib, and
the butchers paid the same rate for
prime small beeves. Pretty good
stock sold at from 3 -'ac «' 3;ic per Ib;
common dry cows and rough steers
sold at from Vic at 22c do. There
were a large number of milkmen's
strippers on the market, and these
sold at from 210 ® 3;10per lb.
Calves sold at from $1.25 •$6 each,
Mixed lots of unshorn sheep sell at
about 4e per lb, and clipped ones at
about ”c per ib. Lambs sold at
from $2.75 «$1:20 each. A pair of
very fine lams were sold for 89.50
the pair. Fat hogs sell at 4e per lb.
and lean store hogs sell at from
$5 to $0 each, Young pigs, about
four weeks old, sold at from $1 ®
$1.25 each.
East Buffalo, May 11. -Cattle -
Receipts, 160 cars, against 101 last
week. The market opened very
dull and ruled slow, even at a de-
cline of fully 15c G 200 on the aver-
age sales, as compared with a week
ago for the heavier and desirable
grades. Choice, fat, smooth steers,
$4,15 «' $4.20: good butchers' cows
$2.75 @ $3.15 ;steers, fair to good,
53.50 !r $3.65 ; stock steers, good to
choice $3,50 G $3.75. Hogs -
Receipts, 130 cars ; market very
slow and lower ; Yorkers, fair to
choice, 53.65 @ $3.70 roughs;
common to good, $3 ® 0.15 ; pigs,
common to good 53 C� $3.65.
Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 90 ears
against 84 last week. The market
slow but by noon ruled fairly active
at fully steady former prices.
Cattle closed very dull for heavy
cattle, with it few loads unsold ; one
load extra fancy, 1,3.20 lbs, sold at
$4.35 ; bulk of sales good steers at
$$1.20 @ 54.25 ; heavy, 1,550 to 1,750
1b5, $4.10 () $4115. Hogs closed
steady for Yorkers ; slow for pigs,
and heavy with 7 loads, mostly
hervy grades, unsold. Sheep and
lambs closed about steady, with
about all sold.
The total value of taxable prop-
erty in in Listowel amounts to $812,-
818. The population of the town is
returned at 2,615, a decrease of 70,
SSedlchlal value in a botal,' of rinod's Sorsa-
' patina than in any other pr•'paration.
Mare skill is repaired, more care taken. more
expense Incurred In its manufacture,
It carts the proprietor and the dealer
More but it costs the consumer less, us he
gets more doses for his money.
More curative power is seemed by its peculiar
combination, proportion and process,
which make it peenllar to itself.
Moro people are employed and more loser oe•
cnpieal in its laboratory than any other.
Mare Wonderful curcii effected and more tes-
i(tnm1l,tl,1 rrceiled titin l any other.
More r 11t• a uxl mere increase year by yeaar
are reported, by druggists.
More people ar taking Ilood's Sarsaparitta
today than any other. and more are
'takhagt tod‘A(11:71:
y taever bMore.
Mere :shat 8111.1. b(i1nr0 a•ertitons taight be
glveh why you should take
The One Ttue Blood ratifier. $t rler bottle.
Hood's Pills Welt Head:whe. scents.
We have just finished stot'k-talking, and Lind that we Have; comae
out hand,',mely on top.* We are now entering upon our third
year, and in a better position than ever to placed goods before
you at prices that are right -
Your approval and yoer ccs. We have: much pleasure in thank-
ing our customers and o,hers who patronized us during the.
year, and helped us alongGREAT
so heartily in
THE �+ E T .i. C+E e
Our Dress 11I,:king Department. as usual, is up to date,
and ahead of the: times. Nothing but first-class work turned
out here. All heavy goods bought here cut free of charge.
.-_ 4C / i 'trr r:i..4____„ i. •`
Merit will always win succ 'ss •and that is why the Hyslop 1-
Bicycle is selling more readily than any other. -
We court the clo:;e:,t scrutiny and honest criticism. Herei
are some of the merits of our high grade wheel ; It never,'
collapses. It has the narrow bottomed racket. It has the "D"'9•
tubing. It is the strongest tubing made.
Call and get our prices.
We also are headquarters for Pianos, Organs, Sewing'
Machines, washers, Ringers, &c. Fa,
J. B. CUMMINGSS, Winghnist,.
w tit
The Leading Merchant of Wingham is now prepared to place,!,',:,
before the people of this community, all the latest novelties i`dr''"
Spring and Summer. It will be greatly to your •advantage �fb4i1;
you would call and inspect the large and well assorted stock4_,
have just completed. I have received a large shipment of v.1a'i
New Dress Goods, New Trimmings, New Prin °,
Gray and Bleached Cottons, Flannelette, 731.,;,'1:
Tweeds, Cottonades,. Shirtings, Straw .:..;snit'
and Felt Hats, Gents' Neckwear =ss �,,.,a
And a full line of Summer Hosiery. It would benfit the people of our td*Ii '''
and surrounding country to call and get prices quoted before purebaskrib ''`
elsewhere. ;;:; oy° P
Ladies drop in and secure one of those lovely Print Wrappers at primo'+'`
ranging from $1.25 to'52. 11 .1,,f,',.
As house cleaning is now the order of the day, all parties requiring$siW
thing in New Carpets (50 patterns to select from), Art Muslins and ifib ".
Curtains should not fail to see our stook, rn t
Our Grocery Department is always freshened by the arrival of net,;'""�
goods. lv=.z:
Just received, several cases of toots, Shoes and Rubbers. Plough eii ai:
should see our extra $1 line. Ladies Fine Oxfords at t 0e., and all elf e`
lines at prices to suit purchaser. • c �•,..
• Last, but not least, The oldest established and most reliable
House in Winglranh. Choice Herne Grown Clo' er and Timothy Seed, s't'
all kinds of Fancy Grasses kept in stock and at prices which we defy Ving''''
petitors t beat. A call solicited. 1 c,
.. A-, 1Vri..+. 1LS"°
-IN TEE- -- -
. V j11t p' ,