The Wingham Times, 1896-05-15, Page 4E, WILLIAMS $E1kIIST •AND— DRUGGIST. ACT. G. N. W. TELEGRAPH CO opp. Brunswick House. Wingham, - Ont than it was to wiggle out of answer- ing the way it did. We admit that as a public man Dr. Macdonald's aetions may 1)e criticised, if there is room for such, but it should always be done in a fair spirit, with- out mean insinuations, or contempt - able misrepresentation. Not long since the Advance said that I)r. Macdonald had voted against the proper equipment of the militia, Now that journal must know that there was either misrepresentation or inexcusable lack of proper informa- tion in such a statement. The Lib- eral party, and Dr. Macdonald with them, did not oppose the proper equipment of the militia, but what they did oppose, was the practice that the Government is trying to bring into vogue at Ottawa of mak- ing parliament a voting machine for Yui ♦ .n,S M•. . �.... • . Cie x : Ya � •�1ii 11'RIDAY MAY 15th, 1890. THE 'W INGI1AM TIMES. MAY 15, 1S00. the purpose of sanctioning grants yet of our great kinsmen who have made this great Republic. In our political divisions one party charges the other with looking; over to this side of the line, As Scotland is to London, so is Canada to the United States. There are 400,000 rewarded, G. A. ATEA\ Pt1N, Scots in London, whether arch- Wingham, bishop or tradesman. So it is - LOST, Strayed from the premises of the un- dersigned, on Monday, April 13th, a roti and white milking cow about four years old. Any person giving information that will lead to her recovery will be suitably natural over here to toathiCanadians land of NOTICE TO CREDITORS. liberty and of a eOmm011 1':llg11911- IN TUE MAnnu or THE CRAY, YomNw r•Y •• The Conservative Government's ;Wise Vance WINDINo�,t:P ACT, R. S. O. speaking Ing antes try. P a half of the people of' Canada to the United States, and here is a former Conservative Minister of the Crown who approves of that result. For a Canadian ex- Minister to talk like a Yankee of the United States being the "land of liberty" to which it was "natural" for Canadians to go, as if Canada was not a country of the free, is outrageous. IIas a Conservative Minister of the Crown to be "loyal" and "patriotic" only while he is in " Si..ARLIN° COMPANY, LIMITED, AND OP THE one * has driven a million and (3"."llm 183. which the Government has already pitied 'or , ' 'while he is looking made.. The parliament was + in session at the time the Order - MUD. in -council was passed making ii - The Advance had butter publish the article we had not long since on "whining" as it has since taken to that mode of warfare. We recognize the party slogan. Those who differ in opinion from the party are "ec- centric" "blue ruinists" or "mud angers." The Advance should know that it was his own party who applied the term "Cumberland War horse" to Sir Charles Tupper. --We do not claim any originality in applying such an appropriate term and such literary gems. Surely we suould not this grant, there was no mediate danger of invasion, then why did he Government not come before the House with this matter first. Do we not send our representatives there to carefully discuss all public questions and to advise the Govern- ment on'them ? Then the Govern- , it to the people that they ment owes should lay all questions, not requiring immediate action, before the House, and not to come after they have made arrangements for the expendi- ture of large sums and say to Parlia- ment, "We have bargained for such and such now we want you to sanction our action," This is what be censured for showing the striking Dr. Macdonald voted against. Again in all the beauties of its we are told that Dr. Macdonald is the statemen3 t,unbacked b • any proof. ing the good example of Tupper in Is this what the Advance considers reading out of the party those who gentlemanly and fair? For weeks do not agree with him on the school past—yes I am told for years --this journal has had paragraph after paragraph of incongruous statements and cynical insinuations. Such is the warfare of the Indian who gets behind a tree to shoot, and is unbe- coming in a journal that poses as the later years the Conservative party exponent of the intelligence of the Conservative portion of AA ingham rises from the ruins of the 23rd of and community. June, that such men as these will be on the top, and the ]nen now in con. trol will be consigned to the oblivion • they rightly deserve. Here is some Vlore mud from other eccentric sources, and it might be well for the Advance to make a note of these : "It is too evident what sort of scene ;would be opened by Tupper's aeces- sioe to power. He is the Prince of I'olitieal Cracksmen, no doubt, but we cannot afford to purchase ability even of so rare a kind at such a price as that of continued and increased demoralization. * R , The appointment of such a man as the Bead of the State would be not merely the inauguration of violence and cor- ruption ^ �� unredeemed by any true _.--- - —' *wisdom or statesmanship; it would � cissa" ����'=: '= 7`=� metaphor very inconsistent, but we have only possibilities. The Advance is follow- question. If E. E. Shepperd is ec- centric, who was once a lion of Judah, tllen so must Wallace, McNeil, Sproul, E. F. Clarke and E. B. Osler. The Advance will find that when in • CONSEItVATIV DISLOYALTY AN Ex—CABIN—ET MINIS CER PROUDER OF THE UNITED STATES THAN GREAT BRITAIN. for political favors, If Mr Daly is sent to England to work up emigrants for Canada and talks in the same strain there as he docs in Chicago, the emigrants will all pass through Canada to the United States.—Montreal Witness. If any Liberal had said what the Hon. T. M. Dsly. the Ex -Minster of the Interier in the Bowell Cabinet said, at Chicago last Wednesday evening, he would have been charg- ed with "rank treason," ,`open dis- loyalty," and dear only knows what else. Mr. Daly said : "Proud as we are of our British cousins over the sea, we are prouder be the signal for a disruption of the community and for a moral cavil war." --Mail, 1891. "If anybody suspected Sir Charles Tupper of complicity in the miserab's ,i conspiracy that took place in January 14 last, be 1nust i.t+ still stl•onger in his P :.. _'.,. vestige g is hos }cion now. F'i'ery vestige of poor li old Howell has been wiped out. Ile I VI is not in it himself. ()Millet. Caron 7 and Daly who stood by him in hist ettremity are out of it also. The .it strikers are on top. Only Costigan- .o of all the Ministers with portfolios N who stood by Bowels, 15 allowed to , mud by Tapper."_Kincardine Re- view (Conservative.), r WHERE IS DICKINSON ON THE. gains in Tea try our SCHOOL QUESTION ? The Advance admires the Post for 0 GUNPOWDER its fair fighting and yet it fails to foil show that eourtsey that is due a "fair IA lighter." The Post and Times asked for Dickinson's position on the school question and are practically told to i lni1nd their own business, Dickinson I' has declared his position, we are told. Where, or an what occasion? We do not dent but that he May have in- advertently betrayed his position to some close friend ; but he owes it to the electors of East Huron, that he I deitares himself openly acid at once., .if the Advance knows' his position 1 and i8 not ashamed of it, the question 1 ceelcih•ve bean answered in halt a ,dozen words stand much more easilyl tr -- If you are looking for Do nit miss the Temple of Fame, 'Monday night, May 25th, at \%Ingham. MARIKET REPORTS. WINGHAM, Winghanl, ?day 14, 1800. Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs 2 00 to 0 10 Fall Wheat . 0 70 to 0 70 Spring Wheat 0 70 to 1 72 Oats, Barley Peas Batter,.... ...... Eggs per dozen Wood per cord. Hay per ton...... Potatoes, per bushel Tallow, per lb Dried Apples, per lb ,Chickens Ducks C eese Turkeys. Dressed Hogs 0 20 to 0 22 030 to 033 040 to 0 40 ▪ 0 13 to 0 12 0OSto0001 • 1 25 to 1 50 • 3 00 tole 001 0 15 to 0 20 0 5 to 0 51 o 4i to 11OA 0 20 to005 040to0(10 0 5 to 0 5 O'7to0 8 475 to 480 Notice is hereby elven that The Cara}', Yount; & Spat•ling- Donn_ any nt Ontario, Limited, has by a special resolution passed by the Shareholders of the Company, resolved to distribute all the assets of the said Company amongst. Win 51. Gray, N. Ii. Yount end t', G. Spadini , three of the shareholders of the Compamy,i„ the proportions set out in detail in said resolution. said shareholders assuming and satiety. hag the liabilities of the said Company m the manner and and too wind up the roportions said Comset outpal yhresolution, accordingly. The Company will net upon the said resolution upon the 21st day of July next. All creditoas of the Company are hereby required to tile their chinas against the Company forthwith, whether or not such claims are now duo. Dated this 9th day of April, A. 1)., 1699. 1', G. SPAIRLING, Secretary, \Vintthann P. O. HOLSTEIN DAiRY I S IIERE TO STAY We understand if tsrested }wiles are spreading the report that we are not likely to be tor;; in the business. We beg- to assure the people of \\Ingham OA we have etubarbed hi the Intik business to stay, that we are increasing our business daily, that our mill: is clean and pure. Our customers aro our best recommendation. NEW STOCK BOOTS SSHOES For S11Piltg GEORGE GOOD i Invites ini,pection of the nicest stock of Shoes ever opened out in Wingbaan. 2 Doors North of Post Office, \\'int ham. W .1.iv4 b' W FURNITURE. i Do you need anything in the Furniture line this spring? Bed Room Suites, Parlor Suites, Chairs, Sideboards, Lounges, Spring Beds or Matrasses If 3o don't buy until you see whit you can do at S. GRACEY'S. CARPETS. . Everybody wants Carpets (more or less). Call and see what S. GitAcry eau furnish Carpets in All Wools, extra tine and latest designs. (36 inches wide) and it necessary woven speci.tlly to tit your rooms, sewed and already to lay down. Folded Paper for Carpet lining and Stair Pads is the best thing out for pc fling under Carpets. Will last for years. For sale at S. Gr.ACEY s. CARRIAGES. of these 'most useful GaACEY'S. Call and `-. 1ter..—,�.�.,l�_ T—. --- New Spring Go�s AT—• -- AT BIC+ "22" RUETTEL & SONS, Joos MACDONALD BLOCK, WINGHAM. ,pa m,44,M fsoAe►o. d The Greatest Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Establishment West . of Toronto. Our new Spring Goods are arriving daily. All the latest novel- ties Canadianeseason can be TweedS, French and English stock.und in our In and]' SpringslOverd- coatings. 'QVe make it our business to dress gentlemen in the latest styles. Keep nothing but the best goods, and all our Clothing is warranted to fit or no sale. Our Suits, made to order niways give an artistic ap- carance to the wearer. Give us your order for your Spring Suit and P we are bound to please you. We are the cheapest Clothing House In the Dominion. n ve er cent. by dealing with John Ruettel & Sons,sh is our Motto. You the �1Cash oClothing Hom 10 to 15 u e. BAY CA A nice line articles at 5. gee them. Furniture, when bought in quaa- ' tities, delivered free 10 miles from \S ingham. Good garden tools are a great help, but where shall we go to get them ? i Not to a grocery, not to a bakery, cer tai n ly. :Alight try a hardware store. But what WE HAVE, 1 aitge 6 OO 15.1 \MIX1D ancl u) [ of every color. Oils, the FENCE WIRE LAWN M • ', ERS, BUILDING HARDWARE. If your potatoes are onlyy' Beeping through the ground, there is a burr on every leaf, but our 9 Bar - JAPAN At 2oc. a ib. It's great value. JNO. KERRY it Wingham, - Ont. hardware ' store 1h, there you have it! Why SUTHERLAND'S is the store for garden tools as well as hardware of most every kind. • PAINTS est in the market. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Our Gents' Furnishings must be seen and examined to be ap- preciated. Our new Bats and Caps are the latest. We have a large stock to choose from, to suit all customers. Our Shirts are made to our own order. They are warranted to fit and are made of the best material. In Neck wear we pride ourselves in having the finest and best selected stock to be found anywhere. All new goods. READY - MADE CLOTHING. Our Ready -Made Clothing Department receives our best attention, with the view to give our customers the best of value. We study our customers interests in all our dealings with thein, believing this the only way to succeed in working up a permanent business. Gentlemen's Suits at all prices. Boys' Suits at all prices. In Bicycle Suits we have a fine selection. Will be glad to see one and all. No trouble to show goods. JOHN RUETTEL & SONS, WINGHAM. Block. 10.1411dR•�11® A Good • • • • • •Time Oomin And very near at hand we hope. We are going to help it get 4 here by giving you everything in the way of CROCKERY, CLASSWAR FANCY CH = NA D GROCERIES PURE PARIS GREEN will knock theta out the first round. Try it. You cannot sell your wool before it is taken off. Buy one of our, EXTRA FINE PAIR OF SHEARS And you will save raising corns on your fingers. As we are now carrying all Shelf Hardware along with our old litres in Stoves and 'I'inwrr„ without additional cost for store room, we can afford to sell at rock bottom prices. (AIME TS A CALL. AT LOWEST ' SSISLE PRICES —CONSISTENT WITHI---- c O 1 CPO1:30• This is The Best. Mixed or Black. N. A. FARQUH.ARSON CHINA HOUSE. WINGHA11. A GRANDCARRIAGE ----1)RA\\'N BV- I. °°' IS- 1.710 Is no more ridiculous as an outfit th'm a fine suit of clothes and a seedy or doubtful looking pair of Shoes. THE FOOT -WEAR. Is a truer guage of the character than any other article of dress. Now we have the finest stock of Shoes outside the BOOTS acid SHOES Is our business ; we buy the best ; we buy at greatest advant- age, because we buy in largest lots ; we sell on close profits;; we can therefore give our customers GEO. GOOD, The Shoe Store, Wiiiglltful, � S-anaF + .t.A:32).. G. E. Kins`a olal anted. 47,