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The Wingham Times, 1896-05-15, Page 3
• TUE W.I ►(xliAM'.i'IM'4iES, MA Y 1•!, t896, sPxix;<t . I',XI'.'I'E11, ST. HELENS, The snow, so lovely, pure and white, I A cow with two tails was tile Some of the citizens of our village .The bun's w n rays have melted quite. ' attraction at the corporate -n observed arbor day in a manner Tata segue \ nge, tunes ee the "'jug )ullnd this week. It, with highly Winter elves t: n to gentle Spring, 1 g y creditable to themselves, As others, were imprisoned for running a result of their labors the front street No more we dread the biting blast, the village streets contrary to the by- is now lined from end to end with Cold Winter's piercing storms are past: law, o Fresh life is been in everything; young maple trees. • In %Iib sons bine, Gull sends the Spring. Arbor clay was observed by the A meeting was held in the hall on Alt nature now seems dressed thew; Exeter school on Monday, instead of Monday evening for the purpose of The i4elds present u verdant hue, Friday. The ground was cleaned appointing delegates to attend the The bees and flies are on the wink, and otherwise beautified. No trees Reform convention at Dungannon on The insects° kuru proclaims the Sprint;,Were planted. Friday, May 80. Messrs. A. Stuart, The husbancltnen to labors go, • Mr• A. Dow disposed of his fatuous R, Lockhart and J. Webster were incl excellent stallion "Pascha" to delegates. Messrs, William. Willis and °has. The district meeting of the L U. Stettlhagen, of Dashwood on Friday. G. T. which is to be held in the This is one of the of the best horses village hall, of SG, Helens, on Wed- on the road and without a doubt will nesday, May 20th, promises to be a being success. to the owners. success, Several of the best speakers Mr. A. J. Rollins, who underwent in the province will be present and a painful surgical operation on Fri- the various cotninittees are sparing day last, is slowly ituproving but it no efforts to snake the meeting one will be some days before he will be of the best ever held in the district. able to fulfil his duties at the mill, The annual meeting of the mem- , A by-law to adopt the ringing of bees of the Mechanics' Institute was a curfew bell will be passed shortly held in the Public Library room on by the town council, after which all Monday evening. Mr. Yeter Clark, ehildren will be prohibited from be- the vitae -president, oceupyiug the lnr bn street the after a certain hour. chair. The minutes of last year's meeting were lead and adopted. The librarian's report was read and received. The treasurer's report was read and showed a balance on hand of $1.96. The following officers were then elected: President Rev. Thesoil to work, the sends to sow, On His datnala ids is tho King, With joy be hails the ehoertnl Spring. Choice, fragrant flowers bloom every- where; With odorssweet they scone the air: The. great I Ant guide9 everything, He clothes the earth afresh in Spring, The birds that warble at our door, Seem to rejoice that Winte,'e o'er: There's melody in songs they sing, Their music's sweeto,t in the Spring. This world a dreary waste world be, It all the birds from IG would flee. . Protect them then: their presence bring Sweet solace to our cares in Spring, Bampton, May 4, 'W. I. L. B. ---"-----• Miss .Rhoda Handford daughter of Queen Vietoria and Her Children. the late Isaac Handford, died at the residence of W. G. Bissett on Satur- JlerMajesty-, a writer in the day,witil whose family she laid been Woman at Home says, kept the living for sone time.. Deeeased had religious instruction of her children been ill for suint: rime ut' ui,n311u1p• , in ha• own haled,. When 11r. ,thin. 'L'he l'ilrrr,l on 1luuda.� wai S. Ai. iVhaley; vice-president,, Alr. I'. I r, Finance Report was then read: Birch had been appointed tutor to lair,, ly attended, the Junior IJeat rue Clarl: See., J. 13. lti'eatherbead , Thos. Barker, tilling pitchholes on_ the Prince of Wales ,the Queen Lot. :fames :;trt:ut c:i:itrela, ut' which Treas. Wm, Webb: Directors, miss gravel road $1; Chas. Batton, bock - wrote : It is .in important step and dth.twiSuil ,vas,; at inemi•e; inavuhing• McUunald Hiss Salkeld D McKenzie i carte, table statutes etc. for township God's blessing be upon it" ; for upon in a buds', in the c•,rtege. . T. Taylor, Win. Cordon, Thos. Todd, I TMS 5ai; John' Baptist filling pitch• the good education of princes, and ; auditors J. Webster and Win. Mc- i holes gravel road $1; Alex. McDonald especially those who are destined to I Croatie. i breaking on gravel road $1; John rule in these days greatly depends."' Door Yens T:ieuo.L:1 or son Drink. On Thursday of last week Air, Nrmstrung salary as assessor for 1896 A short story is told that when the; If your Utisbatnd or Sun is, addicted to Ha h Rutherford sr., passed peace. $10• Archdeacon of London WAS Cal WOWS- 1 the ro base QjLt!1>Ilrii i,urli listaguoibottle` c l fully away to the better land beyond , Kuntz--.Johnston—That the Fin- ing the *nun; Princes said : • "Your Hill's l:nloritle of Go .t '1'ai,letta. 'i.'hoy a,t the advanced age of seventy six . auce report as just read be adopted governess deserves great eredit fort are gun rantoeta to curl or,u„nev will In years. • A I,trge concourse of sorrow incl cl ques issued for the same.— instructing you so thoroughly." At refunded. '1'atblets riot: bJ I;Ivon sew et- ane friends and relations followed Carried. which the boys piped ll p, ' Oh but it ly,in 1.0,1. or coffee noel the tree use of the raanttins to the Duncrannon came- ji'lclial}'--Reid—That the Council stiniuhints allowed until voluntarily a • is our mamma who teaches us our ! given u n. Price 51 0) per package. Ii' tory ou Saturday. The deceased was do now adjourn to meet in the towti Catechism. I your druggist does u ;t keap them. septi an elder in the Presbyterian.ehureh hall, Tceswatcr, on Friday, May 20, and the loss of his influence, always at 0.30 a. m.,as a Court of Revision potent for good, will be deeply felt and appeal and the transaction of by the members of this congregation. -other business add that the clerk T;'ev Mr. Whalev's address on Sun- give the statutory notice of the Court clay vests a fitting eulogium on the. of Revision and appeal.—Carried, tnemolj, of the deceased. The deep Wm. BUTTON, sympathy of the people of St. Helens Tp. Clerk. and vicinity is extended to the aged wife and. the members of the family a By-law empowering the Path- inasters to call out men to open the gravel road when blocked in winter I be now read a first, second and third time passed, signed and sealed.— - Carried. 1 held--Kuntz—•That as the hill at the deviation lot 23 eon. 5 is in a ` dangerous state, that Air• Welwood have a railing put up its he thinks most sultable.--vart'ied. Kuuts—lteid--That J. Johnston have a culvert put in oppottito lot 0 con, 7 and also bent repaired in bridge on sideroad opposite said lot and have the remainder of the grad- ing finished on sideroad 10 and fence moved out to proper line en that the road work can be done.—Carried. Reid—Johnston—That a cheque be iesued in favor of John Armstrong for the sum of seventy dollars, being salary as assessor for 1896.—Car- ried. McKay—Reid —That a complaint has been made that the Formosa hill is in need of repair and the is ad near to Ambleside ctn. A, that the Clerk notify the Clerk of Cari'iek and Mr, Darling, Reeve, that Messrs. Welwood and McKay will be at Formosa on Friday afternoon May 22 and would like Carrick to send a representative to see what is needed. —Carried. The Princess Royal, When a child ' direut to Tho Ohio Chemical 1V:,r10 , ,and the Prince of Wales ton, needed • Linea. Ohio, Book or particulars and 'the (garb occasionally. Once the testimonials pee. Prineess at a, )Military review was I - •--"'-^ coq'ueting with some officer's escort,. CLUNTON. and tools; no notice of warning looks by. the ween. Finally site dangled l Master Robbie, youngest son of her 'handkerchief over the side efr Mr. John McCool fell 'down two or the; carriage and dropped it inten- i three steps off a verandah the other 'tionally. There was a rush of young, day and broke his aarm ; this being in their bereavement.—Sentinel. officers to pick it up, but the Queen the second time the little fellow has bade them desist, and turning to the ?net with a mishap of this nature. Princess, said in a stern voice; "Now, I, A few days ago Mr. Lung of Cleve - pick up your handkerchiet yourself." . land, Ohio, brother of Mrs jailor, There was no help for it; the young paid her a visit.a Returning home Princess with flaming cheeks and a I h© was in a railway collision, getting sauev toss of the head, did aS she I his foot so badly injured that am - was told. Another time it was i potation was necessary. Fortunate- ' Preneie" who received a wholesome carrier au aeuidetit paliey which lesson: He was ridires in company in at, pleasure compensated for the with father, and for once forgot his loss of the limb. usual polieness and neglected to Ex -std. John Lucas, of Toronto acknowledge the salute of a passer- by. Prince Albert, observing it, said, 'Now, my son, go back and re- turn that man's bow," and he had to do'it. 4.; A Good Deal in a Few Words. "I prod a'1'oronto specialist on catarrh a large Hunt of looney but I got no bene- fit. .1 tried them all, but linnliy, almost in despair, and assuredly without any faith, I tried Ohase's Catarrh Cure. It is all that it is room)) mended. which is saying a good deal in a Pow words." Joel Rogers. Clerk, Division Court, Beaton. Improved blower in each Sae. box. There is always trouble when the red flag is run up. It is either auction or anarchy. The eagle is a • tough bird, but when it is put on the back of a dollar It legal tender, You Don't Have to Swear Off says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture in an editorial about NwTo-Bao the fatuous tobacco habit en ev. "We know of many ciser ;urea by No.'ro• Bae, one, a prominent St. 1..nuis 4m:hitt:et, smoked and chewed for twenty years: tam wows cured hint so that even the smell of ti h,Pee makes him sick " No•To.duc sold and get rrr.nteed no lure nn pry. Beek free. Sterling neoteny f'o , alt St, Pall St., Montreal. Sold by 0. R, Williams N hatham. When you kiss a woman, don't smack your lips like an African gnawing corn On the cob or niasticat- ing sweet potatoes and 'possum. A man who can't hold his tongue bas no business to 1Is$oeiatc with - women or politicians, DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP cures Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Erouchitis, Hoarseness and Consump- tion if taken in in time. Price 25e., all C1114.11060.druggicte. eunuch met in the town hall Tees- _ BRUSSELS. water, on May 4th. Another wedding in Brussels is said Heathers all present, the Reeve in to be arranged to take place in the the chair. near future, The minutes of last meeting were W. A. Edgar, formerly of Brussels, read and approved. has purchased the Culloden Cheese Wel wood—Johnston—ThatatsMr. and Butter factory, which has been J. M. Klein has made application fur managed by hint for a Company for was in town on Friday and Saturday at gravel screen for road beat sNii,785 tlite'peek two seasons. empowered The the interests of the Owen Sound that Peter Kuntz be P ower ed to town band gave the first open Portland Cement Company.- The get nun made for said beat_ -Car-. air concert for this season last Friday goods manufactured by the flan are rico- evening, presenting an excellent pro- highly recommended by contractors Heid—Johnston—'rhs,t as this gram, and corporations. The tune is cowCunucil is petitioned to have the . George Birts' residence was re- in;; when Clinton must invest in hill at Formosa repaired, it being is moved back in the lot this week and walk4 of this or like nature. Saturday evening as Mr. and Mrs. Olew, of the Huron road, were approaching torn in a buggy, their horse got frightened at a passing bicycle, and [Jolted, going clean through a board fence. The horse became frenzied and it was very difficult to umnage but no particular harm was done ; singularly. sonle butter and eggs.in the buggy were thrown out, but no eggs were smashed. In the death of Margaret Torrance relict of the late Thomas Fair, the community loses a very* highly re- spected and useful person. Mrs. Fair had been ailing for some time, the final summons being answerd on the let inst., at the age of 60 years: About •200 people of the town ac- epted the invitation of Clinton Lodge, No; 83, I. O. U. F., on Tues- day evening last and are not done talking about the handeome way in which they were entertained. The decorating' committee perforined their part well while the refreshment committee not 0nl1' had an exeellent cuisine in the Adjoining hall, but trade every body feel that they were • delighted to serve them, ■ Last Thursday Mr. Charles A. 1tiu.Ch in ;Lithe Hart who 1'•+cl been Attest continu- ously a resikb 'tt of Clinton since 1859 passed over to the silent nutjority, aged 77 years. Ile had been in feeble health for sonic tune, the machinery of nature having at last The tMet was a w logo, la ,e Mr. t a o Ili native of Fredericton the capital of chest, always rradv, al- Ne*I3runswick, and was married to ways efficient, always sats irk his late lamented wife there in Nov,, lstfactoryl prevent gold 1847. Ile studied law graduated as { or fever, cure all livor ills, a barrister and up to ayear or tw ) slate beltdsclie, laundlee, eanatiyrttlou, ate. ate, 0 a ractised in Clinton. "Trio only Mils to take with Wont sarsaparilla, p Ip eslieelally true of ltood's Piga, for no Medi- eine ever contained so great curative power In so small space. They are a whole medicine 00 an impassible condition, that the Reeve and Deputy -Reeve examine said. hill and repute as to'possi•blecvst of the sante at sauce meeting of the Council.—Carried. will be put in readiness for brick veneering in the future. The annual entertainment of the Methodist Sabbath School was held in the town hall.Manday night and lucid—Juhustoa—That as there is WAS nia,rktd by tie usual success at- a heavy jam at the bridge con. 6, tending snch gat lot 20 and 2L which vcil•l• endatjl;orrf P`incipal Ca. the bridge, that Mr. McKay bo etti. struttii .tie powered to deal with ttse'sa1t o -.as : h2 schod i•e- •t•il sees tit.—Carried. else will'be continued frequently, so :1leKay-Johnston—That Messrs. as to provide for any emergency from fire in the building.. Andrew McKay has disposed of his residence on Thomas street to Mrs. Harris, for the sum of $600. Mr and Mrs. McKay and son intend removing, in the course of a few weeks, to Portage la Prairie, Alan. Thursday of last week the meeting of D. Or. Hogg's creditors Meet at W. M. Sinclair's Wilco. The stock of furniture, midweek hes, hearse, tie, were sold to McDonald 13res, l.Iensa It at 55 cents en the (Lollar, The pur- chasers have disposed of the portion of the stock to R. Leatherdale, of this town, and will retnuve the balance to lleneall. eringt. ren has been in- n , ils of the Public The' same exer- ;.'"•••\.V..••••\.‘ •\. \\‘ v\. 1 • r r �li�. dc�\�a\\\\:`S�u<��\`\\h.�CQe.�`�"°a0��i`��@a'�t��\\\"cc for Infante and Children. MOTHERS, Do You Know that Paregoric, Batei>aan's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many flo•vatied Soothing Syrups, enol most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine ? Da Yon Know that opium and morphrne are stupefying narcotic poisons? De Ton Snow that is most countries druggists are not permitted to sell narcotics without labeling them poisons! Do Ton Know that you should not permit any medicine to bo given your child unless you or your physician know of what it is composed? Do Yon Snow that Castoria Is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a oat of its ingredients is published with every bottle; Do Yon Know that Ca.^toria is the prescription of the famous Dr, Samuel Pitcher, That it has been in use for nearly thirty years. and that more Castoria Is now sold than of all other remedies for children combined l Do Yon Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word $6 Castoria" and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense? Dp Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protectionwas because Castoria had been proven to be absolutely harmless? Do Yon Mirror that 35 average doses of Castor:a are 1ur,inhod for 35 oonts, or one cent a dose ? Do Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your chid. -on may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest , n oLl these things are worth knowing. They aro facts. The lag-sinti)eto ^Ta rw,.T v ' �lpnature, of ,wrn,pper. • C 411ti' hest Ory for 'Pitcher's Casterio.. Reid and Kuntz when inspecting the work done by Brown ou con. 15, see the pathnlaster for the last year and ascertain what'timber was taken oil the reads and the appropriate value of the sante, also by whom taken as is reported that the timber was taken and not paid for and t iat they also inspect the toad opposite lots 28 to 30 con 15 and if necessary get there glade passable until the Council expends money gut for timber.—Oar- ried: Johnston—Kuntz--That as the approach to bridge lots 28 cons, 6 and 7, is in need or repair that Win. Reid have the same repaired as he thinks best.—Carried, Report of Reeve and Deputy -Reeve Dirty windows speak to the passer- re assessment roll, We overhauled the by.. roll and bound that, the difference of the autuunt for last year is about • Unfriended indeed is he who has $1025 less, and about 40 young risen no friend bold enough to point out are put ell the roll, that have conte his faults, of age) but we had not bine to See The eltereisos inconnection with what.flanles were 011 or Whether ilt►y, the erectionof the memorial to Jessie had been lett oft all of which is respect.. Keith, will take place 111 .b'airvtew tively submitted. Joseph Welwood, ceinetei•y, Liake place on Sunday aftor- tel.v • Henry Ai i .> � 1 (., t.ht y, lleputy-1tE:evt,.ys�ton '►lay the ,. Eth at ...30 t. cl•re.k. Reid—.Kuntz—.-That the report of The memorial Stone and statue will the Reeve and agility -Reeve re the be placed in position and the addreea assessment roll be adopted. Carried. in c)ntm.lrat.iun of the oecusiaat wait 1V'elrvocd—••Johnston—••That By- be delivered by Mr. Wm. Akre of l tw No, 10, being a By-law to appeal Alton. . Put up Job But it is done so quickly, and at the same time so neatly, that all are pleased with it. Bring along your Job Work to the TIMES Office and see them do it. Prices right. �.�b1�N•v1vltil�b0•e^b�•b3 �M•1� $5o R �`d s ARD. I will giv'• Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring me a Watch or Clock I cannot repair and make to run as well as, or better than ever. HALSEY PARK Josephine Sr., \Vingham. Opposite Mac Ionald Block. Caveats and Trade -Mark's obtained. and all patent fluidness conducted for MfDE113 PRES. My Ace is in the immedi r to vicinity of the Pate:tOfic',( and my facilities for p:Twp i ng patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch at p.a6tograph of invention, With description and statement as toady stage claimed. alt -No ehergeisop: le /or an opinion es to paten tabilitH and rw fee for prosecuting the application will suet Go called for mai! the patent laall.stdd. "1Nv►.•Tone't';tuna," eon- taiaing full information sent free. All COonsah cations Cesslderee as Strictly TreeUrutial. FRANKL!! H. HOUGH mar A*r ee„'S„ 1via,trrENOTON. ri►. if. rarmars. book at This, SALESMEN WANTED Pushing, trustworthy then to represent us in the side of our Choice Nurser! Stock. Specis►ticecon- trolled by us. Highest Salary or Comndssion paid. weekly. Steady empint merit the year round. Oat - fit trod • exelusire territory t'eaperisnce not hem. art : bag par assured workers• apeo,alieducen.ent, 0 Logi liners. Witte at once for 'particulars to ALLEN NURSERY CO.,. ROCHESTER N. Y. N.Ltio'rr BROS.. of the Winghatn Brickyard. have lots of BRICK and DRAIN TILE ou band. It is gold that other parties are calling at radttcrd prices, but we cannot be undercohl, and our ?trick and tile are as good as any trade in the province. We 1 1'4At illy sotlowas can ` load 10.000 or I 000tilebe per -1 ehtised anywhere. We have ORO A irrest quantity of all kinds? of Walker for wale. .l At R. ELLIOTT. Wines**, Nits 16, l:kln, SUITS, For Suits that euit; give comfort, to the wearer and eatieiy your friends,you had OVERCOATS, better try us. Our garment m a kers TROUSERSknowhow todotheir e work; don't think • h' ' there are any better and yet we charge nb more than others do i'or inferior work. Hundreds of new' fall and winter eampies to choose from,. at prices about half what you have to pay for old goods. Work done for parties furnishing their own cloth. if you think that a Tweed Suitcaeaot beproperly made for St Spot (hush,e h call and see our work. Our terms are etult. WEBSTE R & CO 4, Opposite the litsodonaki 'Bl+tek, Wli 1,,tin.Oat.