The Wingham Times, 1896-05-15, Page 2WIN"GlIA.M TIMES, MAY , ib969 By A, Conan Doyle, 4.11. ,Ivrv 14 I 441 Not entry 0111 t, 11 Sk 444 Wl'ary 101or0 1fl tipt0 0121110. 1 114111- U/14•s ou that 1 hall pecked tip rennet long elf incilleine. Owetine witeu m Soettett wen dowt svolt it, fever a 1 little A 11110,18821 iler Wi:41 140141,41 111, 14, $111111i11't 1iI1 1i 1 11 L vitode. Ile I Wit4 t1201: to death, allot hall glow to 8 t 10/21,1y phyro 141 4111; 1 took hint in hand, 11;1,11111 he war tut ve 11011141811 Will 1 111111:11 141114140, and • leer 44. roup10 01 1 tame his 1 (sot him it II Walk, 1 10 took a 141 theft, awl, WIIII 14 letr weenie, but 12410 1212V4 '04y 11114. 1 1014,2411.41 f rote lotto and tine made lino. all 4,11. look, of me. 'leaven for 111111 221844 11'11 11111110---W11,, i' ijuti 140111111161.1, 111141 112214041 a hig, ThfiltiV 081100 11110014V1t, ‘1111 11 1 (Wind ihitt 110 Wall 411 vote41 to no, end would do vete thine. 11, 001'1/1, 1114,, 1 flow try chime,' to 4'14"411', 1 1 alioel it 'este'whit 111112, 110 W184 to 111'11111 11114 hoe 1 1'0111111 011 11 0011'1111 1141111 10 au old %Opal Whirli WWI 1102e4' g11111.411,',1, 1411,1 ther'' lie watt tO 14101, 11444 1111, 1 ga Ye 111111 di; 00. cunt ing for Out trc moire. A G it. I., how- I'r, rump what had waited ior so on;,t., treastt I. had 141.111 r 24401. It 710,4, 1111 at llit, 14411 f the Mr. ,411 14441 0,111 W rho til't4 1.14•011(111 111.110111. y. 1 None tIG ( we and bad a 104'l (It ..4. Idave. but 1 111 141 lint See 110W. With It:, IA04,12 1,14, 1 via; to mill.. my way 10 ,o leermel, bowl vete iib''I 44 .44,L, atom, 111 the tyof, and 111.4, alsatt 4.1. Sindh 4'8 1411j '14(14 it 14011114 it 10 111. 111i11. I voted lee 41 1I oiely 'Hamlet, Toit‘ot, 1 1.1.4i1ig1. him .441 22 me w It n 11 long rope womid oftlef 14a 2v111,t, 1 o ould elotab t 11,4, met 110 so 12 nuolo his way !a emelt, I 118 roof, lint, ne 111.1ityls woulk ittI" it. Ifartholomev Muth', woe still 11 .11e r. 11, to hits ('4t41, cl'ouga thoiteht „ I lel dem, , 4.1e: elnrve Se ey ‘,‘ 141 Llill 101' whi 11 1 Iota. up 1120 o 1.. I route! Won e vet tiler v o it as te, 11 1 1114 a peaeceVete 1(1 11)'i hu- la ,,041 Witr lie V1113 14 I 14114114, 114111 2 tit 1144, rope's. ( felt ( 111 is it lika for little 1414,140,411111 1.42' 11 41, 1 14,01: t110 2 itille lir hi 1 vt, epeeist,' rourde of water t 414411 41 let of ennui, teneetuitte ittel teweet : pinto tree t 114, wita 4-4.41 1111011 owl tru,,, Was lit th, 'A thee . No 101111 1,,V1,1, had a more faith. 1 1,1,11 1,I"1", •‘,' do', IliV:111 1111111001 lie bad 1 018 la, tt 111 1 Iv, 221141114, As it rhillice.l, 4 lallvoi .,r, 1 lt-ve wins on- or 1 11. eotiviet. peer I dwelt Oleo, a vile l'el Pan 22 Ito 14(444. 14 '(''4' 111141.4-41 a Hutu ,0 01 nt,11:1110.1 ftild 411 111'111/4 la,. 1 11,1141 H122113%1 ro2$44..t Veil!: a 4,0, 111111 1141W 1 bad my elittnee, 11 A2..1', IL, ir 14 0' 11.01 blue 11 114(11111 114,1' '24,11,3 144111 I might pity my 'Ida before 1 left the ieletel. II,, tee., I oil the brink Willi 11.,„ Intel.; to 1110,`. null his cari,1120 tat. itio 1A111111410r, 1 lot:11,0 i shout ror 14 biorro ro h. at out ltia billow. Avilli„ Ind. litnie i tad 1 I 001.. T11011':12 (112002. 1111141'4h( caut., int 1 ilt,,, ;wall 'awl 14401w141 2110 W1101', 1 4o111(1 111,2 my 1811111 4111 11 W01111011. I Nil 1 (1)1W11 lU 1' hi' thirkiteee 1111.11 1111,4 Vtippvit it* 22,04.1414.8 leg, \Vali three 14/1414 hops 1 4\1114 0, 1 hint, Ito pm him ('441114414' 1(1 hitt rilitatlei er, bitt :1 at ettel, 111111 full, 111141 L1111010441 1 to w1(illt, 1.140111 11E1118 4410111 111, V011 414 4444, 4111, 811111 111 1 lio \via"! ,..2102‘, wtp2.0 1 hit hon. Y0 hollt 22-0111 44024'iui 10444.1114'l', rot. .1 cook! riot k1,(1. 444,\1 tiohirir.o, 0 r wiroo 1 airr oir1.. found It I 1 ii Mill le leo quiet mititille 1 meth, foe tint boat mid in net houe we were well tett .441 .1,81, 11211411414. lin il bronchi it II hat 1 4:011'0,41a1:: and 1, i it down, 411441, ilieit li t 41L4wit 111y4e,11', Ill yin'; lirs, 1, 13 the iitul of the four upon 11/14, told ., to chow 1 1414 lit I,,•, 11.1 jewels had eons, 1,14e1 ; at 1.:,1 to Iltaa, lvloi 181 11 as st right, to lean. ,Tonv,a, on.. 1,11 I 41 4.41 OW ITO, 1... 41 I111' W1.11/1011'4 411 1 1111111 . 011 1110 WilY 1 !Int lo' luta cond.. "1 41'.114V 1.144221thit ilhave tolything eke 4;;It it you. 1 Ittelehearki a wat0r- inwe (typal: 01 the 81044 of 1.1111;111.18 141 1)1(114, On i1,441,4147,, ro 1, 111011p:111 SILO W0111 1 la, 11 holey ,,,,,rtzol,olo, 4(414(4)41. 14 1)144(44' (1 with 01,1 mni h, mot MTH tO 4111.0 hi 111 a 1/111 144111 1: 110 0411 UN Haft^ tO 1,111' 4,414111, 114, 1.114,8', ut . doubt, dna (h4 re 11110 1,10111e84,1•011' its 44., 1184 h1.‘12,1t8 14 11111' 111 1/111'74.14'1.1140 A 11 th is the truth, mot if 1 1011 it to you, g 124101(2022, it is 1161 lo a1o12140 ;volt -lot you hlteC. 1101 (111110 1114, It Very rood 1 Ill' ,-11111 it is be - caws l (('1 k'\8' the best, defelica, 1 eau 13l4!41e 1141 'Ilia 10 110141 hue 11011111444, but 1( 1 ail 1)4'' world loure how badly' f have myself liven serred by NI Nor " 111.1(14, end beW intiectut I am 01 1110 death of his 14(111," I ".\ very retuarl.abl ote(koit," maid nt '1l''1'1)1('14Holmes. "A, Mt iug wittftotp ti4 au (''11 101111 I,v interes,ing eatie, 11'11c,r0 la (41(1 4111154 111 1411 11021' 10 1110 ill OM 141.0 part or 141(4(1' litirrative, exc.( pt tlio t you 111,okt:4e11' seen.ten rope, That 1 I dd n iot .41184121, Ily I. le 421)14', 1 1111(1 ])'l4) '11 that T0111;11, Illtd 14 81 all his (Inlet.' ; 211 he annuagett 10 1.110411 ono al US 111 Ole boat, "110 1111(1 10141 111011 I'11 Sir, 0714'e411 fit° 8W,,,p1.110 Itt 61(0 t11110," `'e't h, of cotiree," (old ' folnies, "I had not thought' of than" ''1?, oleo, any „oae. 1 elle olden yen wodla Illie to tisk ale a l'" itektel the tem viet drably. "I think atot, thank you," nay com- panion neewered, " Well, Holmes," l'titticl Atbehtey .1 0n08, "you al V It Mtn ril 14, lune urea, loot eee en 'know tees you aro it eon. Loh.,,,,ror or 01`1111(,, 1)111 41114y is Illity, tied 1 lieto gotio re eh' r fur an 'loner wlutt you iced yeur fib ael tudecel me, 1 8111111 1(11111,18' itt 1,11m, $,41kon ,,v,. lin vt, out, 01 01'3'-44,111,1' Ili to 1,44 It' 1114141' lili`k 4141. Ion , 'Pito eel) still waits, and 1 here are 2 '*2'' ilul wet ors lloWnslnirs. 11(111 tioteh ithlmed zo you Nell •foryour ni (detente.. Of kennel) you will lick wetted itt the trial. flood itinht to e ott,'' "Good itight, getitlettwn both," fetid Join' thee S1111111.1. • "You nee!, equal'," remerlokki, the WIll 3' .1 trues fel ti ,1t', loft 1111, v keen "I 11 011ie 14)1 ('4 toiler vent the t yeti limit ('1224.4tee v. all :2•0111* W04141011 101;:, w1111t0ytT , ', on. not,2 112120 2102b, to the !Alnico:an : at 1110 .\ utlatutuKsics." i " Well, mill I k re is flit. teed of (tor , lit fly dratte, ' T i quarkal, ;111 er We 111111 14,411 Milne 111111* 1,1 ilLint.1 hi P4 14,1100. "I , tottr that il 111113 la* 2110 hist 111210411i548- , 114,11 ill 22 bit 11 1 41l1111 1,61,, the chit Kee : 1'1 ,4111113 1110; 3 01.11 1114 111114114, 14 1 IN" 14101%, , 1,011 llas 211,11,4 ni , 412,4 honor 20, 11.,,,,,,,,pt, 2144' 12.4 24 1221,h1;2221 12 ott‘poctIve, Ii0 44/22 0 a 22244t, 1112.124121 !main, "I feerekl to' t1tte481 (evict he, "I rettl‘v vett me emote:till .te 14(121,"I Was it little 11 '11. "1111,V0 'y'till any reasem 2,,, te, ,,l ,....v..titlioa v, -jot my rhoiveli" 1 n --1..e.4.. i "Not 01 all. 1 ttltinl, elle is te.te of 1144- 1111's1 41441 ('41,4 414,4 ,24,111154 11008 1. ever 11, 1, ctud 'teeth% It et, look um, t useful ,o. sudi M 41;•t, M• N7 ' 4. 1(41 47 441'1.i7le4 a:,4"nittl.1 th7V: WkVY I ‘‘ ,t 11,...7,4, 1141' U N'S,' li it tit 11 t141,,4, 111)„1401.4,10,11114 with, 114111. 4148 arms 120 i.otkt 411l( '((44 other 1114114414,bid it li"nipz bamboo sliver, and some Amin um ti einant nut t t 41444. wi t It witielt 1 matio 11 cort of ten 1111,,Yi4 NNW M 10,1111114 11,140111, 11'1181111,1 4t1 1(41,1 (111 1111, 0102/,111111 We Were 1111'1341 84411,2' 1111`11,1„'4'. 22:1111 0:11111/!: rout felteett tit Ire 41 4.11411141 \vita it ettecto 44 Melee. elle:rime, They were it rum nod Tonga mei 1 soon managed, to mkt tiv denti nimite.e them, Theo. Iiti , Ono 2 02,2 goml tote I ity 1. t hey lel you Moto. tool tteloke, 414) titivation:4 if 1 w.01,,, 1(4 roll 14(414 ;al tho 4114'01 11'1`1,4 that my 12111,, ;loon Mut 1 I W2,241 4 l"liVlI 14044 11.011111 1101 1111111h hit, 4 221011111 11410 011 11t,44,, 1444411 1110 141111 Weil 11;11411;1, !11i -i' -, 111141 11101,4, We 411-11 41 1414,401 114,, world, reettetblico alone 8 (limiter tip to lose, let from leee bee ,1 II thy (1014', Imo ever, 1 nat iatio „r 1144 latt,p9se, 4. ‚2211'11 LI dream tit 444.4, ,Ilo at 1114441, A httir!Nal 1init.„ 1 lin v4,11,1114,41 him m my tirep. t Let, llowe‘ter, !,11111.' 4111"',' 1\-111!*,1". (1'74 11' 221, 14*4.111,1 14./111 71 oi4 111 1'111q:11111. 1I,111 11,11 ',!11.(11 '14111 1,..0 141 41111,44 z22 how 811,11{1) K,01 W1W% 111',1'741'‘'1' \24(t'( her 11,' 14 1.1 1.,..4. 14E0,1 1;4 • Or 11 1.' (41(14 11 I. 1111.141' ,101111,' 12 1111 ‘14444.4, 0441' who 04111111 hey ,4- 4. Immo 1,44 moues, foe I ,t,„n't v‘t ;44,1 anyone rite 111 14 11014 --411441 t0. . 14,1114d 414411 Ile 141/ 1o,t the iet$, Tin 11 1 • 1. 41 to gel ;at him tn. 4440111:% a 17114 11.01V,3: 17 83 120 11.01tere, 1.4.1,, 4.1 ''-411.111141 hI lltitututgar, 011 10E,, t't 1 yr, 122,,1 212,22 • 44.",, 1 ilt1rtie41 1‘41`1, (42 110 40-1, 1044,1 that 110 1411011144. 44114.4 2,,111 1110 4i414 411.4` 111411, 4111‘1, 14,01.11K .44 4140 $2111,1024i4. 144t$$, 144241 1,214114 '*11i, 1'.141111 011 044,41 side tit 1111*(. 1,4. to'.' 1/4'0111e 1111'444444 1414d 111214 14_211,40 12 1111 1110 1111`0.,t't 1111,111, 01113', -4 lulu. iavi kull 410,1%.‘‘ dm/ tat 124114 11,91%,, 1440 fee loom thet Neve,. theelt, th,.„„ I neol iketekte. eve if „ 400 4s-2''41 101,t, 2\4'414, 22.4'. l404 44. 4,13 4,4, 1 ow,,o 1*1444121 . 44!, 44112.424 0,0,1 t„r, 22,10212. 4.1, !too; :,:at taw 24.2,44 21 I 1.1 111,2,4 .72 44 .,1241, avotut 12 22,,t21,1 1,0 a, pat , 10 1,2,0‘‘ 11,422 1 b,1.1 bit pot: 4 0224 „ 14 1.5224441 N tttir., r. -i 4."4;u4,3 le ',toil e,y,31 the 4., hoti. r,e • • • n t-ete,,,nef 414(2 e, • ^ 404-,141 4."1 0,, 448111' 44 44-., 15411 ', N ..,..; , 14.i.',',., 14(14i 1 . ''‘', ,..., li.!!..e. ".• • ,., '..,a' 4t 11.-- \ , ,.41."'.'.'', 1,14,8 112,411" , . 0 V..• C1 t• ).,'.. "., L.: 1 of 4 .-• ..-:tL, ., ,. . 214 2*, ',"2„ t -4811 i't 11.1,, , 221,. ‘,, • 4 4.,,,,.....1.,, tv,,,• 121141 14,t ,,11,2,0 r2, 444's t".,..., 10 12,:t* 1111114 111,08041.* 140211. 1'ttt't,1 t4.4d1, ti„..e, ...,, (.11,, %Odell $2,1114 In tlit, 14 often think of those, lines of old (teethe; Week' (Piss de, !Werner elm' Itte2.6212 Alit (Or *Hutt. Venn emu witenifecti Stalin war und tam Scheinten (let hoer. By the way, :apropos of this Norwood Inismoitsyou mee tuat they had, as I eurtnieed, a confolvrate in tho house, who ectuld he none ot hor thee Lel Pew, 1.1.41 bUtler ;1.0 Jout's 11118 the litidilittled P0188' of haying caught Om limb in his great 1I1t11," "The divi40n44eeue4 ratlicr Unfair," 1 reniou,e4i. "YMI MOM' 1101se all 1110 work in tido businese. I got 44 2211(0 out of it, 411,1441-1 gob' the credit, pray what ie,intliisit for 2 ‘tit?” 'Por Inc,'" haitl Sherlock. `I tellitike, 1 '11101'0 Still remote -of, le. ('0141 (1'' lent le. . /1,11(1 lo' titre tubed by, 1011g 22'llit,„4 11=11 1 UV fur it. ., I A. l'Ion for .eausttles. '0482 pXD, I have 'throve 1u1 tt warm regitril for I n, teaktetle, Not tl at 1 am esoac ially fowl (if tea, but bemuse around the teakettle el tistie. all tho a .1,1. a ssocia- I irate of ehildhooti, youth, and home. People may oeut ini9ntalise as th(ke, like idiom the brainier; of the word "'worth - atone" ; hearths have not been tnalle of etone for a loug time, and in theee days plenty of homer; L1"44 «17116(10 without (111Y real hearth at all, Hut whet ie /1 hearthetone wi Client 14 teakettle? There ullev he, and are, tomes without 11 hearth Olin it wouli be hard to find a home W11110111 it tea ktetle, I weer Haw hut ono 01181( 4)1 seeltdestitution tunottg eu i pposedly civilize(' 1)011(448, 44114 I made haste to suppl , the erying want et tho very mixt oltestnuts-thno, .No filially ean}1' reared properly without tu teakettle. lf 1 wirer' had . ocetimion to Ilse a clrop of hot water I would et ill have e I'll 411 been -use of km homelike )11iyairereoney audits con- soling rong, end became() it expresses 1111 1(11,14441' 1' of domestic., comfort, ('011 ((('14(4, eitecelttlitess kw]. pott.co ; for tho swum 11444011 that 0. would, iitwo tilt) "Fannon,' Almanac." jittneeng under t he ceid of tho Minitel piece in the icitebeti, nth' it smooth, plump, well - :Cod foal self-sntisflital eat lying in the sunshine on. the ;bond window -a. Tate, the eat (lista up my window - plant SI Se1'4440114,14, the Kora into rags 'whenever lie get,' Into the sitting -room, mimes eut of his W.41,111 11014 hi 1110 Shod and litiW1N at the 1n' 1-)l�1(1' in the night and 48 CUIly dett1r1111114,11 to sleep ally- wherck vise but on the whitlow -sill ; but when he dose happen to int bribed. or cototea hire issit igIt bore live minutes, 1 um reticle. to .forgi ye 'dm every t 11 i ag for the sake ef the pee ee ful, prosperoue, t confetti hie air which Le gives to my humid'. eetablisinnent, But even he could not innke it seem liko home with- out the presence of, a. teakettle. An empty t eakclet le, or a cold one, eliould never Ito allowed in any \yell- reguleted fluidly. Nothing is more vexatious than sillteu, in some sharp need of hot wattle., ono seeks the tea- kettle and finds it tol(1 or empty. It is like Heel:leg a Imolai) sottl foe help and Hyalite thy, and finding it entitled to the mink 4441.104.4 i yes. 'Hui m»niater wbethor a, tenkettlo be made of tin, iron, or ('4)4) 0l', tile ouly mealy ha(1 tottkettle is the eold. end 01141141 ono i eo 14' ate 11,0118ekociler won't!, evoid inconvenienee, fretfulness, delay, ireptitienee rola othrocrial,h,r4h10. i1,,s14, lot 1101, Noe tO it that her t,,111.0n10.2 121111t1101, '1411tek 118 1,:r010.18, Or Se0111.011 211(1 11. 41111, vall Foe 10‘1' face in it, is al- ways full awl alwieve hot. OneWey to,Oiet itteli. 44 ilaylit 1104,41 41,011044, An, 'lc, ti.„12 plen et eta ell ek other pepete her let. tr. I'm he, oie mot 1011,11 1111"1.1', • 2.1.,1 W11111,1•01` IS 4.11-44,51044. 4.14 01,440 • ,t 10 11442? Nt 4.41,11 1 141 241 ,1 .014, 1411 1111113S. 4.••144,111141 11,'2e'r 1 17.1 111314t, 121.t 14, 11*. ,;181,4111,..1“ "1 4 41e4," I etuoltitet, "that mes 21 ;',,,L1•112 21141:i 420 the entre', lnat 5. Zee see et io elteet.le upon les 4.ellen le, , 11 • re 11411. 48-4 "see 0. 4,'k,w1,, • 'AS /a • AN*1 uttl 14. 41.1,11.4. “„, - • 4,- c• 4.<.NA t'' 54 41 .452,01 1:14, 4";:t • , -et, 1 ell, tne V4 spl:t 1o:4a 1110 ..,jk 651,, 4..,.414r eno. ...vet fe!flow. • If you want to get rielt end famous at a Single ratlike: \\lite a popular song, " I'm devothitt 1 y nat'1,. now to writing ct topical settig," Rik it young musical entltueinsn tho other day, " Thal S the ensivet way to net before the publie anti got a pile of money b " may happen .0 hit the popular fence', and then P 1 he fixed for life, Take this little Foe " You Can't Play 111 141,2' Beek Ytted,'. Titermade a big toll 'tor the fellow rho wrote 11:. Ite was a ('111111440 tour r rvori 24'I18 148 poor 11.13 410111$ t urkey. .fe live' 4. itt it it t tie homon e 1'%,\ los' 8 reet-,-1111, I believe --that didn't even i hate% a back yard. Ono 141444.14 (141-' 1,114'141' l'ellS SliggeSted tO hiu by a song tlllItlut actor friend of elwail tor 111(„, his had written Oi4. 4 11et4" -171,,,I111 tho .4 N. ou always le mane lines, anti lo‘ ,t.t 41(421,41 111411 wroto low. But you sh this rilly little efffision, ' Xott (laiet, 011,11 nay in 141y littek YlIrrtl,' ''4410," said .htek ".'111titt effort eint.lbe'l things for him, "Then Volt 11111,41 Tat, wns smooth,111rop; Actor (hat, 1 1 o s 114)',\(',11111',4ill', &l)4y, " now chimos 1 . minis matle a 111'l 41(0' out or .. Actor the Ball" iS an. old story, 1111.ymol1gooro 540( 011 Easy titrect 31181 been1184, 0 1214414 the first to Nina' ' 4'1W001` 1\1111./0,', '11101'408 11 (()l'4111114 ill it if you tontkli it popillilr Vein, 111111 that'What -I'm. aiming at." „ ... . A itoneenstle tt Aneettoto. , V, 0111Y. (111'.\" NOWA (110 latts 1.4014 Beacons* tiold NVIIN 221l4.4111444 111 MN R121111114 (It ilmetetelen 141(45101',' 441' was, a eeost ea by, It 111 11.1,1141W11 1,141‘1,41110114,1' noted for 1118 really Wit. It 1101114 W111te1-ti1110, and 1110 Weather 111111.11111113' 1.41,1"01e, the 1i1latt0r, 11.1142' paeitm his respeels to his lorti,Itip, taatueineed to make On pp a- 1,1 for o 'nth, hi li. 'How oiitvat hot, 4 I, ttdd you to be eerelnl mid prepere or it veiny flay?" "Alt I thet 'S 1 "eh encktettit t eo I did, my lord." said. titt$ ('4114(4.14 .2214'!,',! vil- lager t "but fleet who 4.1 01' thOliglit Of 14A111Allt,11,z'.1:1;‘.. .1intl'''4''" '4'1245 1''0L,2' 1.4i1;lt10ie:lived eteet. lira 'AST aoxr. She had never been known by any other name dont Little Stray, Jack ha,1 found her 0110 cold, dark night ly- ing lu the enow, 81)11 1081 brought lier Immo in his arms, urging his boeso to its utmost 84.100(1 141644 death might stoat his now-foun(1 prize before he had look- ed. mem her thee, Site wits only a child then, and now site had grown into a tall, $lender maid- en with a gentle, quiet feet, and great, soft, Week eyes, whieh Dirk firma:need, "reg'istr shiners." Jack hail takee Diek and his wife itito his eaten, rent free, ou condition that Mrs. 1 )ick slionlel be- etow it motherly wire upon 01(3 little '2214441. Sho was. quite content to go alma the cabin in the mornings, helping lIrs. Dick, awl to spend the afternoons I Notting over the rountry on her pet Bea 11 ty's tete It, forelaok had ta tight eler to rkle as skilfully and fearleeely its tt cowecty. and had loL1gl1t her the pret- tiest white A1'4b1141 that had over been teen In tlte west. Nobody ever 1814'W where Jack came from, nor why he v.; .i.., tier how he (-one, nor anything 1 .41 hint etgeept that 110 did come. Lot that - made no (114101.1' 1l4'4', Ile may have mitnifested sundry weaknessee upon his arrival aertoeg them, as, for example, the pesseesion of a Latiu lexicon 4,111(4 1611 old., tliumb-tvoen cow 01 44118 Odyssey, articles (filitO es suggestive of the "tenderfoot." But tht se were forgiven upon the diseovary 0( 1)1:4 inua qualitiete For Jack was the best rider ever known hi Thnutler camp, and he could 1441006 11 bird ou the sting further than any other emu C.011.1(1$(..43 it, 1111.(1, llS biS 61(4 11124,11 adilliter, _„Dic lc, avowed, "lie ctli „swear Most ilea u tif o I when he got a A , Onee :flick Wellt 1,101111, 111111 evhen he canto haelc "Little,Strao" had grown front child to maiddii of seventeen, and s 11., he reepoieted to J i ck's greeting iii so shy, yet withal so neteeful a manner time ho began dimly to recognize nu ahnoet impeecejniblo bariler, wliicli something he could not, uuderetatel 84,411114,14. 440 have threwn between. them. The conviction soon prevailed in Thunder camp theti Jack was about to make 'mother dontestie move. en(1 tho 01412(1 'Was interestql an(1 approviug, its usuel , where Jackcoueerned. 1„,as Ho thinw gs er'We 1(11 ViVi4411211(1a4411211(1tO Th 1.1 odor camp. Vi.V111.11 '521118 tut 111111118- 44141144)41)"tenderfootl" Nevertlieleee, he 11•41.4 210t only tolerated, but made wel- come fol. ,fttek's sake. It evatethe sup- position that 'Vivian. Iola been 111 140)110 'War 4.01111e0tedWith tliat 111114110214'il past of J tick's mid the possible \Tributes, of wit le It it Od been so -enerously forg11,011 by rl'hundor ((amp 1411 view of subse- quent development. •Even the fact that ho had liven ordered west for his heelth Nem.; graciousey ove looked, out of 1:43 44(111(14 fen. Jack's feell' gs. As °indoor air an exereise weeo held to he tho seroper re eedies for Viyiad's ailment, evitittever itWaS (the physic- 341118skilfull,v preferred it to thee most convenient of all 11121.1.adies "overwork") it 'was ockeessary that much time should be spent in riding toil hunting, so every tine afternoon saw ,Aitck. and 1 121.1111.1111li Little Stray out ith the horses and ge 118. "ily ;MVO ! "Wlit it rider 8110 is 1" said Vivian, W110 hi 1. luit lalfOre seem- ed. to Luke much mit co oe the girl. "Yes," said Atte. I with pardonable pride. "1 444.444411(4 114 "Plum you_ are a eivell of a teacher, ShO'S a 418114,041, pro t, girl." "Yes," 8:1(14,J 11(41. '('411113'.But Vivian did not observe the cloud tonal his titee, and et Inimical: , "Not a beauty, yo 1411021,', lint 801110- thili44 1110110 011eetiVe ,a, girl with char - actor and charm of e prestoon. By the way, Jock, have yottatiopted. this kind. a of thing for a per milem,y, or is it merely temporary, a ta are 3'011. coming :Intel: to he enibrace, 1 by the arms of isoviety ?" 'Tite 'trios of soc ty tire quite too resneetable to ',mitre ek me. Smote. has not beett found oat; ,' have." "Notteeneck. Society is always evade- 4 to receive ti loan if 14.1' nkpents and wee 1110111,y. A1141 3•011 lit 20 .14.1ein 3" of money , now , ,f a e is. i $ "Things that 11201 4.0,2? can buy IVO tO0 ro 11 heterodox fol. mid think of tlici "jeCk,iiii(5r old jaiik," she said. "It's all over. Don't be sorry. I am glad it is so, I came between yoa an(1 your friend,. and I am glad to ,go away and leave you together. ).ou will be friends with him when I am gone, won't you?" "Whether you go or stay, my (Ian, ling, I will be whatever you: want me to be." "You have always been so good to 1(1- Iteve done you any wrong, dear,lack, will you forgive me before I g.o?" "You have done me nothilig bot good. ; only good, clear little one." Helton to kiss lter farewell, and her petting breath died on his ilpe, 0:Li1tny AT MOM. Ambito, charming and aristoctatic, n tle, reeoly becomiug dress of an order, .141 medic, ditto, (lite°, in the vastly be- coming. (11.1.r48 11.1100181. order, 1441e110 -A eerie() telex() in the east end. Anthill" -"You Were ! The very last person eltotild have 1-1104444111 01 seeing. What 4.11 the world brings you hi these parts? And what IV sweet little love of ii, bonnet and eloak !" Mereitt,-"You-Aminta ! You can't think how deliciously refreshing it is to 800 eumebody you -need to know beim.° e rmt sense i.1 ti" . . Marela.-"Was . r i u-s• ' •l - oEu ditor tfuriou ly;-S o it was you who you hadan object illife I I wish 1had 'ut that bout pin311 my chair, was i knewt before I mode up this costumeYscoundrel? for myself that there Weis teorder with such a perfect (11844481. of a (trees as youps. I don't think it interferes with one's moralinlueiit.e, nd-er-power ever the Juasesto te properly gotten p, do you ? Ceui(,ted have. 444)711.41 tete. -11 penny el:M-4114 tat me where you are staeriug, ani what you ae doing - 1 , , . ei ^" Aminte-"Two loi .ups ? I gavo eup eager last month, (211 you know -I haven't tut ideawhat 111'1141'11(10 -and 11021,' quite di, like it, which ie a perfect blessing, 111etause the eelf-cle nial gove on el tho '4841'14', yott 410(2, and the uopleiteionness doesn't. Olt, I'm living 111 lieuriette street, and I'm 01017(4111)14' the people, I mut have been41011244 ittamest throb weeks, I think ; ,.!.• andpmaid-fathers are so nusen- , pathetie-theat it wat only 11 freak, and wouldn't last. It isso horribly clown and respeetable tlett I venie you for the lrst wek 1. wits perfectly miser- • a:, bM'le:a." : 1 e ia-"Yes, I k'inow that fooling myeelf, where I am, in Powers t'ou't.Acourt sounds betifully immoral, (ion% you think ? slut I aware you there 11)41411't lieen rsingle brawl, or coota drunken Irilinan, settee I have igen there ; whilesimile of the children mortally Ravea. (11(110)111 pinafore one, a week, tineainithevery fortnight. How we pat elevate your masses ?' Aininta-"\Veil, I don't know ex- actly. A nan fropt Oxford' -1481;l1 an exquisite, intelectnal face, only nether 84>0411' by the most fightfulboots,-givee t ie SWeutest 111(14, ela8SUS011 "Valburne and 1tossetti. nd that sort of thing. I go to ket;I the musees in order, (mite fortunately for 1110, except ono I1111SSe t 1010 Walacoster, onger, -who came Ili bee:418e of the son e he 141)144., andwent to sleep (111 the ti (4', And then there are teas for Fecal) rs and 1111114406'. 10241 you hve to try a ci drop in a IOW re- lining words wi 1 thstorm.. .And what is your orden for, Mrcie ?" Aitreia treadly-"011, it's called 'The eokiety for the amelioration of tho condition of the toor in their own homes,find it monts that you can. 011 I them, and toll the a not to hang out their 221(8)411144 to dry in the sitting - mono They have 't anywhere else to but that's not your . fault. Aiehow t briug ufourteen childrenon. ten (41f)11111424$ week, nd I that kind of 11141454, which wouldb easy enough -only it is SO dreadfUlly 1 n.seolraging 1101011 y0111111 cut, (1(4 you 1i! iways do, that the poor 111)4111,2' (11.'("111 more 1117111t 1heir own 114'220:ie i 1111112 you (to. \\ hat-er-mado yot-go t in for elovat•ing, '1inilita?" Altillta (Willico 11usion and a slight 11i Marcia(wth a blush).,- 0410,1 (There is a 102214 t4 e.) Aminta-"Was it Chalie, Marcia r it Tom, Aninta?" (There is the longest pause of all.) Arainti-"Because ifit 81101414 heve been Charlie,it wasn't thathe did not care for you, but that until 4441433.Julian roost thoughtfullydied Jest week he. hadn't enough money to 81(31' 116 that? And if i should have beenTorn, Aininta, until ligot 11114 ('01122221('011222214481011, you know, a of honor -such an inconvenient thing, isn't it ?--prevented him fo telling you his reel feelings." (.*2. p448140,) lareit-"Ca1Soicee to tea with tee to -morrow? Five, Powers cout, you know, Tom might be there, too." Aminte--"Ishallbe delighted, if you don't mind my bringinChrlie, who is coming to see e in Henrietta stieet." jlarcim.(as they part)-"Shll you muchmindcoming clown from your ainttt Y7seott deadfully miss yoursociety for ameliorating; Mare(1114 4(14 00 Did, Poet--Diayou fel the force and di rectness of that pointed. article I left foryouthis inornino ? oovo'.' hupm, ellatu n4.r 11110 1‘11 11S11111t1111e t',61t11110 1414!0-'I 4t' and 44411,141.1*2'441131'N (le 21orla kolht nt roa,11“.C11Y tit11U,7011014' hkin111 V.,,,t;,,t 1120, It 44142latt 10 in Ipili71‘,1 (0'.'. .Ort 1,11,1214 041 •1 111t'llt 14 Sella WU1141i* 11N •l4'1,4\ 0521' iette alado our on41 ',al,' St:a.that ofwItelttul- Ggo'sod oWvaolrdP4121.4121.4,204' 411541.2'21411541.2'21 genets of tocoa ittetreentney tor 4444,2'141' Work tiieSt.e, "a 'u t : -, o' • . .tnt tI Stglr•p ; ' leconically, sock the imporanee of 181"L114411154 her oatwhere 1448' can leiVII 4101‘14 thing or tho '(1114.lit 1411(1 ho eulti- Netted and becom like other young1814.44'S."'Seher renin 14011S4 OW 1111010 sa fnh. mar for 2122' pistol, .1 would shoot122,r tin mah4120 ,201trt tuna ratlicr than10 wil4 you wish,t itopprecptibln 21uolow crept 120. (24' 0(814111. IWO 11uk1 whse frteutehip had heretofore beinso 3111111'k foul so eti one, They Ivory out together oneofterPoon wheit, wearied With tho reetraluttool urged on by res t a it!, , te others and 10.11' k 11 SWIttpaeti toWark111 ft tellee born,di4a 100 1,W113", Tlie3 811,21. flit, 1111der 4\1111411 111411 1118 delilt0 11001 14:1144 (121,'l' the fen to eve him dasha or bare (teemed, I' at e .t lictli 144411111,4' from their hoess.s. 'lek was the 11 t 1lea t 1140 0e101 4110 ‘‘Wits A41:411 n 1244.' l'Alliiilly: Over 120r 141l4112 11111411 I0141n.of ('(1114'4'5'(4in Libeautiful es. She lifted14'i'betel witheta Ott t and laid it on his Mee. "ft 21" 114,14 our fault, Ileaty, You elipits.tAula feu, n a, :on eould't h Jaelshlled to ft 12041. "%AA, dear old 114'),,," site Whia* ed. "Tao me lee e,44.,q44.,q4,1,25.3\. they 1414141401' 10220, walking a 00 with head 4.', 152 sornwfally, 11(1 like teeelt ol e. Then Iley 1keke1 tetteross theetretell hang it, V011 know btudo-1'0o in foit ?" ( Altirein, putting tioWil her elmmid I looking up with in1 orost)-"Yvs.', A28int41--"0, J. licdt know exactlee I. Lots of things. 'he world alwevs ", Fi'L'IlIS I'll 1.111.1. J1011(141' (((1ti1(1 011(1. ('1 (11(2 1 1401114011, (1011't pill 11111110 1211(1 WO *Were, 1 42101114410 lie bill'1,•11 1111270 for tho rest. of 1. 110' e elle 111 11(4)11 pelfj10, where mamma ' sai11 peer mentnitt , is so effete, you ; . lolow 1 eliouldillul lots of clutice ! eweitime nuk, whieli was enough to dis- 1 convoy?: + any girl, Ana 1 loolzal (wet! 1 soutt.lnaly's 1t1.44g4ok-1 forgot wilt Se.-..- 1 ill It magaZin0 /1 forgot *which -all , about. 421(441114.11 '(4 1,•01,k ; woman with 44. 1 eitpititi, yon kilos', Whieb iS SO 1.1.111144" t 6 6\11114'111 1 Wil it 11, ' 1;410 - "110W Odd! It 1 ' W11.4 ,1114 the 841111 Willi 1110 !" 131.1‘1).ii.t1,,1101 1 0 1110 feeltu:s null , A tithitit isyitti ttheti(atily) - "With 1 I t 121111via , "Alm (4 exactly, ro. tried 1 for 1 02 cry tiling, you linow. I. 11 beol in tor , golf itud skirt do teing, and literature. I 4( 1141 18 1111111(1 city. 8, 1111d neW Wonuti1,. 4 110011, alld reeltil 4, owl cooking; and I ktnium \eolith "I 1)11'76111g' au(' ''' evereeitittg, lint it NV:1,1 -1111-." watally)- &anoint k 81,,wstt.tist,,,,t I 'elitreire---"I wasn't a. bit hasty, I LIFE ON A FARM. Harriet Clifford sat in front of the. fire, 41181 43' hands lying in her lett, ind her faee distinct in the firelight. 110 WaS very pleasant to look upon, tod. ,r01111 .A1.111012", f tem the arrn-eintir tppoeite, looked at her with earneet,, lreamy 03'044, :18 0140 2111437 contemplate pretty picture. It ink 411'11 you should prefer a. arm6r's life out west." "Yoe would not like to bp a farmer's 'twit e, then ?" "I? Would I like to be a. galley. lave ? Not I ; I like to live daintily ind wear pretty dresees and French Uppers, and -and perhaps one flay a: liamond ring, and I dete8t WOrk !" 13oth felt diet tho little half -laughing, peech had settled a question. Unit lay (loop down. below .the surface. John Agnew went to his western. arm the next day, and :Harriet stayed. It homo with her piano end the thous- and trifles which served to while away ter leisure hours. But as the days crept on Harriet Clifford became conscious of a growing - vacuum in her life. Until JOhll Agnew went away, she never had kuown how she hari. grown to expect his visits, and. remember and treasure up his words. And Harriet drooped a little, she. scarcely knew why ,• and. Aunt Moroi& - afleised a month at the seashore. just about that time Sabrina Elton came 017011). t110 far west .on visit -au - old schoolmate of Harriet'sr-autlHar*. Har' - riot asked.- her to tea the first week of her stay in town. "Is' it vey lonely out west ?" asked. Harriet. Its splendid," paid the -young lady. "Lonely, indeed ! 'Why, they have the. nicest $ociety out there ht. tho world. 1 wouldn't come back here for any- thing," "1 once knew a „eeptleman -who went to Wisconsin," said Harriet, diploma, tieally, "a Mr. _Agnew." "Mr. Agnew ! VY -117," said Sabrina, withwide-open eyes, the owns the next farm to papm-s, awl We like him so, niuch ! Papa, sttys he is so thoroughly in earnest in whatever ,he does. And. you used. to know him?" "rlvatito gO aWa she said, who they ho iala her WWII. her OW1 4,n."" Atka leave k416 'tThs wout out. awt Wt thotitalm '0 1 41421 11141 and ',lath. Only J 11,1114.01..W11411111:, eeesue, 194) when foond out that 2 m the tetclety for the amelioration, etc., you know, ou vould ehoose your Mil ; (121014", 11111.1 11114 tts (144 WW1 111t.. re - flue of the population. I hail the sweet- 1 t\tit 444114.0t1418 of clips tend bonnets ana .4141'em80. mums. Aminta. 44211,12 tender tulutiretion)-- "IIawilbtray,t.:\i‘ef meet-10:113.; was natal", my peopl.‘ pt-rseettted too dreadfully. Anil Tem would say, p, epic, temerkaa Whim, 'now 1.44114,41 t*i 'your eister,' site's been cussed 4.41 love, I euppos.e. They all do it,'" Ambito smith a•statt and a blusli2,-* "Tom -; And that's lust what Charlile -you weal to know cherlie where 140 41 Vere in the world, didn't yotti-sesteu tdiont 1,yes.” "Strange he has never spoken of you." . "Not at all Strange," Said Harriet, biting her hp. "1 dere say he has for- gotten tee long ago." Anil Herriet began to talk very fast and discontentedly- about something; else. ".Erarriet doesn't look 0, bit well," said Sabrina, before she took her leave. "Mne Clifford, why won't you let her come home with me for a few weeks? Our western Climate wOUld brace her up like a tonic." "What do you say, Harriet ?" asked. Mrs. Clifford, with her eyes full of ten- der inaternel anxiety, "I -I elle-mid like to go," said Har- riet, hanging her head. "Only for a. little while, you know, mamma." Harriet praised the beautiful weet with sufficient euthusiasta to gratify oven Sabrina. "Ws a. pity Mr. Agnew hits gone to Chicago," eaid Sabrina, "but he'll be back before a long tone. In the mean- tit/nee-0a eon faantese yourself -very tol- erably with -George Skyson." For Mr. Sicyson, rieh cattle. farmer in the neighborhood, heal fallen desper- ately in love with the pretty little eastern lassie, and made no secret whatever 00 14.114 infatuation. It would be difficult, however, to de - scenic Mr. Agnew's .astonishinent, one lovely Auguet evening, on -entering the 2tton domains, to see Harriet sit - t11144 on the cIoorstep. "Harriet l!" "Yes," 441414 Harriet, laugbing, "it i- 1. How ao ;:vou do, Mr, Agnew '0' And Mr. Agnew, instead of riding on to• the neilre§t post town, as In, had in- tended to do, stayed. and spent the eveniug. 044e September afternocnt Mr, Agnew. walkoci in with a tiny tiower-pot under his nem "liere is the geranium you. wanted, Mies Sebenta," ectid, glancing rather etseontentedly round t he room. "Where. is )hrl let lr" s reit in the toletlett," st.thl iorking her erodlot uortlitt vhious13: through *2. 84114.18 ef weasetea loots 7, "and I haven't a bit of patience left with her!" "Why not `e" "lieettuse hna unide tip Inv mind to . her.tar. nohleen, nA,