The Wingham Times, 1896-05-15, Page 1VOL. XX.V . ---NO. 1268.
Down goes the prices, com-
mencing Saturday, May i6th.
Everybody conte if you want
bargains. Bring along your.
trade and if you have not got
that let us have your cash.
You will get more for a dollar
here than you ever did before.
Look at the following prices,
which will speak for them-
selves :
Wide Shaker Flannel, 734,c. regular 10c.
Factory Cotton 5 " 7
Toweling ..•, 5 " 7
Apron Gingham
Apron Giaghum
Shirti 4g
5 8
10 12k
8 10"
• .,,. 0 10],
Special Prices in Lace Curtains,
Carpets, Hosiery and Gloves.
Never was cheaper. Business
clever better in this depart-
ment and the ladies are always
suited, which accounts for the
Big Millinery Tracie, we are
For one month we will sell
Children's Youth's and Misses
Boots and Shoes at a very
slight advance above cost.
Special Prices in Gents' Fur-
$I White Shirts for 75c.;
25c. and 3oc. Ties for 20C.
Cut prices in Fedora and Stiff
Never were as cheap here as
they are now. Look at the
following prices :.
20 lbs. Granulated Sugar
25 " Yellow Sugar....
6 " Tapioca....
6 " Sago ...... .... ....
" .Rice...,
" Corn Starch ..
5 " Currants
Cloths Pins, per dozen
Oatmeal and Castile Soap, a bur
Biscuits, pet box
1 00
` Best value in TEAS in town.
Vtil;' Y.IWI)Y COSI.1C..
Store closes at 7 o'clock execpt
Saturday night,
3147111 Pi 3 vv':j
• Alway— the Cheapest.
The Only ....: t Importers.
10, FRIDAY, MAY 1e5, 1896.
1Vlarr;age Idoenses Banks of Plower
Issued by FRANK FATF,RsoN, No 23, Vice Xe1 io,a
toric street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
required. —On Wednesday, 11
ped a car load o£ Tia
liugwoad Moat Comb
are most in demnu.
weighing from 150 to
too fat.
—Wanted. ---A servant phi. Apply to
Mils. (Dn.) nlec],ONAnn,
Prof. Gray's Herbal Bitters at
Williams' Drug Store, 25e.
Ne Ads.
Cassels'—Stray pi .
Kerr's—Gunpower apart.
Hyslop--Travellin Dairy.
Sutherland's—Ha ware etc.
Farquharson's--A Good Time.
Town of Wingha —Sidewalks.
Huron County Co moil—Tenders.
Molndoq's—Varie y the spice of life,
Homuth & Bow1Gs —Growls from the big
.D. N. 11foDonald hip ed a car load of
hogs to Toronto on T est y.
Vowel to runt on C arine street. Ap-
ply .to ns. R. HeninuaN.
A high grade i yele for sale, cheap.
Apply at TIMES O e.
—The watering eat appeared for the
first time this season n Thursday.
You want a light, nobby, summer suit.
G. H. Irvin's is the place to get it.
—A. Burkholder hipped 18 ears of peas
to Montreal this we , to be exported,
—Rev, G. A. Scbr m will preach in the
Congregational cher h next Sunday morn-
ing and evening.
—The TIMES 3 months for 20 cents. Sub-
scribe at once and get the political news.
—Miss Robertson first assistant in the
Publie School here, r ad an excellent paper
on "Illustration inTe ching" at the Teach,
ers' convention at Se forth on Friday.
Williams' Little Dandelion ).'ills
cure headache. Try them.
—The Y. P. 0, C.
social in the basemen
next. All the young
gation aro cordially
intend having a
en Tuesday evening
eople of the poegre-
nvlted to be present.
Just arrived—Baby/Carriages at Ireland's
1:',ui niture Store, Wingham.
+' —William Elliott c4 two fingers injur-
ed while working at , iff's mill, Bluevale,
on Saturday. Dr, To le dressed the in-
jured members;' lixrmw-iel-parry-a.,
rfl omaaweoka.
—Wanted --Immediately, a boy to learn
printing. Apply at the T11rES office.
—We haye just
Beemer, C. P. R. Age
which has been issu
The book abounds in
those intending to
is nicely. illustrated
very useful article for
ireceived from Mr.
t, a tourist guide
d by that company.
seful info motion for
ake a s inmer trip,
and is altogether a
touri s.
—Veal cutlets, mutton) gliop aid prime
stake at reasonable pr Boy Boy call for
orders if required. The best only, is kept
at Geo. Shaw's Meat Market.
—Rev. G. A. Sabra , of Fergus, Ont., is
in town organizing a ass in physiological
memory work. Mr. Schram visited the
Public School on Mo ay and gave a short
talk to the two seeio classes, at the close
of which he had tl m read over a list of
twenty disconnects works which they
were able to roprod ce from memory when
the list was remove
Heathileld's Healing Balsam is a
sure eure for the worst cold. At
Williams' Drug Store.
—According to the recent agreement
between all the railwa s in Canada, except.
the Intercolonial, on id after 3Iay 18th,
for all bicycles and tri toles carried by the
roads, a rate of 50 bs. excess baggage
will be charged. Also n and after that
date baggage left in he companies' bag-
gage rooms will be ch rged for as follows:
1st 24 .hours free, 2nd 24 hours 25 cents
each piece and each a ditional 24 hours 3.0
cents charge will be ode for baggage left
in the rooms ever S inday or Dominion
—For • first-class tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co,
Remember the place, one door south of J
It. A. Graham's grocery store,
—3. W. Leonard, l eneral Superintend-,
ent of the Ontario a d Quebec division of j
the C. P. R., C. E. 1cPherson, Assistant j
General Passenger gent, E. Tiffin, Gen-
eral Freight Agent, T Williams, Deputy'
Sttperintendent, and . Lannagan, Travel-
ling Agent for the C. . R., arrived in town
per special car on uractay evening last,
and put up at the 13r nswiek House, allow-
ing their ear to go o to Teeswater. They
were accompanied b Mayer Kennedy and
Aid. Hendry, of Owe Sound, 'They visit- ,
all the factories nd ]Hills for business
purposes anddrove over to Teeswater in
tho afternoon.
r safe at Jas. Mc
r. D. Stewart ship.
on hogs to the Col.
any. The h ops that
d to.r'ay are those
175 pounde and rot
—Holmes the English buyer shipped a
•car load of horses for the English market
on Wednesday. This was one of the bes
lots of horses that have left Wingha
some time and were gathered in on a
radius of country extending 20 . ' es.
People who bought our in, .rted tomato
plants last year buy no of it now.
A.s. MCXin,ria,
—The Independent Order of Foresters
attended service in St. Paul's church on
Sunday, the Rev. Wn . Lowe preached an
earnest and practice sermon. Brethren
from euarounding nrts were present;
about sixty Forester were in line,
Prof. Gray's Herbal Bitters eures
headaches, 25e. a package.
`'i —Our former tow smart, W. T. Yates,
who is now travelling for Gowan, Kent &
Co., Toronto, returne from a trip to the
west coast on Sat racy; Their many
friends here will regr t to learn that Mr,
and Mrs. Yates wil move to Toronto in
the course of a few o weeks. ;;:
and water in calla
Robinson — Depu y -;Rave — That the
petition he referred o the Pt.bIic Works
Committee to see 111 t the pro' er num) er
of ratepayers had si rned the retition to
enable them to pr •coed in laying such
The report of D. 'Si •Finley re the survey-
ing of, and estimatin the costs ofagranol-
ithiq sidewalk on Jos:phine street and the
aportioning of the v rious amounts to the
ratepayers in front r whose property the
walks would be Jaid, as rend and on motion
of Councillors G. ley and Reading the
report was adopted nd the clerk instruct-
ed to attend to the n cessary advertising in
connection therewit
Coen. Golley re .rted that filth and
garbage was being thrown on the south
end of Josephine etre t and also opposite
Chapman's tannery , nd that the matter
should be attended to at once.
Mr. Green was h ard, asking £for the
privilege of erectina temporary fence
across the blind lane t the rear of Long's
lot, for the purpose of rotecting sodding on
the bank of pond whi h has been recently
The Mayor explain that they bad no
power to allow the lie t to be closed, but
if Mr. Green obtaine permission from
parties interested, the 'ouncil would raise
no cbjection.
Considerable discuss
purchase of a watch
explained that the oboe
s in that part of the
The Union factory is running full time i 1
and furniture is cheaper than ever at Ire- i 8
land's furniture store, Wingham.
—Josephine street eceived a drenching
by means of the hyd nt and hose on Tues.
day. It was not bef re it was needed, as
the dust along this s reet was almost un-
bearable. This is h rdly the proper way t
to have the streets w tered, the wear and b
tear of the hose is c siderable.
Imported tomato and ca ge plants at
—Juding from thnumber that turned
out to the Alert icemen's Concert on e
Friday evening, a fi teen cent bill of fare f
seems to be more po (lar than the high up 5
class. or else the po larity of the firemen p
is suffi (fent to sec re a crowd. At any e
rate the hall was ell filled and a very 1B
n followed on the
•lock. The Mayer
had been sent on
cpprobatiou and that it would be neces-
ary for the Council to return it if they
did not intend to buy i' He recommend-
ed that it he purchased.
Golley_Reading—T at the clock be
Gordon—McLean— n amendment, that
he matter of perches ng the watch clock
e referred to the Exe utive Committee,—
Amendment carried,
Council then ndjour ed,
The OIdPo k's Benefit
During the remainder of May, the 25th
xcepted, the Star Photo Co. will snake
see sittings of all persons over the age of
0, and presenting each with an 8x10
latino portrait for framing. All desirous
f taking advantage of this offer are request -
d to attend the Star Photo Gallery, Beaver
Block, during the forenoon.
good programme pr..ented. The dancing
of the Misses MoMn oily, of Kintail, was
admired by those c. npetent to judge. Tho
rest of the progran me was composed o
our own townspeop • all of whom acquitted
themselves credits y.
-See the fano straw sailors at Mrs.
Green's, also trirntd millinery so cheap
and stylish.
f :Mrs. R. E. Simps
.;!bliss Dallas visite
,Miss Bessie Park
, Mr. J. C. Dallas h
1'Mrs. John Allenb,
'Rev. Wm. Lowe w
Miss 'Jennie Baxt
N. Y. V5
Miss Nellie Cline
Miss Edith Davis
in Toronto.L
Mr. W. J. Chapm
trip to Georgetown.)
117,Mrs. T. H. Marks
WA F. Brockenshire
4 Messrs. J'as. Dcy
spent Sunday in BI
Mr. 0. Johnston,
days with friends in
Messrs. II. 0.
wheeled to Clinton
Mrs, 0. Johnston
,lxave been visiting f
Messrs. ,las. Daw
son, spent Sunday 1
Mrs. Armstrong
guest of her brothe
i'tfesers. C. Rut
McLeod wheeled to
Mr. and Mrs.
Lansing, Mich., a1•
Mr. A. Morrow,
the Toronto school
turned home.
Mrs, Dale, of tTx r
with her nice(, :11is
on Tuesday for T
tend to the Intern
vontion in that eit
After a lingerin
period of nearly tw
died at his home o
May 13th, at the ea
Canoe to Wingham
years ago. He wa
aid for some years
with Geo. Saddler.
here from Fargo,
About two years
severe attack of grip
trouble, and since
unable to do any w
talte.plaoa to,.clay.,-.ak
by Maitland Lodg d-'
..a.te3.10-p:-m. Mr. M
dustrious young man
His bereaved wife a
sympathy of their m
illness, covering a
years, Peter Miller
Wednesday evening, '
ly age of 27 years. He
ern Lucknow about 8
a carpenter by trade,
orked in partnership
His mother :arrived
ak., ten days ago.
go Mr. Mi Iler had a
hich resulted in lung
last fall he bas been
•k. The funeral evi•fi
I, 0. 0.F. taetislie
ler was a quiet in -
whom all respected.,.
1 mother have the
ny friends.
C. E. Williams sells pure drugs
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Town C until.
The adjourned mac ing of the Council
was held on Monday 'ght.
Members present Mayor, Reeve
Deputy -Reeve, Cowie lots Galley, Robin
son, Forbes, Kling, D •0, Reading, McLean
and Gordon.
Eire and Water ommittee asked for
175 to cover expense for the year.
Deputy -Reeve ---Ito insert—Th,:,t the re.
port of the fire and Vater Committee an
read last night be ad ted.—Carried.
A petition was re , signed by five rate-
payers from eaeh of he nnnnicipalities of
Morris, Turnberry nd Wingham Waking
the c01 1 i u•
l to co '
cur the movement
towards forming Union School section,
---Laid over for fur ]cr consideration.
A. petition was re d from a number of
the ratepayers of % ngl]an1, praying the
Council to lay a dr i11 in the north end for
the purpose of dt wining off surface water
is in Port Hope.
friends in Belgrave.
r is visiting in Blyth.
s returned to Buffalo.
has gone to Roches.
s in London Wednes-
has gone to Elmira,
sited in Seaforth last
spending a few days
ti made a business
s visiting at her home
nd John McDonough,
fin e)'
f Heusall, spent a few
ell and T. Fr•eni an
i Sunday,
nd child, of Iiensall,
icnds in town.
Oh and Ralph Hodg- no
st in Kincardine. re
WITrt XNTn11T TO 00 0
'WAS THE nes or
Goderich, Ont., Ma
trial terminated rathe
m, While the ease
agreement was arrived
was taken from the
having agreed to plea
with intent to do griev
The plea being ace
Chief Justice Meredi
Harrison and Georg
years in the Provi
Manses and Thoma
years in the same i
Martie to six month
When the court o
9.30, the Wingham
at once taken up.
the crown ehalleng
siA and the jury
listed of David. Hol
Tuekersrnith Tow
Township; Tlios,
ship; Robert
Robert Howard,
ley; Dalton Asl
Stanley; D. Rick
Mellillop and Jo
The crown co
Toronto, opened
case to the Gran
Fields, son of d
The testimon
strong again st
eularly Harriso
pistol to his (wi
of the assault o
The morning of
added, he met
was sorry for wh
that he though
Field should Ieay
until feeling agai
Witness told this
him to Belgrave,
for London.
Cross examine
witness added t
man, and at tim
atism in the fee
the moral chant
allowed by the e
The evidence
witnesses was ta
between the crow]
IEvo'ps noniLY IIAn>c
13.—The Wingham
abruptly at 2.20 p,
as proceeding an
t by which the case
ury, the prisoners
g nilty to assault
us bodily harm.
ted, His Lordship
sentenced Robert
Phippen to three
Mal penitentiary, C.
Montgomery to two
titution, and Albert
in the Central prison.
enod this morning at
anslaughter case was
In selecting the jury
d thirteen, the defence
panelled finally con-
es. George McGonigle,
hip; Jas. Calder, Grey
Stiles, Ashfield 'Town-
nderson, Wawanosh;
lytb; Wm. Glen, Stan-
field, Benjamin Keys,
,Dungannon; M. Curtin,
n Saunders, Stephen.
nsel, Mr. Saunders, of
the case by outlining the
Jury,after which Thomas
eased, was called to give
of this witness was very
11 of the prisoners, parti-
who, he swore, held a
ess') head on the evening
his father was committed.
r the assault, the witness
arrison, who told him he
t had occurred, but said
it better for the elder
town, for a week or two,
ist him had subsided.
o his father, and drove
tore he took the train
by J. T. Garrow, Q. C.,
tat Field was a drinking
s he suffered from rheum.
An effort to investigate
er of deceased was not
ort to be gone into fully.
some half-dozen other
t before the agreement
and defence was reach.
It don't make any difference where you
spend the 24th of May, you will feel un-
comfortable if you are not bedecked in the
jauntiest ,suit going, G. H. Irvin can
make you comfortable in that respect.
The Counci
The atmosphere a
board on Monday ni
and the Council
ht was decidedly
'waren for a time thoug 1 no sharp shooting
was indulged in, I vas not little sur
prised to see the alt ude of some of the
ouncillors on the w ch clock question.
he price is a mere b getelle, when dis-
ibuted over the town nd it would cer-
inly be a source of
ouncil and to the ra
ithout doubt, that
Inc for the money ex
ght watchman. No
so to the Chief hinisol
ople ready to make a
t prove, and which t
futed easily. Some
on a public man, wl
constable or school
common kicking po
fancies at pleasure.
heads and fault finde
or wrong, usually co
of criticism. The w
that he was at least o
of Stratford, is the
Mr. John Sullivan.
al, L. Sills and R.
ineardine on Sunday.
hos. McCracken, of
visiting friends in
no has bean attending
f pharmacy has re-
1Ve need a machine do the work prope
Another matter
Council on Monde
of making a dumpi
streets. The garb
side south of the
not to say anythin
wanitary conditioi
that end or
know all about the
been past. The si
roads leading to
strange dumping
other way to diepos
that came before the
night was the habit I
g ground of the publin
ge thrown on the road
town is most unsightly,
of its effects upon the :
for those liviog at '
the—, well yore
ther part if yon have
of one of the principal
ho town is surely SI .)
round. Is there nor
of it?
Order a tennis salt with us before the
season is too far advanced, G. H. mess.
.A. Prominent Lawyer says:
"I have eight children, every one in good
health, not one of whom but has takers
Scott's Emulsion, iu which r+y wife has
boundless confidence.'
—Parties who require printing of any
kind, should not Forget that the Tnom
office is the place .o have it done right and
at prices consistent with good work and
fair profits.
Camps In Notes.
Mr. Kitty, tea,,er, of Summerhill',
was chosen the Independent candi-
date in West Hu on.
".He had been •eported as saying
he would like to .ee the Government
out. 'I do,' said he; 'the dregs have
come to the top It can't be worse
than at presen Conservatives say
if Mr. Laurier on in it will be
awful; try him he can't do worse.' "
—Mr. McCarth at Brockville.
The cost of seeping a prisoner in
the Central Pr :on at Toronto, under
the manageme t of the Government
of Ontario, at he bead of which has
been Sir Olive Mowat, is $164.62 a
year; deducti ig the revenue, the -
cost is only $9' .88, In the Kingston
Penitentiary, hich is under the
management f the Dominion Gov -
eminent, each ,risoner costs $208.71,
or, deducting evenue, $201.15. No
wonder the t. .ayers enthusiastically
welcome the p •ospect of a change of
management t Ottawa, and the
establishment of a Laurier -Mowat
Quebec turn d out yesterday and
gave Mr. Lour er a warmly .enthus-
iastic welcome and another demon.
stration will t' .e place this evening.
A feg.ture of the Quebec meeting
which attracted attention was the
number of old- 'me Reformers and of
manuilactui'ers ho of late years have
been supporter of protection, who
appeared in Su sport of Mr. Laurier
last evening. ',verywhere all over
the Dominion i is the salve. This
movement part accounts for the
recent Liberal ictoriesin 'Montreal
Centre and J. cques Cartier. In
Halifax at the ecent Liberal meet-
ings former Con ervatives were pres-
atisfaction to the At the me ting in Quebec last
(payers to know, night, in referri g to the presence of
hey were Kettle;,, formerLiberals, Mr. G. W. Ross,
nded in keeping a Minister of &cin' ation in the Ontario
only to these but Government, s. 'd: "Some men in.
There are always Ontario who we ( enamored of the
cusations they cam- 1 National Policy formerly think less
ey know cannot be of it now, and a number of old time
eople seem to look Liberaals who hats gone estray on that
• ther pound peeper, question have co ne back." ]every
caches, as a sort of political observe ill Montreal knowsand indulge their of men who had of voted the Liber -
hey aro born sore al ticket for ears before the by-
election last yea' who voted. it then,
in both Montreal Centre and Jacqnes
Cartier, and wh•,will vote it again,
There is, as Sir 01 ver Mowat declares,
a feeling among any Conservatives
as well as Liber, >>s that a change of
government is 1 ceded at Ottawa.
When this feelin' becomes as mani-
fest as it 18 at pr i sent it i3 a certain
sign of change. The enthusiasm
with which Mr. Laurier is every-
where received ;hews that he has
the popular confi nee to a remark. -
able degree.----Wi, ess.
Jacob. '
I>;all, an
Cathcart, while
stepson, 4tbrahaan
drew a butcher 1
him to the heart
The Chief, right
s in for a good share
lt elock would show
Now that I have o ned up on the Conn -
think I will hav. my say on the merits
the road scraper The question l is
en practically shel .d, and owing 1 Ne-
ve to false idea to •rte economy.
Councillor Holley has shown marked
executive ability enc to him is due credit
the way in which X10 and his colleagues
ve had the streets leaned. He is one of
o active member of the Council board
d one
who evident y works for the inter-
of the town. I licve his recommend.
on to purchase road machine was a
1d cue. There • not a street in the
ten that does not •ed more or less grad-
. And they mus ce]•tahily be properly stantly, Hill 18 110
ded before any 11 • sidewalks ale lard. ford.
idge, spent a few days of
Hutt. Mre. Dale left of
iimington, Ohio, to at- be
onal W. F. M. S. con- lie
Geta, free$anllleofWilliams'Little for
Dandelion ]'illand be convinced. ha
1 There Is nettinglike them. th
---The Star Photo Cu. have all the an
negatives taken by their predecessors. Ad- est
ditional copies in all sizes of portraits ati
' may be obtained at reduced prices. Studios go
Beaver Block, Wingham; Meiltlejohn's to
Block, Harriston, Their productions are
in the first gc style of the art, Your patron• ing
Id' an, living near
tu'lling with his.
Clawse, Monday
nifo .and stabbed
killing hila) i'tbb
in jail in Brant-