The Wingham Times, 1896-05-01, Page 7About 1 o'olcek Friday aftfsrnoo'.
heavy thunder suing and lfghtnin
passed over Ailsa Craig and vicinit
•doing Wein ''nage. The barn art
.out bnildi Of Mr Archibald t
Stewart on nil one half miles cas
.of the village, were struck by
lightening and burned to the ground
With all their eontelits, consisting o
:about :1,000 bushels or grain, 20 tons
,of hay, and some implements, No
Insurance. Mr. Gilmour had moved
his hay press to the barn in the
morning, ready of work, but thanks
to the timely aid of the neighbor's
and the people of the village, the
hay press was saved, besides a num-
ber of cattle and horses that were
-tied in the buildings. lir. Gilmonr
had his eoat burned with $17 in
fe,A,1BTY QN 7:tAILUOAD TRA- mean MI the difference between hap- j
''• pines and misery to his family.
rue WIN GLIA .1,41 TIMES, MAY I, iS O,
d sa'nrzaiazrs mum THAT A 1<lnv NAY Suitable provision for them he ean-
TRAVEL I81 '!Pass zJz�cra not allow himself to put off, for
1 , - RI; surely it is true that 'in the- midst of
t i 1311 cJ isit :,Eli A
: life nveare indeath "'
:The. change in my Mother's condi.
tion marvellous.
Scott's Sarsaparilla is a Soon.
ltONi1tr;AL, August 29th, 3895,
GI;NTLu.n i :—There is such a change
in my mother's health that I cannot re -
:strain myself from writing you. • She
suffered for years past with a chronic
headache, accompanied with a disordered
stomach. She was weak and irritable,
and we thought she was going into a de-
cline. For three weeks she has been
•taking a course of Scott's Sarsaparilla,
which was recommended to her by Mr,
McGale,Druggist, Montreal. Her head-
ache is now but a memory, her appetite
is good, and she has gained five pounds
in weight in twelve days. *She is a
different woman, and I feel that you, in
•God's hands, have been the means of re-
storing her to health. I shall always
recommend Scott's Sarsaparilla to suffer- •
ers from head or digestive troubles. 1
Thanking you again, I close.
Yours sincerely, 11
Hortense Gaviliere.
Scott's Sarsaparilla is a concentrated •
extract, pleasant to the taste, and is ;
taken in small doses, It is the finest ,
remedy for disorders of the stomach and
liver,palpitation, scrofulous sores, eczema
and skin dis !, •
In the Bas, Ladies' Home hurtle
John Gilmer Speed «rites entertain
ingly and instructively on the con.
struetion and operation of railroads,
under the caption, "Running a train
at night." He prefatorily asserts that
"the most remarkable achievements
of modern civilization, probably, are
these which affect travelling, making
it at once quick, comfortable and
secure. We cross States and Con-
tinents at the rate of 130 miles an
hour, with greater security against
accident than our. forefathers enjoy-
ed in their stage coaches, and we
have, even when on the cars, com-
forts unknown in the palaces of kings
when our grandfathers' grandfathers
were young. * ;a * During the
year [from Inter••State Commerce ;
Commission's report for the year end- '
lug July 1,1804] one passenger was
killed for every 1,985,153 passengers
carried, and one was injured for
every 183,822 carried. This surely
is as safe as living ordinary hum-
drum lives in large cities. The re -
report further shows that a man's
chances against injury were such
that he would have to travel 4,406,-
669 miles before getting hurt, • and -
go 47,588,066 mites before being kil-
led. At the rate of thirty miles an
hour a man could travel, if nature
permitted; on American railways for
' Deer Editor :
Please state in your valued journal,
that if any sufferer from Nervous Debi.
lity, Seminal Wenknees Lasa of Energy
and Ambition. aiotat Munhood, Night
Losses, etas will write me in confidence,
I will inform hitn by r'ealed letter, free of
ehnrge, bow to obtain a perfect cure, I
ask for no money, having nothing to sell
181, years, without leaving the cars',
before being killed, or with the same
amount of security against accident
ie could go around the earth nine -
ecu hundred and three times before
meeting. his death by accident, and
one hundred and seventy-six times
before getting hurt,"
cases ar(s n r f to impurities
of the blood. It builds up the weak, the _ -'
strong it maintains in health. $r of
all HEA
That's where people place our wall
paper, for they know we have the
largest and best line and know that
our styles and patterns are sueh that
We are always on top in the wall
paper business. Our line is the
largest and most complete and the
'''new patterns we aro showing will
.rtainly catch your fancy.
There is ne necessity of sending
out of town
In Order to get Bargains
We have
Already opened out and are receiv-
ing goods of
Every day. Oar stock of
bre beautiful beyond compare and
its cheap as the cheapest for quality.
It is well-known that it never
pays to do .a thing by halves, so when
you have bought your wall paper
,' from us, ask to see our Window
Shades, we are offering
In this line. Cali and see us before
1p g
ted -
A SiNitlt',1LE CURE.
As a sure cure for headache, whether
caused by livor, stomach. kidney or.nerve
trouble, Burdock Blood Bitters is the
most effective medicine known. It re-
moves the cause of headache by restor-
ing all the organs of the system to pro-
per action and health. Doubts dis-
appear in view of proofs like this :
"In the spring of 1891. I got a bottle of
B. B. 33. for my mother who had been
troubled for twenty-five years with oleic
headache. I got it from Mr. W. Paxton
Baird. of Woodstock, N. B., whit gave we
two other medicines to take home and
let my mother take her choice. For-
tunately she ohose•the Burdock Blood
Bitters. and 1 returned the other bottles.
Sim used it for three months, and has
had no headache since. We are sure
that it was B. B. B. cured her, as she
took no other medicine.
J. A. Gztzt rr, Dartford, N. B.
Nov., 1805.
Edward W. Bok writes upon
"When ilien are Thoughtless" in May
Ladies' Home Journal, directing
attention to "the singular fact that
the American man, who is ,the best
and nnost thoughtful husband in the
world, should yet be peculiarly
now ow to sympattlize with these
sufferers and am only too glad to beagle
to assist. thein, I promise every one
absolute secrecy and as 1 do not, of
course, wish to expose myself either. I
do not give my name. If you desire to
get well, send stamp and address simply:
P. 0. Box 38y. LONDON, ONT.
Fashion, zn Calling -Caro.
The Roman or block Letter is be-
coming more popular as to the -style
of engraving for visiting card plates,
while the fashionably thin ; card of
two -shoot quality is eminently prop -
per. Cards for both men and women
are considerably smaller,, and the
scrip engraving is smaller in conse-
quence, following more closely the
English style than the Parisian,
which is large and with flourishes.
The block of Roman letter plate is
very English, and with those affect-
ing London styles it finds greater
favor. The price more than doubles
that of scrip engraving, Ladies use
the block style now on their cards
for teas and receptions, as it admits
of the necessary engraving of days
within a smaller space than the
script, and enables a smaller card
being. used.—May Ladies' Home
For Over Firty Venal,
A\ OLD AND Wsr .TRTRD ERTtsor.—errs. wins -
low., SLothili'tr Syrup has beet, used for over fay
years by millions of mothers for their ehilaren while
teething., with perfecteuccnas. It soothes the child,
sotfene the guns, allays all pain, cures wind colic,
and Iv the boat remedy for Diarrhoea Is pleasant to
the taste. Sold by Druggists in every part of the
worla, Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is
incalculable. I3e surd ane ask for Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind.
While Mr, John Linder, of Galt,
was cutting up a pine tree Thursday
afternoon, be found embedded in the
heart of the log,an iron hook, which
from its position and the age of the
tree must have been there for many
years. This is the second ease of
kind occurring in that town in the
past week, and would, show that the
growth of trees is not retarded in the
least by corning in contact with
foreign substances.
Rheumatism Cured iu a day.—South•
American Rheumatic Cure of Rheumatism
and Netualgia radically cures in 1 to 8 clays:
Its action on the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
of the disease immediately disappears. The
first nose greatly benefits. 7.5 cents.
Warranteed at Chishorn'sdru, store.
Mr. Malcolm Wright, an old and
highly respected citizen of Minto;bas
for over a year been troubled with a.
pain .in his right arm. It gradually
became worse and it assumed such a
dangerous state that it was • found
necessary to amputate the diseased
limb. The arm was first taken off
at the elbow bat it was found. that
he bone was decayed and it was
aken off' just below the shoulder.
The operation was performed by Dr.
Groves, of Fergus, and Crandell, of
lifford. Although the patient is
very weak his many friends hope
hat be will soon be restored to
ealttl and strength.
thoughtless as to the future of his wire t
or children in the event of his
Mr. Bok forcibly contends that the 0
husband should have his affairs in
sneh a condition that in the event of t
death corning to him, his wife or h
children, or those dependent upon
him, would not suffer. In this con- 0
connection he says: "I firmly be- t
lieve that it is the duty ofevery man D
to be insured. With insurance t
policies to be had at such low rates to
Catarrh relieved to 10 to 60 minutes.—
no short puff of the breath through
he 15Iowor, supplied with each bottle of
r. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses
his Powder over the surface of the nasal
wages. Painless and delightful to use,
relieves instantly. end permanently
as is at present the ease, there is e
scarcely a man who cannot afford a
some sort of a policy, no matter how g
small the amount it may • call for.
What seems to the man himself in
good health as tz small amount for
an insuranee policy, often turns out
to be a modest fortune to the woman
or children who survive him. 1
wish, sometimes that the taking out
of an insurance policy, on the part
Of the husband, for an amount ac-
cording to his means, might be made
an obligatory part of every marriage
ceremony. I know whereof I speak
when there ere ar e
hundreds ods o "
women in the homes ofthisland who
ore daily carrying with thein the
fear that their husbands of fathers by
are neglecting or forgetting to make d
suitable provision for themes widows. Ne
ri' irpbans. t�i'hey;.sitrink trout speak-
ing ng to the Mon of their homes about o
the matter. NO man can afford to :
rl' lit st tilitflilA tItt,,t'y Web inky
urea Catarrh, Hay Fe4er, Colds, Head -
ohs, Sore Throat, rl'onsilitis nod Deaf-
ess. 00 dents. At Chisholrn's Drug
At the organization meeting of the
Strathroy Lawn Tennis club, Mr. P.
W. Tanner, formerly of Blyth, was
appointed captain. The Strathro"v
CIO could not have made a better
bInation of healing throat and lung
remedies whirls cures Coughs, Colds,
lioarsenese, Croup and Sore Throat, even
in the most obstinate cased.
3, 0 . W"
C r dor sol
n 1 t of
bought a dog ft m. his brother in
New Hamburg and had it shipped
`'rail. The dog' stayed a couple of
ays and then made its way back to
ew Uamburg, 72 miles.
["1!ITEiw °°COO , I oYe" 'Ilhroat,
Woos, Bronchitis. Croup, etc., ars
ere qufckiy And basilcured by Wood's
Narwst Pine Syrup than by any ethic
An. Wire lean i1►lpa,k Q
,. i&l#4
thing t op4te+w- N i
t Tony briar you
Ines iirliN ! 04, Patent
ct-• t
J3est for
Wash Jay
For quick and easy world
For cleanest, sweetest
and whitest clothes
Surpriseis best
Best for
Every Day
For every use about the
1 house Surprise works
best and cheapest,
Spat for yourself..
Why Seotclimen. Do N'ot Go.
A. Scotch friend of a contemporary
in overhauling his papers recently,
found the annexed scrap, which be
sends to that paper for publication :
Lon; years ago in times so remote
that history does not fix the epoch,
Jt dreadful war waged by the King
of Scotland. Scoteli valor prevailed,
and the King -6f Scotland so elated
by his success, sent for bis Prime
Minister, Lord Alexander.
"Weel, Sandy," said he, "is there
nc'er a King we canna conquer
"An' it please your, Majesty, I
keno a king that Jet majesty
canna owerconle".
"An' whae is be Sandy"?
Lord Alexander reverently Iook
ing up said : "Tire King o' Heaven.
"The Ding of whaur, Sandy ?"
"The King of Heaven."
Tho Scottish King did not unde
stand, but was exceedingly unwil
ing to exhibit any ignorance.
"Jost gang your ways, Sandv, an
tell the Bing o' Heaven to gi'e oo
hi' dominions or 1'11 come mysel' an
ding hila not of them ; an' mind
Sandy dinna :mom back tae us ti
ye hae dune oor bidilin'."
Lord Alexander retired mac
perplexed, but met a priest, and, r
assured, returned and presented bin
" Weel, Sandy," Gana the king
"have you seen the Ring o' Heaven
an' what says he to oor biddin'?"
An' it please your majesty, I ha
seen ane o' his accredited ministers.'
"Weel an' what says He?"
" He says your majesty inay even
hae his kingdom for the askin o't."
"Was he sae civil?" said the King,
warming to • magnanimity. "Jest
gang back and tell the Ring o'
Heaven that for his civility dell a
Scotebman will set a fit on His
r,Uo Destroy Ides ort Horses.
Last winter it was noted that a
number of horses were troubled with
vermin --in plain English—lice.
They might be feed twice as much
as ordinary horses, and yet they re-
mained poor and wretched looking.
Mr. D. W. Hayes, a well known
trainer of western New York, gives
the fol lowing recipe for getting rid
of the pests: Half a pint of kerosene
to two gallons of water. Wash the
horses with this twice with an inter
va1 of two or three days betwee
each application, "and any lice yo
find after that I will give you a pre
lnium for," says Mr. Hayes,
Yon pont Have to Swear Orr
says the St. Louis Journal rf Agriculture In n
„ editnriat about Nn,To•Far. the famous tobacco habl
'Celebrated Clydesdale Stallion
- Will stand for mares during 18'J0, as foilwa;
n aro ni,ur, :!'lay dtb, will leave his own
u stable, Lot 37, Concession 10, East Wawa-
nosh, and proceed east to gravel road, then
south 1 utile to8rd Line of Monis, then east
to John Coultes', for noon; thence proceed
by way of 3rd Line to centre sideroad, then
north 11 miles to Ed. Bosrnan's, for night.
Tx/maim:, will proceed east 2i miles, then
care. "lye know et m..ny rwuy '•tired by No•xo
prominent Rt. Lnnrt Architect 1
t i north 11 miles to list Line. then aoross to
ti Allen Itaiuse,y's,1st Altirris, for noon; thence
Bac, One n smolt
anti chewed for twenty tiara; two loxes oared him
an that even the smell of tobacco makes him sick "
N8.Tn.dac sold a -d I;uarentrr.l no cure no pay,
t'- 1i,ok free. Sterling Remedy r'o , 0 4 St. Patti Si.,
Montreal. S9ld by U. 13. Williams wlaghani.
Inspectors have been going through
d the peach orchards of E-eex during
p ; the past Creek to determine whether
d the crop would be injured by the
unusually long winter. They failed
11 to find any damage done to the buds,
!and if there are no frosts later on the
h prospects fur a large crop are good.
e I Rev.... R. Battisby, of St. Andrew's
n 1 Presbyterian Church, Chatham, in
. his sermon on Sunday, said it was
. not wicked to dance or. play cadre.
People could gamble without canis,
e he declared.
^4 4 o
.. ..
..1 11 i-,.... 7
Easily Cured.
Drunkenness, Morphine and Tobacco
habit are easily cured by the use of
Hill'. Chloride of Gold Tablets. No ef-
fort required of the patient, who is al-
lowed the use of stimulants until he vol-
untarily quits their use. May be giren
secretly in tea or coffee and a cure guar-
auteed in every ease. For sale by all
first-class druggists at 81,00 per package.
For full particulars and book of testi-
monials adclrees The Ohio Chemical
Works, Lima, Ohio.
Living for Self Alone.
Tile roan who lives to himself be-
queaths bis own folly and poverty
and meanness for his monument.
He hnobody, benefited nl0bod� , R•hile he
has dwarfed and warped his own
powers, and senseless stone of marble,
however lavishly supplied to mark
his resting place, does him no honor.
He has lived in himself, he has died
in himself, and all that he leaves in
memory of himself speaks no word
of praise in his behalf, no word of
justification. This is no true life.
It is the worst of failures. There
are glorious opportunities in this
world for service. He who wisely
uses them enriches both his race and
himself, and dying leaves a monu-
ment which outlasts granite and is
brighter than polished brass.
Bad Blood Between Them.
The ever slaving farmer's wife, her
delicate sister in the city, suffer more
than they care to tell. The dark rings
round the eyes, headaches, dizziness,
palpitation or rheumatic twinges,betoken
a run-down system. The bloodis poor,
and ie tt bar to enjoyment of life, Soott's
Sarsaparilla psrities the blood, strength-
ens• and vitalizes the system,and speedily
restores the bloom of health to the
cheeks. It cures when all: others fail.
Perth County Council have let the
contract for the erection of a House
of Refuge for that 'county, Iliel3oth
of Sara
wore y, e e awarded
the contract, their tender amounting
to $14,268, only $200 over the esti-
mates. Over a0 tenders were' re-
ceived in all. •
Heart Disease noneved in 80
Mi[inutes.—All oases of organic or gym
pathetic heart disease relieved In SO
minutes and quickly eared, by Dr. Ag.
own Cure. Sold at Chishniaet Drug
iltark. Winptbam.
It hi proof that count?, raid th at is
what Winghain people want.
There are many of them.
Rend about them every day.
Do you believe all you read:'
We think not.
Well, perhaps you know differena.
• Hard to endorse a statement in Wing -
ham of a }nun in Nirrntreni.
11)11) baeks are nuict•rou4.
Kidney etey nres rGuruoe pleutifn'.
That is the important gnestion.
Claim is one thimt, preen is another.
Claim means what the maker sasie
Proof means what the people sky.
The people say that i)oan'e Kidney .
Pills cure kidney ills. 1
Who aro the people?
Why Winghain people.
What other endorsement is necessary?
Hera is an endorsement from one alt
our citizens: ,,
Mr. William Neil, section foretnnn of
the C. P. R., Ni Ingham, Ont., mini when
interviewed by our representatise: "I
have had very severe pain in my back '
and side for about two years: I used
various Famedies with but tittle success. '
Hearing about Dosn's Kidney Pine I
sot it box at Williams' drug store and
was relieved from the start.
Everybody kuuws what a distressing
thing barlcrtche is, and I am glad to bo
now free from it. I am feeling first•olass
and can heartily recommend Doan's
Kidney Pills to all sufferers from any i
form of kidney complaint," -
east to Posit Smith's corners, then north 1k
miles, then west by way of Boundary to
John It Miller's. Alorrisb.enk, for night.
WZ','rr1Fsnty, will prueoed west by way of
Boundary to Bin, vale then south mile to
Jas. Robertson's. Bhe' for noon; thence
west by w,sy of 1st Litre to .Jas. Cochrane's,
for night.
T1;Urtsnav, will proceed by way of Whig -
ham to Henry Bosnian's, Boundary, for
noon ; thence by way of Blnevale, to John
Mc1'aughton's, for night.
FnrnAr, will proeee•ct slotig Sud Concession
of Turiibei'ry to Wroxeter gravel road, then
north to Albert Callaphor's,for noon; thence
by way of CO Concession of T'urnberr:v to
John Puwell's corner; then north 1:1 miles -
to Thomas Gilmonr's. for night.
SArtnnxr, will proceed by way of Brick-
yard to P. Korma.n's hotel, Winghtem, for
ennn, where lie will remain till 4 p
thence to itis own stable, where he will re-
main till the foilowing Monday morning.
This route will he continued during the
srasou stealth and weather permitting.
Proprietor and Groom.
The modern stand-
ard Family Medi-
cine: Cures the
common every -day
ills of humanity.
1 r1�' '•$ '1» s1,l! r'xrr•.dia:r 110(1Z;. 5. irrnan
l.+b*y ail trees berry, roars, vhrnhs,
rrom,lenfal trues and see l potat a;, for
rho t1ly hereon• haviue, testier orclirt,s in Cn n•
we eh } on the h:•n¢tt of our asps• i •arc
140 Sou)' .nrrnp): is 911onneteel . 1 eon ntv not
earning 3&0 per month and C' r11Frs. write as nt
mire for pirticti1a .. Llhmes] commisafo",e paid
past Cute men, Partners' 140114 ahonhi look iilta
eh:: 11 pitys better tnnn working on the farm,
and (dem a chance dor promotion. Apply 11ow
and get choice of tet.itory.
Toronto, Canada.
Be B. Be.
Bad Blood
Rich Red Blood.
In Spring Time get Pure Mood by using &MB.
No other remedy possesses such perfect cleansing, healing
and purifying properties as Burdock I3lood Bitters. It not
only cleanses internally, but it heals, when applied externally,
allsores, uabscesses, scrofulous ones sores,
blotches, ,l
iron ;
etc., leaving the skin clear, and pure as a babe's. Taken il,fcr-
nally it removes all mferbid effete or waste matter front the
system, and thoroughly regulates all the organs of Ilse l*tear•,
restoring the stomach, liver, bowels and blood to htelaithy action.
In 'this way the sick become well, the weak stroi' , enol those
who have that tired, sworn out feeling receive 3t0i4' nicer, et's(
buoyant health and spirits; so that they feel like
appetite- is poor, your energy gcre, your ambition u:I1.1
will restore you to the full enjoyment of happy rigorous 1...
ihaw►4►4,'t>i►• i1' ii