HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-05-01, Page 6•a
tot their distress is the enormous bier- X 5 cUA. i,ITY WO-Wra W1IIL . .
war uIL1 Ss Ia' 1S "Tglii KIND TAUGHT
' ib am tulles den or relit and tithes they are,
} obliged to pay for the privilege of
tilling the soil.
V.KIDAY MAN 1st, 1896. Proteetion is fast forcing the onee
independent reamed farmers of the
— •C;. S. into a similar subservient posi-
_„ rtiun, according to their last census
i x'*.fl * -- I"ICl'S, 52. per cent. of tile farriers there are
A eri istent effort, is being nntde now rent paying tenants. Before
pintroduced in the.
by file protectionist orators and press protectiont ruts were of Canada to lead etcetera tu 1 ells+vc
tbitt the abrogation of Protection in
Great Britain web followed by n fall
in frtrnl land valtlei tri t:lat country,
and that the competition inrti.leed by
this nlealenre. brouelit on the agricili-
'tur'al depression friar now pre:elite,
there 'lre notion that fir,,, Imam
Ruth Ashmore contribute$ a help.
fol and praetical paper on "Is Char-
ity Worth While?" to May Ladies'
Home Journal, thus summarizing
1ntlucnce her diacourae: "13ut, after all, what
eixtks rent paving ena t we want to do, you and 1, is to fill
O that to
almost unknown. our lives with charity s b t
According to our last census we 1 whomever there may conic need we
increased the number of tenant eau give help. The help may ex -
in in this free Canada or 0111• I press itself in material things; it
i r may be in the sympathy of kind
50 per cent, more rapidly under the ,v0cla, or it may rte- spoken only by
first decade of protection than we
under the last decade of revenue the .pressure of the hand. There is
tial n0 charity on the list of generous'
givers while some one near to yeti
stays within doors because beg chart
is shabby, or because her clothing is
not sufficiently warm. There is no
,• > inch Money
charity the giving of lira
if you have been: harsh and cruel to
some one who deserved your consider-
ation and have made that one heart
Great Britain fell iu value after the 'MUT
Anal abrogation of protection 1Il lesoe
its absolutely false and contrary tu
fact. It is equ 1'ly fare to aasutillt
• that titcico;itce'1%titan induced by flt,e
triale-redueed the farmer?, profits.
The broad fact is that the average
value of titriu land in Great Britain
advanced steadily for 37 years after
the first great move towards fret`
trade became law in 13,12:
The official returns give the total
Rent of farts land in En land and
Wales tar 1313 and 1880 as follows
,9.t:?O 1 : s,',U,000.
... ... , . ,
1881.) ......... 2 1,000,000.
These figures indicate an )lclvanae in
rent of h.) per cent. The fact that
rents did advance during this period
proves that the competition induced
by free trade increased the profits of I work of giving instruction to cheese-
agriculture, for owing to the mono- makers at a number of central fac-
tories on ,lpril 17th and in con nee
taloa with this work has spent two
days each itt the Dorchester, .Maple-
ton, Strathallan and Elam factories,
Over fifty makers suet 1111n at these
• creasing) for the privilege I'f renting places and received instruction Ili
• 'the lard, rents are always at a point making five cheese and in other
that leaves the farmer but a bore 1 -natters connected with sueceseful
living. Therefore a steady' inere'ase cheese factory operations. Mr. Mil -
of rent suet' as we acyl took place ler's engagements for the next two
after estoteeti,nt was ;abolished must weeks are as follows : Black Creek
have been ti:e result of an ine1ea e fectory, April Nth. North Brant,
ir_ farmers profits. Areference ton April 2Jth and 30tb; Brownsville
list of prices for this period such as May 1st and second; Arthereliil'e Sta.
you will find in Malihall's Dictionary May 4th and 5th; Walsh, May Gila
of Statistics, discovers the fact that and 7th and 13irnant, May 8th anti
though competition apd other causes 9th, Makers who are convenient to
reduced prices pretty generally, the these places should snake a special
price of all the farmer bad to buy fell efffrt to spend a day or two with Mr, '
aSir a: greater ratio than the {.•:;;e L.f Mii fir. �n this age of eheap fond
thl,'lilge he produced. produets, only the very flnsstquality
• When we consider the obvious of ebe.ese wdl. OI ;et the wishes of the
will; that the farmers of England, English conmumer arid command the
like our own, have only one . wav cf 1 is -Lest prices, and this fine quality
profitably utilizing their surplus pre- earn only, be had by adopting the
duets, and that is by exchanging very .best meth ,ds ofmanufteturing.
them for things they cannot or du After considerable effort the Asso-
no produce, it is easy to understand (dation has Succeeded in securing
why the F.agiis'.1 farmers' profits. in- enough factoriei who are willing to
creased as prices fell. These profits form themselves into asyndicate for
were promptly eaten up by ..an ad• more Uniform instruction and inspec-
•vance in rent. The following is one tion. These factories are situated
ease oat of many that come bef ire partly ie the Ingersoll and partly in
the "Royal Commission on Agrie al- the London districts and are so loeat-
Lural Depression in Great Metall" ed as to matte it convenient to the
(the final report of which is in course instructor in charge to vieit each one
of preparation) that points to the without very much travel.
Tho factories so far that are 'wil-
ling to be included in the syndicate
are Iiar•rieteville, 13urnsicle, Syons,
Avon, Dorchester, Thanlesford,
Cherry Hill, ProofSine, Gear y, s,
N ilestuwu Gladstone, Mapleton, Yar-
mouth Centre and Cranworth. It is
expected that tuot•e Will yet come in.
Other• f.a(t.l•ieS within the arca cover-
ed by lhis;\ndieate which have not
yetdcc'dol to join can' st.iil have an
Fanners in Canada, whither are
you drifting? 40 per cent, of the
value of the farms you. have with
• •1 the wilder-
nessln,ruatc, toil won from n
leas already been frittered away,
by the corrupt government Canada
was ever mused with, Remember
the privileges granted under protec-
tion can be voted -away but laaldlurd-
ism cannot,
Ottawa, April lath, 189G.
Inspector Millar began his special
poly of the land by ono chess., the
landed gentry (1.0,207 of whole own
s of the land. cit' 'aerated and \Vales)
and the cutupetition :anon;; the
fanners i who are continually in-
WIIITPCII'U1'iCIL animal was noticed eausin a com- i air �,
((ntonded for fast haus,) i motion among a lot of poultry, when i e
Dir, A. Beaton was attending lien Tomlinson was sent for who quick- e
Walkerton as juror this week ly ended its cxisteuce. It turned out
to be a pet coon owned by one of
Dir, L. Philips and wife were visit- fire residents of that locality. '
ing friends at Auburn lastweel:. The entsr clay Diaster harry
Miss SaraheKew was on the sick b itzstminoas struck his hand on a
list this week. tack inflicting. a trilling wound
Dir.. T. Armstrong is busy build- apparently of no sif;niflcance what-
a refrigerator fur his hotel.
' Mr•s. Jolly Taylor, of St, Helens ever: A day or two after his arm
was visiting her daughter, D'ira, j, began to swell and cause bim con -
Stalker this week,
siderable pain, and he found Om be
Mr. M. G. Oliver is preparing his hadapoisoncd his arni so badly that
muscles for butter -making by sowing meeicai assistance was necessary •
ingj am4
—IS PUr31dS2U ll
1`i)VE111Y i? RIDAY MO iNINO
--AT Tun—
Subscriptionpriee, $kers year. be afive nee.
Apaou ( 1 y r. ii .r, 1 8 n D. I l mol
Ono Coluim, 840 00 bi 00 I fr2Q 00 8 00
40 00 00 12 00 800
)atter " G0 00 18 00 ,I 7 00 d 00'
tush 000 0n0 00 100
cheek it ; even yet it is very, pain- _
a I fah Lex ,)1 and other easua atiVertisemonts, Se. per line
Seeding is under full headway tHstnr:',04=',d1b0.3;11°I.ritlrrst'tdinn'sertien, Rea,
!fat nratit)aertl+n,nnel8).per line for each subsequent
here new and at present prospects
are that it will be over in a few
50. per line for each e,ibsequent h,2Urticl ,
Advertisements ofLost Found, Stra e.d,Situataone
weeks. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. ' and Saltless Chanties Wanted, not exceeding lines
PEPS= FOIL ARRIVE Ilion I `Subsequent month,
).)fl .::it, 91 for first mouth, and 50e. for eaoh•
BRUSSELS. Toronto and East 6:2.3 a.m. 3:37 p`111•. Si folionr :t es and Farms
50e..)Llper10subseuet exceeding month•.
Saturday 15:-0 " 10:07 Larger advertisements 1i, wept Oen.
A week ago last > eros dtty 4Vm. 3:27 p, Ip,.. Via Clinton mese Ovum mil be strictly adhered to
, f
Hewitt,tt, engineer at Ameat BIOS
� Palmerston llser7.0
factory had his right hand badly 1 London and South (1:30 a.m.
bruised, and little finger broken. 3:25 p.m.
Watson Anrsley will take down 1 Kinnardine I1:20 a.m.
• 3:37 pin.
10:07 "
feel that there is nothing ill the Knox Church-andutilize the material 1
world but bitterness.. There is no in building houses.
charity in your beim' willing to write 1 Excavating has b
r rick
for the 14x
K• rtil rates 3a tor larger f •
c advertisements, or o
G n
10.40 Ram,
:0ucui rori,.ds.
11:10 " AMeitisernelite and local notices withoutepecifie
8:00 D•m. ddreetloas, ,1911 he inserted 011 forbid and charged&
6:50 pan.
0:'23 a.m. :u•eordh)gly. Trat.sltury advertisements must be
11:40 e,
:min in advance
l Ohanges for contract advertisements nn,et be in
checks that represent much money 18 foot b ion to I. C. Rich- Geo) '='o.'- --
when you are quick to speak the 1 ards' store, Tnrnberry street. D. A. I FRANK SCELI'S,
unkind word, or to show to thoso I Lowry wilt do the brick work and • vela:m you ore 12 S tVEs AND 1 II= CUT
around -you a heart eaten up by `Robs: Armstrong the carpentering. . iron 61.
pride, and lips that utter no wordel The annual dog pofioning time bus Opposite Rormun's Hotel,
l of scorn All the gold in 1 arrived and during the past week F. 1,VII� GSIAM,
save t lose . ' gold
Agency for Parisian Stearn Laundry.
the world swill count as nothing I S. Scott's hound, Jas. Jones' spaniel ,
unless your charity i$ like that � "Nipper," Kerr's pointer, and otbei,
which was taught to the world near-
ly two thousand years ago. It meant
that; to feed the hungry, take care of
:he sick, to forgive the sinner, and
to help,. •.alwal s in the. .beet way, at the stilt block pumping house
whoever asks for help was Christ's where he runs the•engine.
charity. That is the eharita, my This week George Birt bas remov- I
friend, that you and I want to inch- ed the verandah and balcony from
ea.te. Begin by being eharitable the front of his residence. He intends
with your lips, by being charitable •moving the house battik 12 or 15 feet;
canines have shuffled oft. I L`i
• henry Mooney had his left arm ' rat .
and .the back of hie hand scalded i
last week with stearal from the boiler
Successor to IIALSTED & SCOTT,
in your thoughts and • acts, And if, and may brick veneer it. hiss 1fi1„3 Sileii • - W`"•ghai!1, Ont.
of your little store there grin only Lel The Committee • managing the
offered a few ponce, yea may be. McIntosh & McTaggart estate, has
sure that they will be reckoned by disposed of the Southampton Saw rs
God himself as greater than the (mill to N. 13. Eby, of That village,
many millions given by these who j for the ;tau of f}(i0U. The Committee �i'J i PI G Ii 1', ;�rl .
are so unwise as to think that charity ( have a fine farm near Winnipeg
gleans only the giving- of the least
of all things—money.
9� r "1 PkTtl f
.i1� of bl � ` !1 I d O
� li
xea1 cause of the distress amonasu
English farmers.
It appears from the books of a well
managed farm in Lincolnshire that.
Itetvvuen the veau•s 1879 and 1393
the net profit to the tenant was $275
or about • $19 per annum. During
the same period he paid his lands a'd
in cold cash as rent the enorm els
sum of x•69,435, or about $5,000 per
2 d report, page 52
'num. �u -•
In 1543 Latimer in a. sermon be- opportunity of doing so as the final
fore the King and Itis courtiers, rated; atl't'angvll8'nt3 will not be completed
them soundly for rack renting' their'fv'r a week or two,
tenants and causing the sufferingt A thoroughly co,npeten:, inspeet('r
amongst the agrieultural class of the and instructor will be placed in
time. the g.e of this group who will devote
According to the late Prof. I. E. T. l his whole time to the work and who
Bowers, between the early part tJ ( will visit each factory as often as his
time will allow during the season.
It is hoped by this scheme to bring
about mere uniformity in the quality
of the goods made and to show what
can be done by uniform met toils.
One of the great needs of Western
Ontario cheese is more uniformity
in quality and it is hoped that anoth-
er season all our factories wilt follow
The Cantata, Ruth, presented by
the musical talent of the town` in
Cardo's hall,on Wednesday outing,
proved a decided success. The hill
was well filled with an appreciative
audience, who thoroughly enj 'yeti
the graphic portrayal of the touching
biblical story.
A large and enthusiastic meeting
of the cricketers of the town was held
last week, in the Commercial hotel,
and tbe club was organized for the
season of '96. The prospects are ex-
cellent,and the club expects to put a
strong eleven in the field.
0n Dionday evening the last meet-
ing. of the Literary and Debatting club
for this season, was held in the coun-
cil chamber. The financial state-
ment was reed by the treasurer, and
showed a balance of $7,80 on hand.
This sam was donated to the Mechan-
ics' institute, and in this we think
the clue has most j udiciouely disposed
of their surplus funds;, as the object
is a most:cleserving one. A vote of
thanks was tendered to Rev. Mr. Me-
DJnald, the Ikon. President, and to
other older members of the club for
the assistance and encouragement
they have given since the society
was formed.
A shooting affray, which will prob-
ably result seriously to one person
at least, took place 6londay night.
It seems tbac Gabriel Reeves and his
better half are in the habit of indulg-
ing its family squabbles,whicli have
the tendency to anitoy the neighbors
and on the evening mentioned one of
these feuds took platee. A number of
boys, who were loitering in tbe neigh-
borhood, beard of the affair', and, ap-
parently desirous of a better view of
the row, went to Reeves' House, and
while there, one of the number threw
a stone through . the door. 'rids
drew the attention of Reeves frons
domestie affairs, and he directed his
attention to those without, Just that
he 'mght have more weight with the
boys, he brought- out a gun with
him and tired a shot, the bullet lodg-
ing* in the left arm of Arthur Boyd,.
striking at the elbow and glaneing
upwardeto the shoulder, from where
it was extracted by Dr- Bethune.
Reeves had his preliminary trial be-
fore Mayor Gray and -john Beattie,
J. P., and was ea n1itted to Goder-
ieh to stand his oriel,
the lifteeuth century and 187.) the
;average rent of English farm land
advanced 9000 per cent, or from 1.2c.
to', $10,8t) per acre.
Accordicg to the New Doomsday
Book published lin 187(1, the farmers
of England alone paid S621,000;000
for rent and titles for the year 1873.
Eney. Brit. Vol. 8, page 223. 1
'rhe peculiar conditions under the example of the factories in this
group and tarns themselves into,
which Agriculture is carried otl in :y +rP
England (tbe conditions its Ireland syndicates of from 15 to 21' each for
and Scotltand are more favorable to more uniform instruction ,tndins e.
the tenant owing to the long leases 1 tion.1f this were e done it
• in one ease, the Government int.et- 1 ]nor e than anything else toenhaece
te chance
- vendee in the other) must always I the value's of 1'Vesteru Ontario
tend to increase rents at a greater
ratio than farmers profits. Treace
'we find that distresshas 0etreken
IY English g113h
been excessively exalted for any
length of time, as when prices are
normal, as at present.
It will be seen from, the foregoing
that they will sell at a bargain. Capital, 11,960,000: hest, !630,000
• President—Joni 8'rvnar.
Vice-President—A. G. RAusAY.
ft 'steeple jack painter is at work ;2II1t C'1'oLLS
on the steeple of Knox church the JOHN PROCTOR, Oso. ROAan, lt'rt 0)030x, 11 P. A. T.
week:, giving it two coats of paint.
WOOD, A. I3-. Lan (Toronto).
He sits on a•board.fastened to it eope Cashier—J. TURNBULL.
which was put through the top of this Savings Bank --Houle, lets 8: Saturdays, r0
1. Deposits of y1 and upwards received and interest
steeple and he has )suite an airy and
t.t noel.
S. 0, IIROtr}V,
Private and Company funds to loan at lowest re)e-
interest. No commission ehargea. Mortgages, to6k
and fare propert, bought and sold .
OFFICE—Beaver Bloolt Woman
on ,
solnewbat delicate job.
Last week Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ben
cher were called to mourn the death
of their infant daughter, Marion
Jean. The funeral took place on
+�•' t 5 111
I riday last a p. .
Bishop Baldwin, it is expected, will
visit Goderieh about the middle of i
-May for the purpose of confirming • INCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, 0111 IiTIIClt J. IIiLI'i\,.A. D. 0., L. D. S.,
-a.Heads, Oiroulare, &o„ &r,,, oxoeutcd in rho best
the class now under- instruction of style oftho art, nt moderate prIOOe, and on short Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Ponnaylvani,
the rector. His Lordship will, as is notice, Apply or address
S. 0. BROWN, -Dental College.
usual with ilii), preach morning and I T1NNa Office, wingham.
evening when in town.
Spr'ciai Deposits also received at current
rates of ix. ,rout.
Drafts on Groat Britain and the United State,
bought and sold
E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
Wi» khan±, Ont.
.41 • L. DIC)C tNSOi ,
• .LOAN.
Ofiee—„lover Block. Wil,gham.
011ice—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets„
opposite Colborne Hotel
Q i Is
teemanutaeturtnag t8hTreesyte•tcohlaareeexbsteerrentso
jt'Ll�� ttihmallmipon
absolutely withou.t atdeds
pain, by his new
process, guaranteed perle fly safe.
OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite the.
Brunswick house.
On Friday, Margarey . Carlyle,'
1 ,ounce that auv Roosts or JOHN RITCHIE,
' •t There are but few h[ Y 1'ft with u§ for findin• will have our tj
1' dl n's where ,
supervision ONTARIOAn.'
Dietetics inspector, was in town on ( two are phnaed t0 am
an official
NoTK—W,jll visit Blyth every Wednesday,
vier . , t aµ':t.,rne. ,
places in Goderieh beyond the Knit- will be givennoinnapplication to tilre,Tliss'any U11ice style
ting factory and • ri d hal
according to the act, her super
will be'necessury. .
The Goderieh Lumber and Saw
Mill Co. have contracted for building
a foundation for the boiler, and all
the machinery is expected to arrive
early nest • week. Building oper-
ations have commenced and next
week a large number' of men will be
engaged to rush the job.
«-m. Lee has purchased the three
Masted schooner Craftsman, that has
for •souse time been in our harbor,
from the parties who recently • par -
chased it from Captain John Mc-
Pherson, The present owner will
have i.t put into good order for what; num Atli) I'011,0E PUIhPS supplied
we hope will be a prosperous season's to or(lar.
'tors 'Rio Flub. in Agony.
"1 tele t rankled with blind itching
� ..
piles fur ))vats;. tt•as unable to s w
and tore my flesh in agony. United
Stales and Canadian doctors failed to
re+lieve. Chased° Oiettnetlt was a God.
rend, I mu 0 better men than in 20
_' farriers were benefitted years, and am able to worts ewers duo . t ” mein unties the lm- r �111ra
that English ; 1'Y2tllp ��tillaoE3, biack9n12tb, Iroquois,
t act Dunt for it, g e� rpt
. .... a as fastness anywher ' y u':; lntmerlt (sures piles, Pure i'1()Oti ie. rise LstLhu1LO011 i,enith, pressio2l tllalt it •was L1ttl work of 'it i TM°[: �O T FRIEND
by fru, trade, , !Out. C,h,as U
In the v.brlcl would he benefitted by ecxelYl`rt, •t. p irrifantdleeatses. All drugs pare the blood purrs with I3aocl a ianrst,
air sirnilar 2treasurtl, that the real cense 2sts, ftUe. par box. panllat if you would always 15tf soil. t skun . The stilet` fitly a see"
Money td
Loan. on Notes.
Money odvanctil on Mortgages at skim oentwph
privilege of paying at the end of any year. Not. s
and accounts collected. .
Beavor Block Wt)ght u+, Ont.
.Manufacturer of all kinds of
which can bo supplied ou short notice,
REPAIRING promptly attended to.
CLINTON. Prices reasonable.
Chief 1'Vheatly had Mr. Ilartleyl Agent for the Brantford All Steel
before the Court for iriding a bicycle 1 Pumping Mill.
on the sidewalks and the defendant' If yon require anything in tbe above
$+ costs.
'1 c11
.17J 11
a. %' call,
fined , ai u 11.
was lines, give, vTr. Pelton
acting ctor
Ins I
\Ie331S. Leavitt, 'Iris Inspector,
SHOP— Diogonat street, nearly opposite
and assistant Douglass from the! Iieattie's Livery, Wit -whale.
chief Inspector McMiehael1's office, , JOHN P] LT )N.
Toronto, paid an official visit to the .,_--.- , .-..-.___.... _... _. ...___..
Clinton Customs ewe,]t'.riday last. 'UT Twenty -Six Years.
Last Monday morning Mrs. Wm.
Cantelon received a telephone
nlesst o that her son David was lit
1 NI.Nr
with typhoid fever at Mount Forest
yp _. .
and at onee left to look after him,
the west t 'end
• i•1n N
at ieIi
'�l t
eve ,/-1
the town nave been losing their 1 . - / F�► :'
poultry lately, and were unable
Sales attended in any part of the Co. Oharges •
j- OEN cunt:t E, wINOHADI, ONT.,
Sales of Farm Stock and Fare Iwpiements A
All orders loft at the TINES oatao promptly attend. -
ed 10. Tams reasonable.
LARGEas1. SAi, M. I•,'.ANAnA,
Conr1Maitland, No. M5, Unnadian
G. ®, Fi -`"-Order lrureetel<.,1eetethe aeoond
had last friday evening et etey month, in 'Ore,
Mot,ean iC it. ock `U.tH.fElliott,r11. Sen welcome. T.3,
Ninghaut L• 0. t,,, No, 704, tneete'.
L. O. L.— $rst irides in overt' ulonth to
the orange Ilan; vtalt re 01100llle. J. GA Stewert,..
W. M.; W. J. Plenty, teo,•SeC,
Y. P. S. 0, B.—Meeting in basement or
Presbyterian ohureh twiny i!'riday evening..
Subject for May lett "13e of Good Cheer.'!
John 3.01 22•2ii,--Mise M. Gray.
rPWORTI1 LEAGUE ---Meeting every
Thursday evmming in the Methodist church..
Subject. May
: "Loyalty to
Society." Ileo. x. 25: 1. (Cot. xiv,
13. Y. Pi 11. -Meeting every '1'uesdel k
evening in the Baptist church. tAnbjeot for
May rth: "The Promise of God." 2 P te21'