HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-05-01, Page 5GOODS YOU
41. REQ
For Roueealeanin ..
For Pars and ' ()thin
For Spr ,. our Tree
'COI'.PERUS, C / �.itTi)I; 01
CARBOLIC ✓�crI), i ee.,
For Disinfecting Purposes..
;r'or your Sheep and Cattle, all at
1, Mason, Congregational
UURE■ during nlinlster,the fleaso hadmcreh's illa ge of the circuit
0NiA lair. Thos. Edgar, our new hard-
ware merchant, has added an adcli•
tion to Ms business in the shape of a
ALLS, life partner, the eerernony taking
• place at the residence of the bride's
PER, parents, in Grey township, on Wed.
d, ne$day of last week. We wish the
• Lila young .couple success and a pleasant
journey through life.
C 01.40S,.
Mr. Geo. Caslick lost a thorough,
bred cow, which was a very valuable
.one, She was found dead in the
Trout fishing' commences on the
second of May, and those who have
babit of fishing on the first had
better be careful.
Seeding is progressing very rapid-
Iy, although the weather is very
sultry, causing vegetation to be fur-
ther advaneed for the season than in
former years.
It is our sad duty to announce the
death of Mr. Alex. Gordon, which
tools place in Teeswater last week,
His remains were taken on Saturday
to Glamis.for burial,
One of our neighbors had a runa-
way last week, which might have
resulted very seriously but for the
-giving way of the harness. It takes
an old boy and a strong boy to handle
a spirited pair of colts.
Quarterly services were held i
Methodist church on Sunday last,
Mr. Joseph Taman has decided to
locate his tailoring business in Palm-
erston in compliance with a request
of the merchants of that town, who
were left without a tailor through
their former man leaving suddenly,
thus making a very desirable opening
for a good Man. The dudes of that
town will no doubt be a thorough
tip -to -date lot from now hence for,
ward, as far as clothes are concerned.
We hope to hear of M. Taman's
We are pleased to hear of Rev. Mr.
Dobson's (Presbyterian pastor Imre)
improvement from the throat trouble
which has affected his health so much
of late, Ile was able to conduct ser-
vice in the church on Sabbath'last,
after a Iay-up of about six weeks,
and although not yet completely
recovered, it is probable the fine
weather and a little care will bring
about the desired change. We hope
to hear of his speedy improvement in
t 890,
rill; Vtgly 0I+' AN I:7UI:I"PA01%�Y'A' CON',
The Iaven,ing Star thus deals with
the situation ;—"The henchmen of
the Government have at last found
somewhat taking campaign ery, and
are going about saying to Conserv.r.
fives opposed to the coercion of Maui- a
It is impossible to describe the
toba, I am just as much t beauties of the a�gregotion in as
the remedial bill as opposed to'small space.sufficient
t po It ie m1ec 1) ask
Sora are,but if you to conte and see avid be corrvinc-
you don't vote far the Government ed that our stock is unsurpassed by
you will be voting for Laurier, who any,
is a Grit and a Catholic, and be will
pass a stronger remedial measure
than the present Government will,' DRESSMAKING
• '"Talk aboi;t anti•remedialists being Our Dressmaking department is
bigots, Wbat more intense bigotry thoroughly appreciated by those who
comer be fottnd than such a demo- have patronized us, We are pre-
gogie appeal to the prejudices of the
rant and file of the Conservative pared to do a big trade this season.
party ? In the first plaee, it conveys N. B.—Eggs will be accepted in
the idea that all the virtue and trade.
patriotism of the country are possessed
by the Government party, and, in the
second, that all Catholics must lee
"'It is a Iibel .upon Canadians to
even suggest that nearly half of the
people of this country are disloyal,
unpatriotic and unfit to be trusted
with public office. Yet this must be
true if all Grits aro to be despised,
and avoided, as such by their Conser-
vative or Independent neighbors
Was the injunetion given by Greely,
but a wiser than he would say go
north, south, east or west, any diree•
tion as long as you reach Wroxcter's
We are glad to learn that P, W.
McLaughlin's genial face bas again I
turnedaed in frote Owenl Sound,e () where a be I to
has been taking a course at the Busi- I hi
floss College of that town. The di- I C
plomas given, grade, A, 13 and 0, !
requiring 90 per cent, for an A. r'th
I++'rant '
securing grade A, bovine. made 89 �a
n the per cent. on all his work and con-
i tented himself with bringing home a of
lnce R i and also by carrying away the
first prize for penmanship, competing
with about one hundred and fifty
students. Well done for Gerrie,
EI rnphili's Block, "Wroxeter.
The death of Cyrus Boyd is `I e-
eorded this week, This young man
aged 28 year::(), paise1 away on
:Monday at his home in Proton near
Cedarville after a short illness with
consumption, Ile was a school
teacher and ex -pupil of the Mount
Forest high school. Ile .arrived
rthout doubt alt Canadians aro home sick hast fall front the `.Nortlr-
f triotie, and
d�at heart desire the good west where, we are informed, he I
Their methods and Land three other nor r fr
-els may differ, but aspirations and hoarded together because the victmen ims
oral and mental worth are quite as of consumptive germs, it is said,
gli in one party as in the other. through milk from a cow affected
ertainly the session of Parliament with tuberculosis.
st closed at Ottawa has not proven
at all so-called Conservatives are The dissenting Protestt.nt rate -I
triots. ',The majority . of there payers who complain that there
in the. Boase seem to have been two much French being t•tugi
t just lacked one per cent. of
Lutciters' cholesper pound 114.4 Val
1 u
4e, live weight; ; niedrruu t+� flit ,, f
fn. C; calls, "i. st +.1 ;e. Galva:~.-.- L!St '4-F4 t ;h 4
Good to choice, $7 Vin. $10; common i Cod-liver oil Bugg
to fair $1 n' SC. Spring la'rtirs --, ornistimn minion, which is
Gammon to good, $2 C, I. Sheep' I, t #tri iS
pie per pound live weight, inost unfortunate,
Buffalo, April 27,—Cattle-75 title t
10 15c higher a A l s hest Ilse is before
export steers fit t . fear cont i f%ptlOf ; w
25 Cry' $4,40; few very extra $1.5 >) ...«tt begin to get thus, wea .
good to choice ��.'3.J0 (f)i34.15 . euarCc, "
reunite, X3.35 tt' �w`3,8.5 9 1)ttCclrtit's' run down ; then is the pru-
steers,$3,75 L ll,i)0; green steers, dent time to begin to take
3 0 ,
.t, X3.8,3: westPrrr :3,„;, L w,3..,t): mare, axzd uric i< st wn
ligiht lreif'ersA + 3 (a ;.25,• If❑gy---tic) tare sere Is to' he
care: fair; Yorkers •il 9I0 fie; $1: im . system e Se l) at the
Cintas std ihsavy, 417,8t) .t> �:,,:IO ry"� zz2 with deeded fat and
mixed packers, $8.75 l., .l.tla3 >' Ntz`engtl2, Scott's tnulSiQar�
t�reough, 1, Cr $8,15 ; paickr�rr, a`,.il ,��, of Cod-liver oil, with .h 'f?O..
83.7 5 (a) 0,85 ; r ucg.iis, til ,t; . , r phosphites,
C,. s.u.laa bacl~4
and lacrrlrs-._.I00 car, • i will �.r1T1C7"
lambs, $4.85 Ct $5 ; few t�ver yi eX'r, ll 1 ve Plost ness tt, those WhO
wa.10; cull s to f;oud �•.1 JO �? 4.7;a ; . it, and x22()1
p5.1° dull 6 t sheep $311(j
3 ii0 5; strength where raw cod -
°ails to go()d "2.2a t, $2.75,
'14 - liver oil would be a burden.
A Z64:4 elle onlyy imitates lbs ori oc. a
Scorn & Howita,Irerlevrirc, Ont. 5a. and elir,tta
—AND Taos
Are now on the home stretch of the second year, with a good
RUlead, and
NNIS ;�' . N
We have just finished stock -taking, , t,..,,; ,;ra
ti �. .,,td,. we tliir. e come
out handsomely on top. We are now c'nterin;� upon our third
year, and in a better position than eve, w place goods before
you at prices that are right
Your approval and your cash. til e lmve much Measure i ` t a
ing our customers and u.heis who patronized us during the
year, and helped us along so heartily in
a i Our Dress M kine Department, as usual, is up to date,.
ab Land ahead of the time.. .�erliing but frst-crass work turned
iris out here. All heavy goods bought here cut free of charge,
a Government clique." of 'Tilbury North, asking that
"As to refusing to vote for a Roman Protestant Separate School be est
the accident of to be composed of Walsh and Mo
birth that his professed religion sections of the township. The c
pure and eel decided to grant the request
simple It the petitioners, and passed the ueces-
injustice f and private sar'y by-law to take effect next ye
sets, a Roman Catl 1' h The new section will include 42
that in civil tt I rate.payerD, an area of about 2,
hta tits to les country as superior to acres ail d. with an assessment of
the classes of his church, anyone re-
e- about $76,650 wthieh will makeitt
jetted him purely on account of bis °f<thc latest wealthy sehuul seed
creed. It is quite proper to avoid in the township.
those professional Roman Catholics
who are the cools of the hierarchy, Live Atoeit aatuicats.
and are ready at any moment to
sacrifice the interests of the State at hToronto,sthe IN ?ern cattle tee
the command of the Bishops. When of hogs at vtceler,48 m
however, a man has demonstrated leets lastnweek'We're histo t
the contrary, as in the case of hit•, tltrgest in one week in the history
Laurier, who indignantly refused to cenetre
of t P has heroine now t
obey file mandate of the hierarchy of the o rovit+cial bog tea
as well as of the export can
and incurred the deadly enmity of
heads of the church to which the i business.
�r,t majority of the electors in his Montreal, April the 27.—The
ince rty, continues to be a fairly good detnan
belong, and has boldly set I fur good butchers, beeves at th
to accomplish the mucli needed; markets, but little has been done c
of freeing his compatriots from export account t. et. Prices to -da
tly control, it is a vicious and
There was a very large attend
from all the appointments on the
Mr. Wm. Barnet, one of our oldest
citizens, was removed from our midst
by death on Wednesday last. His
remains were interred la Mayne
Cemetery on Thursday.
Rev. A. B, Dobson bad charge of
the services in the Presbyterian
church on Sunday. ' He has been
unable to take his work for some
time, and everybody is glad to see
hien around again.
Mr. Herbert Bradden, who has been
under the charge of Dr. Watson, of
,'Listowel, all winter, has returned
'Lome. Ile is a victim of consump-
tion, and "the dread disease” is rapid-
ly gaining headway.
Mr. Jas. Irwin had charge of the
service in Trinity church on Sunday
Morning, the pastor, Rev. 0. R.
Dunne, being absent, in Brussels.
The Y. P. S. C. 1a., of Trinity church,
have changed their night of meeting
to Sunday, and •will now meet at 7
o'clock every Sunday evening.
. Mr. Joseph E. Tamin is laid up
with a sprained font these days.
Mr. Will Begley, shoemaker, is
confined to the house with quinsy.
The members of L. 0, L. Nc. J63
held their regular meeting on Monday
Regular meeting of the members
of the C. 0. F. was held in 1Vatsoir's
hall on Tuesday evening.
A fife and drum hand is being
organized in connection with the
Orange Lodge of this toren.
Messrs. Wilford & Whetlaufer,
briekmakers, have received a new
boiler for the engine this week,
Rainton Bros, have had a new
engine and boiler placed in their
tannery during the past week.
Mr, James Sperling and family
Moved to Sea forth last week, where
he has secured a permanent sit.
Mr. Gibson and family, one of the
Erni of the Blyth flouring mills, has
moved into Mrs. Helps' residence
:across the river.
Miss Spooner and Miss McGregor,
,nt Clinton, have opened out in the
dr•essmaktng business in the post
oflk building,
Tile I'a ssion play will be exhibited
under the auspices , f tht~ Methodist
Citoir.,itl rhdustry haul. onWednesday.
There will be two exhibitions at :8O
and 8 p. rel,
``iv Mr, hardy and fa'taily+ intend niov-
"ttig from this vi11a.;+e to the Nile,
'where he haat purchased a tame pro-
perty. They intend Ieaving of
A.noaster Robbery,
A most daring case of robbery
and housebreaking was • reported
to `Lite city police from Ancaster
Township Monday. The victims of
the thieves were air. Henry Kitchen
whose farm is lot 28 on concession 21,
Ancaster Township, and his son and
daughter. A bout 8.20 o'clock Sunday
evening five men, wearing masks,
earrying revolvers and other wise
prepared for emergences, bore
down on the Kitchen farm while the
family were at tea. Just outside of
the door they met Mr. Kitchen's son,
and, after choking him into sub- f
mission, escorted him within the the
house. Then they seized the hither a.t.e.
and bound hire and the son to chairs Prov
back to back. They then fastened ( out
the daughtee with ropes to a chair. I task
The men then threw quilts over the 1 pries
heads of their captives, and, after
warning them to keep quiet, started
on their search for the wealth they
expected Mr. Kitchen had in the
none. For two hours the robbers
tumbled things about in the various
rooms as they looked for money and
valuables. When • they left the ,
thieves bad secured $115 in cash, a •pr'odU
watch, several rings, a chain and If ti)
other jewelry. • When the burglers +,uo•hl
had got clear atway, Mr.. Kitchen's
Won succeeded in freeing himself and
soon releasees his father and sister,
wlru were none the. worse of their
tying -up. Thcv spent a watchful
night, but, fortunately, the thieves
did not Conte back, The Kitchens
have no idea who the men are, for
their faces were eompletely covered
by the masks and they'used numbers
instead of names in addressing tme
another. While ransacking. the
house the robber's occasionally re-
turned to the supper table and re-
freshed themselves.
aaee-huntery and subservient tools in their section, petisionecl the cou
atholie because by
a is his
that would be bigotry
wouldbe a monstrous
if, by his public
ho is as shown
matters he has regarded
,t r-
Jo 1
ungratef'tti thing for non-Catholics to' Kere a shade higher than on Thurs-
taunt him and cast stns hicion upon ,day last. At the Eastern abbatoh•
1 p market about 500 head of cattle, 20
Niru` because, he is a Roman Catholic," t
•• 1Y a utast not assume that all the +sheep, 000 naives and 20 spring
virtue anlu ;,asru is possessed by clanibs came in. A fairly active en -
the s'. -called Protestants, any wore. small ens, Best both cattle stockk
than that all the good qualities of small meats. bui none
citizenship and statesmanship are the said at 3e tt �!e per pound, live
rty of the Conservative party.
e Government workers so thor-
tr distrust the Roman Catholics
A sad and' fatal accitjent oe•
cured at the home of Michael
Gleeson, near Pletcher. Two of Mr.
Glceson's little children were playing
around the yard near the well. In
some way one of the boards eovei'-
ing the well became displaeed and
the children warade,.ing too close to
the death trap one c f thein, .Tames
l+raves, eery two years old fell
through. His little play mate gave
the alarm bat befo e assistance
arrived the unfortunate babe was
drowned. The bt dy was soots re.
h covered, but medical skill e add not
restore life,
weight, which is an advance of ac
over last week' prices. Lower grades
ranged from 2e @ Sic, according to
as this campaign cry wouldindium,quality. Sheep and lambs were in
why are they so anxious to assist in light supply, and calves came for-
that religion and prac-
tically making it the State religion
by forcing Separate Schools upon
Manitoba ?"
"However, the most material quer-
tion in this campaign is how theit
ao °„
anti -remedial Conservatives should `k
condnet themselves when confronted 1
with the problem of voting either for
a Liberal or a remedial Conservative.
The solution is easy ; they should
vote for the man who, in writing,
willpledge himself to vote and work
against any Government that will
either propose or assist in earrying a.
remedial bill of any sort intended to.
coerce Manitoba. Thein we will be
voting for the anti•remedialst, and
we need • not make it our coneern
what his views Mar be on other
ward freely, 'I'he vvas the
general ranf
range of quotationst-Cat to
Geo. Mitchell a Ohathanl tuuste
teacher was committed Monday ter
the larceny of 2 Prone a little girt
to whom 1 e gave tate wrong change
afier her pureli Ise of a package or
needles. Sentence w is r'eaervetl.
The prisou whilfttoei that while in
hq had broken up a bench its order
to keep warm.
L what gives Hood's Sarsaparilla its great
popularity, its constantly increasing
sales, and enables it to accomplish its
wonderful and unequalled cures. The
couibinatiort, proportion and process'
used in preparing Hood's Sarsaparilla
aro unknown to other medicines, and
make. Scrod's Sarsaparilla
Peculiar to Itself
It cures a wide range of diseases because
of its power ma blood purifier. It ante
directly and positively upon the blood,
And the blood reaches every nook and
eornerol the human system. 'phos sit
tee nerves, intirelee bmrrea and tisanes
come under the beneliccjit la/nonce of
rater one True Iitratod Partner. Al per bottle.
1 iOOu tO
LXIS tukettsasytoopeMIN /aver ralte,y26e.
�: a �,llliil I i1111111
W.VANSTONES j '----''
xiauuiuMnutrnnNmynkurmuun n,nrwgnapumeIyni 0 its
l�,/,✓ %,,,- •'t; N/lUNgU+11tlullgnNtlN
T r
The Leading Merchant of Win Yhant is nowprepared
before the people of this community, all the latest novelties � for
Spring and Summer, It will be greatly to your advantage W
you would call and inspect the large and well assorted stock 1
have' just completed. I have received a large shipment
New Dress Goods, New Trimmings, New Prints,
Gran and Bleached Cottons, Flanne1etts,
Tweeds, Cotte `
nddes, Shirtixlgs, Straw
and Felt Hats, Gents' Neckwear
And a full line of Summer liosiery, It would benfit the people of our towns
ted surrounding country to caul and get prices quoted before purchasing
Ladies drop in and secure one of those Iovely PrintWriees
ranging from $1.25 to $2. rappers at P
As house cleaning is now the order of the day, all parties requiringan
•king in New Carpet. (.10 i,•�r:t•'ns to'elect from), Art Muslim and, e
kin/tins should not fail to see tete et+•el. lad Lace
Our Grocer DepartmentiK always freshened by the arrival of new
Jest reeeived, several case:. ,,f !loofa, ;Shote and Tubbers. Plough.. e
+hmuld see our' extra $1 line. Ladies brine Oxfords at 90e,, and'all other •
lints at prices to snit purchaser.
Inst, but not least, The oldest established and moatell. - i
Mum. in Winghafn, Choice Home Grown Clover and Timothal,le ee
ail k nda of Forney crosses kept, in stook and at prices which we defy OM,.
pc1'i'ors to heat. A will solicited.