HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-05-01, Page 4E. WILLIAMS,
. AND _.
o'ip. Brunswick. House.
iugbam, - - - Ont
see The ll fail and Empire continues to
e nx'hine because, in his Montreal speech,
'kr. Laurier spoke what he knew to
7tte facts concerning the depressed
this lnditiou of Canada, and all its
stoic( echo the strain. This worthy
"\'ureal mistakes whining for argil -
for lent, It shouts disloyalty for the
go xrpos diverting
t eZt7diagilani. .�xnu
k'1tIDAY MAY 1st, 1896.
days baurs we might say—he turn -1 th Q 1 th astumbling
mitot nspry and che blundering.
underi g .
ea and and voted for it, After
Sir Charles Tupper had. exhibited e and imbecility of the other fellows.
that great self-sacrificing spirit, with I Sir Donald Smith, one of the com-
missioners to Winnipeg on the School.
which bis whole nature is so thorough • Question and now high Commission-
ly permeated, in declaring he would, s er to Great Britain, says of Mr.
sacrifice his life for the Bill, and after? Laurin; "Speaking for myself, 1
it became evident that this question , consider Mr. Laurier an honorable
must be taken before the country in' man, who was as anxious as anybody
that the school question should. be
the coming elections, Davin, hnotving s settled, who would have been only
well that he dare not face his con too willing to help the commissioners
stituents after having voted for the . when they went to Winnipeg. I do
13111, makes another summersault and` not believe that ho wanted to snake
declares that if they go to the conte-; capital out of this question at all.
He was sincere, as far as my eon -
try on this question that he will not viction goes, and 1 have ever regard -
support them. Is Davin a fool or ed hien as a well-intentioned states -
knave? We are inclined to think he man.
has a touch of both, but the latter The Conservatives m North Brude
quality predominates. Hughes has are in a peculiar quandary, Their
wobbled as only theHughes can, and member, Mr. McNeill, has been read
has shown himself a worthy out of the party, and pressure from
brother of the worthy Inspee- outside is being brought to bear on
tor of Toronto, than whom no the. Conservatives to have them re -
one else is more slippery- While pudiate the man of their choice. A
others knew enough to keep quiet: convention has been called for May
their position, in voting in direct 1, for the purpose of considering the
opposition to the views and wishes of question and probably to bring out
those whom they are supposed to re- a Tupperite candidate. In the mean -
present, is not the less to be conder- time Mr. Potts, a MeCarthyite-Patron,
ned. But what eau be said of men is in the field. against Mr. McNeill, as
who have since openly received their well as a Liberal. The McCarthyites
pay. _already eleven have received are anxious to have their man with -
appointments for which they were draw, but the Patrons object to such
waiting, and for which the Gevern- a course, and he will stay.
t kept then waiting'• as loner as
handling while being loaded and
unloaded from baggage cars of the
company, indicate a degree of care-
lessness not commendable. We shall
expect an improvement in this service
at Once, and hereafter will hold each
and every employe personally re-
sponsible for any damage done to
baggage or any other property by
carelessness. Any complaint which
is clearly established of damage as a
result of carelessness will subject the
employe to dismissal from the com-
pany's service.
M. Richardson's grain ware -house
at Flesherton, Ont., in which was
stored 20,000 bushels of grain, was
burned with its contents on Tuesday
al midnight. The cause of the fire
is unknown.
men ep t b Since our last issue Sir Mackenzie
they were of any use. Fellows that Bo inc has resigned and Sir Charles
d, a of attention from dare not say their soils were their Tupper has been called upon to form
own for fear of losing a sinecure. If p�' .
tale and party, who, by supporting these men had been ree to act, the a ministry. At present, even those
hardte most rotten and most corruptGovernment would have been defeat- who are sailing in the old boat, do
Whelovernment that exists on the face ed and justly so. The majority was not know what changes will be made
over" the globe to -day., have forfeited all 18. A change of 9 would have done in the Cabinet. Sir _Mackenzieo into has
y ar �ims they ever had, for honesty and it and here are eleven that have absolutely
1 eitheru with or to n without, a
"Tmmon horsy tense. I always had since gone to their reward: Masson, portfolio. Chief with,
everJudge; Boyle, Collector Customs, p° Meredith,
spal•1+good deal of respect for a good. Niagara.; McDougall, Commissioner is thought, has also refused. Hugh
not tonservative. 1 respt c. and h max Customs, Ottawa ; A. McNayIn- John Macdonald is now on his way*
no a honest Conservative, who secter Hamilton ; 'John from Winnipeg and will likely be
steal.ie o thougpCustoms, Carling Senate; Temple, York N. Minister of the Interior. Mr. Chap-
in cannot see eye to eye with the b, P N. lean, says the correspondent for the
in an B. Senate • White, Shelburne, \. B.,
e yoformera on the trade policy and Senate;Sir Donald SnaitHigh a Toronto Star, will enter only on the
snlaj,'ller public questions, yet has the Commisioner ; Davis Alberta Cl- condition that he be made Premier,
that,receive the portfolio for railways and
inso[>7nesty and hardiht.+ld to condemn lector Customs, Yorken District ; I canals and have the privelige of
becore ineapables, corrupt and defiled, Patterson, Colchester, N. S., Inspec-3 the other two ministers from
rule at Ottawa, but what of
say lose who stick to the old hulk,
vary ,rou h thick and thin, and when
So ] a.,ey can find no argument or excuse
whit( ,-condone the acts of those they
can take to whining. They are
�•,�,; be pitied. Facts are things that
I'nll cunt be altered by whining over
aftcr•'em. Whining does not alter the
Bs 11ttancial condition of anyone. but it
self if
IIs !" >es show, unmistakably, a lack of
Shetcerity on the part of those who
arfZ t loy in such tactics. The farmers
or tin the back -bone of this country,
fai rl
N oras (d must always continue to do so.
near; matters not that a few manufac-
men ft rs nave been able to amass great
at liere
,,l altli, but it does matter whether
if w e great masses of this country are
''itlg comfortably, and without the
betiveead of,s )mer or later.being turned
burl: It of house and hone by the bailiff,
v'4eeause of a debt contracted f',r the
furzt�anries of life. It does matter
gills- at these people should have to be
out ti>ted in order to contribute to a for South Wellington has decided to
tent twernment that squanders millions n
left Ofdollars on their friends. Even the retire. The Patrons have appointed
�•1'no iii and Umpire has not the Nardi a committee to consider what coarse
livim they should adopt in future.
in omal to claim that the great mass of P
Eunni•g farming community is better off Dr. Bingham, the Liberal nominee
ahettiiday than it was ten or fifteen years for North Ontario and Brandon, the
of who• Every one, Grit or honest Tory, • Patron nominee, withdrew in favor
pace pores this and all the whining and of Mr. Dunean Graham, Warden of!
tlasiletahistry indulged in, by the menial Ontario County, who was nominated
vessidess, all the fine sounding oratorynd., at a joint meeting of Liberals and a
of then not remove the mortgage from patrons
for Post Offices ; L. Z. oncas,1 nammg
Gaspe, Agent Marine and Fishery; Quebec, in which ease Onimet would
Department, Quebec. These men not be one.
ail voted contrary to the wishes of
their constituencies, a thing they
would not have done, had they not
known that they were not going back THE BAGGAGE SMASHER NO LONGER TO
for re-election, BE TOLERATED O-\- THE G. T. R.
Tris Job is Gone.
Campaign Notes.
Work for Macdonald.
Wm. Clegg has been appointed
returning officer for East Huron.
Hon. Wilfred Laurier has accepted
the Liberal nomination for Saskatch-
Archbishop Langevin promises a
joint manifesto on behalf of the
Bishops setting forth their views on
the school question.
Our concern. has a good deal to
say about Macdonald. Would it be
kind enough to say where the Con-
servative candidate stands on the..
School Question.
Mr. Totikey, the Patron nominee
Wingham, April 30, 1896.
Corrected by P, Deans, Produce Dealer.
Floor per 100 !Us
2 00 to 2 10
Fall Wheat 0 74 to 0 75
Spring Wheat 0 74 to 0 75
Oats, 0 91 to 0 2'3
Barley 0 30 to 0 35
Peas 0 48 to 0 48
Eggs per dozen 0 08 to 0 09
Wood per cord.... 1 25 to 1 50
Hay per ton...... .. 15 00 tole 00
Potatoes, per bushel 0 15 to 0 20
Tallow, per 1b 0 5 to 0 5
Dried Apples, per lb 0 4 to 0 05
Chickens .. ,,0 20 to 0 25
0 40 to 0 GO
Geese 0 5 to 0 5
0 7 to 0 8
4 75 to 4 SO
Trade in trunks is on the decline
and the baggage smasher is to be
wiped out.
Grand Trunk General Superinten-
dent McGuigan takes the responsi-
bility for this. He has just issued a
circular to the baggage men which
hints rather strongly that there is
trouble in store for any man who is
careless in the handling of baggage.
The circular reads :
The numerous complaints and
claims received at this office on ac-
count of baggage damaged by rough
7f t 1r a
thumb single farm, or buy a loaf of The Hon. jos. iiartin received a 1
dose ired- warm welcome from the citizens of
Rohm IIOW IT'S DONT''.. Winnipeg on his return to that city i
room, on Saturday last. Among those 1
beat :,very day there is being brought taking part in the reception were
"Get.'- Mr. II. 1f. Howell, C. and Mr..
"I tight ruore complete evidence as toQ• >
with 'iv the Government succeeded in
1 t
he n; z1ag the second reading of the
A`t Medial Bill Every day we are
O'Loughlin, old time Conservatives,
who spoke in praise of the coursey
pursued by Mr. Martin at Ottawa.
Dr. Sproule, M. P., for East Grey,
three!ug'ht face to face with unmistak- was read out of the Conservative
t na evidence that many of the party by Sir. Charles Tupper, but
that fact only seetns to have com-'
mended him to his constituents, for a
the doctor was welcomed home to
collidtabers of our Canadian Perlia -
the have betrayed their constituents
She 111 lleau like have sold themselves, . tarkdale by a great crowd, who:
"al'. and soul, to the political bosses repudiated Tapper and upheld their
I boi
r wit
wa. Not even an "Inspired member. i
would aet as :Nicholas Flood Our esteemed eotem. says that the 1
Major Sam Hughes didappeal of the Liberal party to Sir
nection with this question,1. Oliver Mowat in his declining health
me extraordinary influence to enter Federal politics shows the:
weakness of the party. --It does, eh.l
i tsght to bear Spon thirst, Well who said they appealed to Mm? j
bolsi fIrst spoke condemning the The Conservative press. And what
onesi 1w -rating the Government most about the appealing to the ratnpant
ley and then within a few Cumberland war-horse and his spav-
When you can have them
delivered promptly at your
home. We find it neces-
sary to put on a Delivery
Wagon, and in future we
will deliver goods to any
place within
Miles of Wingham.
Wingham, -
Mr. and Mrs. Strong, late of the
Mechanics' Bank, Mitchell, previous
to leaving for Windsor were accom-
panied to the station by a number of
their friends. Prior to departing Mr.
Strong was called upon at his rooms
in the Royal and presented with a
handsome gold watch.
Dressed Hogs
For Spain
Invites inspection of the nicest stock of
Shoes ever opened out in Wingham.
2 Doors Aorth of Post office, Wingham.
Strayed from the pretnises of the un-
dersigned, on Monday, April 13th, a red
and white milking cow about four years
old. Any person giving information that
will lead to her recovery will be suitably
Notice is hereby given that The Gray, Young a:
Sparti,.0 Conn any of Ontario, Limited, has by a
special resolution passed by the Shareholders of the
Company, resolved to distribute all the assets of the
said Company amongst n m M. Gray, N. H. Young
end F, G. Sparlinr, three of the shareholders of the
Company,in the proportions set out in detail in said
resolution, said shareholders assuming. end satisfy-
atisfying the liabilities of the said Company in the nmuner
and proportions awl set nut in the said resolution,
and to wind up the said Company accordingly.
The Company will net upon the said resolution
upon the 21st day of July next.
All creditors of the Company are hereby required
to file their claims arai°st the Company forthwith,
whether or not such rlai•ns ere now due.
Dated this 9th day of April, A. D • 1886.
Secretary. Win;ham P, O.
We understand interested parties are spreading
the report that we are not likely to be lorg in the
business. We her to assure the people of Winghan,
that we have embarked in the Milk business to stay,
that we are increasing our business daily. that our
milk is clean and pure. Our customers are our best
Do you need anything in the
Furniture line this spring?
Bed Room Suites,
Parlor Suites, Chairs,
Sideboards, Lounges,
Spring Beds or Matresses
If so don't buy until you sec
what you can do at S. GRACEY'S.
Everybody wants Carpets (more
or less). Call and see what S.
GRAOEY Can fUrnis! Carpets in All
Woolh, extra tine and Latest designs.
(30 inches wide) and if necessary
woven specially to fit'your rooms,
sowed and already to lay down.
Folded Paper for Carpet lining and
Stair Pada is the best thing out for
putting under Carpets. Will lasttor
years. For sale at S. GRAraT's.
A nice line of theta most useful
articles at S. GRACEY's. Call and
see them.
Furniture, 'Then bought in quan-
tities, delivered free 10 miles from
oti1♦ 1 1b46,V10N•1✓ 1111ro
A young man named 1?, Shaver
from Teterboro, a student atte, �tlg•
the St, Catharine's Collegia,tty )ti,
tute while out bicycling on ti ,.few
Welland canal near Thorold one'
evening accidentally ran into the
canal and was drowned. The body
was recovered,
New S.ring G
AT BIG "22"
The Greatest Clothing and Gents
Furnishing Establishment
West of Toronto.
Our new Spring Goods ds are arriving daily. All the latest novel-
ties of the season can be found in our stock. In Scotch, English and
Canadian Tweeds, French and English Worsteds and Spring Over -
We make it our business to dress gentlemen in' the latest styles.
Keep nothing but the best goods, and all our Clothing is warranted to
fit or no sale. Our Suits, made to order always give an artistic ap-
pearance to the wearer. Give us your order for your Spring Suit and
we are bound to please you. We are the cheapest Clothing House in
the Dominion. Cash is our Motto. You can save from 10 to 15 per
cent. by dealing with John Ruettel & Sons, the Cash Clothing House.
Our Gents' Furnishings must be seen and examined to be ap-
preciated. Our new Hats arid Caps are the latest. We have a large
stock to choose from. to suit all customers. Our Shirts are made to
our own order. They are warranted to fit and are made of the best
material. In Neck wear we pride ourselves in having the finest and
best selected stock to be four.d anywhere. All new goods.
Our Ready -Made Clothing Department receives our best attention,
with the view to give our customers the best of value. We study our
customers interests in all our dealings with them, believing this the
only way to succeed in working up a permanent business.
Gentlemen's Suits at all prices. Boys' Suits at all prices. In
Bicycle Suits we have a fine selection. Will be glad to see one and
all. No trouble to show goods.
Macdonald Block. WINGHAM.
Merit will always win success and at is why the Hyslop -
Bicycle is selling more readily than y other.
We court the closest sero
my nd honest criticism. Here
are some of the merits of ou . gh grade wheel : It never~
collapses. It has the narroN •ottomed racket. It has the "D"
tubing. It is the strongest tubing made.
Call and get our prices.
We also are headquarters for Pianos, Organs, Sewing
Machines, washers, Ringers, &c.
J. B. CII1f1i 1Ii GS, Wingham.,.
13 CO NT IS m VI la
Is no more ridiculous as an outfit th•tn a fine suit of clothes and
a seedy or doubtful looking pair of Shoes.
Is a truer guage of the character than any other article of
dress. Now we have the finest stock of Shoes outside the
Is our business ; we buy the best; we buy at greatest advant-
age, because we buy in largest lots ; we sell on close profits ;
we can therefore give our customers
The Shoe Store, Winghtun.
B. King's old stand.