HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-05-01, Page 2a a
t 's
By A. Conan Doyle.
tom of the Thames lie the Fe nes oz t'ii
strange visitor to our shore.
"Seo here," said Holmes, pointing to
1 the wooden hatchway. 'We were
1 hardly quick enough with our pistols."
1'110 .re ( slue enough, just behin(1
\vlle\VE \'ela stalltling, ntltek
one of those murderous darts which WO
lulew so we11. It 11111st have whizzed
between us at the instant that \V(' tired.
11u11ues smiled at it, and shrugged lot
shoulders in his easy fashion.
fashion. but I
(Orfis 1.t turned. 1 sed. to 1.h ,l
5 of tlw horrible (helix whi: h had pas.,ed
so close to 11e that night.
('II PTI R Xl.
()ur captain sat hl til' cabin opposite
the iron box which
, • Arte waited so long
that we co._ ilei plainly see the ; ;lull
her, so
figures upon her eek. One man sat i suitbluned, reckless
and good ay, why houldlie ask goes- by the stet n, with metlhing black be- nc?t \work of lines In lV1Iit les all over ever, doctor, ]need not 11 ltiI yell to be tomusket, w ltn
'messages what tweeze his knees, ov ..which stooped, his mleho tul3 features, \\ llielt toll of 1.L mama firing the x back with you n CHAPTER XII.'' incl my
tion(, 'They semi 1 m m g 1 lark i f '1 1 1 1 Balser street nems Y all will y
to LL
Luckily of me,
i,oy held. the tiller, • M o against 1 wlnalx marked a man who was uo tion, ,
nett glare of the furnace I could Seo Old ; E c,LSily turned Erni ins purpose. His They landed one a Vauxhall, with A ver} patient man was 1.l eemspec- same time, tenni he was one oftA he finest
Smith to the waist, and i b b f1. a thereabouts, 1 iron bol lend with a bluff, for in the cal>, for it was a weary t>mswimmers in the service,
•ll.ltll, `i #clouded
i t v elha coal for dear life, They may
:uvt+ had some dluitbt at first as to ;
e had done NO much
o goal. He was a
eyed fellow, with a
Sherlock :1 "ilil(el' taco, 1 coma see that
tlu' speeoll had not been lost upon flim,
"\Ve will be at Vauxhall Bridge
presently," said Jones, "and shall land
You, 1)r. \Vtttson, -with the treasure -
box, I need hardly tell you that I nen
taking et very grave repoxltaibilityupono
myself in doing this. It in most
irregular ; but, of course, all agreement
is an agreement. I must, however, as
!L 1nlbtter of duty. )451U1 all inspector
with you, since you have so valuable a
• !7
••r. drive,n
30 doubt
l will
• •Ll L. You
t,^ „77
ries, T .113.11
"It is a pity there is no key, that we
may make all inventory first, You
will havo to break it open, Whore is
the key, my 111(111?"
"At the bottom, ,1 the river'," said
Small, shortly.
"linin ! There w' s no use your giv-
ing this unnecessary trouble. We have
had work enough through you. How -
envie how this Agra treasure had
weighed one dowel until now that it was
finally removed. It was selfish, 110
rellize7 nothing safewrong,
barrier was gone from between us.
"Thank 1.k God !" I ejaculated front my
very heart. IIe5-
Site looked at me with a quick, q
tiolling smile. "1'Vlly uo you say that?"
she asked.
again," I said, taking her hand. She
,; T love
fill .let withdraw it. 1'14C.411.e
"'11er%Luse tion are within my reach.
every word of it. 'Thank: you ; yen can
put the glass beside mo here,, and I'll
put my lips to it if I am dry."self
1 am a Worcestershire i ell
-born near Pershore. I d+ nem
would find a -heap of S
there now if you were to
have often thought of taking a 00
round there, but the truth is that I was
never much of a credit to the family,
and I doubt if they would bo so very
glad to see me. They wero all steady,
chapel -going folk, small farmers, well
known and respected over the country -
of a
r " a
was 3
1 4
'1 v
+ •man lov- s1. e,
you, :Bary, as WAN' t1K ever a 1 M
ad IL wounLn, .3eeau6a this treasure, rover. At last, however,
tllelwhen o more
I was
these riches, sealed my lips. Now that • about eighteen, I g
they are gone, I can tell you how I love trouble, for I got into a mess over a
you. That is why I said, "'Thank girl,
eking tl o could
t een's only
et out of it il d joining
God.' }7
"Ti I say, "Thank God,' too," she i the Third Buffs, which was jest start-
ing for India.
• I wasn't destined. to coo much
soldiering, however. I had just
u1. got
whispered, to I drew her to my side.
"(Whoever had lost a treasure, 1 knew
that night that I hast gained one.
)ast the goose ste1), 5111.1
1 I was f
THE STRANGE STORY OP JON- enough to go swimming in the Ganges.
f my company
No, ' - $•• Beside 777711 ay 1.L ar i lions 1ard Opt'll-all' i e. - lel'Q With a slllgl.- 1.0 the a ier S'1'ee ,
Bible a 1.o 1.l and till is the best.' ~ looked like a Ne\w 0 lu able tog. to lar )rotnillellr'e about els bearded chin find as there, 011 ou ,way ATHAN S1'U1 t Iter was in the water at the
. W11ile this cony rsation load been 1 t t0 Ho 1
• proceeding, we lhad"rbeen shooting the
ng series of bridge which span the
Thames. As we pe,ssed the city the
last rays of the sun were giliding the
cross upon the summit of St. Paul's,
It was twilight bef,re we reached the
"'That is. Jacobs ?n's yard," said.
Holmei., pointing to a bristle of masts
• and rigging on the Surrey side. "Cruise
gently up and down here funder cover
of this string of lighters." He took a
pair of night glass( from his pocket
find g1.' .ed same tilne'at the shore. "I
see wy sentry at his post," he re-
markeri, "but no sign of a handkei'-
s1. do I td thi t over every po f 11 1 l The
1 ' 1 } 1 1 i to the sta-
down stream a
• Sul7t)ose vee
-way and lie in. \t ait for them."said.
Joie s, L L rl3 Weewer'e all eager by
this thee. even til policemen and
' toke1 s, who hod a very vague idea of
what was going for -Turd.
1 It•
1 ill 11 the
age may have cell y ,1 , Iny heavy blade curly lour was thickly euial inspector ab lily loin )Inion. .r1. before I rejo}ued hien. His 1.0 too] m0 just as I was half way across.
for his
shot with gray. 1 -Ii .flee in repose uarter of ail flour's drivebrought us Over when I showed. 111.1.11 the empty nd nipped off m\ right log,
a as cleans
r my
havo clone it, just
whether WO were realle- pu suing thein, wtLfi flOt all ttllplcaNhl„ ono, though ins , bOe• , , aS a 6777t•,e011 CO
now, as we fella\ ed every winding ' brows tool I'rg et sive chin gave 1.o Mrs. Cecil Forrester's. Tho servant oThere goes the reward ' said he, above filo knee. What with file shock
111C , heav3 n g,+
and turning which
they took, there 11im 114I had lately seen, a terrible ex- seemed surprised at tee lot(, t. \ isi, ite gloomily. and filo lass of blood, I fainted, and
auger be a \ question .bout 1 moved to auf el, Iia Airs. Cd '1 J t as out for t l` bele there is no money there is no
could e longer q ou \\blit 1.l, and likely to ) This night's work welded have should have been drowned if Holder
Greenwich \v with hie a3 Sam had not caught hold of me and. paddled
(1 sat now « 1 llcnvt+ver, a towner each to ,. a
'11 \ ntita 1, ) e1x worth I was five mouths in
is e bank.
!' 1.11 1 0 paces b not ha
upon it lap all 1for the
WO e ratted trot hI o been more than
breast, while leo looked wit?1 nus WAS in the ch an ung nein ; so to the beei4dn rend lies if the treasure had hospital over it, and when et last I was
\1:3.1.7 \ his blc n ,
u unclred and firth . l have coursed inkling. eves at the box width drawing -room I went box in hand, been 12e e. • 1 man'" able to limp out of it, with this timber
, \\ h keen, t\\ 1 , Thaddeus Sholto is a rich +
m u,y creatures in mine- countries lies•- ilei been the cause of his ill -doings. It leaving the obrlgiug i specter in the " „ 1 see that you are re-"etoo strapped to my stump, I found
to;; my 011E+c1 care(L cal el, bur never (ltd seemed to me that tri era was mono ser- cab. vinclow. I srL;icl. He will
or no." 3 myself invalided out of the army and
r1. m such a Filet thrill as this anger in 11. s rigid and con She was seated by the open \ warded, treasure y )end- untitled for any active occupation.
t port give E 0 { 11 the row than r
l 1.l i11g mftar•]£tult coo\\ c Co1111tP11a11CP, ices ha laal:eci dressed in sonic sort of \v}lite cola{,hon-
The inspector spool: Itis head de 1 f7 „
:slue , 3 , tame 1 r eptly , llo\vever. "It's a bad job, he I \vis, as you can imagine, pretty
1' lines, Steadily Vee drew in neon ill) at ma \yitll a glen n of sonxtllinr nus material, \vitla 1.L little touch of
1 -arc. b\• surd,tnl the silence of nor 1.0 his eve scarlet 111 the ne(;le and waist. Thu repeated ; 1 ''1.3. 4te 1 -Jones dQ`w11 on lay lick at this time, for I
1:., , 3 1' k 1 fell , was 43. usele6>, cripple, l
could ItLr the pantie , )) Ltluan tim Lll said raft hg11t of a 1 \\ Q • 111 my twentieth year. 3r
eight o c 11. Il f l basket
lt for shit
hent. L1,•nl.u,,, ofHolmes, lighting, a Y
1 sweet, grave 1 detective tool c(1 blank enough 1 ll 1 •I oto
.. pression „ - '9 'cl OrreS Cl
about three Ii handcuffed hands evening, she explain
their. At Blick- d his head smile upon be very late. hiss
"ane so 1' r. _ to ne3 •') ,le though not yet
Ike, p r e uponHowever, m
, ,7 'g .d la '1111..
-h•1. lc ] • 1 til
• . 6, .l
• 'r 1.777'1..7' rtC11111C1'\•, elle ' •,i• •ng, c1. al' "I am sorry her as she leaned [ck in the LLs let His forecast proved. to be COI1,, + misfortune 50011 pl'0vel. to be a]ple slll "
1111111 • r lw snIl crouched moving
llp011O the ,10 Chair, p rtying overto \\ ( ', t 1.o ' ill sfortune• A mom d tt a lb e 1 ,
til the sterns
teal; It 1135 001110 t
arms were moving as ,1 sir " ole answered face, and tinting w h 1.L (lull metallic whim l got 10 Baker street and showed who liucl coma out there as an fll(ligc-
thcp deck, 511(1 his And so can I.
re UldV while every now +' ,o it b1. iewe that i can sparkle the rich coils . of her luxuriant hint the empty box. They had only \
though1.h he he c ,, frankly, I n t
0o u) and ureas- e. •ou my .lair • one white arm nil hand (trooped nst:. arrived, 'Holmes, the prisoner and planter, \coolies awletuted an keepthem uer to p to
"We e it 1.\e no 1}• htto take anything
mid thee \yauld 1 1.1 _ ok
s\v!ng over the j that
;,1.v 3 7after
„ „ •„ with a glance •¢;.lie distance width rr'(1 on the boil; that 1 never raised a over 111E lido of t] e chair, and llcr 3e, for they had changed their plans so their work. ' He happened to be a
for t (c iltc(1," HQlmi allswthat t rate(. us. 1a I1er \vc c:Lnle yid \\ g 1.l s1. Mt onga,. It 11 1. thin whole 511(7 fie;'i c spoke of stn ab- far as to report themselves ata station
1.5 rtrtlinly ten to one that they Fie s(.1,1L ],tllld a a.. 1 r friend of our colonel's, who had. taken
1.t 'ere Jolles t r?llcc1 to tlunn tr7 stop. ]u'1. -bound Tonga, who shot one sorbing me am. Ar tile. sound et noon the w;Ly. ;\1.y companion lounged tter 1;•11 Stream but we cannot he ter- ,• 2 1M : little } '1.l }lis tL]'712-C115)1 with .lis 3.151151 11)itle.$5 an interest 111 1 0 Siiieo the tcetdPllt.
go ' , :+, e were not mUle. •1.77:1.77 fOtll' hO1Lt5 U1. ]7711 e111'SC`tl C1,L1'tn into 111:11. I hat. no my foot -fall she s rills;• to her feet, 1
lain, 1' 1'0t this yai d an call y an heal •_ .)Oats flying, s grieved as if it however, and a brig t flush of surprise an make f3. long story eeshort, tllo colonel
1 n ugths behind them, l,c 111 I r .,art in it, sir. I \yas I, ,. 1.l tiler ,ale clleel;s, ('Alec' on, while Small sat stolidly nor recommended me strongly for the post,
lntl'1:n:!s 1.0 the ya'>:(l. and they Ca tremendous 'niece it 1111 a .'lean al 1 ,,u my blood 10 then. I welt it and of lea:.,lilt, co1U 1
11 w=n 1 be a clear night a1 .L t 1 ] d omen heard 1.L cab (Woe 11]),71. s11e said. 1coel-e o him sound his \vooclEn lc 511(1, as the wort: was mostly to be clone
7751(,.3 see us. It t teach h of the river, with It
Level eoel:ed over his ogle. As I exhib
sleepy of lgllt.l We must stay 1\~ tee little aeon with tl c slack end of the I , the em )t • ,hex lief bac.: in on horseback, 111 leg was 110 great ob-
wh t e folk mon one side and the melancholy h raise fur it b xt it was loll(, and I could "I thought that Mks. Forresterneve 2"e t 3 1 1 stacle, for I 11ac enough 1:11110 loft
oyer Ball r 1r hail m•te stein sprang „ lilt,
+• :tte\~ are coming >, ' _ "Have 'e R C1gFLr seed Holmes and y77 1 had 1.0 do \„L., to
shook his two all out of ]x1.\' news have 3• r t le ne\• .encs, au,; '
yard,' to keep an eye on
where we are. See llotiv the o swarm come back very early , t 12is chair and weighed a mule d ill the gaslight." 1 .ull1 11. tl harshen ill;tnt the utlt1t4 .lot undo it again." 1 dreamed that ).t might be you. 1, flat y 15 your doing, Small," said 1..P(''l) FL g00d grip On 1110 saddle. 1a
_ r
Lt „r, a• -
wore- In the •t o1 • a . , 'g , ,rifle over the plan
., „ up Ilu111 1.113. (101.1. and '> > 1l you brought 111e
von had better tabs s pu ,) 1 T rt'1\• tattoll, 1 the men as
t 1 11) icd fists at us, a tu•sille the while 1.1.04!:, for yon aro 'cry Wet. Ho 'v " 1 have brought' solnethnl be t better
"Yes I have put it away where you
`•1)irt3•-looking rasc,'tls, but Z suppose , , •• eked voice. Hu Was- a o s, 111.1 and weal: 1.1 than news, sold puffin,, (town shall ne\ er lcr3. lucid 1.1pUlx it," he creed, '. I1CJ 1\ orkccl, and to report the idlers.
every .one .las some; Utile immortal 1.0 13. loris cracked co' you e`pect 5 the pries was fair, I had comfortable
eve • 5 oo :I -cued, powerful nwn, and, an he 3 all a,
ti is.,- blacl: f(+1l w to •overpo\\•c?l 1)ox upon the, •tale, •and •sl,eal illg okulttultly. "It is 1 y treasure and pay spark otink ie, to LLbol:t' 1.m. You would ,r s if W1.111 less astride, n
r, - ; 100 1 O S112 inti a.lir• Shoero 511(7 hold' shim while yell jovially 511(7 bol6trrp.Qtts13•, though my
if T c•tLxl't !Lave the 100 • I'll take dom
ed. tolspend' the remainder ofawl altogether I \ my life as ein
not think it, to tool: at ahem. l lice•a is 1 , t u cl tee ,.eat from t1lkL thigh dowel- r= heart was heavy w lhinl one. 1 have111
no 1.L priori llobabililt` about it. A wooden slum) `\'1;'e. climbing file rope. much about brought you Lsosnetlllut-; which. is worth good care that no 011E be (toes. r i itlit illcligo-plallt1.11(1 lir. Abel -1 't was a
1 1 ,„ wine twee was but a w 1 you'seem to know as m 011 that no living m1Lli has any g g
sti (1) enigma is mail'!" mein tllc. ri_ht side, . at the sound or r, ' kind man, and he would often drop
"Some els .lin :L soul 111 It as if you were the. o ser, the truth all the news lu tr e .world. I have to it, unless it is three men who are in into m3 little shanty Anil d often
a pipe
oma c,ne (I y is that 11loped to firul tlhe room clear. brought yon a fortukle." „ t2to Andaman convict barracks and
in an animal,'' I nngggated, !,> st1!tle)'' angry c> les there was with me, for while folk out there feel
" s•., o the novement in the huddled bundle upon I knew the lictbits of tlae house pretty Slle glanced at .;he' iron box. Is Myself. I ono\v. now. that 1 cannot their hearts warm 1.0 each other 1W they
1, ,., \noel Heinle i gooH upon
! h straightened itself into a 11 1 't ••t the time \.1 •)1. Al •• that the treasure, then:"' she asked, y 1 g t 1 I know that sol' ect, said Bolin a they cannot 113x\e acted
that while the 1.11(11.\)dual man is an Lt Agra treasure. for them Is mach as fbl myself. g it ell, 1 was f
insoluble puzzle, in the aggregate he
becomes a ma -theme ic al certainty.
"Yon can, for example never foretell
any -oneyou
. hat
\vitli precision what an average
number will be up to. Individuals
vary, but percentages remain constant.
So says the statisticltL But do I see
a lar dlcerchief ? 4u rely there is a
white flutter over Soh 11." •
"Yee: it is your boy," I cried. "I
can see him plainly."
"'1nc1 there is the Aurora," exclaim-
ed Holmes, "and going )like the devil !
Full speed ahead, en inner. Make
after that launch with t o yellow light.
Be• heaven, 1 #hall 1101.
Self if she proves to hao
She had slipper mese
yard entrance. and pas
'or three email craft. s
r forgive my -
e the heels of
u through the
eel behind two
that she had
fairly of speed up befo e \ve saw her.
Now . h.? was ±lying caoiv11 the stream,
near in to the shore, going at a tre-
melli 0115 rate. Jones looked gravely
at the .end shook his heed.
"She ie, very fast,"he aid. "I doubt
if ewe can c: tell ]ter."
""We trust catch her -' cried. Holmes,
between hie teeth. "Heap it on, stok-
ers) can!
If we
all lit
:Make her lira .t nE E
urn the boat we muse,11aVe them !"
y e were fairly after her now. The
furnaces reared, and he powerful en-
gines whizzed and clanked like a great
metallic. heart. Her eharp, )steel plow
out through the still river water, and
tent two tolling waves to ruri>t and to
Left of 11 . 'With every throb of the en-
gines (-1)E' : ,,ran:; and quivered like a
living thin_.. One greet yellow lantern that his boat made str
in our bows threw a long, flickering southern bank, while 1
funnel of light in front of us. Right stern, only clearing he
' • dark. him. tion the water show_ . We were round after 11
ahead ,a u.0 ) p
811 where the Aurora, lay, and the swirl she \dins already near n
of whit, foam behind .her spoke of the was a wilco and desolr
pace at which she was going. We the .noon glimmered
flashed t 1 •Lr•gcti steamers merchant punk of marshland,
the (Leek. 4..b t
well , ane 1 \\ . n
little. black man -the Timeliest 1 have S}Lolto u6t1I]ly \t crit >ko\cn to leis sup coolly euou(;h.
• \e seen -wit h a great misshapen
ver. 161 shall .nal. uo sr clot "Y this the g1
have the use o 1 : and all through never do here at home.
of the es, lis is , ! . s s
1 1 disheveled1 I H if of it In yours ane hall 1.5 a
l L 1 , 'ThaddeusIt's •• •,' \ never in Murk's way
shock of tans ec , T st defence that can abeen the sign of four \ ith us always. long. Suddenly. without a note o
(l Holmes
s the be f1
all 5,. r" • upon
114E ttil11C, * 101C
t. 7 couple )le Of g mutiny b
e•OL lad feat 1
aVe a 1 ve 1 .11 1
ill 1 lel l a • 1nu1 the 3
Lair, Hohncs had al • all,)- drawn his mcLke is just the silnplr)r trutll. Now, if Sholto s. Z. on \v 1 Well. T know that tlxcy won Warning., ,,,
r+ • I
1 Lt.11. • as still
Of 1.l kIndia L\
lllinl,.1, and 1Q11t11
Lc 7.done, , )uc, n
"11d e1., n (
thou6Lhave reel what luncl 't
at 1 & 1
mine *e
Out would I \vl Z ma
revolver,1-r.and 1 p It had been the oft 1
the sight of this savage distorted crea- sw ling for him with 1.p light heart. L An annuity of ten thousand.
throw the treasure into the pc,I<Pn 11
• to kith of 7.711 of or A est the next • t
ft only him than of smoking this cigar. 1
s night. it's curse i hard luck that I should
1 1t h overt met
o us
t ousancl >ouutl.• me 'Themes , • ^ ll to all appearance, as Surrey
,r ladies, t •here were two
'u of to thousand, black devils
of olio 6 t \vas n
hundred than.
Is it 11 R 7ylorst. 1. 1 ]u n
,u1. , n1. England. Sholto or of
1,e. I think that I must have been rattler inane totem rich that o 1 >1 for Aell- 1 r,nse, Inc. the c Otlutry was 11. perfect Lcteng m : (.(light, ani. that she
tune. He was =tome( in some sort of would. havo thought ub.nore of knifing There will be fse, in 1$1. \ of rather than let It g
1113.: l ulster or blanket, vhteh lel
his fuse exposed; bun that face
onus 1 to give a man
steeples• ] lagged over this 3 ourg t to o, w.it
,. have I seen fe ores so deeply no quarrel whatever. detected. 1.11o11ow ring in my eongratll- 1.h • kP\ is, and where little Tonga is.
gentlemen, a. deal more 1)1111 T ties very
111 , x ht \ \\ boli I hacl t n
11 besti it and cruelty. „ r the charge of 1I1. rations, for I sa\v her eyebrows i'lse a til,lunl I saw that ~Sour laurel must like, eine() reading 1.S not 111 my line. I
wtu' ;o l it C' a 3 You are unite
Lei small• e •es glowed and with thelnev Jones, of Scotland Yard. Ho little, lend she glanced at one curiously. catch us, I pint file loot 1.0 a safe l lace• only know what I saw with m3* own
3 1.l
It sombd'r light, and. hi ••.thici: lips were is goiun to bring you up to my rooms, "If I have 11., said she, I o\\ o it to 'There are no rupees for you this e.3 ee. Our plantation was ata place
t,ri;l.ecl back from Ili teeth. which. as I shalt ase: Sou for atrno acc0unit you•, ,t ourney." called. iuttra noon the border of the
t itt ed and chattcre at us tiith a of the .natter. on must ma ,e n. clean "Ivo, no," I =Mere(' not to me, J „you are deceiving us, Small," said Northwest lbw. 't. PI Ovinces• Night after
-•1x7111151 fury. of i for if you do I ]lope that I but to my friend, Sherlock Holmes. At11e111el .Jones, sternly. "If you held night the whole sly was alight with
u.l , 3 breast t,
"!'ire if he raise his hand," to L\ 1>e of use •to von: I thick I can With all the \viol 111 the \\ orld, I eoulcl v,1.•heel to throw th6 treasure into the the 'bllrnfn bungalows, 13.11(7 clay after
:211(1 Hollies, gmctl We • were prove ttlat file pols,on 'tctss 5o qulc . y ed n•
Wil hill 1.L boat's let th by this
YUlt'11 field tl treast 1•0 islieiCi 11(•11, Of ('Ot11S"1. yo11 know >illabout it, '
p1; quickly never havo follow
. s ileal before you ever has taxed even his an
• 1
'1'llamen it would ll•t!, , been easier for il0 ' we lied smell companies of Luro-
t me, and almoat with touch of our
merry. 101111 see tau two of thein now
they Amid, the white. mans with his
legs far apart, shrieking out 01.11108,
111t the unhallowed dwarf, with his
h111'0us face and his strong, yellow
teeth gnashing at us i1tloe light of our
It was well that w • had so clear a
•L we looked he
view o,. hili. liven .
plucked out from uncle his covering a
sleet, round piece o wood, like a
s'.•hool ruler, and Clapp l it to his. lips.
• Our pistols rang out together. He
1.5 arms and.
whirledx ,
fell , u e
- nihil .L
au 11
kind of l
leu ! h
with a !,
ways into the stream I caught one
glimpse. of his venon us, menacing
eyes among the swif swirl of the
waters. At the sa moment the
• wooden -legged mall thr w himself upon
the rudder and put it hard down, so
igbt in for the
e shot past her
a elite which
1 genius. you to have thrown l ,ox and all.• pe fns passing through our estate, with.
ul (l ilei dile As it was, \'every neai(ly lost It at the
retzrhed the room." "Easier for mo to brow, and easier tllc•lr wives and children, on thele \\(Ly
"That he was, sir ! ,1 never got such last moment. for yy ou to recover," Ile answered, with to Agra, \\•here where the nearest
• line "Pray sit eleidin 5114 Ell 112E all about a shrewd sidelong 19jok. The man troops. Mr, Abelevllite 'wee an obstin-
a turn in my life as wnen 16a\\ J „ ,
1.r •• n gat one with his head on his it, Doctor Watson, sad elle. that was clever elle gh to hunt me iLte ltlflln. 1"Ie nivel It ill. ills head that
guunxulI uarratecl briefly v 1 t had occurred
climbed through the l clever enou'rl to pick an iron the affair hid been exaggerated, and
'mlonldcr as I c .. ,,,,,1 „
;n her la t -Holmes' new box from the bottom f a river. Now that it would blow over as sncidenly ee •
scovery of the that they are scattered over five miles it hall sprung etp• There he sat on his,
of Atherley or so, it may be a harder job. It went vertulda, chlulcing \whisky pees and
a the evening, to 1ny heart to coo it, though. I was eanol:ing cheroots, while the country
1.1 the Thames. half mad when you came up with 118. was in 13.. blue about him. Of course
lips and shin -
there's 1101'ookl grieving over we stuck by hili, 1 and Dawson, -who,
of our a1. 1. 1 it. I've had ups in m% life, and I've with his wife, used to coo the bookwork
the dart which had clowns, but I've lc4iied not to cry and 1nNnaging. Z' ell, Quo fine dui' the
us, she turned 'Lt Milk " crash name. 11tctLl boc'll away 011 11
window. It fairly shoot: me, sir. I'd tenet. I
have half killed Ton,a:for it, if he had method of search, the t
not scrambled off. Thet was how he Anrora, the appelLrane;
' expedition
11. Olrl
,Tones, ' J
11. ,
'and some e of his • 111) all. 0
1 Cl
L his ,
came to
darts, too, as he tells me, which, I Clare and the wild chase dove
say, helped to ptlt you 01'1 our track ; She listened. with Darted
though how you kept oil itis more than illi; eyes, T to my recital
I can tell. I don't feel no malice tures. When 1 spoke of
l.ti c
narrowly " 7517'0\\
'L 601
cam a
h. cl 3
But it does t,
''t. It
' • •ou fol l
,,. over ti )L 1I o•
Ml, t 2
tia \ 11(1.11
about, to • •,. and. was
,y ' al) t plantation, 1
"This l' tat101
• (t 5 Le \\ e" matter, )1,111
that I Peale 703.1.5 a , Iti„Lilt ,
7, • til z d
70 white L • Vel 1
S ti ]b L
bitter } l l
queer 1'hi.ug, he added, with a b t it
senile, "that I, who have a fur claim taint. t Small," said the clttec. ive. "If you slowly 110111 in the Questing, when my
nigh upon half ,L million of money, "Itis nothing," She said, Is I hasten- had 11011)0(.1 justice, instSacl of thwart- eye fell upon something all 11uedc110(1 to -
tong 1
shoeld spend. the firs half of my life eel to pour her out some•1\ titer. 1 am ing it in this way, you would have had gciher at the bottom of a steep nutlet).
. i Lkwl.t Itt file Anda- all right again. It \yas a shod: to me abetter chance at your trial." I rode do\cn to neo what it was, and the
building able,
mans and am like t spend the other to hear that I had. planet my friends 1x1
"Justice '."' snarled r tsile ex -convict. cold shuck through lny heart when I
' + 1] oor• It such horrible peril. '" pretty 3nstic•u' •l\ lose loot is this, found it was .Dit\ysou , wife, all cut
half cliggnl drains Darton 1.,r, ,7 +' t • A I J all eaten with jack-
all over I a swore&. T v "Melo. is the :justice
into ribbons, and h
for iso when first I that if it is not ours? c 7
was an evil dao farther
clap )eel eyes upon tl merchant Acll- was nothing. 1 will tell.) you 110 more that I shuulcl give it : 1) to those who ars 511(7 dative clogs. A little
11 3 1 oto do with the Agra gloomy details. Let me' turn to some- had never earned it. I )0k .low I have alp the road Dawson himself. \vtls lying
met, and had irouRht anything thing brighter. '1,laerc i the treasure. earned. it ! Twenty long years in that oil his face, quite dead, with tui empty
h1 the man w110 What could b0 brighten than that ? I f cr redden swamp all day at work revolver in his hand. and four Se nes
by a few feet. t•reasure,which never
an instant, but but e curse yet upc
the bank. It owned it. To him it bl
tte place, where Major Sholto it broug
hon a wide ex- to me it has meant sl.•
:h pools of stag- At this moment
s o decaying thrust; lfrt roar ace
:1 with a dull ers into the tiny cab
1ighit murder; to got leave to bring it wit
it fear ant} guilt; that it wallet interest
very for life. first to see it."
Atheln "It would be of the
11(1 heavy should- to me," She said. Tiber
one, thinking ev •.
under the mangrove tree, illi dight icing across each other 1..0 front• of ilii.
you to be the d:lla1)10(1 up 1.0 the filthy convict -louts, 1 reined up my horse, wondering w111C11
mosquitoes, racked with way I should turn, but at that moment
bitten be q
realest interest , ne bitllie(1 by ever, cursed black- I saw thick smoke cttrlil)g up from.
),1.s ), ey Jones ' ' was xo eager- fi4lee. olic•eman wile: ' oved to take It Abelwlnte's bungalow and. the flames
lin and nut,' bc111zlel this one and mint water Tlie be t t 1 1 b 1 f out of a white man. 1111Lt was how • I
beginning to burst through the roof. I
vessels, ^ 01.t vegetation. The eau tl 1 11 1 l 1. "Quite ,t frim- Iters 1.n her voice, hoe .ver. It struck p Whitt cannel the other. l'1. ,ti flailed us 1 e b:t1 l: with +_ r 7115 ked. "I think I her, doubtless, that 1.t :might seem un- earned the Agra, treasure • and you tall: knew then that I could do my employer
meekness, ss but still the Aurora, s t'Iticl ran np upon the mu l 2 1.!y limey," he e s gracious on her part t . be indifferent to o justice because I can not bear no good, but would only throw my own
the t • v + folio\ eel ; her bow in the air an her stern flush shad have a pull at t at flask, Hole r, • to me f 1
on, incl :till \ ( >r { water, Thef fugitive sprang wen., I think vee m. all congratulate a prize \which heel cos so much to win,
upon 1 it+ r track. with the \ 7 g "W hat a pretty box.'" sllc said, stoop- to feel that z have oaf y1.he it ! price
would ]'Toni wile e I stoomeddled eoulcl see hem -
in the matter.
tlosc> •_) r i well other, Pity ,, e didn t take tlMethat ono y
"Pile it on, men; pile it on !" cried nut, but his slum) instantly sail: itslather swing, a score
1 t t]1e socl(leu soil Irl 1.h Llivo but the was no choice. ing over it. ibis is ,Indian \vork, I
e ; one of 'Tonga's darts i'
whole length into y other
$0771113.5, looking down into the engine vain he struggled aha writhed. • Not I say, Holmes, you host confess that suppose?
room, while the fierce [glow from below one stepcould hep sibly take either rot. cut it rather fine. It was all we `Yes ;Itis Iiennees ettLl \ttorlc. 1 a convict's cell end feel that an- and howling roan& the burning lienee.
3 ' "A d so heavy (" sh eYclaiM led
„eat upon is eager. , aquiline „ iut\t cttor ace , ou" tsar-
ins ease x11 a palace Some of them pointed tet me, and a
++ g t 1 'e 11.. "Tete box a101tp inn,+'s r that should be linin, couple of ballots bang past x113 )ea , so
- ottnc s rage, t ' , ,
Get r vera p impotent , 1 of some value. ZVllerr•, 1.Y the ..
dines, or .have areas of the blank fiends, with their
1 m•v hide, than red coats still on their beelcs, dancing
'L[ Uihlle face. , live 111
h' 1 b k va e1. He ^ellecl 1.11 let do toover11a1L1 ier. 11 ;other he i r3.
*+ 1 ate=t? ou can ! t and lckecl frantically
"All is well that ends well said frig o la's leer \\1111 the money a " heed " • ralxl a little, said Jones,mutt with Vie othet foot, but - Holmes. But I certainly did. not know , be s 1 , „ Small hacl dropped his mask of stoic- I broke away across the paddy fields,
I tl71- 1 \Ve•3 1 into the
with his eyes on the Aurora. , 11., sten tales only bored his wooden pin that the Aurora Was.such a clip )ere" ( "Small threw it int the Thames,` 1 ism, a11t1 all this came out 1.n a wild and found rn; self tato at night safe
> fit " stied I. "We shall 11 y
"I alu ..sues o , deeper into the stick\. bank. When we "Smith says she is pie of the f(Lstest ; answetoa. "I gnu l orrow l'!rs For_ \yltirl of words, while ills y'os blazd, within tha walls of Ara
a very minutes." 1 our launch alolig•itle he •was .tannin:, on the rover` and that if he resters poker. There was, ill the land' the haildcltffs clhitkod together with "As it proved, however, there was no
be Alp with her in 3 brought L!•
that moment, however, as our o firmly anchored 1.l at it was only by had had another mitt' help h' with front, 14 troch 511(1 brofd hnslY, \v'olt(;11t the impassioned movement of his great safety there, either, The whole
nd At a rope over 131; the engines we slidulel never have in the lineage of a witting 13ucldim. llarlds. 1 cool& under tend, as I saw country was up like a swarm of bees.
we are able to ]caul eau ht her. Ile swe:rs Ito knew nosh- Under this 1 thrust the end of the file fury 011(1 the pies. n of the Man, Wherever the En fish could collect in,
shoulders c ers la g # 7, sorer incl1.w twisted 1.t o'
twenties a lever. •
Lunt out 577(7 to dr* hien, like some ing of this Norwood. 1 titslness. , r aloud. sift that it was nd mound ss or unnatural
little bands they held just the ground:
our side. '1'11e two "Neither he did," etied our prisoner ; I lie hasp spiel l4' o3 . vith p , terror which had pons 5secl Major Sholto that their guns colnmandeci, livery
evil iish, over o
;;miters, father and s n, sat sullenly in ""nota word. 1 cox his lam& be- With trembling fingers I flung in
, when 11.E find learnE that the injurer: where else they' were helpless fugitives..
butaboard meekly I heard that 1 •as •L fiver the iia We both stood gazing. i convict Witte upon his rack. It was a fight of the millions against
j 1 u1. The bull was empty , ,. .that e know nothing the hundreds and the c p
d our vessel, the iron work was tyro-tall}rds of aft inti have not heard: your j tory, arta we can against, foot, horse an gunners, were
send, outward thick a round. ' , not tell flow lar 1lzstl Cro may 'g1. h
I • Y,1. rp w
o.,..., would have throwing. the
three barges in tow blundered in be- 1 11 that \
tween me It was only by putting our
helm ]lard down that 'we avoided a
collision, amut before we could round
them curd recover our way the Aurora
had gained a good two hundred yards.
She was still, however, well in VieW,
and the murky' uncertain twilight wass
settling into a clear Starlit night.
rs we strained to their utmost, and
the frail shell vibrated and creaked
•with the fierce energ which was driv-
'' • launch, cal a)QSLt( rr1eC' e1*1.180 leas la she '4 . r , ',, .1 t e cruelest art of
(ince f ash minuet ld li(lcd. The Aurora well.
told ad him nothing bg we paid lila tonic nne . heavy. The You , forget . hn „'
t of and made fast to and he was t get something No wonder that it itvas he J of all t1114 salol Moll es, quietly. We it was that• these men that wei fought
(411? 51( was hauled 1 1
, • 1 A Solid. }r. 11 E)01L hi Indian handsome if we reach had
our :item. . all d It was tnasslve well originally our o\v11 picked tine is, whom eve t
workmanship stood eupon the aegis. Esmeralda, at Gra\
'This, there could be to []ttestiOit, was bound, for the Brazils.
ethanol the ill-
- llt.4 0has d0
.lad"Well,'.f to
• n
the • ,'t e
v . Jere
' U. There '7'011
, ft , 110 w
o that
treasure 1 Il sea
tre ori
led sl
utnE non
,118 along. We. had shot tlire ugh. twos no key,rllut it, wits of considerable If'We are pretty quick
41... 1)... 1 past title West Indla,docks,;1 wefs;ltt so we tnansf red it carefully mer,. Wei are not so qu
down the long rieptf0rd ?.each, and up.
again after roundingthe Isle
Bogs. The dull blurt in front
of tart. resolved itself IOW clear -
enough into the ds.titjr Aurora.
s turned our s larch, ght upfn
to our own little tab . As we steam- ing them," It was am'
slowly upstream again, we dashed how the consequents
el s c
our search -light ill OV diroctioll,l)ut already beginnfntg to
there was no sign t the Islander. on the strength of the
,Sotnewhere ill the der oexe at the bot. the slight Amilt' whit
7@, _
made and so it niche a ellest cons lir have been on 5 owl sl
'1 •ry• things eat 133 t,you ha•
to c,l
no w
metal .
comes to him. • riot one slireel or cru 1b of ini.tal dl sp0keil to mo,, though
ti eatehin •our . aewrllery lay within i It was also • -
you to thiixllt t
kin condemn- lutelty and complete y 1 ` braetlots to t 1pyWr
in to notice "The treasure is lost,"saki mist; ' no grudge for that.
taught and trained, andling our own
re been vel 'farr w ap
blowing our own bugle
' the Third I' can sen that I calls. At Agra there were
at I have these Bengal Fusiliers, some Sikhs, tato
ts. Still, I bear troops of horse, and a battery of oxal-
is all fair and lery. A volunteer corps of clerks and
ant to hoar my merchants had, been formed, and this
`1Molffttanl, calhsly.
1..l ones was aboveboard, If you
see himself airs As I listened a the Words 5x7(1 rad w e I'have 110. wish Bold if bac " •'"'^'
apture, Frain ed what they Inca*, a great shadow . Wind the boo you to Gail boo . t CTS 1B) OdNTDt ltb. .r
played over iieented to pass from my sd11l. I did not