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The Wingham Times, 1896-05-01, Page 1
o'er k VOL, X 7' . ---NO. 1266. (I IMIILAM WINGIIA.1VI, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1896. Marriage leetenses Issued by Irttalile PATZItsoN, No 23, 'V'ie- toriastreet,W nghani3Ont, No witnesses required, IT PAYS TO ATTEND 1 --Mr. James Duffi his mother, in Miami Order a tennis season is too far A. Mills wa first time on Wedne —The factories furniture to Winnip Rornuth f , wles We're doing more business this year than ever before, but we're not satisfied, we want to t%o more, We want your trade. Want it all. We have never before had so large a stock. Never had: as good all-round values, and you'll End the assortments and qual- ties just a little bit better than you'll see elsewhere. We are offering you strong inducements to trade here and we know that if we once secure your attention you will become a purchaser and then like many other $,a regular customer. WASH DRESS COOLS. A bewildering' lot of pretty colors .and patterns in all that heart could desire in Dress ' Goods to wash. No old, stock to parade. The newest of •everything and abundance to choose ,from. SUMMER MILLINERY. All the newest and brightest that comes in summer headgear will be found in the Millinery Show Room, where each week seems to find us busier than the other. We had ex- peeted great success in the new store, but the Millinery Department simply goes ahead ria leaps and bounds in the manner that simply stir up the enthusiasm of every woman 'who loves a new hat of bonnet Af most attractive style. ORDERED CLOTi HIN , Never has this store been as busy in this department as it Is now and no wonder. We carry the largest stock of Tweeds and Worsteds in town to choose from. Priees cut down to the very lowest and always sure to get a ftrst•elass fit. BOOTS AND SHOES. We carry nothing but reliable mattes. We buy nothing but what we can recommend to our customers, We earry .twee the stock of any hoose hi town. We Mark the boots down to the very lowest. That is why we are doing the trade in this department and still it is inereasing. MQI4VTU tio BOPl ES, Always, t,.c Cheapest. Ith Only I)irt; L CENTRAL H ESS COLLEGE, ST'ATFO' r, ONT. The Largos Beat and Most quipped Schoot west or Tor • ,to. Sverything thor. •h,. iirneaica2 and up•t. lata, New Students mint ell at any time. or this term and take advan + of the tow ra s )Write for eireniars: MAW' & ELLIOTT, Ne Homnth & Bowies Goods. McIndoo--Saturd 3, Clegg & Co. --P Chishohn—Thing Kerr—Groceries. J. B. Cumminge Geo. Good --A nr horse. Direct Itnporters of i N ]ltBa a 8 rg ins. ints, Alabastine, tic you mnst have. 13ioyeles. d carriage and °looney LOCA —Arbor Day. You want a light, G. H. Irvin's is the —The bills for the out. Have yon see NEW by, summer suit, ace to get it. firemen's concert are them ? —Wanted—Immediately, a boy to learn printing. Apply at the Txarz :s office. —leers. A, Roe ha been somewhat indis- posed for the past f w days. —Mrs. His000ks ntertained number of young people on M nasty nil;, 4 clans of fresh corn .r 5o. every can guaranteed at N. A. F •-neesox's. --Ensign Fox has een here this week holding special meetings it the barracks. —The Oddfellosys 'll attend the tenni; versary services of th Brussels lodg e on Sunday next. Just arrived—Baby Carriages at Ireland's Furniture Store, Wingham. —Considering the 1 et that the river has been free from ice for cone time, the water is higher than it has een known to bo for years. . —Bailiff's officer G ndry was in town Tuesday presenting number with blue tickets and free rail uy passes for Goder- ich, good till after y lith for one trip. Heathfleld's He' ling Balsam is a sure eure for t e worst cold. At Williams' Drug Store. •—A number of the Council Cham ing of last week to tion, but as it was meeting no busines —A quiet weddi day afternoon at t D. Aiken 175 Jam Mr. W. H. Manar Tache station, was Miss E. A. Sharpe, daughter of Wm. ti fe Councillors met in er on •`.Phuraday even- iseuss the sewer tines- of a regularly called could bo transacted. g took place on Tuell- a residence of Mr. D. Ave., Winnipeg, when C. P. P. agent at tilted in marriage to formerly of Wiugham, ltarpe, of Souris, Man. —.For first-class" tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & CO. ILemember the place, one door south of R. A. Graham's grocery store. —As announced, t Goderich, gave bis p Methodist church c From the start to th held the attention tettirned bane sat heard an eloquent, b tiye discourse. Rev. lir. Edge, of War lecture in the Tuesday esd y evening. finish the lecturer the audience, who fled that they bad morons and instrna- --G. T. R. traine for 'Toronto and east leave 'Wingham at 6.23 a. m. and 11,20 a. m., via W. G. & B,; 6,95 a. m. and 8.26 p. ni., via Clinton and Guelph. Good can - notions by all trains, —The Wingham have purchased £ black shire stallion, following are the ofibi who being men of col itt stook -raising, show ante* that any horse hold of vrosld bo one then eon2munity. 1'r gatt; Secretory, Dan Amos Tipling; DireCl John G'aultiir Hugh Elliott, John Mae raft Horse Co., (Ltd,) m .111r. negate, the Adan Troian, The rs of the company, idernble experience be sufficient guar. ,at they would take improve the stock ident, pamuel Leg-- o$enzie; Tr©s,srtrer; rit, 'P. M. Henderson, i°Burney, Matthew ais. d spent. S day with i,th us before the tel. G. lL Iitvri.. c'{pwn town for the ayL Oa a aI'.rnent rf It on Tu day. Big aseortmenteaf " 'a r Sets," entire ly new designs and c e. at FAiteuneueores. --Rev. Wm. Low the Oddfel. lows' sermon in Gl cce, Monday evening, —The excavatio will soon be compl Iayzng the foundat at the Shaw BIock ed. Tho masons are n.' Prof. Gray's Herbal Bitters cures headaches, 25e. a package. --Same party or par Sullivan's boat out for evening and were two in the boat house wbe with h it. —The trial of the Goderioh jail in conic Town ontrage,will tat before Chief Justice Meredith prosecutor will prole The charge against tl slaughter. es took Mr. John row on Tuesday can to put it back they got through. ve men now lying in otion with the Lower place on May 12th, redith. The crown bly be Mr. Lister. Men will be roan - The Union factory is running full time and furniture is cheaper than ever at Ire- land's furniture store, Wingham, e' —Mr. Gen. Good has moved into his new quarters where he has opened out a fine stook of boots and sho SFor the sake of being more convenient to the store, Mr. Good has moved his f mily into the com- fortable rooms over an behind the store, -The Oddfellows t ned out in large numbers on Sunday ftornoon to attend the annual service in t. Pants. .A. number of brethren were pre nt from Llicknow, Teesevator, Blyth, russels and other places, The servic was conduetedby Rev, Wen. Lowe. —The Star Photo Co. have all the negatives taken by their d essors. Ad- ditional copies in all izer of portraits may be obtained at e ced prices. Studios Beaver Block, i i „ham; Meililejohn's 'Block, flarriston. heir productions are in the first style of the art. Your patron. a o solicited. Che young ba tolors of the town gave a very successful . ssembly on Thursday evening last. The ondon Harpers were present to discours sweet strains and all wont merry as a m •riage bell. rhe Tern- perance hall which 'As used for tbo occas- ion, was artisticall draped, and ornament ed by the mann -r:, Chenile curtain ornamented the indows and gave th room the appearaa e of a large drawin room. Mr, Jas. 111 Kelvie was in his bes humor and served Iuncheon that woul tempt the appetite .f an epicure, The SaraLerd t iley Concert, under th auspices of the W gham Orchestra CIub was not largely alt uded on Friday nigh last though .no d. bt the audience was "select" and the,c ib will have a smal amount to the go• • after paying expenses Many and divbrs ed are the opinions ex- pressed, as to th elocutionary merits of Miss Sara Lord ailey. Many were ex. petting too much nd were consequently disappointed. Mi.: T3ailoy has a fine pby- sique and a good, II, round voice which gives her great dvantage in heavy or dramatic selections She, however, lacks in that personal p coal m a n etism which should always be present in a public speaker, in order to inspire a fu and oomp:ete sym- pathy between the a isaker and the audi- ence, and consegnen ly she fails to move her audience. Perh pa her best selection, as far as elocution 1• concerned, was "The Dandy Fifth." " e Daughter of the Regiment" was also ell given, though the selection itself is oat a pleasing ane. Her work in the lighter), eces is not good and in some places dew ds into positive weak- ness. She would co .,alt her own reputa- tion wore she to avoi. selections that seem to be out of her sphe • suolt as "Mammies Little Baby Boy," "Bumper Degree," "Jimmie Brown Pia : Indian," ete, T'be program was nicely s ndwiclted with music, Mr. Geo. W. Cline g ve the old favorite Death of Nelson a d Meeers. Cline and Brown sang, The 13 ye of the Old Brigade, While the orohest, gave a number of selections. •--Beserse the Beth May for the Wing. ham Baud townsmen --Beattie Bros, ar building a bus shed it the rear of the D mage stables, Prole UPay's Herbal bitters at Wiilia,Jxis .,Drug Store, 25e. +-Dr, sOl 1 1iolm w 1 not build a block on Josephine street thi summer as has been rparted, Mr. Chas, Floe. of beitehigan, Is moo- ing intd the home1 tely ocst}),ied by Mr, Geo. Gotel.st —Mx; Jas bec.Ke ie skill leads the town for choice fruits. ,; efeeas a choice lot of apples, also, a ;'leg ly of oranges and lemons, selling ft 15 cents a dozen up. —A• °umber of th members ofbeaitland Court A. 0. I.', vis' ed Brussels Tuesday evening and assist Organizer `West in opening . court int at town. --Palk about fin rrsSM-but'if yob waitt a gat s°mething ch, i e'' pall a,t 1\2cReivie's where you wiiltf1n vviorseof evepheeriety; altso innported flowwe seeds of all kinds. —Free Photos from 1\I. H. Malndoo with 425.00 card, 1 dozen No. 1 Cabinets from the Star Photo Co. Call and get a Card. —A meeting of Wingham Public Li the Co:incil olearebe 8 o'clock, for the o4ioets and transact —We are please R, Belden, has I City, where he leaf established busine Mr. Belden leaves f day and will be ace Adams.'4 —Mr. Proctor w horses here, in expects another lo Among those that ing horses: Ace, w; McCabe 2.85; Wltee' Ginger a filly that, Five Points with a he members of the rary, will .be held in , Monday evening at purpose of electing ng ether business. to learn that Mr. W. ated in the Circular purchased the long of DIr. R. Sallows. r Goderich on SAtur- nzpanied by Mr. A. A. o has a number of wining on the course, to -day, from London. 11 come are the follow - h a 2.16 record; Jim ng Wilkes 2.20; Wild doing good work and °cord of 2.1.61 It don't makeany difiero e where you spend the 24th of M y, v will feet un- comfortable if you e of bedecked in the jauntiest suit gal , G. S.I. Irvin can wake you comfortable in that respect. The body of Mr. elm Gregory did not arrive on the aftern. •n train on Monday as was expected, bu. came in on the late train on Monday vening, The funeral took place Tuesd, y morning from St. Pattie- where the orvioe was read by 1tev. Gunn, of { . rie, and attended by e many of the burin :s men of the town.` .1 ng Bella. g " A very fashions • e wedding took place e , Wed aat the residence of Ir. and Mrs. C. Dallas, Centre street, at 12 nz. Wednesday. The ceremony was perf rrned by the Rev. D. e Perrie. The contr:.ting parties were Miss ' Maggie, second dem hter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Dallas and Mr. os. J. IL. Hanllyn of 1 Hill street London.. }t tir, hti-Ute ttet wie r• coast of bre. I roses, Visible ea - .0, Protnine • t t,Rwj ei' tee's: "1 have eight children, every one in good (feta free sampie of Willlarnie Little health, not one of whom but has taken til Cil tern ►ititdellen $iilit and be aonvineed. Bcott',s Emulsioth in which clay wile b*.i ?lists is Mot 17411k* thgsli. itolttirTl.swr t:oeiadlenee,' rt mai Miss in whit groom was bl•y ass Geary,ofL. sou. ceremony an cla ed in the dieing ly deegrated with present fro .the brid Tho presents costly, The grooms was a handsome solid The bride's fatiter's' stantialeeelieok. Th prasont was a beautif outlery. Thee° prey were Mrs. Ti. Grey ! and Mies Uren a Grey,/ soli; Mr. and Mr 13 A. Tracey, Mti/s Bee Mr. G. let. Reiss, Lon H. Ilderto , Miss Le G. II. D alias, Detre son, indsor; Mr. vii and John C. ab were Miss ;ker, of Lo and bit, ora and Mrs. Jennie; ems;" The happy c p. m. train for thei don, amid :showers: atienb of their ma songretulatiane rr .k.' 'rMoey, Londe preeert. The Ti K'itiishaan friertdi I1 iRritlytt tt hint() en, of Ingersoll on, and were resprotively. ted by Mr, After the breatfast whiea wa wers ADi 's suit t1t( Sit 6 6' t g and tired The os. G, carriage VAS sere - beautiful• d ferns, (a rota Detroit) uznerous and to tlza 'bride cit serviao. w. a sub - p s, *eras' lid sit' distance Mrs. nger- J. nd too o t rom a" ain lton; ed 1 liamlyn, t. ' Brooks, Mr o . J, Parker on Mr. and tiers. '6 •--Regular meeting 310 May night. —Mr, John Kerr, delivery wagon, —The firemen fins Josephine street on SiA YEAR IN ADVANCE he 'own Caunoil, Comm To the kditor of the Tim beer, has rut on .a 0 "eouncjjlozs S'iffli ISa"[rt, are some ed out the sewer on i to h 9P yete. R iaatiofa. pgp5gresed of good eo ednesday evening. Williams' Little Dandelion Pius i trol..tl tniannail and cure headache. Try diem, ezrt6v4inisj;e to the ograte of the Alert ert and do not forget •—Watch for the Fire Company's Con the date, May 8th. --blot an old folies bolter awaits the old columns for partiou;, --Mr. Ambrose, of. ton, is the recipient qq e e present of hie hr —Mr_ Geo. Roe M.oreean, of Goder Morse, Ring, and wit t onforce training; ionic but something people. Watch these reeuita but we fano i ars, take a firm stand in e Bank of Hamel- raSbi' ''ere, the tow a tborougbbred pup,' increased to a larger her, fu Chicago, .been 3n any previous as purchased from r oil purpose to build the, Oder heeds of 1 great p nny of the weadelebe better to ya1tnger men to take B foard as a trial and , holt es we have t nes verydisagreealrle` Mayor, if he mon sense, can Ron eke it is be of great r tepayers, This year a, year's Council, and tepayers thought it allow a number a# eats at the Council ee what would be the the Mayor does not he interests .of the ebb will this year be nount than it has ear. The new C:ounrt sewer up the centro Wale would be very ourthsi of the rate- s a the public tax 0 or therabouts, the considering that the feat failure without aterworlts. If the n goleg on with this step ems will take he Council aiwirns itary purpoees, but ntario as free from. town of SViugharn. go on with the work, f a majority of the ould be clone by a se who receive any be ,made "nay the pakticular to be con - ewer is the outlet. would be that two - re on the main street , therefore why force t want it? More of eard as time moves II, the fine driving t slim an the cre= odso agreeable tostreet ek f pc payers of the town, C. E. Williams sells pure drugs. would amount to 82,0 S tistaetion guaranteed, eamster, brought t majority of ratepaye scheme would be a p a regular .elseem ue —Mr, C. Barbour, from John Currie's a tipped the beam tin t scales, at' 0610 pound --Rev. Dr. Giffor lecture, "The Marn to a largo andienco day evening last, —The Watford hand this week, be outfit which adds appearance and n little journal, --w.tzrxrn.—.A. s cook who undereta preferred, bousem reference to Mus, —Mr. D. Stewar load of hogs to t Co. on Monday. of the largest busi Western Ontario. -The lane runiii the river presents a ante since- property up the rubbish w there, Others mus oad a+f stone which Council should insist e corporation weigh scheme, no doubt the • NI steps to prevent it. delivered his popular their scheme is for s th Cave of Kentucky" 1 there is no town in n Goderioh on Mon- !sanitary defects as th IShould it be decided t uide Advocate comes to against the wishes eckecl in a bran new i ratepayers, then it aterially to the general frontage tax, and • th ko up of that newsy I benefit from it silo piper," One thing;;. art general Servent or sidered about this ds ironing, P rotestant Another conaideratio 14kept. App1•y with thirds of the ratepa L. G.uutow, Goderich, do not need the sewe shipped another oar it on those who do n e Collingwood Pack ing this matter will be is company does one 00, ses of this kind in from Victoria st, to I tit' ch better appear,-ta „wiorrRnNGB- In • have cls tied '.tughter; rr, ich had acohmulated Panttro—In Cran follow. the wife of Mr, . J. H., R. Iron, on April 27, Faulkener; ,hr :' ook, on April 13th, Perrin; a son. —The illustrate. edition of the Ripley riiA " eniD. Free Press has bereceived at -'l office. HM --In Wingham, on The outs are cite lousily good and the April 29th, at e residence of the• brides parents;, b the Rev, D. Perrte prop:ietor of Free rass, certainly deserves Mr. Thomfts J. R Hamlye, al London,' credit for getting . t so fine an edition, to 31iss kiattgie ,D las, daughter of Mr. _ oinbie Dallas." kind,—Partiese lo oot .require t printiugthat ofany l'ztirl,s' Cooit:—Setaal'e-: the Manse, Wing. officis the place to have it done right and Mr. Jasper Cook . Miss Lilly Elizabeth at p picefits consistentces with good work and! Shaw, both of Ea Watvanosh„ ye ' f 1 '.TAIWAN -- CARTS --la Brussels an While Mr. D. usb was fixing some April 22,nd, by the Rev, G. H. Cobble - shelving in his store a half pane of glass dick, B. D,, Mr. Jo. a Taman, of Gocle- fell from an upper helf striking him on rich to Miss Sarah, youngest daughter the back of tho ha d, between the thumb of Mr. Jolla Carter of Brussels. and first digit, infi' ting a deep wound and Dt l coteES TT -- At c Ethel, on April 0th, by Es D. B. ylcPao, Mr, severing an artery. The attending pbysi- Jas. Menzies, of .leeworth, to Miss clan found it noes wry to insert 4stitches.\ 'hristena, second el ughter of Mr, Wei;. Elliott, of Ethel. Pe Mr. Geo. lanes, town, Miss Luca Mrs. Hele. Miss Couch, Olin the Misses Bell. Mr. D, B. AMcInt in town Wednesda ,',tie/Mr, R. Beattie, s spent Sunday there Mr. mid Miss were visiting itt tow Mr. and Mrs. Join lc , were in town th Mr. Alex. MoDon'g home in Oranbronk o Miss Mary Kyle, of set the residence of M Miss ttieCardy, of the Bachelors Ball la Miss Shoults, St Stewart, of Ifarrist JKents. • ee.' `Mr. ,john rnglis sonata, f Teeswater, was ' DT in s'1Tovrooatene- tyle r Eniersoa, Mani- toba, 13e1la Clende; ning, wife of Mr. of Markdale, is visitingWee. Montgomery, a. d daughter of Mrs. Wm. Glendenning, o this town, aged 28 i years. , . s on, was the guest of,;:' STavrrrvoN--Ln rnberrv, on ApriI 20th, Louie Stevens n, aged 2 years and 10 months.'t; r:. •U. h, of Lucknow, was Grccn—In Brits is, on April 20th, °clad to Goderich and William, son of Go er and Ellett Green, n+ cl 6 years, 4 man hs and 14 days, r urTa—In ?dorr :, on April 18th, it •kb 1. Ge rge Smith, aged GG years, 2 months nuc 22 days. e, Johnston, of Goder. SVnsoo-.-In Li,ydtown, Ont., on week. April 2Gth, Annio laxwoll, wife el Mr. was visiting at.ltis .Jets. Wilson, forme y of Morris, aged 28 Sunday last. c years. pronto, is visiting Thos. H. Ross. Mr. Patrick 1 t eeewater, attended blft'g, Ont., is de ceived from the brother to death a thigh, Illyth;1Mlt', . Morning for :Detroit Belgrav°; ete. Wen. Andeit* Mr. John Viehol, o A• Dallas, Walk ` of the Bank a Hated alias, Buffalo, N. .1 Wedoeeday. .1 Messrs. Chff. Rout tilde left on the 8.25 -roao Xelootediee future home in Los- 1 Sunday last, rice art congratol.! Meters. IsteWtort who was unable tO be st Megates John 0, wishing gr, and se Detroit* a situation, ' Thursday evenieg. tford, and Miss , visited at Mrs. eft en Wednesday here he has seemed the tuoknow branch 0, wheeled to towo ri their hide's:11es on Callum, of Pitts - from injuries re- boil that gored his few weeks ago. Frederick e, about seventy years old, or Du nville, had assault- ed his brother a d some young men told him he Wet to be arrested. He told them the c stable would find tt, dead man, and hen hanged himself. At Allan's ridge nearly every afternoon a ve y old WO/nail is look - over the raIli 'very anxiously into , the water, e -041180 of these *idle% &ewe John iunkint is bee40186 iv days ago when she 4 :the hen here on Me wettotiin the flOocIS of *titer going o'er t e dam she sneezed and nag, Beak,. and dropped her alse teeth. She Is over ‘;' and xi,. aeosie so years ge And the tteth were of their taster.