The Wingham Times, 1896-04-24, Page 7'plan Patio= was IUzz1oct, The clergyman was nervous There could be no question about that, His duties were tit an end but he hung around. the reeoivin party and his actions showed that It was in trouble, Ile appeared to b •endeavoring to convince himself tha .everything wee all right, but with •out suecoss. Finally he tapped the young ma in the ktiicl;;erboelcers on the shoulcle atnd led him to one side, "Pardon me," he said, shifting un -easily from one foot to the other "there is a hatter of some delicacy 'Shat I wish to speak to you a• bout" "Yes," ,r re fur nd the h •inquiringly, e J Dung man "Yes," replied the clergyman. "I -trust you will take no offence. It his a trifle unusual, but--" "Was the weddinweddingfee to snhall?" asked the young mean,'as the clergy- • man hesitated. "Not at all,, not at ail," returned the clergyman promptly. "Yoa see the fact of the natter is that at the `last minute I became somewhat con- fused--bewildered-.-and I would like iso be assured that I got everything all right." "Why, of course you did." "When it cane to the question of love, honor and obey, you know, I was afraid I—" The clergyman paused for a min- ute and then be blurted out: "You're the groom, aren't you?" "Certainly." "Then it's all right, and you have no idea how that relieves me. You -see, I have never officiated at one of these bloomer weddings before, and 1 was afraid I might have made a mistake," --Chicago Post. g 0 e n r A COUGH OR A COLD can he quick- ly cured by Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. It is a combination of all that is best in lung bealiug medicines. He who brings ridicule to bear a- gainst truth finds in his hand a blade without a hilt.—Landor. PUTTING IT ON TOP. That's where people place oar wall paper, for they know we have the largest and best line and know that oar styles and patterns' are sueh that we are always on top in the wall paper business. Our line is the largest and most complete and the new patterns we are showing will certainly catch your fancy. There is no necessity of sending OUt of town in Order to get Bargains Vire have , A LARGE CONSIGNMENT Already opened out and are receive lag goods of THE LATTEST PATEONS Every day. Our stock of INGRAIN PAPEPt WITH BORDERS 111 MATCH Are beautiful beyond compare and as cheap as the cheapest for quality. WINDOW SHADES T It is well-known that it never pays to do a thing by halves, so when you have bought ,your wall paper from us, ask to see our Window Shades, we are offering GREAT BARGAIN'S In this line. Call and see us before purchasing. ALEX. ROSS. 'WING -HAM. . Wanted—An An fees DIM tett oto Mem: ttcr :raw b41ng you vegeta.avar Joan' Mum/Matt nm/MattON fi 1.. Patois 1 i itV._Witshiattors, ii. Q, fur atotr 41,8064119 2,50 Huron aud Stem. The pork factory and woollen mill of Mitebefl, are again running. at full blast, but Messrs, Burritt's hosi- ery factory has not started up yet,. The niereih:ants of Mensal! have agreed to Wiese their respective places between the first of May and the last of Weber, at 7 o'clock, p, an, with the exception of Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Wm, Michie, of Morris, has four three•year-old stock .steers,, fed ex- clusively ou•oat • shea'ves, during .the past winter, that now tip the scale at 1,310 pounds each. Mr. Michie thinks the above an ceonomical and profitable way of feeding. Last week three young men from Mitchell were found concealed in a freight car, bound for Manitoba, They were .arrested at Allendale, but financial satisfactory arkange- meats were Med@•to permit them to proceed, TIE WINGRA.M TIMES APRIL *4;41 18436, The .Care Of Tie 0400. As the washing of the face is con- sidered ono of the wast prolnitient requirements for the preservations of beauty, it is only necessary that it should be done properly, Authorities differ widely on this eublect prtrtic- ulariy as to the temperature of the water, one will advise the use of hot water UK/tiler cold or tepid water, leaving the woman who is desirous of improving her complexion in doubt as to the best method. While. there are exceptions to every rule and Many times each individual muse be a law unto herself .in the matter,; yet . there' are directions given for the care'and inlpxarenient of the skin, which may be safely followed, Hot water is necessary to proper- ly• wash the lace, and rehuove from it all particles of dust and dirt. But it is advisable to use it at night. Before retiring, fill a basin .hall: •full of water, to whioh add a tablespoon- herenee to a milk diet. This oft John Frazer, a boy in the employ of borax. In this bathe the face of Mr. E. P. Davis, ,jeweller and freely with the handds lilt order to neans'a hard struggle le; but by dila stationer of Mitchell, was out for soften the epidermis and open the Ing the ter., one tin cl with vhrliy horse -back • exercise on ' Tuesday, pores then rub gently with a flannel soda water, or bv adding, five or to when the animal reared up and wash reg, and rinse in . cold water grilles of bicarbonate of soda or threw the lad, fracturing the bone _ to which a few drops of eau da col-' pancih of salt to each tumz':blerful, th at the wrist of the right arm. Dr, ogne may be added. The facedifficaities _ Thompson dressed the break, and should be dried by nubbin it many cases skimmed milk is better the boy is now nursing the hand in ly with a soft towel, always wittiiean borne than that with the cream a sling, upward motion. A little almond Buttermilk's is useful for a chant; Indeed it is tweets feuded by • Get The sta.bles of the Northern Hotel, cream, olive oil, or some similar un- Man physicians in the treatment o Paisley, were discovered to be on gent may be rubbed fate the skin in dyspepsia, one of whom says fire Thursday morning about 4.30, the morning, tepid water with n t'Wllemi: the <ttlent is inn ry let ail The building being Avery old and sprinkle of borax should be used to eat buttermilk ; when hes thirsty inflammable one, the whole was in. wash the face, which in this way let him drink buttermilk." Patient veloped in flames before the firemen will be kept clean without the use of tire of buttermilk more readily tha were on the ground, The capacity soap,' the doubtless qualities of the do of sweet milk, however, an of the waterworks was too touch for %Vlmich render its use more or less it Is rarely that one will consent t it, however, as the• three streams dangerous. use it long.When milk anyform turned on snuffed out the blaze in Steaming the face is another short order, so effectually that most method of cleaning, it being much is the only food, it should be take of the chased framwork is left stand liked by some women ; beneficial to a in quantities of six to eight ounces ing, rough or red skin. It is is best to (about half a pint) every three hours. The Huron County Christian En- take this treatment at night just he. One thing to be borne in mind in deavor Union will hold the '96 Con- fore retiring as it relaxes the skin taking milk is that it should be treat - T and makes it sensitive to cold. To it as food, and not as a drink, hence ventiou in Goderich on Thursday it should be sipped .ver and Friday, Aug. 27th and 28th properly steam the face hold it over Popular Science News. y slowly.— The Lxeuetive Committee met in a vessel of boiling water for .about Clinton last week and arranged a fifteen minutes keeping the head • programme. Let the Leaguers. and covered so that the stearal cannot News` Notes, Endeavarers keep these 'dates dis- escape. When the steaming' is Lieut -Col, Fred. C. Denison; M. P. engaged and make an effort to be at finished the face should be bathed in died Wedhesclay at his residence in Goderich on the above dates. warm water and borax then rinsed this city: - He had been 111 for some in cold wates and gently wiped dry, months and yesterday his condition With this treatment three or four became serious, terminating in his times in a week any complexion death. Will improve, provided cautions as to • general rules of health: regarding Some idea of the number of base - diet and exercise are obeerved• ball bats that are used, .may be gain - Common sense should make it ed from the fact that one firkin in plaid to every women that persist- Grand..Rapids Mich. in one season encs in following any good rule laid Manufactured 288,000 bats, requir- down for use, alone will lead to good in over 2,000,000 feet of lumber. results, and that to care for the com- plexion a week and neglect it a Daniel Whale, who received 'a life month wilt never be of any benf$t. sentence for murdering his wife in Therefore whatever rules are adopt - The Mitchell, but was pardoned after Educational Department has ed, must be used continually, wen serving a term of years, has pur- issued to the rural schools a programa` the result will generally be all that 'chased the • Windsor hotel at the for Arbor Day which is •:fixed for is desired. corner of Richmond and Cleurch May- 1st. The programme is com- streets, Toronto, for $10,000, and will nisory and the day will have co be shortly again embark in the hotel Orrtari0 ai3 a $Qlmte A . !*...'iillt l / A ,eSt tort,.- e Wast Day makes Clothes tweet, dean, whits, with the Teat labor. le I r, < Diet in ] se.i Y a, P A The great thing to restore the dyspeptic to health is the ehoiee of proper diet, Individual idiosyncras- ies here play such an important palet that it is impossible to lay down any hard-and-fast, rules whereby diet maty be regulated, Obstinate cases of indigestion naiy demand a, rigid ad - Do r e tm great •dal of praying before you 1tndertake to tell what a groat .sinner you used to be, Who then Is flee? The wise man who eau command himself.--Zlotace, The worst of alI knaves are those who can rein -trate their former hori- esty.—.-Lava ter, en t- A good man is kinder to his enem- ol• 1 les than bad linen are to their friends. a Bishop Hall, a The fruit derived from. labor is the sweetest of all pleasures.•Vau- u venargues. A .gold cure club has been o:gan- e. ized in Walkerton. A. enures+of 1Tcod's Sarsaparilla thin spring many be the means of keeping you t well and hearty all summer. u r, The steps of faith fall on seeming s void and find the rock beneath— . Whittier. d No violent extremes endure;a sob- er moderation stands secure--Aleyn n "I.low many foreign languages can your wife speak?" Mr. C. M. Bowman, ex -Peeve • of Southampton, has been presented with a gold watch' ' by ;tis Iniinicipal supporters in this village. Mr. Bow ratan was induced to become a candi- date for the reeveship at New Year's and was elected by a majority of 34 over Mr,' Belcher. His opponent, however, protested the election, and the judge decided there was inform- ality in the sale of the electric light plant, and Mr, Bowman was unseat- ed. p for Purebred observed In every school section. buslress. This. is the second time There are to be recitations and music Sheep. that he bas become the owner of this and the planting of. trees and shrubs Ontario has earned an enviable property. Ten vests aa- Ire w in the school grounds. The obser- vance of the day is not compulsory in urban an municipalities. Hitherto teachers in rural sections have taught school on .Arbor Day or ob- served it by plantingtrees, ate,, just as they saw fit. e reputation for the variety, the num-• owner, -but sold out and came t to hers, and the bigh exeellence of the Mitchell. purebreeds of sheep which chit has . produced. Let us try to maintain An important find of skeletons of this reputation. So long as we are Prehistoric people, supposed to be cliff are sure of a market in the neighbor- dwellers, was Made some ten days ing republie. In many sections ago on Beaver Creek, Yavapai Calm - thereof succulent food oannot be ty, Ariz. The skeletons were laid .grown as easily as with us, nor can MORRIS. it be grown in sueh variety, So A special meeting of the Council long as this feet remains, we shall was held in the Town Hall, on April occupy a vantage ground in growing 13th, ealled by the Reeve for the pure bred sheep. Reputation is much purpose of taking into consideration to the breeders of any line of live the re -building of Sunshine bridge stock. Let us try, therefore, to and other business. maintain our reputation. We can - Moved by Win, Isbister, seconded not devote too much care to our by Thos. Code, that Sunshine bridge work. We canuot easily put too be rebuilt as early as possible and much . time upon it Every effort that the County Engineer be request, . should be made to attain to a higher ed to prepare plans and specifications and more perfect standard of quality. for re -building the same—Carried. We should not grudge our sheep the Moved by Geo. Kirkby, seconded needed supplies of liberal feeding. by Thos. Code, that Wm. Isbister be We should not hesitate to cull closely. instrueted to attend to the matter of So long as we can keep our pro - having Geo, Scott takes to the House duet in the van on this continent, of Refuge as early as possible— we may eztpeet to find a market for Carried. the product that will award us Moved by Wm. Isbister, seconded for our labor. --Farming, by Geo. Kirkby, that E. L. Dickin- son'be paid $71, being - payment of Belief in six Hours,-.aistresetng TCtd• legal expenses in connection with hours b eeCereeat SouthrA.merican TCid bridge arbitration—Carried. nay Curo," This great remedy is a goat Moved by Geo. Iirl? by, seconded surprise and delight to physicians on ac. by Win. Isbister, that the Reeve be Donut of its a cceedfag promptness in renew - by instructed to have tt culvert put in and the road put in a proper state of repair at lot 20 on 5th con. line— Carried. Carried. W, Clam, Clerk out in orderly arrangetnent on na- tural shelves in the chalk -like cliffs bordering .the creek. There were about.forty- skeletons in all, and each was laid on a piece of.matting. They were evidently of fullgrown people, but were very small in size, and were in remarkablygood state of preser- vation. Sh put up for fattening and in, dee all of them. need especially to be fed with perfect regularity,. er wise, they fret and worry; has the same effect on sheep as an their owners, it makes theist thin,. No person is more frequently wrong than thosewho will not admit they are wrong.•—Roehefoucauld. ALL E 1NDS of Cougbs, Tiokting, Hacking, Distressing, Obstinateor mete. ly slight ooegbs yield to the soothing, healing effects of %Voud's Norway Pine Syrup.. Price 25c., all druggists. All beings have their laws: the ing palet in the bladder, kidneys, bank and deity has its laws, the material world every part of the urinary passages in malts has its laws, superior intelligence and fempain in s ingoves most imn a tastyr have theft laws and man has his and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief ane1 bore this is Isla--$Xestea1111011. your remedy, Sold at Chisholtrea drug w, store. I have from the `beginning, and I t,,"+. A young Marx Hauled I.nti;ht, who hope to the end, to pursue to the ut- f was shot during a charivari at New- most of my judgement and abilities z port, secured a verdict of $5,000 Assizes. a aainst Mr. Addy at the Brantford good of the great whole. --Washing- ton.to dy line of conduct for the b BEI an ure the nse of. Nor vayPies Syrup cure all diseases of the 'Throat and Lungs, Cougha, Cola, Hoarseness, eta. Prise ., all druggists, mid i at YtTO bWideed in'ferititnis rtMq "Three—French, German and the oneshe talks to the baby". It is a jov to think the best we can of human kind.—Wordsworth, Every one that, flatters the is no friend in misery.—De Foe. Do you—dare you to taunt me rvitit mar born deformity?—Byron. A heavy purse in a fool's pocket is a heavy curse.•—Cumberland. When Baby was sick, we gave iter Castorfn. When she was a Oland, shd cried for Castorict. When she became:0as, sho clung to Cnstoria,. K1ten sho had Children, she gave them Castor1a. remark! able lutist and cleansing properties make SURPRISE most economical and fest fot'M ,/► Every Day QX7Z 'Z TUAY, Two are 1nou h. e 'eels Happier. R,iD NOT NEED THREE. Mr. James N Davis, of 15 Wellington +rt, St, Thome, speaks of an eyent of late 0ootirranee, whioh should be of terea1 to many of our oitizene. ?kir. Davis, in conversation with our repre- sentative said: "Doan's Kidney Pills are the best kid- ney remedy 1 ever heard of. .I.'bey bave removed the distressing kidney trouble with which I was afflicted, and made a stronger, happier roan of me. For acme years I have been troubled with. severe pains across the lower part of the back. The urine was dark in color and caused me a great deal of annoyance, being compelled to get up a number of times during the night, 1 was also a srreat sufferer from severe cramps in my hags, which became so painful that I had to get out of bed and rub them with liniment in order to get even momentary ease, 1 had a great deal of sick head., ache; was trouoled with weakness of the eyes and felt tired, weak and worn out. Walking distressed the because of the pain and general weakness from which I suffered. I got three boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills from Mr. E. 0. Harvey at his drug store. and have not taken :he third box because there was tao necessity to do so. The two biases have had such a surprising etheut for good that I did tint need the third. Ye., curl take plea- sure in telling whist they have done for me tmeoauae of the henith that I now enjoy through their ase, All my dif3icul- lise have vanished; I hate 0o pain in tit+., back; un soft headanho; wyeyesch) not trouble we:.1 hJuice had no cramps aloce 1 bngnn tailing the nil's; steep xa'Jt, and the tired, plaaecl-Hat feeling; has all gone. I believe ail these troubles w.,•e caused simply from. kidney trouble. yee ,uev say that I know 1)oan'ta Kid- swy Pills to he as speedy and wonrierful . speoi fie for kidney and urinary ditlicul- title, and moat strongly reiaom,nend their ase to anyone idly^ted as 1 was. [ In To sell Canadian and U. 8. grown i' 4i 6 01 trei' . berry moots, rosea, shrubs, b.•gges, ornamental trees and rewi natatae': for outp nur,a,, havinu testing m'ohrro,' in Can. —Saar Lord 13u•iloy is known as the "Queen of Elogntinn" whose name as an .Etocntionist le famous througout the con- tinent. During the last live years this young lady has filled more engagements than any other elocutionist in the world, averaging two hundred and more each year. Since appearing here last, Miss Bailey has .toured, ail over the continent and Great Britain. The following number of times this talented entertainer has ap- peared in leading Amerlean cities s,,nttks volumes for her ability and popnlarlty. Boston 9, New York 21, Philadelphia 17, St: Louis 12, St. Paul 8, Detroit 10, Chica- go 11, Buffalo 12, Montreal 8, Ottawa 6, Toronto 18, and at her fourth appearance in Hamilton the other evening to an audi• ence of over one thousand. Dont miss this treat, remember the date, Friday, April 24th. Admission e6 cents, reserved seata 8.5 cents. Card of Thanks, In leaving 'Wingltain after being in besi- ness a short time, I take this opportunity to thank my many oustomera for their liberal patronage. My aim has been to do good work for fair prices and I t avri made every effort to do work at could b3 appreciated. I bespeak io: my sucoeseors The Star Photographing Company, the same support that has been given me. Yours Respectfully W. Ii. Batnex. „• . tib tree on the benefit or our exmrecience, g,r \ our sorters is ,ruurptitee , Ir Sott are not ear ntr,y; ii(J 1"r numth and s, elms, write us at ,nee for 'pnrticutiars. Liberal nonnnissions /mid pa• r time men. farm, ra' tion. should look into • ,n• -i it psye Muter roan aorl.ittg on the ft.im, . and offers a shakes for promotion. Aptly bury t.mt gut ,+in,icu of ter itory. STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Canada. *Letters Come. O Letters come day BB. by day telling us that tt i m s person has been cured of dys- pepsia, that person of Bad Blood, and another of Head- ache, still another of Biliousness, and yet others of various conmplaiets of the ;.,mach, Liver, Bowels or Blood, all through the intelligent use of Burdock Blood Bitters. It is the voice of the people recog- nizing the fact that Burdock l3lood Bitters cures all diseases of the that a,,;Stomach, Liver, Bowels and I3lood. Mr< T. G. Ludlow, saa Colborne Street, Brantford,. Ont„ says : During seven years prior to 1886, my wife was sick all the tine with violent headaches. Her head was so hot that it felt like burning up, She .vas weak, tun down,and se feeble that she could hardly de anything, and so nervous that the least noise startled her. Night or day she could not rest and Iife was a misery to her. I tried all kinds of medicines and treatment for her but she steadily grow worse until I bought six bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters from C. Stork & Son, of Brampton, Ont., for which I paid $5.o0, and it was the best investment I ever made in my life. Mrs, Ludlow tools four out of the six bottles-•-•• there was no need of the other two, for those four bottles inade her a strong, healthy woman, and removed every ail. ment front` which she had suffered,. and site enjoyed the most vigorous health. That five dollars saved me lots of moneys in medicine and attendance thereafter, and better than that it made home a coriilort tit lite. ES 1U-P<A.•N'S The modern stand- ard Family Medi - eine: Cures the a.ar tt leit common every -day Ms of humanity. au