HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-04-24, Page 5COUNTY COU.tQ'GII,es. z UDGES APPOINTED TO DIVIDE+, THE COUNTIES IN ORDER THAT TIIE NUM 13ER Or COUNCILLORS MAV BE RE- DUCED. except the sleeper, which was un- coupled and moved safely to the rear: Three boys, who were standing on the platform when the accident hap- ened were lulled and their bodies THE WINGEEAIVI, TII IES, APRIL 24, 1896, ter of Mrs, Thynne, of Morris, and was only 28 years of age. She leaves an infant son. She possessed a good alto voice, and was a valued member of the Presbyterian ehoir for several p , were fastened between the platform years. of the second and third colonist coach. Toronto, Ont., April 21.—An order- Their names are: Kund IIawnrson, in -council has been passed by the 10 years old, going to Fisher, Minn., Ontario Government appointing the and R. Alfon, 20 years of age, going following County Court Judges to dl- to Halton, Dakota, and both are from 'vide the present counties into County Councils distriets under section 28 of "the Act to reduce the number of • County Councillors," passed at the recent session of the Legislature :— Judge Jones, of Brant ; Judge Wil- kinson, of Lennox; Judge Bell, of Kent; Judge Dean, of Victoria; Judge Senkler, of Lanark • Judge Creaser BRUSSELS. A very fine specimen of a loon was shot on the river the other day by J. T. Ross. It has been mounted by R. Bergen, Norway. There was also a Johnston in first•class style. man killed, who is supposed to be I Elwood Code, a worthy young man from Norway, but the name cannot ; of 19 years of ago, died of quick be ascertained. Mrs. Moody, from consumption last Monday morning, London, England, and bound for at Princeton. The funeral took place Toronto, was somewhat shaken up, on Tuesday. Deceased was a cousin but no bones were broken. Bag- to the Misses. Code, of Brussels. gageman Sears is also badly injured. Last Wednesday morning Fred. The passengers were transferred and McCracken, while painting at S. T. of Grey, Judge Benson, .of Northum- will arrive bere early to -morrow Plum's shop,'stepped on a projecting berland and Durham ; Judge Horn, morning. Lowelltown is about 40 trusty nail, which penetrated the sole of Essex; Judge O'Brien, of Prescott d and Russell, and Judge Doyle, of Huron. Judge Jones is named as chairman. The above will form com- missions of two Judges each—two for the west and two for the east. Judges Jones and Creaser will divide the counties of Essex, Kent, Lambton, Huron, Bruce, Elgin and Norfolk; Judges Bell ,and Horn the counties of Oxford, Waterloo, Brant, Wentworth, Baldimand, Peel, Halton and Grey ; Judges Jones and Doyle the counties of Wellington, Simcoe and Dutferin ; Judges Bell and Doyle the counties of Middlesex, Perth, Lincoln and Welland; Judges Dean and Benson the counties of York, Ontario, Peter- boro', Hastings, Lennox and Lanark; Judges Wilkinson and Senkler the counties of Northumberland, Dur- ham, Prince.Edwal'd, Victoria, Leeds, and Grenville, Frontenac, Prescott and Russell ; and Judges Dean and O'Brien, the counties of Carleton, Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry and Renfrew. Judge Senkler, of Lincoln, and Judge McKenzie, of Lambton, are appointed to act in the place and stead of any of the judges who from any cause may be unable to act on the commission.-- — miles from Megantie. of his shoe and then went into his foot. The nasty wound was care for by a physician, and we hope to see Mr. McCracken around again in a short time. On Thursday of this week Mr. Webber, of Woodstock, and Miss Elsie Pelton, of Innerkip, were joined in .444.444.4444.4441 BLYTH. R. Howard & Son visited the Hub one day last week. Miss Millie Bell, of Belgrave, visited under the parental roof Sunday. Our fire company were out for the holy estate of matrimony. R. G. practice on Wednesday evening. ( and Mrs. Wilson and Miss Frank Our assessor, John McGill, has got Pelton attended from Brussels. The through with this year's role and re- three ladies mentioned are sisters. turned it. Many good wishes from the friends Messrs. McGill & Cowan are getting of the happy bride in this locality the timber in shape for putti 1n' up a ! will be eehoed fora prosperous future. 'trn for Will Lev •. _`e. d thing happened in Mrs. help tas.rontec h it reildence i11 town an is going to drove to Wingham this week, x Rev, A. McLean len' on Mon- day to attend the Presbyterian Synod, which is being held in Chatham this week. On Monday the regular sittings of the 12th Division Court was held L1ve Stoort Mat'ltetil. East Buffalo, N. Y,, April 20.— Cattle---Receipts, 130 ears, against, 155 ears last week; market very dull and slow for all kinds ; export steers $4,10 @ $4,25; good to choice fat steers, $3.85 ® $3.95 fair to good steers, $3.40 @ $3.50 ; common old cows, $2 @ $2.40 ; fair to good weight stockers, $2,85 @ $3.25. iIogs---Receipts, 35 cars; market slow and week, Sheep and lambs— Receipts, 90 ears ; markets fairly active and about 10e higher for good handy lots of sheep and lambs. Cattle closed dull and week but bulk all sold, Ilogs closed dull and 5c lower than opening, with fully 25 carloads unsold. Sheep and lambs closed very dull for heavy sheep or lambs, with the bulk of this kind, 12 loads, unsold : all the good handy kind sold. Montreal, Que., April 20.—There has been practically no buying of cattle for export yet, but space has been contracted for one of the Liverpool boats for May shipment.. Locally trade is somewhat more active, but prices, nevertheless, are just a, shade easier than they were last week. At the eastern abbattoir market this morning best butchers' cattle brought from 8- c to Sec per pound, live weight; which is ic less than was paid for the same class of animals on Thursday. Secondary stock sold at 3c @ 3i -e, and common inferior qualitycould be had at from 11c «. 2ic. There was a fair - 120 sbeep .and lambs and 3.500 hogs. j 13utahers' cattle were dull ; best sold at 13ie these being extra ehoie�•.;; good cattle sold at it2.4•) per cwt., and poorer iota brought 2 o pee'f pound. Half a dozen ears were' taken to Montreal, l xpurt cattle were a little inure ttetivr. a few lots; being taken at 4e for elu,tev.e which averaged 1,-2 x0 p„nt'ds each , Lulls were worth 3c (, :l1 per intend ; stockers and feeders were 'in fair demand at 3e &t' ,Sheep and lambs were quiet; gaud grain tied Iambs suld at fit; 'a. ;lie. Sheep were dull at 3e at 31e per pound ; calves steady at w2 i:t '4 ; ranch cows and springy rs quiet at $20 at .`,35 each. Hogs wee in good in good demand, notwithstatrc:in the large? offerings ; choice bacon hug, sold at i;�mi. s0 (ri $4 per cwt.; stores $3,70 . 3.75 per ewr. ; thick fat '$3 0) $3.70 ; breeding hogs, 3e, and stags 2e e :le per pond, .•��•he - duct -4 approve of Scott's !'�iu,sion. For whom? inen and. women who are weals,; w1►e:1. they should be .strong; for babies and children who aye thin, when they should be fat; for all who get no nourish- n1ent from their food. Poor blood is starved blood. Con- sumption and Scrofula never' collie withous this starvation. And nothing is better for starved, blood than cod-liver oil. Scott's Emulsion its cod-liver oil with th.e fish -fat taste taken out. Two sizes, 50 cents and 51.00 SCOTT & 13OWNE, Bellevilro,On�= —��l6 r ,..�,•.,•io�v ...� ....� .-e� Ell-� —AND THE-- H SYSTEM Are now on the home stretch of the second year, with a good lead, Gu''1 TJN 1 TRONO- We have just finished stock -taking, and find that we have come A very se. t ting appen Brussels 5 'c nk whim last Jamieson i ' out hand •mels on top: We are now entering upon our third out drawing Eyster her little girl, trade was done all round. Small Ethel lMay, just four years of age, you at prices that are:; right limht supply. with the ROAD -MAKING. SIR OLIVER MOWAT ON THE HEST MEANS TO IMPROVE THE HIGHWAYS. Sir Oliver Mowat bas written the following reply to a letter asking him for information as to the duties of the. new road commissioner : "The, pro- position entertained by the Govern- ment does not contemplate the ex- penditure of any money whatever by the municipalities. The work of the commissioner will be entirely educa- tive in its character. It is proposed that during certain months of the year ho shall collect in this country and in foreign countries such infor- mation as shall be available regard- ing what is being done elsewhere for the improvement of highways. He will also prepare any literature which it may be comiidered desirable to distribute in reference to this subject. In addition to this it is proposed that the commissioner shall meet personal- ly with road overseers and with the embers of township, town a.nd ! died hast Thursday, April 16th. He pleaehed in th Methodist thKerdist'c urch, last ru About 5 o'clock while Mrs. Jamieson ry active demainct shown and a good' year, and in a better positirJn. than eve to place goods before was i , meats were in pp - . Was, it is supposed; playingwith b matches and paper, and befre her excepti anof ncalves and below hesold weceiuts mother could fly to her relief the values child's clothes caught fire and her to -day were 500 head of cattle, 500 1 es 10 sheep and 20 spring lambs. Following was the general range of flesh was literally burned off her ea v , before his honor Judge Doyle in In- a bones. Mrs. Jamieson made • every effort to put out the flames. by tearing t quotations:—Cattle—hitchers choice brought t be Ae number or of cahes ring. I er oiand 3 c @ 3Ac, • live weie h•t.; T } brought before: his lienor for hearing. p p � 1 On Sunday afternoon the remains of the late James Vancamp, an old resident of East Wawanosh,, passed through ortr burg to the Union ceme- I assuage the poor little things suffer- (tory for 'interment, followed by a lame number of vehicles and sorrow- ing friends. A. Your approvalstetidlyour cash ou 4 We have much pleasure in thank - 11 rs and oilers who patronized us during the year, and helped us along so heartily in in g our customers the child's clothes off and wrapping n odium to fair 3c �' 3•> e; culls 2c ® a blanket round her, and got her own t hands burnt badly. Medical aid was 't•c Calves --good to choice $7 @ $10; common to fair $1- @l $ 6 ; spring called in but could do no more than lambs—common to good $2.50 at $5: sheep $4 at $5. same night. The funeral took place Toronto, Ont., April 21 Although m e received at i on Wednesday to Brussels cemetery. the jie quality cattle maof the rket to day was j little better, prices were- no higher. Receipts were 63 carloads, including BLU 1?,V ALE. Mr. W. A, Elliott, of \Vawanosb, is in the village this week on business. 'Mr. Cahoon and family, of London, attended the funeral of Mr. Strothers on Saturday. Miss Nettie Maxwell, of the Blue - vale road, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Nicholson, of Chicago. Mr. J. J. Denman exhibited his mechanical passion• play last Friday • visitingat Jonas I:'ar5yth's. evening. It -is rather -trivial. 'W Walden has secured a sitna- I- ings and she died at 11 o'clock the Tho greatest sympathy is felt for the bereaved family__ WROXETER. • John Damara, agent for the Tams. ' • Mr. Andrus, of London, was in town this week. R. J. Evans, of Teeswater, was in town this week. .James Fox, of Brussels, was at his father's over Sunday. The Misses Stokes, of -Toronto, are Mr. R. G. (raseinore the new me • 1 v m a chant, has engaged Miss Jamieson, off tion with i`,tr. Sanderson, of Gorrie. Fordwich to assist in the post -office. I Mr. Went�t, of Mildmay, is moving Rev. Robert Thynne and Miss Bar- I into the store lately occupied by Mr. �^ A. Goe>l ff.• Mr/C. W. �+lldt•ew preached in the 1 Your nerves will be sand g,refreshino_ Ethel and Cranbrook clntrches• last sleep ....tett,..... e. GREAT RACE. Our Dress Making Department, as usual, is up to date,. and ahead of the times. Nothing but first-class work turned. out here. A11 heavy goods bought here cut free of charge. • CUTTING AND FI'l TING A SPECIAL G. MCINTYRF MACDONALD BLOCK.WINGUAMv ���.�..�.. Blood means sound health. With pure., :ich, healthy blood, the stomach and di- gestive organs will be vigorous, and there will be no dyspepsia. Rheumatism and Neuralgia will be unknown. Scrofula pure and t:3ait Rheum. will disappear. . �p40 nI�illlilllllllllln!II�I i(4= nivaCt baro Thynne, of Markham, attende the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Wm. Fraser, this week. Mr. Lorne Myers, of Lansing, Michigan, has returned to visit his uncle, Mr. Daniel Lewis, after an absence of four years. Mr. Hugh Strothers, of Turnberry, ' pure blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes p diseases. Sabbath. That is why it cures fou andtakes. That is why so many good health, pre- ventcure disease, retain {; sickness and suffering. Remember . Mr. (:loebcl, our jeweler, is -leaving town, lie having purcha::ed a stock in Jlitchell. The Rev, Burks, of Teeswater, village cuuucils with the view of °flied of a paralytic stroke, and we.. discussing the hest methods of itont-. t sicl but two days, although he haci proving the ordinary highways. It tt colcl for some time before. He was IS also proposed that wherever an I born in Ireland, and was 84 years of opportunity is afl'orcled he shall super- age. His wife, son and daughter are intend a 50011011 Of :t road as 0. sort of; all dead, and his property, which is attern or ideal toward which over- Iworth a good sum, is willed to his � nephew and niece, Mr. James an sears may work. The Minister of � Agrieu'tnre itas always firmly refused I Miss Sarah Orr, who came out from I ;Mete health. to entertain the idea of making any i Ireland several years ago to take 1 •-^ �-- --""""""" "'""""" radical changes in legislation as to ; care of their uncle and manage the y reN+'"t�+ thet 1 thor employed on the roads, or farm, The remains were interred in G k .N . Tees weter. Mr. J. W. Sanderson has purchased a stock in Toronto, and left for that platen on Monday. The Rev, R. S. G. Anderson is ex- pected home this week from the Old Country, he having regained com- to give countenance to any scheme i Bluevale cemetery on Saturday after- • of taxation such as has been proposed i noSara Lord Bailey � by some who have discussed the ` appeared in Blue - matter. he theory of the Govern -1 vale on Monday evening, instead of noent is that we ought at present to i April 23rd, as we announced last i tion as long as you reach Wroxeter s work along the lines of educating the : week. She was under the auspices leading people as to how they may, through of the Epworth League. Mr. Robert the present system, better utilize the Shaw was chairman. The audience I labor now employed in rottd•makingi" , was not very large. Miss Bailey is a Was the injunction given by Greely, but a wiser• than he would say. go north, south, east or west, any dim- clever elocutionist, both in her hum - 'FOUR. PERSO. T:3 l iLLFD. ourous and dramatic selections. The entertainment was elevating and THE SERIOUA SMASH Olr AN IMMIGRANT ..pleasing, but sone times well thene somethi• ng ON THE C. P. R. ',' )' AWHERY STORE al mismiesg NIiINUnN1eINNISI NIMMIIIINNNNINNMIIIIMININPNNN11B111MalNlllldglNIIIIIIIIIIiI11(Ntl1Ul yt ltdItseeew- Sarsaparilla Is the One Tt ne 13100(1 i'uriller. 51 per bottle. cure Liver Ills: easy to Hood's Pins take. easy to operate. •L 90. News Notes. The estimated cost of running the Berlin public schools this year is $12,500, of which sum over $2,000 is for permanent improvements, $9,300 for salaries, and $8,10 for fuel. At a barn -raising at the farm of Henry Stirling, at the . foot of the third concession, Dresden, near Blenhient, E. Ileneker tell fl the barn a distance of about 20 . -:„n� ., The Leading Merchant of Wingham is now prepared to place before the people of this community, all the latest novelties for;; Spring and Summer. It will be greatly to your advantage if - you. p would call and inspect the large and well, assorted stack 1 •. have just completed. I have received a large shipment of can feet I New Dress Goods, New Trimmings, Now Prix). s :t striking heavily npon his head and I Gray and Bleached Cottons, Flanneleg3tts, shoulders. Mr. Honeker ryas very Tweeds Ccttnrii des. ahirti.ngs, Straw seriously hurt, but iniiv recover.1 It is impossible to describe the An information was laid Saturday! beauties of the aggregation in a I lir D information grain denier of And a full line of Summer Hosiery. It would benfit the people of our town small space. It is sufficient to askland surrounding country to call and get prices quoted before purchasing;. you to conic and see and be convi.nc- w•111 of Harrow, charging him t th d secure one of those lovely Print ntt rape and Felt Bats, Gents' Neckwear Amhurstburv, against John Corn- wall, in wi misappropriating funds which Barron had entrusted to CornWall ►' agent to purchase grain at elsewhere. ► Wrappers at price Ladies drop in an see ranging from $1 25 to $2. As house cleaning is now the order of the day, 11 parties 1rties and requiringLace. >ts ns >7 ' x Harrow. Cornwall is ties do not raw a vulgar. It is to be hoped she will bel ed that our stock is unsurpassed by • Montreal,,Ain'il 20. ---Rather a. ser- greeted next time -with a good house. any. t plate) on the Cent:- Solos were ,liven by the Misses Moss, I loos •tccident took, 1, au Flossie Jackson end bliss 11laggie t diatt�l'a+uific to•clay. Beaton s Muni- Miss ' ossle c b j grunt special from Halifax went into Stewart. i DRE• UISAKIN a culvert nest of bridge 203, nears y;Che new/ friends of 1Mc•arnfs. llher in department is Lowelltown. The culvert had beet% !• t aser w til be sorry to Our Dressmaking p 'Ile: ' e• %' iitei death, wI%ch• occurr«i, on Ttls~ada$', thoroughiy appreciated b1� those who file rai by rrxtc.r. 1 t, engine , have patronized us. We are pre- ' %tivcrt but elle April 14th. The rentable were buried left the ox,lll at the c y pared to do a big trade this season. pre - polled iter, bug';;ttgv arrd two e�:+N,tli>•t ettt'1`Aured:l .. The t'tittris%t efts vEry p . , third large, there being ue�trly elle hundred ; a a will be accepted in cora over. . 1.hes vrextt ones of the. Y N. lit Egan cotottl,it car is h;ettxilig.•cawc;r the e'xl- veltiutew hi the p.rex:eewiou. '1'lie de- 1 trade. vert. 'Tile report :ittItass that the e•eatas'4( ledy a huteltailiet awl releeti e rtiatrt'4IthW*4 ¥ r�+.lt1144"titi :tbli l' etrti+tom hays t,1et ,,tiue.err s tt 1 l+r HISSES ,ANG & LENNOX, is a4,t 3tt:t,ild 1',H f,",.,,t,1 a •'i 4iy.iit.;t'.�40't ettiltinrtel a in 'll•tlr,,bereaveme h- tE1t1 1111TH Block, Wroxeter. ItsBait itig ciee ii ;.ti, .11'Olii n111.m;trztph`d �iri'.1e 1 aft C i all ilial oii rtestt. tlstl$ p r alle„rd to he Lling in urtatns shouldnotfat��,pa�tte^ns at= lCeklcet from), of >iYeW'. short its his accounts rihout $600. C t ,aerto a is al nek freshened by the arrival A. xct5icletit, that ma yrohalily y Our Grocery 1 terminate fatally occurred at Sand. g flat received, aeva't atm cn+r' e•t' Louts, Shoes and ltuttbersaud naughtier': ath 7 wri" Stsm dtty night. �� young should see our extras l:•1' lire, 1,adies Fine Oxfords at 90e., , Y. fi f ei'tner named Jt,�rl,h t,at'ond -map linea et priests to snit putt:ln:eel% 't Last, but not least. The oldest cittarblish .1 and most reliable I L bootie, when nue a, the I3a)usc in 1�'inghgtn. Choice ilutnF C,rur~n Glover ietld "f'iniot'hy seed, ; b which the ttaek were x e t all kinds t►f i"*tt ey Grasse,: kept in stock tend at prices wh!teh Wo defy' ,l l k lJ f fid in ite 11 ll 't el ats*isting a:4 nttighix,r :o move Nis f ti *hif eoreee to tta t rt! broke ane at,rtte a o Kf, c►K ,lt pe dtore to brit.. A eat stetne1 h infecting eine in)tlrirsl Crate + ._, .t.t r..t es...�.,.•it *Melt he is hot eatpectcd to meter.'' 11