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The Wingham Times, 1896-04-24, Page 4
E. WILLIAMS, �HEMIST • AND - DRUGGIST. ABT.B, N. W. TELEGRAPH 00 app. Brunswick House. Wiughal , T - - Ont e Zirdinglytm ahnts ME WING RAM TIMES, APRIL 24,, 1S9t . duty of the tanstitueney shall be to appoint an influential committee to overlook the action of parties who may place candidates in the field,, to acquaint themselves fully of the action taken at eaeh nominating con- vention, to interview the candidates nominated and ascertain to what extent they will support the Patron platform, to consider the past record of candidates when there appears to be little choice between them, as judged by tate privileges they are willing to make, and to report to an adjourned convention, which shall then deeide what course Should be pursued by Patrons. That the strength and influence of the order can only be maintained when the united support of members is given to either a Patron nominee or an ender sed candidate. --Globe. FRIDAY APRIL 24, 189;. A FALSE PROPHET. An interview with Major Saul Hughes, M. P., has been telegraphed up from Montreal, in which he says DEAD, 13UT NOT FORGOTTEN. that the Conservative majority from Before this reaches the eyes of our I Ontario in the next Parliament will readers the members of the seventh be ten more than at the present time. pof Canada will have dis- 1arliament Major Hughes must be aware that persed to their various homes, many' he is far away from the truth when of them never to return, as the par -1 he makes any such statement, unless lliament will have been prorogued i he counts all the anti-reinedialists and dissolved. It is customary to say land. McCarthyies who have been agreeable things of the departed.' read out of the party by himself and his confederates of the Government. He evidently does not include anti - remedial Conservatives, for he states that if certain bolters de not make their peace with the party they will tare, because no good thing can het not be able to carry their constituen- said of it. History of Britain ori cies at the coming election. He is Canada faits to reveal any parliament !careful not to . be specific as to the that had done so little for the country !names of these gentlemen, for they during six sessions. It heaping its 1 are all absolutely certain of re -elect - tomb with well merited censure, Tal laet week on Newspaper Sensa- tion, we wrote "pages" instead of "columns" in speaking of the amount of "confession" published by the Globe, Wu ARE in receipt of a copy of a Tetter sent to Mrs. R. Harrison, front 13, Juti', Galveston, Texas, having reference to the death Qf Field. The letter is lengthy and would fill somewhere in the neighborhood of two columns. This is rather more space than we can devote to it. We would not object to the space so much if publishing it would aecom- plisli any good, but in our estimation it cannot do any good and only wound the feelings of those upon whom misfortune has fallen. At the Assizes in May, it is not J. G. Field who is to be tried for his crimes, but these men who took the law into their own hands and as far as we can see it makes no difference whether Field was a saint or a fiend. The question upon which the trial must turn is whether exposure and abuse were the primary causes of LOST. his death. Mr. Tuffs Letter goes to bear out the general impression that Field was a bed elan, unprincipled, oily -tongued, quick-tempered and eruel to his wife and family. Tuff lived in the house with Field and the family and always regarded Rosie as the eldest daughter. TEM general elections will be held on lists two years old. That means that thousands of young inen who have reached their majority during those two years and are entitled to vote, as well as thousands of others who have moved any distance from the constituency they lived in two Fars ago, will be deprived of their votes, The reason is, of course, that lbe lists have not been annually re- isecl, as provided for in the act. The fists were revised two years ago before the time the government in- tended to bring on the general elec- tions, but being afraid to face the electors the government has bung on power as Iong as parliament could be kept alive, with the eonsequence that many voters will be disfran- chised in every constitueuey. The. Dominion. Franchise Act not only works badly, but it is unnecessary. The provincial voters' lists were until a few years ago used for the Dominion elections, and served the purpose. Now, hundreds of thousands of dollars are wasted in preparing Dominion lists, and the expense of revising them is so great that it is only done at irregular intervals, instead of yearly, as provided in the act, so that they are-t1pt up to date when elections are held.. The evil, for the time, is forgotten, and only the good finds place in the memories for the departed. But the requiem of the parliament, which has succumbed of age, must be .a depar- ion. If there is a man now sitting would keep the stench from rising in i in the Hoose of Commons certain of defeat, if he is a candidate at the the nostrils of Canadians yet unborn, i conning election, that man is Major Atte might be justified in repeating the; Hughes himself. truth. The foul pollution and cor-! The absurdity of the prediction ruption that has come to Light, in spite that the Government party will in - of the whitewashing, is sickening tc i crease their majority in this province behold. It is not necessary to repeat i will be evident to the merest novice thetn, but whelher Grit or Tory, lin politics when it it is remembered when the twenty-third day of Juno' that they will be opposed by the homes, let us remember these thingsLiberals, who are in citing humor and vote for the men who will . not and feel that they have good pros- -support the incapables, the whited i pewsof suecess; byo the alt —rem dial sepulehres, that have, in the name of n Conservatism usurped the reigns of :able to kill the bill in the present Government. The Conservatives have l Parliament; by the McCarthyites, men capable of coming to the front { wile stand higher in public estima- and writing their names as states- • tion than ever before, and by the seen, but they are read out of their ; Patrons, whose success in the last party by dotards and nincompoops, ( Provincial election induces them to whose mental and moral ability would ; believe that they can accomplish not ornament a back woods, township quite as much. in the general elec- eouncil. It bas been reported that Sir Mackenzie Bowels will resign im- mediately after dissolution, and that Sir Charles will come into power ; that Chief Justice Meredith, Hugh' John Macdonald and Lieutenant - Governor Chapleau will be invited into the Cabinet. As to the last two, they- would not bring very much strene;th to the Government, and it is hardly. probable that Chief Justice Meredith would sacrifice his present • position and besmirch the name he bears, as being straightforward, and posing common sense,for the sale of temporarily saving a rotten Gov- eriflner& that must, sooner or later, give wily. tion. Combinations, no doubt, will be effected by all anti-reinedialists, no matter of what party or name, whose chief aim will be to make it itnpossible.fur a Govermnent com- mitted to the bill to be returned. No doubt such a juncture of forces will be effected in many hitherto strong Government ridings, and the proba- bilities are, considering the weak personnel (:f the Cabinet, the intri- gues and feed of which have dis- graced the Administration, that the Government will get a thorough drubbing in Ontario. Such men as Major Ilughes, who 'voted against the second relining and and then sat up all night for it week and acted as MARKET REPORTS. Wingliam, April 23. 1899. Corrected by P. •1,a3ms, Produce Dealer. h`lour per 100 lbs 2 00 to 2 10 Fall �4 heat., , , , . Spring NheaE.... , ..... Oats Barley 074 to 075 074 to 076 021 to 022 030 to 035 Peas ..,. ,...,. 0 48 to 0 48 'Butter ..... ... .. .... •... 0. 13 to 0 13 Eggs per dozen 0 09 to 0 09 Wood per cord,.., ....,1 25 to 1 50 Hay per ton • ....... , . , .. 15 00 tont 00 Potatoes, per bushel. , . , , 0 15 to 0 20 Tallow, per lb Dried Apples, per lb Chickens Books Geese 0 5 to 0 6 04ito005 020to0,95 0 40 to 0 00 0 5toO 5 Turkeys .. . .. ........ 0 7 to 0 8 Dressed Hogs 4 75 to 4 SO NENST STOCK BOOTS * SHOES Fon Spring GEORGE GOOD Invites inspection of the nicest stock of Shoes ever opened out in Wingham. 2 Doors North of Post Office, Winghant. aesseesseamegassigasseagergameassamage is Government whip in order to try Di '']x;i.TRON CANDIDATE-''. and farce the bill to a third reading f0 , l�r J a package is the price we t' The. public ann(iuncement that the Grand Presidcn.t of Abe �Patrons S of courage but the result wilt be un- Strayed from the premises of the un- dersigned, on Monday, April 13th, a red and white milking cow about four years old. Any person giving information that will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. G, A. NEWTON, Wingham, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. I neehtel i31'os., boot and shoe niers chants, Stratford, have a cuoriousity in their show window, it is a small and nicely varnished rustic table, the material being willow wood it is thought. The curious part being that one of the sticks forming the leg of this table contains a dozen vigorous sprouts. It is certainly not an uncommon freak of nature, but it certainly looks a little odd in this ease. A child was lost by its parents in the south-east end of the city of London and for nearly two hours search was kept up for it. The grief of parents was painful to witness ns cisterns and other possible places of disaster were inspected. No one had seen the child leave the neigh- borhood and the mystery became Jeerer with each moment, when happily the child was found—in bed and asleep. IN Tel: 1Mtrnnt or THE GRAY, YOUNG tt; SPAILLING COMPANY, LIil1i-j1n , AND OF TUE JOINT STOCi;: WINDING 1;P ACT, R. S. 0. CITAns1t 183. Notice is hereby given that The Orav, Yonne R Sperling Cont4any of Ontario, Limited, has by a special resolution passed by the Shar ;holders of the. Company, resolved to distribute all the assets of the said Company amongst tem M. Gray, R. H. Young mid F, 0. Sperling, three of the shareholders of the Company,in the proportions sot out in detail in said resolution, said shareholders assuming and satisfy. i,rz the if abilities of the said Company inthe manner and proportions aso set out in the said resolution, and to wind up the said Company accordingly. The Company will act upon the said resolution upon the 21st clay of July next. All creditors of the Company are hereby required to file their claims against the Company forthwith, whether or not such claims fire new due. Dated this Oth day of. April, A. 0 , 1Es96. P. 0. SPARLING, Secretary. Wingham P. 0. trat- j l Ij c . Cr fi] tinct a successful issue, may whistle ] against the wind to keep up their ] are now asking for rr�' 1+- Indlttstry has called'tipon•es erg Pat - changed by ilei'^ idle prophesgings ,J; BI b► SEED. Fl von candidate in t ntariii`to report anti boastful swagger. They i..... ka ['r. constituency for whieh he hae been they l.new°that the bill would not 11 11 t may upon the eonditiona prevalent in the explain to their constituents that I same quality that usually tk pti placid. -iii the field is'in' many respects, . •„planntions will be idle t© urge in the it •ai' ese•plee, ,,Tste . illi 1 rtanee tOr ee a•,&ir'S of Alen wlio are so thoroughly tnitti.brli-i « .tariff-reforntr fareeSrin theiar pposed to the bill, its meaning, and ileiplogslitfe contest a emst'bt: welt.. clericalism, that they will almost ss but atl their apoloafes and ex- sells at 11= in 10 cts. a 'package. 5 1ie if' Cottanis or I3rocks No. r Cr r RI otitiattect, The wisdom, b �- ti.iSzo>} (ssrtainly select men in whom they .i recleaned seed with Bird f elex °jre Dort I` zn the last issut; of I thy of th,ito.m iseen`c'1koledsl'sy'43 nilt'if+bnce h P. Et clf•ceO%'ered. no ¶suelt vacillation fa :pod ```ttttiel:lingTlie , eonit1tuenoy Bread, we have reduced tc TheiTi' mer'•s San 4wor • iiot i p, •'fii,,l<1 ha'itLoni '.:iii:it#t,. tltc Ni -11l consider itself to blame if it gives 8 Gita. a package. priaiipitalof the Grattdi .t asociation. itself a chance to befooled by the tp of await); t� i; giakt wifs°c#iatittrctl :'rdeog same than KEH 'l;iz d by that body.when,in session •- cauL t- ii twu,years ago. At that 4:Tinuai eon- ! DITOltiA14 l oTI ,s. ' 'reutfon lengthy debatee(x occurred t . P•tlzr.t.t1tExT WAS prorogued on tits .Ith: „ � �i tipott various phrases pf tI a questio#t ` Tlanrtiday, and *:ill be diftsolved to - of union tilt other'” + t r'orcebt d:iir. The i ontinations will likefy Tlie Teeth. WW1 tile, • adoption of take, lil'htcc en state iGtll and eleetiana x lotions, including the t --That on .1nn 22rd.. ld it not be deemed 'desirable* IL to nominate a Patron candidate, the By ai dill of the pert in an editor- Wingharn . Ont «TICE TO CREDITORS Iv T. :.Lt1'TEn 01' T. H. IlonsnTS. A SO WT. . Notice is Aeby given Out T. 1i. Ro a, of the Town of W hit,ui, in the (county of on, carry - intron business n. dealer In ready- f.do clothing and gents' furnisht s in the s•ddT• of wini;ham, has made tan assignn,• t under 1 0. 1887, c. 194 and emending acts, o • 1i his" ate, credits and effects, on the 18th of aux , 1599, to W. S. HrBcrnmt, Por the renoral t fit of his creditors!. and that afterwards, to wit, • the 21st of January, 1896. the uudersign,a was- s itcd as Assignee in the place and stead of sd W. S. ffernan. The creditors arc ra' -ested to their claims with me, with the p' ..tt and partic Ars thereof, required by dm sajd ts, on or befere t 1st clay of May, 1896, after,* ch date I wilt proeee to dis- tribute the ass s the debtor ant•.ngst the rhes entitled ther ,aving regard only to the clap • of which uot.c.. all than have heen given. and t I will not . o able for the assets or any mitt therco so distrl d. to any person or Persons of whose claim y I not then hate had notice. SCO d .FF,S * IiO1394t(, J. A. CLINE, Parristers, etc , ffamiltor. Assignee, So 1' ors tor ed as.4,,i,ee, ti iugham, HOLSTEIN DAIRY IS HERB'' TO STAY We understand interested parties are spreading the report that we aro not likely to be lore in the business. We be;; to assure the people of Wieghant that we have embarked in the milk business to stay, that we are increasing Our business daily that our milk Is clean and pure. Our customers are one best reconunendation. FU TIME. Do you need anything in the Furniture Iine this spring? Bed Boons Suites, Parlor Suites, Chairs, Sideboards, Lounges, Spring Beds or Matrasses If so don't buy until you see what you can do at S. Guaclr's. CARPETS. Everybody wants Carpets (more or less). Call and see what S. GCAC18Y can furnish Carpets in All , Wools, extra tine and latest designs, (30 inches wide) and it necessary woven specially to fit your rooms. sewed and already to lay down. i+otded Paper for Comet lining and Stair Pada is the beet thing out for putting und.rCerpete Will last for yeas. For sale at S. OftACl1t'S. BABY CARRIAGES. A nice lints of these most useful V articles at S. Gllueett'e. Cell Aad see thews. d firttituiia, when bought is glom. tit'., deli Bred freta 10 Miles' 0603 Whit Seven years ago a young' girl named Cattanaeh, aged about 1 years, disappeared from her home - at London, Ont., and all efforts to discover her whereabouts proved un- availing. It was feared that she• had been possibly murdered, but nothing tending to that theory' could be discovered, A few days ago her sister, Mrs, Linus Doan, who lives at this town, was surprised to. have a young lady walk into the - house anti announce herself as the• long lost sister, It seams she had run away from home, because her father refused to let her visit her sister Mrs. Doan. She had secure& employment in Detroit and bad. worked there ever since ; her mother Mrs. Cattanaeh ' who still lives in London is expected in town this week to see the daughter. --Essex Free- Press, New ring SG AT --- O AT BI - "22" L EFTEL Si SO 59 MA.CDONA.LD BLOCK, WINGHAM. The Greatest Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Establishment West of Toronto. Our new Spring Goods are arriving daily. All the latest novel, ties of the season can be found in our stock. In Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, French and English Worsteds and Spring Over - coatings. We make it our bueiuess to dress gentlemen in the latest styles. Keep nothing but the best goods, and all our Clothing is warranted to fit or no sale. Our Snits, made to order always give an artistic ap- pearance to the wearer. Give us your order for your Spring Suit and we are bound to please yon. We are the cheapest Clothing House in the Dominion. Cash is our Motto. You can save from 10 to 16 per cent, by dealing with John Ruettel & Sons, the Cash Clothing House. • we.. mrsa�.a GENTS' FURNISHINGS. Our Gents' Furnishings must be seen and examined to be ap- preciated. Our new hats aid Caps are the latest. We have a Large stock to choose from, to suit all customers. Our Shirts are made to our own order. They are warranted to fit and are made of the best material. In Neck wear we pride ourselves in having the finest and best selected stock to be found anywhere. All new goods. READY- MADE CLOTHING. Oar Ready -glade Clothing. Department receives our best attention, with the view to give our customers the best of value. We study our customers interests in all oar dealings with them, believing this the only way to succeed in working up a permanent" business. Gentlemen's Suits at all prices. Boys' Suits at all prices. In Bicycle Suits we have a fine selection. Will be glad to see one and all. No trouble to show goods. JOHN OJETTEL & SOPS, Macdonald Block. WINGHAM. /41t43vtiy&W NOT AM TO- O WN. GOODS NE STICK E. KING'S LD STAND. 1 GEO. AT GEO . LADIES AND GENTLEM .. • : The great siuceess th has atten • d the late Millinery Openings and the gratification and • =acute a '.erienced by all those who visited the show rooms on that once ,n • e led no to imitate their example, and to hold a Grand Boot and ae Opening of our new stook et our pew store, (Geo. E. King's old d), on Thursday evening, the 23rd instant and two following da -, tvh • aninple pairs of our new stook of , fine Boots and Shoed will b aid out • • tables affording an opportunity to see at a glance all the : w creations artistic footwear. The Boot and Sho. rade has now att 'ned to such it degree of ex- celience that we thin a well appointed.Sb. Store filled with up-to- date etylee in fine! t wear should be a sour . of attraction to a dis. grim:timing publi,, seoond to none, not even ilii • cry excepted. We respect • ly invite you to visit our new tore, on Thursday atoning. the `° rd instant. aaeuriirg you that your :reenact, will be, flighty iappr 'fated and that an opportunity wilt Cie orded you of Remise the ery latest styles is Shoes, in tees time and w't leeie trouble then wo' d tee possible wider other Circumstances. No • • fold on Thor* y evening. - I the failehtiuie, the whole stoak et the old stand is 1.ei • eared, o'u egiirdlesi of profit. Yenta iieepeetteily, G O_ ccO The Shoe $it1►r th Whit**