HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-04-24, Page 3i t31.' enTale f "Tactical Pointe :for ,Arbor ]day, The spring is entitle"• brie buds. end flowers `t bringing lovely And the were) sunshine beim; Talar + 'a '3"Yo' Then let uta gladly, joyfully sine, d Arbor ay s no more a novelty, 'conTo welcome ie the handy sprang. i lle,west prourioed, awaked, it thine, disGtdict$, IbLu hasere made to isolated That the seasons Abell endure, node its way to `'lrat freed tiiva and hurvtast Ile shall 'School life into the heart of Public taring, School life througliout the length and Ile will seed the gladsome spring, !breadth or titin end other eountt•ies, Eaob gashing,. Sparkling, little streaan IIt Is hardly time yet to count the And the bride that sweetly Clog i Minds run of youthful dream; Winking ►tussle in the sprint;;. Soon we'll free than maple leareas Wevime le the balmy breeye, Casting shadows far and wide As they ata, at even.' tide. Winter has been long and drear, Brining many a doubt and fear; Now bright hopes are on the wing For we see the coming spring, Now mother earth wo see again, On the hill aide and the plain Oh, it is a wonderuus thenar God can make the lovely spring. Then when winter hes beep long Fret tie sing a joyful t,oug; Trrret and watt for everything Gocl fulfills his promising. cost awl estimate the results but 1 from what has already been doge, ;there can be Ito doubt that the prae- (.tical benefits accruing to the material Iwell-being of the country from the Ifaithful observance of the day will in the near future establish in a most I conclusive manner the wisdom, of ;those who have the honor to be num [! tiered among the Founders, of this most expellent observance. In considering tree planting in !connection with Arbor Day, the first question to arise is, Where .shall we. plant them ? On this point, W, IL Egleston, in the U. S. Department Arbor Da , Day bulletin, says:"Where W,, Gllenannan. the clfly, is observed • by schools, tree planting, in the grounds will demand He Would Not Last. I the consideration of the teachers, and "Very busy thin. morning ?" be trustees. Certainly the pupils of Any queried ns he softly entered an ofliee. scilclol should be encouraged to 'plant in the Hammond building the other trees about the building to which forenoon ami stood tubbing itis they come day after day, and where bands. so crutch of their time i, spent in the "Not very," was the reply of the, hot ,a)nn,er' season. They should (=anent.ire uucourtiged to untke it beautiful ')Want to go into a little specula- with foliage and flowers and aplace tion with me '' to which' they may look }bads in fter •'Their cls " THE WJN(xlLAM TIMES, APRIL CLINTON. i fl LENAh'NAN. The House of Refuge .experienced Spring has at hast made its appear. its fifth death on Tuesday, in the an in the most delightful way .and person of Mrs. Sarah Lee, formerly wo are now enjoying the Aye of : Brussels, at the age of ;i7 years, weather, John Grimes. of town, received The farmers in this vicinity stye word last week of the death of his 'engaged ill ploughing at present, i son -Ill -law, 3.. Marshall, of Toledo, Mr,As deceased was a brakesman, the rnakit, Hill, rtlereh on of this tong is , presumption is that he' was killed rusiiil, lnjC sig n th for doing.. Bum - while in the discharge of Pis duty, , lJuetrlees .in: the L'otldng euntM He leaves a wife and two srnait titer. i ohitdren, haying been Married only hauling wood for Mr,Jas. a engaged In about three years. Afr, Nell Reid, of aisley, spent a l Mr. John Ireland, of Seaforth, has few weeks visiting friends in this purchased the milk business of Mr, viein{ty, W. Weir, He has also rented a! The hist wood -bee of the season small house and Jot opposite Mr.1 took place at Mr. Copeland's a few Weir's farm, and taken up his resi-1 days ago and was well attended and deneo there. He is spoken of as a! a fair afternoon's' work was done. thoroughly reliable young plan, and' One of those happy events which will hustle for a continuanee of the trade enjoyed by Mr. Weir, The change will leave Mi', Weir free to devote more attention to the actual.. working of his farm,- ° For the last couple of years the town council has been endeavoring more than ever to improve the ap- pearance of the cemetery, and under the direction of a good, active head, in the person' of Mr. Searle, Chair. man of the Cemetery Committee, the Superintendent, ere - Reynolds, bas been making marked improvement. Still there's Much more to be done always cause a flutter in soeiety *e- nured at the residence of David Dunkin here on Wednesday of last week, it being the marriage of their' .daughter Ellen to Mr. Arthur i neoln. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Bev, Ur. Stewart of Belmore, A large num- ber of friends attended the marriage, The presents - were nuinerou3 and a costly. After the ceremony all set! down to a sumptuous repast. When 1 the tables were Cleared away all 1 began to enjoy themselves and it is anct the fro -operation of lot owners is + full." eC The amusement ry to say, tlwas ceir o G n necessary, l red until the night was far spent A meeting was held on 'Wednesday when the guests started for their erlilt{,r at last week for t1 f respective 1 omen, each as they took their departure showered their eon- 1 gratulations upon the happy young couple. We lleartly wish the young 1 a puit(ls• 'uarr, tvirlr {,teal,ant nreriroriet and . ev,the or ma- esee_yes. There is money in it the associations of which shall have. tion of as base -ball Club, when the for you." lefi an ilupress fur good upon their following officers were chosen : Hon. "What is it?" ch ti I tors." Pres,, 0, D. McTaggart; Hon. Vice "You kuuw that bread east upon The bulletin :above referred to fres., J. Wiserrran; Pres., Dr. Shaw; coupe til, tbo sueeeias of this life. . the waters shall be returned inuny advises that trees .be procured from Treasurer, J. Allan; Sec,, D. Noble; A number of our citizens attended J fold. I don't remember the exact nurseries rather than from wood-- 1 asurer, Dr, Agnew; Manager, W. the sale at Mr, John Taughee's on. number', but it's ate least tenfi>!d. lands. In the nursery „rounds the i Harlaed; Capt., .1. Hoover. A com- Monday of last week. .Tir,tt'e a big enough profit fur any- ;rail is in a• light and soft condition 'trai.ttee wars appointed to consider the body in three titres,'' oral=.1 rift: trees as the grow aro fie. 1 advisability of sports on the ?4th. u'be=me %r Building `'I clurt't exazetl • trticiel'staru<l," cluontiv trains 1 i ,. to ' for Infanta and Children. OTHERS, Da You Know that , • ms's Propp, Qodtrey'p emus], water se-csUad Saw ?u $oro altar keznedtea tor.cbrrdre4 are composed et%tuna er moraine Yiaips, +wit 'fou Ruow that opiuttt and morphine are stupefying won* Poisons 11.„„e" Ruo that *most countries druggists acre not permitted to aeh paremIcaa without Libeling theta poisons? Do Yo—,- "--. o" that you should AGE permit any n edjorae to he given your Chad unless you er your physrerap know of what it is composed x an Yell Know that Castoria is i purely vegetable, preparation, .and that a net of its ingredients* published With every bottle Do Yon - o ' that C'a-"feria bs the prescription of the famous Dr, Samuel Pitcher, That *has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castorla is now bold that: of all other remedies for children consigned! Do Yn— -. ow that the Patent OAice other countries have beputn•tmeat at rite 'United States, and of e issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word "A lda s' sued its formula, and that to 1mitats theta is a state prison offense T Do Yon Rnow that one of the reasons for granting this goverameat protecttonwas because Castor* had been proven to be absolutely himssiea.! Do You Mum, that 35 average doses or Castor* are furnished for 35 casts, br one -cent a dose t Do Yon Rnow that when possessed of this perfect preparation, your childrezl Xnay be kept wolf, and that you may have unbroken rust Well, the.o tL ,,s•a are worth knowing. They are faota. is on ewer:7 x :•o tee 4440.' 'wrapper. Children Cry for PITch r'e Castoriste • p t it tett this owls 1 Lip the system isat this season I'he 1. hurt [ will be more 1 't 1 Waters, Yoll t 3 went the t.tt ativeit little clanger of breaking y r In r r use• + p 1 r g o eranses, puritlea atnd toners' every organ queued, Boodle Sarsaparilla is the great the rat{.,itai You cast," I the roots, and the ruplanthng is x1154 ulcers, blotesthe8. scrofuhteetc., appear os. puriber, because, illi ice one •true blood "You menu 1 hand you a coin ?" . •lectlrnplishuct with greater• faellity, the sux[age au outward application exer- ' ,''Of course, You cast tett cents on In many rural school sections, how- cities wonderful curative power over the the waters. After a (lac period of ever•, the woodland may be the more situ anti flesh, healing them completely titre it crines heel: ru you with 100 praetieable source. for the oung without °ren leaving a-aultr, liar° le a cents added. You have helped rite, trees. young! case in point: After having used Burdock l3>ood and at the snore tithe got a big ro- j If the soil into seltieli the trees are, Bitters for scrofula in the blood I feel it turn 00 to0r irtvesi,„l lit. See ?" > , to he {slanted i, hard or cleyee, so'! tnv to set5tatto ed mb<tke known the results. I `•i\(r sir ! l.'lte1 is the dopa bt - stair Wttta:1 carittut {lene[rat(13 t (4t1IIt I y askilled physician but be hind you :'' , f Lai;ed sura tnP, I hind Lhree runnius t !'or• if it is coarse -g t'ainetd and very sures ooi my neck which could not her "E.'arctlr. Same door .T Carne in -porous, so that water fatlling upon it If healed elate I tried B. B. B.. whi4h W McConnell, at, - Yuu will not east?" ! sinks rapidly to the depths below, i baled then ooaupiddtely, leaving the skin turned front East London, South No, sir!" 1 the roots of trees will fail to obtain 1 and flash sound and whole. ,,a Africa after an absence of two and "Very well. a, ratan who doesn't ( such a supply of moisture as is raced, 1 virtues of es 13 It. a WW1 1! reel ge It Yui to a half years. The gentleman looks want tie masse =.10i) per welt. Ort hi, 'rid far a4 vigorous i,''rowth. It is.: Providence that such a tnedibine is pro- bale and hearty, catpital Chest (Lays has not in31013 oi` a therefore irnportatnt that good loamy 1 vatted for sufferers, This week Robert riicLeau shipped+ business head un him. One dime soil be supplied where it is lacking. Al DS, W, Beton rr, to the s horse show at Toronto -I returns 100 cents. You don't want It will conduce to the 1• > • • Acton P. O., Ont. piing r ,t is t>r 1 x colli weather has made unusual drains=^" --- • explicit. . ions u dense root growth close to the INSIDE ." heti t wi like to cin route east. Stent, and ft enables the tree to be I INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. upon the vital forces;. The blood has he- _ . g this morning? I 3 4)1edtSut the taken f'1011i the g • > Internals resod leurdock Blood Bitters thetfunctronarof the body surae' and all b`A®'8 3R v y r eters sa to s•tt' \'t i1 r > ground with cora- i y HDon's PILLS become he favorite ca- thartic with all who use then,. A11 drug- gists. 25e, A Put up Job GODEi2,ICH, But it is done so quickly, and at the same The Citizens' Committee have time so neatly, that all are'Meas already received :evertus applications t' with it, 'for hoard for summer visitors. rn. M c onnell, of Ashfield re- S Bring along your Job 'Work to the TIES Office and see them do it. Prices right. p ops r aapply. h handsome roadster Oliver Wilkes, it. ". Good that, sir! the waters 10i11 of rltoistnee; also, if the iiia d Shoaling eehis seek entente. easter !"--Detroit Free above the tree rots c eelanlyurat l Sheth' Sif p and Thomas Grundry shipped I' tic. hl.t planting, r 'e • ' ! thoroughbred stallion Zamor, and a 1 The son t1 fl• y o n a carne entered at Win - match f straw or litter of some sort ; after it: warm enough the better i, oma, in the green heavy weight tvbich, b - shielding' it from the sun for t, sheep. The practice of allow- hunters. res, a s a [on • r., .a of cared with a , it i 1e ecce is 1•emoved fill fr t th IIlE WA.N.' TIli1;, , u f hr:) ' :t tui Dear ;,liter: I'In,a tt .taut, to y,tur valued journal, 1.20)1 that if nl,y sufferer from Nervous Delo. 10 tit lity, Setttivatl 11'eakuentt, Latus or Energy tire+ and Ambition. utast ivtatnhuntl, Nilstat •ts Lol;nes, rite , wilt Write we in Ulla tl.tel,l,e, I will inform Law by sealed letter, frte of I114y change, how to oaten u perfect, ours. T ask t•or n+, themes, lra,vitlg nothing to t+e1i. kua,,r 114111 tt, e;yeasa IIZti with those eutterara raft .tin t,alrr ta•1 gland W leo able t0 81£n): t tl,r•ttl, 3)lt, 1tie every one abs+,lut.1• 1lr113''0y and no 1 do not, of C0111'8004 wide tt, t:x:.a,sal an 151'11 either.I do r,t,t t.ira a,tq• name. 1t tun saes re to get a o11, ,4.'nil sstolep anis address simply: P.0 1i12 888x, l.1 rriov, Ozer. hind, will prevent the eve porn- 1fg.; beep to wear their heavy fleece Caretaker hood, of the Alaitlan ('f lnoisture froth the suit, And , u, ' it the month of ,June does Norte cemetery, has handed its his resi at extent incl•oaee the 0(230001 at' harm to the plritnal by them suffer- nation to the Town Council to tak dispo,all of the tier. I inn from heat than the extra. weight effect May 6th. On that date h to ties method 01 /denting, it • of fleece amounts to, As soon after ill have completed 27 years in-th be summed op by serf litre that 1r' May 1st as possible, is a good time to town's service, first as :tree inspectn or 1lrint ,41001(1 +sheat vh' } r'' r b e X will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring me a Watch or Clock l cannot repair and make to run as well as, r or better than ever. eI f Hterxtsat, Gene, Well -fitting harness i the best pt'eeentativuof galls on horses. Har- ness should never be bought when the animal is pets hand to bo fitted. This is trli'r'`uf 8311 parse 'of the har- ness, auct particularly of the collar•, There is at great variety in horses' shoulfie•e As there is in Inert': (loses, and beealise the collar lits cane levee is nil reason why it should fit another. Before a collar is purchased every part of its face should be carefully pressed, so that if there are bard lumps ill the collar, or if it is harder in some plates thalr•others, it may be rejected. , asy to Take' asy to perate Are/centres itres peculiar to I1!o0d's )huts(. matt itt raze, tastetesa, etf diont, thorough. A9 one man stud: t'ermet averkneseloe have taken a team it is ail n over, 250. O. T. Hood & Co., Proprietors, Lowell,. ]stats:.. 'a b0 nil e{t pmts to tote wait illfeiars tdapartfa, Stirs 50 REVT1ARI5 w trot { c taken from.; shear, r tc t will, 10, malty cases, be and si▪ nce 1884 as caretaker of th the ground with ars little dietufbat31c.eabout the time they sire . turned out cernetery tar ilnl air meat of Ste root :waren n,' to grass. This will save tagging and • A meeting of thstockholders toss}t,iu soil set in its new Base of meeting e o ', a1 ' a lot of wasted wool, !Tie lambing the Kensington Co. was held here on y growthwith suet' care as no to 1)111.111 season is over and there is no reason Wednesday last. Air. H. 13. Hinton . Josephine St. Wingham. its roots, but to bring thein all into whatever ter leaving the wool on of the London concern, was appoint- Opposite Macdonald Block. 010.0 00111.3)01 with the soil, 111r press_ later. Doubtless wool is frequently ed manager, W. R. Robertson seere- ! fairy and Horace Horton treasurer. The PARK tog it firmly around and upon them,. Ieft on until the sheep can be washedtutus giving them opportunity at in a stream, but it is preferable to work of building the factory is every point to ,absorb fr•otn the parr.f shear i;1 the grease or warm water being pushed rapidly ,now that the tides of 8011 the moisture rreee sni»r than 10 wait too Iotlg, When sheep weather if favorable, and everything Yat• the steady andhealthful growth are washed before shearing they is progressing satisfactorily. ' This of tie tree, and Leaving' no vacant should be kept in very clean quart, addition to our manufacturing Indus - spates . to promote decay; or lessen the ers for ten days before the wool is tries will be of great benefit to our supply of moisture. : This - is the removed. This allows the yoke 'to town. rise and which snakes the shears run smoothly and the fleece heavier. The' best plate to shear is' upon a most important thing to be seeurcd. Care should be taken also in convey- ing the tree from the place from wiliest it is taken to the place of plank floor where there is plenty of years by o&comthuinu8s o mlonr8 fotfoh s eorveenrIor Over Fifty heats& ldw'.s !Vita -T) rtsssev.—Ars, Wins. 1vhtle Planting, net to allow the root$ t0 light. A large canvas' or mat should tsi,etrns wateesecetmesses. it seethes the child, be nailed down with enough hay or ottaaut tltb )muss, allays all l ttirt, mires n•tnd costo, become dry by exposure. Curlier t0 and id Shu bast remedy tar Diarrhoea is pleasautto hire sun or wind,' Especially, should straw Underneatth it to Make rt soft aha fast"' told l;y Uruf;friete fn rt•ei•y part ut tate werltt, x't+•enty•fira cbt,tx n hurtle, Its 1alu+e ie it lie fro in tam east of evet•greeri cushion for the comfort of the sheep htnnkatlnhlo, Se euro suet eek for Atrs. rVfnslol4>s b $tlothin, ayrttt,, tt I take ft other kind, trees, , It hich haven resinous sap. if and shearer. If a sheep is a kieker _._. this sap becomes hardened by exp;: strap the front to the ]lied leg of the Truth is everlast{n•, but our ideas '31.11, it is nearly impossible to restore opposite side to theater at work. of truth are not, ---.Beecher. 1ts.iluitl condition so;,that it will per - lona I 'T1r{ will save the fleece from lleirt,;'a Tile owner • ought to be more hon- its its plu't in• the circttlttot 'Born and also the :het •e'' t system, and the tree may' be eon - A+ a r r s eloper•. ron1 ri$in . oi;able than tile estate, sidered dead already, Catarrh relieved, e 10: to tee mit tites.--- One short puff of , the broath through ,the 13lower, sepphied with earth bottle of 1)r. Agnewv's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the eitr1net3 of the basal passages. Paiolese and delightful to rase rf;< xalr cures aches _... ureas, Ithetunatasm. Cored in at' day.—South American Ithoalmiatie 'Caro Of Rheumatism Boos '•oar Tlusband or Soil Drink, ' n4nl eretlrnlgia, re,diaullycures in' to 3 days, • If pelt Ilusbaud btu SOO is addicted to Its nation on the system is reniarkablo and alto nee of Liquor, l<itstphlttq or'!'tibnoco, iuysteriuns. It t"ottti,r ;ta+at once,the: cease ure'hilee of your (iruhRrst it bottle of }} of fill( nese gauntly rahny ditrvlilteiirs, 'nee. all"; Chloride of Gold. 't0blets,• They,, tVat Haan t Ohish hoaorna: or cents, are gunriinteed to curs or rnnney Will 0n a X•uiatutca d At Clltshoanr'sdruz store. refunded. Tabiaatarniay, ho given easareti-+ ,,SEP A. .At. Anson, peeve of Cani tat Iy irr; tea or coffee trod the free r1i)a Of a > l stimulants ahloteod until volantrrrili ted SVairde tl of the county of Kent, et'ee histaantly, end permanently 1 wee up. Price 81..00 soot packegs,. if ; r"P,(itttld. Catarr h Hay' Fe' -e, aColds, li e1 der Road- dire druggist at 0 not keep mi thor' :Coes ''filo sun (foes not shine for it, f t oro Throat, !1'ouuilitib and Deaf- dir©tat to The bJf in • Chemical 'Works ,t v 60 canto. At (hIsholm a Drug loofa, Ohio. g'oolc of eruct it r tt.c to ,.and fiowurs bat for the e wide testimonials tree. p t It s and Worit'5 joy---.itrtms r`+x Caveats and Trad,••Marks obtainedand all patent business cundncterl ti,r lteeen•ale 13123;1. me office is in the initt,rt' ,te vi - :'tyorthe Patent ()fate, and my facilities for seruri,tg patents are unsurpassed, end modal, sketch or piyntograpit of inventions with deteri 3e,n andsruenteut ns tuatd% forages claimed, Xo ettrrrad i.: >,trr d!• fag, p,y outfittor, r.s io 3,rtirttstabftitib. sad r•.v fee for prosecuting the appifteatfmt -w(d s.ot oe crass«rt fat~ 1114(13 tufo 1'+tforittie,tit:otadtt. •"3Nvk:-70L3' 00rna," eon. taming full inforntatio,•. sect free. All Ceraaniuhl. rations Considered us ittrrct3l' Confidential. FRANKLINH. HOUGH 1/20 W F3ir0At. wee tereser me. et. re rarmird Look at Thss. EtetIOPT 13ROS,> of the Wiaest,tttn Brickyard. brave lots of 131;13'ii ,u,d DRAIN TI'I)1 -ob hand. D le -seal aleft taller parties acre aaallit,u ,,t te•luu,•,1 101068, bet we t'enn'+. 14• ti:ttl,•rtrnttr. and our l,riek and tile are its s;uodl )ta t[ny made in the Droviuoe. We Oen :Alt by the oar load or IneXX1 tat 4400 the lolly a, low, its ono be pur•• 1 r Pittard un) wharf,. W hate also a riot 1 qualify) trf 1111 hinela lirul38r• for Aare.I tWe:teltaee Bary 1f,. leoee SALE sran W ANTE. Pushlu sale or r'ur t h itcetN user v Stnclv men to i r4Ntht 1, et.,jt)53 gots. trolled h1 n9. Ilhr •st salary n: t•amu halon r,.ad' weekly• stead, mnode%stunt tut:,l,•nr ro,•t,tl, 1'•nt• 8t Prue • ea:ell:sire territory ; expel ir.,t lFrnrs. a ar', ; his; 31.11 assured tvr,rkera • vpr•rn,t indtiventent to be:antler% IA lite at twee for ('xrthaU -la to ALLEN NURSERY C ROCHESTER 3,f. i•. SUITS, For Suits that suit, give e0wfort, to the wearer and oatisfy • QVrTrryour frionlds4 au had better tri us. Our rioirment m ilk ers TROUSERS. know how tt,du•their work ; don't thitrk there are any better and yet we uhnree n0 more than others do for inferior work. 1futulrtlla of DOW fall and winter samples to eboose ?fern rat 1)'I00s about halt' wind you have t,O pay for old goods. Work (1000 or jartie* furninhht,g their owe cloth. If you think that a Tweed :Solt moot he properly natele for 54 :3l int t`aoh, calf and 600 our work. Our terms are calls., W EBSTF R '& (~O,y Opposite flan else ereat,l Meese Wi."shliei.'Oaf.