HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-04-24, Page 1VOL, XIV, --NO. 1265. The Bear. .nth owles . E 81 ILL IN IT FOR iilinery. +e told snap‘last week was pleasant, but our Millinery is bound to sell. MISS DOYLE And her assistants will be pleased to suit you in the latest styles. We have the largest stock ever shown in town. Our Sprin Stock ii all other branches is unsur- passed quality. In buying Pas_d in 4 Y y g we always keep before us the needs of our customers and try to please them. For this reason we have laid in an im- mense stock of ..DRY GOODS, (GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES Froin which purchasers znay select. 92T9 & OLLS, Aiwa ''' '1:c Cheapest, The Only Direct WINGHAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. APRIL. 241 189G.. Marriage Llcenaea —Sara Lord Belle rsaued by Pintas Pen'aetsort, No 28, Vier toria street, Winghunl, Ont. No witnesses •; =Ord Mr. Netter regmrod. ham, is ill. ea —"8ay1" „Say Bailey, to -night." IP PAYS' TO ATTEND rivE CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, STRAT]'ORD, ONT. the Larmt, best and Pined Equipped 'School West o f r T n 0o to. Everything thorough, pracGicnl Red u •to• data r tlmo. pantra this term one take admitted at the low raves, write for circulars MAW & ELLIOTT Principals, Now Ads. T. A. Mills—Dress Goods, etc M. II..McIndoo -Boys' Snits, etp:= LOCAL NEWS. --Division Cour ---0, 0. F. meet —A. O.d!.meet here to -day. tonight, (Friday; n Tuesday, Apr%1,r t•. Just arrived—Baby Carriages at Ire'l d' Furniture Store, Wingham. —G. Russell ie a the celebrated bar am on the road,,with e, Damo. ,•, •. —Dames rumou says a fashionable wedding in town xt week. Black worsted suits from e15 up, at Geo. II. I evin's, City rf—Messrs. Lott & urdy lost a valuable horse last week from neumonia. —Wm. Casemore hipped a oar load of fat mettle to Montr 1 Thursday. —Assessor Youbil is busy delivering assessment scbedul this weak. --Wanted—Immediately, a boy to learn printing. Apply at the Tzars office. —A. phonograph ae a man, struck town on Monday and captti red a few stray fives. Get your art canvas and academy boards at Ireland's furniture tore, Wingham, AIP ���r —'I he workmen ar busy bricki ng Mr. G. Melutyre's house a Catharine street? —Tbe young men f the town kava been busy during the last ew days getting ready ffor their ball. —Detective Roger was in town Tues- day, but left Wedne ay morning on the early train.--AIone. Overooats from 612 to $25 ; cannot be beaten in the Dominion, at Gno, Il. Invxrr's, City Tailor. —.One of our bio °lists started for Listo- wel on his wheel, ut found the roads too ,heavy and tur?tcil week, Illeathiield's Healing balsam is g, sure cure fop the worst cold. At Williams' Drug" Store. 1 --Councillor Do is kept hustling filling orders from far a near. This week he shipped n consign rent of top buggies to Manitoba. to- -For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, one door south of R, A. Grebam's gro ery store, —Mr. John .Allen y, jr., and family have gone to Rochester a d John Allenby, sr., is moving into the h use Iatoty oto • led, by the former, and own d by r7. son, V. S. Ps: yieith youx. pTayma s. Deal with your neighbors. Obtain first-class :pic- ture of yourself at 1 Star Photo Co's gallery, Beaver Bl•,;j Eirst•olass work at moderate prices. . trial solicited. —Rev. Mr. Kelly ate graduate of Me- GilFs and the Co regational College at Montreal, is in tow and will preach in the Congregational oho h Imre next Sunday, morning and eveni • —G. T.11. trains for Toronto and east leave Winghant at 6.23 a. in. and 11.20 a. en., via W. G. & B.; 0,35 a. m. and 3.25 p. m., via Clinton and Guelph. Good con- notions by all trains. , b,T,11. r Olwage hipped his trotting st Allton, Saranac, t Detroit, en Monday to e rained ender th care t re of the celebrated traitors Stanley an Dunbar, Theoblored geiofntleman, Oliver, ent itt charge. Gets freeslzrnDleof Williams' Little Dandelion rills and be convineed. There is nOthilsg like them. tt- hire. ,las, Mc eivie Inas been lyin 'eery 111 for some d , s past, Last Satur- day and Sunday ab = was very low, but at quires,. That is the the time of Kvrititi : she Was some better, l depettniental store 1 Her sister Mrs, arson, of Norwich, was get the pvbiio.'' tient fot Importers, to -night, ell, of Lower W#ng• at P' "Say re Lord —Sara Lord Baileys the Queen of Elo- ction. Here leer toigbt. •-.-Mr. Geo. Clin was in Seaforth on Wednesday and hear "Ruth." —Take your moh —Y''or the finst oboes et cut prices go to gr,or all e£ themD, M, Gantror#'s. Bailey, —A flurry of snow nosday morning, —Shoe Opening. Se sister, your best to hear Sai. Lord ell here,e;ly Wed, - Trs- Helps, off lytl, shoved to town on Tuesday and w 11 occuy hex house en Good's au, en, Shut age 5, 'Minn faatoty as running fullNA net ite #a oheaertoh n everp at Ireland's furniture store, Wingha. ' --Mr. John E. S rtz shipped hie driver, Frank, to Ayluter, nt., llay�ng sold it to a gentlman of th place --Auion Sale lfo� and Tresday nights at 7 p.. m. a Ged'Good's Old Stand. —The Turf Chi the track, getting the poste heaved o —Every farnmi trbution of Dr.now going on at —Organizers Sarnia, have bee interests of the nine new membe --Bank Inspect Boltby, ofWingham instittweek and going tl men woing on n order en replacing t by the w er and frost.. wan, A free dis- Hes Veteriary Book hisholm's Drug Store. uloney and Townsend, of in town working in the [acoabeea and as a result have beeninitiated, r Watson and Asistant are payig the ion an offiial visit thisough the books. Williams' Little Dadlion Pills cure headhe, Ty them. r' t k1d txo s cohere poll tweet In convention in Seaf rth on Thursday and X'riday, May 7th and 3th. —A.11 parties intere ed in fotball are reuested to meet in t e Band room, Fri- day night at 8 o'1oe1 for the pnrpooe of organizing. -The Alert Fire rigade are waking a flower bed in fr t of the town hall, and would be glad to receive contribu- tios of flowers for this purpose. On Wednesday Mr. Geo, Thompson, frot the Wingham his milling outfit, the lerich, witere he will d lumber bsiness on of Zetland, shipp station, the whole odestination being Gi go into the milling a a large scale.` --•It is not genera person falls into th h -D. M. Gordon has 1ue madjust received server, and by pi another bale of the celebrtd factory 1 water, rim down, wi cotton which they are selling at 5o, per yard. Other stors_ would charge 7c for it. niare pleaseCline who has bee is recovering.and —•Free Photos with e25.00 card, from the Star Ph Card. 'to learn that viss Ada eufferi»gfr•. erysipelasyill anon ,• out again. taWingham, on T frim H. Melndoo instant. 'Che Rev d - yen No.1 Cabinets will deliver his p Co. Call .and get a home things you of the able pressing tt slighly t bear a man up for ht —Lecture in t Thos. Bell E. Smith, Banker, tures of the MT factory. as purchased from A. 11 the lumber and fix -of his best efforts. ish & Coreiture Admission 10 cents prices"is the eswho require printing of any All portraits kind, should not forget that the Trurs Baver Block, office is the place to have it done right and 's Black, Harriston. at prices consistent with good work and fair profits. tray, of Kincardine,in the Presbyterian ast and preached t,wti "First-class work et motto of the Star Ph guaranteed A 1. St Wingham; Meiklejo -•-Rev. J. A.ccupied the pulp church on Sunday excellent sermons. —Weeeen,—A smart gene cook who understands preferred, housemaid y known that When. a water a common felt use of as a life pre- ing a hat upon the h the arm around it, the breeet, it will urs. Methodist church, sday evening, the 28thJos. Edge, of Goderiob, pular lecture on "Take crow." Mr. Edge is most popular minis nd this lecture is one on't fail to hear him. last week's we stated that 1 pirobaed the bu servant or Kenzie. Mr., Mrgrotestant chased Mr. Mc ept, Applywith simply rented on referenceto MssJL.enow,he has opened o l of the Bluevaie road, McKenzie ishas gone to Chien to visit her sister Mrs, business.• John Nicholon, w moat of the sump hope she may hava pleasant time.'; `—Tire members bf the Band met in ere she will spend the Williams' Little Dandelion Pi11s Her many friends euro headache, Try them. uknow news items avid McDonald bad iness of .dr. Geo. Me- onald has not purenzie'a busness, but of his stores,in which t a butcher shop. Mr. at the old stand to do Gordn'sandsetheir their roams Tues y eveninto further ,beautildpy of �and nmero Wraps, As they import thee goods arranemnts dor he celebration on the afaiuut in all parte of t, $.! A ,�5.EAR IN ADVANO --The Star Photo l� o. assumed control Thursday last, of .t hoto studio in the BeaverBlock, for• ly owned by Mr. W, IL, Belden, The 1/est accessories havbeen added to the •nipment and the gal- lery in geeral :" thoroughly over. haued,'What y.tbeseand, the imprvemente whiith 1s y:; ,gade t0 the sky light1310 Star hotel a'u =,.,e elr producons t' be in. aharst the art, Their pri. s are unifrinchared in lfarrlet• where thy one of the two gall • ' fea there, Mr, Syer sen, who has aliarg Eof the oerating de- partment of the st io in Beaver Block, is a first olaes photog her and is thorough - es of the art. ly versese —It 1 Tgrae rg to note that the average a endance 1.Public School pupils,in proportion to the hole number register- ed, is steadily in reaaing from year to year. In 1893the •,ta1 school population of the Provinceeas aeertaiued through the assessor, • Y 2,50; in 1894, 595,840. The tot umber of; pupils registered on the s0hera nolle was,i in 1893, 481,008; in 1804, 483,9,03. The "average number in daily attendane was, in 1898, 25`9,426; in 1894, 208,334. The rercentage of daily attendance to the whle number attending school was, in 1803054; in 1894, 66. I1867 the percentage w,s only 41; in 1887, 50; 1802, 52. Still it \fill be seen that oott• siderably less than on -half of the children of school age in t ' Province were in regular attendance at be Public Shools in 1894. The figures showing irregularity of attendance arepainfully suggestive of some of the great hindrances to progress withwhich ttaohers have constantly to struggle. A voie Prone the West. eitt We were favored on Thursday morning by a call from Mr. E. Odium, M. A.,B, So.' of Vancouver, B. C., Dominion Immigra- tion Agent and Brit sh CoIumbia Immi- gration Commissionnephew of Mayorfe ing a few -lays here a Western Ontario bef Iand which he will vis city.travelled a great deal, 1 trelia, New Zealand possessions in the lout years in Japan as Profo ary Collee there, bu there is no country lilt Mr, Odium is a enzie and is apend- at other places in e leaving for Eng - in an ocial oapa- •d. He hae aving visited Aus. and other• British He spentsome or of the Mission - in his estimation Britih Colurrubiseeethat ofa pglrtlatiou of s"-"'1511 miles long , and consists of ing prairies, andakes, large envi- treanrs ars 000,00 pire of 40,000,000. by nearly 000 stittsili.r l,tmbor; tablejat'i1, fertile delta distrit. acres, being twie .an, teh ht ha The roviu dirse , big bargains are ready for their cue,• z5th of May. The eeretary was instruot- tomers. ewe= ed to eori'dsilo is •1th a number of .Bands All sorts of climate car —The StreetTi1 fiilitlg ct invitingg them to 1 e Mart and to report at that of South England t hustle ttmong theg .nMonday evening Ontario. Something in requested that Tli^.e is consideable citizens were noattendance. a moderatciy dry belt i other materil tFanoy.posing a d groups are specialties a mountain attitude streets, After the first of May, parties ab the Star • n Co's gallery, Beaver eastward and nrth. violating the stre by-law in this respect, Bloch. The ke the wrinkles out and Kainloo s south to the will be summarily ealt with, pt the dime - s in. pnrth fora hundred m bones on Mondy, eighborhood of fifty o clean off wood and d been piled on the an anjourned reee next, when it bas there should be a f e --The Bell remit re rectory are work- Satisfaction guaranteed. ing over time in ors to fill the orders they most exceptionally, fav are daily receiving. At present they ars ing cheat or throat tro utilizingall avail hie forte in filling an The scenery, bun order from a large otol in Ottawa, The unsurpassed and bun ire sample dining roo and'bedroom suites in for large numbers of mahogany, oliequ ed.bireh and oak are The resources are ifnished and a bat t is now an the way. 'imftod. These suites ar f the latest American Coal cf excellent styles, with ourve drawers and door•-, and almost all parts of th aro most artisti Vancouver Island —The Starr giving qualities, Pout agreement betwee Alaska to Patagonia 1t. Beldon, So , es g will be pleased' creasing every year. will be liked b most vanuablo miner, —Bill Nye oft into thousand of mill laden with the g The finest timber the most apropos is to -day are found i may Use a wart on The Douglas slier, 1 a collar button; rid Spruce, Hemlock an Stain to says the the most valuable. leave his "1" ant numerous and very 1 cross to save ink, 1 t large ocean Vessels it tingle mill at line into. Our markets are i_ Chili, Peru, Brazil, Australia, Japan, 0 'nee Heng Kong,Eng- land and. other coo tries, representing a population of Over c > o Prominent Lawyer says: The gold alines e and very rich. 'Th plored and worked enol• s, 'Yale and on Vancouver Ts C. E. Williams sells pure drugs, part of North Anreric A severe thu over here Ott much damage e e g b telephone and teles most. Mr. C. A. of the Bell Teleph fifteen 'phones out but he soon had tl again. —Mr, Jas. MCKeivie still leads the town for choice frnits. Me has a choice lot of apples, also, a supply of oranges and,; lemons, selling from 16 cents a dozen up. —The "Grocer' says in regard to the city departmenta stores: "These large department stores ave enormous exponees to meet and what t y loose onbargainsthey make it up on o `er lines, Askanynne who is conversant th prices on the differ- ent articles handl by these stores and 'though they take it derstorm which passed ids last alar not a 4 e Y as other places. The aph companies suffered zmpbell, local manager e Company, reported repair next morning, m in working order you will be told th off the profit one interest on other lite I tremor ie ignorant of g he can buy at the de } better advantage Paean n effect. oto Co. , - filling the M. olndoo and W. holding eards ow that their orders his firm, spoke his Witicitm eatest truth. Among be following; ".A man he bask of his neck ter on the back coach of a interest on his more'; "t" without it clot er a man of this kind is scholar compared to the site a newspaper, And y for it, puts it in the rked "refused," p 0 ne they stick on with gehtlemmn and a The average con- fellow who will Ile and' lma roes that g when asked to p artmental store 10 office and lass it tr pro*•-: be found that of ilorthe-- looney put into mi g companies of t province in 1805 w over the terminate sum of $25,000,Q, This money conte* from Great Britian Europe, United States,: Canada and Aus glia, The gold an silver trines of the Iirootenay distriete in the south cast of e province are filling up with explore ruiners, speculetortfr business men, co .. i vies, new towna and all modern itupro "tents naturally going 1 neie uiiningo �untries, tp'amboat 40, ,Toluol are d@y@Ig rn freighting adeetn adation, hot .only 1 he t. i 99ast n trade, g ,but for the rivers atrcil., nurherone lakes; t us helping to open the country and give employment to large numbers of poopl. The C. P. R. ba done wonders for the province, not only by its main line through r to the roast, but b the numerous branch lines south ward rich it has built, anE1. by its magnificen steam ship linea to 1 Japan, Hong Kon. and Australia. Thia 1 summer it will run .a new line through: into the south of 11 : province from Forts 1 11toLeod and Albert , through the crows 1 Neat pass, into the lob gold and silver i bearing Eootenay re; ions. The fisheries are '• •sb valuable and ex- tensive. Of Salmon lone, last year, the exports amounted to ,2,500,000. With the Halibut, cod,herring, • og fish and volechanr the products were ab. t 63,500,000 in 1896. We sent large quanti.' es of frozen fish vis, Australia to England; and our business ie but in its infancy, he supplies cannot run out, for the Domi ion Hatcheries are constantly expending meet thedemands. Annually, millions of oung salmon fry are pub into our lakes nd ivers, thus wisely - providing for the em r ds in the future. are large, running of acres. All the above the average. is rapidly growing. an acre ^vary from d returns after all acted, els other proviny'es nits, ps.rtienIaxly ht .our fruit growers into the territories of the largest and n the contineub are nd west of the Sea. u Our agriculture res up into tens of mi ion cereals do wen an pa The hop industry The annual profits fro $100 to $175, giving g costs of growing are d British Columbia ex and thetStatea in its its plums. Ab preset/ export large quantitie and Manpitobe. 8 best fru' orchards soubh of t C. P. B. kirks. Stook raising is a g millions of acres of !.i had for this purp Cattle, horses, -she out all winter mac any other part of 0 The shipping i Victoria is the capit and Vancouver the rard meet. meinlen rata ere. the great s To featthe tan above et -mimeses tb Tao Education aimilar and equal :rearg in so far a a tidht.:eily or N rain on the mesa are, however, and the interior, and Ire I:dnetttiotral i f abundant snow,) of which stands 51 The interior from Baker, one cf the Punchy litre, and Alva Ministers of es is the healthiest Ilia lowest salary ; KamIoops being er is 6000 per arm cable to those liav- blos, are well provided err •r hi professi mit t s o essi 1 ig and fishing are voices must pass healthful pastime being permitted t dent sportsmen. havo founded it g ost varied end un Cal iege et New We Prof. Wbittington quality is found in formerly Principe, province, That of Tokyo, Jepau. the highest in heat Politically, web on the ruffle from liberal, wise gove The ort ut is in- rt nifty appear, it 1 p It is chosen by tb ho quantity of this Perbaps there are , now in sight, runs ,,f the government ns of tons. local elections we Lt.atorn parties eats of the world inion elections th British Oolninbie. If any of your i d and Yellow Cedar, boyo Cataria for Cotton Wood aro I know of no cot servedly advise he saw n ills are peoino Province. ge. As many as five But they silo y be seen loading At going froth Ont moat prosperous everything he re - age to tubi I th oprietor studies to O. E. wirtravis sens pure drugs. 4,T have eight thildrenettesey one in good health, not one of whom hat has taks0 I know Imlay teflon in saying 00,0,00,000 of peePle. read)* to stand ties for individu tanftercina. extensive and who will se barna the latter being' highest and hd. The Amount of menhoea." owing bedustry and st excellent areas esix e. and hogs cart live more safely than in growing very ragicily. I of Vancouver a. erminal r- , are growing''Sfeadliy ports of the provinee.. age entered in Victoria sr4em r.11 La 11101 of °Meal°, Ce- lt has not esta.blislied anal School yet. These the consideratinn of artment, et the head o Hon. Colonel James tblest and most proges- Education in Canada,. aid to any school teach - m, err that our teachers or. All who wish to n from the other pro- examinetion before tminster, at ite, head is a larga college in ve a strong, progressive, tweet. Brit strange es. neither' Grit er Teaya people for the people. a nianyGi its on the side as there ere Tories. In ever hor of the 0la 1 tours() in the Dom. two parties are known. aders are intending to neither part of the world, ry would more et/re- hear to go to than Min ld be most 0arefo io, ono at the best and °entries on the earth to. tintries and have no hesi. te different provinces a the necessary miportuni. sucoesie froth** veto are be laws of 0°d uire to Ineerraplaci Me, sh Plag to develop oapakiliVes Alpo* no