HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-04-17, Page 8llo4;litag Lk, For Moro Trw'Hoi We ;,ant your trade, we are doing our utmost to merit it, We've. gathered .the best of stocks that Fstns, energy and cash could gather. e't`e narked the selling price as close as possibic, making allowance of eourse fur expense, and something fox myself. People who shop here say they may to better advantage and get better goods than they find else- where, land we know if you try it you will say the same thing. SPRING CAPES. 'Plc stock embraces a collection of the hest and newest styles, price less than perhaps you think. NEW DRESS GOODS Just opsned up this week. This is the best of all the best stocks, people who look through our stock and compare valaes, always come back when they are ready to make the investment. The stock is overflow- ing with choice goods, ,lust the kind 'that are sought for by those who knew whats the correct styles. $3.95 For a Blue Ferge suit, sizes 36 to 40, for Saturday only. NO PLACE LIKE WINDOWS ON SATURDAYS from early morn till 10 o'clock at night for anything new that a man or boy wants to put on for the first time on Sunday. The entire outfit from head to foot can be selected at Mclndoo's, from a great variety of new styles than you could see on a. visit to other stores. SPECIAL In Carpets. and Lace Curtains at M. H. McINDOO'S. THE WINGHAM WHITECAPS. l''ETTERFTI r,D AND MARTIN' ARRAIGNED BEFORE A StAGISTRATE AT CLINTON. Clinton, Ont., April l4. --James Netterfield and Albert Martin, of Wingham, were examined in the . Town Hall, Clinton, last night, before Police Magistra to Seager, of Goderich, on the 'charge of murdering J. G. Fields, of Wingham. Mr. Lewis is acting -for the crown, and Mr. Van - stone for the defence. George Morrison, testified that Net- terfield and Martin were present at Wilson's barn, where some blackened their faces ; that Netterfieid went -with them to Fields'; saw him up :stairs, but did not see him again. He :;also testified as to hearing Netterfield .and 'Martin at the hotel with others the next day talking over Fields' ease. Some one said Martin had Fields by- the neck. Martin did not contradict this; he just laughed. Cross-examined by Mr. Vanstone- 31orrison said he might have asked Netterfield, who was drunk, to come to the stable. A boy named Mike Flanagan was also at the stable. Our object was to try to snake Fields con- fess, not to hurt him or anyone. Lily Fields sent Willie Fields for Mrs. Netterfield, mother of the pris- oner, a neighbor. .Willie was only a short time away, and said afterward that Jas. Netterfield was at his own home when he was there. Tom Net- terfield came over instead of his another, and told us to leave Fields alone. \ Jerry Flanagan saw Netterfield at Fields' gate, He was very drunk, and said he was going home. Saw him going up the road towards home before Fields was out. Thos. Fields, on being cross-exam- ined by Mr. Vanstone, said.—.I did not see either of these prisoners; would likely have seen them it they had been there. Dr. Waugh, of London, gaye evi- dence as to the post-mortem on the body, ~hair was the same as given at Findon at the coroner's inquest, He saki the cause of death wras fuy flammatiion of the brain and pneu- monia,, caused. by exposure,' and blood i soning in the feet. In reply to r. Vanstone, the doctor said pen - monist might conte from other causes than exposure. He, however, was of the opinion that Fields' death was cased by exposure,. Thos. Netterfield testified that his brother James was in his own house when Fielda was being kept out doors. The examination was adjourned til 4;30, The he portion of evidence bearing particularly on the prisoners when the court resumed, was as follows:— Mike Flanagan, sworn --Vas in ].ower Winghain night of March loth; saw Jas. Netteriicld at Fields' gate; he asked toe to button his overcoat; be was going home. I did so, and bo went towards honne about ten minutes before Fields was taken out; did not see ln'tln again; I ain 17; saw Netterfleld in Wilson's barn, with others, Eddie 'roves, sworn—I live in Lower Wingham ; was around Fields' the night of the 10th; saw Netter - field lying on the ground at Fields' gate ; I started . hiss home before Fields was brought out; did not see him again ; am quite sure I would hart; seen him if he carne back. Frank Sell, sworn--Saaw Netterfield lying in the snow a t Fields' gate ; Le passed are, going towards home, before Fields was taken out ; saw a crowd when Fields was taken back; am positive Netterfield was not among them. Lester Adams, sworn ---Live fir Lower Wingham; saw Netterfield five or six rods from his home, and still going home before Fields was taken out; I was at Potter's on 9th; saw both prisoners there; did not see them at Wilson's. Wm. Fields, sworn—Am sou of J. 0. Fields, deceased ; was at home If you the night father was taken out; was • sent by m„ sister Lily to ask Mrs. un 1896 Netterfield, prisoner's mother, to come RIDE THE • LATEST IMPROVED to our house and stay with inv sister THE W'.f N G IL- { TIMES, APRIL 17, 1896. 0 'tf rn . onday morning last to their studies. They are studying Pritnary work. Ella Neil also returned. She is taking upjunior r Leaving Wilt Bartley has declared wUarcon snakes, and opened the campaign on Sunday hist by slaying four, one of which, he says was a "corker" to fight, and very large. This, we think, is about the first of the season, and, if the saying 11e true, that if you "kill many snakes you will conquer your enemies," surely Will has a successful future before hint. He is a "terror to snakes." A few rim's ago a cow belonging to John Cooper of the 2nd con. of Howick gave birth to a calf with two heads. *eye vs We sell only the best CLEVELAND, PERFECT, DOMINION, GARDEN CITY wish to be up -to -elate Lily. This was about ten minutes afl;er father, was taken out; I went right to NctterfieId's, one hundred and twenty-five yards from our house; James Netterfield was in his ]mine, drunk ;' father was between the gate and the back door when I went out; Tam Netterfield got up and came over with me; the crowd was then coining away, except Man - ser and Phippen. This was all the evidence presented. Summonses to witnesses in Wingham could not be served, as parties were not to be found. The Crown Attorney considered the prisoners implicated on account of being at the barn meeting, where the plan was formed, Mr. Vanstone claimed there was no plan, consequently no evidence to show the prisoners guilty. Decision was reserved until Wed- nesday when it was given as follows: It is proved that Martin and Netter - field were participants in the inten- tions formed in Wilson's stable on the night of the lOth March. They were When buying you may as weII have the best thatis going. 1. CLEGG & CO,, Hardware Merchants Suceessois to J. A. Cline & Co. STALLIONS FOR SALE. J. S. HOGATE,. Of Omaha, Nebraska,' has arrived here with SIX STALLIONS Shire Perchons and German Coachers Of the highest quality and wishes the farmers of this parties to a conspiracy to break into vicinity to call and see them as Fields' house, and commit an assault they are for , sale and if not on him, tar and feather him and whip sold him. In attempting to carry out the object of the conspiracy, Fields re- i'WILL MAKE THE SEASON OF ceived injuries which, according- to the medical discovery, caused the old 1896 IN THIS VICINITY. man's death. I think that what the crowd did to Fields was within the They are nay✓ at scope of the intention of the prisoners and others in going to Fields' house, and that they should be held for trial, and I commit them accordingly. G LENANNAN. Dr. J. W. Scott, physician and sur- geon, is visiting at his uncle's, Mr. Richard Wallace, and receiving many congratulations from his numerous friends for having so credibly passed his final M. D. examination. The doctor's career throughout has been a Very brilliant one, he being a hot contestant for the gold medal for the best Thesis. Dr. Scott stood second in the contest.. I3ELMOEE. Plowing was begun here on Mon- day last. Mr. John Hartley returned on Monday morning last to Toronto Normal school. Messrs, Robt. Lane, t . II. MarshaII and others, have goner to :Muskoka to work a saw mill therb. Messrs. R. Anderson, Robt. Mein- tush, 3no. Fitch and Jno. Mulvey all had wood bees last week. The funeral of Mr. P Baker's child took place on Wednesday of last week, and was well attended. Schoolwas til Monday, April reopened the nteacher taking advantage of the recent change in the school law. Quite a number of the fanners around here are making maple syrup this spring. The run of sap,, as yet, has not been very good. Arnold Stewart and Mary II0ocy, of the Iiaarriston high school, returned 4 Irk EXCHANGE HOTEL STABLE And we invite inspection. T. l;. HOGATE. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN TSE MATTER, OF T. H, IlontnTs, AN IN- Notice is hereby given that T. 11. Roberts, 6f the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, carry ingon business as a dealer in readyutnde clothing and gents' furnishings in the said Town of Wingham has made an assignment under It. S. 0. 1887, e. 124 and amending acts, of ail his estate, credits and effects, ou the 13th or January, 1898, to W. S. Heffernan, for the general benefit of his creditors and that afterwards, to wit, on the 21st of January, 18!)6, the undersigned Was substituted as Assignee rn theplace creditors t arc ead orequest d tor file their claims with me, with the proofs and particulars thereof, required by the said Acts, on or before the 1st day of tribute the after sede of"theh ddebt r a m, proceed td to din. entitled thereto, having regard only to hethcle aiamalof which notice shah then have been given, and that I will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose claim 1 shall not then have had notice. SCOTT, LEES .h 11013S0N, .T. A. CLINE, Solicitors folaid Detesters, etc., Ho milton. Assignee, Wingham. in Her Majesty's Surra ate Court SOLVENT. of the County of arca. IN THE t'IATTYnt OF TA.E ESTATE orA1 ';ANDER Z• eaola8, LATE or- - Ttht TOWN er WINO. IrAM, GENTLEMAN, + 1:•.CEA91i,3, Notice is hereby given pursuant to 1n, S. 0. 1881, Chap. 110, See. 36, and amending Acts, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Alexander Feteic,who died' on or about the 29th day of I''ebrnary, A. D., 1806, ate required to send by post prepaid m• to deliver' to the undersigned, Erie. 8ntors of the said deceased,dr to their Solicitor at Wingham 12 )6 their-nan meMotive s, addresses and descripE of Apil, 4 full statement of particulars of their clalms and the nature of the' security (If any) held by thorn duly certified and that after the said day, tht' Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deemed among the .pparties entitled thereto. having rekard 0,ih ' to the oialras of which they shall then hate notiefr. SAMUEL Y013I11LL,1 rxeetttdrs E. v ANStoNE, iliIle torr' I rr h E zcutora Dated this 21th day of March, A. D., 1896. Fifteen and a half cents per_a4.3re. was paid by henry Barber at Suck- ''''''''''''E''''''..'"...1 a ling's auetion room for about N 7,240 acres .of land in Manitoba, the property of the estate of Samson, Kennedy & Co. HELLQ.!I HELLOI! Have you tried CArtzn>LL'S HEADACIII WAFERS yet ? If you had you would not suffer headache very long. CAMI'DETS Drag Stara. Is the right place to go. He sells PureDttugs at rock bottom prices and he has the largest stock of RUBBER GOODS, Outside the cities. Syringes of all kinds, Water Bottles, Tubing, Ice Bags, Atomizers, Sprays, in fact anything in this line. Call and see him. 2 Doors South of Post Office, WINGEAM, b c '-f pa10, $ ONT. '11:11 El STILL ED N ii jWATCHEs, 151 ql ;i CLOCKS 1 Pij D. iJEWELERy, 11p SILVERWAREIzh J1. EYE SIGNT,,TESTED FREE J j OF CHARGE. 11 l'i0L 1WE LEAD OTHERS cP FOLLOW. , , ra MUNSHAW J ri i'rl, TIIE OPTICIAN. ' ,' sum_'Y, -f1 4-mio.--,iC1 ' :4r7t.,. wiiimErgo FARM TO REff, A 200'tore farm/ t ent,well we rod and first-class buildings, ApPt Y tO,bv ,t1: 123', Wialgha ta, Ont. FINE TAILORING: SPRIN(} GOODS AND I"ASH- IONS have arrived. You will soon want your new Suit, and by leaving your order now, we ?an afford to give you a little more attention than you would expect when the full rush of Spring Trade is on. QUALITY AND WORKMAN- SHiP UNEQUALLED. Well warrant to please yau. 1 'GEO. CARR, Tailor and Gents' Furnisher. Opposite Chisholm's Drug Store, Wingham, RIGHT IN THE SW1M -AT GEO. H. IRVIN'S THE BOSS TAILOR. SPR21 i'a- SU=TS 2::: Are all the rush and we are right in it. We have worked up an enormous busi- ness on merit, and we are still ready to give our whole attention to this one depart - Dent and thus GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. The world is run 'by specialticsin the present age and the man w have some specialty and devote his entire energies in that line is behind thesanot ge, and may fittingly be called a "back number." Our speciality is TAILORING And we cannot be under bid. Look at this list : PANTINGS $2.25 UP. TWEED SUITS $6 UP. SERGE SUITS $10 UP. BLACK WORSTED SUITS $12.50 TCS $35. mcM OPPOSITE .BANK OF HAMIL'ON. GEO. H. I VI N ct Tilt" TAILOR, . WINGHAIVI::, ONT. NL 'a"'r✓.q ,i 'r. S 'y'rrfJ wS cP,.'•S rSS'ItsrJ `cJ.Sc't.7'.`c.r_l.'` t .5SSIrW SS • ^wil .... fi! Com' re -