The Wingham Times, 1896-04-17, Page 7All beings have their laws; the
The steps of faith fall on the Deity has its layvs, the Material has
seeming void and find the Fmk its laws, superior intelligences have
beneath. --Whittier• their laws and lean his laws.•—:11on-
ITeumattsm Cured in a day—South tesquein.
American Rheumatic Care of Rheumatism I have for elle 1c,;inllin;, and I
and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days.
Its action on the system is remarkable and hope I shall to the end, pursue to
mysterious, It removes at once the cause the utmost of my judginent, and
of the disease immediately disappears. The abilities one steady line of conduct
first nose greatly benefits. 75 cents.
THE WO aI-.AM TIKES, A•PEIL 17, 1896.
News Notes.
Michel J. Brennan who has been
on trial, charged with having shot
John A. Strathy, of Barrie, has been
found guilty and sentenced to death
on the 29th of May.
Rev. J. A, Macdonald, of St.
Thomas, has resigned his charge in
that city for the purpose of entering
journalism. IIe will publish an
illustrated magazine called the
The Mayor of Galt has ad'ered a
reward of $50 for the conviction of
the pdrson who is assaulting young
ladies in that town,
A grain warehouse at Aurora,
owned by Jessie Smith, of Toronto,
and oceupid by Mr. W. A Hutt, was
set on fire and burned Friday morn-
ing last.
Superintendent White of the C, P.
R. estimates that 900,000 bushels of
wheat is in Manitoba, waiting for
the opening of navigation.
For Over fifty "gears
AN OL) AND WALL -Tarso r $ROY.—Mrs, tying.
1nw'e Saothine Syrup has boon used for over fifty
years by millions of mothers for their ehiloron while
teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child,
settees the guns, allays all pain, cures wind collo,
and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to
the taste. Sold by 'Druggists in every part of the
'world. Twentvflvo cents a bottle. Its slue is
incalculable, Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind.
Coming events cast their shadow
before. —Campbell.
The pen is mightier than the sword.
AMAIN I' To seri Canadian anit U. S. grown
i�oi1 9 trees, berry plants, roses, ehrttba,
DA.IRYXdENS' ASSOCIATION Helps to. Good Looks.
ON JANUARY 19TH 2OT1I ANO 219T ; Ruth Ashmore writes of "The Ugly
1897. ' Duckling," a most praetieal and use-
The Directors of the 'Western full article, in April Ladies' Moine
Dairymen's Association met on ' Journal, and presents the helps here
Monday April Gth in the Secretary's given to good looks;
office London. There beingpresent "The American constitution President A. F. MeLaren an.M. ; not stand the cold bath into which
Ballantyne Stratford ; J. S Pearce,: the English women plunge winter
London ; Harold Eagle, Attercliffe I and summer, and to which she owes,
Station ; J. N. Paget, Camboro;1. as far as complexion is concerned,
H. White, Hawheaville; Jno. Prain,' much of her beauty. Do not be
Ilarriston ; Thos. Gibson, Fordwich ; afraid to put soap on your face; use
and J. W. Symington, Camlaehie.; plenty of it, and wash it off well,
There was a large amount of, first with warm then with cold
business transacted in reference to f water. This soup bath given to .the
future worth of the Association ' face will make you feel and look
and another coming cheese season.
Owing to the British Dairy Farmer's
Association holding its Annual
Gathering for 1897 in Canada, the mean that while the air in your
Board passed a resolution extending room should be clear and cold, you
to that important body a warm should have plenty of covers over
welcome from the Association and the You, and if you wish your skin to be
dairymen of Western Ontario should
it visit Canada next year. This
organization is the most important
farmer's Association in Great
Britain.of which the Early of Derby
formerly Governor General of
Canada was President last year, and
should its members decide to visit
Canada in 1897 special efforts should
be made to show the importance of
Ontario as an Agricultural country.
Grants will be made this year to the
Dairy Department of the following
Exhibitions and shows : Western
Fair, London, $100,00 ; Industrial
Fair, Toronto, $50,00 ; and the
Provincial Fat Stock and Dairy
Fair $50,00, The President and
Secretary were appointed to represent
the Association on the Board con -
hedges, ornamental trees and seed ppotatoes, for
,the only nursery having testing oraltrrds in Can.
. ads. Wu give you the benefit of our experience,
so your succuss is guarantee.+. It you are not
earning; 550 per month and expenses. write us at
once for particulars. Liberal commissions paid
part time men. Farmers' son■ should look into
this : It pays bettor than working on the farm,
and oilers a chance for promotion. Apply now
.and get choice of ter.itory.
Toronto, Canada.
sweet and fresh.
"Sleep, if possible in a cold. room,
but do not sleep cold. By this I
4r.2 ..�.t
�...,�•� -ate, . Y wxax.
After securing the contents of the
express safe, the robbers turned the
engineer and fireman out of the
caboose, detached the engine from the
train, mounted it and ran it about
four miles down the track. They
then raked out the file, and left it
standing on the track "dead," where
the train hands following after, found
it. They re -kindled the fire, brought
the engine back to the train, and
on the journey, arriving in St. Louis
beautiful you should never go to ben safely, but two hours behind time.
with cold feet. A woman's hands Mrs, Earl pursued her journey, and
ought co be beautiful, , but a arrived here safely on Frday after -
beautiful hand is not a necessity, a
chubby hand, nor a dimpled nor a
fat hand, but it is a white band, a
clean hand and a tender hand.
Redness of the hands is often due to
bodices that are tight, sleeves that
catch you at the armholes, or are
too close -fitting at the wrists. A
simple but good treatment for red
hands consists in bathing them every
night in hot water, using for this
purpose • plenty of good soap and a
nail -brush; after this bath dry them.
on a soft towel, and then rub in some
simple emollient -cold cream or
mutton tallow will answer—but
whatever you use must be soft; if
troling the Fat Stock and Dairy necessary, melt it so that what is put
Show . on the hands can be rubbed in gent -
The next Convention of the ly Then take a pair of loose gloves
very loose, eu t off tihe finger tips,
sliy them over the greased hands
and sleep in them. In the morning
give the hands a soap and water
bath, letting the water used be
tepid, and then rinse the soap
off them with cold water, so that
they may be made firm and not
sensitive to the cold. air. Learn to
walk well. When I say 'walk well'
I do not mean walk stiffly. Let your
young, slender body lend itself to
the movement of the feet, and though
you must hold your head up you
will present the appearance, not of
some one who has been bandaged on
a back -board, but of a healthy girl,
not closely cabined in her clothes,
but dressed properly and walking
gracefully "
Association will be held in Bransford
on January 19th 20th and • 21st
1897. The Secretary will corres-
pond with a number of prominent
speakers on dairy topics with a view
to securing their services for this
important occasion.
A. circular letter will be sent by
the Secretary of the West asking
that the opening for the seasons
buisness be delayed as long aa pos-
ible se as to lessen the output of early
fodder cheese and allow the market
to right itself before the latter make
comes on.
A further effort will be made to
organize a syndicate of factories for
more uniform instruction and inspec-
ion. The Association is very desir-
ous of having one of these syndicates
in operation this season as an object
lesson to show what can be
done by systematic effort and is pre-
pared to make a very liberal offer to
factories willing to join the group
this summer.
A resolution of condolence was
passed expressing a sincere regret of
the Board in the death of late esteemed
Honorary Secretary of the Association
Mr C. E. Chadwick of Ingersoll.
Mr. Chadwick was the first Secretary
of the Canadian Dairyman's Associa-
That's where people place our wall
paper, for they know we have the
largest and best line and know that
Our styles and patterns are such that
we are always on top in the wall
paper business. Our line is the tion organized. in 1867 and the active
Secretary of the Western Association
till his retirement to 1892 when ne
was succeeded by the present
Secretary J. W. Wheaton
noon. She would not care to have
such another experience..
The Philosophy of Gowns.
largest and most complete and the
new patterns we are showing will
certainly catch your fancy.
There is no necessity of sending
Du Maurier's Parents.
out of town Du Maurier is the son of a small
In Order to get Bargains "render," whose income was derived
from the glass works at Anjou. His
We have , mother was an Englishwoman. Du
A LARGE CONSIGNMENT inanBelguti bornr•altinle,aan when
Already opened out and are receiv still young, was taken to London.
ing goods of As a' boy, says Tit -Bits, Du Maurier
THE LATTEST PATERNS longed to become a musician, but,
Every day. Our stock of been ruined by excessive consump-
INGRAIN PAPER WITH BORDERS inclination.,tionofAlettesGeorge DuMauier was
although he sings well, his voice has
Lilian Bell discusses "The Philos-
ophy of Clothes" most interestingly
in April Ladies Horne Journal. She
declares that "there is a hollowness
about having a man praise your
gowns when you know- that he does
not know what he is talking about.
When a man praises your clothes he
is always praising you in then. You
will neyee4.bear a man praise the
good dressing of a woman who he
dislikes. But girls who positively
hate another girl often will at times
add, 'but she certainly knows how b
"And so the experienced woman
wears her expensive clothes for other
women and produces her 'effeet' for
men. She wears scarlet on a cold or
raw day, and the eyes of the men
light up when they see her. It
makes her look cheerful and bright
and warm. She wears gray when
she wants to look demure. Let a
man beware of a woman in silver
gray. She looks so quiet and dove-
like and gentle that she has disarm-
ed him beforeSe she has spoken one
word, and he will • snuggle down
beside her and let her turn his mind
and his pocket wrong side out. A
woman couldn't look designing in
light gray if she tried. He dotes
upon the girl in pale blue. Pale
blue naturally suggests to his mind
the sort of girl who can wear it,
which is generally a blonde with
soft, fluffy hair, fair skin and blue
eves—appealing, trustful, baby -blue
Catarrh relieved in 10 to 60 minutes.—
Ono short puff of the breath through
the 'Slower, supplied with each bottle of
Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, diffuses
this Powder over the surface of the nasal
passages. Painless and delightful to use,
it relieves instantly, And permanently
cures Catarrh, Hay Feer, Colds, Head-
ache, Sore Throat,'1'onsilitis and Deaf-
ness. 60 cents. At Chieholm's Drug
brought up by his parents with the
idea of adopting science as a prefes-
Are beautiful beyond compare and
as cheap as the cheapest for quality. sion. On the death of his father,the
boy decided to follow art, however.
'WINDOW ST-IADES Ono day, when drawing from a
model, the girl's head suddenly ap-
It is well-known that it never geared to shrink to the size of a
pays to do a thing by halves, so when walnut. He clapped his hand over
you have bought your wall paper
front us, ask to see our Window
Shades, we are offering
S'Varranteed at Chishom'sdrut; store. Washington.
for the good of the great whale.-•-
Rose like a rocket and fell like a
Hope writes the poetry of the boy,
but memory that of the man.—Em-
Heart Disease itell.eved in 30
Minutes.—All cases of organic or sym-
pathetic heart disease relieved in 30
minutes and quickly cured, by Dr. Ag-
new's Cure. Sold at Chisholm,
s Drug
store, Wingham.
A thing of beauty is a joy forever.
A bold attempt was made to wreck
a Gladstone, Ont. All the
bolts had been removed front the
rails. It was discovered by one of
the section men before the express
was due.
Mr. James Cowan, of llicliillop,
:has purchased the Lapslie• farm, ad-
joining Seaforth, paying for it the
sum of $7,700. The farm contains
one hundred acres, has on it good
buildings, is in a first class state of
cultivation and is one of the very
choicest farms in the county. Mr.
Cowan intends corning to reside on
it in a few weeks, and will work it
in connection with his farm on which
he now lives. He is to be congratu-
lated on his purchase, as considering
its excellence, coupled with its ad-
vantageous situation, he has got it
Mrs. Eliza Earl, of Fall River,
Kansas, sister of Mrs. Josiah Tyer-
man, of Seaforth, arrived here on
Friday last, on a visit to her sister.
On her journey here Mrs. Earl bad a
somewhat novel and not very plea-
sant experience. She was a passen-
ger on board the east bound train
front Galveston, Texas, on the St.
Louis and San Francisco Railroad. tit one o'clock Wednesday morn.
It this line. Call and see us before
his left eye. It had failed him, He ins whop train was 136 miles
was tnunderstruck. Notwithstand.• west ofh St. the tram
and as it1 had ens
ing filo assurance ofa,docthr that tered a secluded spot known as
the affliction nspr pass, the a e• Sleeper's Hill Cut, it was brought to
sightle did not in t dr a Maurier a stand still by three masked robbers,
lived in the most
dread g ofevblent of who effected an entrance into the This was the most tra is event of
ex -
life. After a. time he once more
moved to London. From the outset
success waited upon hint. His first
drawings for Punch were not good,
but they were accepted. Later nn
Wanted --A !fleaamtP in life he tnareied, and has now two'
thingtopa en
Ms: out ideas th. brtag sett $o11S one in the array, and. the1
- tf. QHN wbDD�ltrll.T.n Ft CU..�'ate'AE Atter.
stingers, and further than a bad nection with the SV'onle
News Noises.
A comparative statement of the
growth of the Presbyterian church
in Canada shows that in 25 years
the number of ministers and mission easily and thoroughly.
aries have increased from 740 to Best after dinner pills.
95 h ] and stations 830 to 1 t t
Waen Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
when she became Him, she clung to Castello.
When sho lead Children, she gave them Castoria.
The owner ought to be more hon-
orable than the estate.—Xenophon.
A•COUGf3 OR A COLD can he quick-
ly erred by Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.
It is a combination of all that is best in
lung healing medicines.
Da you—dare you taunt me with
my born deformity :a—Bryon.
ALL KENDS of Coughs, Tickling.
Hacking, Distressiug. Obeli nate or mei 0..
ly slight coughs yield to the soothing,
healing effects of Wood's Norway Pius
Syrup. Price 2.3c.. all druggists.
I'vn' is the frietldles s master of
the world.—Young.
When all else is lost,, the future
still remains.-13ovice.
Liver Ms
Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, const'•
potion, sour stomach, indigestion are promptly
cured by Hood's Pills. They do their work
P 'Fs
Kidney Pills Arst proved to the people
that Kidney disease is curable. Being the
original Kidney remedy in pill form, the
cures they have made, and the fame they
have atttiuoOhave opened the way for a
host of imitations and substitutes, but
those who have been cured of
Ki E i1EY
Complaints through the use of this won.
derful medicine, those whose lame back is
now free from pain, those who now have
no headaches, those who have escaped
from the death grip of Diabetes and
Bright's disease by the use of ',Doan's
are the ones whose opinion is valuable,
When scores of such people come forward
and tell publicly that Doan's Kidney Pills
cured them after other means failed, it is
evident that the only
for Kidney Disease, Bladder and Urinary
difficulties, Lame Back, and the number.
loss results of disordered Kidneys isDoan't
Kidney Pills. Bo sure to get Doan's.
Price fifty cents per box. For sale b;
1,2_ ; C urc 1S stations,
celtts. All c rugg s s.
2'700 ;; families, 28,000 to 98,000 ; Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co.,
Sunday school pupils, 54,000 to The only Pru to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
150,000; members, 68,000 to
186,000 ; receipts from church -- --- - -- —
schemes, $59,000 to $3.42,000;
receipts from all sources, $640,000
to $2,170,000, and the average
receipts from the different schemes
of the church from each communi-
cants from 27e to $1,8:1'
Lowen, Mass.
Mr. Jno. Lambkin of the second
con. of Howiek has purchased. a 1
pair of registered Jersey cattle one
bred by Harper of Norval, and one
by the well-known breeder J. C.
Snell of Edmonton. Mr. Lambkin is'
in a fair way to have a herd of
butter cows before long.
Dominion Parliament passed a bill
which provides for the imposition of
a penalty of $200 for each offence
against railway companies or
officials giving passes itt reduced
rates to voters going to the poll.
The provisions of Ontario law are
adopted in cases of personation.
On Monday afternoon the Denill
Ladies' College at Oshawa was
completely destroyed by fire. Loss
press car, overpowered the express' $25,000,
agent, ent blew open the safe with dyna' Miss M. II. Irwin of in Clinton
g in obtained First Class Honors Mid
mite, and carried off plunder 1and Se-
mony and valuables to the atnount wrfery and Clinical Surgery a
of over $50,000, Fortunately the cond. Class on Medicine and Gynaeco-
ot interfere with the logy at the final Examination in con•
robbers did n 'cal
tis riled
n other 1
aebiat;krn, n .o•, fox OHO MAIM mite vas on the stage. re, none of them were injured. School, `.Gornto.
Ot f110 undta4 In�agti0loa XafttNl.
The modern stand-
ard. Family Medi-
cine : Cures the
common every -day
ills of humanity.
In all diseases that affect humanity there is
some weak link in the chain of health, some spot
that is the seat of the trouble. It may be the liver,
it may be the stomach; perhaps it is the bowels or
the kidneys; most likely it is the blood. Burdock
Blood Bitters goes straight to that spot, strengthens the
the weak link in the chain, removes the cause n
disease, and restores health, because it acts with
cleansing force and curative power upon the stomach,
liver, kidneys, bowels and blood. ricer without
With good red blood health is assured,
it disease is certain to come and Burdock
43T4QQ ince all
is the only remedy that will positively remove
blood poisons. In ulcers, abscesses, scrofula, scrofu-'
lour swellings, gs, skin diseases, blotches, old sores, etc.,
B.B.B. should be applied externally, a.s Well as taken
internally according to directions.