The Wingham Times, 1896-04-17, Page 6FRIDAY APRIL 17, 1816. IgFOLITIGAI, DESTIAY OF CANADA. One of the themes most widely discussed by both the political and tsoeial circles of to -day is "the future condition of Canada." The present Tory Administration with one breath .onte loyalty to Britain and British jaPtstitutions and with the next Attiderhand jobbery and misgovern - Ment, the free advanced thinker advocating separation from Britain and political independenee, the weak- ling who declares that Canada can maintain no position among the What then seems to be the future nations, and lastly those who sup- hope of Canada? A closer union with the mother country. The blending with of our nation with the British in both interest and govern- ment seems at present impracticable, but it will not long remain so. If science still continues to achieve the wonders that have astonished men daring the last decade, in a few years members will travel from mon minerals,. as, plumbago, galena. arsenle, manganese and gypsum are of immense value, In many districts marble is quarried Equal to that of Carrara, and the salt and petroleum works are a source of constant and large revenue. There is a bare (the very barest) possibility that the late frantic dab at the Kootenay in- dicates an intention on the part rf the Government to yet do justice to the natural resources of Canada. Our soil, our climate and our natural resourcesin the hands of a pushing and enterprising people render us almost independent of Canada is concerned, for loyal eitiz- nations outside of the British Empire.. ens of the Empire to destroy the in - Britain can afford to do without fluence of the blustering boomsters us. Let panic seize the world who boast of their power to eorrupt and if we can pretest our own iron- the whole Empire, by foisting pro - tier, our merchant, our manufacturer, tection thereon, asa cure for the our farmer may still flourish depend- poverty and disintegration they have end only on England and her colonies already created in some of its parts, by the successful advocatioliof similar tneasnres. New South Wales leads the way. She is now shoulder to shoulder with the motherland in ber trade policy. Surely Canada, the brightest and ring largest. gem in the of British nations that girdles the world, will sweep from her path the band of boodlers that now bars her way to Imperial Unity. VIE WIN U I'l.AM TIMES, APRIL 17, 1896 which hundreds of millions of dollars repared, as soon as the weather per - have been taken out of the pockets wits, also to have culvert opposite of the people by the tariff' and put lot G, conte:sion 11, on sideroad 5, into the poekets of the combines, and built as soon as possible—Carried. certain favoured manufacturers. II. McKay --•W. Reid --Whereas it It is no wonder that, during this appears that the Trustees of Union carnival of unblushing plunder, farm School Section No, 1, Greenock and lands bave fallen in value 40% and Culross, for the last few years have wages (cost of living considered) in requested this Council to levy certain proportion, for the best authorities, sums, not taking into consideration and common sense, teach that all that, according to Statute wa have to such extravagance is ultimately paid levy one hundred dollars for each for by the farmers and laborers of Section and there has been some the community. confusion by their returning money The timers opportune, in so far as BO levied, that whatever money is due them, which appears to be $$55.- 50 be credited to said Section and deducted from the amount, required to be levied on said section this year and that the Clerk notify the Trustees and Greenock, Clerk, that we levy as required by statute, ir- repective of what amount they ask to. be levied on School] Sections—Car- ried. H. McKay—P. Kuntz ---That the Clerk, procure the Ontario Statutes, in paper cover, as soon as published —Carr ied J. Johnson -- J. Welwood — That the finance report as follows be adopted and cheques issued for the same : Robt. Fraser for parties breaking gravel road, $2 ; A. G. Ste- wart, auditor's reports and schedules, $12 ; Jaynes Coucb, cutting- ice at bridge, concession •8 and 9, $1; John McPherson, cutting ice Orange Bridge. • J. Welwood--J. Johnson—That this Council now adjourn to meet in May 4th at 10 a. m.—Carried. CMAs. BUTTON Clerk. 1 port,tho view that Canada's greatest hope lies in a closer union with the mother country, all agree in the belief that our country has a noble 1 destiny. The security that Canada derives. from her inhabitants, themselves is invaluable. This country is singul- 11 arly free from the indolent Italian, 1, the immoral, degraded Spaniard,and Canada to England with more speed the lazy, ambitionless negro that and comfort that Many enjoy who proses such a weakness and source' have to travel to Ottawa, and vastly ofinternal trouble to the republic south more than Scottish representatives i' of us. It is true that a large part of had for years after the union. Even r' Canada;,'s population consists of now England can stand alone and l Frenchiilen, or more properly, French show her face to Europe, With her • Canadians and that the moral back " colonies united in a closer union, and e bone of Fiesnce is broken; but few of eaeh link in the chain that encircles `' these have • ever seen their mothea the earth a source of strength, the ?� land and most of them are Caned—increase in population during the is laps, born and bred, loyal to Canada's next thirty years would enable •" institutions. It is true that in many i Britain to face the world. Then we bf..tlnr communities the German con would be, nota dependency, not a stittite a large majority of the popul- colony, but an itnportant factor of' a 4: tion; but what European nation pro- noble and powerful Empire, Greater ices a more industrious, intelligent Britain, compared to which the C rJ LROSS. . Council met in the Town hall Teeswater, April 6, as per motion of adjournment. Members all present. J. Welwood, Reeve in the chair, The minutes of last meeting of Council, were read. J. Welwood—J. John- son—That the minutes of last meet- ing of Council as just read, be adopt- ed—Carried. Report of Henry McKay, re dispos- ing of timber on certain sicleroads was read. J. Johnson --J. Welwood —that the Report of Henry McKay re the timber on roads be accepted sf, ands progressive class of people thanEmpire of the C:vsars would dwindle and acted on.—Carried. t the German. There are no otherinto insignificance. J. Welwood—J. -Johnson—That foreign nations represented to such , A. W. G.. as Mr. Alex McDonald has paid for an extent that through the power of , numbers they form an important part of our population or exert aa Protectlonlst's Appeals. noticeable influence upon our moral, 1 During the coining general elec., y financial or political life; the remain- tion appeals for support will be made der are British decendants or British by the protectionists in virtue of their y born, and nothing need be said of claim of being supporters if not the the inborn qualities ot the true originators of so called Imperial Britisher. Confederation. In Nor is oar linage our only source Somuch nonsence wouldnotbe writ, h of strength. We do not detract from and eloquence wasted on this, sub - i; the nierits of our soil when we say ject were the people to realize the that it does not yield a voluntary :fact that a Federation of the British support to its owner. Our harvests Empire exists to -day in so far the 3 are annual, and but few products corrupting and consequently disinte- yield a semi-annual crop; it is rather : grating influence of protection ii a blessing than a misfortune. Italy, ' some of its vital parts will permit it s. Southern France and the Southern to exist. timber on side roads at lot 20, con- cession 7 and 8, that the Treasurer send Mr: McDonald his note that was given for same—Carried. J. Johnson—H. McKay—That the communication received some. time ago from Thos. Brown and others, be investigated by Mr. Reid and Kuntz, in the month of May and report to this Council, what amount of work was done on concession. 15 and .what would be a fair amount to pay therefore—Carried. H. McKay — W. Reid — That whereas Kinloss has notified this Council, that they will take no action in opening the boundary line on the ard and 4th concessions, that States with their semi-annual i In so far as Canada is concerned the by-law passed by this Council harvests furnish examples of humor- the evidences of corruption and dis- remain in force for the present, in ality and vice that should bind integration since protection was in - every Canadian farmer more closely troduced here in 1879 are many. to his acres. A great many of our For instance, Sir Chas. Hibbert Tap - best tracts are still uncultivated and per a short time ago asserted (and cannot be ' properly tilled without his statement has been repeated by both labor and expense; but once hosts of orators and writers in this clear it of timber, and timber is by and other countiies, where it is gam means valueless, and an average sought to penetrate protection) that aainemit of push, tact and principle "Great Britian is being driven out of ,! will insure a safe, comfortable living. the civilized markets of the world, i. Canada has her years of depression and is note obliged to use her army w, and none more trying to the rural and navy to force her goods on de- .,+s'community than at present, but in fenceless savages." >it a midst of the cries of hard times, 1 As Great Britain is supposed to be mfops have been abundant and in thus injuriously affected by the very any parts remarkable. We must protective measures Sir Ribbert and H. McKay—W. Reid—That by - Took elsewbere for the source of this his party so zealously advocate, it law No. 9, being a by-law for taking may with reason be assumed that in \the west halt' of lot 20 and the north his case the wish is father to the Half of lot 30, from School Section thought. This is but one of many No. 10, be now read at first, second incite and petty,not to say false, and third time, passed, signed and assertions against the honour and sealed—Carried. dignity of the United Kingdom, P. Kuntz—IJ. McKay—That by- that aro being industriously circul- law No. 8, being a by-law for ap- ated in this and other countries by pointing pathmasters, poundkeepers and fenceviewers be now read a first, second and third tine; passed signed and sealed—Carried. II. McKay—P. Kuntz—That the Clerk send attd get an Auditor's report from the Clerk of the follow- ing municipalities: Greenock, Bruce, Carrick, Kinloss, Kincardine, Huron atld Brant, and send them one of' ours—Carried. very foundation on which the unity 3, Welwood—J, .Johnson—That of the Empire rests. , the printer, A. G. Stewart's, offer to A list of the known cases of Dor-do all the printing and advertising ruption in high places since protect- I needed by the Culross Council for tion was introduced in Canada. would I the year 1896, for the sum. of $60 be fill pages, and they necessarily bear / accepted—Carried. a small proportion to the whole, in -1 J. Johnson—J. Welwood—That volving a loss to the people of many 1 by-law No. 4, of 1808 being a by - millions of dollar.. law empowering pathmasters to call fJttfttrs Copper is mined extensive llanw post -offices fit to accommodate out 1n on to open, the gravel road case the Council see it necessary to act in compliance with section 540, 1levised Statates of Ontario—Carl ried. H. McKay—W. Ried—That the Statute Labor of lots 5 and west ?f of concession 7, be put on the 5th side - road concession 7 and the statute labor of lot 1, concession 6, on the 5th sideroad concession 6, and that the Clerk notify .James Melvin, that according to by -haw all parties living oir.r,ear of lot, their stellate labor has to be done when they reside—Car- ried. trouble; and in the meantime let every true Canadian rally to the support of the fundamental cause of the present depression, Tory Admin- istration and the N. I'. Another insurmountable barrier to continual slothfulness and laziness is our climate. 'Our winters are com- parativelysevere, and the necessity the advocates of protection, and of supporting themselves during the account in a, measure for the hatred -winter months does not tend to lure against "the tight little Isle" which the offscoaring of the earth thither. is such a noticeable feature of our The blessing to Canada thus in- times. ,airing against the ingress of a pop- As the strongest tie that keeps the ulation desirous of nothing but to Empire together must always be bask in the sunshine of eternal sum- mutual respect and love, such asccr- tier is incalenable, and effectually tions by public men like Sir Charles prevents this country from falling Ribbert Tupper must weaken the into the rut that has cursed many Ian oriental nation. n a Canada possesses immense natural resources, and Ontario, not the rich- est of the provinces in this respect, ossesses a great variety of mineral earth as yet only partially develop- ed. Iron is found In greatquantities tween Georgian Bay and the in the same regions; while even the business of large cities have beenI when blocked by snow, be now re- spent Sunday at Mr. John Garditi- st tate l3ruce mines report aa, re- built in small towns to influence the pealed, pealed, and a bylaw drawn up tot ei•'s. eleabire oatpit. Silver abounds Vote of the electors. t that rl e-Gariled. We are very glad to hear that h at theshoret of take Supeiioi, Custombases have been opened 1 Johnson=_V IIdThatas Mr. JackGIrdi Gardiner b Innltrr to few years ago one of the rich- opened all over the country to pro- the hillitoposfte lot 4 concession 10, improve. He has hats a slow recov ns in the world Was strnek at vide places for political supporter's; is in a dangerous condition by a ery.. It is fotir weeks since his hand Islet. Many of the more cow- i but the greatest steal is that by wasliAut, chit Peter Kuntz .have it was cut. CLINTON. At the special meeting, the Town Council resolved to set aside a por- tion of the Market Square on which to erect the proposed library build - in An Zany pure for Drunicnneaa, Druukeaness, Morphine and Tobacco habit may easily be oared by tho use of Trill's Double Chloride of (cold Tablets. No effort is required of the patient and stimulants may be taken as usual until voluntarily given up. Tablets Wray be given in tea or coffee without the patient's knowledge, A cure guaranteed in every case. For sale by all tiret•class druggists, or will be sent on receipt of 81.00. For full partioulars address, Tho Ohio Chemical Works, Lima, Ohio. The Elgin House of Industry re- ceives now $4,000 annually from the Legislature, instead of $3,000, the amount it was entitled to on its completion, Additional improve- ments by the county bave brought it up to the $4,000 standard, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, DEPART von ARRIVE FROM Toronto and East 6:23 a.m, 8:117 p.m. • 11:20 " 10:07 " 3:25 p. m, --via Clinton Palmerston Mixed 7:20 " 10:40 a.m. London and South 0:35 a.m, 11:10 " 3:25 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Kincardine 11:20 a.m. 6:28 a.m. 8:37 p.m. 11:20 " 10:d7 " 4:60 p,m. 0.0 TO --- FRANK SCELI'S,IR wEI1xt1 YOU oar 12 SHATN5 AND 1 HAOUT Fox ;1. Opposite Korman's Howl,WINGHAM, - - ONTARIO. Agency for Parisian Steam Laundry. A. E. SMITH, Successor to HALSTED & SCOTT, Mr. French, son of the manager of Josephine Street • - the House of Refuge and foreman. of the Mitchell Recorder office, spent his Easter holidays with his parents here. Those who made Huron what she is and successfully withstood all the hardships and severe trials incidental to pioneer life aro one by one crossing over to their eternal rest. The latest of the early settlers of Goderich township to join the silent majority is Mr. Henry Cook, aged 77 years. On Tuesday of last week he was suddenly taken ill with pains in the stomaeh and bowels. Medical assist- ance was summc.ned, but there was no hope. The inflammation rapidly extended and he passed to his re- ward Wednesday afternoon about foue &clock. Aro You Ono Of those unhappy people who are suffer- ing with weak nerves, starting at every slight sound, unable to endure any un- usual disturbance, unsling. it impossible to sleep? Avoid opiate and nerve corn - pounds. Feed the nerros upon blood made pure and nourishing by the great blood purifier and true nerve tonic, Hood's Sarsaparilla. • HOOD'S PILt.s are the best after dinner Rills, assist digestion, prevent constipa- tion. 25o. I3LUEVA LE. • (Intended for last issue.) Miss Lillie Moss, who is attending Goderich Collegiate Institute, spent the holidays at home. Mr. Cook, of Goderich, spent Sunday at the parsonage. Mr. Frank 13. Scott was visiting in Seaforth last week. Mr. Norman Duncan, of Wood- stock, Mr. William Gray, of Staffa, Mr. Edgar Coultas, of Toronto Normal School and lir. Edwin Bailey, teacher at ifaysvillo, spent Easter at their respective hones in Bluevale. Miss Ethel and pastor Tommy King, of Winghant are visiting Mrs. George Macdonald. A special Easter song service was given by the choir in the Methodist church last Sabbath evening. Owing to the bad roads, the audience was very small. Rev, A. Y. Hartley intends hold- ing services in the Presbyterian church every. Sabbath evening, in future instead of evening about with the Methodists which has been tho custom heretofore. We are very sorry to hear of the serious illness of Mr. John Gardiner. We hope she will soon improve. Mrs. Smale, of Brussels, is visiting Miss Wynne. Mr. Will Gardiner, of Teeswater, Wi ighars, Ont. BANK Of NA ILTON w Mingijam Cit - Ia PUBLISEIED L'YB.lint FRIDAY MORNING --AT Tin -- TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM, ONTARIO, Subeloriptionprioo, $1 per yam', *dvanoe+ ADVERTISING RATES: m. Space 1 1 yr. 1 0 me, 1 y mo. ; 1 mo Ono Column S00 00 340 00 1 320 00 8 Op Half " 40 00 20 60 12 00 6 06 Quarter " 20 00 12 00 7 00 2 00• one lneb _ G _ 8 ' � _ _ 00 00 I 00 _ loo Legal and ot for cesunl advertisements, Ao. perfins for Grob insertion, and 8e. per lineforoach eubeequeut. insertion. Measured by nonpareil scale. Local notices 1410. ptr line for first ineertien, and Go. per line for eachsubset:gent inserticr, Advertisements of Loet, Found, Strayed, Situations, and Business Ohannes Wasted, not exceeding II lines nonpareil, Si for first month, and boo. for each subsequent month, Houses anti Wane for Sale, not exceeding 8 lines SI for A,st wroath, 50o. per subsequent month. Larger advertisements in proportion, These ttrms will be etrictly adhered to Special rates for larger advertisements, or 20 longer periods, Advertisements anti local notices without epeoiao directions, will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Transitory advertisements ynuai be paid lu advance' Changes for contract advertisements must be ifs the olilce by Wednesday noon, in order to appear' that week S. G. ItROW.N, 1'ROPRINToa AND P03y*Ott/S WINGHAM. Capital, $1,250,000. ' Rest, $(150,000 Prosident—Jour ETCART. Vios•Preeidsnt—A. U. RAMSAY. DIRECTORS • Jean Paocroa, Geo. Remit, Wu Oiesox, M P, A. T. Woon, A. B. Lar (Toronto). Cashier—J, TURNBULL. twinge Lank—Hours, 10 to 3; Saturdays, 10 1. Deposita of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposita also received at eurroat rates of is_.rest. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and sold 13. WILLSON, AorNI E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. JOB PRINTING, JNCLUDING Rooks, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill Beads, Circulars, &c., &o., executed in the beet style of tho art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address S. G. BROWN, Timis Office, Wingllam. BOOKBINDING. We aro pleased to annennee that any Rooks or u •axh,es loft with us for aiud;ny:, will have uur prompt attention. I rises for B11111012'ru any style will be given on application to the TIMzq Office. DR MACDONALD, 0.J CENTRE STREET, WINOYAm, R. PANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Eto., pts Intrivate erest. coumany mi ionncharged, s to loan at tooet and farm prepert) raniht aril sold OFFICE—Beaver Block Wnnou.2, ONTARIO. J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &e., Winchann, Ont, E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. f{OLIOITOR TO DARK OF HAMILTON. MON= 40. LOAN. Office—&fever Sleek. IVingham. G. CAMERON, 1 . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, ks.. Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew ntreenf,. opposite Colborne Hotel. 000UION, ONTARIO. DENTISTRY.—J..71 JEIROME, L. D. S.,WINd,Aw. ' • w Is manufacturing 0rst.classseta of teeth ae cheap as they can be wade in the Dominion. Teeth extracted. absolutely without pain, by his Dew process, guaranteed perfe,tly sate. OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite than Brunswick House ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. L. D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Penneylvani Dental College. OFFIOE---MACDONALD BLOCK. 1 NoTx-11111 visit Blyth every Wednesday, JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT M� W INOHAM. ONTARIO. 2. DEANS, Ja., WINo12Ax, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY ON HURON. Sales attended In any part of the Co. Charges Moderate. Money to Loan on Notes Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced en Mortgages at 63 pet eentwfth pi eeou01 pain at the end of any year, Not, s rc ROI3T. A3cINYJ00. Beaver Brock Windom, Out. JOHN PELTON, Manufacturer of all lands of WOODEN PUMPS, which can be supplied on short notice, IRON A.ND PORCE PUMPS supplied to order. REPAIRING promptly attender? to. Pliaea reasonable. Agent for the Brantford M1 Stool Pumping Mill. If you require; anything in the above lines, give Mr. Pelton a call. S000r-- Diagonal street, nearly opposite 13eattio's Livery, Windham. JOHN Pi/LTON.- For Twenty -Six Years DUNN'S BAKING OWDER THE COWS BEST FRIEND LAPASIIr CAL[ IN CANASA. JOHN CURItIE, WIsonAM, ONT., LICENSER AUCTIONEER, Sales of Farnt Stock and Farm Lnpiements a specialty. AU orders loft at the Times office promptly attend. - ed to. Terms reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. Court Maitland, No. 211, Canadian Ce O. F. -"'Order lroreeters,,neeta the second: and last friday eveniul; of eery tuotlth, in Gre- goryys Meek Visiting gr brethren welcome. T. J. McLean, C. R. 11. n. Elliott, R. S. Lt1•fnehant L. 0. 1,., No. 794, meets . 0■ •�■'--- first Friday in every month its the Orange Hall ; visitor* welcome. J. G. Stewart, \1', DI.; W. J. Plenty, Rte. -Sec. 'YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION. Y. P. S. C. 1. --Meeting in basement of Presbyterian church every Friday evening. Subject for April 17111 "What we should be doing to nave the .lost. ;A temperance topic.) Luke 15 : 1.10. l\irs. Wilson. EPWORTi1 LEAGUE—Meeting every Thursday evening in the Methodist church. Sub sot for April 2a r " The of Sev- illa a •• ing Sonls. (Evening on Honie Missions.)' Luke xv, 8.10; ,James v. 10, 20.•.•• -Pim. Mc- Tavish, Hattie Thompson, Bertha Cody. Melissas Wynn, Elmer Moore. 13. Y. P. IT._ .Meeting every Tessdav evening in the Baptist church. Subject for April 21st: "flood Citizenship" Prov. 28: 1.9. They that forsake the law praise the winked: bet such as keep the law contend with thou.—V. 4.