The Wingham Times, 1896-04-17, Page 5seesaw- 11TA.TIONS, Ilea More all lovers of nature dint ca'dre's products, welcome back tht Marey spring birds that have been driven thence by winter's Whir ling blasts. Even the Grow and the unmusical blackbird are welcome because they are the forerunners of sunny days and pleasant outdoor Tecreation. How eagerly we watch for the first robin or listen for the first sweet note of the gl'cybird. It is an unfortunate thing that so many of our better songsters are becoming GOERtE, The dry goods institutions of our town are not doing a very flourish- ing business these days on account of the band roadswhieh are at pres- ent almost impassible for vehicles, A big rush is expeeted as soon as the roads improve, Mr, W. H, Clegg, who las been working in the Seo (Antertcan) durs ing the winter, returned home last week where be will remain a short time prior to removing his family thence. He reports work fairly plentiful, brat says the "booming Yankees" aro riot overloaded with money any more than we are, so very rare, or ahnost entirely ex- although .they do not like to have to tinet. The garrulous sparrow is artknowledge "the coon." responsible for the destruction of Mr. Joseph Taman, one of our mnany of our best woodland swipe, t popular and esteemed tailors, has end in tris Merciless rvarefare t disposed of his business to Mr, Robt. de is Audtson, who will conduct the bust - strongly seconded by the blackbird; ness as heretofore, Mr. Taman has but perhaps nothing else is so potent not as. yet decided as to what point for their destruction as the; catapult or place he will locate, but has and air gun, with It by oar the other heard of some favorable openings in some of the surrounding towns end. This instrument of destruction which he will investigate shortly. may be found in every street and on We wilt always be pleased to hear every concession. It does not neees- of his continued suceeis, eerily follow, that a boy who kills a Politicians now in Parliament are bird is helplessly vicious. Nine the satbjects of considerable discus- sion in this section at. the present, the eases out 'of ten, it is sheer thought- "old Cumberland Warhorse" coming lessness. But I would always re- in•for a fair share of futention and gard with grave suspicion, the boy notice from those interested. It is who persists in such amusement, prcbable that to good many political afterhaving his attention once called bankrupts to be found amongst those now in the Government taller the to the cruelty and destructiveness of next general election, if the country each a praetice. is of the same apparent feeling as t * * this+ riding. The vicious boy takes another The trial between Mr. Sanderson, method cif e.thibitiug his skill as a (formerly hardware merchant) and Gillis Smith's bank here, has so marksman. To hint an empty far been undecided, the evidence for arouse is a paradise, and the rattle of tee's prosecution failing to be forth - broken glass like music in his ears. coming at the time appointed for the The catapult is being drawn on the first trial, thereby causing it to be back streets already this spring and postponed until Saturday last. owners of empty houses are no doubt When the program of postponement suffering in consequence... Tne eatai- had to be repeated again, the proper pult is, to the boy, what firearms are evidence not yet having conic to to the man and a law to prevent hand. The prosecution claims that them from being carried should be Sanderson made a false statement of rigorously enforced. Empty prop. his liabilities when arranging for a arty is subject to taxation the same loan of 'Honey from the former, but as that occupied and the owner there. it is the general opinion that the elf is ag fully entitled to proper pre. action taken is a garlic of "bluff'' in tectboy on. put zt is dif.fteelt put astone through prinks ��settlement wir,tlt,tvi titoclai,�Li thee Buil nyreal pcsiti- unless one has seen him clo it, but is nn easy matter to shoW that he is in the habit of Carrying a dtangerous eveapotll the catapult sheett," there- fore go and the sooner the better. It rarely occurs, that the boy Mean is in regular attendant at see ool, e. Who has some regular,. C'.ailployeeent, 13 thermic; tQ gPt ilii etro::'ale; it is THE WiNGTIAM WING.TIMES, APRIL 17, 1896 L a ixE r.6n azl ROZI . 1 AN OLD Cala WORKED ON ril.Nny 01:71,LIS AT TORONTO. ures I ?rove'1t Uh'a'it of .clod's t3arn,tparitlm.-post, Wearing an air of extreme aim, LIYd: perfect, permanent Gtaca, plieity and a store suit of clothes,' Duras of serotuta in altYeraat surmq, llkm Henry Cu11 s, yoeman, of Blyth 1'. { }Ditch,, Ktl'elled Ilecit, running sures, Itlp 04, Mils,, Stepped from a Grand dlsesas', $or65 h, tete eyes. yeses of sn re It Trunk train yesterday afternoon, u s and hllru4 ltsaaldtiiead, ti tter eettecivn8 Ile WAS on his way to. Sault Ste. Cures et 1lo:la, a'imit;e4, end all other erup. Diane, had a pocket full of money, , bens: true to Impure htoot6 atld a. determination that. no. city Cures of 'Oyst,op. Ia andl.otlter g'ri'stles where good $to,n:tch tonic 1t'aq>'teeaed. mars would get a .bead of him, Henry • tures of Rheumatism, wherepatfeuts were tat was hugging his carpet bag in the able to work or walk for weeks. Dnion Station when a stranger ap-, Cures of Catarrh by expelling the inpurtttes preached and engaged him in Con- a whieh cause and sustain the disease, Cures of Nervousness by properly toning and conversation. The young man £roar { feeding the nerves upon pure blood. Blyth announced thelong trip he, Cures 01 That Tired Feeling by restorlug was taking. strength. Send for book of cures by "Why," said the kind stranger od "that's funny; that's just where I'm going myself," Then another man approached and told the first stranger be had deliver- ed that oar load of groceries for Sault Ste. Marie, and uow wanted payment for the goods, Cull's' new found friend discovered that he had no money, and proffered a cheek for $1,000, The man with the groceries admitted that the check: was good, but be really couldn't accept it. Cuflis was appealed to. Certainly he would help his friend out of the difficulty. He cheerfully passed Sarsaparilla To 0.1. Hood 6c Co., Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. flood's Pills are er pills, laid e odtgesttou.st it•t Care Stook Markets. Montreal, Que., April 13,—At the eastern abattoir market this morn- ing the receipts of cattle were light, comprising some 300 head. About over 95, to be paid back at the 300 calves and 20 spring lambs were over," took the paid for security on offer. Prices asked melte lc and then the two went away higher stars on Thursday last, the to see about the groceries. They ,best butchers' beeves being held at didtl't•eorile back. That's all. 21C 0.4e per pound, live weight, Talc demand wee small, and sales were slow. Cornnon inferior to fah' News Notes. 1 stock ranged from 2e tit 3 ie per A boy named Glendenning was pound. Most of the calves which, drowned at Walkerton on Tuesday. I amt forward were of poor quality' and only from $1 ® 2 apiece seas H. II. mimes has Lamle a t;Qfl Cs-'r,ttli don them. the laalt<bs kneel at son in which he diseribes the raworlt=1 Nom 3 i fid• cac',, {Merge: ling off of 27 victims, t , Mice 'cling tole size and valley. ilea cheep cause in. Col Pred, Denison is dying front Following, •Was Gl'.e• general range of an attack 4:,f cancer. fie is not ex• I clttottltinni ; -tet' Lttle—liutcllcrs' cl,oie , p; eted to live another day. V I poi ;ha n fe, ® 4e, live weight; medtkk �i to fair 3c G 3?;c; culls, 2e MRev. James Graham,, a pioneer in ' tic , Calves—good io choice, 7 Toronto in Ileoetir;ttfied at his home t'10.. ; Cent 'non to Lair, w.1 G, LG ; in Toronto on 1Vtoseday last. spring lambs, common togood, $2, Ott S4' Aurora h^ East Buffhro N. Y.; April. ii • 18.— ,d dowered 00 itA itird for the co*evietlon of pieties #•Bitty Cattle caused week ; heavy atea rs $4 - of 40'14'ndkltldings in the 20 o � Co::�:i.30 ; a few 'limey at $4.40 : fte f Ow returns now in ' hands oxen $4 ee e4.X(5 , a few loads of good itit'r. over. - Hogs ceased steady --all sold. Sheep elusec1 dell and weak with 20 loads misuial ; heavy 95 to 100 11, sheep very dull. Toronto, O:at..,April 14.—Receipts at teat 'Toronto Uatttie ylrtrkets to -day were larger --43i ars including; 1,100 gitoLrs, 281 sheep and Iambs. Itatcirdi'stoo ttle were deli; quality Mr. Down's and will place the urachi- offered Ipeor ; uuly about a 4h'ten uery in position es soon as possible. clatY'roe'tattle WW1) offered. Prices He has also rented Mr. Callender's wore emirs 2. e C, 3:e for eh.•iee a n' l heatee matron street and will. move •exltpa.tchoice and fancy c3:ts est ole his faarailty'there. . I;i r ;;.sound. Tfurteen cars of ilnstcahure' cattle 'veru take n fur Monr'trettl. 'There was no trading in evert cattle. Sums: bulls sold at 21c l i.'1'. Garrow as eounset and defend residence Uhathatn,after an illness 1241 •(1? 3c. Sheep a veru ver- dull, at 3c the case, and ems in Goderich Tues -1 six weeks. Mrs. Banning had livt{ei L, s t,c per pearai. Oita- a tow light este lookiiingeefter the interests of tlaei.111 t3hatham for the past 24 S>elaes,+•ones were wanted. LaanLs stead- Fills„me. i ,previous to which she was, from n (goes' grain fed lanlbus sulsl at *5 'Me Mend of 'Trade waited on Mire{ fancy, a resident of W ardsviutet L i5.95 each, Oa 1 vis wet e lower coastedtier :a body on Monday eveninb which town Was named after tierat,)aaa e each. mike' cutis were retp6atibut that the villepe pun'cdnaset f'' i'here With herdied the last Mai- in better demand, and suld.it $20 Cif; a 19 del,te,suitathle site fee a water hatred (aur ur thu \Vard fanlily• e40 unaeh. Hogs were firm :it =3,;c for are 'purposes. nails +2a' iriv'em- ',I he' The towns of Essex Sandwich, fel' ',est bacon hogs, tied uthe, s ~ r't icidi selected lee is i- ' - - -, Amherstburg and Harrow will beseer were frorn i:8.6() (t x3.7 5 per eitt, k' 'ftl!r. 11eCretirtht, A ccmnnitttee'6f plied with natural gas from the South lour (there pro;petits nu•s 111%11. c147naoillors Billet' Annul ni ?•ashy .w€zs ssex fields. This will tnake nine appointed to deal with the an•attereted towns and eities that will be supplied 1f tpossible seciu•e the prrpei�y. Souse .1t the Ontario Educational' Awe the Sousfe Essex news-, being elation yesterday Mr. Juo. D,1aratess rely evidence of fraud agetnst, tr Q f �.e eternity clerk, the ipopulation delendent. It is expected the 41k4''i•b1f the county is shown to be 61,683 will be tinaally settled this we'k t'or.1895, an increase of 322 over the .previous year. BLYTH� • Clintaa witl have a new woollen Thcr'ewas a s;..etteaseGetGxeti f the mill during the present month. Mr. tout:rcil on Df:,ailttiata ween'i'tt • con- Dufton, of London, has rented the steer the etre acts •btetties Carr and north store in tare Brick block from what �totl* the Q•Ydiipor'hk&Eon wodld invt\riably the juvolule`. i Beer, Wipe 'skis. ee vastpears'7lrces lore council of despite all efforts of the tr iaantt ofi_sor, lI•I 3 alt` les ed lir. thee as collector *spite pite the pinch of the hard tinter, n:.i.tec,cepted . h:s bo awls,: out before s l'Iti f34tt:'isitcs i r rt et) towel •.fid etttca•;ng on hie unties Was dismissed, village le tl-,. pro\ litee .. ' () ere; it is \Ir. •?3arr tee ilns. wlehoti just cause, amazing how p• -ents° it bt,'so hire a•jcl is •.ueing for J5 dereages. Peeve to their ewe :tlterests and ee the t�Tilfred� was instaructed to secure Mr. interests '.0 tl : boysse to tia>L w thele tit l my up inialier;,s5c llkin the et :eats by day .n4 '1 '.ys nighr, al, ,suttei;ig the fug enc; bf ',t4lgar, talk - tar :ninencic's talk, list( ng to btuu- 11este's schemes and ottetwisc fatale Itsheuwelee;s -'gencrdllty ti, or a Life of use- lessness if 'trot 'we're.. !:;very place we fines'tih�is stfihe telass. One town is littlelbetteettliele another rind the • whole: ttltiting'is !*tar„ ely due to an erreiritttitts'ele1'v'of the wage question Byce'h.iilieeeen parents, get the idea thee tilt fase'rvices are worth a cer- tain roliattneration, and unless they can gct�tliis they will go idle. Wei cane 'tall instances where It en or hays have thrown up a job and gone 'idle for months beeause they thought they were not getting aired Mrs. Banning, at the ripe old age of :911 dears, died Monday at her hate °I -- �` --AND) THE— CASH SYSTEM Are now on the home stretch of the second year, with a good lead, and RUNNING N We have just finished stoe -taking, and find that we have come out handsomely on top. We are now entering upon our third year, and in a better position than ever to place goods before you at prices that are right AND SURE TO WIN Your ;.approval and your cash. We have much pleasure in thank- ing our customers and others who patronized us during the year, and helped us along so heartily in THE GREAT RACE. Our Dress Making Department, as usual, is up to date, and ahead of the times. Nothing but first-class work turned out here. All heavy goods bought here cut free of charge. CUTTING AND FE! TING A SPECIALTY. G. M°INTY E, WINGHAM.. MACDONALD BLOCK. to*•••••.,. 6e ! ii1i er ilhinery. C TY STYLES NIl3� M. MACPHERSON Thanks her many fri Wednesday evening so crowded all that eve tation to leave their orde everyone is suited, as our times. Styles are fresh an shades and combinations and • If you. want city styles co """ Detroit, Windsor, Walkerville, Sand- Publie icliool Inspector of East LTJCiC1eT() wreb, Essex, .wnrisersedur e Harrow, Middlesex, was elected Pe side;ne, David McDonald has purdhased Kingsville mei 1Jea,eningtoia. A test Mcssres. R. W. Deane and W. J. *the pork packing estalidisinmeiit of of the gas fields has shown 'that the Ileedry being elected rspeetively { Geo McKenzie, of Wi'ngham. Dave supply is not decreasing noticeably. Secretary and Treasurer. enough pay. Never was ahem I When he came there, began 'In the Il;reli'lier folly'. Is a half loaf snot butchering haleness. Be ashen went into the Luce: ow hotel. .Going out of hotel buisness, he began buy- ing cattle and although the did not make inueh, he nest shave left a good many dollars around here. While playing with his little sister on tae door of bis father's resi- dence. the eight year old son of Samuel Sherwood of .the .10th con, of Ashfield, tripped ,and a:111, breakin. his leg at the thigh. Alex. a young son ,of Allen 1fc- Kinnon, 6th eon., of Kinloss, mei with a , painful -accident reeen'.iy. .lie with his brother were running as cutting box and Alex. was feedin,. when the third flinger went in with the feed and the knives' 'wall severed. to from -the Ilid, It had be amputated. acuter than none? It' I hard a they I -would not have him idling about the ;streets on any condition. If !nothing 'else were to turn n p, an acre or 1 et, 'df ground planted with corn or p toes, would give him ample 'employ- %tient for the summer and lit 1.114' sane time bring in enoughlto pay all expenses and leave 'enough fie bis board. On Wednesday night 'of llast week while Mrs. and Alas Robinson Mfldcnay were passing the live'', barn of Mr A Connelly", the weld 'which was very high blew one eve doors off the building;, It fell upon the ladies mentioned knocking them down and imprisoning them tender it. It was some minutes before any ono lmard their cried. After assistan 'r arrived and they were relate -1 it WAS fennel li,ttt tht'v were b 4;1 andtltuus iD,sayitl» Witt the oath t', r ' ant J. lista^.nli halving failed to quail• cev•'rev ••,l ' al T •a•,' '.a•• -t•' , 1 ',wit'ln•.l iirlti,etitit) etls 0i'Ir• t' ii.t ft, his name is removed from the list horde and a doctor:attended them. nu.4'.704 of ilutnnrr• 1'ti'r, of officer's of the active Militia. The position in the Inland Revenue -- - . Department, rendered vacant by the death of the late Victor Lang, at Neustadt, has been filled by the ap• a7 pointmenc of a Mr, Blythe of the county of they. It is 111r. Blythe's intention to make Walkerton his headquarters. • Mr. Blythe is a young man, and as the duties of his oi'licc• are not very arduous he will have plenty of tittle rti promenade around town with the girds. Saturday's Official Gazette eon - tains the following changes in Iluroca Battalion No, 83 r No, 2 Company -- to be Seeoncl Lieutenant provisional- ly, S. E. Kent, vice Williams, pro- moted. No, 7 Company --Capt. John bloDonaalal i$ permitted to resign hi., cotnnessi in, end to retain the rank of Captain on retirement, To he "einotain, t?'nc.ectOnt .1'. w, Siete The dieters dnvestigating the from N'o.:s Company, 'leo Molhbnald, Windsor typhoid .gpidemie are un. retired. Provisioiutt Second Lieutel,- rowtli The baby's mission is growth. To that little bun- dle of love, half trick, liaif dream, every added ounce of flesh means added hap- piness and comfort! Fat is the signal of perfect health, comfort, good nature, baby beauty. Scott's Emulsion, with hypopl zo�i s, s t.ie eas- iest fat -food baby can have, in the easiest form., It sup- plies just what he cannot get in his ordinary food, and helps him over the creak , places to perfect growth. Sou lkilown*,>telkvifl.Ont 04,04 IMO lids for their patronage last week,' and as th ng, she extends early. Ord ices are re pretty. alight d presence on showroom was• all a hearty invi- s.are rushing in and t and made' to suit the e have _ all'- the latest n showing,. goods. MISS. aacPHERSONe Mrs. Herdsman's Old Stand, Wingh Siring ming. It may take a 1 g titne to get here, but it will surely come and just as sure as ' does come, you will need K. new Hat or Bonnet, and we c always suit you in Oh ce Milliner iseeeterteaseateitelletalleteettetalleie We to e this opportunity of ,F-li•4izfiking our friends vho have alreay favored us with their ()Ars. We will trou'.le you for e favor more at present. it i~a often said that o e good t n deserves another. We have given' you satisfactor work. Tell your friends about us and tell them that we have in sto : also, a number of PRETTY MANTLES That are selling fast. rASON BLOCK, WING IIAM. Has just received a large consignment of In every Department and has !narked them to suit the HP ,rd'. Times. NEW DRESS GOODF, In every design. A full range ,of the BEST P',t)r -Ts.R MADE, Call and inspect. 12 Cases of Laches' and Gents' The latest styles land marked close:• Three cases of the finest CANADIAN AND SCOTCH TWEED$ In every design. Call and leave your order for your Spring Suit. Just arrived, one car of strictly prime CLOVER, ALSIKE AND TIMOTHY SEED 1-1(Divim c+Itzcov-i\T. \ll kinds of Fawley (erase Seeds kept in stock. T . A. MILLS�