HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1896-04-17, Page 41'II.E W 1NG RA,: i TIMES, APRIL it, iS96,
win -
Mr. Sandy McGregor, who tool: a 1 Iiistory is bi�sgraphy on a large
chants fail, the factories fail, ages all At the December session of rhe' load of horases to Liverpool last W 1 L L I A M S ! these hands will be thrown cat of Bruce county council, the sui} of Sa00 ;tet had i eturnetl its fat as Montreal.
work. The person who sends away was voted h S> d Battalion
t d fel the purpose o prom -
3 when he bought another lot and i Sir John Schultz, Ex -Governor of
for goods that. could be bought lust ing helmets for the n itutnediatcly took ship again. He Manitoba and a prominent figure in
as Ileal) here, and whore one can see t The money has since then been lying expects to reach home about the first Canadian politics, died at Monterery
the goods before buying, is doing his , to the credit of the battalion, but on of Afar.
—ANO — or her best to injure the town, and , Friday last, it was applied to the Mexico. Sir John took an active part
ultimately, themselves. This sort of 1 purpose for wbieh it was voted. On
thing has got started and it w
stop, and cannot bo stopped, until the i Military clothing establishment visit -
local merchants convince the people l ed Walkerton and secured the order.
that 1 am right in what I have said
as to the purchasing of goods at home �'4'ROXE'1'ER.
as cheap as in the departmental
its not l that clay the agent of an English
4 stores, I have already pointed out,
(Intended for last issue.)
i J. A. 11Iorton, of `Vingham, was in
town this week.
R. Black and Mrs. Black paid
friends in Shelburn a visit last week.
Miss Alberta Smale, of the Hamil-
ton Ladies' College, was home over
m an article a
few weeks ago, how
• app„ Brunswick House• this could be done. I have shown
that the only way was fur the leer -
Orli chant to watch the advertisements of
Ir Ingham
these great establishments, and when
they advertise a certain line at cer-
t tain prices, the local merchants should
;(�YyT�tt7�.sa � do the same. If this method were
it KA� i4 J lit followed persistently for some time,
we would hear less about depart -
Mental stol'os,=-Try' it.
FAIDAY APRIL 17, 1890. r_
The Free Press is responsible for
.he announcement to -day that the
J.emedial Bill would probably be
vithdrawn, Thursday, that the neces-
ary estimates would come before
he house, during this week and that
he house will be, prorogued on'1'hurs-
lay next and dissolved on Friday.
k;i'1,at means that we will be into the
.Tuck of the elections in another two
weeks. Our people should get to
ffork at once and organize so that
;borough icork may be done.
To see ,the way in which the Tor -
Into papers vie with each other in
,)ublishing all manner of sensational
';7ot, is a sight to make civilization
slush. The American papers have
ong ago become notorious, and our
ity papers, heretofore credited with
thowing a little sense and exercising
a. little judgement,' are fast following
in, their wake. Some years ago the
The unseemly conduct of certain
members of Parliament during the
recent long sitting has once more di-
rected attention to the bar for the
sale of intoxicating. liquors which is
maintained in the Parliamentary
buildings, adjoining the Commons
Chamber. On all occasions when the
Government has attempted to pass
an unpopular measure, requiting the
"jollying" of a certain number of
their weaker followers, there have
leen one or more "scenes" similar to i ssfjohn Sanderson, Jr., of tlkisstexesn,
that in which Dr. Ferguson, the
member for Leeds and Grenville, was Intends going to British Columbia
aIail tdok the lead and purchased the
of 'Burehill, a wretch for which
hanging was too good, and now again
last week we had dished up to us the
alleged confession of that incarnate
levil that awaits his execution at
Philadelphia. The very idea of' a
great paper like the Globe publishing
something like thirteen pages of such
abominable stuff is enough to make
t!the bones of George Brown leap front
Seldom indeed does death come
more suddenly than it crime to Mar-
garet McKenzie, wife of Arch. Mc-
Kenzie, of Teeswater, on Monday
afternoon of last week. She had
been engaged in washing and was in
the act of slanging some article of
elothing on the line when all at once
she fell and expired. She was of the
age at' 64 years and eight months,
and was to all appearance in her
usual health the day her death oc-
curred. The funeral took place on
Sunday. 1
W. M. B. Smale has gone to Grand -_ '
Valley to take the practice of D. 1Y1t11111La
Hopkins for a few months. Mr. T.1 Wingharn, April 1896.
i'. Giboon, PI' T9r9nt0r spent Easter Oerrected by 1': P' ,ns, 1'r0unce Dealer.
at his father's hone here,
Mr. G. French, of $tatietelVer, son -
ie -law of Mrs, 3, Gibson, .arrived
hereon Monday.{. -
Miss 8ltrah Bray, has gone to
,tentoh, Mich. tkssaase'i- ='°•
V Ifir. R. Mil1er)Zet with a bad mis-
hap last week, falling through the
floor of his barn; he was unconscious
for some time. He is now improv-
mproving and will soon be around again.
Mr. W. R. Thompson, of Tees -
water, was in town this week.
The Jubilee Singers gave an
entertainment in the Presbyterian
church here on Thursday. The „luaramorzy
attenw is tans entertainmen t, ce was very poor, an so,1 NEW STOCK
in the early settlement of Red River
and in quelling the Roll rebelion,
Flour per 100 lbs, . , 2 00 to 2 10
Pall Wheat 0 74 to 0 75
Spring Wheat 0 74 to 0 75
Oats, 0 21 to 0 22
Barley0 30 to 0 35
Peas 0 48 to 0 48
Butter,.... ...... .. 0 14 to 0 14
Eggs per dozen 0 09 to 0 00
Wood per cord.... 1 25 to 1 50
Hay per ton ...... ... 15 00 to10 00
Potatoes, per bushel 0 15 to 0 20
Tallow, per 11) 0 5 to 0 5
pried Apples, per lb 0 4i to 0 05
Chickens 0 20 to 0 25
Pucks 0 40 to 0 60
Geese 0 5 to 0 5
Dressed Hogs
.A, writ for $10,000 has been ed
against a fanner living not far from.
Walkerton, for breach of promise, .Ai.
money consideration, however larger
will not atone for disappointed lover
still $1.0,000 is not to be dispfsed
these hard times. Messrs. Shaw &
Shaw, we have been informed are
solicitors for the fair plaintiff.
.... 0 7 to 0 8
475 to 480
the chief participant. And the ques-
tion has arisen, of what benefit, even
to a. drinking M. P., is the Parlia-
mentary bar? Most men capable of
reaching an independent opinion must
be forced to the conclusion that the
sale of intoxicating liquors in Parlia-
ment is not a necessity. With Par-
liament conducted in a sane manne_,
by sane leaders, there is no excuse
for all-night sittings; and with li-
censed hotels within a block of the
chamber; even a drinking man ought
not to consider it a hardship that he
should be compelled to go to .a duly
licensed place for his refreshment.
There is one aspect of the Parlia-
mentary bar question of which it is
pertinent to take cognizance. Twen-
ty-two years ago, when the :Macken-
zie Government went into power, the
bar adjoining the Commons Chamber
Was abolished, but the Senate bar
was Maintained, and members of the
House of Cornmous and others had
no difficulty in getting all the drink
they wanted at any hour. As the
st:nate is constituted, its members are
not responsible either to the House of
Cbminons or to the people of Canada,
and therefore the removal of the
Commons bar would only get rid of
half' the evil. Rat the sooner the sale
or intoxicants in Ottawa is relegated
entirely to regularly licensed premis-
es the better.—Advertiser.
the grave. These papers may by
suich means secure the sale of a few
,.. ;extra copies, but they will pay dear
for their whistle. Respectable people.
who are trying to rear a family with
proper ideas .of morality, are not
going to allow such rubbish to be
sent into their homes to pollute the
minds and ahocl: and stunt the
so a1s of those they cherish. Some
of eur citizens had tee good sen,e t r
'•si1=.,ve the abominable paper into the
M Cave before it got into the hands of
M sir children. We commend their
geld sense, and if everyone who
abhors this sort of stuff would writs
a pretest and mail it to the, pablishers,
of these papers the coming generation
would rise up to call them blessed.
If people would stop to consider the
consequences of sending to depart -
stores for their goo is they
woulda` once stop th, practice.
7ecasionally they may get a bargain,
but nine cases ow, tf lest they pay as
much for their goods a; they would
right in the stores in town. A case
its on record where a woman sent to
}Toronto for a waist, fur• whiell she
"paid 50 cents and postage, maki-.ig
in all something like 60 eents. The
rime article was being soil every
, zlay, right a: home, fc r 5 cents.
This is only one of many instances
There people are beguiled into send -
g away for goods and lose money
doing so. 'What seems Most pe•
ar, is the lac; that these persons
ho do this sort of thing are the vcr)
,ones whose means of livelihood i,
ndent on the prosperity of t:y
n. ()Cir merchants and. b'uiins'.v•
are paying heavy taxes to h( nn -
r taaetOries, where >t number of
are employed. If the mer.
MR. JaaxE3 Doxate has been nom- J
next week. Jack will be missed by
the boys as he was a great sport. Ss.
Was the injunction given by Greely,
but a wiser than he would sti;v go
north, south, east or west, an direc-
tion as long as you reach W oxeter's
It is impossible t. describe the
befiuties of the ; : regatiou in a
small space. It is sufficient to ask
you to come and see and be convinc-
ed that our stock is unsurpassed by
Our Dressmaking department is
thoroughly appreciated by those who
have patronized us. We are pre-
pared to do a big trade this season.
N. B.—Eggs will be accepted in
Hemphill's Block, Wroxeter.
For Sprung
It,vites inspection of the nicest stock of
Shoes ever opened out in wingham.
2 Doers North of Post Office, wino n
.u.zaa»xr�a ...c.aasr
New Spring Goods
AT BIG "22"
The Greatest Clothing and Gents'
Furnishing :t stablishirient
West 'of Toronto.
Strayed from the remises of the un-
dersigned, oa M n y. April 13th, a red
and white milk'.,. cow about four years
old. Any pers. • giviug information that
will lead to her recovery will bo suitably
IN TUE M.t'rrl:11 m• TRH Gl:Ar, Youau
hPA1t11NC COMPANY, LI11n]:u. AND OF rnt',
JOINT STocr. \IoDIno CE ACT, R. S. O.
Cn.Prua 183.
Notice is hereby gieonthat The Gray, Yount k
Sparlir g Cntuf any al lln•„rin, Limited, has by a
special resolution passed by the dhotnholders of the
Company, resolved to oiotributo all the assets of the
said company ninouget a ni M. Gray, N. H. Yount
and F, G. Sperling, three of the shareholder, of the
Coutpnny,in the propnrti+no set cut in detail in sAid
resolution. said shareholders assuming and satisfy.
lug the liabilities of the said Company in the manner
and proportions a•so set out in the s.ld resolution
and to wind up the said Company oeaordiu;;h•.
The Company will '.et upon the said resolution
upon the ?1st day of Jniy 1 rat
All creditors of the Company are hereby required
to file their clsinls amti•at. the Cofnp,ny forthwith,
whether or not snub elain,s are now due.
Dated this nth day of Anvil, A. n . 1 01.
F. G 4P1It1iN(1,
recr..tury 1Viri, ham P. U.
rT I
'11 rl r
We understand interested parties are spreading
F� the report that we are not likely to he lorg in the
business. we be;; to assure the people of 11 Ingham
that we have embarked in the mulls business to stay,
that we are increasing our business daily. that our
mill( is clean and pure. Our custom.rs are our best
inated as the Patrol, P. P. A. and p
Orange candidate in St -u.11 Perth
in opposition to fir. Win. Pridhau',
M. P.
JAS. MassoN, 11I: P. for North
Gray, 1 a; ben a_ sainted senior
judge for the County of Huron in
succession to t'ie late respected Judge
Mn. SAMUEL PARDY, of Evelyn,
who we; rt cently nominated as an
independent candidate.. for the house
of Commons to represent East Mid-
dlesex, has retired.
Iv in an address to his =salmi to
last week Mr. Cla •k Wallace :aid
Parliament ha I for Three months
been talking l eligion, and he lad.
never see, less )61;0 ins feeling in
the House, mord i l'-fee'in ;.
Txt:iti s'scareely a page of our
tariff from which illustratio is could
n . ire (drawn t, th Iry that our tariff
1;1,0,rtli•agfr& Industry, -or that it s
,u tr11CIl'd 1I(Jt90 nine!: in the Peen
,i:itr•rest 119Ilt that of some ptt'-
r.i^rtlrtl` tu'1;ooli f41` company that Ila-,
managed to get the car of the Fin.
alive Minister. ---Principal Grant.
.J a package is the price we
are now asking for
Same quality that usually
(i sells at
10 cts. a package.
Cottams or Brocks No, 1
recleaned seed with Bird
Bread, we have reduced to
8 cts. a package.
Wiligham, - Oili.
oli.11'M 1O 4r1b'N'4A•14'a
Do you need anything in the
Furniture line this spring?
Bed Room Suites,
Parlor Suites, Chairs,
Sideboards, Lounges,
Spring Beds or Matresses
If so don't buy until you see
what you can do at S. GRACEY's.
Everybody wants Carpets (more
or less). Call and see what S.
GIACEY can furnish Carpets in All
Wools, extra fine and 'atest designs.
(36 inches wide) and if necessary
woven specially to fit your rooms,
sewed and alreadyto lay down.
Folded Palter for Carpet lining and
Stair Pads is the best thing out for
putting under Carpets. Will last for
years. For sale at S. GsACET's.
3 uieu line of t)to: o most useful
;r ; tlivies at `I. GRAC1':Y'A. ea anti
a s.Ns them.
U`ttrniture, when b i ' -1,1 i11. rinnn.
tities, delivered fres 10 miles from
80%.111.11144111011,11111111.14641,441", I.
Our new Spring Goods are arriving daily. All the latest novel-
ties of the season can be found in our stock, In Scotch, English and
Canadian Tweeds, French and English Worsteds and Spring Over -
We make it our business to dress gentlemen in the latest styles.
Keep nothing but the best goods, and all our Clothing is warranted to
fit or no sale- Our Suits, made to order always give an artistic ap-
pearance to the wearer. Give us your order for your Spring Suit and
we are bound to please you. We are the cheapest Clothing IIouse in
the Dominion. Cash is our Motto. You can save from 10 to 15 per
cent. by dealing with John Ruettel & Sons, the Cash - Clothing House.
Our Gents' Furnishings must be seen and examined to be ap-
preciated. Our new Hats and Caps are the latest. We have a large
stock to choose from, to suit all customers. Our Shirts are made to
our own order. They are warranted to fit and are made of the best
material.' In Neck wear we pride ourselves in having the finest and
best selected stock to be found anywhere. All new goods.
Our Ready -Made Clothing Department receives our best attention,
with the view to give our customers the best of value. We study our
customers interests in all our dealings with them, believing this the
only way to succeed in working up a permanent business.
Gentlemen's Suits at all prices. Boys' Suits at all prices. In
Bicycle Suits we have a fine selection. Will be glad to see one and
all. No trouble to show goods.
Macdonald Block. WINGEAM.
Our Stock 'is both new and complete and our
latest. Our SAILORS IN FANCY STRAW are beautiful.
constantly getting in new stock and regard it as no
show our goods.
As we speak the German, we are in
thein every attention.
styi@y the
Are Wave
. We are
trouble to.
a posit .loll
to give
Imitation is the sincerest kind of flattery.
'PhegreatENsucceEMss that has attended the late Millinery Openings
and the gratification and pleasure experienced by all those who visited
the show vooms on,nkat occasion has led us to imitate their example,
and to !told a,Grand Boot and Shoe Opening cf our now stock at our
new store, (Geo. E. ding's old stand), on Thursday evening, the 23rd
instant sed two follewing days, when sample pairs et pur new Stook of
line Boots: and' Shoes will he laid out on tables affording an opportunity
to see sit ti glance all the new creations in artistic footwear.
The Boot and Shoe trade has now attained to such a degree of f
cellence that wotllluk it well appointed Shoe Store filled with up E
date styles in line Root wear should be a source of attraction to r "2,7,„—
criminating public, second to none, not even Millinery oxeel.ted. .ta'
We respectfully invite you to visit our .new store, on '1'h
evening, the 23rd instant. assuring you that your presence "idl.y'1
highly appreciated and that an opportunity will be atlordee • \+1n11' be'
seeing the very latest styles in Shoes, in less time and with le ' 1 y®u. of
nat 4,agardless 4,4 profit.
than would be possible under other circumstances. No Go es trouble
Thursday evening, ods sold on'
In the meantime, the lobose stock at the old stand is
icing alf argdl
)urs Respectfully,
coTi- G O ,O '�
The Shoe
, storerWinglisali